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llsdesh~l Operation in a Rev 14i&t,, by Yitshw Portow, 7 PPP sami Bpi Lmorhm 9 Olot 19651 PP- 3) 10- JPM 33169 mg-isreel Pol Dec 65 2929 tn Abalt the Ammaly of EL tr~vit7 at the Bomdary of the Ealth's Crust - MmUe in the Irkutsk Amphitheatrej, by M. A. ParWagin. 12 pp MISSM., par,, gg2lcWa i Ge"a, No 12p 1968,9 pp 93-ioo. AIRATD-M-24-1414-71 Feb 72 PORTNYAGINt S 5 R u ORGANIZATIONAL ANALYSIS OF EXPERIMENTAL C(-;NTA INER CAil-,GID SHIPPING AND CONDITIONS PUR(TRANSPURT) MOSCOW 69 TRUDY EKGN(,m. I LKSP LU. MORSK. TRANSPORTA 24(30 FSTC-HT-23-2395-72 T*,Nrolopinent of tite iMilding kiaterials 'Juldustry, by D. ";C)ftu- qalov, 10 p'?. Ekonwimika EtnAtell- Imirda, 60 YAr 72 A Comr-Ist Idw. of Cuban Litsmturo Jince 1953 by Joao Antmdo Portwndo, 17 pp, a AngLi july-Aiia 1967t Fwt -CCHM 193-21), 6D :jept 61j7 378, 057 The Intramllula Oontzol *:C tba Activity of the ContnatIle MODUM of Maletal Mweles, by IL Portzem. MM; rpts 71" Omij~uq On= Avow. for Inacm VAdIcLas- -1965 125-136. . R VP hu ]*;r: 9023-175 (471) z e L Mar 69 3T5s66*5 -d Novikbw Gear#4 Em, I in.Cimstruction and ry .'b N:I- ,..Roadb ildi u ng Machine y A. Porvatov, RUISSIAN*.Per., Stroitdlnyye kDorozhuye No' 8,71-971, pp.18~19.%. ~,.*ACSI-K-2026 *FSTC-HT-23-1487-12% messming the arfoauve LwAtion of Imest- Monte$ 17 Jon ForvaWki, 12 pp. GOVERPM Ow (= .* Isr* P tvi, 110 100 cm LEM M22MLO - Oct 19,65P ppo J7-W. ans mlo Hw 65 292A245 Problem In Proftation GmU OdtlirAdo by Krz,vsstof ParAtv. 13 ms~ POLM , npo rjLGR22mggl. I~rssvg, 19 oet 1969f pp tv, 4*1 JMS 49248 6con liov 69 3960??4 Finarwial,, Currenoy Problem in Copprehensive, Program Discusseds by Oszkar Forzoes 7 pp~ HMARIAN,g per, Pen4iw Szemlep Budapest# 110 it 'Tan 73o i~_35-40- ORS 58365 -Mar 73 i,ridt mid Vc~Letablu 11tilizim- bumstrY i1, by L. Ponsolt. LLRI~;M: "jers, lite.. Wst. ~21, ~,u DO pi. 59i-ij5;-T-)Mr. LIA4L) 607 6 arai uri Tr~ L. Ite Analysis of Sino-Soviet Dispute. by J, Poeadge, 8 pp# SPANIS.Es np, Lrn&e g1retq. Vm'tevideo. 19 Jan 1972v pp 2.4, JPRS 55458 Far 72 Critique of UTu~payan Trotskylte 1,:al.lio by J. Vbza-las, ^43 ipp. S's--AZTISU, per, 'PEetite 1~raro, 1~;rtcvidco, -8, pD. 3-7. ch r .Tr'%-Z'O 45,430 Inter qutiona I c a I Y Argentha Trot6wites Accuse llspartadststl Splinter G-rioup of Unitirg With IMerlalisi Am_*Inat Tlota)Wlan, by J, Posadim, IS P'Oq SPNNISH, per, Ifoa PM1 WA IS t4ar 1967, Ppo 3-5# 5-70 and go 1*593 !.~-Argantino i~Dl ,ay 67 Social Crisis of Capita-31cm in Ur%-my 41 A.Uegedly Expressel by Constitutioml Refom, with CP Support, by J. PmUs~ 7 ppt SPANISH, per, Voz Proietaria Vol XVIII b 455) 13 A-W, ppt ,JPF.9 V390 LA-Uraguay Pal 312.,553 oct 66 Argentine Trotakyites Call Tricontinental Conference a Failure., bjLL. _Posadag, 19 pp. SPANISHj, np,, Voz Proletarisp 0-ATZ 1966x pp. 8-9p 12p 14 and 15- JPFS 34187 UL-Argentins poi Feb 66 295,866 Argentine Trotskyite Organ Calls for United Front in Southeast Asia against Imperialismj by j. Posadas, 6 pp. SpAIJIM, np., Voz Proletaria., 27 Jan 19G6, PP* 3, % and 10* me 34157 IA-Argentina pal mar 66 295,922 Argentite l9lutalwLte Grgm-. Castro Aldo the Cwlw of the CowtorxevOUUOnnAeS# by J. powdeas 21 pp, SMM9H.. per#V*s A. no leg.. 16 rob 1966.. ppe W* ME C)" 9 LA-Argentins Pol Apr 66 296)360 Argentine Trotsityite Party Magazine Discusses Growing Palm of World lbvolutim,, by J. IN,o0m., 32 pp. IVMM.. np) VOS Prolet"a. 6 Jan 1966, pp. 4-5j, 7; 13 Jan 1966p pp. 4-0. JPFS 343B7 IA-Argentim Pol reb 66 295,864 Argentine Trotskyite Publication Commats on Effects of Guevara's Expulsion from Cuba.. by J. Posadas,, 24 pp. SPARMp np,. Voz Proletaria., 27 Oct 1965,, PP- 3, 4,9 and 10. JPIS 33204 TA-Cuba Pol mc 65 2931527 lv~ ArGerntine 111'roto.~Wite M.-plaina Tactics j*j' A.-I 'SirW, Ic Fr xnt, bj J. Posa "-, 22 pp- UIRS-11, 1?-,r, V,3z prAptarin, Vol XVIII, 11-, 441, 13 may 1)V~-,7. -7- MRS ~C,357 A-rc_-pnIUna Pol Jul 66 An Argeutinimn TrAskjite Loa-der Sees tle Gl-:r.,rW c)f the World Ravo"ian., by J. P-madas, VAHMil, per, Voz aria, vol- 1;3, z;o 4h3,, 27 vzy !9660 lip. 2-r. P-LIT, 30373 SOIjas LA-ArGentina P131 jul 66 336,W1 Wilding a fbwolutlomy Mrectmte lo Cordoba# tv Z. Poeadwt 28 pp. GOVMBW UES OW SPAUMS, app Vol EMleteria. 2 Mr 10, PPO 4-79 JM GUO U41 P-o ~.- jqI . j IA-Arg=tlm POI Apr 66 29913W Castro Sl and r VM Fail Say Argentine Tlvtakyites,, by !E. Posadas, 33 pp. BPMM.. np., VOz ProleWis, 2 Tan 1966.. pp- 21-7o 10-11, 15.. IJ slid 9- jpfs 34187 LA-Argentina Pol reb 66 295;363 Commication, to All Sections of Fourth DitervAtiml f= Argentine Zmtftit") by J. Pomd$a., 6 pp. -1 �V --np, voz Proletaria, 2o jan 1966, PP a 2,, 8-9. JPMS 34187 IA-Argentina Pol Feb 66 295,867 Constructing Organizatims of the Massesv by je Posaaas, 21 ppo GOVEIMM USE Q= 49PARMS npp Yoz 3.2 ft 190j, ppq 5-109 DIG GUO 758 LA-Pera Pol Jun 65 2810850 Cricis In the Argentine Labor Wverent, by J. POWWWO 8 pp. GOMM= USE OW SPAN=,, np, Voz PrWatafta, 2 mar 1966, PP* 2-3. ipf-S GOD ml -J. TA-Argentim p0a Apr 29%29,1 C, 'Latin eric,,,.n 'TrAsl-ite AGC!tsO;~G Jl I 1 17-- A ~l I.n.t.ot D~,veloixntnito In Cidma: by J. -)r~&Jac, 1-2 1,:?. per pml--i-fina T)l XVIII, ~,PLtanq ia-) 44,7, 24 jxm jFiz, S c"A r:~, s ~1).9273 - yj_ 4 -- J. Pbsadss, 4 ~,., .3 Urged to lorn libor 1"arty. by 2.3 pp. SPAUS14 no, Voc r-mlotaria 3 Dea 1960. pp 16.3. JPRS .3901 l4ollstanla. F con ;iar 67 319.256 good for World &NUUU011 Stmeed by Arg=Une TrOtVqIte Orpa in Discuselag chinew %ply to Castrop by J. vb~j, 25 Ppo BPMM., Put Vag MiON.U.0 Vol XMI$ No 432., 9 Ibr 1966,, pp- 243. JM 3M9 (4-1, TA-Argentim poi Apr 66 299.,296 Poswels Dlvcuam Chimm Party and Govern- mimt MMMItbs# by J, FOOMMI 32 to- MWM.g pwi, Vos mmimiso 3 Feb 2~;6, Vp- "j, 7-9 and 10 Feb 190bo We 2-3p 9* JPM 3*599 pol mar 66 297A95 unwit for Hwolutionary Program Imortent Task of Italian Proletariat fts j 24 Tr,ottsUylte ftgou., by k-_FpN�p SWIffix npp I= Pruu-tw~p Vol 18.4 No 417., 24 Nov 1965A PPO 3-89 JPFS 33547 c CLS 4 IA-Argentina -e pal jan 66 293,905 Tntels.viera and Vae Fourtii InterriationeLl. on !by-ic= CapitaUw, and tim DourCealsle, *bY, J- P3vadas, 34 p-p. SPArMill, pero Voz Prqletariq~ V.-)l XVIrTO N-) 15 Jum pps LAI- pol sopt 3 I"i TiNitatyite Calls for tho Or{,-mizatim )f a OUG;te Fr.-mt in Chile to Topple Capitnlim-) anLI Its "Spolee=n," F-resident Fred, -0,,, J, Poaalw- ;, 3.3 P,,)o SPAUTCH, per, V3z PrAetama. Vol 13) Na 450, 14 juis i56-,,T.7P? JPRO RW3, Pal 66 I'l.,at Vie Progressive Chinese Cu~,z-uniat I.-')ect,)r I-lunt Lb N'ow,, by .7. Posadas, pp. SPANIGH, per., V,)z Proletaria, 6 Jan 1961P rP- R-Cidna P~AL nm, (;,I 3PO s V16, tn a, "'kho, fatim Po =Ass 10 ppo op 4059 31314 samunic (imuth" cumsumptim Inmomr-3 Its- by Grw9OM POSUVIdt 114 pp. lio 39 4h ma- igs pp 21-31* JIMS to GE z 5 C-1 C K 7 RE-Poland Hem id 69 J~ p On The Uncutainty in TWUM ftwsl Oil Couritem ca Tout Bowha With Haamwing Tanlw (PWb II)s by W. Poedbel. 8 IY- GEMN, per.. Mesgsal Stonem Dweln, Vol 12, No 12, 19692 pp 18181639 AM/FU/Hr-23-814T70 Sept 71 V V It 374--.57Y, Hans Joachim Pose CEJ~j f~7 vt-sk~~ n, 46,r t 6 Chei-Asurl,tion oi liydragen titows. i))- RUZ61AN, 1,-,cr, DGI; AL tiaut; Vol 16-3, NO 5, bee 1968, 1131-1134. PC) s r- 'j Jc~ A ug (~ 9 389,Z6.1, 6: ,;.-o i,~!teoctiurl a ~wj a-lc 41r k vlivzi Va,"CA'e-Z. , At-. ~ij ~;P,l 14'i 3: 1);.;(, IV 2 3 16 3 7 377,Y)413 F C, VCLjo- VIS3 A~ic',v of Vx Of F', A. POS" ~v -X, 4 "' U '- ,froblemi of CoUective BOMMh Diammdo by V. Pashatayev, 5 pp. RUSSIARl npo Pmvda Oomme 7 Jun 1969t P 3- jFRS 49257 ,I/ / Soi-Sciontists & Sci Urpns Nov 69 396,336 The ,-:cic-ntieu's 'vi'orldM !Ay, lu* ;oshck!tlono,,;# 5 ppo ,~VJZ~olkis np, jpa).-98, :oscoty, J; 4CZ3 by V, Posslistaym,, 6 ~,olu 196)t p 2, Mid ~,-Ci :~'Algan ...... -. L~ I I I - I ~I.: f ~~, , , p: -1 1. I ~,/ -V 3cientific Resemb Wak in Apiadtae, by Go Pomlbqev# 5 ppq RM&WO npt �A'LkW Zhiml, Fawm. 14 tAy 1972v p 2. - JM 56270 Jme 72 GOOIAU~! ~,r. t~W 'CMClUftV, YOWr 0,'.' Y*xr Plw4 ',.rr At 11051-=t" !6 's."Do o MGM.", 4, 'LYPO 3 V., JPVS um.q FX-= Zc=A~c Fefam wd Creditp Irl A. PoakWW~ 5 pp. MMM2 up,, prav&V 19 Sov 1965P P- 3- f 3 JIM 33M ~ -0 ~ I" 1,16W ~ " I Ci - v MR gem jan 66 "A p No Economic Beforia and Credit), by A. Poskonov., 5 pp. RMIUM, npp Pravda, 19 Nov 1965s, P- 3- JPRS 33774 USSR Econ jan 66 294.,970 Godmk (State Dm*) md the ftmocVo by N V-11 r--owow,v 6 W* Vmx up) loWas A Nor 01 P. 5. J?lB 300 MR N= jun 65 2U-ja6i Transition to Direct System of ZDlkhoz Crediting,, by 5 PP, RM10j, Mps Sell!lm Zblznl p 6 jan 1966, po 20 JPMS 34683 um neon Apr 66 29B.,013 lWdopmAt *C Goosbak UM Tnoa4 bV As Pos- L=Wlp 14 W* RUSsx"W Pat# RAWISL In" No 10t 196?v pp 11-ma- JM 43876 C6, uss Sm 346g202 im 68 Gosbank Leader Discusses Paperiment In Direct NDlkboz CreditiMp by As. Poskonov., 6 pp. RMIAN., np,, Mwngdeheskma Gazetax No 2. jan 1966.. p JPRS 346B3 USSR Boon Apr 66 298..014 Possiblo Role of Inorganic Phosphato Under Conditions of Muscio .1-i-,xbaustion, by M, Ao Pookonova RUSSWIT, per,, rok Alt Ingult S3381, Biocham., I 1U.- Val laill no 1-;-# M 19691 pp 975-9 , V. MIR, Oct 70 'Adppanz by ick-'a-6fatic rep, 7er# i ILI r 'go Ov, 3, `,3 76 "l-hu rL:tit; Ic Ctricity, ThermccLuctricity,, Its Possibilities and Prospects,, by ZjenA 1,051tv 9 File COMNIMIN'r USE OAY CZ'1-,Q,'# i.,cr, idclovaci Tadmika,, Lo 12, 1966, 11, 445.446, A TSIC h.1-2 3- 28 8 - W Atk,~ 69 jeed for Plwu-zl Urban levelopmr;tq LTj 1-1 I - Fosoldl~-,, 5 pp. RU.VSIM!p ppq Pimycla 2 20 Oelt 1%5, p 3* jpRIq 3300"t USSR Lem ,ec 65 2~30483 ,.UtN L 1 76 ., _ Sts o,, (.1inical ~Wicinot by Ao 12 r,-: np, ".ovow, 25 ;,ob 1969. p 3* j t-ol air, I jr,:Ly 6r~, 'pelov. 5 ix;. '17u, 1, L;Iykovf U. :1, Pa. r ~t, P.4 1~7;1 r.. ;Ro Ubu tkaqo friatitut !!-A~Ilatiki& 4L4d!-"litL*l'11a. -a! 4L.7TI~ 176 135-142, 103917., 69 'i4xandical lrdAL!j--j, i6:-!xciatvd ~dbi tic, * * I~y Lntitut 1966, 1967p 5G-652.. AI V ~'Tjl. '1-2 4- 30 4-6 8 PC eloy Z~Cll/lalectrc ic~i ay 69 1&1 Doontral4zed Ccwpat4#= Systmog by D. As Poqdorg At Ro Eyvwml, 10 pp. Rmsm. pwo, Imasuva mmftu link SSSRO ahtE.Adsap Ma"Wo 110 30 1968. pp 107414* Ji?r(s 47,09t SWC~bwwtUm Jan 69 3?2*235 Representations in Multi-Valued Logicst bY D. A. PospelcV, Yu. L. IvasUv. Russimt pert &Jkgrnetika No 2, 19699 pp 35-47. FTD HT SpeCial 316-70 nov 70 CL - I/) 10~1/~ C~. Anlos7oc Ifiewetical of lcjtf~oilikq C~i' the Ll::OCiticli of non-abaolutel~i PLcid bNanced ratora in (ra., ZpLctian Dourinus. 30 I'rawva.,la 3mazka oodshijmi~,ov,, J--,-,o .3, d 6' 8j, -1,,Ijl-l 54. ll'uzj 73 OT Lizabalso Of and -ryc ,ingle i, taln and itawiftrus . olwi., -n ', -k-,7ws vik 1 AD I %.inm p0", Zh ~01 ic" ,;:C. rip V. V, po-spe-/Ov -ed ul 66 35,1163:1 . '~ee fo~ cfxl~,OPO, A us I , ~~ (A.Y" t:v-,4, 4,0 3~ ) oten. i C,- I- - ~,'unijx4av, Uji, t-40 l'ortility Oil, Foron TYCe~). f%J O~~, j?, -,4 ....0 k-j- stmattwo MA Eledtrigal Can&wtlvity of POIYMStAlllM F41 Of OXUIS SGMIO*-JfttCV9S by I,. A. It"mlkw* is 11, Pospolovae RUSSMv pWv Dak Ak Nouk, M& Val 179v go 3g Mor IWO VP 64,5-WON CB _:T. t~ . Po s 1o6 L o V A Sci/Math & Equip HOW 68 NolZ66 41, Case of Introduction 111-110 Wol!" 04" no Tick IacI'ILq)IIysa1is 61alithophila aild Ivills, 19,59 (Ixodiodca' Ixodiduc) by a ti-ratury Ard, Turdws bawl"a Lati, by 1;. V. IIo!;,Lje1ova-Strmq, ot al. LILISSIAil, per, Zoul 2-4, Vol 44, .--ic 9, 1965, 1411-1412. 4111 12-SS-6~ (On buan) N) V. Po5pe-kvd- ..'ar imp ?z /0 Economic worm ana the Fwd Industry, by Ye, Pospelovap 6 pp! RMAN., per,, YMM MonquNd, mos 4,, Apr 1967#, pp. 1494.52. JPIO 421P-O e , P / -Op / el r! A- USSR FICOn Sept 67 'r- 339.- 3 -Sam Bmults Of Bolladft IA US by Vj 14 p"Po7w) 4 pp; MMIAN's Pat gmism i .asofissm No 5p 3965., pp 94-96i 942U6M6 314.,469 Sol - pboles &w 66 CC EtMI Tat1w Nip ~Ltures, ir. Bottm- 117 P= Iona, by z, powftl; No f*U-W.-t, M=,, Ver, memaman Vbl 130 no 6p 1.965v pp 221-223. M81 5244 Z. Pospichal 319#~39 civil, MA Ibrize skomearing ftb 67 io t tvos for -otor olls L n)k ~T-23-4 16-7;5 Slouk tims Shm? Upiad T"WO by Alois Posplallp 5 pps CUM# port codwdavanf~w SR&P Pft" SWO Dac IrS -151. pp 14 13 Sol-NO19 (;om# Dot & CH Feb 69 Post4brIA YTW It MMIOPMt OC OMCWRIaM% mw~47 and to oaam"41 %X, its ruwl-c OV--Oato by B*nslw Oo*UUp 10 Vp. GOVL%*am UER MW per Loodcho IhVMA 110 4. Apr 1965, Pp* i43~avjo - ---- - --- - 11 Mm Gw 733 M~~ 'Sow 9U,41T mtioxidAuts and stiabUit*rs - XR, by -5) 4. FmaMova, J. PospieLt, et al. 12 pp. CZ-W."do or', cbmicky&2val Vol D$ No 12, 1969, pp 54f~-551. ~ C-02"b SCL-ch- Dac 7J FrotlAm of the Cutboolovak SciestMe Bmq by Dre Arovir PovplsUp 6 ppe C2&%, tmr., fta- WA go 17., 22 ft 10, VP 30-32- JPfS 43003 dy. - Tak-on) IIK set-scleatisto & actutim Org DDv 67 344in9 amart LIE 744 ~_Ina 1~,45P f (15