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Russian Spacemen, by Yevcgeny Riabchikov, 385 PP. RUSSIAN, bkI ~iwsskiye 8 Kosmoce *Doubleday & Co.1-nc per Contact March 1971 Iq U ps"adilu", or molus pro zkw Awl UML 21* 5* uj, AW MM 21%4603 D. i. Pwabohikov 3A,*414 Joe 6T ll~m or xqoub In OxAluaw at mtnblo i~VWPO; PSWMO, by L L *dmUbm, MEW* vws D* a us* =I Vol Ia.. so 3.0 30681, pp W-W. AGI i2~,qaag"A-lo\l AIM 69 378j,968 Tomp Mark by P. gyabehikow =Vat Pero jt~ nw~ ki 1966p PP n-20 Dept of Navy UC Tmw no 2742 (2-1 0~~ ~: ! "j 1~ ; I ~ . sel-machmima Jan 69 369,465 The Wi I I to Win, by Ye. _~~hi~kov, 15 PP - FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY RUSSIAN, per, Aviatsiya i Kosmoaantika, Bo 4, 1962. 9678747 FTD - S-r- ~ ~-' - V. Sci - Space Res Nov 6P 217, 289 Mztl-~ods for Ir- melm 'P .3 iron anti Otecl Rmzic- 02- tion in Vie Ukmine., by V. i~vabcl'IY~ 5 Pl)- WSSIATI., per, EkonqgAchasmn cauta, Foe 3)) Sept lAb, P. 7- OY27 'q Y~~ d Ll? A Econ jan 67 3a.6.,op cr,.b_- rv-j-ej.-,pment of Housing Constrlic- tion in V~)Scml (1931 to 1967) s, by .i.v. r%yabinin, 11 RUSO-ILIM, Journals astvO MOL!, "Wr DOC C-7, PP- Z-Us j-rr,S 44,676 US -5 R 'L .xonci-mic CG 2,'; 10 On thij Problem of Selecting P.:acO=t Of S-Crau by Ya. F. 6, Jun 1965, pp. 17-19. imps 33474 OV F. ~5 inn 66 293A96 411 Isolati" of RegionS4 Ijapetic AA*Iiauooo by r%* A* ANfOYVV*~ 14 5,, ityubkove, 69 RWIA140 pets a i j"? 1030 105. ACIL TO-IM 5ci-tar xug 67 A System of EquationS for an iwalytical "Itudy of the Aerodyn.-Iilic Chuncteristics of I-Jong.-Ited godies at Larf..e Puigles of Attacks by P. P. r(yabnshup1w,, RUSSINN per Izv Vyssh UdICIO Zaved, Aviat Tekh,, Vol 11, No 2: -1-968. p-p 3-11. Sci/Aero !"ay 69 all 104 Ki at 0' "t L'ot Wt "Aact 73 '7 T.';e Use of j~iwwtal in l4elding wilps I#mi,)er,3 ,,tructures, by Ye. C. Faynshtayu, ~. R. ~.,,ya:~vv. per, 14utonatic iioldir.,,I, Nlo l9t~u, Y)P N I CIT'r.-AA - 2 S 35 - 6~) 6. ~~ RXo-bOv c t Jjuv tn" SS4,kiI4 Dy4mdcs of Rismus of Microarganisms in Partictan Saprwhytic sactsriQ at Fish. Breading Pond in Applying the G)mm verti. lixon,p by F& Pa Pyabows I* go Debrivuayal,, RUSSIMw VerO GidrablolelieskjX Zhurnalp Vol 1110 No 22 pp 57-58. *Dept of Interior Fi3h and Wildlife Service sureau of Comercial ASMAOS tuy 67 AStrodynasic Characteristics of Flight on the Course Sarth-Hoon-Sarth, by 11. A. Ryabov. lu j~p MUM, per, Zemlya i VselennaXat go 4. 1969, pp 12-16. AIR/PTDAtT-24-177-70 Dee 71', .--rdblms In i~edgdng an Automatic Control 'system ior a ,neumatic Irragular-bimm wave-mk-ep, by f0abkov, Va !e. anitsyn, :L5 pp. -114eI&T WL -"fiLy per, po 'tpaMs m !j_M ISk Grlbnyka 'Antov I ikat , 74_ Lenin aracle 15 79 pp "i1-82. J.' -4t 3243 Jan 70 400,511 Studies in Aludvm Veldlngp by D* 14. Rabkin end R. V. %vbm., 85 Pp. W-lqEwp bko 22ft M39R&P. I Ye Splavoy So Stallyu L lbdl PP- 95t 3-lbp and 25-93- JMS 35157 viv 66 M0,93 Irription Faming in the Aotrakhawkaya Obln-stj, by V? Pqabows, 6 pp? RWIANO npj, Sell!k= ZLIW* I Mar 1967. P! 20 JPM 40416 ~/~ um Bel-Agric Apr 67 323s,331 4,r lic-cre,pition Of jUlfide fliverais ii, the , Ilifluence of ("Xj(-tntj(I by V. 11 on per. fich, AL ;;Cuh- Vol 135, JP illy) AC I Jail 70 drzr on omlity ot, ~.orst,,,ztio f, "A9 J '77 TPZ - VF- L ,r- A ~(t" ~ '1 1, /"C-" :z,-/- "~ 1~-! Y Y The Technique of Average nu Measurement with the Neutron Time of Flight Spectrometer, by Yu. V. Ryabov, 16 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, JINR-P3-SII9. AEC/LB/6-3040 Nov 71 W: ~. % - ~.:. - - : . :: 1 - : z f :;. , ~ , : . p r- C 4 (BNI,-tr-464) 5STRENGTH FUNCTIONS OF 235U AND 239Pu FOR s- AND p-NEUTRONS, gRyabov, Yu. V.; Fenin, Yu, 1. 10Translated by S. J. Amoretty (Drookii~i-re'n Naiti o-- nal Lab., Upton, N. Y.), from 151~a~ern. Piz.; 13: No. 7,1039-41(1971). 205P- 24Dep. NTIS. 26physics (nuclear); translations 2720H 28MN-34 29P NSA is tjlc iradiativo uriture ~.Ii I:; er,uss -S i:or Culd Pu At Lnel---Vp Vol A, 0 4, I'JU60 2 5 t-b 6 -V 2 19 Inaft ow~~ cc mqwm mft%bqwroam= ia~ 10 tl* ~YMWU Of T,&W-D~4~ Pblym=# bg T. A.Vav*%vas A. A. Pv-ubm? DQk Ak Mak swil vol :L79S PP 11,33-21X*~ 5o 371;2% ~,qmcta CC Qo Acvm a ~~,tam tw ~w lo 4v i ~ t z -,, t Nil .SIU8.411: (120t)7' Poly,.- ovs, i, lite in Nwrif;-,;rv.,~4 , by 54 Ziermoplastic Paymars, fhotopolymrittion ani Moto-Dustruction in Photographic Processes. 1. TharrioDlastie Polywra, by L.H. %rabova, V.I. Sheberstoy. RUSSIAN, per Zh,-Mch. prikl. Fbtor.T. JU.11(ym. Vol. 10, Ho. 3, 1965, pp 222-234 OB 131 T 4782 Sai - Aug 67 339-674 jo-vato Vin Loval of Or "-,00jal ,CUltural 9 PT). Pik=v 14. 5, 2 3i . ....... .. Aswf~fo F .1 A -7 Az~ L.R. IeY4~4- sev Heat Resistant and Pbysiochmical Properties of WticaMonent Nickel Alloyss by L. A. Wtsev, 7 PP. mc~-HT-23-432-70 Feb 73 dmmm~ / a. fti-mtorlau nov 69 3X-,744 i mttim of - &,Vrcisso~.(As 41imlers 1: sacribet-'o /0 iri 146 1. ivabtseve Yu, ~,. (Aysterv 5 xbPe porg A%=A imodmal 1. wDnc.crj, i.,o 7* 19699 Pp 2ZoM* J. 48?09 6ai-E-wil -), -) , Q . -'\~ C~ ~ -I) ~-, ~. - A- ..F pt 6~ (UCRL-Tran&-10598) ATTEMPT AT AN OIL- GEOLOGIC ZONATION OF THE USSR, Baldrov, A. A.; ~Yabq"Jn' 9,_K. Translated for Univ. of California Lawrence Livermore Lab., Livermore, from Neftegazov. Geol. Geofiz.; No. 6, 47- 52(1968). 11p. Dep. NTIS. geology; translations 08G MN-51 P NSA 70-13392-06R ON 714E OPTIMAL JE~ERGY OF INCIDENT NEUTRON'S INNEUTRON-CAPTUI n' Nledit sins,: iva 966, ANL-TR,~*;S-419. Radlologlya, v. 11, n. p. 12. 1 .1 1~ Order from N-rC as 70-1 392-0W HC $ 6.70. MF S S. 80. Sol - BUa & Mod Fm 67 Yu. S. lVabWdiin 324p3W or Joints In Increseed ;.so of aectrlc I~webold Applbmcess by A. ". !-yabwbdLas 19 A* KuUkovs ppo MISSWO por, (.orodslcpy L memow, 47?30 del-i-nerm. i~ out: (norl-prop) kV 69 3? 9 a 191 svmw~ at as boomd" at ooguuot 16 fps by f- Wdwjbkla 80 IL G&Utakqas oam wo !am miumo lb lot 196TO 0 W-Op im ISM? um sm as 68 347A51 SoUd p1b,(M fiewtifts in c . : 1, vu!-,91, aj Jan- Oct 72 , .- Plis,-vrse~l iltusiens in, tl;e Uplicr lllale(~zaic of thc Pollots I~asifl, by 0. 1". flyabyllh. RUSSIAN, ror Oak Ak 'Naul. Vuj 1815, .o ~~, ir,6!)$ Tin hi"l-1122, t i A (11 1 ~_! /:- , C (-I t~) /:~ ,f/I- i/-~ Jan 70 !!',- 9 0 9 7 .4, Ynov,F, S. V~ U Ci~YS I ~,LL I I -T I , L L A D CIT'i"GUNDY ~-Il TkUGE I\ CA,"T - k 0 U f I ,L i~1, J A Z I U r iC i< Y S T t- L ('I - &-~ I t ~ L I I ZV. -1,~K . PA I TEK, Is I NS I - , 1 p P . -, F,,)T~'-hT473- 4 1-1 1 - 7 'i RYABYKH', S. ETC 6u G -,AS LHERATION DURINC L~H ANE ~40IOLYSIS JZVES. VYS. UCHLB. ZAVED. KHIM. I KHIV. IEKH. , 13/ 12, 11?7~' 9 1737-39 FSTC-HT-?3-~..~ 1(19-7'~ pormation or c*Wloyos of cystadne Witb DNAp bY G* V* RY&&V*i RUSSIA"ll: par* DQU Alkt Uk 84~41 Vol Ik, go I -r4L-n-T9Eqt # 2y)-2 CB pt CIO%) 0 Oct 70 Synthesis of Decoder Units. by 0. M. Ryak-ill. 11 !)1). USSIAN, per, Aviatsionnyy Institut I Trudy Kazan. R No 94, 1969, pp 38-97. AIR r-TD-IIT-23-444-70 1C, 11 (V ~ A, On the Qvasibiennial Recurrence Lffects in t1to Stratospheric Processes of High and Niddle Latitudes,, by L. A. Ryanzaliova, RUSSIAN, per,, Trudy Tsentr. Acrol. Observ., No 76g 196% PI, 100-106. UL 11cf.o 5826.4F (7411) > ct il c Oar 6? 17(~ 910) 7 Study Of the R016tion Ustween the Structure and Effectiveness of pho3phorous stabili- sers, by D. L" Rya3avy' 1. Z. slama. CZECH, per, Clkemicky_ Pruiaysl' Vol 18, .4o 1, 1969, Pp ATC 69-10972-07C SCL-Chom N 2 ay 69 382,524 ; rapantion of Yout!i ior AUtary iraining Utw. by 1. -.Vaabchmko, 7 pps Wig per# j pp 39 333,19 V. A. Ryasin Optimm strategy in the correction of the trajectory. of space vehicte RVSSIAN. bk, y2ravZeniUe koomicheakimi apmratarrti i Porab4,xu. 1967, pp 357-367 111ASA TT F 142383 sept 72 ~- ~7 'rue Turi, of viu ~,eusons anki i0eat lixreascs in tLe Polar Strattosi)heru of the Northern L, A* idazonuvae -,w acr, trr I - catralondy twrolo"Julles .< ISN.Iis" koy i twy I s ObservatuTi L~aaqg;,G 76, 1907, i-II., L v itu- W alectric moftlin with the ApPlicatlon of VOrtOx L?j&jds I, by G. A. "anov. 524 pp. RUSSUHj bkl, glzttlww~ft-m mdolirava"Us I Pd"Wim VLkIMVAII folut 1969o pp 1-335. AtR/M/MT.24-104-70 4 Doc 70 by bjtjfjc~' oicOry 'Vol ISO, -C' A4, - jwte V)op V'4 1 7~'e pLj 1115t ~)f Phys Vp Dec 1969 .1 14, C (Q) NJ jjr~ 70 70-13450-07A R Bondarenko, A. V. ; Mai z! i1. ~A,LIQUID-PIIASEO,XIDATIONOFETIiYLTOLV~-?~RTO ~THE HYDRO-PEROXIDE AND SOME USES OF lliiE HYDROPEROXIDE. Neftc,.hfmiya V. 6, n. 2, r..';~'7- 234, 1966. Ord erfrom NTC as 70 -1 34 50-07A.-HC$7.6D, MF $ S. $0. L;Xperiwautal Loops In too N-,, Reacturp by Vs. F4 nyagantsev. /c) aSSIANO rpts LAd-D23 Paper GivsA h&2 -gt, Uw AIM33a Sawimr an -the Utilization of Rasearch 2"etairs AURZ, dar"Ilt NOV 1)6),- Se L-Ruc I Sc L ~~ftp V, sawtow,wom ftewim in pdoD&fts by V. V. B*ams %modwip A# S. pwwwuu$ A. V,-sovoselon. Kew* qw, ja a V03. 5" 1b 90 L16 Oa 69 309463 fedlo Wave Pzvpwtim in tho FAM-Uhle crist" I)y A. M. Ry~ttw; mg A. V. &Wballaikov, 31 w. RUM, per, Wipteklmilm 16 alektivaiksA V01 10, -10 lli N" 1905, YP- 1923-19w, MUS 33519 Hz./7 Nil, Cv, Jan Z)3,.q5 irMSport by Yl, 2 ..ent 1-26 V-17 ;.CM -et 69