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selection of the cAnditions of chromatog- r&Aic Analysis of Gas mixturas CDataining 0"Zv ca*029ub 32t Wa, 041, md C246# by N Khi%.v Val 36. pp NASA Tr F-987S Apr 66 ~;bloctiuh 0l clo couatia~~!-. ror akro-~atogra,phic Analysis of, V"k~ czs 'Ixtiavs coltaini.,", c--))# bY tie i*Ua;A-,'%N* 91 196.5-0 ~,,v aMMAj6p ar t-.(, On tht -.structur~il vesi-,us ok' Instrut.ctas -,'Or L 'k-tondijin, Idad Uractiua, by lunjcUov. b i'.'USSIX4l, ;-er Trujy U-42'11,r3tl '~o 18, il;66, 47-50. 70 Yui. T- omalijv, Jnstitut;~ op 'r To tkv,o ra VAties oi Wlocit~?, da"~ idi-cetio;t 50 anj their I,eastire:,erit, by Yti I'arrichi;o1j. k) y Wain,, vutvllski~ 1115 titut C, 43-4o. ci At !-:L)s '-zir 70 4' 02, -V~ ~5 CoamsUn of Sims"s fm a Bestainad AneoneUr, by T. Tu. Toroahbw. MOIANi, pwo rim-l"Isal inat aidro- Fmrm," ITS NO *YGE.M.23.696.70 Fab 70 401#T43 Und (,Yrcm-,I)ztss cn libisimad Siqpwsiai, by V. Yxu 'Lbrod4wv. i"u3supo, por, Izvestiya VLO. PriborcstrmAef Vol 12,p ~ilc 2l 1969p 76-78. , F .-1!D J2 Special 27-70 i5n~ 70 'jroc L:w 6 "fria,,v IAQ~ Iciii-l"ix. 0 1156 U -7-o e r, c- '!uly 71i kro; lip r i,.,. amli ZIG-i, It 1.1, titul- 7777777777 7-17,77 , n7yo .737-7717 ;c., 17# 190, 15-188 _A: T-1 1 Ag~Uvitiev oft~O 0XV-31 tOMITil U4VUtUV! ojZ Cm PvW DWv&UY.. lluxok* 7 per, maltemi T~x'a' UOL 19P JPTO 32W.0 I~orcj;-,r Troducts: ,i i, jvt and Ilt-xilik, liv- L,ovciav I A:. cr, c1 a:~ !9o, ot M3 i". "!'~;,ark6lLs 11 m'Vo -71, 17 .16 5 1!1 Phase Diagrww of Silicate Reference Book,, by 1. A. Toropov. MSIANI bkq Digrami Bostoianniia Silikatwn Siatem Spravochnik, Vol it 1969. *RM TT q%-"W -7 1 -S-0 0 4 0 -E. A . 7-c) Q c) p o \j MY 71 N , A - -rb pt- C) p 0. -'( Handbook of Hme MaUtw of Silicate Systems, Vol ID Binary Systems~ by N. A. Toropovj, V. P. Barzakovskiy.* 723 pp. MWIMI bk,, Diagra=y Sostgniya Siliketyn Sistem - Spravoclniik., Second Fav-*Lsed Edition, 1969. Vol I. HTIS TT 71-50040 ~%Y 72 j,,eatr-i~esistant coatin~z;v ITi it. L. SM"ii,two * -ws .01, . 4. ,- slxi, 1. 0 1007,, 16C ;:,,p. ti I M/consultants Lreau /V Iq ~ 7 o /C 0 /,c o v j ll~;~ 69 329t523 Phan DLAFAMA d &UcM systems, No 1: Binary system, by NA,-~~, Ot 81, - Woody& b16 AmMY-J" W~h.op- Vwn 1. Mnarnvo MOM Nauka PrUS, 1963. Menum Press. Sd-Madk & Do" Process may 66 9;~~o 17 / di-f,q, Teschim F"tem Faawitim to i3c~ ~/ C~~ ~=O tv As N ZWWVW*3r* 'Ile i-to TOMMYS we I a AgLORULU IC-'-7--2 ' -I-' , j, - ~;., ~dwawt 6 iamd mp J= 6-9 370071 cilla,Ac.,v; of 'it. tl !A:,i%- ,A--rc. cx lit- dle~ldv UsLitut VU 1--*6; MM"). '--2 4-4 3b-Ti U 15 7 Wavelength Perendence of J-7ItmosrjM-ric -kerosol Scatterincl Iii~ices, IDY T.P. Tor'ol)ova., 5 ID~7;. sj-A~ A-I, per. K Voprosu (.) Favisimosti ~eroznl noy InLdkatri.~y Parsevaniya 11 Atit! sfen~ Ot illin" Acsi-.Xid-991-1 J,m 72 Role of T,rmcs in Accoiara*v of ftaeetrwt~on of"I IbItao qttlals into gelid 1.10talmo bs, M. 1. ChIV(kVskIyj 1. a. To-.VM'swpp '11, MI Wo per, K4 I C, put rec 170 1,~. Tcrzc)~-t gp-\j Morpbological Characteristics of the Biological Action Produced by Magnetic Fields, by 1. V. Toroptsev, 16 pp. RMSIM, per, Arkhiv PatolWy., Vol 30, No 3, 1968; pp 3-12. AW/rSTC/HT-23-349-72 J', ule 72 r. tj TL.k.rjP'FHV N U J, ~A I t: c "I C' L % ') S i F 'L ~A I I uo., ii ~SyiiCHkLN MS ' M-KI 1~f-,"IILCHIAIiIKA, IZVEST. VYSSH. UCHLB. L"W"D E N 11 ,1-,71 , =51 PP 4dL-84, F-~-IC,-HT- I -~o-73 Tr if C,),s Pp ql-xb~ Z-Jjokl 69 UnxvwmitLV AdmUsim Raquirownts Samoyed, by Ivan Twws )6 pp. N SEHW-WTIMO par# borte 14IV3&t 8 Jun 1969* Part ng pp 21-28. JPRS 48428 D,~-Yago kluc i-va Tf4vlr~-dty A"Odans, immim Policies jlsto~ by Ivan TOVwv v 35 pp. FBt,,-k'TwATWT4 #npS kaft, Baleracee Jtme 19699 PIP 21-24 -Ago bpeecli of Cuban PrevIdent Dorticos to Zd Commist Puty WrAmrs of the Wustries Ministry,, by Dr* Owml& Dorticos Torrodo, 15 pp. MVJM., np: RI fAuldo 1 Feb 1966., P. 5. JPR8 3h&72 V,4 IJ6 LA-C-aba Pol Apr 66 ,.,9,) oo4 ftw CommUl Ap"Mts VM 84tor- lwa Qad WsWiq~t t7 Ornatla DW.-Um Torm-lo i~ Do, =tmn!1- WAMI Piro Guaft 2agao 29 APT W,~# pp- wi-1340 ,VY6 30M F.A.-Cubri r4xm im 0 W910,36 DOL,,-Mg cemmIM L~y 09"Ift Dartum ive MG 37M tA-0,4bs poi Jua 65 AvVAuUXsA ILI, ~. 1 I I -LVn-s9* Ot Qmelau,~ ::~ C-,. ~"~ I i Of 29 Apr ur*l 202sOV The Agelnir of Some A),.-bb .-I by " ~4, Tonslbaq GX-Wi# Mr* ' L461MWIX *Vm -1170-57493 ~Saq--,At AuZ 70 AUop after iiumchiMe q ? Do 599 3.9Wp pp 184-n?. Oll ~ nAo-&, C-L" Socialistas Evaluation of US Policy in Latin K;R-cs, Pelegrin TOXTas, 21 pp. GOVEROM UM QU SPANIM., np., Cuba Socialista, Jul 1965,, pp. 9-32. JPIRS GLJO 822 IA-Cuba Pol Aug 65 284.,139 Com ema~wtion 43e US PoU(-4 JA Wi in ee A-mrice., Tonup al- C10A no SPARMIS -') .$ I , PP- MIS _vm,; T-0 IA-cu~a POI Oct IL5 Cubap the Unit6d State*,$ Wd the DO-ffuMlGQWi- wAtom of Latin Aoarlco4 IV PelgrIn Torms, 9 ppe CQVmvmr um alu SPMMH,, pw.. C-~Iq BwUaista. Oat 1965, pp. 7-1T. JPRS GUO 95-.3 CIC LA-Cizbm mil Jim (k CW= Angpb at the 000001 WJW*'My Conftrame Of the ONs IW TWMP 16 ]We G07ANUM us any ion 19661, SPAU56 IWO Cuba- pp- 54-71- jm wo lou TA-Cuba pa 296o77a ma- 66 tvitwmtA*W kAmtjw Laagn GaaU LAU&ds by Atilia Le TOMMe 5 We SkANIS4 up* ftwoolt" W"s Air"$ 21 Nw 1968a p 5. JkRs 47*213 LA-Arpntim Efto Jan 69 &U(Stics sW= Critiofteds by- Atulo Be Toment 5 W* .VAVBH# Vo -P"P*AU~o Buems Al"St 10 Apr 1q,699 p 4. Has Wo-rA IA-Wentim Efto Jun 69 382#074 I - m . 7'C' 0, (~- e- t' ~ S Configuration and Migration of Point Defects in Alkali Metals, by I. M. Torrens. Ffmm, rpt,, M-R-3049,v 1969. *MM TT 72-53170 Auz 72 Application of a Potential Derived From Pseudopatential Theory to the Migration of Vavancies in Al and Lis by I. M. Torrenes FAM., pers &a Letters Vol 28A, lov pp V6-47. *Hm/iGS TT 71-55331 AvailAble = Only 1: . m -7-0 f~- e e t~ 'S JuIY 71 5-5, ftelwmttlon and Tgrat-Itm ef a Vacum-y in A71mll Metalpq by 1. M. Torrow. FM=p per, Solid State Cce--.. NO 7p Pp :3-63-266. *MDC/06 TT 70-5721-6 Avallfte 'I'm IITIS -T. m . 'T-b a a e ~) s Bel/!,lst leal Audlvs of "s-:-zarv Ti3s~x- . - ,i * I it-on -d- n ~`Ia Ic 0--orrations. o- 1. Y i 65 Smial Stratificatlon in Brazil., by Jaw Cwlllo de OUveirm Torres, 49 pkn. OMFOam USE cwz SMSIH, bk,, Utratifiewao, SmIal no Email, Jan 1965., pp- 175=222-! JPM GUO 10-9-6- LA-Brazil SOC .m w (k 297,004 1~ Intervim; Ath ttovitas Planning Urector, by -madta Torros, 3 pp. SPAIUSII, rp. GrawA, 3 Jun 1967, P. 3. JPRS 41674 122 /) A' C- A R / 7A -FCI r, R e ~ LA-Cuba Pbl Aug 67 33~, 526 ~e (ln&rws 0l Allow AISSA by cim"10 A"Ovot -_*Oar loyms. 19 r,% - til~~ 16 4 -P9 do rpto In X-430 a r 6 33 1~nriquo d1m Talk-s o.',' Cuba and Mule, b7 'tmzwo Torras. 6 pp* rpt, jMto I , z:antl" do Chile. I? Dec 1963, pp Z712.01 J P, z 47338 JA-Chile 4-01 i,eb 6-Y 3?4o643 T M . -1--c 9- rt es . F~ c e- R- o ~'e & t~ 4 ~ a ez, Treatment with Paramth=nc of Different Allerglo Frovessess by J. M, Torles - Acero Fernandez BI'AlaSH# Ivro fledgwn-tA WQUo Vol 49# i968, pp i14-ul iuc 73.-1686o-(0 Fob 72 president optivistio cn IntAlmal DMIUIX=tB# tv Phla TMGS PP. SPAMII# Eps La Put 26 Aw 19699 p 3. JPHS 48379 iAm-2olivia Pol jla 69 386vZO J-1991 Dramatic Economic Situation of Fidel Castro's Torre Cuba, by Adriano To s Garcia, (NY-9609). SPANISH, np, La.Republicao Bogota, 17 Feb 65. 1Aj 1A - Cuba Econ Mar 65 ITA 1967, 715-72u A~L-I;C-T6L-1534 i,ut Jallw;. ~~evolutimam Argues in m Lafenae, b,- isam imacio Torres ~Wlw* 7 pp* perl. ~--riaU&nlw V.. y Aires, 'Nov 1~rq.' pp' f~-17- j i6 10-1-144;d2i. LA-ArgmUna 70 4009 n8 74 o:!4-jeralised olasticity 11heoxy for Defor- ilatiai,, by A. Tbmt. cL,inm, per, rxdi. Etsenh. Vol 40,, No 2# 1969j, 109-119. *U5I 7764 ~j 6- sci/ materials CLCIC 69 Pulsou C,arrvut flower Source for,', I I;ieldia-g, by A. de In Cuadra, J. L. Torrut-iaao. per, 11ovistit JO .4o 1-7 O.A. VOLTAGE VARIATIONS (DISTIURRANCES) Trans. 462 CAUSED BY ARC FURNACES, ETC. E. Torseke Svenska Elverksfbreiningens Handlingart No. 27, (1968) 17 pp. (Digest, Vol. 23, abstract 203) A-',' ") ~,; L~, Influence of the Mass Deformation on the Elimination of Alumina Inclusions Coming From the Deoxidation of Liquid Iron by Aluminum# by I* Tornsell* FRUCH, per# Revue do Motg1jurgia, vol 669 1969g pp 813-822 NTC 72-12172-IIF July 72 Effects of the Formation of Clusters on the Elitaination of Alumina Inclusions Produced During the Deoxidation of the Liquid Iron by Aluminium, by K. Torsell and M. Olette, FPINCH, per. Rev. Met., Dec., 1969, pp 813- 822. BISI 8347 Tha Influews of cluat"Log on the allaination Of AlUminiUs Oxide lWIU9i0lkB DU t0 MUM ICW DSOX-' idation by Aluminiums by R. Tm"llo FUWR, part Rev Net Tat 66s Doc 19699 pp 313-822. *BtSl 8305 'lei li -aat June. 70 )CCU -10'rvaylav, tit fAl'.2 679 LL/e- Cad 61 eb 63 A L 7T~ sooldut I*Voorw wd US listioral ~Vostiml by AUlo TaKmene, 9 pp. .ITAL,Mit pop* bi%gdtas Romp 3 oot 1969g pp 8-9. iffis 49113 0~'(16to W&-Itsly Pol oct 69 394o9DI crmtive ilor4e- Thought Frofteer. eftftlqty" by Alw TortDrollal pp. IMIAJ~t nins 7-7 -Sept 1963v yp 13# 14. jBIS 46,723 0- -tox "ov 6c A 1, 37 0 . ON /45 Cri-,,ML: lux, 'A L it, 7 Q (Abservations an the Growth Process of Alkali Halide Singlo Crystals, by "' 0 r U ,, t Vlatsushitas JAPANESE, per, Yo.-YO gyokai-shi, Vol 76, -11o 874, 196131 Pp June 49 r,,,lnd Tonum Studied in O"outhorn f_Lnllcndt by Cova Ynno,, 37 p-,o* " Y r .1 L I ;(Yoto 4rio n _an I _",, n T_ por ,;n 1 So , Pp 2- 31 - , ri) ~ JV~ r Vol :)1 1 1 ftreh WL V f) ~10 0 -397 P 3539090 :.)OC 1!0.1 68 N 0 Daikilak,v A Malem Hamlet in Southem That- laads, bv Toru Ysao, 9 pps GOVERN14BT USE MY JAPMEM., per, Too= MiXia Keaklu, Vol 11, No 40 19650 vp MRS GUO 2426 Par Lazt/Tiniland (;Cog Jua 67 3278101 A $WI*-AnthrOqolQgUM1 ftNOY 1n SOWWA PrO- virxw., by Toru Y=s 5 pp- G%Wmm = OUT JAPAM., per, am Julm.Nift) Vol 111) no# 1s June 1965s PP* 2401-143- JPIV CUO 2438 set-sm July 67 Tiv-,W of MWervAutiop in rva kQiilokr by Tom Yamp 7 ppo GINLISIM void OMY JW?ABLSL# per# IM MlyA, MWms Lyoto* Vol. IV, %. 2, Sept. 1966, pp. 749-192. Vits m 2663 FL(Tmilwbd) Sociol. twe 67 347,664, Foreign Correspondents Report on Chlen I Press Conference, by 0. R. Zorvik. 6 pp. NORWEGINA, np, Arbeiderbladet, 24 May 1966, r 3. JPRS 36136 Aug 66 G-'D- Thes6s of \ie=ndlvam DecUration still V&W, by Gonzc2ez Tosca, 5 pp. 5PAIMSH. per, Lijee q&po Favaul, 6 Feb IW2v pp 19-23. JPRS 5550~ FAr 72 socul rIAMAng am iu awo in fuldixe claUst Sodetors by th, To Toshabw&oa )I pp, RWSIA,'!* bk - 0 1967,p pp 351* ion 68 WAM COMMUl (,Vops md famant r"blm of AWO- nodft AploatV"s t~y Twhiald salads 21 - I - -M JA4WiW,L# pwg 0p--'V-Omq Vol 3# 5o low) r,ar 19669 pp 11O.=. jp&, Guv- 2%7 Tof-) 6E Aala-IndaftodA iam Jan 68 346 0 to ~;tWies ou Re;joval oi iwdioiodinc by Activated Curben (1). Adsorption of lodine aou' Wdide on Activated Carbw, by Tosiiii*mA n.wio Kaq~Aya, 12 1-1). JMPUVESE, 1-er, Ni-p-,on 6eushiryoku uukkaishi, 3 "- lil- 11, 1909, ly, 134-143. A~C/kANL-Tr-2165-69 OCIJQIV~- .~Ov 0 Tts ~ ~, 1, c ~ , C) i~; 4 i9 Adsorption and Oxidation of SuLfur Dioxide at Ordinary, TaKwatures. (I. Measurement of AtmoaTberic Particles and Laboratory NIVariments an the Adsorption and Oxidation of SuLfw Dioxide on the Sur-face of Particles at Rom TeWasture),, by Toghiiehi Wta, 10 pp. GOVEFMRICNT USE OM JAPANSSEy per, Bulletin of the Witute of Public Health Vol II, No 29 1967v VP 52-56. W -23-101-71 Aug 71 -7-0 G A ; -C A; 0 e; -~") Effect of a MMa Fm4wt on the Size Distribution of Fog Droplets, by ToOdichi Odtas 12 pp. GOVMMM WE OM JAPAUSIp per., Lov T Sciences No Us 1953, pp 29-38. MVFSTC:/Hr-23-102-71 Aug 71 6 117 -H. 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