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Solvab3lity of Nonlinear Operator Equations in Banach Space, by G. N. Arraev. RUSSIklit per, Dok Ak Ilmilc SSSR, Vol 174, No 6. 1967o Pp 1239-1242. Am i-lath Soo Vol 8, No 3s 1967 v liov 68 354,176 at ~_Urr,~-,ts :11.bovo 1 i.-Iv V. I.. .t:f a f aflov. !I".Ivslcs all- controll- Qt~ iuclear Furaori 1,dni Con- iz: 'Ju3.6J C-F fboaft of t1w Liao of tllolll-~Oisk 1 ajto Coodetle 4yetem in Mari= Ccopl*ffllcal =01M.$ (amnve not S.Wclal Typo V' ofteaulator's drait ~~T4 pp- do 11-3t zat'llatot 19. 1?# 4 Aj D v in the llw~ Shopso !;rj IfUll't ")or) v 423-1- -5-Pil var V pc ti: pt on, I.,1.0 ~`C*,'.t,-tj~,,,~~.-~, -vr Noll .it0$earch ~ta studyi4~ va 1ACTO asiu) thoPlas 04 by to F, Uo1yqy*va# 52 ;To aw-lIAN,, ordeng tfti" Inst Awn Enoyg, im. 44-*r4o"Wu V. gummtove HE-9017p 197f)* 14 DOC I :E - 4' ~ 4 -P C3 Nj c) \/ aa-wl AW70 ibundari Layer ':I.owtion uith a ~yporwdc ,tron-t III a Conioa il;otzlo, by i. P. Agafonovo ROSSIA-1, per, IsvesUvn z-ekbanj lea, 0 1965v pp-o 14Lt oa-~8;71 F V ,Tar ao ka Aft. A 2,.- . Al icr. wivc j,"Al, ~l 3 t-lu" -cf-ant z ~;w v Atlartie'lltonan Okcptj; a4, 4, 0 Self -IqlAticil and thc, Inductirm Perioe of a Oro,,.) -A Liquid Vuels, by F. A. A~;afanova, A. A. .'!urevi,c,i. I N' t i A 'Vol 1, 196C , --) 241-251. 5ci - proi F'ue I s F,Oij 69 372,930 Lte CIffact of 6urfactaitts ou tha 'L-,Iuctrifi- cation of' Poly-propy1wic ribor, '~-Jy L. L. AT af onova Volol'.ii-a., .'lo 2, LIU!,. hitoniational 4 ' 111 a f_- r I 11'g Availa'ble fron Am Inst Q.'! -Clie;-,, Ew~rs JUIIQ 3,13'S , 44~_) \\-- . 0-~ A~\t Nw ~lafjafication ~or uTftn Gawes ~-.-.Mlftntvo. by L. AZ&Iakoiv 6 pp* 12. 1;70q, ~'Cb 72 How to FiGht a Fire$ by N, Tarasov Agp-lakov, 5 pp. RUSSTAN, rpt, Kak Boroti2~La.s Pozhcurun-i., pp 4P-43. ACSI J-0,829 'qSTC-Hr-23-725-71 July '[J- W Refining tho Classical Flexure Theory of Anisotropit Plues, by L. A. Agalaymn. 17 pp. RMSIM,, Ivr,, Iz Ak flauk !Mwisky SS9 Ser Fiziki NiiMiaticheskuh Naux rol mns No :0 lmzt pp mn.1 ALSI 1-9326 ID 2204014166 61 Jul 66 3040223 lia-de-Antle Orthoscopic Was for Aerial Photo&rgphy. by .14. A, A,,,alltsova, 1, ~~ , V!, Rusillov, llyullctoa* Izabreatcni), i Tovamykh Zaakov, Alu 2S, 19bS, S4. All Sci Lquit.,va'at Lec Em oyatbesu: AtVdrl& lalth 4*dw$ Dy C. ?&=,I ;Kmt BiLu 000. mim. i;0 4$ n9542AS 0 a-m IV= 87 Cmai 3P-lo 739 WL - mmalstrj Dirsothylsulphoxids iA Organic chomi-ftry, by Claude Agami, 39 pp. F100"t rptj, LO w t! L3FIsUIfo!zde tl% Chimip_ Or m, pp 7MI Nam ID 2204063665 I U11, sci-Ghom Ilya 6~', m . carno-~l~ Ill crou In ext lu-12 -oaLL, by a11$ 2 'e"t r et On the 'raek3 of the -11'zatioralt'awranic by A* Agv*eU-yan* Ke !,,V ROW,IAN. per, Vopm 109 (-iat i9i";7, PP "Me JP.-,,S 4yj6c) 68 L,Ultor of iconor&cs Jourmil uscussen, OY A* k"a Ambeems 6 pl-w Ag&pj~,k 43, 23 (~ct 1971, 6-7- R b e- L jq 19 lv~ b e- Wb'R ~ I fq~ iAw W IN 406*IP stifictral of the LtLr*r Swl~ace V- Dowitift in the lUddle Mtrarialet,, -A'rw tba Data a? katamtic SWUM ~'-CW 3`0 by 1. Yu. AMnlws, V. A. KmnapoltcU,- W6SIM., perp AstaawmlS?aqhjZ Vastp VOI 3) No 1., 1969, xm canacis T 523 R ~o.,--O Zood kircharm. by p4?, ,7 o 343.534 Threshold Sensitivity oj Astronomical TV Deviceso by E. S. Agapov, V. F. Anisimov. RUSSIM, Pero ByUlleten AbastumansLoy Astro- ftzicheskoy Observatofty, No 34, 1966, pp D6-130, Sci-Teili Info Facility ST-ETC-OA-10645 sci-Electr Sept 67 340,961 ..-arty control ot by Ae A~al,,,Gvof 12 1!-;. A&.; 65-i','. W031 SU* or stxkam stods Applicablo to Cm Cmdtlcas in Fast Rmotmbs Dovaopaa in tl)O =2"o Tcv 41 WO flusswNs pwo Sir 31= NO S LU ~:Ii Mdnaks 19679 *11) 457-4,4* JR~ f If ja 69 1) ty i~. J. lUtukuwWlwj L--~ c At,arkov, G. Pot.-.:~Iyevs~.iy. F F LY 3 r 1.1 '/--, I ap'll~ I 3d-$ ad a. :1~ ilo n ODOM PP '0 44 19706 ,rm %55 rt,pr StrUOtt", WA T=arV*tUM Of thb COOZ lll;ni~~t ot m"It aft Dapld-ua in domiatun vim It* P"teotlv* M-lotion,* by So I,,,. Aouv'bov* I ppe IMISIZA11*2 ~ivo nLgd-,~ .1s, Itlovs, 716 4, 1970* pp *490 PRI5 526-05 G. 43. ~, - 14 tz 1~ C~ V 7j e. R. 1~3 /~ S . e, v, Otow Aspects of the Metica of 04dation of n-Butaw to r'klclc AnlVdrida, by Fi. A. Agagiev. !MSIAS: per., Azerbalftlzaskli UdalcheaUi Zlmrnal, NO 6, 19691 PP 1-r;71-7.- 077,12611 -00 NITC 72-6-37(-8-07C J~mn 73 t7 v Separation of Aiil~lde by Urect O.Adation of n-Butane in a Catalytic Systc-, in the Presence of lir~ydxor~en CUorlde, by R. A, Agmslev RUS6LLI, pert A7x--rbaidzhat",*di lOdmichealdl Zli=nalt I,o 5, 1969. pp 12L,-131 hm 71-15210-070' =~ 7 2 C~ V Idnetics of ii-Butane 0,,ftdat-ion into 'bloic AnlWdridet by It, A. Arasiuv RUSISXiq Azqrlk-AdzhaTiJpdi l'Qh~"*chea!qi Zhunial, 1"o 6, 1969, pp 141-117 ii'A; 71-15211-070 :,-?, ,.; -.: --. :~ ). ~i mar 72 T. 3~,Wrvla'lp Ond, 17 IrEITO 33504 Uavlik;G in lw-,-10niTi (r E"!J 0 J.. 1"J Ij SOlubUitim Lu tbR &Uvt*c 1&329OV2N3k-H2SD4-0 k4s by 0. X. Aodmv I. IL GbOhIA- we=, Dw'j EMU ^4cdjg3..jmwml inst lb 49P i965i, - pp W-M 0, ---. a'~ ~L ~ 0 v (11 --L eol-cb= Sept 0- 391)10 A COM of in is swu RON** MY 14**" M, . I im pAwyk 12 4lu 1%5, p & H MW "h ~ MR soc Mar 63 275.715 5 ~rainc .9 ole In ~ioviot idt~ by konc(l)'A One Great AcgCrxr~ 12 'LV- IV Sh-, I A I ., -per., Fxumj~Amis,.., Ap" Pil- 64-71- JPX, 35VI J,,r, I etor am.,. Sea Pollution by Industrial Waste Discussed, by E. Agayevo 5 pp., RU55194o np, Vyshka Baku, I Apr 1966, p 2, JFRS 48099 Sci-Mech, Ind, Civ & mar &,gr Jun 69 382s143 Public amath Service in Rural F~Lwjions of tite ecrAet Unim and Bloc CouutTlesp by E, P60 AC,;eW,7 and Vo Ve Pq4Mj, 16 pro 97.1,11AIIj bk,, 2W NIM SelImMli lnehulvuo- rrOM"-iches)dhh U&-m I"r 965r IT- 3-4p 5-10v 172-lbl- JPF-d' USISIR -Apr Gr) Certain Factors i)etermining Antioxidant Capacity of Phcnal Compounds, by Ye. A. Al '!ayova, 14. L. L,*!)3Yevn. RUSSIA."JI, per, rhimiya I Tel,,,.') Topliv i 11 -o 5, 1968, vp 11- 3. "asol , " t Oti-I - S'- -4 06 lar A.19 37(~,351 dw, rxir, "~,; 0- p J~e.7 64 Given 4..j 1"V21clt~l t-, t in Pas'. Lool"'Au ~Acairr!c. D: LY I!j ~ 19. S. 4el e;.,~,,tj Nvaboam of Gramd 1 0 , , l"Kuiw imith MR" to "IOU aftutwo lw 16*,& Aptkb4 9 Vt. M0163weidgedMM woogggleap, No 60 :1970. #0 SX -J'-? 3 R "? Am$ 72 Third Integral of the Motion In Stellar Systems and in an Axisymmetric Potential Field, by T. A. Agakyan. RUSSIAN# pery Dok Ak 11agh,SSS& Vol 200, No 6p October 1971p pp 1310-1312. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16t No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 4(AEC-tr-7357) BEMERGENCY COOLING PROGRAM. fligh-Pressure Section of Emergency Cooling Testing Carried Chit on Pressurized Water Reactors (PWR) and Boiling Water Reactors (BIVR). First Semi-Annual RepDrt, January-June 1971. jAgemarj F.-, Bohlaender, H.; Brand, B.; Brunswick, J.; Hickon, E.; Ko-hTe-r-,L.,-' Saelzer, H. G.; Schad, 0.; Schroeneberg, R.; Schueler, M. T(Allgemeine Elektricitaets-CeseUschaft, Frankfurt am Main (West Germany)). 10Translated by IV. J. Grimes from report jjAEG-E--3-2057. 2,134p. UDep. NTIS. ,progress reports; reactor cooling; reactor engineering; trans- lp lations 11181 28NIN-80 UP NSA REVISED CARD 10 Activities and Fuu.cxions of ldl;QriOS of t~jo jjjl4JiOr dealth lastitutel rpt, Jul 2, L~~o6. Aul; S06,32U Agentaite, Z.P.; Lapenis, V.B.; Khotyanovich,S. Industrial Production graphic Developer, mono. ELEKTROFOTOGRAFIYA Vilnius, NTC-72-14652-14E of Dry Electro- translation from I iT.IAGNITOGRAFIYA, Feb 73 ~% U i .1 - , - :~ A S v ~,- ., E 0 1 : ~ T ~~ 1' L 11 ,l'-'! I F I ~ ~ 6 ( I '; 0 ' : I;I I il :. 1) i - ,, j" I , I -," ~~ ; '-, _ ;%~. - (I H i 1. ; I k!:;, T I I ~'-, ( ~~ rl.- : ~ . --) ~- I ~ " ) t ) P.,-i T- -, 3 -1,: I-f- ', -7,~ gotIvoo of Cold 1-.,Outroris for 'i',imnoble Posert-badt bY 17 ppft 1101 13A '~!Q I;-7a7y,,7TO-b-t RT-Y 7.1 The Cold Neutron Source ior the nigh Flux Reactor at Grenoble, by P. Ageron. GERMAN, per, k'QI 16, 1971, pp 125-129 *AF-.C-LB/G-;076 ~~'/ June 71 1 "':xpariueutal study of Col~ :Ietitroa ,;pectra f-TO.- 1101d' Sources of Li,!itie aRd Dcuterium, :0y July s 7,7 .4 1 jul 7, I; iu 7, Electron '~:dcrosca-,)ic mid Nlicrodi-Hractiaa Investigation of Nonmetallic Impurities in Nolybdenium and Its Alloys, by N, V, Mov, W5,31AN,per, Dok A Nmuk SSR.Vol 167, 1966, Sci - Phys i,xt 67 341,4j0 4, T.. PA 6,4 T"(Q LO Olveolydo In Aftwdm lafftt" PA 041 md in Aam"Im Imm 22 M*mm I Nmwtw Buvm MUo IW A* 1* Agrjako. JONM PW.. Lamm fthamalo NO 90 19100 PP 4M3- mc 7g.1"99-06M ift 73 Glycolysis, in Adenovirus-Infested Rat Coll Cultures and In Adenovirus Type 12-Induced Hamster Sarcoma Cellso by A. 1. Ageyanko. RUSSIAN, per, LoEr xy Onkol I* Vol 160 No 90 1970s pp 49-53. USA-TT-F-14061 Nov 71 impacts vxi .4obUm of Uo Awr IWwtrj. ~y G. Aeams 1. ur=n, 14 pp. nP# * s AAC"~W '5wov, 22 Apr 19-o I., P 2-0 jR,RS 53186 P I-V A G~ - )4,3 et ~ e v Short Term and Lasting Stability of B-Alloy Systems Ti-14D-Cr-Fe-Al at Rio Temperatin-cs:, by 11. V. Ageyev, So Go Glamnovy 9 ppo RMSUN, pert Strukturs, i SyMtva May ~ rod!nLqI Mqt&I-Uche9kikh Mterialay, 10,67. ffi!/FSTC-/N-2~421-70 Au.r,, 71 simuc Iwo 09 OW&UM oz lkjachlorO~Iftouane) 4 U. G. Agaysvp V. A. pob ktow. WWUH; pwt Lbk Ak Lim* 11=p Vol ISI.p No 6) Atk-,Mtj, .19(Zp 1403-1405. C'. 377.,627 ~,ec "vcal Testing of I'lotols "A Ag~i Taqueratures End Lowilng, lyj ii. P. Igoyov, lu. 1* lim-AUSWA, 5' XSSIAI~J, bouk, ~Iddimiched:i-ye PEI Vixmk h 2mturakh i iy~ratkovrtmonnun jamalmai IX, 8 1-2-1'0. lt.'Cib 71 li, V, Ageye-v Creep in t6 -aZZoj of titaniia IVT-I. 8 pp. RUSSIAM., per, Izv. AN SS.1717. '1etatZy,, Uo 2$ 19?13 pp 163-267 AIR1,FTD-.,'J,T-1944-71 vept 72 K. v, P.:,q e ~ e \/ Influonco of Carbon on Structuro Formation in Molybdenum Castings, by N, V, Agoov, PUSSIM, per, Dolt Alt HaWt SSSRI. Sov W-1-1tv Vol 1930 No 5, Juno 1971, pp 1046-1049. Vol 16, No 6, Doe 1971 A C~Im - J~-'- . ~ PA r Jan 7.2 NA, Q .y e- ~ e V Im"t4o"m of awora swuom of the Powdo- TWW7 a- &&P-ft? *AM4 tr "' V' Apff- BMWs, Val 198,V CD Nov 71 N. \1 . (4 ,~e ~ev Demation Procesm in HetaU and talop, by N. V. Amw. RMIM,, bk.. ProtLsa FormiMgRE&a lUtallw j 1971, 2W PP. "9TC-HT-23-il44-72 Dec 71 ~ Ibe mausow arl" kiftted "W"A" ja W~V.A.M~, m - W- ~ RA.&MM - -v I II W, ft.. M all"* w - 91-0 Zd ~ I TA "at no h jw lym jr IlwolvAo OB W.\/. 194e4p-\/ 4071 Structure Of "301,Ge), by N. V. Ageyev, 11. Ye. Aleksayavskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dqk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol lid, No 6, 196)9 pp 1267-1268. *oerican Institute of ~~a Vol lit, No IQ, 197U May 73 i~ V'-A Tap r it i o s of t*-s, A~ S3,r! :'.,au,:~ on COL. N \j ci e e v -4 5 t-k c f~t -"~" -,'I (--I r~- AfterWeLia and Strass-rupture Stvanj;th of a B--alloy,-, of the Ti-I-lo-Or-r-c-All Syatem at iligh Temperatures, by N. V. Ageyevs S. G. Glazonov, et al. 10 pp, RUSSIAN, rpt, AN SSSR. Lastitut lietalturgiy Strukturn L za-voystva.ZharoprochMft WetallictaskLlth Haterialov, 110, pp 2A-3jJ. AIR/FTDAU-23-175-70 41 e, -6 June 7-j ii. kiolybdanua and Its Alloys,, by o. Ve I~Uatovp 6 J)'.00 k Is 1 1161per, ~vL A6 Nauk .56SA. Vol 'NO 3, W66, pp 63.5-osiaA. v 10 3 0 7 2 , 'Ji 4 iat 7ki n=val aC Noaarrms 'Xiatals from U~vw !~icltai and Nidtat Alloys by Rubbikile Airt.,n 'WhrouLa Thma Unck-ar Vacuums, by 3. G. Charnov, P. Ya. Pz-ayzv. per# tzv VUR ~'.bimq "'Iet, VD! 122, PO 1.~, pp vse of orvsdavj~uled kew!i C-L&CeS Oil ~ WrztS by A-o~-evs 'zbrIn# ppo ---Oscow, 31 Jnn p 2. The 'Aitual Correction of Frec 'uency Characteris- tics and Band Amplifiers, bY V. I A~ieyev, 7 )P. RUSSTAN, rtp, XXII Vscls I'lauch Posuashchennava PNYIJ Radio. Sehtsiya Radiol,riyemn),kil Ustroystv i Usiliteley, 1906, pr 102-109. JPPS 37520 Sert 66 zewmAo k2olAn~," to Use lntcrbmv---i ~Ajsr^j, ;7l; A* Ageywaus It ppe hIn tie 47# V /9 j ,-ow Lvaluation of the Ground Defomability in ",,jinin6 Vehicle Mobility) by Ya. S. Agpildn. RUSSTAT, rpt, Crtsenka DeLojMLruM2qti Gpunta Prirass- motmL okbodi=ti Avtomobile. y Pr *ACSI J-93U7 TSTC-IU-23.48o-71 1.%y 71 bf Di. T* Mal 71,