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P,aato~~ffoct Faculiztritlc-~..Z,ra -4y ZNiz, Vol
vp 3Z~G~,
Am Inst of Phya
Vol IG, ~'To 3, "opt 1971
VM-~Y ind and Tr~c~unpilcw, v~
T. 1. A~4'11'olrllevn!, C, q . -
AY9 os V. hk~.,
u.", pou"!,-t
'104 Om
pna-cs- " Selected Pt'ge-q, 777.
rm, 141C
7- // 42
L o L t~
Chiamteristle CrIterlon for AwtWtotically
StaUe Lbdtlag Pixtion of a Meebmical Aypomtus,
ty I. I. ArtebolevoMy.
mmms pert DDk Ak rmk MM. Vol 136j. -b 2,,
VAy 19690 vp 279-02.
ft to lut of MIS
Vol 14" lio 5j. Ilov 1969
ion 6)
Construction of Aut(mtic ~Wchinev, and 11heir
EffIclency, by I. I. ArtabolevWy.
i,Mallp per., Dok elk Vol 13-, Ua 2,
1969j, pp eft-PT-.~
Me Am L3zt of Phya
vol A, go sept 1969
3r)4,, o ~6
Optimm iD~thesls of Autamtlc ldacUmaa., by
1. 1. Attobolevskiy.
RLSSIMO per, D.* Ak fkft* ISSSR Vol A5, 4~10 3,
Pr 523-531.
The fa Inat of Phys
Vca 14., No 3., Sel?t 1969
cu" t 3A037
An Iteratim Proeeduro for Calmlating tha
Oarwtadetic Crltwlon of a Fadodlc Llultingr
Motlon of a Vaddne UrAt. by i. r. AMbaevWy.
MSUM., Wv lbk Ak M& M-Ro, Vol 116t 10 3,p
fV 1959s PP 529-j32.
The Am Inst of Fkys
Vol 148 no 5,, uov ig6c)
i2a 61) 14's 913
*Iacblne Dla~nlstlcs Baced an Uv PUse-
Interial ?rbtlples of a Solution to tbo
ETOWAwof Disanwtias Milk,, MeAtal
C-X*Utern, loy A. A. VialmWmIdys 1. 1.
Arb*3lcv&'dj'., 11. L. Dybwwdy.
ilmsWo bkl FOZVL=d and Saction I of
lkcll~ ca zu wormum
In lbdicln- 16
Lt :r-=p PP.
AIK; 3~,O-., 572
rtwus tbit - ?"Ittom ot UO: Driving
Flo"nt Ubtab A"" axt"Wa:ftv the
10 T* MtobdlAvsldt,~
Y ,
701 1947 wwo
ft ]hat ot
val 1,5, go 101, Apr 72
,T-O-q 71 b. L s),e
Optinization of the Synthesis of -iechaojofjcaj
Alatoratic Flachin-em, by 1. 1. Artolo-owla%jvswlujj~
Do Yas Illinsldi
HJSSIAX., per, Uok Ak NaWt SSSRO Vol 17'(y NO 4o
Dec 190-1,. p p
Am Inst Ph"m
voi i2, r+:) 12, jun 1963.
- j
Nov 70
I . Car
~Cmlll san-e Pa,
to atutud- Us to~i
fit A* Arvftilmioh
Future. loloWx to Astrophysias
PRZWDA No 9,, 1972,0 pp 2-4
293/72 SF
Reviewed Aimotation on a Study of Plasma Confinement
and Heating in Tokamak-4, by L. A. Artsimovich, 11
RUSSIAN, rpt, ClUvertaya Konforentsiay po Issled
v Oblast Fizi 111=57 I Tp-raviFy-eny7i TgrriuOY.-Jernykii
imaMly (rourtH 15ternational Conference oh'Plasma
vn-y3 S=-Ind Controlled Nuclear Fusion Research)
17-23 Jwic 1971, pp 1-8.
0- AJ; -
Oct 71
"iftur-out -`03cml, .o
-UrG I
Scientific 13%cslilts frul,~ the Fli at o t,
j'ultO]:lLtticI0,10si4leric Lidwratories. Part 11, I)y
P.. Artshiovicli, L, (;rodzovs1~jy, 13
IJJS~AAN, bk, Nlauclmyyc jczujtjjty PU,
lota Vtorati-
clieskil'il lollosi,cii joratoriy l`ia)it,;rl."
Cluyter 11, 1963.
iu P/ FTTY, j'T-25-637-09
:,ay 70 40!)'$ 7-Se
UMMUL UMUIXUM of Pla= la UkoWi, b~
Im A. Artslwrld4 G. A. Boammui, c, B.
Mirwv,p I. A. Poomms D. C. StnaXav, 22
HMW,* prp ;=Utat Aboamcd OMWI
ikummd Emcgu am$ mmam* 19W.-
AF WT Tr-35
L. A. Axtsimovich
Jul 67
bmu with Jouls amung of a PIWM in ~ /~~
the TOIWAla YAWbins T*Ummk-3i by L. A. L7
V. T. Atraolwwv 1. P. M"kovslw,
fit F's ftump yo of suftiXOTS 29 PP.
MWM.# rpts P*W Q621245 PnnnW at the
IM Owitomm on inum Ptqvics and O=L"oLW
:~,~ PWW
ft 19(*.
tac IMT Till-11,
L. A. Artsimovich
jui 67
N,G. #Pat~sirnovl ,Q)b
1- 11 . sommow ta amouvowliow-
Uum *9 fteorfo* Afts, IV 14w G# am
al"'I P** a* At mmk'f -- -: - 'At- WWA -I
-va 10,0 1o kj~ off
Cut Comi-miteneza oi De --7,kin cm th4
~;O,xhaa vxur~,Cuiae of Pabuits -Uter TonsiL~-'L
of a aQuatraaslant, by Ye. YaZij-,rv,
ptc, DO'k ""k. Nivk 11111~,".-,Iq, Vol 1.1), No
Oct L,
Ihe iffect oi Nuclear Irradiation on the PropertLes
of Ordered Soft blagniatic Alloys, by
M. A. ArtaisbAwskiyp A. 1. Zusman. .5 pp.
UKEUINIMit per, Ukrayinalkyy Fizyc4nyy Z
Vol 14, No U-1, 1969, r,~p 1737-1739.
Dee 76
Invastioatl= of the Shope of A=mlica in
Gm=)m-Om= W=Ity LcGGi%,j by V. A. ArtiVbsshev~
ye. P. ?JDOV.
Ammu, per, lzmz GOOI i Bavadim, Vol UP
rio T., 196,11.? m
sa-Ear bei
Mar 70
R. S. Artsybashev
In mred Aerial Photography of Forest Fires
Frw High Fly* Alroraft and Artificial
Earth Satellites. -
RUSSIAN, perp Leance Xh2mlstvop No 5# 1971v
pp 6044
NTC 72-60514-W
sept 72
/ -?~ V
We or tba stdiam m=w In the CM=
*%od of bftrzLdng Aodtys by V. A -
Azftyb"ber- cooflol iO 51
USIAOS M,# ima M-M 11-1
19%,% v2 959 -
V. A. Axtsybashev
Sd - Duclar sdam
~j , (I . ~,, i~ -t, C L, 1) o ~; I ~, c ~
on the pm-gma Hathad of Nudear Geopbysics
(New Trend In the use of gm"Fielcb for the
Inrestigation of Rocksq 17 V. A. Pxbsyba&w.
IUSSIA,Js per.. lzvwtiva VymslAM UchLIMM
Goologiva i Rameka, NO 3s 1969.9 PP 136-139-
NTC 71-14446-WG
Feb 72
AlThoMci infmod -W.;Wj ojt' 7~drozt Aires i-rs-
LU-Aww and Artifliolal ~-~-rvvt-'-
4atellitozew by ieo So Artm.7bnobovt ", pp,
f-.11 -;i
~, -A4 4'00 5$,
1971. r-p
l'-J y4l,
,-, )71
, 00 A
,111--icr-joy 01 :'oad ih-Ln~ce I~i
ol 1-09 0 3., Zr 1,NjUs PP 112-22"t)
Auw P&VtA*U madmam of latemuon of ODWIC ~2 ', -
HOWS vlth Atowdo Macladj, by 1. Z. ArVl=v, V. S. ---
Daracbm-Awn a. P. miewjwz
aw,m) vto jllm-PZ-M~ 1966.
1. Z. Artykov
,~d z V-Vsi=
'Tal 7
Ye. T. Artykpaev
Oa the Theory off Heat Conduction.
RussiAN., pw; Iuzhenemo-Fizichesl~ Zhurrml)
Vol 7) No 10) 1964" pp 60:54.
i.;Tc 72.i4o6g-2m4
Nov 72
Ab 71
Some laminar boundary layer problems, by
L. Yu, Artyukh and L, A. Valis.
RUSSIAN, pers Fi-xilka goreviva i Y
.gMa, ~Io 2,,
19699 pp 222-229
FTD HT Special 333-70
nov 70
littrant.-clear Cascades witli Many-Particlo lator
actioass by 1. Z. Artylov and V. 5 ;1,'-
ut ZA, 2,2
AV-, C- 0 RN I e. 1 0
Z. 6
ic r ,1v ,e,,iwsp il.;
Atomation of Reporimental Work, on Tw3t St-ands
of the Hydraulic IVxbine iebomtory of ~WGZ,
by S. F. &,-tyukh
RUSSIAIT, pero Zn=,qmarjhinostxo2nLo -,'o
1967t -L)p 37-3-9
I.= 71-15597-1)G
feb 72
Results of (Fuservationn of 560 Ra-dio I;ourcer.
at .316 MHz, by V. 'E". Artyukii and V. V.
RUOSIM, par., Dah Ak Vol 176, No 6,
Feb i9G3- 1,271-LM,
Vol 13j, 110 2, A-u~!-,Ust 1963
1- 41) Tf u
,)c t
A Daeompocition of Ammonia on Iron-
Manganese Alloys, by Yu. N. Artyukh.
RUSSIAN, perp UkrgiHgkiLjULLmj~ghjjk-jj
Zhurnaly Vol 341 No 9p 1968p pp 974-976
NTC 72-11476-07B
June 72
The Relation Between the GatalytiC
Properties of Hetala and Alloys
and Their 8lectronic Structure?
by Yu. M. Artyukh.
RUSSIt..11, per.. ProbIgm-Y Kinetiki- i
Rataligns No 11P 1966,, pp 193-199
NTC 72-11482-07D
June 72
itsUs Aageso
of * .
MOW# 1-* 3# Irtle
~sl t.
Tae Cl=lval industri Sim-re iieopovaibility
for Correct Production and, -'Jignply of FerLilizer,
by A. A-ityu&jn,, 5 pp.
i-,usrlbM,p ZIP) 5
j-PIE L.1415
Application of jzj=e ~,rj
A, Artyu&Un. V. VasUlycvt 8 y),).
rer, ~~Imdallm, 1-b5cove ;"0 10.
ISO, rlj )5-40*
7'? 19
c I.,aractori,~tic-,,
four-culor 1!:.ajjus, 1,y r U
:-.C~ 5 -.3 2 4 1:' 7
09 tba
or optl= mmuns of color Ibmuve mw~
by 1. F. ArkpaUa.
MSUU* PwP 2h Ummb V& Pot I Unamt,
Vol 33s lo 32 lgWp pp IW-1:14.
L17Z W:M-4r- (14-13416)
SOW-loth C~ Equip
l,bb 7.1 401..574
Use of the Si-riLtrity lao-ory lm t
.:,,f Deterr-lairg Density, by V. A. `,rtz4Ab..x7hdwv,
14 pp.
RUG-31PI, Ver, VC Rid.
Ssm, 3,> 51 I'Z5-,rm-
The Effect of Multiple Scattering
on the 250 to 600-MoV Electron
Radiation in Laminar Medial by
F. R. Arutjrunyan.
RUSSIAN, per, Akadejallm -Naa
Armyna kol SSR. Doklftdy, Vol 48,
110 1, 1969, PP 32-35
NTG 72-12069-20H
June 72
S - ~4. q P, x k P, V, C.,(
About the Frablm of Stra" MlsxxUan in poly="
Watned Vader F~wcmd MAstlelty Cmditimsp by
S, A. Arzbakav-.
FMIM,o per$ VYG*Moldmlya=ye a
Vol 133P 197111 pp 3its-319.
W 72-1432T-lU
Jan 73
I'llefining of Pig Iron outside the
with Spent OWn Hearth Slags try
Ye. 1. Arzmaataev.
RUSSIAN, per, Izv VUZ Chern Wet,
pp 56-60,
BISI 612-31
Blast Furnace
111o 8, I-)G9,
Jul 70
Effect of VarEous Operating ConditIons in L/D
Convertors, by S. Asait 1. Muchi.
JAPAUESS, per# Tatsu-to-e~gane, V'ok 55, No 12,
196), pp 1330-1040.
BISI 62(33
Jul 7U
Tielt U*wvn,, by J. lx(ulioff.
GM)%N) perj, Paugera Archiv fur Die Cv--av-mte
MY,Jioilogie d7s-Mensabin und der Tiene,
vol 1; Vs W ej, M(3 pp
TZ F-11)133
Jul 67
I" 1-C er, Are,.,
I- jb~
1~~algnUoa oe a ~Mdmnt Bar by c,-
-83 V -
i, i -'T VU
CiVIA., end [.*Xiw CA"Alut -1-11LIVA
r $v,, r
Lbin., Ljjtra,~Cni(~s f-or
-~Zti,~2.s of Lli)ricatim !.U.~~, 61,
et ad 4
1963, 41-42.
Pil) ~~-6)71
j uly '69 3,i 4 ;2 4 2
Of LI)iJmtiai !,ij Oml
k tu L
4 7-!.j- 9
&U. i 59
Furt'ller Dovolormla of the Scientific fulLI;
Technical Infor-cation Systea in the USS!"'o
by N, B. Arotyunovs, 14 pp,
VWISSIM, por,, Nuuchao-Tekh. Im."Ornatsiya,
Series 1. No IT, 1-96 . pp 3-121
CWpleted by JVRS (P.9559-fl)
66 342,SE, 3
Anakl'rt'c "L
'tlods Oi' LlarMbql ';Animll
3ystemss, by 6. L Arutymov., 14 n
por. lychicUtellnVa i,eklmika ilya
OKI~xl i-r -tvo"-
2 q4ya- oiz-vods I,
277. 1"',79"1l PID 2,67-
JI-R~ 54504,
o v