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'AM 71 Achimomnts in Socialist bdustrizalzation Scored b5r the Foople's Republic of Wlgarlap by Hai Van, 5 pp, VWAP 1~# porg 1122,,La 11=i.0 go S09t 1969v Ft.) 75-79- JkAb 49255 1.1-1i Rot Pol Nov 69 396t3YI 47L_~- bruction of E='%l PaoVication Plans Clairrd. P, L 'u, W. van* 5 VIETI&-LSLI, npg (Amn Wi liban ibn, itnole 2u MAY 10,66%, pp rg 4. Jkft, W3479 //(4-/ Va Af E"ill viot fol AuG, 69 38r;,&36 Rai luan-liang Perseveringly Maintain Democratic.Gentrali8m, Properl Lead the "Squad M6mbers" of the Party Committee, by Hai Yuan-liang. 6 pp. CMESE, np, Jen-min J xa-01. 7 june 1971 Survey China Mainland Press No 4922, 23 June 1971 Q=ctarievics of ~o---ha Avunj 1969-Inze vz~, IT Vuld &Vba, 'r pp P,=# Econ i5lom"t 641 n in krx'Tess of -'color alld : Ailn pp. Apr 1-96S,, pp 43~Z I'stlolatioll of Vw Relichi lity of, rati~,ruc I~tyuctural Uuri.ononts, by 1*1, linibach, CTMIIA,; rcr, 17vindordruck Aus Vol 13: 1:() 18V-193, Pef 52,q7 (1314) y :34',5-407 kucroamO Ivopaganda to -Stroos RondLn8 as 'Vital Neodp by ftmao Wdjj .-5 pp, por's SonnAsi, r3ast Berlins, 10 ~T=Luu"j 197-ro-PIP 3011" Jr-m 5234-7. Pal ro *0 7 1, 'BlVedi Of HutiOrr-,A i,,Roelinbly PieGident I W Yuroolw FaderA issoaly,, by Prvso ilik-.~Iiut~vc A-lasoc-me Hmi(kira,, 3 pp. Pf"ENCTI: np,, LIEssor llpbdornddmb, NOo 394, Ij vc ~~ b 1967,, pp. 2 L? aw 403le -A f r I c I i r 67 j2j)295 G. Haider Contributions to the Anntomy of the Teleost Liver. Investigations on Crucian Carp (carassius carassius L.) and Tench (Tinca tinca L.)p GERMAN, per, Zeltacbrift fuer Fischerei und deren Hilfswissenschaften, Vol 14 No 1/2, 1966, pp 37-69 TUC 72-12631-060 Sept 72 Age a-ad Seasonal Chap& In:the Mood protein piettk". Jq ..of. the Wnbow TiOd by. 0 HaIdOr GUM ZelUcbrift Per Flachmi, und Doren T-7 diaften, Val. 112., 1970t: 07ZA. TT r-53076 le. iewt~s kAcp tita : lovzrv~ thvm-I ~rolwtl(jv, of -Too Ae" Ow af TIE 6l v4 o'n "19-31 Ir"W, 19 at `2 Genesis oT Ilow Democratic parb7 P. by.Avraham liaiMgr , 17 W,Bp per., IfnAzrah Holundash, jerusalem, Vo 1 212 '~fo 4, M) 19'(i$. PP T~To'.'412' ;TPRS 5:13261 - 1.1ar 72 2e, L C'm isacloncy 09 I(Quod Stod Supply frocess Vlowds ty oerhud tialne uouosna sehoibre 11 ppo U&11:11 per# -'~= lhiottog Loirdgf Vol 08 i,'o 4* Apr jzxll"97~59M?- ipits lk2lo G Ec /) f) /z D soi-viat Jul. 69 (EURFNR--925) 5SUPERHEATED STEAM LOOP FOR FR-2 FOR CONTAMINATION STUDIES (HDK LOOP). 6Aass, H. L-,- Ha,,in,.K -, Kramer, W.; Waibel, E.; Zimmermann, A. j (Kernforschungszentrum, Karlsruhe (West Germany)). laTrans- lation of report jjKr !K ~1308. 20198p. 24Dep. NTIS. 25Work performed under United State&--Euratom Fast Reactor Exchange Program. 26reactor engineering 21181 28MN-80 29P NSA REVISED CARD 0 to aL U r e In, e P, t 0 f "tcTransfer Functions for 1."ni; Methodwith Coherent 111urdriatiar by. D. liaina, ,XMIAN, par. Zaitr;,chrilft fur lknpewyandte Physik, Vol. 34, NoG aTI pp 287-292. APUJINI-T-2611 Apr 12 Some Romats in Set-Theorotic Topologyo by A. Haimalt I. Juhas. RUSSIMIl part Dok Ak 14auk SSSR# Vol 172p No 3, 1967, ~P-54~i-2. An Yath Soo voi 80 Ao it 1967 4 . t-1A /,A) /~ / Nov 68 370022 Study sbomPrdletapip titomm"ro Slighted, ~by.Oord~fllaln~s..'5, Pv* (JIMMAUX. port sovafttw~v r Be pol Fob 71 itvteL~, 0m Uko= Ut I'V%blUl Wato 's ,~Ito~J-ZL SA r5ta;,t .4a p ~ I t liow 17%) Radical and hadocular Ylolds hi the -v -Illadlolysts of Alkaline Soludons, by' 11,44 Haissing-Ity. NIXECII, per, Joural dot-r--~ stguo Vol No 2, 1965,, pp 224,, 2,256 OEERE-Flaviell ~C'-Cllufl Jun 65 4-h. 0 at4'-Y~~,-/~tvluf -, Me 4f and 5f Elementa,, W 14. MdoslrwlQr. FMCII., per., Journal de Obinle nolque Vol. 631 - P, - I i 3 -5-'U- 37 - 1 966, M 71-10994-07D August 71 zu 4:r " 5f Momut %q H. OWASIMvp, a. 9- 40roomps U ppo Immmp go's jw aft a va 61 lot la U35-LW AW Omm ; M. 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Eumm, Ws rpto EMMW, Congroaqwx t 0 Influouce of Air PoM ion M. Plants and Animals (no. 1) qL_ Ur PoRution Prom--Ungs. Wagmlngon, 196% pp U-192, I'TC-71-11954-02D NOV 71 3t"a,te nil=z Adamramonts ill !j~jduczcaW,j_ 5 pp~, M. POLISH, per, 4 ~ ia i tilatorkaLlp M) 20p L"I-31- Get 1.k)5) rfj-- 23-425- JPJZS 33235 ')Juczet~ I A 0 [~- 'fillp I d, -POIUL 13con '~xc 65 2 0 2 0 53, 9 Od 72 Sep 71 . .1. Automatic .Iiqht Control Systoms, by T. Hajeall" SPAIIISH, rc~r. Comision Nacional de Investiclacion cs Buei,,ct., Airc~,,, Argontina, 1960, pp 1-33. API./JII.U--T--258fi) t-I a r 74' oaolfo~ Nova" I)o Pr 0 i, No' MS:, 69 70 $4Db6jjjrshlp AAvames AUM or soolallet S=Iotysl -by. JlA.,HaJ*k* 5, pp# 015VEISHM MMI USE" ONEY. or.0%, porti-I .0 Sko2A* Prapeo IJO 2t o-at 71., IRMA 3902 lv21cijo poro 1974 I -~o a 26 y 4qw NAJ~CK Vvi-ghborlmd: by -I.Irl 14 an,3 5, 2353 A Qzmc~nslovalc Ilmajdc, 7 op. 1967. 3'9. 27 "'circh Of ex c i! to 0--jr 1"riW r, In Ux Vcst, tj Jirt s-nj c',t, C-57, :U~ 7 o-l' locro-la-drall Enw-inetion for D"ammis a!.' Uttaphylococcw Inflar-atiou 0:~ Bme I, badw, -,) ED ppe 07MRIM USE UJIM CZECH., pert Ces'lltoslo-venslim Rplldfwllolo:~-Ic Z";, rl- lim-nolarjog Vol UP I'v.). -7j-2~3-ro 7F ~7 17 7 R~4f,%7 10 A Y An o TO -Atlmll~L. L l4w u-nu". ikranut. .,~G 20, ;~5 luturo of Pranal Post -,;Wn Ivaiuatoci, by "VOC24v ;;njol-.O 9 pp. CZ"--CFv pa'a L I I T;ox,~vft a TftlrA m I79"s jii~s 48452 69 3 .1~9 J~ 0- , , ,J-, a,,)rrosion of Xdals In' by 3. Hajewaka. 20 pp. 'POLTSHp porp Ochrona ed Yomzi Vol 122 *~JD 8,j ig6g., .30 M/fTD-HC-23-55-7i u8 71 Vit~cuission "~*,ttmt Disease Virus", by lic~jir~!c Yosidis 6 '1 ! -1- 0 GCAIIIMI~,'~T?~J UUL CallLy v rer, t-lsh4ul.Ayq_ 2, 1965f 377-.37, Alu 1-23-86.3-63 t 3,890928 AVg G 141 ~IrXlr- 14 for orving elte pr r-bics O.J" cUtting toola* Opel by ilajto, 3. 6 Ito t11, per, Gcpaartas Tachklq~O~ZLI llo 2, .19-713 pp 5 9- 61 14S. BOY?,-71 AGENUIES, OVLY. COPYRIGYT 1114"10h~-.111TION tay 72 protective Jacket, by Vla& mir fiah, CZE-0-1. per, Vojoaska Tachnika, NO 9,0 19660 ,NACSI.J-2751 ID 2204027067 sci-30-1 Jul 67 Pickling of Steel wit1i Hydrochloric Acid and the Closed Acid and Rinse-Water Circuits !jy Total Regeneration, by A. hake, G-I'MIM, per. 11,cue rlutt-e, Vol 14, Dec., 1969, pp 750-355. 3 IS 1 835 7 9 1\1'' \~\U\~\- 0 -r-2amszs Xu 1.11;1 Taw FwWation oz 4~4dorlc Acid ~, 6 lnclat~gl- ftW: Ly A* lislo* F=p lxwl mts, C4w, tro Roam m V02. (1'l., ita/Aug Loc&*IV~2 =- ="* - 11BTZI 5M A. Ilahe Sol - Chadat:VY t%r O~ Yeb 72 Coal Mining and Distribution Problmz Noted,, by Roman Haken, 5 PP* CZECH., per,# ZolaznIcar) Pregue~ No 23f '1971, PP 3b2-363, nRS 55096 Feb 72 r0 ior ~ra,-,,Uc i-Imillo", " r 1~)V?29 by lo C4,LA-d.~11 noo Zoleml-'em-s i:raf-?uc, 7 Loc . I.- --- -- - t., 14 p 47a r3 TAnd Re~io~c situation. in Al-Fleaskah Provinee 'Oeserlbodp b7 Miihy al-DLn. al-Ealdmv 6 -an Irms 5502-4 Peb 72 do xo~ar Data Processors by aw Lhazlo Haklar and Ivan Kad * 8 ppe p MARM., per., aidwast. In -Aj Vol 4s No is 190s PP 39-42- AEOTD-HT-23-366-70 to Aug 71 00 0 v\,& 'Favival of"flollglon In fRovislontst, cotmtries, by vulAist Halcot 6 pp. AMITAll,, np Drita 'Tirana 26 D a 71, p V RS 55339 7 2 . nod 71 1 1 . R): Revislonlats CaUad DISSOMI M-tol-a Of b-.? V'Ulusi milms, n, pp. 65- 53891 -Oluu,-=. ry Acti, -ity k~'alnst `021(don rgc'it b.y iiiiNd 5 rP- Az.'l.'WJk:v Prig L,~lqi7l qpvlUt. ','Ira=, 4 June 1"Z9. p W623 ko Ha~ozaki, J. K'inetic Study of the Cross-Linking of Reactive Acrylic Poly.-ners by Torsional [31raid Analysis KOGY0 KAGAKU ZASSI-11, Vol 71, pp 337-G)"ll, 196S. T2 --ro 6TUT - 0 7 C Feb 73 The Sepantion of Air-Conts'nrAg C1 - C5 Hydrocarbons on an Automatic Chrondtogritphy by L. Halaj, I. Nweth. CZEGH~ Fert Chemicky av*ml., Vol 171, No 11: 1967Y pp 610-614. NM 69-11245-07A Sci/Cbw July 69 387-3o4 . i " '04 .wa,~, 1 'To.s. ] ~. ; . ., 4 ToIccoammacations j"'Ovelommt Uacuasc-~'# 't)y f lzu~a. 18 pp. USA': dll'y sll-l pl, //7 uiv 3~11s493 t"Aistic"al A'Ay of ~lv 6 pp. nor, 'i"nto C. P L j ~-Oj' .1 .1 "T prown4 Eatuo a Ram-dan Che"Aml InduatT Discussod. by Lbrw~t F, 11alass Arwl L !-=akmo II pp. POLZS!;,, port Przoms3 Chcalc=7 ',,3rsa'uo . Wn. /I ji Ai-r TO 02 rem , 1. .1 ~, IJ ere Vol "36, 6-21. 2:3,u5