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lqpWod nanaft SM464 12 PCV*r StAUM CoMractlap by As A* SOW# 9 IWO W, IPVA'Wa mmu, Dwp bau Ogg Tekhm alki. 1b lot cat wo Ipp 3Wv0W Two-Dlmuiowl Pftbim in gr&vtr=jcq ODd Aerotmmdesj, by L. I. Seftv. 427 pp RUM=$ bk.. PaUMers.. London. 1965 * Im -F - -- ''I ~ Sci-Aero Air 66 2990823 tim to the Mbebanics of a coutimom &Twmawuj 1w Lo Is Sedove rMMs bko 1965. swipta Toobaca. Inc 0 Addison-We&IW* Dw. Unim. AM // , , / 1 -1 ..... [ I'.- ~., - r- - sci-r YAW 300099 Analytical ~Wchssles,, Stability of Notion,, C9105tiftl 0811150C3, ?M*DdngG Of-thO Q~) Secoud All-Union Conference on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, by L& 1, Sudov, RMIAN,, bk# Anslitithesk ga ReMm"O ustayebivast, VVIgumlys. mob""YeTahistiks. LVA 11 vs0smagg I ed-TeoretmITST007 I PrI&IxdnPz Kekba"ke, 19"v 214 pp. '*NASA TY FwRO3 sei - Mach. Indotrial. civil 4 Marine Engr Jun 67 On Sexual Dimorphism in the Blood Serum Protein Gosposition of the Russian Sturgeon# by Be ro Sedove RUSSIAN, pers Zhurnal glolvutsionnoi jitokhimii i Fisioloriip Vol 5. No 19 1969, pp 24-29 NTC 72-12430-06C July 72 Bina- XjwW of Tio PWtldW In a Mft Dualbed by go SdWWOW SMAJOn Vith 0 SMUMed OMIamb Pates"s by To 6 Mn# umnso qW* l& Alto ant Vol Imj. so is I*p pp TT-79- A06 bUL of Pbp* va IN lb 9$ Im AIM 70 ~'k'\-. "9694 S,4L OVA Graultised- schist.: Series' band the Be- Aouf,~. u"exte varing (Irani- timation it the vitla-lalar District# U ter T ly perjp-:ft~ Ak Nam j��Jkg A&C.Ado,* V03L 196 pp AGI lob 72 M I merical izpeA=ta In 4:-;oei-lylaz Vw inctles of' iload bpmtran or.-Ation b,,,,, Intm,'ucirV,! ti0yal ~,,Owmsation ',;I)olcd* by Yus 9 pp a por, Timx~y lnftituU 50525 i-Ay ?0 a* l`JrljW40 1 35-41 -Tr-IJ4U2-6;t Jam 71, 4~-10, 197 ,.., Aug 72 k., - 11 tax on Vol STY "b 'T. Scdztnix /01~ Kinetics of the Corrosion of Iron Accompanied by Hydrogen or Oxygen Depilarisation, by J. Sedzintir. GERMM, per, L'erks. Korros., Vol 17, 'No 71, July 1966, I)p 956-567. 9ISI 5710 ~S Ivy) " tc Sci-Mat May 69 379,380 ~ . -~,, , ryc-c, A Elnetlea of the orrosion of Iron by J. Sedzlidr. SERBO-Cro., per,, PP- 176-182. i= 71-ilo68-iu in Uqidd Zinc,, Neue Ruette., vol. 14, no. 3, 196,01, Auguat 71 SPRUNG, S. and SEEBACH, H. M -. Fluorine balance and fluorine emission Iroiii'c* ei-m-ent kilns. Zem.-Kalk-Gips 21(1):1-B (1968) 'GB 21/1450) k ~Ax~ ltr"ri Ix, cl 229 bc 1, ~ 7 'A Aw mum at 'In OM of We TAVW# IW Jo WMM ft~p T. ?**Oda* 0. ow"Oh Anghm OuTafts "Nun GMJ" ) BMM=KP IV4 comma Bunn AbUs 20. Pxnl%6T ABC om J. Meatinez Seeber mislia Nd - Sla & Had ad 6T rhe Trwspmmatlim 14licy situiticul; -iswitation trao the rw*jv4u ~*iur of view,, by Paul Orpar, baasaMrIstArph Ste4ebr.0 21 pp. MMM.", per$ laftm:hrift fur slaboaschiffshrt, go 118 1%50 p DIA U 175w6l Uor Em jul 67 kly Lelp2dgla Rapid Tftneit uVotem Shme kromisos by walter Soeboms 10 ppe "W4 per* Dmufte- ME- 0 k'ast Dwlin* Jul 1969* PP 330-33494 JPRS 486?5 501-.,X)Qht Ind# Giv a 4"Ar Engr Sept 69 309000 I ''~- ~t"' I b X-1- k.- - The Mechanical Relaxation of Pantel Interstitial Atons in Nickel, by A. Seeger, 28 pp. CERMANN, per, Phys Stat Sol No 9. 1965, pp, S83- *NAVY/N!VL-,'AAL3-Tr-5-77 Nov 71 Diffusion in M*t&ls wA Semi-Conductors, by A. Seeger. UOUS perp FesaMM Pralme Vol 8, 1968~ pp 264:97. *5T3B/MB Tr 71-533-12 AvaiUble NW %4 ~9, S e- e , e Jum 71 ~j *coos Jilln 69 TRAUBLE, H. and qKB-G-F&R,-.A. Influence of lattice defec on magnetisation proces-ses in ferromagnetic single crysti Z.angew.Phys. 21(4):299-322 (1966) (NLL/9022.06(6378) Vac Relaitation ~,~oohmdom of in 11,49 by A* 'J'aeger* Gij~ 'ENO pore ~r&k_..Ut -g 600, j_:_2,* *1NN,', IT 7o6-5nk A%, 70 Interstitial Atow ~'-/ I - 4-~? -1) t~o % 1965j, pp %3 1-j ~ -S ')'~ [~- ia,~, ire 4j t :6 - FF 64~e ".aw "rc,"'a"atial ill ult, I-!,- tn 'Atl I,ar- I~q ticular Atbcaftim to Tril.ou,~.Izric :-catUx. ty 14 1 IrdCal fvport 2 cf tne In*tjtjjtE~ L(X i?;-IEIa".CItaoroI-k)y aril ?,far 4 -iti. - o t cf ~L '&L Trans c; 1142 ,,ave Propaption in the zt-tuh-m !Wn6va wit.'i special Attvatimi at Tiviesphuric Scatters by 12 ~ 1'. !4 !;60,11ans ChIJ11I.A.A, r,;t, Tedmical iW!,ort 'lu 2, V6f), Dept of Polavy/.111A ~ici-Nucl Jci We 0 341*206 Recent Flold cib- tO L-Ija94 Particular Attentiou to Jeske, 'nars. Lleinhoubacher seric.~tc, Vol pp Ft of 4&vy/APL/JaU T-2"48 j A Laglish TWO Unkawas by Ii, Setkaq), GE-PuM, rpto Tatipkeitsbaricht HAM' Owdo- awtult fur fistarloakiprufW& Me pp 34-40, vcml 77 67.3-TRY Jn 67 W6~3v P41 ". l4w4ftr Saso= nav 64? T. Seelig M),ristor inverters with saturable reactors for 111-'-gjher frequency applications. IEEh 'iRAINSACHONS 0.4 WIRCTICS, Vol 2, p? 639- 74-K,- 1960 ~',ZFC 72-15382-09A mar 73 Hj& EfficimcV Icn La6eno by G. liodgw and W. SMI16 . O=M, per.. Zak+Acbrift na Vol 219.1 1969m, pp 5-31. NTC 71-i3635-20B Fab 72 e~,3utzcn u Iti Ibl 1r), 12, 19G7, 69 3 J 121 iL ;J ~kf r -W . I I. ~l .~,~.s , (~ I- q.D UVIM. Accideau vith oversistwolou Of tba L9369 wd Air Rmbalamp by =a= Some=. 16 pp. CMEMUM USE ow GMWO pwi, Mmumb thd Wwboqbr~ Vol 1091 no 429 1967: pp 2163-aT5. 3ASA TT F-12p5w -v- Fab 70 Introduction of fieteroRoneous Phases Ipto C, Liquid Metals by Disperson with Ultra- I/Ii gound , by H. J. Seemann. GER'JAN, per, Zelt Metallk, Vol S9, No 5, 1968, pp 347-ff6-. - -- fliB 768S sci-l-,at 'far (0 StV4 of Silver-PoLl"aium Solid SUutlow by NNW Of ftu Effwt old moctrical COMLIC- tivityo 1w H. J. seemm GM ft Bj, per,, Zelt. f= Faysik, Vol 196, 1966, vv 486-4-94s NU Hen 9022.4 (67/151) Aug Vibratory 1'rfttmnt of Uqxdd *aftrrous and Fermw b*t&U,, vlth Qpwlal Comaideration of GrMS beflnUML dUANg Solldififttlen; by if* J* GOOMWOO 110 stastse GIWI.. per, =ft Ilsownsm"".1 Vol 330 so k.. 2967s W 257-M. 6 72M ly/ Set-mat Oct 67 3439056 Lbe Problea & Harcoois Frm rwrt Owee lm Diving,, by lamia Seown, 10 pp. amKw) rptt Mt Sft ~20d Ik-ml ltdlldno aw SeRge 2mvim JA Kiel J=I, 1r,65, pp 103-110. Dept of Navy M Trwa '-4Y710(s) ~Z L 0 Li d- 19 A;l Aw? 70 MdvUe Aeoldento VIM 4-st4mian or the UMP " Air IW Von SLOW Boom=. "-J" mmp Dwo Huhaw %~dL-JALA f Vol u9p w 420 pp MW-,M'00 IW- *am IT F-22tw la a _r 5 ( e, 117 Cl A/ A/ VO Aj k Sai-M Sept 69 bmadw Damn cc smdod aftlame onva6m =4 -- at .- %"t 4 aku Z6 G* & UUCP vwt a a am* m v4 Iwo no 50 19666 w 99T-M go A- fto a= *A 90 lb 50 3968 ~S- 2. SCfc-L mw 6) 376*W- hwa~lois Llwm imome Aveuml, I=Ossest by 16 Dml~, sefer. 92 Wo nAj .et 1968t pp 643-65N ims con ion 61,11 3r, 8 D,-# moogrum, &a aw oxwoolm w matab't by a. awtovwmo 14. BOW. 13 Lv. DAWMJ vwp - a 'A' Epf fti2iaa$ Vol 24P w as tft%Apr IW-). AWIMTW~l ~v GNM=l = = m - -Xvj--"L~ Sol I ~krtarlolz 1~3v 69 1 V509LD UtilIzation of Production Capacities in the Yugoslav Chemical Industry., by Branko Seferovic,, 17 pp - SEW-CROATIM, per,, Produktivnost, Vol* 9, Noo 2t Feb 196To Ppe 93-102. JPBS 41002 i" o S LIZOV ft EE-Yugoslavia Sci-Chem June 67 323M5 Behavior of Liquid Steel. Part Me Behavior .Of Oxygen in Ilectroo Remelted Small ingots# by I* Segavae JAPANISEs, -Part: Tstfu to Haagng, kubu Aff.&Ul Vol 57v No 4. 19710 p 372. NTG 72-60027 C-117 May 72 P. Seems f CoOlmd PW~~~ -a Ir tw:llbw=Ll ftate of the NO Ili, Ims Im '=I RM =o 72_6=_Ur,:, Study of Non- n miatic Browning Procass in clodel Syoterns I)y Segal, B. , 8 pp. RO"-IJANIAN, per. Industria Alimentara, Vol 22, Ito 10, 1971, pp ACSI-K-2241 FSTC-HT-2 3 -D",!; 3-72 6, -1 I'ay .72 :iawr Tor, In J c .5 f... -1 t JNAY lss-~ k, e r a S, , 7 8 1he Dowddatiou of Uquid Iron with Titsmiuaj, by K, Segawa at at. JAPAUMg psTs Tetsu to 11agartuo Vol 51, No 4,0 19650 pp 796-788, HS 6729 'Jay 66 , Vo P. SISWW , Vi, A. ftlokin ft6tod -proftwa, of ~, to tbanal ~ SUU at the mw 72 j4y 71 study oi: ConLp (Kins.1-asm) -,;cunL),:,tc ?~'Awj by JosepA 'Segers., 21 pp. FMMII., per, CogEo-AfriTio -- Eexi-nde, C-u-1ture, Vic Svtale Vol VIII 11,3. 1P, FeO 1,xw" p"). 61- M. =.P JI'liz Africa Econ Apr 67 Physiological Pvchadsms of the Action Oi AeCeletatioas$ by .4, he SageyoVe diSSI& I X* bk, Fixi*l24ch*skij* MorkhsaizM Degstviya UskarauUo J967, pp OJPYS 16249 Sept 67 70-13592-06E . $eghgzz-L P,,; Ercoll, A.; Bordonaro, L .-AN71-INFLAMMATORY TREATMENT OF HEMOR- I, RHOIDS AND ANAL FISSURES. Minerva ChIrurgica ,% V. 23, P, 1296-1301, 1965. 1 Available on loan from NTC as 70-13592-06E. $ 5.00 jr Service Charge. -.1. ---- cmwtrwuon of Toltyatti Y4tor "ituals Purito bV 4 SogUn, 6 pp, Rma", pw, 11 Am 6?o, P* 710 JPX 4w LWI, lZ Kr S It, r0 kA= Sep 67 340o552 lip 4. ke- Research on Mycetomas From Madurella Grisea and Pyrenochaeta Romeroiv by G. Segretaine EUROPEIN, per# Sab2graudiat Vol 7P No 1, 1969v PP 51-61. NTC 72-10802-06m Apr 72 Ivory 0",at to ~,Iavn 'Fi'or Own ',,Adk oi~:si by , ~ ", 7~.' . ..- ; r~': (-,f -1 *,;, SO.-rotai", !0 '. ~ " .01 '5, -o APP 19157. pp. 2~)" p'p~ rn NF.Ivory ~bast. Jul 6? ,Y"'. 713 &Apatim ftutme UmMls INitunt by bAs Sogd GOTMIfAel 14 pp, SPAMI's p(wo A Ixatvvi&*v 27 Oct 1968a pp 1-2o aRS 479081 LAIW4-,UV $w Bernard Seguin TheomticaZ study of the isdowtion betwen radi4tift transfor 4nd the turbulent exchange in the Zmvr 14yom of the atmosphow. FROMMs Etude 2%*M*" (&l!integrqticn entre tolmns. WWWWR cjw"cwwu as *AWA 27 F 140 518 Jan 73 _'4 _e_z~~ z A