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a 1~ v~ it*,talrio bv L, Ot 7-; 7 Effect of bto of Worution and T"t Tayeraturv In Us Range 20 -3500C an the Stress-Stratu Cum of hme Irm ad Irm Mckal Alloys* by Be Schaidtom at al. Gums, par* Archw-E--ijaW,.-,V*-136, Sept 19650 pp 415-4ZZ. BISI 4674 ~~y 66 29907SS Investigation of Um Decomposition of lbrtmisite in the First Sftp of Tapering tW Reasureing the Ele3ticity Hodidus and ftupW due W InterrAl friction at high fMUMCLOS* ty R. SCIWddtnm. 0m". per, Aub rAssUlt W. Vol 36, No 3. 1965. pp 181- 200 C". 2369 sci Sep 67 "40.229 Beeiatww Iwm"tion w a lbdd Series of Sea-Coing SUpep in Shallow 'Vatert by R. Sdrddt- stlabits and 0. luthm" =16-up per& schirr u 4qkppv va aj, lio 8; 196%, Pp 639-644. T,Trv Av.,.;u RzL'. 9022-065 (3143) scIA-tall A'.) r 7 0 la 71 "fT ciency in, Vie Coastractim Laltszi~,? A-itiornallwtion, ppe V k"2"pt n"). I-l-V- ~F ij mo n ut" Confidenoe Limits of the Transfer Function Between Yawing Veloeity and Rudder Deflection in Shipst by M. Schmiechan. GERMAN, par# SchiffkaMforechung, Vol 4v No 5/6, 1965# pp 232-236. HTC 72-10100-13J Apr 72 i,,L Stioll Vol 19, l9f7/(-`f 107-1-jU, -'-Ifmius :,'(, 1132 S CVN ry\ ;,t OL 31641 749 Oil the HoterogiOneOUS ReaOUOn BOtIMOn Soda LYOP Cgxbon Diadfide andconuiowidth Specid (Ummid=ation of Simfactants. Fart VI. Sm Principles on the Application of Sudmatots In the viscom Fxocowl, by Jig schmioaeknocht OM M W. por, DggELoMchuna und TlaxtUtochWc, Vol 180 1~6-7# pp 289-292 am ?i-163)1-21E mar 72 SCHMIEDER H - GE THE VEB CARL ZEISS JENA AT THE SPRING FAIR OF 1972 IN LEIPZIG FEINGERATETECHNIK 1972 NO 4 PP 145-15C FSTC-HT-23- 136-73 Aqueous Rcproccssini~ of Fast 6reeder Fuel Elci-owits, Co-,.aaon Extraction and Separation oi ~iacroquaiititius ui 1 lutoidut, and Uraiiiw,i in the Purex Process, by .1'. Qchsonfeld, ii. Schmieder, 104 1y. GEW.Jkll.', rpt, KFK-911 AL-C/EURFN,,-~-nsTs Jaa 72 Ot' VreU "Witt il~ I'WtvlliLlt-~ itciriu;, olutioas, !)y illeh.ut ivk~Qr, Talznkitzl Vol 16, Jult "A, iou 4od ;-'or Bot and Cold Ash-C-rbon Stool StrAlp, by p o z, 9 3 t n, h*1 I--loan, `,'o1 ,~ 966, ftw~ -r- 16 Tuno I xz) 705- 09. 6790 ~olliw! of 06., j!~.n A Moir Ifut sad Cold Rolling Practice a For Steel Strip With Increased Cawbon ~ /I / Contentso by P. U0 scmithstso Z* Grass. GERWO per# Stahl His"L Vol 860 No 90 June 1966 pp 7050 7OV. *3 6911 ~ , 0', . 5c, h 7-n IY A a, / s sci-materials Sept 66 C(intribiltioti to the ProbleL of ii7oldbic, udd Fo2'.'ed orctioass I)y 11. U. Sch"itlialso k!t. "I. t';LWAJ.~., yer, Der Stidilba!i. 1, 196~, 13-11). -ASI 70bl ,ci :luy 0 1 ,,'; 74 6 1 Tile I T ank Turret as: ~a Weapon'System for the Bx$ Armored Recon Vahiclle,by.A. Schmitt, 7 pp- k GERMAN, per. Soldatund Tecbnic Vol 14, No 11, Nov 1971, pp 636-637. 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