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ThL~ &-asibility of tin, ITao of Mquid-Ybtal rauclow em LubrLmuta by A, 11. TynWyt t-L 1. RUSS"'ruls, U, VoXouy ~,".,Uchirvxvckdya i Pruxhmptl V lcicvp Vol 91 lb 8, 1962, 3 - 57 C-ct 63 BP'.'ect of the Fusions of Fusible Metals on the Fatigue StrenGth of Carbon an(' Chrome-Nickel 'Aecls, by 11. 1. Chayevskiy. RU631AN, per, Tu Trudy Institut Metailurcii imeni A. A. Baykova, "Tsiklicheskaya Prochanost' Vietal.Jov" Yaterialy Vorogo Soveshchaniya Po Ust&")'Losti Metallov, 24-27 MaY 1960, pp 243-249. (1962 T) *FTD-TT-62-l8'7i2 Sci - m/ni 26 Dec 62 ic strtmsth Of ,;U, di Dt- Pnd the Of land 3,.Umcea; by 'Ic Dok PQ, pp no r r'b:y 60,1 Vol IV, Sri r,-,c 59 14 Olyo, The Use of Liquid-IMetal ~Iclts in Various Industrial Fields, by il. L. Qiaycvs,,~iy. e,OSIANO per Trud h4t i Avtomatyky: movo, 19020 pp 2-100 6ci - iiatcrivls r 6 7 (NIY - 7 166) Spectrum of Radio Emission From the Discrete Source C"assiopeia-a at Low Frequencies, by Ye. V. Ch4yevs.hiy, S. Ya. Braude, 11 pp. RUSSINN, per, Iz Vysshikh Uchob Zaved "'Nisso SSIZ, Radiofiz, Vol V, IN'o 2, 1962, I)p 211-XIS 2 jpj6 15517 Sci - Electronics Oc L 62 Behmior of Wave Tube Near the Pass Band Boundary., by G. N. Papport, V. YC* 8 pp. TUSSIAN, lvr.0 Iz Vysoh Uchab Ztmdo I'ladloix-blip i~o 1., 1964. JM '25133 8ci am 64 ey' , q . (-I h n RTOPMT-112 DWI) lv,-,ztSYa CIO Ra'Alle'W'd= ",-I, E po oo (DC-4700/3) Ways of Increasing lAbor Froductivity at Ovell-Fit Coal Msea~ by R. Gorbunov., 0. Volkov,, Z. oill-Syka" 5 pp. RUSSIM, p3r, W Pauch InformtoU. Trad t Zarabrrjar.yz Plsta;, So 9, 1960, Pp 3-6. JVRS 6768 MP)R Roun Feb 61 Co.v2plexes Formed in Organic Solvente, by V. 14, Ydoreuko, L. H. Belov, A. A. Chmykho'vrkiy, 6 pp. RUSSM, per, Radiokhtm, Vol 1, uo 4, 195% tv 439-444. 9079521 Infosaarch Ltd. London as PZ-59/4.15 b-- Cher Aqs 61 ,,,,Jrodsotw w 1w An M*Mutlr- T ke ~ff a" mme ur", B I I BM04011owwww W - 3. L at awk 6 I INAI L - Tau NMI% S.: No ok, 0 JFRS um Eem 265,766 Avg 64 ".rim J; by F. lo, 4976 7 oc 61 iE INEW SYSTEI-I OF !,W,AGFliE1,T F AAX k~i "I WLTU THE TOYRITORIAL BY P. CHAYMN. 14 PP. RUSSIAN) PER, EKON SEIISKOGO i-\',IIOZ il :0 1 ;621 PP 16-211 . JPRS 15142 USSR JOT 2 I . -.., .- - ~ . , I - ~, o ob" Mw midilitiff& 1191161/1" If " A M& WAAMWM hIML.- VAMW* to ad 4"6p lp & On wo Una gm on" 27%174 S-5,1;88 W(-32,80). i-be iffeat of ionizing Radiadua on ~,,roaany Follovin", Irre4PvtIon Of ALAM9,13 '.Varllra It""m L=lu- Days of kv~pancy, by 11n. Z. ZuRkova, M. Ya. Cha~ykovialta,yajp S. L. Petro3r,-n, Ii., pp. YAUSBYAU5 perk Vest i Radlolp Vol 'TO 5 p .1959) pp 34-41- Sci M--d - r44iology Yet, 6o r r 9 50, 7 5 J I rR,9 T, z7 W IS a sap ~C"m';Ailiull :dt. "-mv` v ATAN.4" ~-Icfl AntilldotLA, vul IN, -..'o 10, 19f)-l' Jan Oro V.e Lmflmmce of Totation of a Ruoi.ii on th~ Transformatloa of Standing Osscillwljions I-,Ito FrQuaEating Wares, by T. Ya. 71, Pp - BUSSLU) per, Trady Mloralwgo Gicirofiz L2st, PLO 63 "'43 61-12340 Chaykovskaya, Ye. V. IM QUESTION OF CARBONATE OIL SOURCE BED' 1. Oils--Sources IN 'ME TURUKHANSK AND NORIL'SK DISTRICTS. 2. Oils--USSR [ 1960,1 7p. I . Chaykovskaya, Ye. V. Ortler from ATS $12.20 AI'S-56MW 11 ~Vll,,56M44R III Associated Technical Trans. of Izvesqiyal Vysskikh Uchcqnykh] Smices, Inc., Fast Zaveclemy]. Neft i Gaz (USSR) 1960, v. 3. no. 1, Orange, N. p. 19-25. offic* of Itchakal S~Ic.s (Eanh Sciences --Geology, IT, v. 5, no. 6) I'vkU4 Um of the kwumrml of A"duw I a ;-Ijrfam 7mdw%,l9il In Tr-Tagat-P, Mo of Lv JZN 1.7 rA PU li-p! TrM-75r). f,TvWT,-v.fj5-M ,:kA . 115/1", 61-15485 Cbaykovskiy, K. A. 6 AN INERTIAL SHAKING-OUT FRAME. r 9 Iff 1p. Inertindevices--Design [DSIR LLU] M. 2350. 1. Chayloovskly, K. A. Order from LC or SLA rni$l. 80, ph$L 80 61-15485 11. DSIR LLU hl. 2350 Trans. of Litcynoye Proizvodstvo (USSR) 1959, no, 12, p. 13-14. A 10-ton inertial shaking-out frame is descrikd that was designed and constructed at the Sibtyazlimash Works. (Marldnery--Machine In rts, '17, v. 5, no. 12) rpthod-s.of Measuring Correlation Functions, by V. 1. (,hay1covskiy, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Iz Vysshikh Ucheb zaved, Vol 11I, No 7382 ki 61 C~ 774)!E;C~ D2-^'7 1~572 -ATIC Reception of Pulse Si"alls by the Nlat-ual Correlation by V. I. clilaykova` -,;j 6 RUBSTAII, mo par# Fadioteldinikap Vol Xp tio 6p ig"75; A-2o. Norris Do Frieduau~' $3.50 OCIOn'Afic - Electronics J CTS 73/Oct 1955 ~,' ~ j. lat'-Iwa tu ~V4-~ -Z~ cf*-Cclt.~.' o i 1 Cy to ~)G-54. vuz 59 'T Distribution of Sulphur in the Raw Material and in the Products of Carbon-Black Fornation, by M. 1'. ~hayku.Ti, 5 p1?. RUSSIAN, per, KauchuIi _J Rezina, Vol LAj No 12) 1961,, pp 26 )-29. Sci Nov u2 473 216~ ) .- - - C HA-Y.L.A C -q..YA,lv,.A,.,-C pt,.- , - %* Pl-~ f t&O-&A-W d~"- - 1; C ,~. I- I I/ ) y 'y c -~? ,j ~ t / / g ,A ... /," /~ ~ 1. i~lot,owrioctc Frecet wid tiao t-pwaiev of I (OF-2101) Measurewnt of the Rest Potential and tho Action Poteatial of t1w West. T--'ber of the Oquid Under Differ2rmt Conditions 6f Diacharge~ by L. M. C�~~~n B pp. RUMUR, pfa-r,, Bioftzika., Vol VIp go 3; 1961., pp 3%-eaL6. jR- s 12645 Sci Biol Mar 62 I I to* A* T*Aftmd a ft c6bAsd Pik% V ~ - ~VA- 9;11-w-km a 0. AFAU Our aft"ft bwm*wp p0 b prb"Warlo cmw*l&w ma Kdfvaayu a )*WWI ow it 1-" JIIA sci-Nd & mod Dile " X*wU2 or FLant (2rovih H. Mq. Clbaylallthymn,, lr~ C-- 7 rp. .ky, VtC..~ ons A. !j, P,-Ial'lrifj~D,37, Rnst, ni-y' Vol If, I, 19~8' Aj:.' z' 11 Jul ~)q 'T 11, por, Deh Alt Plailk SSSM, V01. f!A 7Bj,-)j topericallo do i c) s i s ann- 0 1, s rt. h o . ct of rnae*, .7 nn, T. 1. lap ocis'glkli, ipei% Dok Ak f1c.-vit Vol (ID I-, TfD ;'D Ohotoperiudic 81ensitivity of Planto Deprived c,;.' EmCl RwLG, 1(h. Cha-ylWO~yfm~ -'~ pp-, pt~r, Dolk, At Nauk L555R, Vcl GXOWV~ No 213-216. Of -Or;' ~7, (XI rrctcTo ir- 4013 C Rvsei-.te Plants) 3 PP, RUSSI-Mil pl~r) 2, A TBC.E 61-19004 Chaylakhyan, M. Kh. THE tNFLUENCE OF BORON ON THE DEVELOP- 1. Plan E a - - G rowth MENT OF PLANTS DEPRIVED OF ROOTS, tr. by 2. Growth substances BoWe E. CuBhman. I June 51, l0p. 3 refs. 3. Boron- -Physical effecta Order from LC or SLA ml$l. 80, phSl. 80 1 . Chaylakhyan, M. Kh. UGRL Trane-10~ 11. UCRL Trans-10f~ 111. I-awrenc,! Radiation Trans. of Akademiya Nauk SSSR. DDklady, 1951, v. 77 Lab., U. of California, (no. 61p. 1115-1118. Berkeley Experiments show that the fundamental reason for the inability of rudbeckis plant rosettes, deprived of roots, to form normal fihoots, bud and flower under the con- ditions of a favorable length of day Is found In the lack of boron. From a nutrient solution or pure tap water with only traces of boron, rudbeckla plante with rcots extracted It in a quantity sufficient for their unhamp- ered growth; plants with the roots cut off took it in In- adequately. An increased boron concentration in the nutrient solution or its artilicial introduction through the leaves compensated for this deficiency. The neces (Agrictt!ture- -Plant Cultivation, 77, v. 5, no. 11) (over) if(, Ir !:[Cj Nly, TcGts Off Fluildiz-,'d LL~,ycr Paniv.. 12 N.manian Coal, by C.--CL- por, Uff u3ion in Critica,2 Fegion of Tltd~xWZY by I. R. Nvitwwrvuldyo 11. ?,, pp. HUSSTA152 per) Dc-,k ~jc D'.uk S~MM~ Vol CEIZ., 1-',o 19551 -j;9 9715-9-77- consurLanto V~y 59 x :t 1,~V' i V, Fj Z C-ftt~,Zf: IT, 'r) 0 - ',-ov '1061 3f r'1 J, (SF- 10'' 56) T%-,U ASPECTS OF THE EX'PORT OF TEXTILES, BY ELIASZ C!i ~- 6 pp. POLISH, PER, ZYCIE GOSPODARCZE, i.,o 4L, ./ y E DEC ig6i, P 8. 3 JPRS 12463 EEUR - POLAND ECON ~ FEB 62 lb3,110 62-17881 _Cbaze-J. ON THE MODE OF CYTOLOGICAL FORMATION 1. Chaze, AND THE DETECTION OF ALKALOIDS IN THE 11, K-H-4072-b TOBACCO SEEDLING. [1962) 7p. 111. Kresge-Hooker Science Orde r f rom K -H $8. 75 K-H 4072-b Library Associates, Detroit, Mich. Trans. of Bulletin d'Histologie [Appliquee et de Tech- nique Microacopiquel (1~ranco) 1928, v. 5, June, p. 253-259. DESCRIFTORS: $Tobacco, Plants. Cells(Blology), Svnflv.~is, $Alkaloids, Histology. f 2 2 12 (Blological Sciences- -Botany, 17, Y. 8, no. 5) Offi.. . F T-W-1 S-1... In Vivo Disinte&ration of an Experimentall~~ Induced Throinbus in the Coronary Vessels, by E. I. Chazov, D Rp RUSSI~21, per, ~~yul Eksper Biol i I-led, Vol LII, 10 N 8, 1961, pp 22-24. SCJI '2 an 0 j .......... -.. E. 1. _=gv AR114 AND ANTIF[BRINOLYTIC Acrtvm OF THE BLOOD IN PATIENTS WITH ATHERO- SCLEROSIS. [19631tlO)p. 17 refs. FASEBmanuscrlfx no. S 404-2. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 63-2W3 I Trans. of Terapevtlchegkii ArWv (USSR) 1962, v. 34, no. 10, p. 36-40. DESCRIPTORS: *Ardicoagulants, Drugs, Physiology, *Atheroeclarocis, OHeparin, OFOTMM, Inhibition. Thrombosis, Blood coagulation. With the progresuive development of atheroscierosiR the antihepdrin end antifibrinolytic activity of the blood increases. 71e Increase In the degree of these inhibitory effects Is one of the pathogenetic mechanisms responsible ter the high incidence of thrombosis in atherosclerosis. The rise in the level of the anti- (Biological Sciences - - Patholop. 17. v. 10. no. 7) (over) 63-23= 1. Chazov, E. 1. It. FASEB S-404-2 Ill. Federation of American Societies for Experhrc=~ Biology, Washington, D. C. IV . Scriptq Tech rJ ca, Inc., Washington, D. C. MA it Tvhftd ft 16w fit k1 Tm l'ov. 6") St!rmm, lildolnn,,2 Pontfjut Of "ll-I Bloo~., Of Dmajf:~% vt~.t~2 My=rlmrital Myocardial) 'oZaVaicit-loa; by 2, l.. (4~~,%Cjv pp. r 'Ryll q r, V~ 1. 7,0; (DC-39-11) BriLTht Acco-jplish~i,erit of Srtving, Childre',,-A Fra~: Poisonous Dysentery, by Clic Fu-tlanF,, p 1.1. CIMNES'E, np, Jen-.-dn Jih-p~,.o, Peipinl~~, 14 ApT, IQ60, *jPRS FE Pol Jum (il-!Y--~520) I AN ANALYSIS OF THE COMPUTATION OF LAD-Ok PRODUrl,IVITY IN AGRICULTURE, BY -HE MET Tk:, 11 1 ~, C. io PP. VIETPAHESE~ PER, INGHIEk CUU I'T41 TE) API-)\ 1,-.62, IIP 20-25. Jp,~s 14;')"o/b` on Hypothases in Scientific Research, t3y che,lvlem, 4 pp. CHMF,) kpj Xuang-ming Jib-pao; 4 Aug 1960p p 2. Union Res Sem 71-Bi, Vatwloo Rd.: 6-8 Fl. KOW10m) HMO Kong Vol xxiv Ila 26- 30 Dee 190 ZRKMdldm mar 61 UP on Experimate in Scientific Resesm-h.. by Che Wen; pp, CHUM., im) Kmng-ming Jlh-pao, 10 AV -1960, p 2. union Res serv 71 -Bo %ter).,oo Rd. 6-8 n. KOUIMP Bma voi ma,. mb 26 3D Doe 1960 sci On '~,npothz!sus -.*Ln Scientific "auoa.l,ch, Joy Chos CI i I INTE"3E 'W, 11p) culj~-mIIIL; jill-Imo) 4 Au~.; 19JO, ji 2. un,.*kon R'", '."c,,Cv il-B, Vatolloo Ixd., j--~ ri. Vol X91) 110 2, 30 Doc 1960 o~i ilar I ve E~cmn~imats in sciontif-ic y Che, 1,011, i T 1'1'i, ,1p 10 11),)0, 2, 71-13, I-vbterloo Td., 6-3 F.I. ~',ovloon, lion.-, :'onLs Vol XXI, No 26 30 Doe 1960 Sypecach fbtpadmtlcn in Mn&*mm. StatintiW. Roacarch oa Specific Dyulexia in RaUtioa to Disorders of Latorea Daziu=ca and SpaUo-Temporal Orientatim, by f . qbgw, 16 pp. rrOMCH., Perp Ezvue Vol 01,, No 4,, 1959; pp 5T6-582.. xn 4-18.6o Sol - Medicine tAm 60 11b ~.& Effects of the Porous Structure of Sintor- ad Bascs onthe Operational Characteristics of Nickel-Uxide Electrodes of Ali':-'alinc 3atteries , by V. D. Chebah.ov. RUSSIAN, per, Izv VUZ Milit" i fckh' 111 --F Mf ~- I iT) Val 10, "a 10, "i-61' FP NLL Ref. 9322.4 (6~9/267) S C i - C I n Y t) t~ 31a(l 77.1 The Solubility Product of Lead Hydroxides by 1. 11. Koreame, F. S. Frmp and V. 0. Chebakova. PP* RMIAN$ so per, Zbw Obeheb Dias voi xxri, uo lo, 1952 p pp 1731-1733-.-- ' - - -- -- - - - Cc wu 1tants Bureau BcIentifle - Cbealetry /-K 5)o / 'Flail lonjZstion of L