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Coausa= Speas on AivdvarsM of Arwd Forcos# by NicoUo Coausowuq 10 pp., RUYAfilAiJt npg So 19699 pp Is 3. 29bxkj Dwhm"stt 25 Oct Mis 49251 ES-Rumania ba-I iiov 69 The Leading Role of the Party in the Stage of Completion of the Construction of Socialism, by Nicolae Ceausescu, 9 pp. RUMANIAN, per, Scanteia, Vol VII, No 5, 19673, RFE Rumanian Press Survey HUM() 11 May 1967 /V e- Sci MJun 67 327,008 ~~autsttGCU CPT,15txrgt;~,t ;AY-19tv Al".tiv, li Af--v 61G, p, I'V13 45 135 1 CIO Rx..nvt. I i-a 0 !it ic al 65 Ole,/ 71 rosi0ent Ceausescu "Cor-mm:'s : olo of 0-wien .:"rossf by i,lcolao C.'Sausearu. 10' pp. Diic~A-rcst# 26 ~'ett np, ~~c 01 A 6>i 31'3.63-~ ceausseou Mdresses Aadculbuvl coopomt1ve t%oUngv by dedae Coamemp 22 pps L RMUM, per, -saiateiA tahumat, 30 Jan 1IL969* pp 1-3. JPRS 4?*435 bbb 69 3759821 :,-1 Of t-!Y I CI; I virn4m iJac Wit DO q0 Vol 17# .3v I 3017 66-57043 e~b CP_JC CLI (".1vfr 61) JkQ willm -103 ou on ouUmewum ce iWite Aa to A904,4y W. ft3gh J. Cabula. =W am ame Vol 201t 1b 22,s 1965, w. wr"W", 0:2~w-"~w zz J.- Sol_mt AUG 69 309;600 Drava rdver Hydrodectric Pbwor t-lant Syston, by Albort Cebulj, 30 pp. GROATIMI), per, jaoktrqtcA~eId.vjosrdk, Vol )aY,TI/X',C,II-II, Ho 10-13., 'Oct-Doc-1966" 253-265, JPRS 41559 E& Yu 9 0 Asa vi a Sd.Uoc & Eloctrical Dr~r Aug, 67 332,477 Rinamita DISCWUM peaceful Coexietence in lat!~jt of PregWt US ACtIMSO by ARMIto Cewl--4, pp. t MALMRI per, RiOWC.-ita 110 46 12-20 rm 1965, 7. RIBS 33376 ion 66 a)5j,063 The Acasurcracut Of VisibilitY on Aerotlrories, by M. cecchi-ai. RVICI!, Tot, Pth Conoress Internat. Aaro- naut, Paris, 29-51 Nay 1,967, 7 L Ref: 5207 (1295) Sci .. Avro !!ar 69 57( 3!1(; rg'3 Wlater Copcity of MountaLn Strems, by K. Cecen. OPM-AN, par, Die Vassar-Wirtschaft, Vol 57, Uo 10, 1967, pp 359Z63. *CFSTL TT 7U-53153 I" ~ P . ~2 0-, k Sci- Hay 70 K. (~- e- o-c- t-~ Sadcoodudw Oxd=l Edxtw og a Dm$Am for mm saam1w . r= 4"t ~Ud*mj by J. Cwh, ~ Famms SAP 106-M. IP. V= 2559 JIMLA - 5-t,4,e, ~Z~ Lr~, -C, .,,P~L ~j L L- 1~ I)j. C, a li $a - ~~~ aw 6T Ct-r~ new BeinfWalms Bar Steel ande 10 6071 f by F. CWbu=o C2MM4 per. Walk Vol 19p go. as Iwo iv 312-Y-5 '�=I 7953 scli*t ~- Mr 70 TeemUta B&U Stftl IuW looot MOUND Pgovlftd ") /~-- Vith IrAUVAtIm kowdes, by F. 0aftm ani R. uc=areswkp C=; per. amwx Vol 191 DO. 80 1900 pp W--302 *BISI 7950 SCI/Mfft '*~-, Q- mar 70 Now Reinforcing Bar Steel Grade 10607,, by Fe Cechurae CZECH,, par# Htgaj Vol 19, No 81, 1969,, pp 312-315. BM 7953 r C" e, C /~ sci.Aiat ion 71 lort in tie OvmV.3a. peo-ran's ltv~Iij. per, 'Am-lota ft pjUttle,Uca Vol tn tv lo~- V. ced-,,~l ~:r~jj, r ODnatruction Act-lvltjr In l'i'manda. by -fon V. k;ocillj RiTz'NNIAN, par, ~,kvtsta do statisticil. ',.o 1. hn 1967, PP, ~ ~il Almani a r stausuos on 196? MaTmewto UY a. Vs clodill 12 10 pp. por. & ~~UMtioa Apr IVk. pp 23-29. Ji-M I'llcr Aug, 68 36266,37 - e n ". - I s - ~,,on(-,-,)j - " -~ - for cc~40slovakia, Ceconik, 6 rcab C43, c4 9() Advancos of Rc&Av4tvry-ft-cducta Didustry Tmcedg by koter Cadziobg 5 rye GiRtIllp FAr. sjUkattoohnik East 'Etrlint sopt L96go pp 20-295- ims 49205 1 . 396#175 ,ov 69 Cogiasid OaUlMs FIM for FaM MachantUtiont by tamAn C*09-dd. 19 Pp. POLISH* part Me2w=gb figaimp wu4mvp "'o 29 16-A Jan 1969s 3-101, J Ml llo688 Sai4erl Apr 69 378067 I ~ The ProbleM 02 Land ITTWrlatiOn in P01ands bY Longin CegielsU., 16 pp. POLISH$ per* Aes WqpolcZesnap No* 6. June 1967) PP. 17-27. JFRS 41977 M-Poland Econ Aug 67 Oe&jeA~&; 333,457 jk. I I, I Influence of Processing Parcuneters Upon Properties of Copper-Ba8ed Sintered Friction Materials for Dry Type Brakes, by W. Cegielski. 22 pp. POLISH, per, Prace Inatytutow Hutniczyc Vol 21, No 4, 2969, pp 031-237. AIRIFTD-EC-23-307-71 sept 71 1-inglish Title Unlamn, Ly hmrad Ceh,-)J~. GUMAN, per, Ama3p-n der I~ete=lccjio, NO 30, 1967, pp 72-75. *AFCI;L K o m a 0, J_, C, e, %,~ 0, V- Aug 6 8 A Mzed Problm With Mswf.,ti!.uoun BmAmV Cm,.- ditious fbr the Wave EqmUgo., by V, Is OelibVo MIkis pas Dok Ak libuk MM. Vol 181 no 4s 1968J. pp Movi, The Am Math S= Vol qp No 6,, 190 V , 'I , 0- C- //,~, 0 V mar 69 376P882 ri 1w lw-ret In US caam-;~Icw or t40 Bconoac Reformy by DAGOD CdOdnj '15 IV* MMW.v pwi, Hom Tr42;mrim, lio 32, Dft 1965~ pp. 475-473- ,TW A333 mar 6c; OA3 Irprovins Ugine Oil$ With Dowstic and Famign AdditAvos,, by M.. CDjkao , CZEDIs paro Ropa a Mite Ho 1. Jan 19668, IT 26-31. 4ZI J-026.9 10 Sci-r-ols Jul 66 Aning Invostmcnts In Anslyes,31, b~~ Wllslav cejnar. 10 mg per# =guov ro 11, Vkc-,q pp 405- 14074 jm 4L 06 -'ar ;~Ci Jan 70 400.516 What is the OT-62* by V. C.einaT and V* 5imag X CZED], per, Mads Fronts , 21 NOV 19650 3 Pp, ACSI 1-9049 11) 2204021466 sci-:4isc $095662 m Spot 66 On the Description of Generalized Extensions* with One-Mmensional Imagin!17 Componentg of the Differentiation Operator idthout a SpectzLm,, by E, R. Cekanmsldie RUSSIAN, perg Dok Ak lla~ SSSR, Vol 176, No 6# 1967v iv-00:0~- Am Math Soo Vol 8g No 5, J967 Noy 68 354v334 S - 6~~ Gii6 -- - - - -.- - I - - - - - -,-. .-- - .. -- - On' th,6 _R6 oliia~it ralized Salfadjoint Lxtonslons oi Symwtric Operators, I-Pj E # R. CelmnovsIdi. KOSSIAiNt part Dok Alc llauk SSSR, V I ol i8o, iw It 1968t pp 665-665. The Amr elath Soc Vol 99 NO 3t 1968- C* E01 Sci/Math Oct 68 366t895 '~()Wra 0 -117,cd 'eL'adjolnt Extermiom of 5~=--~etxric Cpere-ors, by E. -1. Cokwimroldi. ulozilli.7. Nr, Dok Ak L 1.1aik sssi-13 i --7 -7 -) v oi "1 8) Eo 6; 1) V) - RT TIM, !Umric wra lEatlic M-. tictLll Socjety 1101 9) 1.0 C) 6 3 3., 7 3 Generalized Extensions by E. R. Cekanovskii, RUSSIAN, per, 14at, Sb. pp S27.S48 Amer Math Soc 1)r, Vol 62, Series 2 of Nonsyrmietric Operators, 21 pp 68(110)s 1965 S 337,032 Sci -. 14ath //. Tvansfmmtion of Judicial Cagans Mmssod, by Aranit Cola.. P.? pp, ALMNIkis pors Rgej&gsta ?*Ptdlwao Tirana, 4o 3# Ov-Jun 1969s, im, 22-45. J M 49370 U-Albania pol D" 69 396oO Measures for Iwolving the Masses More Extensively in the Gwen-ament, by Aranit Ce a, 9 pp. AlWYM, np, Zeri i Popullit, Jime 23, 1966) P# 2# JPRS 3 )6561 J Pol Aug 66 307.051 C-oa=ts CQ ~abmli= 1'WtY 1710'-'I'Ap~k 4 . , . I !cjAjJ.Aq WA tto Alm % it lca~ ro 30 03? F;B-PU:W,-,iu Pol J,uon (35 Owm-st-1w kAvotlotilm at thL or &AU 1411tUma cc Ruft= M4 tO LaV-C4f= D=l-Valkt SWtlVj ZY sm" it. =Val Xrj UrA& AP461 va, Stm Ll'da-sao PIM watloftl Qfqpal= Packhc ImUtites, by Jo Colaryop 8 pp. GUWMMM USE OMAf CMCHj Pws 04dYs V01 14,, DO 4. Ja/Auap 19C&. ,_j o-~- "A.j swuch 4bw 69 383#345 commicatim of the N#Uoftl WastIM Labaat=V of Va PaChIgIng IWUtWtqv by Cdo*U. GMZBM = = MaM4 pwo MW,, Va 14, No 4. lAs V W. WML--m Sol-mm aay 69 385*336 . C EL E RY N,-JAN- cz PACKAGES AND PACKAGING MATERIALS IN THE FCUO T R AD 1c: PtWMYSL PL)Ti~AVIN VUL. 231 1, 19729 pV17-) (APPENDIX) FSTC-HT-23-2542-72 Jan C-VIC' "'may 065, ch -:34"Ing 3-MZm-4qp" via yalobi of a,M i. lanM.-, o~ the rll'Otl Emkir-ml -L-1 iqp"'.Afaur. Celmll .00 inn -Celcry-~4 C~ 11-loctions bled In Sugar Cooporatives. by .'-'.olando CXU B=eo, 3 pp. S.OAIUSH, np, la i'lrensa !;unUy sg -blez 23 Apr 1972, pp 6# 7, 8. iozz 56c42 1'~ay 7z Contribution to the ZxKU7 of Z*r=VnWAc Sladation of CoMmssm, by Mup-I Cellhonky, 24 pp. r) CZM'dp per$ a LeteekY UStP-V. anwdaj VZblt tb 4,3:965j, pp FIX217668-1i Sci-Physics sept 68 Use of Radloacu" Klylitm (D$Nr) in t1w Study of Ventilatory UnifolldtY and Distvibuitiou of Par-Woo b Separate Lungs. 1, Presentatiou of the Method,, by Aa Collerinot R* CUM& Uvalcariti. 26 pp. ITALIAN, par, Minerva Noel, Vol IX6 1%.S* pp 160-1n. 9W017 ABC HP-TA-LU2 A ~ c e- J'N' 1z, Sci - siol a Mad Sci Jul 66 3052611 T001040al strwttm or big= in ReativiAle tftcbMdCOo by F. A. Oal*nM. MIUM PWx D* Ak H=k MW Vol 182$ lb Pj, X90, ; 27&2W. nth Soo Vol go no 5., 10 /:7, g, 0 EL Ifo 1, Q ver (Q 3760 " Ali Sub-a tacked b7 Or!tios 1),uring Assembly Meeting. by Akay Cemnl, ? py). TURRISH., Ralkin SOSI~ 'icosia, 5 Feb 720 TV 1, It. ~M, Rs 55.5512 Mar '72 I F,uonyiarionic %'jc,;!Votmd5 in Fac-d, 6 New l i -ji o ' Extractim a.110 Analysis, by P. C- ci, par, "'Itmootaxioue hnlr~sle Val 13, .-40 1., 1569. Sr. I NTC 7'1-13338-02r; s 4:1 /a (~,rl c nov 7D ... .... . ..... ,~k I -, c -ClICL&I biockulical Fuel Collso, by 11rosira Ceneh, 63 C'MCIN, per, Chemiche Listy, Vol 62, 11w 8, INA, rv- 927-974. - Tr Xo 54, Aw; 1969 u tl v, Sc i/chei-I "ov 69 k-*txl!;-; J. c.~j~sL% LxI A Kawaft ii*zdo= bAustry iztwwlfo /V k=MUMO by VA A&Vo latnn Cat*varit fiULMIA&F" Itupeatt SOPt-GOt 1964 FP 3D5-313- Jr& 47olO4 Jan 69 Uou Iliatbads for the Control of -'Acal -"AmUty - FAwtxom Pmbs wd R4404AIVO 1rairm fbr the ~natien of induGbns, by " Cmte, ITALIM. per,, Vol 59, APr 1-36-7. Pp 261.268. $13va 61A 68 5irobletts of luterpreting, Isaci-pe ~I:crns -,-)f tax iorrial and 1.), A. "'.eati Colella, F. Iligorini. ITALIMI, rj, Cun.,.yesso 4.1i Lidiologjca .':edica L. pp *IkLc July 69 -CULOIS -Lr af teel uality- L ik'~ -u f the Cw,trol u I-lectran Probe anJ Iwdioactive 'iracers for the Exat-iinction of Inclusions, by L. Centc,. MALL'T. 1~ser. tiet, Ital., Vol 591, ',t) 4, Arril. r 6 9 379,731 Sulfide Inclusions in Reteoric Alloys. Segregation of Chromium, by L. Gento. ITALIAN# perp Ricerc2 Scientifice., Vol 37, 1967x pp 725-730 NTO 72-11627-03B A) 19 z 6 "r7F - u- o) June 72 a. Cec~tL (a. a L L j Pew Aspocts of Bronchopulmnary Infective Pathology. Infections by Gram-Negative Enteric Bacterlao by Go Centurelli, ITALWr per$ PolicurdCot sed9ne D:ptAca- Vol 74, 1�679 MlYO-1572 NTC 71-15372-06E =r 72 llncoziv,~ntional Protein f: - " 'u, c- per, Coop, a ratinn,.- 57, 35-38, 1969 :~Jcturcits, Oct 69 Prwcat, r.,utum lboles of AM I'ascribodo by JT cepicVj, 6 pps. 617k~AK* rpt., 13 Loc 1963, pp 59- 63 * j P,;:j 474,91. I-Arr 6-9 374.2"M C.~ C. i, -r. ~4& ox~~-Cjuy Succoosive Extraction of Soluble OrgRdc Substances Maseuinated In Rocks, by V. Th. Cerchez. FFENC ) per, adple Analytiquej VOL 51., no- 5, 1969, pp. 2ig--29.- WX T1-1100T-WD August Tl Cuban ~,orkcers -raised as Aartyps. "loroes, by Marlo Oavea OlMorms 6 p.'s, SPAOISE, per* i-Lppm rl Somtiage do Gidl(i, 22 Apr 1C,169* pp 10-.32., j.~vz 4,vlc76 LAPC'uba i-01 June 69 -Lst:LT=-'4- of a 3olution of the Fi3rot DmuidaI7 Problem 2or Parabolic 'Equations of Second Omler,v Ir,,r ju. I,,. cer=wh. 71 Aq ~ 833,1.1 ,03-3,14" per Ook Isk FAW, INAIV Vol 179., :70 342-3415. The Amrican hathomticai 5ociaty t Vol 9,V l!O 25 1968 TL~. C. Gp S Scilliath Oct 68 363.,54o Almst Periodicity of Bounded Solutions of fiorainear System, by V. M. CereS12, RUSSIAN. per. DDk Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 173, No 2s 1967v pp 275-277i Am Nath Soo Vol 8, No 29 1967 ~' M . C G 0- E S " ? Nov 68 370085 Lin Dv 13 Acrodynamic Study of a Hypersonic Reentry Lifting Body, by Rene Ceresusla. 24 pp. FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY FOR INTERNAL ME 'WIVIN THE DEPARM-NT OF DEFENSE CULY FRENCI-Is rpt, Office National d'Etudc3 et do Redierches AoT022atiales, 1966, pp 1-28 T100 -W 16 8- V MWIT-67-77 Sci/Aeronautics Sep 68 365,797 soie or t4e Nutioma orace or Aercmutical Stultes and Fegewch In the WlelopMnt Of "Ma=V'j, by Rm Caresuels and Stenialw Seboeider (Pwt 1),, Christim Bfttrix (Pwt 11) &%A Arthur lablokoff (Part M), 15 PP- GMMMM USS 0M3 FroMs per Air at Coamosp go 131., 13 Doe i965t ppe 16-26 1 ; U0 132o 25 De-C 1965Y P.D. 22-25,, 46 (Part Mv and No 133, 1 Jan 10, pp. 24, P-5.. 46 (Peat M) JPFS GUO 1103 Veliv-rooe qe NN' (7~ mar ., 296,973