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HaW WVaraW ratUM of COMr AMO um4er 106 M14WIMpW,t ftUA24 by To M* fttUkUMa aW Do Po Iraduawo 9 n.-Imma, vr JPW U517 D P &v-40NOV July 67 r)0933 The Friction Torque of a Radial Instrument Ball Bearing, by E. M. Rodionov. RUSSIAN. 0T/4186 Consultants Custom Translations. Inc. 16 IjLbW IsgislatIon Violated tr CmStrwUm OUUW9 tv F, Raftmwt 5 ppe mssums 12 Feb 19699 p 2, JPRS 4706%9 -Tn& Homms - , cy-r) ;~4 Uwa ?d Apr 69 37%391 *t uVor at Rau of iNW&OO A4*s &*)Octtd ombimd lutlaw* of combsk Tatneblorldo #ad AspotaCytateActiitachadvial Scua,# by 6, A, KoM14. Ga As AodiaWo 1$ pp. AMIANO pscO Patel Tatr kj& L Vol is$ No 20 ISM.' pp N-60. cull W06605906 /~' "Y," Jul 66 305*su e,6 0 Uo" in Unit Dihdp of MAP ZqUipMaMp by NI Ki 93dlowvs 13 YPT WMA, peri, . No 5. MW 1967, pp "10 HIS 4wh N. pi, R (~ D i 0 N 0 ~' &I!.Msctrmdcs acd Mwtrica - Dee 67 346p290 ~kdty In Follti=l MA ftolzatimal Ila buds for Swass In Party Ladwships by Ps Roftwwo 15 pp. Russwe We 19019MI, Mowmt go 15o uat 19690 pr 3B-49- JERS 49320 USSR POI Dw 69 396o46D ~3 Leninist Noms of Party Llfo.. by Po A, lbaonov, 19 pp,~ BUMIAN, per., VoLmU Istoril XMI Ifol 10, oat 19660 pp, 14-26- JPRS 36715 U.WR Fol Dac 66 3.14P359 -appliMbinty of the Theory of Valtipla Lieht Beatterim In the Atmapbere to the Uff eat Of ,xnQ=jous Zmaspuvwy., by F. Ft Radionai Pul B. No v4vch=j, 10 pp, WMIA per.# Lgqp&md* Uni-mrsitet. Problem Fizikl AtuppLery, No 3p 1963.- pp 03-54. PIOD116~*B-V rn)-EIT-6T-257 Sci-AUvopharic Sci July 0 350,855 .1 ... ~ . : I 'id. ~ Tho ~Cwam-on of l=PO--tr-O Of Vic l'--:Li, I x 0l a tr-.n,!th to.-,ol '~Ybld JvointD, ~ay 7, titin, pip" lov. ,,LL,;3Lio, ijk. Linii ?CmLiadli i "Ultlaul"r S~A,--tkjl- i vluck~.rl ulastot, Laxmlik 19 ,.-,CiA~ -!Ctrcnic,; 375052b An Lavestigation of Cavern Development In the Cammflet gxplotion, by V. N. Radionov, I* Ab $1zov, et al. RUSSIAN, pert Nauchno-Tekh GornoXa Obs"Ichestv*0 Vzr=ye. Delo, No 64/211, 196a, pp 5-24. -.-23-67-7~ ?0 J 0 Sci Sep 70 imp ulft an a* ftumow Mstotv *-~, Uz '29XV)OMM* #Jaw 84 Uo amp hi he 114 4*UWVA V. ** Mmmw$ & A. &dw*w=l am -WU -a W-A V. P. Rodionov sma3m and 000towmkIl UWalm Onvadw at tin Gowam*UA MW In the tabe Oobvim ad the OW&Adclad In the Smft of the Stbodw MA-fbz4 by V. P. BXUOZMA 10 pp* 12ITZ ELMMO vor~ 30 10 tt*/bo~ T 46) H V. P. Rodionov sa - soft sclamm =a oftenopOv Flea 67 A Tracking Filter in the Reception of Signals with Frequency Manipulation, by Ya. G. Rd Rodionov 6 pp. RUSSIAN, rpt, XXII vses Nauch Sessiya, Posvyashchennaya Dnyu Radio. Sektsiya Radiopriyemnykh Ustroystv i Usiliteley, 1966, pp 52-56. JPRS 37520 Sept 66 ",-,,ital 2leasuring Inatriarelit,-1, ,y anni. Y4~. 1. r~,,-danov. P~cr, Prixr~j Siater'Iy ~'rjravje 4)E1., 4 44 Citrullims- Uraidage Activity in Geographical Races of Francisella tularensiss by I. V. Rodionova. RUSSIAN, per, Qok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 179, No 2# Har 1963, pp 457-460. CB Jan 71, 80* -R"Cvwj on 'tao of 4will Anto ~*,Gcbq tv per's lAffinu.S40 ~,.jwcovs 'i~ pp Owns 3Mal,94 SIC aUeLt 0i 1;ad r,-Zbxli*l cm'Utiawx ca i~lea d Waw of .;. Cirmll= Ollindrical SWU ~~jaaod to CAMMItratad .10dal ~,Mwsl by V, 4 fbdcncvz* 9 P~'), iis Wivarsitat. i4lzv or# ~WbW" L4~~~ seriya i,;Axuk= "MMUM i A.Stma-11, =3 1, Lip 115-1240 ,U.T-4'LTq/aT-23-b63-G9 If a . 1-9 Odi Odo VZU zci/I~Qdu-a tm~r ii.ay 70 4060936 Cytological liffect of Lassr Irradiation in Seedlinp Of AlliUm fistoom L*8 by V. V. Rodionove, V, A, Tarasov. RUSSIAR9 per* Dok Ak Neuk SWR# Vol 1889 No 31 1969, pp 692-693, CB N,N, H2y 70 A 36* of tba fowdyets of tim cawifte at Sam ,--- ~ b-C0*41olng AXAShoUc aD AftwMa the camatims or lub h" tv Do lWalume Le A* 0 NMI." 0 0 WEd" gwmo Val 70 so S20 19 Mt pp zob"~~ M 8&4944 oa the ~isturv of the luterplanetary Cag. 33 Ily ye. Ya. Qdalevtch. T. Yo. (~Odklflg. I RIUS.AU, per, Kosttitheskite IssledovauiyA, Vol 7, 'u I. 1~ P11 Sci Ld Tech Info Facility ST-IS-GD-10815 sci-Astrou APT (19 37:o,)79 Hm Dmlopmts in BasLe Are ftcnaces a Cmparisom and the USA* by V,. Rodle GERM09 part R4dex Ruud BMI 819S LLnLnp for slectrLe U) of PrectLee Ln Surope So Sp 19690 pp 729-739, sci-mat Sep 70 \,~3 , ~\ %a 13- li*Awiall Dmlopmt *f US Intowlar t*Lustias of ftcadUees Guns, by 14 Vsgftbun RodrAr. ? pp. port Ammmeba=eba No 3# IWP 933-z)60 AQI 13-3205 ID 2Z)403?867 R 0 CLNtP- LLp Jul 36ts 165 bOft CbMal Of Tlw Amsm aum, tv y FPO rm"s- pawkums PWO 4mf ,xia JIM OW& Ap 11-Us 3~43* DIA LN 181-M IOUU A=W Gem Fab 68 3490M _-'~tWeet Of ~lm-'Ld k'*sO'xyv'lh. '-hv Dulinakly wrov PP-P a por, 1 15. MM P'O Y Y ob I"? Logicd =d CartogtWM44 Form of Pasion Classificadm =d the Pri6bus of Their Studys, by B. B. Rodowmi, 60 plv* MUM# per,, Is A N&A 35SR, sot Geol"fidboska a 99 0 No 4S, Vp 113-Ub. lml 1-930!Xl 10 2204014966 Ju* 66 3000910 W,A"l mid Curtographical Fan;s oi C1255iiicatioa and tho 112TL-lecls Of 11WAr Atuly, by W-,-:SlJMv oars It A aaLsk NO 4l L-Os pp, Z3 1;~7 -,be r,4ilmadis Taske in 1967. bnr Y=ly Pocbnyl, 1 WROAMAN, por, Irnslolcoded Foual 0 26 Feb 19& T 3m 1 1, p. MRS 40979 Al" A, d rz-amary Sol-ilisch, Industrial Err-,r Jun 67 325,.3?6 of ftnroMs In 190 QdUnsd, tF WoU R~4, 8 yp. OMMW,p pwo &MMiabd imlm 2 Feb 1969t pp 91-93o JPHS VvO? S4i-MSW4 Inds Civ & fty Snp AIr 69 37893D8 JV. p cf-d C4 Method of Synthesis and Growth From Solution of Smalmoous SeriLconductor Single Crystals, by H, Rodot,, MOLTSH, per, J Al-9-1 2MR-tal IGE01M. Vol 3* no 4. 19680 pp 305-308. NTC-71-12147-ZDL Nov 71 Castributim to the Staly of lbin F11= of tim ScaiwCaud=or C44, by V, VApuvditiso g* Rodalk ulp"S'"O U"Ic mu" ~ 'This Fila Ph, M- ig"m P A* of t" Laterlial"lu Uml.Ul- ft t bwl 10 1965 MOO 6"06710 GOVM94MT USE MLY scl-Mys j44 67 soryllLso by 4t solb*01*9 Jo Rodoto at *10 FRUO.-O rptp Etude "AT taff "gtba d" Rayons I do Gludso I . lisaltrmso Jun 1965,0 ov pro w3ma-V AEC UcKotoloo"112 ~', The Females of Chyronomidae 1, by 41 R. A. Rodova. RUSSIAN, per Trudx lust Siol vautrenniku Vod, No 17 (;0y-.1969, pp 124-144. W-0-e-pt of Interior Bureau of Commercial Fisheries Branch of Foreign Fisheries g. R. ROCLOVCL Sci-B&H June 69 Uavoloplaeat of Cricotopus Silvestris, by R. A. Rodova. RUSSIAN, per, Tr. Inst. Biol. Vnutr. Vod., 1966, pp. 199-213. NLL Rof: 2024.912 (1035) Sci-B&4 July 69 387,435 /?, h. go d o v C'- )~- . 8, "2c) ~ C) ~,l S 1~ '; Ct new Designs for High Speed Ran Transports, bY A. B. Rodovskiyo 9 pp. RUSSIM, per, Zheleznodpro7lmy Trwmxwtg, NO 12.4 19699 PP 79-&"- AWFSTC#T-2-1-1438-71 Jime 72 Cxtb=c UW lm*W Wooft ArabblmhW's oal fm MmW Mono by AbWM bdvlgmp 6 pp, OOVNDNW In am n-18 ftp 1966p "A=R npq - - PPO 4f 80 JM WO 2Wk IA - ftlvodor so Bw 66 313#826 SacialiSL Party Congress J'nic&to S'Pi, .- per, ot 7, 44,1146 L,%Wkilo) ~Iclitical Feb 63 Lv. 0, illt".13 1~y Saliti.13,0, 4 Jot) '61~* A Document an Chilean Socialiem , by Aniceto ,k. Ex1ripez., D prj. SPAMa,. per., El SI)l 5:) 311, JIIIY lXk, PP- 4-5 and 7- ipm 37126 Jr) I c V- -k a "j, , -R0 LA-Chile Sx ,Q,ept 66 0 .~odal swurity In Cuba# by Dvisilio ilodriguam, i 4 [,~,) * pope Caba 30cialistat W, 1966, pp. 14-Y)t J.OP,S 39593 LA/,C'uba ,~Oa ..!ar 67 t 319,230 The Nw Norms of Bmi&Uat Corapetition,, by Basilio Hodri m z, 10 ppo SPAN=., np., Cuba Socialista,, Apr 1966, PP - 93 104 - JPM 3;i~~5 LA-Cuba FCM Jun 66 3039021 ..... ... .. bapWns ",odtlen of Castro's - ubmat by ~--arlos ;-nfaol Rodriqumj 12 -,4), 14* 15v 16 md -19.~ Alp july 6,,) Notes On a Couftrence and On a Failure, Iyjr Carlos Rafael RodrIgtoess, T PPe SPAMH, per.. M IqS1244a Feb 19b7,, ppi "-550 JPrg 40330 C,,,9,~L~ ~OlqF14E L A26 0 6/ LA-Cuba Scon Pay 67 323,,338 J~u%ger anel Ravolutton in Latin imricao t,y Carlos Raw-al Rodriff4ozy 3 pp. POTI, Rom$ NOV-Pcc 67, pp. -9-11. XYRS 44,3U6 Li.,Uzuba) ,~01 L tLca 1 jttivity gepeat ri; -farpol Trod, SPP.IISI't pera nolq 65 DY Rou'ric"I"P 72 19-65V UruGuV and the AIUUO by Dmiol Fbdriom I/ ~ L=eta., 6 pp 4 GPANM* ap., 21 -~kl Amr 1.966,, p- 5- JPP,Q I%rl6 IQA N, t:7- I Prod ~,~JUF2- 6 LA.-Ur4gueky R= t* 66 300.-0G1 no-Trinwoo p 12, Izl cl w 6,,,e~ IWUV lbd~ DVO fm Ubw ftwe Das~l I tv Hadw aw*lvmiso 6 m SPAUMg np& ~ HMtWdeov 20 Dw 1"o v 60 ms " 14 e- c --L c) R- P c:. ct, p 1, -~ Li C Z- ;A-Wqm Pal Fob 70 Wom Government t"ecusee Of 1:00-1 "(xi ~,Olicyf by lAr-tOl' f-Odrigun-9 5 Plao S.-AUShl pers jjMbb MMIU1,13W, 17 July 1.,,,,6-)t p 6. J; FZ 4038 He-,-t,P- AuC 6-) 9.0 cwtftl wwkarsl unim Noe& non for stvu~t IT fledor RodeUms 9 ppe SPARIS11g, upg jkgMbg l4antevideot 2 tHay 19699 pp 6. to. MRS 48104 Z~ a, IT' Q-1-L LA-ungaq kol Jun 69 382t195 Wvement CriticUed for hew fto ReguUUomt bV hwUr Hoddgamh 6 pp, Si-AlfISH& npg ikpftw ~bntvddcot 28 .:-ar 1969,v pp 6* 149 ity 69 38105OL? Wep Mams4ow srA Otbw Subjeots ?"Mits4 ~, 9 bLy Heatm Ro&dpm4 6 ppe SPARM app Hyabs Mmtovlftoo I Nov t9689 p B. Jns 47608? LA/UI%7w POI Jan 69 3?20250 1~leo6e --- Is POPAI&r Beftm Timar., by Rector lbdriguez.. 6 pp. = any Alff"m I. MRS NEEM n rob 1966.. p. a. I-M GUO lU4 IA-Unww POI Apr 66 2OsM The Integratica of Santaigo Look at a Transj,-crt Base, by SMIIIISU, npl, Ealtemis 4 July 5 Pec 1969. MAN 574-70 Tpe -S q gv's- U/Soc Par 70 de Cuba: An Inside Javier Rcdri~,uez. 1969, lip 20-26j, c-, 8L 4046300 aestats or Fam an Domentia order Aswead, ~La ty J"Im Rob4pni 5 pp 4 WASISHo Ywi Bftlib 9"i 17 VAw 1969i pp amli ipas WM ~ 0--.,~ L&- Pal Cuba miq 69 381089 Vonsen i;'ho vo--tZLt Ln by Javlor i7odriquez, 14 pp. ,Yp 116373 'd Q 63 1755 CUban jXtala Vonzuelan au'VOWLIonary, 1>y JavLer Rodripezs 5 pp. SlIp.1111GII, por, Bohemia, unvana, 12 Jon Us, 46-47. JL,ItS 44;,306 b (i Interdew Idth rwavuUM27 Amed ftms T MeGor ViaU# by JAVIer ftddqung 5 pp, COUMIRMT WE OW- SPAND-11* pars U Aug 1967v pp 34-3% JPM GM 2SU 3400M Comanist Youth VaiOn PUW UPUBIOU2 by .T&Vifw DQdris&*zj 5 I)p! SPPJM., up* Bohemia U Mar 1966, pp, 5h-55. JM 35308 LA-Cuba poi Yky 6 6 300., UO 1 -0 Ow Teowed Prom" ad TMIDU4 of um Mure woftro tv joft ftuvx.310 9 ppf OPMMP P*rp Y U&tb& IlD 37P Jw* 1967f " Ae. T 51-"-p JM JOW 6 zo se Ro C) lz -r Vu- E,7- tA/Cuba sw Dee 67 346#269 104 M"JAr MwW In Spdn by M- L. ftirLgtm FFMH,t pw" MLTggb . B.4.. &mw Vol 9. XL iw-- M-9v (Bla*Y 1358) /t, ~, /- , R 0 (ce ,/-~/ 3 Get-Maclew ScL July 68 36D,p,%-,-p Nmenclature of Sugmam Varieties, by bS=wl &ArigueP, Cebrm.- 5 PN WAR per# Aotgordea - Lftp Jan-%r 1-365j%, U~l JPFS 35W* - 1~0-nud Roa~-jyez LA-Cuba &on Jun 66 3012,)60 maim xNawlim ~ woorts an vemuauu eemlalmsp bv Ymm*t 83ftMi, 3) Vq- wammm us a" SPANIN PWt .8 .gem-ft,mmft ..I ova W -- p 0 i 7-M. im wo 2m I M enendez Rodriguez ut-vanamu Soo 3U*]L% ion 6T - - "A A