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Some Uata on tho Biology of Uospitua Coregoni' Baird in the Rybinsk Reservof-r,'7~);- L. 'I. Senjonova. RUSSIAN,, por Trudy Inst Diol Vnutrauniku Vod, Me 17 (;0)7,-06-8-, --pp--2-1-26. :Fept of Interior ureau of Commercial Fisheries Branch of Foreign Fisheries L. rk , S e- yy\~~ 0 v sci-W June 69 .,6q44 .-- . . f The Compittatim of Thwml DefwmUons In SdM and HdUow Cylinbiml Parts Audm AgdAningo JW 14. F,, Se*og I. G. lits)mkovj 9 pp., Russurao kAgbat.- vastaikop 140 to 19659 pp 6-13, AIR/tTl)/HT-23-1229-67 Sci-i-locho Indo Civ '~Ar LnRr Hubbing of Plutics: millingp t7 M. S. Semko. NMVSS Ik.. tkWmichesbgs Gbr Plastm"s: ftevavvenie 1~65,f 131 pp. ~m R-=,q /. i1 ~-.. I -~; " " , /~ "' L) sci-m moy 66 299o825 1. 84071 - I . 'AriLnars of ~bviet Aeadw-,,y of Latest tbncepta in '~'hllosoplW and ,;clcn--o, by qe,*,Ov. pp,~ 11M, b 9. per, '~-Ioprozr F11000ftit ~.t) 5~ 'Aso -)c f6 tv 6W, I Leo. u6 8.1, Lee n . ~-O~r ~- J2~-oj . (t~ CmatrwUon Jobs UnWo by V. VO So*mwyt 11 pp. ausslut Pere i WO go 19689 pp 2-4" JIIRS 46*?97 sai/ascho kdo "'&r &Igr Dw. 68 3549468 'I'lm~zniomtlon of Conatzaction -Ourim, tho '~,ou riva-ism, amt, bT v. v, smkov vity., 10 lip. por, JIM 67 32 Plem for the OveraU Dkehmization of Con- stmetion wA Installation Uork for 1966., by Vi Vi SamlweUyp 9 ppe ,MSSWI 1per., Eeb 19W) rP# 5-~J* R AS 15693 IX - - VOM V-wn im 66. 301, WQ PIS-ft of Ovwftn Ile.--hani"tioll of jonstmotion OM InsUllation 'Jork for lgv,)7, -11. pp. ~-!&114Mt2atg -- 196~1 ~55- ~27- PIM 40735 s MOTH ox''Viate AOO%*,Iy umt lu IPI V* Vq lDvr!=V:--y" Ix bt r;5, M~V o6~-21 W-0. Bow OmrmU Meahanizatlon of Construction and AssemW$ Work In 100 by Vt Vo aamhovakiyj 9 pp. mmlm# per* HOW 4A Stroitel NO 1., iii 1966., PP- 1-3- JJPFS 35147 U&GR &-on 3 3 ~3 Infbrr-ation on the Chadcal by Semann, 7 pp, GEWW1. np, Din Uirtschaft, P. 9. MIS 4155) R-j'wBast Loon Aug 67 Fiber Industry, ib 'g, 11 Ilky 1967, ~ c /) 7 /9,) /) ~) 4) 3 3? , 476 R. 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JPRS 55789 May ?2 law 'Me wad Ajb'al MwfU MV Bdor- P-opwtd, for rimInad Watik" in the Yakut Amio iv mica !5e~~ rpp R w I kT,- To- -0 -.n - 26 I-Zy 1965., ps 2, '71 AMOLU" of Ulm V~t;a 5 Ipp" per, .-V.z 7is Y/ Ok' 61. v ~-~ C- \~ kIA./'N lf"Y\Y-~\(~\'K Now Tank G~Q,4 Tmining 1~eise Desoribud, by f. 56-MMOVSAYO 3 ppe RUSSIAN, np, Knsim Zvezft, Moscow, 3 Feb 1972, p 20 J!'B,s 55396 ?Ar 72 .. ..'~ ~ MSR . ~ at . 11 Aar n Trainina ol. lnezperimcte. ~voldiers 'Netiloctct's by I. SonVezovsKy, ni) LczrM~ap~ 21 4?784 Apr Cortical-5ubcorticai correlatl4ous at .4 Dc.prossion oi the Ili un, by A. F. '~~oi-)IWJJW!s MUS'APIN, per, 'U Vyssh I~Icrv Ociat Pavlovo V(;1 19, 1-o 1. h',69, vy) 143-149. "ji. Svedish Marxist Rlwts Book by Young Commlsts,, by xmt senandert 6 pp. SWEMH., per., Mm-Astlekt Fonp, Nbq 2p 1967, pp. 30-37. RES 112099 WE-SWeden POI Sept 67 339p090 Heatin of e :':7~.Afig,h-power Laseis for fligh4opp rature 9 Plasma by P. G .,Kryukove.:Yu. 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Sencovici, 23 Feb 1907., EE-Rw4nia Econ June 67 323YI*3 Achivmema Of the ~R=Viva Axtile DdAt-.Ij b*tw= UO Mdrd and Ftf.WM om-mas" w uv Ammum t=ft"" pwtq', by paer. soxa- vivi" 34 vvq. Rmilwp "n a tax=sl Vol 160 -ao 61, ?ijo Mv 'ims 3" Cor"Sion 04 ""Uou of metallic POV60ro,p by It ... sondst"ro, RUDIANN P*~j Isok-2631- VAAGIIAVV Tel 70 NO 20 4710. PIP 118-125 ITO 72-12222-11F - July 72 SEr& H G IF T F R 1114 4L P ~`L L I S 11 C S T Ub I E 5 ~i I TH FR A GME N TA T ( IJ N FUR DEN! DIENSTGLBP,AUCh uF THE THIRU ll~TEKN';',,TlijNAL SYMPOS IU~' ;:lt'i 'AILITARY APPLICAIICt-~ FSTC.-HT-L3-1,615-73 Key 72 Gods of Agrimltuna Labw Orgwdsati(m CUACW# bV T. Swaodorjg ? pp- MiGollkil jxwq Tw LUn iAtwg 1969o pp 6"S. JFRS 50387 C) Sci-Agri LAY 70 147*21() Quality Features of Iron-Ore Pellets mid Their perforawice in the ~Iast Furnace, by A. Send# G. Winzer, MP-Mi. per, Stahl und Lisen, Vol 87, No 2, 1967, pp 68-73, H8 7079 Sci/',Utorials Jwi 67 ontrol tLo Tap b"! A. Quality of Pellets and Behaviour in smiting '/O'j fto by As Send, G, Winzer, CIX-M, pers, Stahl Usenp Vol $76, No 2,p 1967,, pp 66-73. *11B 7078 "~. 5"l-4 Sci/Naterials Mar 67 or cowtmAlvn wd ut'* tim Of tka 1*zxwAorj tdidixs o-'!'Imt I~Wmaft., k,,j A. !'Pway 1" LVGao Val 21 k)r mllw, por* Stahl 14M senc., iAva: and ',*rLM On Korovkin's Theorems for Convergence of Sequemaes of Linear Positive Operatorep by Ell sendw. RUSSUNO part Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol Ms No I 1967p W-5075-20. Am Math Soo Vol 8, No 6j 1967 S E A) rl L' Doe 354063 L.4'fect of Atmospheric Oxygen on (1,7 Bubblo Formation in tho Galvauic Coll. Plat inmt/G lass - 11of actory tlateriul/ Platinuu. Part 11, By A. Sendt. T.,M&N, per, 61astec'mische Bericilite, Vol ~4'o 5, li;65, 1). 2os. July 69 586,667 i4tiormlism in Dweloping by Alioune $vie# 8 pp. I WiUdl Apt lWov,-Oating pp 1o 5. 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MNGM=, per, Eme ROMA So 4p .4% 1965p pp. 50-~4- 65 292s 31-3 Cold SWAS in Rolling by it, Senftledcn. GERMAN,, for,, He zid__Pachbor,, Vol 740 Sept. 1966, pp 42i.Tir *8151 5799 e1 sci - Mat Aug. 67 S40*079 fwwAAonu af Inter-Ccopwative ifWq by T. %ngederjg 9 pp. XMJOLwis pwo MW is Ulm 1%9o pp 67-74o JPRS 50931 USSR-e;wgaila &M,1 Jul 70 T- LnUrpriess Llar- Bator$ 1.10 56