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People of Riah Gold TsfritOS7 UVIM ID F.mrtyq tv cour PirAwIrot 5 pp. PORTUGUMI npe 0 Rio do Jawipot 14 Fab 1969s p 9. JM 47g657 Soon Interview Discloser, Miat Brazil' a Businesarmn Expect fron, Costa E Silva, by Laerte Pinheiro, 5 pp GOVEMMU USE ONLY POIRIUGUESE, per, Manchete, Vol 14,, Ito 771, 28 Jan 19~67, pp. 104-105. JPRS GUO 2325 T.k-Brazil Econ Yar 67 321,009 ForeUp Idnister 34ps AgrwWrA With Egypt$ Visite Kevp g. by IAds. Ad*Uo ftnbdrO # 3 PP. POKU30ESE Dpv (abbos Pio do Janeiro,, 31 -lan 1M., p 21; 1 1 3# p 149 '58343 LJ. Mar 73 Bolivian Railroads' Travol NoUs Cdvenp by Luis Carlos FArtift Pinheiro. 14 pp. PORTUGIESSwera, AM# Rio do Janetrol Do* i0v t4-19. JM 46g943 sej-~bohj, Ind,, Civ C-C Yjar Enp Dee 68 NOW RUSSIAN CSO: 01638/72 W 2 Feb. 1972 sp Remdts of differential observations of right ascensions of stare vith Sudwev's horizontal meridian circle in Pulkavo.. by G. 1. Pinigin. (No further informtion) Ad Hoe Special type B DD not pjbllsh Origima plus one T. D. 15 Febr=7 19T2 rj f 4(ORN`L4r-2377) sBRITTLE-DUCTILE TRANSITION OF BODY-CEINTERED CUBIC METALS WITH SPECIAL CON- SIDERATION OF TUNGSTEN AND MOLYBDENUM. PART 1. EXPERIMENTAL METHODS. GPink, E.; Sedlatscliek, K. 10 Translated for Oak Ridge National Lab., Tenn., from 15Metall; 23: No. 12,1249-57(1969)- 2022P- 2ADep. NTIS. 2ametallurgy; transiRtiOnS 2111F 28MN-25 20P NSA i3z ar awt, ,~dlfrm-t cif Type tuyl ;~Olldtficatlzln ~)f Ile U-'$' MA ToptWAA. tj Plok Mr.013PWOWS, Fl=mobw V"Om ft Is 1965p 320 10=. ~ 2~t Va XMP MM TT P-1009 e va a, GOVT Maw USE ow Set-ftu Doe 66 316#4-71) no lsm-2~-- of SoUbAOM 4 ModIM US& as bv 14 ROL =map vws , a A. %I1 A is as - --I v Vol At Yo 4 VV4 v '15*me mmvm Tr No g% (low) E. Pink 344VA StA k. lutstlau Sv 6T J). The Production of Europium Chalcogonidos EUS, I'MSO, ancl EuTa, by 11. Pinit, Gr,Rj,LL'jj per$ Zo&trjcjjjjft fuer Anogagische und AllLomine Chamie, Vol 364, 19G9, pp 20-252. IrEC-71-70455-07D Nov 71 (f ~ ~6 The Brittle-Ductile Transition of Body-Centered Cubic K Metals with Special Consideration of Tungsten and Molybdenum, Part I. Experimental Methods, by Dr. Mont . E. Pink, 22 pp. GEPUNIAN, per, Metall, Vol 23, No 12, 1969, pp 1249-1257. AEC/ORNL-Tr-2377-72 Aug 72 holloold at a* (,-) V b7 to 10*4 L Plow* 4, ommoso Is; a* . P 1 ".9 K, Vbl IOU domp t4 W** in m vix4gi, K. Pin)mu .32T. ece I ed -P ift-31 SMAN .1 6 Im 6T bm"wm Iqluul= i~odtus of tF A. A., MMSM~g fidibmdko 3D Wo vw% fuw* MW =--iuft MOM ZOOM i9-wpp 74U-3we Oki 48-V oil ProWasing Prior to RofttdMv by IA,. I, Fb*WA4yp 9 Fps, ri Luz'i ai-m- i r.01CLI-,--a !sIN-1 pw, -M AA-- .,j pa al-z 45.6%13 C~Wl-%-Op !: Fuels ~;:, 6a Isotopic Composition of Hydrogen in Brine in the Southern Part of the Siberian Platform, ty Ye. V. Pinneker, V. N, Soyfer. RUSSIA per , Dbok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No6, 1968, pp. 1452-1455. AGI y c , V. 0- 1 -)q -n -t- ~ -~ -'. v- Jan 69 373-399 L7 jmc- ~-Ano, T5 pp. Sit- ViA,~) 13 July 1964. n? 90 i as 365,535 evm4A.~,Q P~%)O a, padic.&I Disclai= FiDssibjlity of Civil W~r, by Romulo ruo B., 10 pp. JtMsa. Santiago. Odlep 12 !,' r SPANI31j, npe 1!~ . A 1972s p 9. MIS 55?99 v .ay 72 Woft GchoduUw wA CaVututlas of *gpo,, by So Gero,%iujj4 1. Somemvp a-voy-Ap 19ffir ppo 20-130o .7m 4whp USSR FA%M .xpr 67 P3s3lO Ir.-inrol by Lo 'i. KrxO,0r--Y.F" GO y Mr rnp! I YiS 3N~l PrWaijility of Error in Blodc. Transrissim 0-%er a iiaimryless Gaussian Chmnel ".-.Iith lb&back, by S. AnWcer. 21 pp. WiSLIO,, per,, Prd)ler,,,l Pemdadd Infoniutsii Vol 4l Jo 4l 1=98, pp 3-19. -4-598 69 382#997 Oh tho Complexity oi wcoango til As "i. 111tisror, pp. RUSSIM, per,, Problemy Pare4ach i Informts* i Vol 1, No 1, 1=30. pp 113-116. Jul 67 331*453 z Clanpo in UW)ek Supply. BYstam Dimmoodo by B. Pinddys 5 pp. Itassimis per. Moaadka i ZK=!.o TasWmat, fiov-Dse 1,p pp 104-106. MRS 5D156 13, PIN, sw-~ USSR BOW Apr ?o 405,221 .- '. -,,o 4 ~ - ", :' - I I ..-I-) Aspeou or the *wxto ayulamy of iumt,. MMSLS IV Al* Plnt=p A ppo Hai=$ pwo 13rcbima gggpfiEgap Vol mp ND It im W.* PD. T1-89. ipm 3w ~11~ 16W ~ / Al a-RMMC" Boon Ap.- 66 PWAM bVortftt ftft fbr the Orpm at the &vast- mMt BOW4 by Al-~ Piutftp 5 W- mmsim,j per, Gem" via= 13s 'tewo Vol so 633,v 6 act I=. Fm, is im 3IM7 jan 66 2916M U=eUM Ift thO MTLOI*2* Of IMML-OM45 An 24x ritaut Pozomic %a., W All _kjaljm,,,, 14 pp RUMN't - Fab 65y J P m '-x) L' 47 t*r: !attt do elm;, L-10 ej, Apr 65 Investigation of ~WIGCUW lhtwracti~a Using tha Ra= Spectroscopic Method by Fare-ac Pinter. H6NGARI!W,, par,, Magarfizikai rvIlairat, Vol xivt No 4.9 1966,, pp 341-358o M- IIT 23-727s67 a- May 67 Espionage Series Ends With Two Articles on CIA, by Istvan Pinter, 8 pp. 14 HUNGARIAN, wee My, Lobogo, 1966, It and 21 Sep 66. FDD SP-1269 Oct 66 On a Secret Mission, by Istvan Zinterj 13 pp. HUNGARIAN, np, Lobogo, 17 Aug 66, J-497/67 NeFFx Sept 66 311,377 Ufficdtles Eheoimtored in lelabg GhUdrons b.v bms Anter, 5 Pp* h iNGAI _.Lllod 9 14 I UAN9 perg hlqLqo Jmo 1969, pt,,) 1-2* J- 14" FES ctrr7z5 /0/ /V ~ e- /Z., Avg 69 3889261 AspacU *2 the Orlwtation and ln="oo of =ectlvemos of In&mtrUa l=ot=to) by 0. pintMe, V. Atgbeleseu., D. B&nUj, 26 pp. MAXIM,, per.. fty'll Sl Carcetari Fcam~dae, voi n., 1966.0 pp JPRS 39~ PIN 7-11- 1,E Econ 318) j51 Jon 67 iciontifte Orgadsation of Production and Manpowor, by C. PintUic =d Pt, Stajavu, 16 ppp I "s -1 per* 4, Apr `967, p,.3# 3090 jpzzs 4,.,Z43 Ao Nants FaLl to RcalizO "Os4in by Hiculao Pintilic, 5 pl). HRIAII, par, Scinteia, Buchareat, 2 April 68, pp. 1,3. aus Rtwe. re Li, i,urrent .,-baae of Guerrilla by Antmio Lftwo o Ilatot I M14Che rpts pp 204A* J, lis 47705 gavemant km4meC 6 pps Tarls, 1648 Feb 19 kp r 6 9 ~79*M6 Go=laDmtl()nz on tale cfamoteristics 0t M3 AuditOZ7 Deficit 112 ltptto DUOU", t7 Q. pometts, P. ?.Into. ITA.T.,IAN, =a. Val. n, lb. 7-9, 1961. PI) A7-~',63 CUL //-' ID11,11-6 slat - 1a3 1511 41 5 3 Swiss Comamist c4munts an Csoch situaticup by Jai= ftntes 8 pp. MUCH* np" vdx am Ommi 17 Dw 1968t p Is 96 F)9~19zso p 3. JPRS 47#320 j-c~ - -y, e P , - -f, To I WE-SuittarivA fol Fab 69 371899 Current Situation In Gmehoslovakin AnalpWo ILI ty Jai= Pinto# 5 ppe FMXII# npt YAl, 2MMM# aawme 14 Jan 1969s p t. JM 47*35a J-01 11 Im e, -R ), T-,, ~&-svit=rland Pol rob 69 3?3*961 ctmew, rumistonm ft uoWetsupoUvowleaco t7 P. PA=IU4 Ai -PlAt-Q. M=4 PW* Bank ZAwticbo ed M"tcwrll Wl 34 Ab Zo lMj,,W SWIM- OJA t:66-*T1 c~l -PZA-to W-M ja 66 306sm voroign ,anlstor uutlines Wvelorxmt ArstoMlp by zagalhass Anto, 6 rp. FORIMU~S8# npe 0 Olobo. Rio do Janoirop 4 Jul 19Y)g p 60 JP-R3 Leon Jul 69 3ei-#383 Ci- ~ ~ %, 1) '\I Stottug Of PrOPOSO-FER-a-ade YAWAIM Discusbods by Romilo Finto B., 14 ppo SPANISH* npt ILJPACM~ santimot 26 tar 3.972# p N gen JPT,s 55960 May ?2 i ~;~ ,, 4 " ; -.~ - -'s -." .I . - .-.. .:-4 . - ~.: I ~ ~ - i:-. -z"', ''.. ", - . . .7 ..~ < V-~ x ~, JU-SUce F.Wster Jorp Silvia iinto... 10 ppw,. . SPANISHs,npb~ FAS&I 19?20, pp 1344.., im 56162 Tapia Gives Vimo'by Santiago* 0410#- 20 Apr Jme 72 E 1--M Leader Defends Candidacy for Lbiversity Rectorship. by Silvia -Pinto, 15 pp. GONERNIM11:1-IT USE VIW Santiago SPANISH* np, ajjq~A 24 A~w 1972. p 24. J?:4L 4184 jtm!s 72 Carmna Commeats an Christian Dw=zatic Party, by Silvia Kato. 7 pp. GOVMMT USE ONLY SPANISHe AN Smtiago, 2 Apr 19721, p 23. JPRS/L 4154 Fay ?2 I- I -1 ~) ~ I,,, A 0 Fn Leader Gives View on Govenmat lloUcles,, by Silvia Pinto, 7 pp, GOVEPMOT USE WLY SPAUSH, np, morud SantiMoo 22 flar 1972. -0-* p 90 JPRS/L 4141 fty 72 c- I -~ V'~ -i~, ,~) A Compositim Leader Talks About Chile= Politics. by Silvia ftto, 7 PP- GUJM",T WE ONLY SPMISH, np, . Santilago. CUIe, 26 Nar 19720, p 96 JPRS/L 4152 YAY ?2 - - - - - - ~ - - - ! : ~~ :: .: ,. ls~\ ~o ~ 6 -~; ~ I. ~. . ,1'0% t, 1 ~, I - ..Z41 i~:. .., , . - " - .. . ::. tossible L-ocialist ~bndidato Uscusmses Ams, by Alvia dntog 9 pp, .-C -AWA ,4kllbeiq per@ Ll--AMA~oo op 43, IA. 31-24 -P~~ae Ale Vol .-opt 6z,; -antiagot 10 A% 1~499 K9 391 Natimal larty 4esident ilsousses ibliticv. by SlIvU ~Uto. 10 SiANISH. np. L1. 140- -4to, 9 ,iar 1969, - - . pp 43, 103. 3008 i -, W~y 6 Cut beader ixpresseq Vie= In Intervimrg by Silvia Pinto, 8 ppp GC4LIB&NT WL WIA ~WLUSii, npg g M*forcuri -9 ,2# Ssintiagoe 24 liov 1963 p 49v ifii5b, n% 5 !, I V"O- p ; P~+O U.-k,hile PrO Load of Chriatim lwworats comcmts an Pollticag by AllAA Mto q 3 pp, W111-11, UWA SP&NILS up -L I - ,oj:Sgfte ~Iantiago de C-Ulo k-L It 27 ~xt 1968: p 4?. 69 Yoreign .-UAster i4stumes Foreign Policy. by Ulvigt Fizto, ppo ';antia do CKlo, go np, L-I~~a p J -Chile 'A pol ,;an 6r 3?I.W Partq Le-dor ri=ssos Ux*m# Leftist 'iniong by Si:LVU iUto,, GOVEIW4 ViT IPS WILY SWILU. Iql 45. jiliz/4, GUO 2858 U./Qhile SZI)t 30 Jun ;robl6m o,,. 'Nev cartyl -IrganivAtion i_jsruqgG,- by Lxdgi Untor, 14 pp. Ut, Al ITAUM. par, qto. ime, ,.kept 1,069, pp /L 31'44 L t-4 c, W.. iuly Law :,elatims Betut-en jo- -~prosdtion vity, 1V Li-Ij Intor, 10 pp. ITAIJkle per, -Q!to, i"ane, jmr-k ol tiemi Wants to Go Over to capitalismo Ljy L,iigi Pintors 8 pp. 1TAULklip npp Rimseita 110 36s U Sq? 19659 pp 3-69 mw~v Jm 32308 wi-, - Italy pol Oct 63 290,388 Refh9G,Dz, '-,,arsd Lo3s Durden Jordan S-Owncrvj, hy Gi4niranco ~iritors, 5 pp. Tauk-IN: 1,vo Llumita. P,6 jui 3- JI-In, 46 337 If C, A) A) C C) il~ /Jordz P, -;.Con 365P245 Jm*m SIMIY itaftowms Wnwncy, by Glanh-"C* pbvtorev 6 pp. IrAl.W'o gtt tq# 30 Jul 1968. 1, 3. JFU6 Z5,337 L C, 1",4 f0 FRO Id 6 E P; A) -M P, E 44jordan Fol sppt to, -Re, 5 t 21 V- Ims UA- jorewo L7 (dwifl*=0 lintorot age- IL np, 20 Jaly 1968, 7. Fol Ser, 66 365,461 Investipation of tile structurc of Air Carrents, by ~11. _7. PjnUS. la 111). rdiSS11,101, per, Tu TsOntral-Imn-a Acroloi.J- clicsLaya Observata-miya. NO 90, 19(5; sci/atliosp sci feb 71 ri ~'-- * i't'. Z. Pinsjj AwlwZence in .,*rsc atizoop"zore, ;I!;. i,,. ,. Z' n ro. Ali t-L crz, t t ll~lltl 31) 7