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lhe Structure and I-mctions of The Brain,, by S. A. larkisov, RUSSIAN,, bk, 0661, 291 pp. NLL (Indiana Univ Press., Lmdon) W 61. Sept 67 3400284 V. St-vaimr. lit J-,R~;jf 70 i)roble= wd ProspwU of Constrwtion Dis- OWN94 by It, %Md&Mo 8 pps ItUSSM. per Wwomft i Zhimlg Tasbkonto 1-~m-Dw 1969: pp 17-22, JPRS 5010 < f4- (2 ApIr 70 405sM na it vin, tur, 463"' COM V Fumdamatal Tboory and Calculatioa of OC*an Cumatis by A, So Sarkisyeno RMIANO, bko Osum D-toz I Ruchat Qkawk- ich#skikh 10,041-WIPP 19"* u2 PPO MUM 67-51426 sr4-Bar sei Jul 67 'Meory and Computation of Ocean Currentg J, by A. S. Sarkisyan. RUSSIAN, bk, Osnovy Teoriy i Paschet Okoanichesll-dkli Tecixeniy, 1960, 90 pf). Sci-Lur lici A 1) r G, 9 i-cmmdc J:eform fleals Fbrtber Inprorvemmto I)Cv 9 ppo ;V- blAkis np., L,,qL,.Arlg&, ierevan, 13 isc p 20 E Q ~4 Lk: I wn 'r 110 An t 4C6051 by P-*0 , v Iv, i-tandard of Uvi-W of the oek-arz, nging thn and ~blkhov, %Wnbars c"losor lbge*f,,r, by SaridsYan, 13 pp. V Par: Jun 196- .mn oet U, 31 55 17 .7,, ...1. per, c hc-l EkQL47 I Oct a probUm of Mothoft of Nemoode Studift Z"amtlm Airamft Syst~p by Be As ORMSMO 23 pp. rd=Dj,, rptt Tn* Moscow. Aviat�12M luutut 196T., pp ST-110--- P,iB/k*T.23AWT-6B aAlt-~ 211) liji/aamwaUes (j 4029829 mr TO -T61nq).9-45 Position, Control of Enterprise Directors Discuseeds by Tamas Sarkozy, 5 pps HUNGARIA'N,g np , Pimlo'q Budapest j 21 Fab ?3 t P 41 JPR3 56444 mar 73 Recordin,: of Plaswa Oscillations Induced by C, Lxternal 6uperhi&h-Frequency Field, by G. 11. Batunov, K. A. Sarksyan, 9 pp. RUS,SIM, rpt, Ahad Nauk SSSR, Moscow, Institut Fiziki, NP-18471. .kEC-Tr-7280 Jan 72 I A4 Transferring 1"o Belay Stations by ileli- copter, by Colonel Svetozar Sarlua, 8 pp. GIUM-CROATIAN, per, Vojni aLiplk to 109 Oct 1967,, PP 43-53- mr, 4A9 c :z- (i_ i" Jun 347,033 A C -- inatorul Problem of Smirnov, by 0& Ve Sarmanavo V, K, Zaharove RMSUN# per# M Ak Nauk &WR, Vol 1?6v No 1 1967, pp 530-532. Am Math Soo Vol 80 No 5a 1967 0 - \j " S ,,g 6~ /2 2 /~-,) /~ 0 V Nov 68 354o284 -t, ~,ene,--Vlized sr=tric cm, =, comiatimip by 1. 0. jar=.Ov- per., Doic Ak U 'Vrol 179., 7`0 fjj pp U-7 I.Ilie Amrican 30cietJ Irol 9, 110 2, 1968 T Sol/riath oe, 68 363o;539 "M" 02 ~wrorist ~-&mss tmuont in i964-69s iist ~jms, by Win ~;srlos ;4&r-vmt49 14 pp, not Ao do ckmdrot a Apr J,-i6 47-970 6 - r , . A~"-Pieialt caklr~ ik~V.10:2,f by Ym.0,11x! sarr., Ltr lie, 1, 2 - At )(/~JO 44(c .~~f riCC6 Sx J,( & "a v 'I to the A N'23safr,ol "A' ikloom"J'), k- C~ncrcss of the re-nile'a -,Ar mrj earty, by ';kvw_a-o ~ Farr, 5 2 J,Liy rME11, qp, L )b u MRS 3W' 3 cept 66 3 )1 luterwtion of usimsitious wita carbon Atom"In q~ autwelte, by V. A. Sarrak, at al. RUSSLAN, per, Sb Trud Twmt Nauctiq Lisled lut Cliern wit iia'5301968, pp 151-157. MI 7A~76 bei-I'lat Juu(-- 7u \t ~v :ARRAK,, V.I. and others. Interaction of dislocations wid :arbon atoms in martensite. lb.Trud.Tsent.nauchno-issled.Inst.chern.Metall. (58);151-7 1968) (CRL/T. 4106) ~ - g 4 e P'. r~ -~, The Ani-al 11sewrdr of SaImmella in Senegal. Concomulug an Irmost1gotion Carried ant in a bnvl Areas by H. Barrat. FIMMs pwo Sociabe Mul d'AQI%t Nolm do idow a"", D&2~Uzka Vol 14m No It., 19699 pp 697-703. NTC 71-14259-06M Fab 72 MexIcan rewmn Aammed of ActIM as InwrraUary between Colmbim Guerrillas and CantriDp by CrIeUm I*wUnaz Sarriat 6 ppe GUVSRMM USE CZY M)AMII$ npjo RI 16 may 1961 p JFRS CUO 2446 LA.CO3 pol, July 67 32)x99P Concerning a Hospital EpiderAc of Salmonella Typhimiriung by C. SurroWs R. Sabatinio 21 pp, PLOO16 part Auu4os do PediatrieF Vol XLI, NO 86 19"s pp 4-329! SLA TT 66-13185 scw4m Jua 67 327,072 ilecla=ulml "Ver=a in ass~~q bV i~lf.bbulf per# o ;"A'sakhatem, AL-x-As, ~'.hy 1969s PP 23-29- WM3 Ang 69 Determination of the Gomponents of Reagent Buffer Solutions by Flame Photometryt by M. Sarsunovap 7 pp. CZECH, per# jankoslovenoka Farmagie, Vol 179 No 59 1968g pp 241-243 ,AIR/FTD-HC-23-1542-71 Mar 72 1455-IJ THE POLYMMIZATION OF HORBORNENE, G. Sartori et al., Chim. Ind. 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Effect of 7wootowto in Agricultvre Analyzed, . by Lo Sariirof 3 pp~ RMOW9 ape &II&on ZMA19 Minskq 20 Oan . 19730 P'.20 . . JM -58280 FO 73 V. SARYCHEV Optimftmion of SateUite..Gravitational Stabilita-m- AkAjimnA Wm SSSR4" USTITUT PRn='NOI MATE- MATIKI 1971, NTC 72-15158-12A Mar 73 May 7 2 sir:'^ ~Of a optimal Satell.ite Gravitation- a, 1. Stabilization System with Gyro-Damping, by V.A. Sarychev and~K.V.* Lukanin, ..RUSSIAN, per.-,Ordena.Lenina,1nstitv!4 Prikladnoi Matematiki Akademii..Na k 1971* Y;~\13\f APL/J119-tLB-3 V449 mar 72 a. ~;anditiom of Stability of a e Gravi- tatiorial Aabilization 5yotem Uth Gyroscopic L )&~F st by v. A. sarychev. 23 PP. RLSSM, per, ronautica -keta, Oxford, C;Tmt Britain$ Vol 1 , 1 9, PR 299-310- JPRS 53447 July 71 Oevelopnont of a Survey Base by Radio- 15-6 telemensurate Polygonometry - Scale 1:10000, by Yu. M. Sarychev. RUSSIAN, per, Geadaziya i kartograftya, !!a 8, 1968, pp 48-54. *ACSI J-6477 ID 2204001269 Sci-Far Sci Apr 69 V. A. Sarychev Conditions of stability of the system of gravitational stabilization of satellites oith a hydrodaTing. LUSSIAN, bk, geravlaniye komrtcheakim apparatom. i korab4arni 1967 pp 291-298 *NASA TT F 14,382 sept 72 Comic aays and lbair Intoractionsp by V. ~~. ttirain ' I,, L. iavychtwa, 32!-' pp. q3 EWSSIAN,j bk, Sowith4okLya imchi L M "foalmWes- tAve, 196j. NASA T-1 -,-S.)4 /,.-I, -sx,"ele, .,~lci-Astron lul T' 17 1\ jall 4'OMGmtm Stwls IW 'L - ,w T port latau 12 vol 33, 1967S rP 7433 uw3avd 75-11,231 S - Sweld NILS - of Cartoby&rates. JAPAWEs rPt) Tsmausutou Kokusen Koso? SLVplsment No. 3-1j, lqbU~p pp 97mm. WC 72-139B3-M Ncrv 72 ~. . ''M