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imelopmot of ., ower lant Construction T race, by Guenther 6chdoltv 12 pp* (4A.Wip per@ h&ullmm -144qcbmUt ant 3orlint wc- 196,:,is pp 4~931 d L ;ici.-Zergy com (nonprV) i Ar VO 103433 ausr I&VIto to 6 A;-~* par, --~nrMnv -L A L clo-nar ~mm-"Vcp, #.r 7 ~') -,Feb_ 73 I i ' Mar 73 L Me Status of Data Processing at the Adolf- S ch" ObBervatory In NimseSk., ty H. Schmd dt and Do Unum. 12 ppo OMWO pw) 2"'o EQ kv Ug zmr 9!MUM Vol 78, No 2,, 1969s pp 11JO-W. AIVffD/HT-23-303-70 Swt 71 :A8 37) 0")*)-1 kUotitdol of an iwalogw -~rogww for a !lvo-star4Tt6-4o% imlUng cAllt fie soh=Idt* parv Vol 0 28 1565-1571. .'MI W5 Cooputor tV i~oo 19671 SOVINat Lov 66 MOW ft~vwtim, .trvtljm and, 7be Carlos-ptlowtum Browt or pluwId" C*Zl. -5-~ tlmm Into Aftem3ed Aafts by IL J- Bdx"- GIEMV per's , Val. 69 Bo Ts Mmmu. Mtd, -S 194 Vp 225-M. &A4 mw WE ~.Ilj, sogm1br sa-M svt 0 Wo2M atpus-Lilie WAWUao-~~ ftpm and / ) -,-, Thoir AMUCd6m. by L R. S*Mt. GUMP po~! !.nqMVm- amim:!~~o so 14, W., pp* b0&129 = 69~-IIM2-UL sal-Materials Jul$ 69 383s411 1~'11~2 A *Aftrant Syftm for tio DstscUam of Atmospberic Toubalsomo by L SiWft D""m Goo"* Pero lift HiMiLlm MOM 70-128 pp 21-M ip7vo NOYJAPLOW&T-26SS Haw 72 A. P for the Of MOWUM10,,ItCal for Use in Put Listic., Part I - Evalt-~Atiou PmLrrA.V', by 1. 'S'c".-I it 21 Mfi-~M, b'k, EKkn Frogr~~-;n mur lr,`,oswm~ 'Lotoorolu- ,riscritr Daten Pupr Dle I!BI1isziI-,, Toil I D'is 15 Feb ID 22040,~~14667 Sc" 11 T"T ~ Q'knl I dj The Use of Inftvldual Bespiratory (Fine Dust Protection) from the PcdLnt of View of blidag, by J. Sebiddt. MME.. per IAtemschutz-Informationen, vol. 6, no. 21 196T~ PP- 9-39. Nm 71-3.1173.o6i August 73 I " lC*U M* Use of ludvldxal Respiratory Protection (Flas Dust Protection) from the PcInt of Tlev of Itzda& by J. S,-h-ddt. GUMAN, perx Atemschutp-InformtIonan,vol. 6, My 2y 196T, PP. 34-39. Nm 71-u173-o6j August 1971 Froat Stafts Of Phylical UN1440 Of the Hain R"ctor Can D&S49 by J. J. Sebmidt. 47 PPO GUWI rptt W-9" AW-MMM-679 ScL-fts Oct 70 DNQIXmt ar CMAIYMO tbr ue awt GftUW~QU4hWkUV bAttA 04 jobehin scholdtj, gi IV* almip perv k. voi 16. no i.. ion loo PPO JPFS 3h2G7 ES-Gon,vqy 9= - VA r 66 2,)00572 ?o,mQV-4c I~Intlow tetwwn tW states and the 1 U18 Cqmt-rieu, bj ~'.tw GO-M, or, t3wdel '101 MIX U-) 7m, July '9(ko 1.7p. 5,-.)-54, M-Coroany p4on East ilier-an S*oonomisto WIts fbr "A ~;Cv 11 r t.11 9 ~qyVell), ranch of joblitlegl fn pill Cowitries", bSr Johanro..torent -30,ewldt, ;~3 l~*,!;"R",A% per, 'Foral, 3o 22, lqi',~-, )P, ll-l', 393% D 7 aSt Gler !Any V E'Con S ~ Hl"i I '~ T K G L "I ' ' 1 .1 1 J r 4 . i -,l H t- A I J F A L iiNu J t:V I C ~ ` F 2 ` 2 F 1: k L A E I ~ -1 T f '\ Y I I; ':~ K I ~ . . o 1) 1 - V: ' 1 '~ ( I N L; -) P " c I ) I t, - ~ i -I.- - -, 4 -- ~-) ~~ 7 -" swm-roaawl Cmrces on Elwtro- ant - an EMMUTO Rms of Pr=tlna the AXalmtion of Mwtrloltyo by L 6obaidto mu%'~ VMS Maktrosum voi 26, Dw -1968, pp O.A. Tmm 3W Fab TO 43lpT40 MwAsu ft the AW d ANO tmbMtWyt by X. SdWM, 12mbillfte softtsh, vu U2,p 75-M* Oct 67 On the Motion of CtuTent-Carring Ions In the Ionic Cryst,al (Tl+in NaI) and Diffusion Processes,, by K. S cbziddt. GERM, per, Z far Phys Chem Neue E21gp., voi 6o, j-968, pp 90-113. *NTIS/= TT 7.1-55290, Available NBS Only e. 5ckmij+- ol Pust ivnsuring b,,(trw..,,mt 1~ly _ird 'iavillg Air llot~: o 3 (~Cr' Stall, vc .;,o _zz~~ 'I 3UMIDT, K.J. Tc-994-Fe(II) complex - a new substai for brain scintigraphy. Atompraxis 14(4/5):5/68 (1968) (AAEC LlB/TRANS 2 IrOn(U) 'LAGPI8z; A New Substance for Brain Tumon ScintiVaphy, by IK. J. ~;Chmidt. 5 pp. GMWAN, per, ALav&vnis, Vol 14, No 4-5, 196~, pp 5-6~3- AX-LIB/rram-237 sci-M-0 Uct 70 XT."I"'nut's 1, c z-. t _4C tc OnVP Ll by PCT '!tAhl 'A, pp at Jv-2 6~ OebYs in Pressure Indicati., in ConnectinC V-4,VS1, by NO Scholdt, QUM . rllt* I)eutschc VOrsuchsanstadt fuer r u n d Ra! E arr -f r-t-T)U. Luft .73po 7-17-777277 it-166 - Sevt 0 I- ~ I -'~ 4tANL-Trans-908) 5STIMULATED EMISSIONS OF THE FIRST AND SECOND POSITIVE SYSTEMS OF 1,2 PRODUCED BY PULSE RADIOLYSIS. eClere, Michel; Schmidt, Michel_. 10Trans- lated for Argonne National Lab., Ill. , fr'-orii-l-,C-orr~pt.-fiend. Ser. 11,; M: No. 11, 668-71(15 Alai, 1971). 2A), NTIS, 26chemistry (radio- and radiation)-, translations 2107L 2gAIN-4 23P NSA 0 Shen i1xvs Directimal Antenna for M41B.SM4 by 0. schaidt, -1 /1 RUSSIMs per# Radi2., No S. 196S. p 63. MD-41T46-S36 SCL - klec G Elect Eno C, )J-~ 0~\ A-~ Sept 66 0 1 S's ra UstrSPAIM and PopdatlM Armd" Of I I i I Is an the f1dal Sand Beach QC the gwi& Oft ZsUma of Wlt, by P. Sdzddt. Mwo PWP lat BMW ON &dlobi(Ap Vbl 53, a 0 5 J, 19 W) V-- 72A O-m ML Ber.90M.15 (1435) Sai-Bar sci Fab 70 401..517 P. rsa~mj ~-~ Chemical and Radioactive Diffusion in Interretallic Phase of the CU/SH and Hi/Sn Systws, bY P. Sebmidt. GEMI., rpt, Pa. D. Thesis, Univ Berlin) lc,)65. *KM TT 72-53121 Ang 72 fl ;: 74/ ~,,O 17 1, 5c, SCHMIDT, P. Manufacture of metal powders with a narrow grain size range. Europ. Symp. on Powder Metall. , Znd, Stut tgart, 1968. Vol. 1 6 P. (CRL/T.4156x) I I- !7 -IDL ~~~ Of FIM *nwdzgp by k. ~,ebnjdt, 4 GiAlUAlve PW# A , iio 60 19679 W "Wa"m 'rMl 5893 ,Y') / 74 -- 11.1 , l/ i fel- , o~a-.~-At V) I in 67 '7~t Ak -,- ryl-N Poles of Partys Technostructure in Decision- Making Discussed, by Peter Sobmidt, 13 PP, WGARIAN, per, Tareadalid Szemle, Budapent.. No 3,, Mar 72, ~P77TV'r17-00",~- JPRS 55611 Apr 72 Quantitative Distribution and Population Pynamicj-~? of the Hesopsamon on the Udal Sand Shore of the North Sea Isle of Sylt, 1. Factors and Biological Division of the Scological lZaviroment, by Peter SeboLdto 30 ppp, GUMN, por# tat aev fte Hydrobiql# Vol 53, No So 1968, pp 723-779. Dapt of Interior WFIOFF A-37-March 197U-No 72 On Loan Sci-B&H June ?U Q - s t ~ r,%^~ 11 a+- Tr=M?Qrt DiftrVJUUCU amd Wta*o*Ugh of 3110W 14MAboned IW and Preguent )Kee UN Stwv&ttMo by R. SaWat. 0=",, Per, Mg!!M! Vol 28., 1972p pq 56- 57- we O-n5w RTC 72-6083D-06A Jen 73 "Ituxifi Trajolart und )~'hototrviAvwv, if, i~y 3--et4ltmeoxiWole, a 1"i'mt"'Ildiltivii by Ff or, Vol S30 1. Og I~PJe"hWt 1,07- Ras" in the L*qv3Aj-&mt of the "Almlis tft-* trol Lw4ligft In tlw Amsm fiagim. initial itudles '~,Ado In the FUU m the Aeastance ot P, li'sacipum to EVOCS GwAawnf chim. qWLr.e,p by 4dnw $abmdAto 39 m. "Wa3l."t pas Ry xjr Agk 2MAL12ja lqdb Vol 17* AX-vW 19659 pp 17~-^-. F%WW? r4pt of Havy IIC tr BW sell-B and vmv 67 ilaaco In the Devel0jront of tho ;,alarlc, (ontnA CAm.alen Li the Amzw. Region. Auc'Am .L , ,,ad, a In tho 1 lald on tho 16. "-.1dArce of ', : al-oi- parula to Crw_a C4ntAWrig Ghl-oraq Uric, Icy '~:V~ntrj W 1-4 0 01170 Apl%-~Op 175. rn It;. ~re-nt of lavy t-r 2446 '-ct 6- !Icw ~bight ;.'iotal constrtntion :~ttw. eveloix"co by levgfrinl~ `."chrldts pp, ~OWNJ paro %-T) of~ AW 0 Pl,) 5-363-- JT 1JL Y2.163 Imm" of ftwwft sm=14 vievanu $a pleaug =a adusv& ~y 1. L sabmtft. GUM* 9w# MOMIA6 0 24& *-dxi. VOI 30.o loo pp 9554=i6 *81 - T. L. 3cjLr,.-iCLt XMAM BS-Germm E= Apr 67 iiiJImLy"Xit; Jdv.cuok UY I. L. iu;L/.K-Tr-5 7v CIL oce 7-2 i:nllubvwy -4mato of the Fl"t pishing ~2wodi. tig= tO thG -50W) AMMUCt biy U. ;ehs44t. U&Wiv Forl 4o ll;t6$ pp 6-al. L'apt of Intorlar Ush Amd AXWe 6wvi" bulau Of I-OVILM asherica Nov 6,e ,*5o4))6 Ve S0041 DT On the Metallurgy of-Submerged Arc Welding. by VO Schmidt. GERK4,N..per, Schweissen und Schnsidan_.Vol 230 No 1. 1971,'pp 22-24.. HB ~4444 Nov 72 Von L. Schmidt On the question of water and electrolyte concentration with high temperatwes. GERMM, Ar eitsmedizin somial medizin ..... - !!rbeithygiene,'Vol 2, 1966, pp 44-50 *NASA TT F 139915 COPYRIGHT RATER IAL oct 72 S ctl~- i L r S'l ~l jKY F L LIT L s S F;'~',T r ~l L PTC-, N Y L K; ~ I I 1 3 1 7 substrate Materials4arintegrated siorowave cireuits, by H. it "'S~ and W. Schmidt, GBRAM pOr. quens, Vol. 25, No 1 1971.,. ~Pli 209, *APL/JHU-J-1641 W. Solviri dt Contribution on Me effeot of cluMes in streac on the mwp beJwa)iour of heat resistant steeZa. GENVAN, DEW Forsch~Ms Inatitut_ZVort (undated) BIBI 10525 dec 72 The Effect of Cold Working on the Crwp of the AuOtmitte Steel X 5 CrM 18 9 At Cow Teuperature, by W. Sebmidt. GMW, Draht-VIIS pets Vol 550 No 11, 1969, 670-676. R. T=s, 5413 act/materials fdb 71 Flash-Lamp Pumped bye Lasers, by lit Schmidt. GOVERWIENT USE ONLY GEIVIAN, per, Zeit Naturfewsch, Vol 22 a, uct 1967, pl) 1565-1566. i.IASA TT F-12,020 sci-Phys Hlar 69 3730057 now W. Scbmidt -01 67 ',lie Ef i fect of Cold Morki7kg on the Civep of the Austenitic Stect X 5 Cri',*i 18 9 At Poor- Tomperature'. by W. ScIvnidt. Praht-Welt, Vot C,TzN,IAII* per, SS,, Vo 11, I.R,79, pp 670-678. C. E. Trarz. 5413 feb 71 Schmidt, 11'. Routine Determination of Copper and Iron in Blood Serum by 14eans of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER ARALYTISCHE CHEMIE, Vol 243, pp 198-203, 1968. NTC-72-14806-06A Jan 73 Crft# ftr~WAW of TWO Mmalp-Mckel 6-teels vith 15% Cro 0 R GW Different Carbon Con. tMus b7 W, Sebaddto GMM# wo, ja Tschm- I*r.o Vol 6,* Ju17 1966# pp 894M. mr 5kTi &I-materlub Dae 67 3460 Jm j, : MW 72 A CoqaratiVa DbrrbwoaJom' Stu&j on the Otolitba V Mnlw TelwoUs 47 VOW Bft=- 175 PP- GMW,p psx~ Azvblv Aw Pbob -smabaftj Vol 1% 110 1) l9w't pp 5-5b. Dept of luterlor Bureau of CoconeW Flaborlas Office or romign Fisheries A-31-A%-Sept 19694b 12 on loan lbv 69 397p3W ty f" the Traft IW Wam Sdftdt and a" F*U**fo& 10 W. ORMU, V~rj, RMJAdM6 00 7p ady sp -*3-%6 im lem 19-FAIst r4m Oct 67 22 Y'A I Studty 14idn an Worlor Cmtrd, Farliawntariw4 Traft Ltdoidm% bV Wdfgw* Sahmtdtg W ppe ,umwit pero h*fft karlino Doo 19699 pp 3-12, JPRS 49913 0/0 / P7 a /V~ -~-C, ~,l J ~ USSR pol oar " 402,2W Possitilities for Itiproving iiondca 1- C. 1~cImUt-Pellerav. Gi-O"JAN, -,cr "'OlIzentralblatt. Vol '94, 19v, , ; "32' 1 32 -1 8. G.4 2? 6 Vol 17 "c 3, Y,,69 1OPM401'"a Of Ship Resiatwco On Ilow zr4 iurfaca Lam). WIo to ibancfv atxw. -;~evam,. p6r, --~~Ohiff UIA.,qmfon" Vol 1~., ~-Io Pr- YA-Y95- wr,t a iwy d,~ tr 2610 77 Y59, C*weyU8-l:qtdpmmt Industry Revieva. 1.,ooics Aheaeg by :;. ~icbddtchenl 6 ppt. 61,11"Ali# per# East oerlin, irol V~q 140 100 ~-'.Ct 196A-1.0, , - / //I /(; /, ~,; I- Troxfor Fuictim of a Pilot Durlug a OUQUAW"s OWXMUWA pwtmixtum or the Latwal MALm of an Aimafts by H. &hdAtIdn - IMMINS, mms, RadaJA Rhogdatfca umated at Nn ba" admmp 19650 NTC 71-14036-0B Fab 72 C. Thoorj of $Ut'Tmwt by F. FriMr# E. Sclrddthe, 1*1 p-p. GMZFM us 0m CMWMp par# AMQ Tv, vio': 6o~ .M der Map., Series mp 701-734. A*jM-C/lr4,3-41P-7:P June 72 CoUlmtw MfftjotUm ?a&= MA TbOr AgpU- Ceti= A Ptwilml apm aftowmho by 0. sebmidtim. Gnus rpt, b"unch Sepcwt v 68-77, I-)sAoe B"Z6 FmWm Wiv, We 1963, 1.65. um aw:gwi.gF (cm/623) &d.lSpace Tech M 70 403.#469 solur Apwbtm pystim as Coulmtom and MUMUOU filtmo IV 0. scbmiatbo. U pp. anew= un ma omw,p part zeit Lno MR) Vol 25o No 5,o ." pp 314-3W- NASA TT P-19:352 e. _-; sa-ph" ibv 69 395:556 'transfer Function of a Pilot During a Coatinuous, One-Diractional Perturbation of the Lateral Notion of an Aircraft, by li, Schmidtlain, GHMA.148 rptv L9"g NASA TT F-WpUS 44i-Aermautics .~!ar 67 320,365 lsotl=ml i..artonsito FwvAtion in o-~ 13-C Alloyst L. ScbmWt=i, ci-Eiu par, Arch, ilatirlh. Val Y"', Au"! I%q, 639-1:45. DBI 62221 A A,M,jtC r-1 lootLio.-Lnal '-,Ye Lo=tion in lrwn. Manovaloso-Carbon ~--Iloys, by .301' ~t, - Gus 1967,, 63~-VI.,-)o Jnn 69 rv Mod of plamstAft PUMM of up U 34 ZDAR an Xgrfus$m In the CaboatwMaka and TnxwudmL a~$ tv IL L Us DWM* =ms vwl AZIW t 3Ds, 19606 39 Em an mv GO AoO05 invWtioatiow Into thia ,onulhotmv of "A"l (AmAsiv by the ~matm At-~-,*IdLnp, rocow t by ,;olrdftmsm ,4ch _ . MSUM, ell,-R-Ago IW# W-d !4tftddW -I 0l i:,-,& 1967, vp N-103 1)'T 1,,114 0 ILhoct.. of StUdi0i~ Of I)OfOMAOU I)y Pl,*-CtiP- Atistenitic SiuSIC Cr7etuls, by E. GEWN, par, Vol Doe 19"~" p 97' !,.tur SCI/A lim of TIMS110 '(06% Ou" of a Tube AW4 t6latli=S -CA*tAlOing Illydiw-as Suffid*s by H* socsrAo Z. gthmidt~aaan, 1i" FS glarser, aGNMIP per* SUM Wd Ussup Vol SIP Ivi 30 1967. pp 12- 1291911~1-z-) 3XoM Yrrjesti~~%tio-n of the irawforAtion AuOyr, by i-empinf" casm-wmentv in tite or J~ by !-'eirdet-urm" rip I- st