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c- \J"L) . -:) Some Lxpoilivnruits Conceraing the Impurity Band Conduction in Germaniui~, bv W. Sacal"zi, 10 pp. J."TAJITISE, per, source uji'known, 1960, pp 60.-~jlj. ACSI-K-3114 F'STC-HT-23-149`1-72 A~,)r 72 J.~ Z~ vlw LOSS a tho ~;'Ubkn.WiPo by ";'Mcano, 1,. per, 1c, o 26~e 5 ct 6tion or cnnaoqvw sQq=su%uQA Ul the T-1 b,AUWI by C. S"ob"* raiml, pw,, mmm.12-al, va go 19650 pp ?-o"f- 2190 iw~kQH a-L"? C. Slc,~C'C-Illel-~--~i' SWB a i" flob 68 3W0437 X4 A'rarsfusiou of Loucceytes,, LN C. ',",acclietti. ITALIAh. pcr, kiv t~i.icter b,,Mncci-,at. ,.o 13, 19(6. 77-101. 111i; NEI, 11-14-419 0 o Jam 70 401, 1S5 Power &IAG% Layout Problsmt by J. Sacer. FRMCH., per.. MI. An Vol 56., 10 Jay 1965, pp 575-58().. Vol 57v Ja 1966s PP 37-39. Os As Trmss 489 Oci -11 fob 7 ~'' Uv-, lw,, cUt C.Af ~ JL'Ct~dC 14, 7(;,S, 3i 5, ~Ihe Pro&totion oj Ingot i.'cuLds for LVto-eWorks Ercwi gZwt Manace Ir6n., ~ij fl. 0'acerclota, C. !,iltri. ITIJ51AM.. per, Fond ItaL VoZ 16, L-eb,.lL~67, pp 35-51 ,"ILL Ref: 9022.06 (6024-11) k 3cihnaterlaU aua 70 3omo 11mblow md 'Tasks in r;aelth ProtoctAovi. ."VolvLmr, Fnm tho !)Oddms of the 9th CbngMSS Of t%0 Aa(lU4M COMMAA 1-7 Iv. Sadhmv, 110 pp. par, ?'&tVm rront, --M~ "ar 4,N'7. Pq-* 2*3.p lilyr ~ 1~. SO o itin 323,415 3490i#- POW"PKO 7"Wo md litibUt br aviud ftotts~. Iva U44W. 1,6 pr.,, M&klA'4* "ft U, Now Ps 4& 57, jp&,s j rJ .. ., luido for Testing Plastic riltis, by S, Sach,-,Lro?:. FIRMICT19 per, Fmballageq, No 2, 1967, pp 13-19. ITTC-71-11904-III ITOv 71 i ry ,:,Iew Training --program for Socialist Economists, by -,."kkohard Sac-boo.. ~', nn. ('77RI-TA17, n.,)x Die ',,iirtsohaft, Fast; jl~'orlln, 26 Rn 72, P 49 PPS 55M.5 M r -1 2 Inve3tiptions of the Wlu(mq:e of prming on the tormtIon of culourad heartwod and tanalonmod in some popuier spocies, iw H. sachaso. OMAN. par, Holz FAL-U Lerkst9ff. Vol ?... No 11, 105. [,,1? 34-425 CBIWAO 7529 /'/ - '-*) '~; . i) t' --s L---- Sci - 3&p 67 TA0,258 UrMth Of Md&Vian IIWWAI lao" AWly=4 ~,2- by 1-4 - 9 pp. Amimil 4 lgmwmAdr-j~~ USWAW# 4 196F*-P-P--39;45-* NO 90 *91 aas 470041 USSR Sam Ju 69 =0185 2 ~(~C/l-I(," S, 1.(1q1 I ~ Froductim Administrutors' Qualifiwtions Cited# by No so sachkoa 5 ppe RUSSIANs per* b=gh IgMpAl 4,nmal. 110 10o 1969s PP 31-3z* m is 51 W Jan ?o 399o234 CbntaqtLont; Of AirCrr.' by .0 '~# , ';aohhov, 25 Pp. M31kit per, I Lr-uql,,- Ts" 0 sk 'Ine - -- -b a Ta, ;Ild '"'), wI*l ~ 4-1171f~ rl_l 6 7 t 60 An ca the Vim at a Coahn ftwiu~ :iofwoum as a Am Standudt by fto 4MURAW# Vo A14 .5*ObkW# 6 M* 4 au~~Zw* PW# Mas W" Stu Aeft I T I Ito Ow"" lh"Wk-WL~ U= P -X=MMM pla-M Mom- win 4*gdtot& NO 77 UNh 196% vp 5# Jan 69 ,Aulectical k-~atorialisv. and bv Yu* iVSfl,IAllo i-ar, Karzntmistf li'l. 1, 24 illno A e"), usq! - Jnc a,) AW%astlms by IL and3A* Qxwmm = ow J~j, pwp LAtftwt amad Fmocab.. WJI.. Do lu-UT. MU Tr F-22j,178 F S/9(7yo-/ Sol-Hav A u r., (9 FAPIO( !qk:":~'by r",.tar Ma ft" in UNW&LW ~ 4 wall q( ... . now as x A# augur wo tz*~~ 1". Sachs UOWWuat malneorm Q O'S M, rn A-(t " e'S , , -% 'C' -S intensification of Agriculture Under Five- Year Plan Detailed, by Rosemarie Sachse, 6 p .p. -GERMAN, per, Einheit, Past Berlin, Feb 72, pp 242-250. j?Rs 55759 may 72 s~l Proerm in x4tol umor vmmwl% 2bch"ques by w. 0. Sacbs OMMI, Pat Mmh Vol 1.5. Ayr 1968, pp 19T-200- DIBI 6693 Sol-Materiala At 69 3690603 8 k/~~j L,t Now Curriculum for Socialist riconom-Uts Fxplalned,, by Ekkehard Saahseo 13 PP, GEMN, pop.. Wirtudbaftswiosenschaf-t, East Berlin, Mar 72, TDI- M-IU90 M S 56227- Jul, 72 6 C- L 4 (BNWL-tl---i4) SMELTING OF BADIOACTWE CON- CENTRATES IN GLASS OR CERAMIC SUBSTANCES, SECOND COMMUNICATION: SUITABILrrY INVESTIGATION'S OF POROUS DOMESTIC STONES, 6Sachse, G.; Rosenberger, H. 10Transiated for Battelle Pacific NAh-west Labs., Rtchland, Wash., from IS Kernenergie; 10: No. 11, 344-9(L967)- 2016P- 24Dep. NTIS. 2ficeramics; materials; radioactive wastes; translatioiw 2y1lB, 11, 18G 28AIN-25 29P NSA )C!i--,:- 4(B.\AVL-tr-t5) 5MELTING OF RADIOACTIVESUB- STAINCES IN GLASS OR CERAMIC SUBSTANCES. THIRD CONI- MUNICATION, SUITA131LITY STUDY OF VULCAMTES OF DO- IMESTIC ORIGIN. 8SachseL_q.; Rosenberger, H. 101'ranslated for Battelle Pacific Northwest Labs, Richland, Wash., from 15Kern- energie; 11: No. 1, 15-23 (1968). 2020p- 2,Dep. N'ris. 26materials; radioactive wastes; translations 2111, ISC 20M.N-25 ,P NSA Bloctrostatio Space Engines, by 14, Sachsel 10 pp. GBIWIT, per, Technik, No 12, 1966, pp 766"769. AIII/PTD/lIT-23-1150-67 Sci/Prop C: Paels Jan 69 -)/" ~/' i 3.539236 /Z~u' - 1 6~ i 181 - I i nary ropr rw "Scoosual swig- ! III OWROW too of t1w QLdor AV ormp- in tba P"vUUcm of the 8904 by I. I. ow)x*,p 13 IP9 lumm* V4 am 9 "1 1 amain to# vp 3-4# T-9# 13-29P 273-270~ an ky" Nov 67 3"pl?2 t' 4 ~ /I.., -.P. ".-, ~4~ Anorexicp by Ho Sachweb, EUROPEAN, per, Pha==eutische Praxis, No 6, 1968# pp 138-140o NTC-70-13005-060 Feb 72 Uppoentea i ConcerAMS SupwfetAtionp by C, ~aAUM* P079 3# .1.,o 1#0 lq,66p n-5-67 A3 jan 68 3460S2- I aug 72 crptamzlm of Solder Glauseep by W. awkO IL sdnuLlw. Barlahtel Vol 41,, 110 4t GUMP pers 1968p pp 13U-145. M 69-11019-11B - _~ -7,4 Ca/CM //)~7- Jay 69 3FXr-350 am", GUM OK"c land sumw own cumico 1~3 bj? W. GOL =UM4 am# ammul. b*M-k %137* lb U. 190 DO 4