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The Macbmism of Formation of Noctilucent Clouds,, by S. Ya. Sergin,, V. Yao Sergin.. 6 pp. HMIMp per,, Meteorplog4n i GidrologLia Not 4p 1967, PP- 51-55- JPW 41433 Y19 -S C JC 6-- I.Al USSR Sci-Atmospheric Sci Aug 67 333t074 TAS 1118C~t= Of FOXMtIM Of fbCtUtK4Mt ClOUdS., by So Yat Berginp Vo Yap Gerainp 6 pp, amlm,, Pen, L4iaRmi9-4m L G&gMLcZ&M rVD. 4P 1967; PP- 51-59- JPIE 41433 y1q ~ c I'Al Bei-Atmmpheiric Sa Aug 67 333P074 Profiling t1w Supersonic Section of -m Pxioy,.;- mtric E.,aJx,,,ua Tta-ut Nozeloo by A. Ser&typnl'w and 1# J. 06 RXGVA,, pery tioccov,,,'U-nlverf;lteto-*iY-Chl-nlitel*- ny-Y Tuentr. Sbomik bot 4 !,):65- No , * pp iop. P10033,)267 Jan CO Yin fto, )T '~Iu A proach to the Classi 'icatiw of co.-n-utcr N, ;,cr 11 Ki~cnwtik-a Vvl. 28, Is 1967a p- Ll J'77,011 1',~ Alk. 0 )AI AV zavdv~vwat C~t 2410noo, Ll !;Met ;~arlovn,104-tu;* bv 1~4 1, Plo Mrs VIA- ~ w7,. M TIP 4,i T ~-5 ix, 5', 7 HI&-riolecul= Compow3as in Petrole=j ty a. Re Sero=bD. Mulop bko 1965t 4ft- m5reel Prow= for Scientific 2=lslatioum~p jerumalamo Sci-FuelA JU 7 66 305,0513 At"aa In the Coutml aid UvAostka of P41&A& is-7G UWR, by P* Do SwCly"s H. G. Radimo 10 pp* MAUMP pwo msdtsb*an pn*dtokan A W~AMmL"mp He.% Sep 1967, pp 5M im 143M Sd^B Sftd .ym 68 34B$9% Asunty Of IMAM Of 40" tot&" UMMU lag Taboo, by Vo 16 ZUWdkW Odd Ao A."* Yargimakli. 401 4s N 1965a 300o0 3450 31A application OfAbO.Cluster,:xOdel to Describe the Composition-Property Relation in Binary: Uquid Xotal Systoust by B* Is Bergin* RUSSIAN& par# an*# Val 201p No 2# November 1971p Pp 400-403 OD June 72 Effect of Reserpine and 1proniazid on t-hc- Bio- electric Activity of Pabbit Brain, by N.G. Sergivenko, per. Sbarnik Nauc.-iTiykh Trudov, Issue 9. pp 113-115. *ACS I --K' - 2 301 '1 *rSTC--i,7T-,?- 3-1740-72 A-,-,.r 7 2 sow" to zwmw prastat'jity or ve lk TUV nmtt bV IN lybiotcw W strolafth 5 pp. ta. 'Tio UK: I.Mf I)* as LPFIV) 34M) f P k Sur~C co;,mur, BhW C", JpIls 2)) -VAI my AMDfkb~-O Al W"' R_t,'W-Mt,V The Earth's Svrface - Atmo%phm-o as an AutorAtic RsgQAting ~~gtom, by 3. Ya. am%ln, V. Ia. "0351AI -1, pror, Lbt4~ Ali SSSR, Vol 171 1~66, pp 923-926. --la aef: c:a23.4-P (7m1) joi-sar Aug 6-5 r1 rw T. thu. kl~~.jciflcatifw o Ly c, Pa7cbological Ampects a Um Time Factor in OrthodmUce., by R. G. Sergl. GwM* Pol Fortsdwitte da Uamrorumasae, vol 27.. 1966j, rp 61-65. NTo 71-138il-.o6F, Fab 72 SEKGOVSK lYt YU, RU F,LSJ,LT,:) OF uYvj I HELWL I TIE I N VEST I GAT I LINS ( 17uDEZ IYA I KA~, I uL;kAF I Y A 9 11 J A N. -o6 v 'NLL)R A' I M u SCU IN, 1 -1 - ~'j F-,)TC-H-r-23-t~5-i2- /3 -i.,Ovoloiv=t a NdirrAd by CUP* cy ar ?MbLc,-4;, 77 vw%~ Groups with Complemnted Nonnorml Subgroups# by V. A, Serieve HUSSUA, pero Dok Ak Naak SSSRp Vol 172p lio Is 1967o PP 52-53. Am Math Soo Vol 80 No Is 1967 \) , P2 . 1-:%, G (,,- I t:: ~ Nov 68 370,297 SERIKOVv L. R u RADIOLYSIS, ALKAI METAL, CHLORATE, THERMAL DE COMPOSiTiON, THERMAL STAbILITY IZV. T~;MSK. POLITEKH. INST ., 1970, 251, PP. 1 5-25 FSTC-HT-23-11~4-73 ol mew coWments for food PuWs with Continuouly Falung Characteristics& by S. S. SerikoVo A. 1. Tinhin. RMSIAMI, per, rmQW!elQostrmAo, 11912118, me Za 19650 pp 24-260 NLL Ref: 9022o09 196S (4116) June 66 adc"I R=Udfun of aghtalso oxibl"s tw 6 3 V. Ill. awwwo Z, A. swihow mmm Poo Is a M-lamp Vol us u0 5* 194 w 59-M mc-o-aDylom ~. A. -,'e 4 / k o V 0- 801-cbw OWA 0 3DUITO Resistance of the thman Body to IlLgh Acceleratiousl~~'j of Short Durationp by Saris, 7 ppo FROM* rpt, Assoc pmr Is Daveloy des Sci et Tech do 198mirommemputg Paris, 31 Har-I Apr 1969p pp 97-103. NASA TT P-129828 SCI-BW Jul 70 Iz- I Ind4mcars on the Pilot for Flight Pattem Typical of 44011, by ~40 0 4uffett, H. utis* FuNcli't rpts AGAW Collect" pwra pmSeused at the 22nd W'Oew, at the AGAM Aeropati~'- Mdiclif ?Mal Sapt 126SO PO 245-2S7* ,;As i A TT P-470 SciefW4, Jul 41 3316oaG 1) Y* ~Wasurvment of Low Mmquency Vilraticms in Ul; Aclicoptars and 7heir Transxissiun to tho Pilots by H. Scris, k, Auffret, RWIUL, rpt, P!gars PMSWltad at the 22nd ~;Dctinr, of U9 AGAND Aeras~m ~Wmcal I'mol, pp 213-297. September 196S. ,NASA IT F-471 'lar 67 ~~azummt of Low Fr"vency Vibrations in big ) 34 Helicopters =d Their Trassiddon to the Pilots, by N, Seriss, R, Auffvwts, mWals, rpts, AGARD Calloctrad P=v Pmented as the 2ud t R of the AGARD.AEr"g&Ce Ridical pamol bept 19650 pp 343-354, am ?f W Sci-Nny Jul 67 332s,884 4drowtomloocal Randbo* for tho Flah- ing bdustryp tir V. V. Seerlys, ItUSSL% per# I&M-aft lb 2# 1966j pp 92. *Dept 0a uorlor pub GAA Aidisfe seruloo BUXM of 0019021tw Fi6beries Eci-air eel YAY 67 1-5 ..cod Ar Utdty in Qommdst Amewant Stressodp bw lw&o Sakedshiove 8 PPO WIL"We part Aa f3 sit ionat GREAi em my 129 Dw 1969p pp 12-149 ifIRS 49760 v poi Fab 70 401jq ,56 ~'fOc-P mt Of z-bdaldfl I -into -urdml- in corlfor.!Aty 10 por,pa--Umi hivo , 'o Anr t ~7. T,p. 85-9. flbl Jtll 67 In nos" in Amotag tV Do aemwvp 6 pp. =810, P-r. bmummeal VON 22,F Dw wo J?M 34783 p~, Apr 66 298,276 70-13455-IIE I Serk:yv. A-L~ Ryabushkln, A. V. FORMATION OF A BOUNDARY LAYER IN SMIM; I VISCOSE FIBERS. Khlmicheekle Voickna, ti. 6, p. 33-i 35, 1969. 1 Order from NTC as 70-13455-11E: HC $ 6.70, hiF $ 5. 8D. SONS Relationships 11 the Dynamics of the /0 Proces3 of Viscose Fiber Spinning, by A. T. Serkov. GERMAN, per, Fasorforsch und Textiltech, Vol 19$ NO 3" 196 '-, lip 129-133. NLL Ref: S828.0 (7446) C'_. -1 . _XiLhJu'-~- Scl -.'!at i4ay 69 580,821 Omer 62~,xlv. r-ers lrptai-i; Mov 79 Determination of Soil Evaporation and Soil IRxiidity; by A. Seiner. =CH,, per., Vodni Hospodarstvi, Vol 17,, No 10, 19671, PP 425-4. t MIS TT 71-56032 A - s e P- YY) leE. f~ ,TulY 71 o , ~ C. le fu I PI Vesicoursteral Refl=: A C=Tmt Prob3au of Poftatdc Urolop., t7 0. Sendai IL Morbiiie3b, ITALUN, Pers Maim red vd 21j, i969., pp 2h47-OA. NTO 71-14274-068 Feb 72 Effedu of Jklmommi I; -- = the mwd Impau Of se"Mi T=co mmonu In a fttiM* IMA AMU DWAII SuMaleMp by PO a, SwullL MSDA.9 pwo KLIn Vol is 1967m pp 6-9. T) &I-BU4 Sept 69 39DPM 's'pawilill" of the jla~lsk.~l Pollock, I~y LU.'~',WAtis Vvr, Voprosy 11--liticilk)~4y, ""t of Interior L~urcau oi Lomurcial Fisheries Office of For,--4n Fisheries A-34-Dvc 190-No S7 Lmal 1. 1'A~Tvlwlji" Vol OciA14! ~ar 70 10 479--) Spawnin~ of the Alaska Pollock in tLe ~,,urtkw=teml Lering Sea, by 1. 1, Scrobaba, 14 RUSSIAN, Ivr Vo ros ikhtioleg P y ii,, Vol so ;~O 0(55), 19680 pp 992:100K Dept of Interior XF/Orp A-36-Feb 1970-No 98 Ctl e c On the Spaunift of Alada Ponmk TheMM c -- to the Abundame of OfrepArZ by I. I. Serdbabs n' 31A per L%rosy lkhtlologli Vol No 603), 1966, pp 992-IOD3- OCMI TT 69-59002 sel-M Feb 69 Review of the Physical Properties or ac'e 'New ScrAconauctors of Groups III-IV, by 8ozana Scrccz~mska, POLISHO per, PQ5!2U1 FiEuki, Vol XV11, i~40 1j, 19660 pp 29-41. *FTD-UT-351 601EO, r liar 67 ey, ,Si-~ Procediwo and ReMats of an Investigation of Flow Stability in Onco-Through Boiler Tubes, by B. P, gerov, at al, EUROPWI, par, Elaktricheskie Stantaii, Vol 38, 110 4, APr 19G7, Pp 25--~". C.E. Trano 5433 Jan 72 C.L. Se-P-011 YAnmrpblc State of Swo Strotural Gems in Populatlons of WM and Laboratory Rmts (Hattus norvedeas),, by 0. L. Um. RMIM, per$ D* Ak Nook SM Idol Sa , Vol 204, so h, Ame ijr,-p; OXMr. ' -' CB Fe 73 IwanftviV of Complex IfthatA" circaltst tT ve 10 some RVSS1Ai1# perp 19669 93 PP- ,,aLL Wt 8)13 Saittacht Indus* Civ Mar ina Feb 68 349#609 quantitative Analysis of Molybdenum in a Gascous Phase in Uranium Hexafluoride by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, by R. Sassoulas, J. Serpinct, 11 pp. FRENCH, per, Spectrochim Acta, 23B, 1968, pp 227-234. AEC/GAT-Z-5048 Jan 72 Jan 72 ' a h temination of Concentration of tke Becd plate in the bi8tillati