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uv*balli j :lUtopy of iclaicm-of MmtWrmant L,.ovjcrmdq by .7t;&,o (;ro2dade, ?I FPO 'JU I 1; M. - pwo i 11,1690 .0v in JPaj' 5033D G - Z C -2- rA fu I ~by 70 40?o)07 !~,weloiymnt ard Erhgrr~ of buztdcal ~~!vmtoloffy by bo Itgims 9 to. ho 100 jvw 4373~,l u and 4(RFP-Tran&-98) 5STUDY OF PROCESSES IN RUB- BEILS ANIT VULCANIZATES UNDER THE INFLUENCE OF AG- GRESSIVE MEDIA, BY THE METHOD OF IR SPECTROSCOPY ' GMuromtseva, G. P.; qKs~ ~hqqE.~Xt.; Zuev, Yu. S.; Rostovtsev., E. E.; Malysbev, A. 1. 10Translated for Dow Chemical Co., Rocky Flats Div., from jTpp 73-8 of PrEdadnaya Spektroskopiya, Mate- rialy Soveshchaniya po Spektroskopii, 16th, Volume 2, Moscow, January 2&--February 2, 1965(1969). 208P. 2'Dep. NTIS. 26materials, translations 2111 28AIN-25 29P NSA ~,i on the Ln Vol. ~O -> The Soutbem Crayfish', by P. Grus. FMC , per, Terres Australes et Antarctiques FNmcalses, nos 10.9 170, pp. 15-40. um 71-10951-06C JulY 71 In Vito Vortat of U10 I-CW10 -~-'kmlutloil Al."rlca in -',carch of Ita C)va, Forms ol.* Cover-wiicntj Vy lve~cr ~;raUA, V, 9 SeDt lq"(~* PpO A f ri ca --0l (,let -'-My ituf-cmtod Ji-ot 1~11-,Ishod Lim '-'or GoatImaus ~'7 i'01'1 0,0 jUna 1~, ldki 6206 y Z61, 642 Tric Proauctian anui ,"~rjaicatio of 2'rz-111. Car- by A. cnfoa,$ 114 GEFEAW, por., P'llast-- -.jr.-L Kqutj~!civik5 1%). 2, -Fou T'J-73- jl~,Lys Apr 07 Optical Properties of Dosimetric Crystals of Lithium Fluoddeg by M. 14, Grubai 11 pp, RUSS)LIN, per, Laty R311 Zinat Akad Vastis riz Tekh 3inat Ser, No 4, 1963, pp 7-12. AX-ML-Trans-812 i 12)), /, I T Sci-phys S a j) 7 J Utect of Heat Treatzent Olkthe Tb2MOlUq%Ln3sce"ca -~ y of Lithium FluorLde, by 14. M. Gruba. 7 ppt RUSSIAN, per, Laty PSR Vinat Akad vestis riz Takh Zinat Ser, No 6, 196G, pp IWA-44. A2,C-ARL-Trans-314 ?~I~ ls'ci-phrs Sep 70 ub .~ "06rosr, -'Tortv~ In 4 zlll,-X6 ladrLicationo, by L. J. ~-rabar, per* Tru-n kio?. 1~6-99 Pp. 1-29 2?o 310 7 Lgfe,ot of supr=oJecular Struotum on thoo Tlimmi stabiUty of silamm Elastomrso Ni V* No Grubwo RUSSIA149 par@ &a9sm-awmi Soodint Vol. ?v J~o 3* 1965t 4~4674P r 12 Fob 69 Mar-Lmin EiTiciew ir in Utilization )f F amlo fOr rat'Allneri and. Eqaizvxnt :,a Stnrt~) 4n# Graibicclii v , 12 pp, par$ Finante st crcdlt, VA 1,21 N.., 66o p -, ii-, 1,,-' p EmItntion of Potentiokinetle curmtPoteatial Kwourawnts on Cu-,Ui-anojD Cappor and Brass In Sm Vator, by a. Grubitseb. vierimtorro Uad na=01011, Vol 170 Uo gs 1Y66s pp T- 765. VILL DoZ:M.OG5 (3050) c ribb 70 1101~523 11. Grubitsch Ilic irdiibitor -action of phonyl-trithionim- uietlosulfate on the corrosion of iron in hydroclaoric acid. lq-RKMFFE WO KORROSION, Vol 17, pp 299-21 3, 1966 NTC 72-15352-11F mar 73 y V. A* 153 ppo bl' ~A 'n;fz 1.1065e USSR sci-Eloct.-anion ,jv,a3 61 32'3~455 ~utawatlo Control Vo A. CI~utr4vt Ae Uo bi .301, anjrovs!d, .03AV, 081 rlitnnrn4 ti Vv:, !966. T)W.) ar 67 "3 17' Boca (A.'eations Cm,~Gejmjj)8 um use 0-p coj~pute,-, in the Chozima lnamtx 7., by V . 1 . Cj n~v c w 0 pp. MIAII~ per, Mimal VgMMM--,o laltgc~~ Obolichastyao No. 21., 19674 pp. PUT-210. ME U193- VA. G MOV Uwa Scl-Blath Jul 67 329,P951 ,,I/- J, KLectronie Carputws md Analog Devices,, IV V# Is Ortibav., V, S* KftdM. 25t pp. RUSSIANv bkj Eiddt~m &~-ARI!Iellm-yq 14whiny i I-bdelirmughdd, _ ystroy-4ya., 1969,, 84- A-23-457-70 M Aug 71 Detemination of Machanical Properties of Sheet Metal-a From Data of Tramverse I*act Testing of Membranes, by A. V. Gimchmklyo 6 pp. RUSSIMO rpt, Opredejen= MakhanielmskEth Syo"tv Lintoft Ittallov Po Dannym IWELM Mq~ran Ila RRLcregam Udar, 1969t pp 71-75- ACSI J-9003 Q, '71 Ll %m: varlotitis of ~,cxlcnaltural Crops, (Part 1), I~y ~. Grachou, 17, M?D0 Rmuvancss of Tulmrlsolmb(md Fwj","w3, by F, 1. "Irwim, () Me RiMSIAN, peps. sovet2twa Rocutaina, 110 ~11 Aul 10,67, pp im's 43 mz "D and ainted Aspoats of Marwd&.ln&iaed Psychows, by F. 1. C-r,.,d,:Vv 10 ppe RIUSSIM, rar, 'lhurral t,b 5. 1967, PPI=7--; r). J'PRS 43821 Jan 68 al Conaltions of ,v-alwttlan of Apm.7,otcal-010,- gIn Alltman of ~Aator Crops, b,,)r A, Ya, flk; -por, !atoornlo,--~4f-, i f-d(ImIkli ijyu =,2-45 n IS 7 3' 5. ou tho fissence oi Uar, I)y, 1. Grudirans RWISIXN. np. Krasnaya Zvezda, 21 Jul 19G6, p 2,,3. *f-TD-UT-67-424 U1.6x T- - G-' 0, U-,~ I'PJ I'Al mi I I---------------- I~r-x 0 pp 465, -e~ t Tin -,'~Ilnotlall Oi t". ,c q J-4- .0-illactics of vftp (,lbjaotiv3 and t1,10 sliblioatIvo In ;~.~ar. 1:~,r 1. Gruanin, 13 iy- 1. Jan 1967o Pp. 3-1). 0) 41i 4/tV iAl 6.7 5)) 5 raet =,t of Tim in lbamm by Coll- pp- Nx~st V(Yl)l,=le by old off"""ry bk 54205 m . m - G R 148 It Olt ~ jVIRbW 011111! The State of Rearing Ponds in Pependence on the Density of Fry,, F, 1. - "Grudinin. AUSSIAN, per, Rybnoe Ydioz., Vol 47t No 110 19711, pp 14-16, *Dept of Cowlerco July 71 POO fcal Tq), 3*411P Ung and 'I'losam" Gary by Vlr~lclh np V4-w)lc2Vm-te,%, Allmmizie, ~2~ 0. It i ni kAj iauda V, ~, 0- r-u,,Jn i'1' Beat PrMuction In Re3zt:Lm to Welg~xt Darln,* GroAh of SWOMU12A (Uphophoms hellerl H-)o by V. A. GrudidtskU. .RMSL4H.. pw, Dck Ak Nauk SM. L4( No 6,, Peb 19~2~ ~PP35-1437- Vbys., Vol 202, as Feb 73 JUI.72 'Z IWO ;,Cx V, 17 -2127-6' IT :Iclstxutfjcli a-'asc"lilwaiizu vul L-Tr- 7 1'-; Li 4 , i)i .1upplevent to Roport on "Nu4:1ear Fuel Hoods aud Costs of 'Various Peactor T~npes in Germany, by 1. Grue=,, Irt. Gupta,, 11. linefele,, P. Janson,, 1-4 Recker, ;4, Sclemidt,, 4 Semen, GOMM, per. Knr2srullc Inst facr Angovarnate ReaRtorvillyMp 2461~j), AEC-tr-69-507- Sci - Nue. Set 1'4 Tach st4nt 67 342.271 Energy Productlon and the Enviroment. GMWt rptp AustAq. Oesterr-dehipaho SWdiw- "lomoneigle. gesellochaft fuer A I Mb ;r's d R or ZentrUM. Report SM-RT-39/71, 197r.' lJOUL 72 H. Grwm Enerv Production and the Eavironment An Anay isis with Speadi Consideration of Nuclear Energy GERM, per, Atomwirtsebeft - Atomtechrdk, Vol 16, IqTj., pp 278-72W.- = 72-13645-06n Nov 72 Suppioment to ft-port va 91imicar rua Nceas and Costs of Various Reactor Types Lt Cmmapys by 11. Gruema, G. Gulits,, W, lunnfolej, P., Jansono Ps Recker,, 11, ScImidd; J, Seetzon, GUMM. per.LRBY-fuer ~!Lnowandta heaktorphysid 246pp. Sci - Nvc Sci Sept. 67 334201 set - sualm Sale= Zal 61 A. Gmene Thin-TAyer Chromatographic Detection of Residues of Soveral Pesticides on Fruit and Vegetables. GETAIT, per,, Bjeehstoffe-, Aroven, KoeraEpflegemittel Vol 19, 1969t pp 494-501 IM 72-60530-= Cat 72 (,"z'UoSxlbi0r,4 v''ariclue.-Ov Twat-h ~o"'wn-'ItO 19 7~' Gruenoborg SpOskis to Agrimituml Load" S=jn,,re I-Y by GOrkmW GrambwS. pp. CILMAN, pore I.; Lhat 2OPM1 Jan 1969, pp 2-1 ~01 3o J,PRS Lh ;4, Itr 69 sa~ - Me&=ni= &-3 6T R. Gruenberg 3271%V, Centr*s lit '.,o Crystmiq. Vt, 1 1, 'r'soo PLA e M 7 Y. G e Lt e- 4) c, OperaUon of Fuel Calls Ath Imp=o Gacost by H. Grum-ne ELTROMMID P=I Qomio:ja-;,eniojR:TocIuAJ-,, Vol 40, 1%8t pp 18~-191 NTC 71-:L68C9-07A Pob 72 ~~ - G- T -,-\,,- 1"7'rueneberg Outliuas Diture Agricultui~l Development, by Gerhard Grueneberg, 25 pp. GEM-TAN, pamphlet, SED Central Committee Department, Dietz Verlag, 1972. JFRS 56187 Jun 72 CZ, e Gruenobarr, on Taskn for intensifying "A."ricult-are, by Gerhard Gmxeneborr, pp. I t Ir - .IYAT, nor, Nouar N , East Berliz., VO 5j m-- ..P ar 72, D OFTS 561b7 1) , -ut 72 Part,as W Graonheldq 5 pp. Gila,A";* pwo 140 I'lirtmhert East rtrlinf Vi Oat Iq(Zj pp 5~-6. jr,'15 W9260 67 C-'i A Soio,~46hq Tndq Uv '"' ',Iar L;nur Jar. 69 373o6f,39 r-Rcomterad In- Ing oitt 1972 p ans, bsr Ina oruonlvgg 5 nm* a at Mrlin POVP TAO. virtscWts a 0 ail 73. 5 Oct 71 ,, G. P kj-t, W Q,~ e P, c. Development, of a Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic Light Weight Construction 1,lethod and Its Inventigation Jjith the Covztruction of an Experimental Aircref'L, by G. Grueninger. GERMAN, per., DFL Rgort!p Vol 8. 1968., pp 341-359. mc 72--14264-oic Jan 73 1436-DU DEVELOPMIT OF HUT-RESISTANT PLASTICS, W. Gruen- steidl, Plastics 19, No, 10, 438-45 (1966). In- organic, organf~ & new polymers resistant to 300- 500' C are described, 4950 W; I F; 39 R $19.95 ($3.80) (~,. (~; p w e- N 'i o,2 e Q. Devc.IloPmmt of a Glass Fiber Reinforced PleLstic Light Weight Construction 140thod and its investigation With the Construction of an &cperimental- Aircraft, by G. Grueninger. GERIM) per, DFL Reports, Vol 8~ 1968, PP 341-359. inc 72-14264-oic Jan 73 Z 'y ,i ~ . / -1 A~ ( C, -'~ ~' 'J'-& ~ ~ ~~' L' ~_ " 1436-DU. DMLOFFYM"r OF HEAT-RESISTANT PIASTICS, W. Gruen- steidl, Plastics 19, No. 10, 438-45 (1966). In- organic, organii i new polymers resistant to 300- 500' C are described. 4950 W; i F; 39 R $19.95 ($3.80) U'W CT, Coon, wl --------- r" ~7 U;oj TAo ilile.~ -a (if the catDkolic C~Varch in t"~ Dlalqo~,e wdVa the k--hrxlstr,, by boapol(I VaL '1',? .12 pfi. PT.-Austria Apr i~~[ comuract Tis-nssco : orl , ol 'Aal, t., to with- chmst-lans, L-rj Leopold "Aru~~. 5 at v 41stribution of Gooarcpbio. D Flectric 1power industry Poseribado by PP6 ROYWNIIIITT'S~ par* Laz" t, IT* 60 I-Tov- M. EU hares INOC '719 P-D 11P, In 5505B Corrosion of Zirconium Alloys in Superheated Steam: Results of Longterm Tests, by A. Gruetter, 35 pp. GEDIAN, rpt, Eidgenoessisches Institut fuer Reaktorforschung, fterenlingen, Switz. EIR-184. AEC--Tr-7287 Jan 72 Aco=tical Live ttigations On Caurch-bollz, by 11. Gruct=acher. GERMAPI, p0r, Acustica, voi 16, (196~,/66), pi, 34-115. ci 'Sop 67 339,975 ttonz on Church-Bells, by IN'. Gruetzmaoher. P-MAII, Per. Luat-ba, Ho 16~ 1965-6G, pp. 34-4.5 7'- Pn Aus, C7 Alloys on t4v k"mols of Hectron litcrOSCIDIMI Maervations, by 1314ogaril jC*rdier w.-4 ~calr. W COURNIMM - GUMANO, per, Zaitsthrift Mar Metallium-10, Vol No mg"74a ZOUIMCU- sd- Sicpt 66 51f)OS77 The Influence of Heat Treatment on the Extruding Behavour of InGots of MISR O.,5-,q by 11. Gruhl. GMW~ per, Z fur Metallkan& Vol 57, 3.o,66, pp 5T-602- *r,Tls/M3s TT 71-55302 Available MS Only W - G, e L4- k L July 71 Caut-as In Texture of Aluninja by Coe Use Of a Surface Active Agent in Its Propn- ration, by A. nizolascu, "I. Gruia. per, Plavue -Rouwaiua do Ch1wie, V 0 11 0 12 , I F)6T,' -Fpf l.TC 6,'~-10854-07A C i 0