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,c-*Crwt tlynuvtoa (;Vm W-A Y. &wnvat votomt aDo a%fzri "f 1 fAlPtc:,-- rac. list FrcraMtion of Yxtorn =1 Some of its Mers and Homologn, by V. A. Znvosov, E'. I. MOtftD4,M.' S. N. wovawva) 4 pp. WSSIM, mo per# 2Jmr Obsbah Khiya, Vol UVI) No 01,, sop ,956.. pp P-499-25ol. eonbultmts Bureau Sci - Chemistry .4-f ~" Yeb 58 P-m-tennao for Radio Relay Lineo~ by A. Metrikin. mcLAssipm Full translation. ":CUSSIAN, mo per,, Radio 110 7., Maccow, Jul 1~53P pp sciA Tr 623 USSR Scientific - Blectronico,, radig Jon 54 cTs Amlyola of raat-Rezistut and Ligbt Allop and Steals by The Phatool-actric prodedure, By K. A. SeWwnkop X. A. SbIzeems L. D. Mtal:ijm, 1. G. %oblap M. V. Pankim & D. G. Big& It 3 YP- RUSOUN, rper, Iz Ak Muk ME, Wr 1712. Vol. XW- I, Ro 91 1959p py 1107-1109 Cobmbla v.%ch Sol Nov 6o ~Ilazq u7nundcat-lors fm the lfigg~r~ by R. Elotayer, 6 RICH; Waustrics at T."mraux d'Outrwier Lez Jul 1,06YJ~ pp 461t 462, UMIA Tr-U69 sai - Electronics jw. 61 Uae of Pormalloy T".-mass-ducero for IMaarrtic Weswanmiw in Acca7leratora.. by K. W. Shnri;i; "Au. N- Idw-11,0allailmv, G. M. Bvsin~, L. V. 5 Pp. ' o 4, 195" sath rozpart F lpatru Mic 0A, Akaziv Apr (10 C C' -4 5 re- I ) liar With Invisible. Foes -- Iltn's Struggle Against Diseaoe, by M. D. Metallnikovo 60 p-p. RUSSIAN, monograph, Voyna z RevidimZpA T:AD Vragami, 10- P 80 Pp. '00 ,TpRs 6629 M2d rl- Feb 61 3 'P/ X J9 '41 A Zk*U [Uftod to Drtamlno (%b Illtmmm) the LAMM= 02 P24= c4d=4 by U. SauWdin., P. 1WASS. ==, Dws teft 40 agir'a 1b 16"o IM. 0 M W5-474. urmu o; c J12 14 t"'Etvn~ i)~ a ILI rc I JT.,,,~,t:u calAcil'a", tiy i;. :Ie~,jr--nio JIV Li0a"If. 7 17. matum and ammical cQW06itic" of 4ca from two WWtqjbynss by Da NaAss J, Raviar, FRUCH,, per, bulls 54m, rs=c, Mineral, -WsElp' Vol as* 1062; PI) NASA TT &9824 0, S GOVOWIENT USU CWLY sci-chum Apr 66 ".~Ljoalt till., c"abollydrato Part O.J Fj'urjyj: I'SOLLU031 01' Glyc'upoptiLLas ~`*rcll~ a alydrolysate of FiII)AII, by 'doair ~-bszzaw. por, ~4'ui~po Seller Z Physiol G'c';. .. ', 11 33.5, L-904, /77-279. Alii (ija Lowi) M 5 cf- lar 66 .1wdw and IWn L,--, anakvly by 4;;d' . -0 rtr NCO. lip 153450. 19MOU 65 'ar-ev, P. P. AM"ICATIO'-f-C-11 PR03ABILITY THEORY AND MATHEMATICAL ~ CA71STICS IN THE DESIGN AND MANUFACTURE OP RADIO- ELEC]"RONIC EWIP- MEN"r. ir. by L. Ebner. (Dec 611 250p. 10 refs. PL-480 Comm. Order from OTS ~2. 50 (0-51086 Trans. of mono. Pri;-non--ile Teorit Veroyatnostei i Malematicheakol Statli-ilki pri Konmrulrovanil J Proizvodfjtvc Radioaro;)aratury, Moacow. 1958 [2621p. DESCRIFTORS. Electronic equipment, "Radio eqalp- me-it, D~siga. Production, 'Statialcal processeq, 'Probability, Statistical functions, Statistical distri- bution, Error&, Theory, Applied mathmatica Contents: Fandamcmal propositions of probability theory and (EVneerJ ng - -11lect ronic, 77r. v. 7, no, 4) (over) 60-51036 I. Wayalsev, P. P. U. PL-460 Cmnm (60-5108t) III. National Science Foundation, Washington, D. Q Reliability of the Manufacture of Electronci Computing Machines, by P.P. Mesyatsev RUSSIAN, bk, 242 pp. NLL REF: 0678.23F AD 662 213 ~'O - S ~ 1')`~"Ae July 62 383,415 P4 T3% 17.4-06 WRL Sd - Eke Dot (Dr,-2800/1,-)) I.-lork Hand in Hand (Dosaaf lassions), I)y !,I. Mesyatbsev, RUSSIPj,T,, np, Sovetskiy Patriot,, 28 Feb 1c')(SO, T) 1. *JpRs USSR Militar-y 1r Apr 6o T-q C-. ~s~ f r-.,Il ,a=3 .J~~, &Az~ I!nprov(n Lining. of Electric Furnaccs, by Xcsyats, 4. pp ).gqc4 ~4, I &~ Teelmiqw of mq4% tags Hwoswmd Pdmo bg (4 As Vor*tyws & A, ftayaU. 163 PY- Msuu.. bkv &MOM &ndnmmdn may"Olz mg.twr-, 1963, FP I-IV#* 1-1 ~-Ww AWWTD-RC-23-643-70 Aug 71 SOCIALISM AhD REVOLUTION IN FRANCE,, BY MialELE W.STRE, 9 PP. LE W"NISTE FRENUIj, tP.,160 6311 JW/5tjL 1962, Pr- 3,, 11. JPRs 15113 WWR - FRANCE POL - OCT 62 212;945 "T smu-89-Im QwwmNxw. ~rg I arlwal mm~ NMRTION comlstgnw,# s ff. MC14 MO a - OMM13T4 to 94. Amrmu: AL. VP 3FV. I I -I.- ;, -t I SOCIALISM AND REVOLUTION IN FRANCE, BY MICHELE MESTRE, 9 PP. E C~WUNISTE FRENChy HPI~N '3, JUN/A 1962: PP '1 4. JPRS 15113 WEUR - FRANCE POL - OCT 62 212,945 i /6 - Rwadm 1"*Wb .- -- -"7 voolown pavy Susie* 0 1. . ,--.II SW 1 ~. **q:="mk6dw" ~M- w-, ~. ~ . p""K m to ""w4ft yd X0 No Isk - ., 1, $v4. AASM~ .." Y411*pqw rw JM64 aftkom 01' Conzawi.n,,,,-,~~O,-. Or Shops by f, ~I-st.- I cl on+., P C Tr-462-', A-..- - - - gFw M~40 Wb*$md$% or *. g0"% a. aostm * - it .191RUML 44 %M k., . ...., W-fta Sd TOM of At~aospheric or ShopS, by E. M 1, ~1'1 T .A. Treatment Station for SoUd Radloactive Waste a the Saclay Nuchar Remrch Center, lyy Po Cerro,, E, Memo, et al, 72 ppe r-RUXU-I. rpt, 1963. ABC.UCRL-Tr-IOD8(L) Sd-liud Sci LWr 64 252#854 s. 6f . /)Q4zz2, Supersonic Combustion in a Cylindrical. Channel# by A. Mestre. FRENCH,, per# AGARL Suvars2nig Fl-ov,, Chemigal ftoeggeea and Radiotive Transfer, Conferencet 1964 PP 93-111-- NTC 72-11199-21B May 72 c C,"b a C a,- - r o- q i,, n D~~ sr Gc u -Coioau- 31 -,-pt, Sup NOV 0'- CLh/FDD 7 7 3, (SF-l'03) ; Of cj-.~031c;~rat Report on E*erlm n o. ~ ausC P. Koasej, 15 pi~- =M, vol vni, iio 1, 10 'IFF's 4621 Mad Rz,tMdng tho ffaurt Story Vol= olf jznoa Foidor4k, by pq iLil ipd,L4~ Nukq-aa~;b, Vol ll'~ 20 2, Zob lq-xb`jl pp us ipmAc.~gr) OBO DC-50/6 Mur Hl-%ngsr$ Pol Tiot Illithout CoTipetence, by L. J.'esterhazi, 7 PP, I-i 7-epozabacll-saC, illar~ 23, ~,2_Dj T, TT 2.50-S Loyalty of Alliancoo by " NDsterimis 6 pp. (I) WNGARI&N, np4v Elut os Iroduloms, 40 Doc 1967o UE Hungarian PMNS Su tie, 1916 No 1916 18 Hardi 1968 Scim pmpAien of Ultra Fine Grain fttogapb-ic ~,*=alsicnt 191th Pmt4-edw Comaldm-atier. of tL-- daisart Effact, by Ham= No tm-.112 pp. ,-WARP pGrt Z. Vigo Mt Vol XLIKI, RO 7/120 ~:p 137-219. S.L.A. Tr '755/1956 301 - Pbplcc; T 6 r.,* I, uu- 56 CTS 1,yew Bulk Pumhaae System [Czechoslovakia), by CM, T, pa~-, Za Gaci&Uotdr-rZe Zemdelstvil Vol 't"j, "uO 6'(6-c"'35, Mir I 62-14762 gina A. Ya. SOWME CIHMICAL CHANGES IN THE BRAIN 1. Mestechkins, A. Ya. IC UNDER THE EFFECT OF TUMORS, [19621 [13fp. 15 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 60 62-14762 Trans. of Ukr[ayinB'kyij Blokhlimicknyll Zhurnjel) (USSR) 1960. v. 32, no. 3, p. 381-391. DESCRIPTORS: *Brain, Chemical analysis, *Tumors, Water, Nitrogen, Phosphorus, *Cerebrospinal fluid. In the white matter of the human brain located close to a tumor the water content Increases as observed In macroscopic experiments with oedema and swell- '-4, ing. At the same time the content of total nitrogen and phosphorus, the precipitate nitrogen and the acid sal. phosphorus content of total nitrogen and phs- phorus, the precipitate nitrogen and the acid-sol. phosphorus content. computed on the dry mat"t. In- offic. .1 !-k.. creases. With the method of centrif4or (Biological Sciences- -Biochemistry, 77, V, 8, no, 9) (over) Off -4852) .atchir-S Rc4lorelay.Liza and Talaviaion-Station Equipmeat., by 1. V. Ostrovskiy,, B. G.JAosteclikin,, Ilk p 9 11 RMIAN; per, , vestak sv7s%ij, No 4p 1959. Sai 24a.-.- 61 Use of Sapordf in'ble Emasifiers in the Plastica ~2__U. Pasr-~Oo 0t, al. rield, by GERIIALTI~ per Angewaadte Chcnico Vol LT-U,. No 19, 1959p pp 6olt-6-oB. ju,-a 6.1 . .. on- a . . sawsw . I.., AdV44 2=A3 .--, .p. I "* . I'. t I WWA411WA . 11 ML, %I*AIWIC MWARt I I a ...4 IPAP 63 ~ 2q i 1. t~ 1~1 :1 I . 1 .1 Porr-mch. Rolling ar i,; 14~1 Iran -=a I -, ;-,) " V, Probla is of I'llodern T-cebnIques in 11---tal Rollino, by O.H.C. Illessna,. Giltl-wl~ rut, Vol 1~"I, P,)C SU -5 Jul. %Jf 4, 34~ I .' Investigation an the Electrolysis of Fuaaa Zinc CUoride) by Dr- 17 PP- Mli=,, per,,, Berich! Vol MXI, PDX-&3- Sci - Isin/met SIA Tr 1819 ~'Z" Ire,, 7 APr 1957 '~4' 5d 4 iA. 3F V lo~ o3 f) kj Eaas,.,,l as insulator in FaectricaUy Hcatcd Home Applimccs,, by E=t Moamar., 10 pp. G=,,W,p Verein Damtsche Rmi-Ifmhleute: ILItte-J.1m,sen., Vol IV., 19.56p pp 47-54. US Dept of Cmn roe Dr. W6132.ce R. Brode,, Auscm. Dir Natl Bureau of Standards Sci - chemlatry ~Lzl, 7 " Max 1957 CTS/dex j / Sel, Problems of Modern TembnIques in IMetal by 0. H. C. Mcasnar. GERI-Mil, per,, Z. Pletallk,, Vol 52~ 1-11o 1, .1961, i)p 57-58. GB/16,) c" Sci - Jul 67 334.,341-1 /I . 11 New Histological Findings on Neuroseare., tion on Terreotrial loipodet by B. Measner. GERMANg per, I&IRWOBAR82haftont Vol 50# 1963P PP 338-339. NTC 72-60073-06C May 72 IT, S S 111111) V. T7, ~ (3 0LI YU. Stal, vol. 1, 10/41, No. 5, pp. h7-53; 19- fiI,,nires, 7 tables, 39,C)i i,,rords. Influence of Smal].-Addi-vion5 u-)o,,-. Ci7ystallizatlion and Physical Frope--,tie~' of ~Sume j'L lloys and ;Llloy Stcels. B~-utcher Tram, Order 'Ic. 132-,'-,, "4-E5 Of Addition's ftystal-lliu;- 03, I~ln~r pro tion ana 61 Derties ftme Al-loyc and A'Uoy by V. Xanzk-;n Y. ek-,upiftn; 1,6, vu. IM-3ZAIT., per? M-ul, Vol 1, No 5; 1.941, )r(-53. !loan- copy omly~ 0 ? R-1927 gt,=n E6eotws anti Mdle DegaGrAng friv H-cavy Fugings,, by T. 0. MrAta. IT-1.01IM-R, Papr Prosalitod at tho-confevence on Heavy Porgingop Toni, Sop 1961. DISI 2513 S a i - R np, ,/ f ~,- / If;, 1by 62 list 128 , ~A,~ ;-A ~pf k,", part WX* 47# MR.- )"ve i. ~~vllls zor oual Valalu~-Tcdhm. vol 1~, At '0 3 iu x.1 co.~ rol, ,,r:,yu(,.j,cjepcndC-P-Cc of~ Standardizati-011) j.Tj m -ion , nd Holvat, 6 pp. GEMI,J, pcr, stendardisJ-e-r'uuC;, Vol VII, 1,10 2, jan, Gc'maDY Ets, E Econ j~-,-n 62 Tmt4 Cuvm *Mm mi ft"Aw avol"Mm - A f *goaftft ok Chu" bomqo by DoloW, NF 10001"40 W 074 . us-cknow Be= Id 64 263.50 , Vitamin B6 MataboUsm in Patients With Diseases of the Blood Systemp by Oo Vc AKS340VAO N. A. IMSINEVAp 4 PP- I RUSSIAN., per, ProblwV, Gematol i Perelivaniya Krovip Vol V, No 3-21 1960t pp 18-21. PP 6-5 - _!~- ~/ Z_ Sci Aug 61 Factors Which Promote the Confersion of Organic Matter to Petroleum, by M. A. Messineva. RUSLul, rpt, 1955, pp 279-319. MEB Sci Feb 63 POWECTIVM W. DIWKOI ALAQW&A *M= OF 7WTING VAT& IXR fen 'of W= WMY# BY S. N. 6MAWM#Vp P. Aq~l *wIWAO. EY #4 5 pp,- RMIAN M( 8101"May al;OTITILYAs 101', pp=. SCI .0 SIGLIM So JUL 63 MASMAS, QUAW)WIVK aftm tm f". lie 40"ITIO W-S-. To, SMAOMIlt 04 A, 100KICA# 43 or, Mimi X#' ,stle"am,ow.-A~11- V VWIMM swoolbTITU"o 19610 to SWI60 3r.1 - Blot/m So JUL 43 ON MA SO " slmjmol~ Ict . I -;.' . % 937A5 . I.. JUL 63 WOOMUM METHM or NiNg WANWITATIVE %nm " In FUMM ISM 14 CAMMIl Woft; awl H. A. "Wimmmajo V, MMIANat BKo BIQUOMP 4"111 v K40am 4~1 '. JUL ,rtpplin,ation of the ~-D process to the of plio8phoric Ironsp b3r Lambert) yeasin. .10, xV, 7:o 4, 1958P I)p tymm O-a gnd Steall Tinst . Tr Sq 91 "IELU r &LIF, 11 I ar lides in r--,Trua, *'Wrfp-c't"'O)r' 03 of ROfO-y'a3'-Oa:t()y'y 1 ,e do by Joan Mnsinesy 3 pp. FIJI translation. "RA'r- SO porp !6, Apr 194.6, -ImEs, Vol &M COM NO pp 2-95-296. S AS WU.' scient"."Ic - COOPIvaicz / Ir, 57A 5 5 e, ID [Basic ogyGon) Promso to Bigh Phoophom Pig Iran - TeOnIque Utted at ll~ ,y Stselvwkop by G. lb9aln. :WF.Ulmff,~ por., Rmo do metauurgird., vda. 1, M.; no lop 3.960, VrP 947-954, Sroi - Yunftbt moor U-2 First Resulus of the Ilse et the LD Process at Pcrapay~ by G. Yia as In. FfdV,- CH~ par, Centre Docimentation SiderurSiqua Circulairea d'Informtions Techniqws, Vol XIX, No 2p 1962; pp 393-399. msi 2846 Sci -L?neyr e &4p 09 unt 148 ilho B30,ring in LD 0? R= Ta*Dmtm to 'Uza , 0. Mossin. Cpcxatjon~ by lo Dool, 6 r Toebalsla # Vol y 1963 PP DT-51 a394, R113 63 Life of L. U. Vessel Linings at 11ou-Peys by C, I'lessin. FT,,L-,'XZ-o-T.MY-*Cmtro Doc Sider, Circ. NO 2, 19 4, pp BISI 3997 :I,iT"-Frmce ;q7t sci/!-,~i io, r 6 5 273,504 Reducing Vac Losses in 1=12e Streagth on Syathetic Reoin-Finished Retive Cellulose Mric,, PT. l.. by K. Wasiklo ~,,,pp. MUW) por) Textil-Praxis, vol 13, iio 3,$ 19IS3 pp 761.-767. CFSTI -6. Sci - chmistry thr 67 tZWUm-ic r"coin-Viniahed Mtivc CC12-,A,~lso Y4bvic$ In-. ii, q X. llecomp W.1a Vol I U~j 10m) -wro utabli-P.Mris nar MrL 519-17,12,95 Vol Is the Use of Domestic Fuel in Inland Navigation Boats a Cause of Frequent and Systematic Breakdown, by J. Messiez-Poche. FRENCH, per unknovn. USDA North Carolina State College Tr h3 axixx 14E - Netherlands Econ MaY 58 MossLah, QUANTUM- MECKANIC,% VOI- J. tr. by G. P4 I. Mosti4-A. lv=er. 1961, 520p. Intmelonce PUMATs, Orda from IP $15. 00 Ncw York Trsm. ct umWenWied Frevxh buqwkp mmo., & p., iL d. DESCRMWS. *Qun= mwUnM. Tenbooks. (Physics- -TheoreUcaL TT, Y. 7, no, 5) Wc. oF Messerachmidi, W. and Tartler, G. TLSTING, BY MEANS OF A RADIO-ACTIVE 1. M"serachmidt, W. METHOD, THE QUANTUATIVE ANALYSIS OF If. Tartler. G. NOUrE QUAWITIES OF LEAD AS CARRIED OUr Ill. Schmidt, P. BY P. SCHMIDT AND CO-WORKERS. 119631171p. (figs. cmIru4 3 refa. Order from SLA $1. 10 63-18459 Trans. of Augev4andiel Chemliel (Germany) 1935, Y. 48, p. 261-20, DESCRTTORS: *Lead, *Radloactivadon analysis, Microanalyets, Electrolysio. (Chemistry- -Analytical, TT, Y. 10, no. 11) DIN-A M Teck*31 Strvi~.os TILA- lWvl CIASSificAtiou Of Occupations, by &no 3 PP- QUMip per, Stetl'16tiocbe Fraxiso No 2,, Fab 19580 PP 31-33. Dapt of Comh=e &=-au of W C-onsus Fmviga ?/=power Raseudi Office Eem Got 58 0 " i ITRLY K. cl. 1; 3 S E Metallurg vol. 15) No. I table, 2100 words; 1Q~O. Control of Viroking of Blast airnace on Basis of Top Gas Analysis. Brut-ciler Trans, Order No. 1152, Italian State Railways After 1954, by Volfgang Measerachmidt, 27 PP. (ID 2068343) GEM; pers Eisenbahnteddeche 1~mdschou, ~b 3, 1957P pp 77-69. ACSI G-9581 WEur - Italy Econ may 58 Fitting or Detacha'ble Coupling for Connecting Rubber 1)i!~ Elements or Tubes Used In Medical or Other Equipment, '~'. -) by Oalante, MSespsera, 6 pp FRENCH, patent, No 165,283, Patent Office Sci - M/M Jan 65 2Ti,405 d r'Dr Cab'" 16'bdIU2' 1958.1 7,o pp 59-63. sci /X0 btw 60 ~'V-1356) 'Lae Hiatory of Emarzaacy Vleaical Aid ih 7-11108in, F,'Y 'USSIAN, pur) Sovat Zdravoalr~auenlyc,, Flo 9, 1960; pp 53-58. nar 6i The ufvct cc Dmormt Vommstrictors m Various QmUties of the Nmml HICOSS) tv H. yeseek. AUSTRMI x )perp, YAmatodu-lft f per Ohrethe und UgYngo-mmloal-ep Vctl A No 7. IgEe.. pp Z94-Sw. SU TT-65-17417 i=c 66 303,078 The PrGsen-ation of IFOods by Chemical NIgqodnj, With ELpeciel ConeE2ration to Problen of ToxidUoMr, by D. A. A. rkessell 6 PPS ~WA C,IS*Fd!ANp per, Z Lcbe:um- Uni.-rsuch u Forsch, Vol CII, 1955P PP 254-0. SU 57-1209 Sai - Chexiistrj 60 6S.21 Mr 58