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far Caaw. in Mao Tuovtay -cl no cruotarromp pp- m."Diov, 15-3-7. AJ Pol no.., by fz Gvlstafason~ 5 SISDISI; np~ :,i,7 aw 1965, p. 9. ipf"s 32036 V.S.'-sweden Pol oc tt 65 ppo 27 kv,-2 f8crit" .;ill i~arzod ~~L .-~aw tho Icat ~osd ta anlarx"No ,yj lar- 74' POO 35 3 M14=4 cn, I~wn i-rinciploa and Ire-m-'s o:~ Aroa, ~Uman,-~, pp& .2'., ~-fwlml 50c, ~.; 67, rossibility of Utrithphut di Polish Kiosarito Carnallite (From KIWava) 111. Flotation,, 6.Y S. custkowicz. "OLISHO Pvzenysl Chem,, Vol %1.V, 140 Za DO* pp =7-84* Chev) Trwis Sv No 2924 ~!,Air 67 522o170 03muuoa Detmu the =mtlymas Va0eltatim Aeatmat bMmm ad tbo lladtr Of VacInBUOCS2 by V. F. G=tMvs, ot ca. umml per# vneb.-BLig uo n. igoap io5-iog. Lm UM Mr Ga 220 JVC ,-13SO,IG f0f -TtiUO M). 4, V649 Toib 6f~. pp. PI-12. Im Litt 6, !16 xv %o F~ A C, u Tco=oljcV 63 2 7 I'lutilod for 'LIr piewatim, ():c Op 5-D14Y.0-20)0-;~Q aua ito 5-bt!Wl I~crivat-"M (6-lizzLivilim)" loy 3010,2112 Alig 66 1 irocig-Itat tAcn 10y, ~7;,Ovl,otavl ~&Sulv-,o Jan 16-26* A-111, Van Q New 7ype of Stdp Thickam Cmi4vl for Hot. and ~~ C*3A RoMms W.Usp by F. Gatbawro GMW.. per. T*Am* MA-- L~Mms Vol n-p 20 "0 1*1909. fM 8154 WrIlat Apr 70 'T, % LAu ~ by- 1, 73, GlAcIdn Kusichm 297 rP* Amon" Nc. f- I V Tooril Porn-tal md", Iru. 7,T3 Fj', 4:F2r--L- ,jun cy t ,,, te~-,, at i6Lrl tQo at 6 iiaoic ~'oatum of 4=1 Curronts in tho ", I litloarboro, by Is G. Gutor=e RUSSTAiis, w-rq Tr. ll,~ogLlc,rt-i LILA- Lstr.-Oklins Vol 46, lk,,~# pp 52-73* N'LL Roft 5W.4F (7204) 17 . C, - C., " ~ c P, m 4 ~ Sol-Atms Jan 69 3739577 Aeroalimtol%ical Woremie X-cot., by I. G. Outer= MUM) parp W. Vzscov U3=11. Iral4a. Inst. Peroklim, 1965. NM -H~-C58251.4? (7155) July 63 pll=iva VAS,.* ft lwx4waw". the Comtri- -43 o"ItLtz Of the co'-w-atwo &vwr to the Dml- ;:,Pmmt of Azdmattusl PO&WU(Z.* D.T; fte~p.i W. to Owt4M# IT TWIt WtAlmut pr's, -prq-bw- U.-UMMAmm, ,go as, Feb 20j, vp# 13 3 moa n.-V LC 'C'el-al ":t~dicol lis; evil-s Cutl." o "I.* iat(x, . I i or, Zahn.-Lcrztl 'itt, %%Dl ~7, P,, !'--t-7, 709-77% -p M C- 1, -t fct Blec-luxodic, al CoUs for t1ro Detc,~niiV~Iou of lbrehq:olu and Cblorim, by II. GutIlLhe. GMEM11,, pcr I Choula-La mair=-ribeluill: Vol 3'0 .p 1-590. I'lo 6., 1965) TC-109- ~(- & /i k,,~~- sci-Chem sopt 66 30'3,.511,k Electrochemieal Thstr=cnt ror measuremant or i[yoroc-en and Chlorlne, by H. Guthlw. MUMN, per Chem. Inp4e i,. Vol. 37, NO. 6. 1965, pp 567-590 GB 39/14md P/255 // - r- b )- )~ k1 E: 6'ei - Aug 67 339-1,97 AutomUtia the cwtmi o6o twaioawwo Gftv A=d MApoo 17 D. M G-A#4in,, I. B. =idn. BMW, I~U, . D*b RaV DID OW3 J:, E, . &Ctk k 24-MCC 114~ 6 19 1 ,izuumn-L nc nmr. ~zaro,~, -Lax V* ,,, itiiial-s Qivis" Aw Dal 1daaO,,-J Air 70~1- 4 "Dy i4,rI Clitiarr-01, 6 pp. los iaria 45,91,3 Z, 641 Q ,-Jxglo -cw i4re p jq k~ 0 9 0 go lak, ~~Oj ,I'V,X--" t* by 4t e,~ Ic!'o iP Aha L-,~IiQOUtTaf,- 09 V;,O At:r,:3b& Y 14via wa Carlos cutiorress C2arIf4 'ip, -,Piro 451595 Os kid* F-clice Fomea-o?~Lai bY Carlos 'Aria ~utierrcz, 6 pp. W111I..'Nimi^11-Ir !ZWLI voyltevideo, ZI JAD lc~ .2-0 7 p p 2 0 f k'283 a JH~i/L 069 Ycb 72 Leader Describen Reorr~,anization of Rebol Fo.-nos, by Carlos Marie. Gutierroz, 'I pp. I;PAHISTI, per, Por Que?, Me:xico Clt7~ 23 Tiar 72, no 5-9. J ~-2 S 5, 5923 ,iuy 72 Jmn cn, Cuvmt ~~ttuatjonf by carlos txu cuti"Mas 20 -ml- t fzcdMo, 2'11 Regis DobMy imp and Thoo6to UpUtedi by 31 carlos EWA autt"Mi V ppi SPIWIM* Fw# ihtfto W le-wi AIS 4W65 e L IA-Doltvim Fab 70 40ligO Cl" Rob"U Onto* Is famitted H2%t loArvielfs b5r Owles Aaft Outbrmt 9 ppe SPAUMM. pw. Yknobas ftatovi&o. 16 Jan 1970. pp 22-23. Mar 70 402#135 31 Imns ior Bolivia's uturc-, b,,, Iarlos 1".Ario Uutio~,Mv 'I'lle Pl?o prx, Lam!;a, pp, j C-b ?J Jorgo Antonio S=laim Parent a Strate -at by Carlos Ilaria Gutiem3t 8 ppe Eantavideot 15 ixv SkAalsiij nps 10,686 p 2-4. ikas 47*03-1 ~C7 69 37 228,57 N 03 Li A- Caup in ArrontLilla., by 6 7,p,, N vr4 lc;63j, PP PT-23- Pol 63 5 5 0 ~nchxco ~init to ~-ro.,Wuna 1rardiist, ~q por, ~arpJia, 12 ~ul 13&V pp IV-, Cl- 0 no by lot; '!arla 7 r 1-.. i A, blivint Anoth"'r FM 0.%,' Gaew s , "arl a l'intim-TA-Z jant na.,lc aild ca-tArmA of i7a.777-X4 MaS I C~- or(J I -illacil". Ftuor atta vio iiii-na by Cnr2.c-- aria "irtiorros, 1-0 4t ~,,Clt Of 3:7 50 ndel Castro Sees the rjumTMa llbvemmt in Latin America as Ono, by Carlbs flarla GUUMTOZ, a pp, SWIM, per, i'larcha, 18 Aug 1-967, pp. 2&.23. jpRs 4z424 AZ / ID :5. A2 U-Odba 67 11 F1 67 377,95A Sugar Industry Standards and orga~"Ons by Fda Gdiawrem, . 7 pp6 SPANISHe per* &heRUv Havanal 2 Feb 19731 pp JRS 58348 Bar ?3, I., Uborma c=attoo of 9 OdUnct, it*y C-MISS tFy am~el outiorma 5 ppo aw-.;~ Dagotdo 17 Jun 3phrilsa, un, lluu I a July -11 C&A"lawd BMW by Cabridl. Gtftemzt. 6 ppip 51FIVOIllf tip# Ill ~Tiwvf Bogota* 19-71, F'O 1" 6, RM j0 Described 40 Year of." 4 4 ~,l TAII&Wvo) DO a,4 3 Anx=y 1'ro-commuon FolitAcal -,-hmuw-rug. 1tr Gabriel Gutiomm, I? lip. ,otat 17 sOCUBill, npg, ILIaZW9 Bo,7 Apr 1969* pp Iv 26v JPFZ LA-Colombia pol qqp.. -354045 -014na ..-Ovaz ~;barts Comwe'vetivo ~oI.Vr,-0 by Cabricl- UaUorrcs. ~~': ;I, ~ 1,,)M1 i"t nPo Ll-i UP v A-Colcubia Fmso in UnIm-AA UVIids An= cmmat&timit bY Gabriel OutioMot 5 POP SPANBUt pwo U.JiUmo bwotav 7 Fob 19699 pri 10 3, ipas Fol -11-~ar 69 378sJ66 Ubnerals Soolt rederal Gyftc:!~-, 4y Cabriel cutieerrez;, 6 pp. R NS ;7-19 LA-Col $cp CO It '-"'I n. e L so e P. e;L mapos Pmvautimlary Taskso by b&= CutlerMt Pp* zontiago'.'s June 19719 bat* r v z4v I:oals ior Auc~ont tinion a~ieak,~. b~ i,.elsoa V'utiorrc.*,, 6 pipe per, ifunto -::Uwlo -'antia,po ce ~. U.)V-t z6 3-21. 02.3 41 C; 0' kartj ~rvnotor, L4 aw:zo Gut-l-ar"ZI spillizi-to Der IWO, u b a LA Or gani, -.1r, Ler 163. L/ t 1 1 3 51 Air Pollution Caueed by Carbon I'll'onoxide, by F, Gutierrez-Hernandez, ISPIUMSH, per, Anales do MmUcina, Barcolona.. Yedicina, Vol 52, No 1. 1966p pp 58-77, NTC,-71-12317-13D Nov 71 .toutil, ~-ojjtjca anc, Uscusned. by Cut!Lcr-wcx "almsucaa, 6 ppo Arjr Application to Nonaeqllous Systems, by T. Gutinaga,_17 pp. JAPAIMSE, per, Denki Kagaku (Electrochemistry) Vol 39, No 9, Sept 1971, pp 785-790. ACSI-K-1742 PSTC-I!T-23-1215-72 14ay 7 2 loco *r the Zmw Atmapbam try ea Ad=#Uva !,*b=S=jp bry A. A. Gatldn: U. I-S. ltrkw. MMICO pwt wk Ak P24i p8m, Vol 3,80,1 1b 6,p oab,~ 196B., IV IW4-2295* Za An IWt of pkm Vol 13P u0 lo., W). ./I " I - G, t j~j ~, f", ;kV C-9 36es 33A Radio Control of Missiles and Space Vehicles , Part IV, Features of the Radio Control of BaMs- tic Missiles and Space Vehicles,, by L. S. Gatkin~ A al. 187 pp. MISST94, rep, Radiamrayleni, vq Re~~~ Sag= adwd i Kosmichegkid- &aratami- Chast' IV* Osobermosti -Radi2Mrav1=a Ballisticheskimi &ketami i ZomicheskLmi Apparatami, Sovertskge Raa0a MO caw 1968, PP 531-674. AIIVETD-h-T-23-699-70 mar 71 AV 21 1 1 ~Mmllmmlm I AQC=4ZY and ramce of Tolocontrol 8"jotmas bj :, S. GutUa# U. P# QAUu, 43 PP- Emms bk~ r*u2mwl.%lw jq(~)# pp 49t-52)1. raPt of HavY VIC ZNU34-TO Jan 71 CP A,4v=cy tma nau&o a Taw=uzi vaww, b q L,~ S, 0A." Yee P* catbu) 43 pt L=IAN, LL.~ w v Z1,1 Jou TI Gov="Im juvwwzAum 0: tin pwaductim 0e viriaw of, the vbviolavawlwa odo-jup in Tj conat 0==$ A. V. QAWWR U Pp. Dws LOORYm~j, Lb 4A 3,9600 and y th D ~ awvo V I tmo n co 1'. oulti~m , -I.Ty -fb. ;z. Tmtvowl., !k. 11. A 114 )9L v G- 4t ~j pr !--,0b 7n ribmtod Thaymnapatic 'Atorialsp by ~i. Lhitkov"'flaye Y? ppe ,,)or@ ivot n~mnyyo, IV68t pp 64-?6. i;ov 61) 396M.5 V61 P91poirla, fvt"Ootaiaing tbo tip t1oa-ast, Strip Tolsra=iwt L4: V,fischer aW3 r?". neMbi rake hbor, Vol 78, Apr. ~fu 71 . I )l Well. Lype d Strip Tidd-emess "'",Itrdl fcr -'~,,bt '-bold it '-ZLUs., lyy Pe Gutlbauero ilec- Ub"j, pp 133-136* Jol 27., o),h. -md V.Iat ;ov 70 I. mw U - I 11111 IN I'll ii WAIA#A lr 0470 Tpt .~,,t L F~ t~,s A. L. Gutman Diffraction of the Linear Wave on the Expansible Spherical Segmant. RUSSIAN,, per,, Radiotekhnika i Mektronika, Ho 2,, 1969l pp, 195-203 NX 72-12662-20P sept 72