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I- n i idnear inatc,,malliticc, b~y licangs Tiri. "USSTAIT. nor. Dok Ak .:CaL 'j, 'R ;-Ia-tli,, o1 179; -~O ~) LO663, pp 293,2.%-0- The Amrican iathezatiard, Socict,- Vol 9) T'o 21 cot 6B -=W' Mh in ~11,a vast "ll-rea yeavo: 3.3 Aep Up the Applications of (qmrations f(emrebt tv HOW)a 'AV# 22 Pps VBZW . yorl, Tin Zaoimt- RM IC40allog fianole Jul 1968, JPAS 46#6C4 U L ~ Viet hi I- CxI lbe 68 F-xpansion of operation)s Pasearea., --,~conomlc Math Outlinedo b7 Roan., Tuy, 5 pr). r'? Vanim,mrss" nor, Tap Cbi lioat Dom rx-oa Hoe, 11,1.110j, '7 ~to 41 Apr 72~. ~pp VTRS 56333 ,Ail 72 Ult) C'li C!.., e Van ikla'aly p3r, Tat') Chi Vall 113c, N3 Dc ,rul. C-ipat, of v-0 ~M+,I=A hown bly AIOZ.13wl~ 'Ucanj Vim 1.~mmj Ilr! p1po Vmd;N 2P., ill-lal Dgn. 22, Vk-plz ~gp. Oct ialto vo n o -ps in!) 11,11pri-d as ,*ov West C-emm luiltar-latic Imperialism, by U, 19. kipriallon, In the 'Emmy of Gonam., Dampe.=x., ona Other Foople Worldp by RaaW, Van Lalp 10 ppe per., 1UL&Pv flo-~ Feb A p! 0 .&). p JH00 4c0p jullo 67 4ol ro VP , vi d no ar tite 1067s 3P3th'A ''e o An Estab.Ushes Biodiomistry Laboratorlos 1 11 a District and Village Lovals. by Kom,, Van Son, 5 pp. TIET114PTSEs por, Y Roo lkie HaM. No IkIll I'lar 1967V 13~-15. ims 11231a ii N C7 C I rq sapt 67 377,931 ., For Seizure of Pavox and Pcoples Armed Uprising Wnro by 42M Van Tlud) 11 pp. VIE M-MMEp pert Irpe Tap lb 6p Jun 10,65., PP- lh-21. JPRI- 31139 1-77-victnm Pol jul 65 233,,794 15 d7 1-34-V-6.) Aollatims oi Cionma Agreoi-lents Itec" ,.t, bzi ~,Oang i i v.., 330P. h. ;-;u anol, 1, 9 port -;~gbi5~n,.Cu~ PP J hil, 49TJ7 Act ac 6~; 9V 32 cc--solidate and streacthan -%Oplela Netloml Btferze mr3 Lead the Aati-;U,S- UeUcoall zavaticu caus!~ to comAste victiorJ9 by Maj. Gen. Roang Vw ribsi, 18 Pp. MILAAMMSE., per, 1L>a ~Tw) Illo I., im, loo Of FS 34581 Pal mar 6(~ 2WA69 Discuosions Concernnig Inte=ive C~~Itivstim Of Rico, by 11=6 Aran Oloat . 5 pp VMW=l np, Rhan Dan, 9 j1pr 65., p '21, MRS 2)372 FE -Vietuco Econ May 65 2'7%355 117 r-huo Tbw Coopmtive LqAalne hvdwtim suoWsor tv Hoan." Van Vang 14 pys VBTNMI~g pwr Iffoa Tan lianole Uo 9a sopt L9639 pp 37 i2s 460901 Vq /U" V, f:,L,b%l vlot Ecion Drao 63 119hia HunG. DI-strict to Raise Rico Veld by 20 Percent., by ~qnj Viet., 11 pp - vizamc so, qp, mm Dm 4 Api, 65, p. 2. im 2-9969 I I FE-Viotnam Econ may 65 2f9)745 Agh-or ~ -duestion Aedoumats. FaM~,-s Assessm-, b~ 9 Pell-I ALWI .,anoit I.To 7g Jap 1',& pp J, IF-S WOW`) 14 Gem= meatm1=1noscence: slbudj, 0.", the q~ Brightwas ana Aq)=Lmj by J. Homu. am=., p") -Townal Mzd-w", Vol ,2x), 196j,3 pp 057-Woo G 394:ona triv/=3 ,~ We~, ~ sa-114va Ebb 70 4,)1,r,..,) tLve ~,,o6zolov of "biplat-^0 tv limpo. Att.' vas Vril 5Te I L VV' 4' lion- Problem oclutjoils DsamAbcdo by ppe GIMW~~. uirtl USL (ka Q%i~31 pvt lunatic.-It Vystaft, 1IMSID, No 4r 1c"699 vp 1 3-1050 il:w- C;UO 3ctp 0 7-11 045M- sal-~-bch Ind Civ & mor LbGr Jul 6 " 30-6lP.96 SOVOrQI Fr*JoOts fOr Uw of t~ator Rovicued, by Selman HoboZa. 6 pp., EM."Xils nPj, L!AdM6 lblra4 23 Oct 1960j, p 5. M6 47,p086 soll~kchq !~w EMT Jan 69 pe-,ultarItLes of Bubble Gag Formation on Dubblirl&~'-~ ~/- Through a Horizontal Slotj, by T. Robler. I C=11, per, Chernia Stosowam-71, Yet 4, No 43, 1967, pp 4S3-46a. *BISI 0639 13ci-Mat (k t 70 --\ , by Hc),86MWM Recent.Advances in Acrylic Fibers, by PO He Hobson, GERMAN., per# Luaturmahunmang v Vol 22j, No 2# 1971# pp 80-85* NTC 72-11279-11B May 72 '7 1 SUrgbAM PWt4WtjW 02 Bftt-ZOBLCtQnt lbtOrlaUp by P. 52cho J. Brm. r,"3216! ""Op MaMbarazebo, Vol 93Y 1969t MZ ftf-.9=.401 (746-MI) ll'~ 1 j I, ,i4 ul (-~, 6 C414satericis I-eb 70 IMP534 Bkwch lboomb on ft-bojet Ibises bj' R. Hoch. 35 VD, NOM4 rpts Pramted at thma'... 0= -9~r on AcauMcql Pozrano F*Iawp 19-W Bot MA-v Scl-Aem ion TO 1,%MCh rMagreb on Tabojot Ibloop L-j R. Dxb. 11"-/ ~~' Imm; awts 190s vp 3vis. 44M TT F-12o590 ,(, // o e, A "ei -Aero 0 Gov-b 69 lbtbod ~-br Extimtins the U01se ot a Turbojet Accordlu.- to Ito TlUwwpxpVaUl= M*,pitude., i R. Uacb. 3D pp. M.., rpt, fter.Premted. WAIM mmelon ard ~vr lc~gvaw~i IM4 WE F-1201200 Dac 69 398,476 ,.7~ 740 Inaumm 02 %riooti= on the zourd-9mame f1ractra e. jeup IW R- U204P P. Tbww. IFIM14 rpt, IbDw Paxwntad at tho lot Coe on to= AOOUetp- OrMlWdV MMXFIGD- GRWI b4---&U-Wr Wp 2E) pp. FMA 2T Bmp2w W6,-~ Sol-Am July 09 3%2" About tlia PACQ Lcvalp L)y 3-10 HIJIBLUMIO np., R, -,rk~ary on U c ~Iec ik Effect of Rci~lection 0.-1 t1he speetva of the Acoustical Pressure of Jets, by I,. floch. FREINIC-N, rpt, Paper Presented at the First Meeting of Dy the AFITU and the GALF at Toulouse, 6-8 Mar 1968, 20 pp *NASA TT F-12,246 5ci-Aaro M 7 ar 69 -a ~ Mid ChM40 O~ Oodallm-~> bi ND- R=4 31 13 NL~ P. HS 32G413 oa ry Ti-.c Oxidation Nineties of 'Iic~el-alrovdur jkll(jyq, by 11och, V. cibal. CZL-Ch,, per. K ovovc Vol 6, ~k. 3, h'60 L yl 28U-289. ETSI C6802 t ,I've b9 332,469 'Otc., possil'-dilitics of Vell, ~),-.cratiar in Iron amd !Aeol LtrIst IT I-oc;ib mcl- ,or, Vol U;, ';Yj 11, l9o'7b t3 14 ?2 Jilly 6-9 140C'J'Ac- Independence Issue Divides Comoro Islands, by Claristian Hoohe, 6 pp. GOVERNMENT USE OYLY FRENCH,,.np, Lo.Figaroo Paris, 20-21 Jan 73., p 4. ,TPRS/L 4431 ,Mar 73 Tob. 73 A.: - .1 ri. ~, z ~ - t Analyzes Polltieal veendh Jourmlis I by 11,00hos situation In TOMS, TV* 5- 1 1 3 r"mmCF-V npt LIS. p 5V73 Ian atu I -111c Lj(~Jcjf Or H i- . (~ 4(ORNL-tr-2552) 6EXTRACTION OF RARE METALS FROM FLUE DUSTS. sGorlaCh, J,; Hochgeschwender, K., Paw- lek, F, laTranslated by R. Gregg Mansfield (Oak Rfdge National Lab., Tenn4, from IsMetall, 21: No.7,700-8(1967). 2031P, 2jDep. NTIS. 2smetallurgy; transiations 271IF 28MN-25 29P NSA Ah w Lontribution to the Study of the Volt's . fawma 63 Transfo=aticft of Plutonium, by a, 110dioldl, Tanca', at 81* 110401. per, Raym do MOtalIUr4iO*JtwiTc3 scl. entifigai f"'04" Jun 66 5023,S02 4 P. HOCHIJAEUSLE.R. Magnetic Cableway Gr,RNAN,.pero Electrotechnische Zeitschrift, Ausgabe 8j, Vol 23, No 13, 971, pp 311-313 -~9*AP L/Jj IU-J- 1763 Nov,72 0 ZVI van vr,~ MscreditcKI Popu-lar RcSwamtmtiveq Causo crisess by arl lfoc%w", 3 pp. C?I',Cflt pOro RIDDOPtOr ~ F?3gWo No 30 23 Jan 19698 p 9. INS 417,615 1/4-o kol i5cr 69 Zmty Maus Ur, Saw per* g9jortar. 6 Ilov two p 30 JINis 46o965 ki,-Czach 1101 1- Am for Actiont by -lo 42g 30 oct- Froomg N C" Andlydo or WWmUcal ItUxxb lbr Vx //~, Data-alostim ae Comm TIM lu WOD OX-M-OftO BOUD24Wt ~y L. lbdrj&U. =Mj ter$ MR# V*l 14 Do 40 19650 pp 90-93. *BMI 54% L. Hochmn Sci - Math APr 67 A. Nochralmr. A ~ comiderstion of the electried am as a fW-ba& --Ontr*Ued 97stem or.. 'Ala, Vol 92 7!3p71 Iwo bs: 1971 = ~A.R. 614 72 Preaentation of DIscharge Phenomena in Inhomogenem SyAws., by A* Hochrainer. GMW., perj ErZ-Ap Vol go.. 6 June 1969.. pp 275-279. CMB-5265 rLj .) --~ ~ c , -, - I., ~- I Jwe 71 of Dlsciiarm air InhmoLerneour Systems bY 4r. Germen, yer, E.T*210 - A Vol lrDp - t~L 1969, pp ^17;,--%-i79v CEC-B CIE. 1h, sci-pive 4Cr2- T) 'In lAbIllio fick:-at ~Tocrlwrider~ 14 321 5 -3 The Function of the Intracellular Magnesium Con- Centration in the Nyocardium in the Case of Insufficiency, Hypoxia and Fibrillation, by H. Hochrein, 13 pp. GEDIAN, per, Klin Wochensch, Vol 45, No 21, 1967, pp 1093-1096. AEC/NRC-TT-1469 Sept 71 Unglish Title Unknotim, by B. [luck. GEMAN, per, Planta, Vol 65, 1965, pl) 1-16. *NTISISI 'IT 11-55563 Available SI Only 43 - /) 0 C e July 71 Eni,lish Title Unlwown. by B. flock. C.U.MM, per, Planta, Vol 65, 1965, pp 129-138. *NTIS/Sl IT fl--S5364 AvailW)le SI Only 13 - k1 o 0- /'~ July 71 Increased APC Firo 'Povor, ll'h~ough llpdozM t,,rm=eltl by E. vToalco" 6 '21no oimmv, per, militaortacimilms i~!Ixst i,~wlL-Aj 71o 51&656 Tan 72 111gh Tomporature 1hiorgy Convanion-Ptsearch Topic for -technological Institutes? by KO 11* 110dere GE-PAM,, per,, Atmkamane!gie, Vol xt No 9/100 196re "V"p-75-317 NASA TT F6100231 A-/ L U* So GOVERNMENT USE ONLY sci-N. Sci Aug, 66 3095644 ~.- w 1. .-1'-.- - I -, .: ". .- -- _~~ :, , .. ~ - - ..- % - - - . HiAK, ING G L, ~ SC r~,J- T'l- ~-; IS ;,,' FuuD PACK A C, ING I E P I A L *) j, j; (I v, I ,, - i :~i i. ~ ~) i ' 0-1171 N1. 12 VOL t, - 4 ~ !:~ 11 F S I ~ - I -, I -,,.) ~) ~ -;,, -,,. --' - 7 3 a iv&awz in t.1, ~~attorys b7 -L. ~.~C-, Jjw MI voll 416s, ii-o 31, 64 Zir 51 3-~ 21 7 3~ 7 1~ \\as~, Die Pitesti Petrocliamical Combine., An Important 17 Projeet of the Five-Year Plan 1966-1970., by N. Hodes, 10 pp, .. per,. Rwista de Chird Vol. 1B., Noo WMaM Pi 4. Apr 1967m PP- 193-17 JPFS 41514 Al 1jvDc 3 EE-Rur=ia Econ Aiz 67 333A10 Behavior of Lactate and of Exceso Lactate in the Arterial Blood During Heavy Physical Work# by J. Hodler. EUROPEAN, per, HelygU21% MndiaM Ag.&MI, Vol 32p 1965j pp 395-403 NTC 72-1172o-o6s N PFS A -1 -r F 4.1 (G LL Juno 72 am Pwteetion Behind the Iron Oirtdn, by HawId V.. Hoddel" SEE06CRORTIANs, per$ Fim Journal Vol 61p No 2.# Mar 196Ts pp ~~ Library of Congms 324#333 Article Deals vith the Zagmbj, Yugwlavin Fim Department. c;round Cotaunications at the Pacific Tost Centers, by flodotj, 12 ppo rw,uol, por, La Ualson- des Transminninns. 'No 42, Nov-Nne 1993, MIX DIA 1:4 108-67 Jul 67 3M 0 76 0 1e, NuAkes 7 (1, ri*rp ZIAV "Arasso Vol V1, 1'io 10', ~XA L,-' 7OS-66 + 3 Year of Vio airg -M,a,jD 700mla, por, ilm"I't till Sm O-j o HE) Z~ i v,oola- ' a Current yj C, fivre 24 r. Co JA 13 1? 2- 5, (NIIC-TT-1510) CHEMICAL STUDIES OFS11ACATES. XNXVI. THE PAPER CHROMATOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION OF CONDENSED SILICATES AND SILICIC ACIDS. Wieker, W.; Hoebbel, D. Translated by D. A. Sinclair for National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ont., from Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem.; 366: No. 3-4, 139-51(1969). ISI). chemistry (inorganic); translations ND-4 NP IIC Unlimited 0 Report of research on ITR Project of the Institute for, Ituclear Enorgyp Urdveraity of Stuttgart,, by 1'. H, 110eiakert 30 PP4, GrIMMIl. rpt& agdSU Uobqr Arbat U ftya W,-Pro= JL Don Watiluto Vaga.KernggaMta Deg-UnivoroitLet stuttizart. ITASA TT F 13704 Oct 71 Sol-, slodrms" &"- 67 3-MA55 ~Afz, f, n D. /4-4oe,~t,) Propagation of a Laser Beam in the Atmosphere., Put I. s ~y D. H. Hoehn. MROPEM, ]per, 2d&Ep Vol 3D,, 1969., pp 161-170 ING 71-15509-20F Mar 72 -~Aty ~-aid to be ~~zmcrstwm ol k 1-Y oc,xtraq 6 pp, np, Yq 1;aarlicil-le Amstw~wq 6 1-ot J lXP20-1 01 MOO Frequency Shift and Variations In tho PAtrix Elownts of tho Hydroga Atom Dipole, Wder the Influnce of a Uniform P.Mrior Electric Fieldt. by Hoe-liguyen, et all MHO),, per, JO ~uont ~Pvctrosc Radiat Truasfer Vol vq 1965 , -1P 835-Bb5. HMA TT F-IOX 043 U, So GOWNRLENT USE CULY sci_141~41 sci Jun y66 3'(11120064 Hethod of Asewaing and Selectiug, Additiven -70 for Liquid Fuels by J. 14, Hooke. 7 M31=9 perg Annales do 11tuatitute Bctlgr du Petrolep No 3v 1969p pp 41-55. C.3. Trans SW3 ~~J. Sci-,A")Mp & ftels 11, .)Cp 7~11 ~z' J, " ~L~ Conputation of the Thickness of wa or Shields Against Ga=a Radiationt by A, Haenige CZECH, rpt, IlIzenyrrAce StUkZ, No 9, 1965, pp 399-404. UTC-71-10597-18F !);~'2 - &: - L - &6. / ~.~ ~' L9.~ 5 6 Ilov 71 Equivalent Mickwasea of Matirials for the Attenuat- ion of Guma-PadLatlon3 by A. llocidng, 93 PP4 CZECH) per,, Jaderne anrAe vol. 12, 1 296-,-=98. OFXP-TH-1666 ime 71-loqq6-18F August 71