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Of 17OZ-10 : ilr J- -'S Mt Cf of t!v "v A"k- Analysis ot Iraqi F--,--port Trade, by Nf- '1~ - ~~ ti.. Sokouti, 7 pp. K,"GLISHO npl, Une Baghdad Observor, 'Baghdad, 15 May 72P -TPRS 56278 Jan 72 (:qAtqr for COOMItsMy aW I*naaawnt Cited importantV by. HatIlk Sakautis pp, MLISH, rip The ftftd" Ob"rv 98&tdad# 0 4z=. I nov 73:0 P b* JTPRS 54564 Doc 71 bodow T"C" Flxtwv of a*r4w Trwps F*Oxwad* bor, X* sakodal"i- a FPO M"t Apo, 28. Z%y 19n p N 0560 Ilk '~~djustvcnt of One Lanic 1,w on Cultural ;wparativns to th-11 O'l bile ;wcanc-de s,cferz:~, b.,; -JkWM;-lv CAM, JJFL~'i ~jy 'Stmewfti m*xSetor"tice of Yugoslav V~welga TIlide, bY 4, MIX flakullor 13 ON CROATIA",,* Pwo pineaffiet Sielpmet may- I= 7.18 pp 3054034o JPR3 91 Oct 71 Factors in Yqpslavick,, lby P. pp. JV16 -~3715 315, U)) Clia-van'tecd and, Ma", I I-vices, nna 'Aucux,Ats in At.ric:11tare, by L:)t,,,owv ~-c!~,,davac, 4w R"*-Y~r clavill P-.--on Jan (7 ';Ale bu3ic ":Awr Flom, Organization and Sodo-Ecom-nic Stricture of Yup,oslav Agricultural Cooperatives Discussod, by W~osav Sekdarae, 17 pp. SERDO-M,ATIAII~opor, Glasnik za Pol Jo2rivrodu i a4w, ar S tvo 116, Vo 5, MaY 1907P Ppo 3,11s JPRS 43!?IU 2060 5/90 ~Cleu)-19,qqc- 67 31", 541 In lemomic Grouth LtepwAMq by *dule ."dailic 0 11 pp, part jrcg~~o kArajavoo kb 196,~v J c,6 c -con ily 69 3"31,Y9 alboomm at to 8" Aftl a%AOUP tv, 30 u - IL elftmma DMG=m owl, D* Alt awk M %, 124 5* 51 19mw 0 Wat-Ad703. Am v E, M, & E /,/ u &) C),j ~9 Am. (o 370032 -Windown.;..The Aim of Espionapc, by IIhan Selcuk. .TURKISH, nps. FDD SP-1261 Oct 66 SooiaUm in MrImn tribel Soolstles Anslywd,, LV David Alad SeleamAg 9 pp, AurwULSO par$ Lartu I em Aft~ao. Usbm* Jan-Fob 1969, pp 5-14. MiS 46r,.5 Af-Inter kd , Copt 69 38-19081 oa oocu! cl-it !~Xtricv.-! 31. .1 --l.fictic- ;,~.Itfivv;)l o""ste" b". 1. :.,VIC-ollov, li~ ftv, Vscs i-I. f- In sivimo- ikvt(3%4uUzxr()vj%lllu., ohkov 311, "1 osco"., 114-t" V70-1 4" ET"70 T;2-16-1. q7 1.7T ~alll' 71.1 407,744 "n tht, Irdex oi at-, lutc-.,rijl ~'i,cratt)r of l'otential Triv in tfe Space L Ly V. Ju. Uok ;,k :wUL cr Vol 18b, ---u The j'v I'ath .(~c VA 10. 3. 190. C,v G 2 2 Riamm's Problem in Regims 111th Dou-ndanj of I DmWed Illotation, Irj V. Ju. Selepm. IMSILIT, per,, D-& A Fauk SSSR Vol lGl, NO 3s 19609 PP 56-5-56U* Am Ihti Society 'Vol 9j, No 4.. 2.960 Jan 69 371,245 ebwAsdrjess in L of a Sinphr Operator with wau-jw Emwi al&lg a cw" of aot~ ROtatimt by 1. 1. I)onUjukg V. Ju. seleM. RUSUlls per, Dok Ak.Bsuk SSSR, Vol !~o 3v 196?v r-p 514-~517. An Aath Soo Vol 89 .-,,o 3~ 196? V L iliov 68 370,456 MOM', btatex mal 3, ;,-P~ S TW SySt6a; AppWb A& VW tbo *f! iftfitaip by "Umoo 23 Wo ,'F*b 72 SSA n I Metuorologiol and Hydrological Charatteristim'! of Sm F*gions of the jisite Sea in 19640 by F, A, Selognovs, USSIAND perg Ngtorialz sessix PINRO pe Retulltatam Issled v 1964- 140 Go 1966" pp 222-717. *Dept oi Interior Fish and Nildlife Service Duftau of Coamrcial Fisheries Sci, Jut 67 The tbrale Factor and Vays of FornAw, itp ),-3- by Cole 1, eebmwp 13 pp, WSOM, per,, Kommist No 61 1%;6.. PP- 66-73- JPPS 35844 I . 5r, - fv i~F v USEIR Val Jun 66 3-03, W7 9NOY wd map or w 6 by 16 P's sdenwv st a, M pp. RUNIMP bkp V-Dam XVMv PP A-4009 ad/mcbm mar Or 70 405#372 ,atlel :~,Cryj ~JJICd~- U unw IV ~Aj Boa* ftUa= of CLMWAtory Meorderaronow. LW T=Ufttlt ftekj, by S. A, GeUgmp 0, P, mwab=ap 12 pp-P WNIM-9 P"IP luma ifl-ow medtigmak.1kh lm* SM Xft 7p July UUT, i3p 43-P. r UMR SCI-M Oct 67 341,653 Lectures and scientific- 611 !i'10 SessiOns. bY S. 14. Seleznov. 7 pp. LUSSIPU, per, Netoorojog~ya i iiO 3, 1969 , pp I-IT-T-14. MRS 4aI90 -'USC June 69 384,552 'Ab M-tim of ~.10 4p i~nQi Solid 501-utic"lu at 'Itat. ilxed ~i-,,Idmtklwt A. '5oloww. per$ "L-, A;md ,~Woel'aca vehicle !Svklyttion syetw'-f lv~f, A* kirsto 134 U,.t i4vt,~atsti ~,,o 1=1A1 I IV - M;~~~.Azdmta Lot C'Opt Aerospace vehicle Navigation Systems, by V, P., Solevwvo H, A. Kirst. RWSIM* raimo Stemy Navigatsii Xo=icheskikh Letatellafth AP-PUNOTS 19t5o PIP, 1-2076, IM Rr.Z 146167 Sti-Acranautics Aug 67 326s425 Jan 73 e-S.-- SeLa-x-tze-vh Atmapheric Aerosols,, by Yes S. Seleznava, M pp. RMSIM,O bkj, AtzoafeEM Ammo3d.. Lwdngradt 1966. IITIS TT 68-50637 ~ e- . -S - S e~ L et z t~ e v t~ Jum 71 - -i. ~'06 - -*- An LAtial-Value Problem fur Gonem-1 "3yste,iz of Partial Differontial --'q~mtions vith Constant Coefficients, by F. G. 'Solnnevn. iVJ65zk"'7, per, ~~k Akc ;-,auk Vol Ic'01 ;J0 1. 1966, PF 595-590" Tho hmer ~'Iath ~'-~oc Vol 91 _0 C, S E L F- Q ":Ci/.ath o"m cl r 7-1 - The 2Aural BadWwAd of Atmupberle Oont3ana. ti= ma the Cappwitim of PrectVitaticra over the Toritoryor the USST4 by Te. S-Selonems Vo me auawas 9 IV* =ono Cal cc AAV famumm LOAM 196b* PM33,~V .ki-Atmaylleric jay 63 360.-693 An Analpla Of the Amv"Uml countiomis for AN POI)AItim in am DNA" Of the UM, by V. 1. SoUaboa. pwi, ftv& an Coons no goT~ 4a SCI-Atcw Sol Sept 69 Jay ?I \1 7 L Motor VebioU Prodwdan to Incre"e. by Y. saifmov,, 6 ppe' .RUSSIO, per* Ya Rul s ~*xcow# Ja 1973o pp 1-3. ims 58%1 & r ',I AUWWAU* fkrgp Of =WW, I IdgkIlillift WO 72 6c a Value 0: the Visoodty of a -~Olutiov. oy the Ons of the Z~ww rqmtiwg bV Lo Uistalt AW)SjAitlp part vlodgeal" ~gd!Lll Vol F-16 pp JIM', i'ab 37367?0 vtv.,, Zktl-.Ic I*T,~;cct of thL 1! vo,,~ vir "m 70 i,,vlbics ~Arevt Virus 0 I,y FZ SIMI, rn c) "'chrittLUIchur witit ijult-urwnr-syndmze, Interestin,; hudividuut ('bservations, by A. ;wr, '-11)1 Chir, Vol 42, 1968. rp IUS-14.'~" Pacemaker in Uolt-Oram Syndrome, by A. Selitig. 11~7 5 ppf GQWt per, Zbl Chir, Vol 42s W68p 1438-14D2. Mpt of Navy/NM 1473 June 70 Analysis of AwdogLeal Cmditians Atmospheric P0114ion in Owbdn -a-- cc the bunpew Twd%iW of the U tv V. 4 S"t*iWa. MISSEAll PwS, W-Aw- MOM 2fta - RM b"Sh Obol No wj, 1967p pp 160-201. 'NTC Rwe4v 35-49) Fab 72 Strength of Glass-illeiriforced Plastics. by 1'. 1. Selitskiy, 10 pp. 1)WSSIAN, per, Trudy Vses Zaochnogo Politekh Institute, NO '3M, 1,966, IIS-123. mi,TTIVIIT-2-3-91-60 Nov 69 395,963 ~ipecld CebtAlding of ~'arm '.~AcUnery ropoae-'i, by As I* ~IclivaZovp 0 ppe par, ;'IeklwlgqtgAA i !Pgp ;'Q 120 1 pp 30-320 4,~M5 ~lektl4filmtsiya bwow' ;ActSyAyA%*v "ci-Agri ,AP 7t) 403,435 ,..War 13 SLLIVANUY_, I I ku MLTHUDS uF NPROVING MOBILITY I& SPEFIAL VtHl C- L t: S A V T DiNi u ?; I t I IN. 4 Y A P 1, 0 PY S H L E N N 0 S T I I t\; j I I , I L14 I I Z, ~-47 F '.-') T C - H T-, 2 3 - e 3 8 9 - 7 2 Experimental Research of the Start-Up Condition of a 4ingle-Curcuit Loop with Natural Circula- tion, by V.1-1. Selivanov, 12 pp. WISSIAN, Der. Atomnaya Energiya, Vol 30, No 6, 1971, June, pp 498-502. i~AVSTIC No. 3312 Jul 72 GaosorphologLe AnalysLe of Mongolian VoleanLe Distrktag by Yes to SaiLvanavo RUSSIAN9 parg Dak A Hauk SSSR, Car Scit Vol 149, No 4, 19699 pp 838-841. AGL Z" ,--I. Jan 71 A- ~ %owes= critufted fw UTS. 6 by A* B*Uvnwp 9 pp~ WARNMOWN X=Wq PWS ld*AdU T &I'dM kkan&jnp The 60 awo WTO lp. 14. im 408 v= /~ - s E L i V,--~ ~\J IYV 3m ftit 6T 339A1 //7 f3eliwnlov, at a!, 17 ~~ns '.a 1.14nl. ,q~*,"-,' 45,374 Me Flov of a Gas-14quid 6UWIV In a Geo~ ratrical unzie with a Cowtwt Pl=e Velocity Difrerawe., by V, Go Selimm aud Be Do Prolov 19MUN, per, lub. F12. Zh- VOI IP~ lb 5., !9G7., pp 645:a;.-~- ml F'Of .. ga) (mow 1-UD) \;. C,, L sa-pynnnasion,% Pwls ju3,y &3 .1 -i-:~Y! ~ (I vc chm) r DAW,,-OnAyn, by Ye. I. a--, Ned Publ. '101:-,, k'==tl=,- a lnwntiva rtiAs ~osmlbodj 14 pp. .-USZ.IA,4, per* 4v I'X220-6 JPA;~; 45,970 69 A-C~ Adv 9T O&STY -im" sm4ow'T *ft *dd 5 69MMUCS Olt IAWMU91,1 re os;,EQM7, uy 440 Detemining Particle Magaltude in Syntbetic Latu by Hectron Microscopy, by 5, E. Sellvanovskiy, Yu, M, Yakovlevo S pp. RUSSIM, per, Zavodskays Lsboratorlya,, No 2. 19660 pp 198-200s JPPS 36161 S'. SE I~val~,,ovskix Sci - Electron 3079827 Aug 66 W-" 14munsw by pp# no: Wa; pp 23-23. 52 ion 72 "-froft or ".00Tim-lo Rorm-c. :=tw,,rjuv* lovo :~Qypt jsw)~)* Computing the Ladmr Boundary Layer Alonly. the Am lJj-.e of Frontal Surface of a Segmente6 Body in a Supersonic Gas lilow. IW S. N. seliverstov. 10 pp. ii6~SIAE. per, J1 ,Au-k &Lem ''vichanika Zhidkosti i Gaza, 2140scow. -No-4-.i968, j 1 % 8 0 7 Aug 72 Calculation of Laminary Boundary Layer Alow, the Une of Spreading of the Frontal Surface of a Sepmontal 3ody in a Supersonic Cas Stream, by S. A. Seliverstov. 9 pp. 1.123SIAN't peT, Izv. RI SSS14- "ekhanika Zhi&osti i Gaza, 14o 4, 1968, pp 109-114. I'TD-.IT-432-69 Spec IZ(k AIU6 69 ' 389,910 Auvl-il-~Scijlatio.-ls it., Qycolysis. 44 J~ sjy0e-Vrei~uevcy ','ou'eig by ~. a., ~,,ellov. PUSSIX~, !-Zlel, Riol icls4o)j Vol 211 4-4-'69 Sci/ The Structure of Some Intermetallic Compounds Prepared by Evaporation: Diffusion at Various Temperatures, by C. Sella. FRENCH, per# Comptes Rendus Acad Sci, Vol 264, Ser Bp 1967p pp 179-182, *11at Bur Stand TT 70-57924 Sci-Phys Jul 70 C - '~= L L-I~\ NDv 72