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Tak & 0~ -~ I -.bnical Prograw In Al lmlwtr,~- eserib 1 1. bV 1, D, &II-AsIldn, 16 ppo cous No go 1963t .I.a;6.IVA* pare ~~~v ~~,Os po 2-70 31kti 46 ?-,V) ,ft 69 371*006 - '0. e'mble~w "roA-Tlit to ugl,,t in ,ipplytr win k'"'Pitical . ath 'etlv)d in Cbnstractlon lonal:-, by ~Aslisnkov, 6 pp. per, Na stroyka h ~ovs% .0 k 1-966, 395.-!) S'4-1 V ':"Con poll 6? Ii 1 5. 3 -";easurca,.h--nt of 'Two--..,Iase I-ixture::- of cas and Pulverized Coal, ijy ~;. Oasia(li!k' ." r Li ~cisscyrc. rj~:r, ,-,ev Cetn Tiicnt, 4,o 75, 1908, otn 267-2T.. :f: 9022.09 (4973) .-M Oci-pIlys .~ay 69 3CG,602 M"s Spectrometry of Carbohydrates, by S. Snki, 21 p. JAPAME, per# DURIMMteu Nakusam KOSO (Bessotou) V. U~ 10, P 9T-10T- PAse-TT-Y-13268 7 1 I ewA--- Her Tl Interpolatim Families of FuncUms and Imbedding of Sets into Eudidean and. ProjectAve Specess by Ju. A, Saskin. RUSSIANg pero Dok Ak LW* SSSR Vol 1749 NO 5# 1967# pp 103D-1032,o Am Math Soo Vol 80 No 3, 1967 T u . Q . -s.,4 'L~ A,, " A~ PRObUm U scleattm Infammuou in wd Malr Mutswo by Vo amahm. CZMM PW,, cmudow ftnup va 22* vp kC.69.L28T96O5B V ~~ sc ko v 0-, 801436b & am B0069 modstr.? ~.,( 1b up 391#1()G 1,11tatus and k-?Owwta at Legg '140000 Can- OW4q"49 V I- L- f"lwffkV' ppe !,~O Ito WS*lu Comm* aste a C;~ 4" (A SASOROW 0 GE SOVIET AIR CUSHION VEHICLES MILITAER TECHNIK 1971 NO 12 VOL 11 P 568 FSTC-HT-23-2563-72 ty?s NY COII~Mlao by r I;ta- "M ~ 22) &,il- (~e;l M4 Lubricant Carrism for Drawing AIloyed- and Unall*yed Steel&, by -I. Sasses W, Frass. 14 pp. GmW-q pert ftjjjKtteq Vol 14g No 39 1909 pp 157-162. An/ProAu-23-669-69- I ) CL -s'5- C J sci-mat Jul 70 quantitative Analysis of Molybdenum in a Gaseous Phase in Uranium flexafluoride by Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy, by R. Sassoulas, J. Serpinet, 11 pp. FRENCH, per, �REtpLh~i~-Acta? 23B, 1968, pp 227-234. AEC/CAT-Z-5048 Jan 72 am U ff"It 0: tha Muem ~W~-t on 4.1,* ltdVAMI aW 74U=l PSqLwft*o &W on the vim crjvt&tllw stmabift a clumn DOWIG AAW a 1AMmAdaWal T vmtcwt at Membea Tmvertttm, Ly iL % wu IWA3,10't pex~ etudu oam Itt., Vol- IL ~,-p N. sassu 311t;l 53-;, jar, 6 Effect of Silicon Conant an tm yachomical and Physical PnportLos oRd the Flo* Crystal StrKtUro of SLUM SWIS Subjected to iiigh Tomperature AusforiAng, by 1,41. Sinsu. RugmIm" Pat. Stw4i core. tbt.*,Vol 10, IND 11, 19650 pp 31-49. *8151 4959 S S; U Jul 66 3060469 ,ivo ~~Olvlms ot Lni-tTrAti. :AAVO* a 1-4ol:--la W?s A u? QW-13-b-aw at A wShma Fo3pMe. Pl-ft-m 04 pi IN aqw4wo tw I. a" 0 DWI MUM Mib 10j, jw wn. av-6042%&Ur Y. 6-0- la, Awt nL %M. or in Vu 2j-,o no 24% 161 Sol-Nat owt 69 391P228 The Meet Of AlloyUg Alments an Sea Water I )( CorroaLon of steel I - Laboratory Test Reaults 1, \ I by 30 satake. JAPANgSgv part Boshoku GLA!pq" Vol lot No as 1969v pp 355-36U. *HISI 8371 sci-mat June 70 ~-- SATALKIN,_A- and CHERMYANIN, N. Consideration of massiveness of reinforced concrete products in assigning steaming schedules. Beton Zhelezobeton (3).Z8-30 (1968) (CSIRO/No, 9 p .. Doe 72 . . arlou" owsm cm =UPUG qpntomip L-7 1. u e4wwr to A. slo=w. WMM4 Dwo m a go am Vbt Iwo .50 Go W4 pp 3ML00=0 Om Aft vAkb so V(A 9r so 50 WB - (; 4-tq ~ 0 v V,vZ~ , far 69 37Low Use of Dial ffetvoeks for brth Fault Cm*rent Calculations, by V.A. Satarav. RMIAN, per, Elektrichestvo, NO. 5, 1965 PP 1P-15 GB 10/4292 () A - SI) 7- A KO 61 Sci - Aug 6T 337-162 ~Jtudies of Relations Letween Structure and Strenvtl;~9 of Fardorted Plastor '-'Aisr~etj s ions 0 Ily V, Sj3taV,,j, Silikaty, Voldo, !~v 40 M6v CSIRO/9587 Vol 17t N'o is 1969 July 69 WS-142 itu 5)1-1\j Many Problms Boost Sabooling In Southp by Hamm Satip 9 ppe ARABIC np la4mxa, ghart*um,, 5 Jan 73, p 5. VRS 56379* - Her 73 ~~t - The Study of Pollution in Ivate Prefecture. Paper No. 9. The Amount of Heavy Metal Contained in the Falling Duets by A* Sato. JAPANESE,, perp Intg-leg Eisei senk!ramho annn~ No 12,, 19680 pp 71-99. NTC 72-11156-13B May 72 Apr 72 QwMVW In ZUMtrSma XMISUVItr V=IM the #40m ft pomp at Ob-ft ad Cw*r AUmpt tv L Wo. M~j, qw 9. AM IM& MQU lb 29s 1965p 0 "1- ~ ft 7005"11.96 &*u*ao m agy k-I - -S 6 -~- 0 ed.,Am ftt sort 70 %IIA-m*JQp of mm*dad moixtivm In the Aging boos" of *IJM Allens bu L Seto. JAU~s pWg J, ftffi M, MLAQ. 196% pp P-W. SM IT AVOLIdUa M Only /~ , 's I ~ o Set/ftt sapt 70 Do 29f AW 72 ffect of haver on t,~t-! e,.II(A ColltaCt J-,. all L.5k~. 33 TO 5 3 j fi,9 7 C. /~ 6 u, -( -0 Gas-Chromatographle AnalXe of Trlglperldesp by K. Sato. JAPAJW, perp Bunsel E!j!tj Vol. 151 1966p pp. 9"58. NTC 71-11044-07C August 71 IlTaniun Resources of Japan. TI, e Present State of Prospectin~, and ~)evelopmont, ard Vie Future Aspect, by Motoo SATO. JJAPAKFSE, Teelatiol., Vol 6, No 17, *A'Er N'SJ--Tr 11.01 SCI-E%rth Sci Aug 65 3 r; 7 . 4 "1 Mar 73 NOW , t 14 1! of litrom to stw, Idth W OAMON AMA MA Nimpois=nt waw&%yw by 0. ftto =d L bftv &PAM= TO to Im 8105 0 We amo VOI 55,p -S , '::) CA~- o , ~ -1 -, -,I ty palm " of E*raa 1b 3* 1969. ~~tuay Qi L"It. Loadiltil and Unloadillfo CLilzCitYe FUU ~;tacl Toilh. 170 M-n: :~rittlc atu i 'j. U it J~jr"`,r J i-IeLasure-ment of Distribution rof brittiv Tez,s,.erature ill i-OldeAl Stet-I by tLArdm.,ss by "'. Sato. JAPA:,'~LSL. !,.er, J. Sec. t!"te Zlei, "o 70, July 1968, pl, 610 AA 6842' 'traissition 'I'~:stjn%I!$ Vol 17, Ci ~at At.,r tO 37' ) , 74 1 F& 72 go am= fw us I'malmilmstlagi or Oluom), by T. Sat& AMW pw* go awyaliD %ME .4~& Who Val 32v IMO w Ww; - ;:t=W am TSM or s* T. Sato AWTO a4; var , C- 't 6 Microsegregation of Silicon in Cast Irons Treated with Different Alloys in the Molten State, by T. Sato, JAPAMESE, per. Imono, Vol40, Nov. 1968, pp 877-982. BSSI 8560 Jul 71 DlwttWl Sulfoxide. A WrwUle Reaction Medium and Reactant in Organic Reactionsp by T. Sato. JRPPJMI per* Ywd Gmi AN~!M Woksi Ship Vol 23j, No 9p 1965j. PP 760-77T. sTA %T-66-lo7o6 J, IAL;h) gei-Chem ita 66 305.9545 with oifferent Alloy6 iii i,-oiten StAe, by "Olt, 11 July 72 . . ..,. ~ I . I M, Properties and Service Lifi-oUftrged~White . . Cast ~St6el Rolls# by, Y-~ 'Sato H*. Kohift -?,-. ----# - - #1 pp. April 72 "W to POP# r7so,~ Y% 0 ol ,~.Umc~ 0., SM49t tlwtrwic Imustr,,, # by 0-3 ~,atosfli -,Ogmg Isao SarAwas 1-1 pp* & 1 JA AN-U*,# pers PIG- W-W AIUNAMNItZL ~Jecttad~-s -Mmdmugag L4fttra 0- JAM fn'~ EA - Tok,,,o# No Z# Feb 1W, pp 135-13-P- V,667 Aur read Rate Control for awmatic .~am or Lp-l&nt I t t 0, f f, i w rAc Of t ,!,-vice flor Vne .~cjonor_, to ~xjxicultural .1 -La r c S 2 t~ Ibis "-slaws itat ShoaM do Z~ Lfjm?g tV i40 60 W!ZIAjo WO 20 Jul 106 5. 2301-kbhn & Sod S"Cia Jan 6.9 V 0 I 4i, Wadw the CaUbr* of aWwOrlug Pmwmlo ' by G- MMM, B. SatmaW =d A. Tret'YaWp 5 ppo Mmla,p no# a2a&M go July 1901P P- 5- jpm hgvl 6 "~, I ".) . ~ ~, / uml s= Oct 67 *P906 -ad.1100"Aft AWOSOWS tw M 32o im -906 Atf Of ""-duob-i on tiip. vrictioll ancl ,car o1 -A r u e n e J c a r i ra g, j tea.- 1 32, 19 6 8 , 73--57974 it Tj Phase Tr8maitions in Bmdte Unwing faectron- probe krLeroarmlysug by K, L satpWvo RUSSRNO per. Dck Ak Nauk sspRo vol 1869 Ao 4o 1969o PP 921-923- AGI JulY 70 /C/'. -/~ /J" I'c!rtilizar iuaxt~j twit C!.)rr4ct, acconolAc Pinctices, by TO E~Itpw;tavj '( ppo ALICSIAN I)-pe 24-2 Locc UIJ 314, 155 Uectroa-MLaroiscople lavestiptions of Ores in P0310hed SeCUMe., bY X- K- SatPaeva- MB=, per, Aked. Hauk Nez. M, Vestnlk Vol la., No i 11 1962.0 BM 10TT3 Jon 73 Geometric Structure of Light Beams Passed nrough Fibro-Optical Parts, by D.K. Sattarov. RUSSIAN, per, Optiko-',.Iekhanicheskaya Pro-myshlennost No 8, 1968, pp 5-11. I-M-fir Special 341-69 of b4lauou I-vo"tlm a PlbW-Vtlo Manat., by L & Sattem. 12 pp. MS=, qw, Optlk*-N" Prwl so 6. 1968, pp 18-n- AIM/FM/19-23-413-69 - ~,/, -,&6~~~ jo . Bel-pbp lbv 6, 1 0 927 Forbidden UDOS 01 alld SI ia the !kmsPOt zq)vvtru*. by 1. Satt"Ov, 5 pp* RUSSLAN,, pars, Vast 14niagrad UAIV, Hatemat, 149 ~t )a Vol Ig UO 10, 1907p pp 133wMe .1 ASM Scl Tech I r Facility ST-SP-10594 C TT-,2 r~ 0 May 67 424,240 Lo Mat IWO ;,I ire --6_ ~ L Trjje,'~IIDIWZ) U4 Oct satybalclin aTia 75-77.7 44, G22 Volt-Ampete' Characteristics of Themoelectric Indi6ations of Midroviave Emission, by A. I.,:' Satyukov., 6 pp..- RUSSIAN, per. Radioelettronika, Vol 14, Jan 197 'jp 94-95 ACSI-,K-19.65 FSTC-liT-23-1281-72 Apr 72 ~~, 4 Oae-7,;~ oyclohexeneso Part I, Synthesis and Reactions of 3--Amino-4-PhonYl- Cyclo-Hexenes-(l)p A Novel Class of Analgesicap by G. Satzinger. FRENCHO perp J31stlig Llebig's AAR&IOU der Chemie, Vol 728, 1969p pp 64-87 NTC 72-11457-07G June 72 Portrayal ia City Maps FruQ the Historical View. 16 point, by Walter Satzinger. 11 pp. CEFL14M# per,, KArtognphische N4chrichten. ~jay 1965j, pp 172-179. ACSI 1-9010 ID 220406726S Sci/Earth Set Aug 67 336,569 6 s fteclimut In fte opawaft of =- MA .4 -- --- -- of P4ut"TytbAtol$ by NO smadwo Musso J*UML of MA41suro T01 44p 1W,# vp 36W-162- Chn TNM 9w 2m M. Saucier 3now ad . abodow mar 6-, WIESNER, H. and SAUDER, A. Vacuum dewatering for reducing the raw coal moisture. Bergbautechnik 19(10):529-35 (1969) (Sj figw Aetj)orj3 of investriant Flnanzei)~- An A-w,3 gel'. 37767 t b, The Effect of Plasma Wavos an tile Reflect- ivitY Of by F. :Sauer. GOVEMhLINT UvQ6 ONLY GjbRW'AA, per, Zeit fur Vol 203, 1967, pp 488-4-5-4. ~-pnyaqi-k- NAAA TT F-12,161 June 69 364,112 The FrequmM of AemldwU an a Function of rhickne" MA Mp of the Sam in Coalraws WWbed with Caving and with S" stmdnge tv fi. SAUw, U."Up pwo Gludauf lk wwwahertgo Vol 27a 14o, 40 19669 nn 149-156. i-iLL 14ft 8313o4 Offi s soi-Lar Jan 69 iktpWi=w Idth MVdM I%W Acotdo SalUtion " an -tstdWt f3p 40" steds, by u. av"r, k6 EvagKo GMUl, pwt R4w 3,MLl lb %141, 796-7s, -tp 641.6454 6ZS 21 ~--6 Sm ObeemUms an the Effect of Gases m Steell awfues, t7 is Saswe - ~ . GIRWIS PER$ mitt, I &"luacugd& Vol 16t No 3v 1�659-P-P 13-16-m BISI 7521 2 gel/mt /K flob 71 -ell 7521 A C-, SAUER, K.H. Some observations on the effect of gases steel surfaces. Mitt. Ver.dt. Emailfachl. 16(3):13-18 (1968) (CRL/T. 4058) KELLER, H. and SAUER, K.H. Isolation of carbides by dissolving Of Stee-1-in ---- fiffi-TC-add. Arch.EisenhUtt Wes. 38-429-33 (1967) (CRL/T. 398 AUCU Aboorptlon . 0 Anaysis OZ, Olidee od OUtida ftm stftip by L 16 OW ad He dit*ftp GREW,, per, Arddv 21 - ) Vol 400 NO ux 1969. J.IB 8141 aai/ftt ~\ . \\ - ~~ I IV 70 Atorde Absorption Spectxometric Analysis o;' Iddeo and Carbides IwIetted. fmii Steele., Ly Sauer and 1-4 141toche,, G7M.Wi,, per. Arch. Eisenlio, 1101. lJo. 7,10 4t