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A Notboi for Us GOAdnUou of t* No&= of alosuatv OrA am Bead an a* vatuw 721 do$ of Ar~ ftedmWas by JL sa&ddwro ogwmo pas v" 80 Ao 5" 'A# vp IW-174- MW 25M H. Schneider 6T lit I. - I ' - ( - .1, -- i , , _i' Separation of Vanadium on UO2 Spheres From the Gaseous Phase, by [I. Schneider, 21 pp. GERMAN, rpt, KFK-1292. AEC/EURFNR-SS9 Sept 71 Lij .;IL'A TiLlu, b0 ~;. ~Idwuicikji-. P, !, M)A7. I] '. i, 1;0 - 0 *ML J al, 6,:, P. ~ d~A) Synthesis Gas Produced by Autotheraal* Flameless# Catalytic Cracking of Benzene# by P. Schmulder# GERMANg perp ~Xennetoff-ghemjgp Vol 46# 1965, pp, 23-26. NTO 72-10531-07A Apr 72 G. Schmitzler Industrial Bftlth Probloms In the Production and Procasing of Plastics Awd3larles, PartimLlarly metal soaps. GERM., per., Flute vad lutacbak, Vol 13, 1966, pp 3.55-160. OrdOr from M RAP as RAMA 1575- 425-00- mm 72-6o656-o6i Hav 72 ~Oh Phase Quilibria in Liquid Systems at High Pressureav by G. Sohneider. GERMAN# perp bujache R"nagnaggellachaft ruer, Lbya U41, Joe mie. Berichte, Vol 70p 1966p Pf 497-520v NTC 72-11205-07D May 72 86 J, PabMwer OUS44111 tot, A"., at '4r; tho up gi PIPS so Tel tift The areakd*m of Larp Caps Lu Air LUn Stresaed by Switzhing Voltapme by K. Schneider. 3~ Q&WMj par* WM-Aq, Vol 90p 5 Dee 1969p pp 671-674. EVA Tram. 2801 . J~-- sci-slec Oft 70 P.PoducUon of BcvtaUm Cut HDIlm Artlclw by AeUvated Anlonft ?*IFNmdzatlon of Zactemy by L Saboolder. OWN) per, YAGOAtOMA Vol 58.9 Bol; 19630 pp M. nil , b=34 fhctcwos W&AYUS tbak r4plaagica auto la laterml ZMID* (at AtMAtea)j, by I. W. sch"Mut at all 10 pp. Vbl UV4 1965* zo U5-124. Ddvt Of Am 5383/Mc Mo 2005 Jun 3z()230 mow$ lu Boa ~ - ~..L-- -is rolls D 3$ with iodim (m)-somue Uad " I-AlcatO4 tir 0. seclors, K. W. schwi4or. wwo rovp. ft-saggap Vol 190 .04. L a a AS- J" 9* scd-m aww 66 303#8n If 1~ The Dynavdc Use of, litificial -Satellite Orblt5, by Schneider, CEIZWN, rIA, Wnde=iniSteriun fur Wissenschaftlid-e Farschunp heseaMi RpoFt W 68-556 1963, pli 1-230 Wept ot Favy -d,wjiiu T-Saq. PI - s - J Sci/Space Tech Mar 70 404,254 A GIMMI Method of Mit Datallastiml by If* sabialawo MWO pwj ae ry Who Ammbbor# Oct 1967# a rmL B*r: 5tr,16m) j-) cl- S c- T 7 F A rwvral IbUiod of Orbit Datendnatimp by r 7 1- ;$ fr t AWtr*DCCAOCbO und PhypikaMeigNin 7,* 22 A A sci DW 3-112ij4o \~, ~A Z-*x~6e~.,'-'/ G.umUtative Analysis and Mechanism of BnAydra5ie In ParUmn'fi DiGem Pidentso by P. Schnsidgm GMMg per, Deutache Zeitschrift fuer ILSM-Mt~mdep Vol 194# 1968t p-p'~T-102 XTO ?1-16663-06E Feb 72 Ads of Afrioan Andes VimW as lialray towatice tW Pmuend-Th. Setwolder# 10 pp, k1wical pore fiGym aUZIMG Nor W9. pp V JPRS 46W Inter-Afrimn Aff Pol Jul 69 136o430 Canvonion of a deft TrestmMt Shop to /06 UqAfied Petroleum Gas q. Ito by S6 Schnoider, GEMM, par, St&I Bi-SeAp Vol 850 1965,0 pp 1417-1419. DISI 4702-11 June 66 302,309 of 'am klacti-nXitca lzul"!St,~~, LYI per t'Afillo i" ,p --.- sulues W4 Foommob in the D"vlopmw- of 'MiscoM"t by am cwesuaa w2ja sstatdobw a0mvideT (ftrt I)l cmatim Dam (ftrt 11) exA Artbur bbldoff (Pbrt ttt)t 1~ pv- GOVITOW UM OST FMM,o per# lb 1310 13 Dee 19551p pp. tb 1321, 25 Dr. 1965p pp. al-o" 46 (Pwt II)i and go 133v 1 J~z jo, pp. 24; e--,50, 46 (Pwt, in). JPM CUO ~1103 . I i~~ " - ,(- 4' 11 Experimental Determination of Wing-body Interference in the O.S to 2.0 Mach Number Range. by W. Schneider. GERMAN, per Deutsche Luft-und Raumfahrt Forschung. 67-931 1967: 40 pp. NAVY/APL/JHU-T-266S Nov 72 '~ " ComparatIve Inveatigations of Fluorine-Containing Immisdonag by W. Schnoider, GERIWIT, per, Staedtehldonc-, Vol 19, No G, 1963, PP 114-115. ITTC-?1-11963-13B I NOV 71 01i t:i(-, Propa~t,atj.m of tile Schneider, 6111 y Vo~ utics und 6 7 Is I Ar AV U L p (11 -A.13011 20!~ Jul 72 C,rr.nization of ~;ast Geri7~.-io ariCl FI-Go- "if3di- cal itatistica, by prp. per, -as "eutschp 20" ~761 37b.'" c 1 - id Investigation on the Raission Frm Steam Boilers Operating Accordiag to the "Dresden Principle". by W. Schneider GUM, per Brenq-w"w-&aft, Vol. 17, go. 9, 1965, pp 435-466. ~-) . ~ C. ), ),) C I 00b Sci - Aug 6T 33T-425 wmaimuab of &m (11) " WAI ,ww Ift Mama wtor With 2.21' DlwrlAyl. amawtl;oo art U*m (1U) Wltb Aw--Qct~c A,-,14$ W We, ;;7azwo Vs omm-Y W's At"& . %1 soq~ Zb 2j, 19b) S9 340-3410 W. Sfteider SLOOO-POIS SMn-CinXit CUCMtA in Interenaftt4d L4*-T*Itap Cable Spun OW Their Importance for - NuMpaint Matral SArtbiag (Mullun)# by OG Val 219 14 an 19690 GMMO put gn-I pp S41-%3. IRA Trano. 28H d~ D" 70 ,;ertaln F-roblems of t' t doa ll)- 'Junt for 4ommtors (s:.4-74182) by J. -'ehmnort J. vgxq~'* 13 r'-p. "'.U. It . C)o -. I - 'o Pro- A # :,o-zwulsrodnn' Si-*vmi= I-- ismodstm Lie s- eo mighchfvu '~'rd Ava . , I - ~ % M cmftnxtlm ftrftmme 61rima U20 Firot M" aC IM, tV Wich OdOWls 7 VP- L GMM I$ so 3p AUZ IMP UP. =. me 034 , ~ ~ ~- /~ lvc~rl ~7/z j C --)(, 984%at Gemw p4m ow Gr, 7he Debwrlor of =O-Virwics In 5- a- OwIdla In CoU Odtuns Tleated lith 5-BrcWevoxymIAln, 2. The Vims Pro4wtion In RaUtion to the btectima Virus Dow%ge and the Moment of A&Ution of 5-Brmdewv- ur:UUn., by X~ X. Sebmwis. A=IU,# pers Arcldv fuer the Gesamte Vir- uafarscbu~& ~01 15s, R74., 1965., 5 W~597- MA TT-65-3= ~ , C- , 6 0 sci-W roch CommUtor som ~Alisn coup as hiqueo by A.Uppe Sifteyder# 5 pn-. HC"I"Clig -.Ptt &As, 10, pp A! -~-Wu r 6~1 AD lamwisi=S or the Chirxw imolmlaw-Ilt in XI)AW, by "Illippo 6ohme7tbrl, Z4 R.V. 1 rPt# iffSkg-~~ ~2LtqMqm-g da IIIASIQnk Ogg .1joiarmg cj!~,~iia Ar 196 pp Jillis 461,156 P Ijitx*,-AfM= kol Aug 63 ? an r oo-~'Mw AjT J%kR. 1~~ 15, C. cod, ~Al C31 roh, ow & if w. 'I) A".--lema 15 jo:1-;7 -Fs I st"y an prewmAfAm Cwpwattmt A 24 Cram of lAw*As or a Chaft of TriendMlp? by ?MUM* SoWwy4wo 6 pp- Fmm,, Part Imm boujimb lb 172j, Aw 10 ppf 21-231 JM 35~i PC Africa pol May 66 3Wv2O9 OWn-talst C-Aaft And ftrkoa I.P. Ilop,W: 'yap Pp. 1j, ppo PW maxwell Equations and Functional invariant solutions of a Wave Equation, by M. S. Shneyerson. RUSSIAN, per, Differentsiallayye uravenk)~a., Vol 4, No 4, 1969., pp FTD-S-S29 Apr 60 380,358 Classification, Grading and Processing of 10a Noo-Ferrous Notal Scrap in the East German People's Ropublic, by W. Schnieder. (,'BRUAN, per0Frelberoer Forsch!T-gsllertap Vol -144, 1968, pp 7-17. ;4LL Ref: 9022.4 (68/232) (,j ~ u Sci-Mat May 69 580.807 The Dflusace of the Inherent Inductance of ffsok Wound Capacitors on tbelr Dq*&mce., by L, Linder., J. Rzkdw S- w ., 18 pp. MEAH,t pery Blekftotechnische Z, Vol M) ITO 27t 1939) pp 793-70. su w 17N/56 Sci - Mectricity /"Zj- a 45 Mar 57 CM rM , , In the lbooDA Stalogth of Nanywood *ad lasevad "Mobeldells bv A. P. sob*WW. GNW# pwo 803A Rdb46 --- V~UUW~ff VOL 240 so 1 0,20 4, 1w lm-50be :io~ n lm r46, ,41-0 J~-, 12 /;),/ 'Cl/L) ll)n~- COL-84 A97 69 30940 (il iivat Ul,cm Uijc-rtli;~~ al" z~ Siq I-A. -A C-Lllt,~CA-j 0 1 A Procedure for Systems Anal,78iD Industrial Procossess by IN, Schnittger. GER1,10, por, Elektronlacho Datenvorarbeitung,, Vol 9, No 6, 1967, pp 268-273. ?"C-71-10539-09B Nov 71 About tne -.ehwry of the use of :-total- Uectwdaz in Measuring :ransport in Llectrolutes and Detoxmining Atan Dif- fusion, by Ch. Schnittler, 22 p-p. GLIMIAN, per, Z. ?his. Chem. 234, 1967 pp. 379-400. kvla-:~ 14-IT 70-M37 5ci/pi; IY3 don 70 tn9lir.11 Title Unknown, vy N. O'canitter, per, scirdeizerisc-lie Bauzeitung, 87, No. 24, 12 -j7u-nf-9'W9, r~p'. 465-472. 1. AIL' LIZ USDI/13P ONLY May 70 Use of Brmopbenol Blus for Distivoishing Waostaft and Dolmito# by W. A. Schnituar. GMRMN,, part Zamwwt-Ulk-Gijmp no 1, 1967, 'T- *USDI/W TT 70 9036 June 70 BetweeA pp3l-32. jt IN. 7U -81 4. 92 il-10 Dust mosswMant in the N"to Gas of a basic (VOM) Couverter,, by G, SctmuTch, V, potuach, URNMO pot& Stahl Moo, Vol BS, Dec. 2., 196si, pp uj5I-mw7~--- sisi Jane 66 Nellrodermatitis - Asthmn - Rhinitis, lly UJ-'. Sclinyder, 100 pp. GERUPAN, bl~. Neurodernatitis - Asthma - Phinitis Index Foreword, pp 1-106, eine Cenetisch-Allorgol- ogische Studic, ACISI 11 Oct 72 to lNed of onu Vow CO&AWA on the melft- tdc Stv=GM of DoWUNWE U4)31dso by J. SdiobWj, V. f4tmlb*btw, moomh pwp D" ASM emu" agelp Vol 59,* lb lip 29666 99 23"" 1u ftf: 9=*09 MR) l"t 69 39Ds 338 -arc ALI Y#2 ~)'i Ouft N-lity of Awtuttivo Chnaimphlickiol Stools Improved by DOGAAWOR Practices by A. Schdberl* W, HaUgruber, et al. GERVANO, Pere R&CWX amdschau No 60 196S0 PP HS 6916 J~- Apr 66 298.8W tilo arit t~-Xisurvti,,' vrl z-'* arie. zxIJ, 4v fail roll jet.~ 4, -s o b Uaro?li-w oil ue f.,,o.,rvv of 'ilrity -,r' A. ~:cit;Ocrl. et 2, Fijhrwiry TrMVOZ" nd L01121tudbal Crocks iv aloms Of &Wit 06 StOel, by A, SChzbcrl. GEMM* POri, M&x km s ftb, L%6m, pp 96-107. *81SI 4944 /~'. 5&1)v herl sti-WAN Jul 66 ~)o' tobo Der', ba Dra A. Bahoberl 31,1~t A. Sc'a~~Iorl and 'R. Pla% ka~x %aido"Ofliit No 1, Rov A(?b DtOxicl2tiOn of Cr.Ajloyt~d Stools with Alloys# by A. Scholierl, !~, 1:01:pruber. GUT'AN, 11ndex Purd# 20 1969, *1,B 7533 July 6V Production fligh-Alloy Steel$ in Lime P7 Crucible, by A. Schoberl. GERUN, per, Arcb Uisanh, Vol 39, Oct 1968, pp 741-745. *IIB 7662 Sci--:Aar Mar 69 --miufacture oi Iligli-tilujity steels ill thoji-~.,c Crucible, by A, Scjuborl. Cam"'. I,er, Ar chiv f,d. hisen1juttellwesoll, Vol 39, ~'Q 10, !M(g. pl, 741-74S. fiPt 702 AT~ril o9 3 7 7. 7 41, 11; Steele for Temperatures Under 400aC, by W, Schoch. EUROPEATT, per, VGB Conference on Materials ( 1969) P-0 P7.3. C. R. Trms 5684 Jan 72 Rwwiwm In tho OU00 and OqUatim of a Bqpr-cfttlad 3-abaft Tablwt by W. sabooh. ow"j, pwt mitt vu4dn To, 4as M 316 Sol..Fftp & R*U an 09 D8,233 , Peb -72 t 1 t I r I I 1 - mw~~ . Doe 72 1 ..I...:.. I "I Propagation Velocity of pa&stic Waves in Loose Soil and its Relation to Xechanical ftil Characteristics# by J. Schoen. OFMAN# perl Froibegger, Fqrsckun2s- hefte, Rtihe C. kn2sysufte Naturvi gahafSen uzj Geophysik, No 2509 19 pp 20-92. NTO 72-10823-08M Apr 72 Velocity of Lonr;itudinal Waves and Mantic 1,1,odulus of Dry and Saturatod Saaimentary Rocko, by J. SIchoons 7 pp. PORTUOTF.R., rp% Proc of Int Gona Qf Intorn :Ioc o~ Rock 11,och, Li%bon. 25 Sag - I Oct 196r) Lisbon T-mb Nac ZZ UILI, 19660 pl,) 21-23, 11-kSA TT F 13749 Oct 71 'cruel by JoLy 15 -U! 1 It t alatt 4,~ cr 7,:71. 1 tiws ib-"' i-ov Propa,44ition oi Uylosive ~I.ixtumss, by curkrd Scheev, CICIVEI%,N~4LNT USE OINILY ivr Lrdaul unj ).(4ile - Erdgas-I'etrodimdc, Vol 200 190.o 714-7210, Duyt of ,,avl, M,'L Traits !,0 1150 , -Prei; I* Fucis st i 14 1"Ov 68 35 3, S 2.v oL" tvc" to 1~31L.,~,-'-"Jll, 01" 'C' 010"~CCWL to to col ~,ju 71, jumriftl zwoorlmou 11th a Diffazeme NO&I ftr tin avler4tah" Rqwtiowo by W. Seboonvuer. 5 W. COVEFARUM WE am om=o pwo Zidt A!= mm I" Vol 48t BO 81, 196d, Vp M-M. UM TT F42P543 an 70 399:035 SCHGENBACH G GE MACHINE THAT MANUFACTURES RIGID BAGS FROM THE REEL VERPACKUNGS-RUNDSCHAU 1972 NO 10 PP 14221 22 2 4 26 FSTC-HT-23-1125-73 -)j 4:' L-~", Tic Influence of Air Pollutanta (so 2) upon Transplantod Lichen, by 11, Schoenbeck, GEP"MALN1 per, ITaturvd9sonschaf ton, Vol 55, 'To go iqG3-, PP 451-452. 'ITC-71-10509-06T .~ I UOV 71 W. SCHOENBACII Treatment and Application of Static Systems for Large Parabolic Aerials. I H. A. N. FORSCHMS11M, No 14, pp 1-37, 1969. NTC 73-10385-09F Mar 73 . Kw 73 ~.tac!, of Olaserved'. at ldnin,c vc-,l 66, "ar. Jan 71 Teactiais in Ii-c-fractorry LinhiL.js -11clo.; tie I'lmt Tk=,iw I;tvd.. Ca:1.),-xiscii *.jiCi Cbrt,-dn Phena,ena Cbsam-d at Lining Caitact Pointnj. 11~y -11, J. Schoandoerffer. MTJI~X;I, per, lbv,,- ',-bt, Vol 66, lo 3, 19G6,, ip 181- *DIS T 8005 s atedals b2b 70 /~ ~ 'a, it S Q:>4 C b 0 C~ AJ 10, Description and Imestigatim of New Acetyleholinesterase Reactivators) by Klaus Scboenej 101 pp" GOVERMWT Um ONLY GEM, rpt,, Doctoral Dissertation. PJM/FSTC/IIT-23-225-69 Hav 71