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Ma Gmawtion betno Work OutpA and S" ~7o Fbplml manateristAcs of Tmwltlon lbtaU) by G. V, Sarwowv. RM=.- W., I2V VUZ--FIZIMJ so 6,F 1968P pp 103-105. *= TT P-12,T37 ,~f -~) sai-Materiela Dee 69 'llie PhysicalwUeLaicL-l I'vqertles of tjjc.- vmiuctiun of Poudia t4nallurgical Products with Pre-6a Projwtics, ~y C. V, sur'sullov, GlUvit'. rpt, Second European SyLvosium wi Powder ~i bisl 704 ~Iay 69 2 , 4 7 7 Nitrideas by G. V. Smmiav. 511 rip. Russila'..... books, IN-t- W&13~ pp 7U ale ov PIL" lt~, t1raiushii C!, a; S 77 7~1 Ll i\acridsaw ed i,,hmUmra tjy C;. *m pas Vol J oo- 20 fob L9650 ac A So BUS of US POMMUM of Stabb MMUMIC raoxatim umm AXMUNM or somtoooftaton aqprtm in m=W Mx=U wA One=*, by a. V. amomm. Mozol pwi Jew #A nauk WMI sor Swormn M", Vbl I 1b 1p MG-90-17-25- PM W-Wo sa-chm OAy 69 G-1 - V . 'S ~r M'S C7 A) 0 v High Topperature Inorgmic Coq>mmds, by G. V. gaw=ov, 624 pp. RMOLUI, bk,, &aokotem*-,-aturzue NwrganichesklyR Sqe&maj~M,, 1965. UTIS TT 67-5900 AZO-tr-6873 uc-4 Sept 71 717 Relation Bstvsex Microhardmess and Microbritt16- - ness of Refractory C*Wmdrs with Their Uec- txm Structure, by G, V, Sauonov,, RUSSIAN,, par, Perpsh. Not Vol VIp 19660 pp 95-99, .4~1 mASA TT F-100jss sci-02.0n, Jul 67 332$6m omm--. -.- -- - - I , mm =e M 1.,Inesnlllid~:~;v uy All, C7 -k '~ iin imestiotion oC the f-bysicocheniml 14tum of Atotal-Liko wid ~4mwtaMo pouWs by the I'Aardurdwas o'ethods ~v pp. o w W, 0- tr r I lip's gdl-. --L0& imam LX,5,, -v 59-71. r C,316d'36~8~,' x ii~-iu-67-269 AuG 68 .-SAMSUNOV G V UP RU PtWPERTIES OF ALLOYS OF ZIRCONIUM AND NIOBIUM CARbIDES IN THEIR HOMUGENLITY P~ikoSHKOVAYA ME-JALLURGIYA 140 2 1971 PP 85-88 FsrC-HT-23- 1558-72 I'llYsico-Clieuical. bases oi the vroductier, oi' Powiler ltxtallurgical 11ruducts with rrcscribiu~j ITroperties, by G. V. sarlsollov. 6ccon S),vi"Oshm cr N. rptq Powder ~TctLIlurgy, Au tgart, Vol 1, May IM. T=!,,.1 7604 6!, :S 1) M.-~O h -Nitt 13ci .0scarch W, tile 3ature of Cle clle~.dcal Lotwi in ',iu.,Anfdes of Q~artatn TrwislLian 13 "~D. 7, 10,65, ~np. 1~*71- 1 O"il JP_!~S 45 .-s,05 i - i s t r Thomoeuissivity Characteristics of Transion Metals and 7heir Compounds, by Go V, SaMSCOOVO Yu, B, rademos Ot al. 11 pp. pert IIkEa%iqs'kyj Fizychnyy Zhurnal Vol X, Ao 6, 1965, pp 622-629. I-100u6sk 17~ fiT 06,476 AEC- '4D .~;ci-) late rials viar 07 & , \1 . siq~ m S v PJ 2) NJ Distxibution of Pam Ac=Ming to Size in Ion- Exdwige R%&Wt by G. V. Samsonov HUSSWI z2onot SIM-42 i Svolatya Ionnobennykh Ww"t 1968o pp 169-172 NTC 71-16422-07D m= 72 i'st-,dii-To,~mrature ~,,onvwtallic 'raormacothles ano 6hveaths;, by Grlforiy ValiontinovIch Stwisonov. 11 M SM-N, bk, Feb. 1967, 145 VAInsultantq flureau tjci/lt~'-ateriali "ar Li Fo"Ation of Stable Llectmic Gulfiruratious of smw ftyalcal Prapartios of TMS40" Natal urbl4cz 384 mitridus in VIC aukat, tit Vhe4ir 4f4*ogauvItys by A. Ta. Euchsa, G" Ve -1~4r;Asoapv" A451A.So praro I& Ak gauk S539 Neorga"mid, twuAt Vol 11. -ke 11, IMACO, Fr," 1*70-V74* AMA TT F.IU,347 sa G Sit - ~rlqlturlals Jum 47 Physico-Chemical Methods of Research Analysis and FractionaUzation of Biopolymers, by G. V. Samsenov. RUSSIM, per, Osnovy Holpkulrarnoi Biologii. *Plenum Press Sci- May 6 7 phag,o Disgrwa Of GY&tws Of ;IYJ*~~60D wit" Titmium, ZiMM1=0 vanadium aw Nioblivis by G - V - &=*OWV ffll~i ~'- M. ASUMOVap 10 PP www, per, lb 60 lXkp pp 555-559- MAIT-23-925-~7 rob 68 350obli rl 'V GO v )C&A [admill V-)3. 351 sept 66 '7 Therual Emission Onractoristics of Trauition metals and their CWounds., by it, V, Swasecove Yu H. Paderso, ALSSIAN, per, !~ua ins"kyy Fity;hnA Zhurnals Vol 10, No 6, 1965, pp 622-62D. Apr 66 I I i i I I 0 Y6 Mathmatic-P-1 AmUlling of Ga,-, in hilticyl-,Inder ftjr-o ye- L. A. Swzow~-q 11 pp. RUMM, Per P,',673, PP NO,; PD t~ ionbat Readiness of ."Deket --rdtp 7 .-IMIMUM , i V '~* ~'~4 mmonove 6 rm-. rip zose(rat 2.1 ',(,c It 1.968). p 2. j&,.--R3 4n32 Pit ,.ll leb 69 374.717 V. SAM S 0 N 0v Gddanoo control Officer. by V. Somnov. 3 pp" RIWIM, npp AM= v"t Momom,, 18 Jan 19720 WL~L p 2,1 JM 55326 Mar 72 L rechniml ~')TJWU" bpwt=t to 'acent cop-mrider, by V* 3an-so=# 5 pp. asmn zvoyAa P-5 June 1960 Ras~;~, per, ir %do p 20 ii;&z 460051, 17 3~ USSR 1411 t,w, 68 r4 nw*SU4. boom* A% IL990 019t 71 le~-- p Lffe*U of Swprise AlGrta iWaInatedg IV Ve Samoonmg 5 ppe hUSSI&h# lip# Know* Made. roww# 20 Aug 1969p p 2s JPRS 48993 v 17 O&E . -Oct- r-,"t "C-QC 11 di Oct 69 3929687 Anticorroolve PUstic Cestioge, by Ve G, SmMovp Vt G6 Mxaakhwh et al, 00, pp. 3ESIAN, bldet, Protivokorrcei2=e Plast- M-EG= PWcrytly% 19G5., pp. 4--)1. JFM 35452 V, "V ur"ISR sci-ti/m i'm 66 3oi,666 16. lyy ru. V. zar-imonrivo, 04,-, of t40 T147-CV-1b. 3-yato, N, lit ZWX)=M- H)361WJ,v 1--v AIL rawt I-A-chr, 30 6- 19" p y .q ARVr,TT-C/&- .4,&3~2-04) -)Ot 169 Griler aad Disorder in the ttrannEcimm of Sodiuri au~ "atasSium Ate-rS. in the Nopholine itructurro, by iA3SSIAN, per, bok A Naul SSSIR, Vol 187,, I~c 6, L IV ~Kay 711 MaSSS OJ L"o v A, Induced Inhibition of Co&,Iguous Neurons in Frog Visual Center on Photic Stirmlation., by Vo Go Sameonova RUSSIAfff perp DDk Alt Nauk MR. Vol 177,, No 6, Dec 1.967, pp 1107-1 - cB I , ~~J" (~', ~4 i A , i ~~ /~ , . I I , t Aug 68 362j,363 Changes in Acuity of Visual Discrimination Durin.v Interaction of a Sequence of Conditionod Reactions Successively Elaborated in an Adult Man Report 3 Effect of Verbalization of Complex Stimuli on Acuity of Their Perception, by V. G. Samsonova, 4 pp. RUSSUN, bk, Trudy Instituta Vysshei %,crviioi Deyatellnosti Ser Fiziol, Vol IV, 1958, OTS 61-31019 PL-480 Nov 62 115T 540 ~~,-aeuw Of -4wla l4wtoo of tbo - -.p"tit i &Jan of the rog #a NO." to Cbw, *a in the 4xtAm o*,t jtwA am- ol 16 -1, ny vv BENGTSSON, K. and SAMVJELSON, E.G. Sterilized frui flavoured milk - a n6k;-d'iL'r'y"'p-'rodu.ct. - Alnarp.Livsmedelstekn.Forskningsinst.Sartryck (11):1-4 (1969) (NRC/C. 8303) Jan 72 VON 'lee Cytoplasmic Structure in Plants witb Disturbed goerptic MetabolLsop by Fe D. SamLlov. RUSSLO, per, nok A Hauk SM, Botan Set -ZL~ Vol 184, So 20 lob 1969j, pp 4a9-492. CB F, b. Z'q M L4 1~ L e) ~/ ,14D 71 Clanges in the gnargatic State of Plants with Disrupted Phosphorus Hutrition, by F. S. saftuilov. IIJUSSW, per, Dok Ak Nank 88SRs Botan Sci, Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 239-241. Go F-Z' 54mt4"Lov Jan 71 The State of Tisgue IS.'ater OurliiC. the Disr-uption of 'EnGrgy Tratisfor Processan E -- in Plants, by F. D. Sa=ilov MIMIk'I', por, T-wk A!,- Ilaulk 3S--A Vol 101, 710 ug-mul pp I CB rn Lt i' L o *Tov 70 ~-,rfcct of Phosphorus stwvation or tlio Respiratory Notabolism of I'llountst by F, D, Asmilov HUSSIK:J. per, Dok A61c, Ilau", s3st,it L~qt so Vol 179P No I* ~Rar F. Z1, 70 JuM12, DistributEm of Blectrom in the Field of a charsed spbus mittLag alectrons, by Ybo Ve samylave 7 I?Pqp W53109 rpte RaSM&I Moktrouiv v Pole zamaghenaoy earv anitiumftz 1312ktrony, 19689 pp 3-70 NASA IWT F-7.2j?91 sci-slec Jul 70 Distribution of Paectrons In the Field of a MsrL-vd Sphere Erdtting Eleotrons,, by Ye. V. SamwiOv. MISSIM., bk,, Rz Ge2odinenika '~Tont i Min He M-W-V.* 1911)UP pp 3-T. *MU 711 Jan 70 Thenledvita-Acs of PartiiAly louized il"yuro,~-ctt, I;y Ye. I.. oarifilov. I Vol Isb !.,o 5, J.-LISSM, , ~er, 1.1,01k 4,11 Naul, Julle 19691, rp 1059-10f)2, The Aq-1 hist o~-' Phys Vol 1"), i%,fj 6, Dec 1969 V tA - Jon 70 401.10 it, tu 4,JOJO.,.# ;.rtl -7. .7, ar ~/, n. ' ~, 4z,)L"l The Effect of the Adrenal Cortex on the Development and Experimental Therapy of Edema-Swelling of the Brain of Rates by V. M. Samvelyan* RUSSIANO pars rAtalogiva Zisiolo&&y" 4knultrimeatol"07M. Tegapivap Vol 12, No 11 19689 PP 45-48* NTO 72-10944-06P Hay 72 C'. Pt. Snrn~~ "tj AddMona watu-PatyAof FWm In Tillarlng Rod** at Butmed Wluter Wbout Plants Following WdouUm W FroodW, by G. A. Bmqgiu. RUSSIAN,, per# Dek Ak No* SM, Not Sal.,. Vol 20% So 4. April i9?=..pp 9bl-9b4. CD %Ton 73 Jan 72 Firat Finds of an Early Jurassic Flora in the Kolyma River Basin. by V. L. Santylina, 1. F. Yefimova. RUSSIA, per, Vok A Naul SSSR, Vol 179, No I , 1968, pp. 166-168. AGI V L ~ ~5c" -),)III -Itc'- Jmi 69 373-327 Radiadve VVIddw of bledium Nuclei, by Kim 11, SaN L. B. Pikelner, et al. NWW- RU.SSLANO, ppr,, JaW , DW)na,, 1965, 7 Fp- *AEC SCI-MS May 65 16 A tj of tt, Wl'-u a -.:osto an-3 2. 1st, 2 -xi 67 3.3, lz~ 5 lievestiyal Notes Growln~ Europmn T~ejectian ol' lAtlantiam'. by 5he Sanakoyev, 5 pp. %bscowo 11 fob 1972a jjjk~sj", np, Xkv p 20 Jilks 55391 !Ar 72 *,ez 1r tbl~ pp 0 -W-k- I OL a Zo 4v ~07117 =7- I- MUCH JDC 602/70 19 r*p 6), IW mp of Jardawden Apleature: Analpis of the ApIMItml Mmst4pUoti of 1~67 by FeftM Baum# amm not aUted, Vp 44-59 &P"la Type"B"Mrstmi. dmft pluu we doe-do uot nutiutms -~v - ' Asv- '0 - .Approxi-Ilate . -alytic studY Of t"' '[~ to of cap, il-;tro,,~y iaycr Ofte, ".)y 1",Vbicun ing ,.round a DluLt Joan-rierre 'ally. j7pL:j~c,j-,j, perp cr'013-PteS -1~ 1968, iv, 11-2279 US 280 July of 'nor, d In /0 AAll YA Tagerature influence an Electrical Parameters of Si GAs-Photoolemento at Increased Energetical 1311 Loation,, by D* 0. Savchenko, at &I. MUNP Pero Goliotekbaikap No 3. 1969o pp 23-30. M HT SpeoW n-70 0/17", 4. ~ CL, " ile-, fob TO 4o1,,055 "'mactiona by -4 ~.O- pt (;,l t 0 ~; -P" 72 4tureg IunctAons of falp YouseU InaUtutal, by Ronwrido ~Anchez pp, 3FARDlfi,p nps boptas 9 Apr 19&9y p 3s ,iiiis POI June 60 3-01,658 iztensi-ve ~~lans for Increasing, ~loffoo -vo~uctlono by Juan t~;avchozj 5 ppo Sl"AliLilliq pe-ro Vurd V -6),, pp .35- 390 1 405 IA-Cuba j can liov 6-;,~ ,f;A ~A,162 - ----------- Three Roads in the Hural Sectorp by Rafael Sanaez, 5 pp. SPAN=., per, Bobemisp A July 1967.. pp. 40-42. JPR5 h2286 a 114 t; i "v(, /I,- LA-Ma Ecou Sept 67 339s159 trat hase of iAreest " evaunt . lant anplow, by ';anchm InIcbret, Alberto ~ oro. 5 pp. pOrt 20 Jima IXY)v P:,) 30. 37-3,)* KCL ,opt 6-, I-atin hm-ric-a & inter,-Atimua Leaf , iscussc-~,~', by 13 me .54 pcr. j%% Ubrop C -,sla dty 17, .19, 20, 21. 1 ~) 6 P" i ui,% 6., 12 J ~ tmatr7 Cw-?AdnO: ItG AstOrY And ACC*rVU8hlGntGs 41() by Weal zAmelm ialebroto 5 pp., 6PANIZho rptio h2h2Ab iAvanas 6 w 1,)689 pp 30-R. j~~ 47333 ll~eb 69 PaU Demjlops New Soame of JI-Jest in i4,1md-,i# by lUfAwl sandbaz Islebrato 5 pp. sp&w,;-"j, p"j, ims ll),at ran -l'-q- JERS 46.=3 AW, Aete Lairlao `,iochudaiM Callf Roarin,,.,q by c~.3 ,a.'aal ~sncllsz !ale-brot. 1-1 pp. ~~-WNL3,~, por, Lp~qr#~%, '.-ajwm. Apr 26-33- June 6~; ten lears of 4wiaUst imnmW Esd=W - iart 29 by ,afael 5awhes ialebrets Alberto ftop 13 pps rPt, B2hlgAo iiavwa# 10 Jan 196ge pp 4- 26. 47514 iA-Cuba icm ,-Ar 69 3'~4,070 v ,,jri,- itural ~~Iala of i~moo, -)Y ,wfael ~~a.,,.Chez Lalebret, '1 0"). 2 .0eb 166, ovi '/ --.tar V're La r C', (~"Ou AOCOMPWb=tff# IIaW Ift VIAOUS -,'$Ot*rsq tw aafed s4mchm LAabrate Alberto Pow, 21 pp. SPAU--ado rpts &b2Ab Aveme 17 Jan 1.96,99 pp 6- 30L. JPW 47576 1-19 12,q -~- (4 c- Ls-qiucHE2- LqLE~6,2ct LA-Cbbs ~101 I I A r- 6- ,,) 374o0,86 fool -'aach-Q-z Lalebreat, 5 pp. IZ- 4,5~45 cor. 66