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Laduburg, R - The partmoetic rotation of the plm of polorization. ZIITBCNRM FM PRBIK, vol 46, 1927, W68-176 OL46A ff 1P-17,737 The chemical oowtant in the now q=tum stati8tilcos. ZE-TTSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIX VoZ 49., 1928, pp 465-472 NTC 73-21832-20J ?- ; I- (I , Unc) (NRC-TT--1619) Probabilities of forbidden sid transitions of the alkali metals. Prokofjew, W. Translated by P. Hyde from Z._-PhYA..; 57- No. 5/6, 387 393(1929). 8p. Dep. NTIS (U.S. Sales Only). 20 physics; translations MN-34 NP NSA 0 TN hydmgen moteoul# ion. uzrscrRZFT FOR PUSUP Vol 82.1 No 718j, 1930.0 pp 458-480 W ?X-22222-07D David., E. Interpretation of the anomaties in the optical conct~mts of thin metaZ fiZme ZE,ITSCHRrFT FVFR PHYSIZA. v. 114, 1939, pp. 399-406 NRC C-10OZ6 GROSCHM, E, HzErscam- rian PHnTx// --/--/l952,VO1'~1,N----, Diffraction of Electromagnetic Waves by a Slit. Part 1, pp 305-319,ITTC 711-20076-poim UZOUSINGov. IIZszrscgRrpr MR paxszx// vollsas-I VAUM pp 66-70s *NASA IT P 159370 Goetz., Narald The Blectronstriction in Liqaids and the Production of Ultraconic Sound uning Electrostrictive Methods 23pp ZEITBCIMDT WM, FMIK, nr. 141, 1955) PP. 277-293 AIR77T-D-ZIC--23-02-74 Gr,ets, Harald EZectrostriction of non-poZar liquids. 12 pp. ZEITSCI]RIFT FUER PHYSIK, No 151, 1958, pp 202-209 AIRIFTD-HC-03-61-74 DISTRIBUTION LIATTED TO U.S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY COPYRIGHT INFORMATION. OTHER REQUEST MUST BE REFERRED TO ETD? fliebelj' B. The fabrication of thin silicon single-cryetal fiZ= by cathode sputtering ZETTSORIFT FOR P LYS'~,K VoZ 165j 1961, pp 47-52 NTC 73-21797-20L FELLSIMR~ H. //,ZEITSCM=- AM, R FMIK//' --/--/ig6l,vol65,11---- Reduced Plasma loosses in Lithium Measured in Transmiszion, pp 4iq-438,NTc 1-4-20075-20M Det,,-niiiatilm o~ the Linu Shape fyoj thu Line Contour with 1. Theory of the Method, 7, E.TF P!'IYST.K, Vol 166, 1962, pp 148-162. X-7745 A,,.!rj 1. 73 The Therroclect"ric I-POV'Or Of Botindary f0-.cjr.lfi . ~r .. C, ") P. E i-IS C I P,-,' 17 17 T 15 R F" U-72 7-1 1(16, I,TC 73-11915-2)OC RAVMANN,, M. IlUXTSCHRUT FUR PHYSXXII -1-111064, V--ipNol 70S Measummnt of mlative od abooluts opti*aZ tmuiti,m probabiUti" of W in waUbtabilixed light azw, 17 pp, pp 38-51AIRIBT66HO-23-2060-74 WITEDUTION LYW2TD 210 U.S. GOV'T AMFORS ONLY emyRrGaT INFORWION, OWR &QUEST MUS-T BE SFERUD TO FM## 22-Aug-73 Uncl (AEC-tr--7448) Study of the level scheme of 93Nb by measurement of the gamma-raVs emitted after inelastic scattering of fast neutrons. GOEBEL, H.; FEICHT, E.J.; VONACH, H. Translated from Z. Phys.; 240: 430 j~3(1970). 22p. Dep. NTIS $3.25. 20H physics (nuclear); translations MRI-34 p NSA 2.2 V /06- Ln 2- 0-73 ~',.jr ,'oL ~)rop()V 440:ia L'., ot thtl i I or C i I ild r~JV it jjLj. Ll, I Is's c i -v Mattauch, J. On a New Mass Spectrograph. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIK, Vol. 89, pp. 786-795, M4. *STIS TT 73-58040 may 73 Liebfiied, Gunther Tbw- Effect of Thermally-Stimulated Sound Waves on Plastic Deformation 14 pp ZE.'ITSWRIFT FUR PHYSIK Vol 127, 1950 pp 344-356 FSTC-11T-23-1056-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES Determination of the Radial Temperature Distribution of High-Pressure Mercury Arcs from the Peak Radiant Intensities of Self-Reversed Lines, by Wilhelm Goeing. ZEIT PHYSIK, Vol 131, 1952, pp 603-618. CIA.-X-7752 ,k1ay 73 7-, 7. Gaio6tz, Harald The Electrostriction in Liquids and the Production of Tritrasonic Sound using Electrostrictive Methods 23 pp ZEITSCHRM, FOR PMIK, nr. 141, 1955; pp. 277-293 XIT.RD.YC'-23-62-74 Distribution limited to U. S. Gov't agencies only; Copyright Information; Other request for this document must be referred to FTD. The contents of this document are suspected to be subject to copyright prote,.tion. REQ TR CHECK UNKNOWN ~# GOETZ, IUIRALD; GY: ZIITSCHRIPT HER pp. 202-209 11-07-73 T061 v ZAI-IN, WOLFGANG PRYSIK, NO. l51, The Temperature of Iligh-Pressure Short-Arc Discharges in Xenon, by Herbert 5chirmer, 12 pp. ZEIT PHY, Vol 11, 1959, pp 357-361. c IN --x --776 6 3une 73 Absorption and Path of Interfering X-rays in Weakly Deformed Crystal Lattices, by G. Borrmann. Z. PHYSIK, 156, 1959, pp 189-199 *AEC/LB/G-TO /32 April 63 Hinrichs, L. WITHI)FAWA Influence of Cathod Sublimation on the Former Balance of a high current carbon, arc;. ZEIISCHRIFT.-FU,R PHYSIK 1959, 156, pp.592-597. HSI 8092 Determination of the Line Shape from the Line Contour in Lines with Self-Reversal. 1. Theory of the Method, by it. Bartels, 19 pp. HAT IIHYSIK, Vol 166, 1962, pp 148-162. X-7745 April 73 Determination Of the Line Shape from the Line Contvur in Line5 With Self-Reversal. 11. Application to Lines of a Iligh-Pre5sure Mercury Arc, by Hartmut Zwicker, 15 pp. ZEIT PIIYSIK, VOL 166, 1962, pp 163-17S. X-7745 April 73 2ahn, Wolfgemg U'actrostriation in Dipolar Mids 20 pp UITSCAfRIFT PURR PHYSIK -288 .. nr. 166, 1962, pp. 275 FTD-RC-23-63-74 ITL P-D Specht, H. J. Ionization of Inner Election Shells, etc 17 ZEITSCHRIFT, MM PHMIC~ vol. 18-5, 196% PP. 301-330 INK TT F-1-5,157 W. MEBLHORN The Coster-Kronig and Auger Spectrum of the L1- Shell of Argon. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIK, Vol 208, pp 1-27, 1968. NTC 73-10248-201 Mar 73 Behringtr, J. Resonance-raman effect on excitation in the absorption continuum. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHYSIK, v. 229, p. 209-216, 1969. NTC 73-10973-07E voll, Pracivion of tllo I Cross - Scctlion Por -.1-113 MW 77 UCRL-Triarn -I c,"r, C 7~-316n--IIOIT Goebel, H. Study of the Level Scheme of A" by Measurement of the Gamma-Rays Emitted After Inelastic Scattering of Fast Neutrons 22 pp Z. PHYSIK, Vol 240, 1970 pp 430-453 AEC/tr-7448-73 Ebert, K. UNKNOW ZEITSCIIPIFT PHYSIK, VOL. 245, 7,971, pp. 354-360 *NASA TT F-ZS447 --- Krichel, R. Thermal, Capacity of a wall with a ToroidaZ Plasma Inclu- sion ZEITSCHRIN FOR PHYSIKA V, 248, 1971, pp. t3-21 NTC ?3:21363-201 -- -- NTIS N72-32693 Optioal measurement of elsatmn-impwt exoltz~lon of hazium. "m and kryptoft in the throshoW iwgion vith high snarp revolution, 12 pp, Ep 222-IMIsAIRIFTNIT-23-.2829-74 DOMMUTION LIKUD TO U.S. GOV'T AMMS ONLY COPYRrGHT ZNIFOP.WZON. OWR MECOT WST a MFKBMD TO YTD#J 00*5*6 3 Oct* 74 om Unkriftallium Wolftm Go towAruss ps~aqft tote" Z a, nfAk 2", 1970 ppul~--Vs Lxt~t Clam hotnalmst Tno singto q%ooj, pogbats. h-'o PA,=-Wo Leave $mm ttuslate & W eoptlowl* All"al F;5-3 PAoTiom W4075 MOM" 7 Oct$ 1974 Ustot r4e 4"144 4" filutawmi" bob $I I TimouWasw late Ramosomm maga"94" ht"m C-0 aqmntw .',,4MMt 2* nWsb M* 1974 POW263 Lawmats Germn lastrotivAti Ty" siogto sWet PN~ba*. KO PAJU--UP# lem aps", key & translao capttons. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE, NEUE FOLGE THIS SERIES HAS LOW VOLUME NUMBERS ~ZiZllf-ll CHIUFT INLij 1 4 IT---- 1'cOSS-M.-e rle-~ k~ vj~~, 0, wo, /Jkl", T FLEISOM, G. IIZE.rTSCHRTFT FOR PHYSIKALISCHE C&MM.LEZPZIGII -1-11972,VO250,N-7, catcm4ationo concerning the trawition state in the radioal addlition cn ethylene pp 262-263,NTC 74-11459-0?D## GESCM, D. //ZET-TSM= FUER PM=S(M, MMM. LEIPZIG// --/--/l972~V025l)N----.t =0 calculations of specific adNrpti0n,interactions, P,p 377-382)NTC 74.10026-07M SCYLVEGL,R. IIZEITSCERTFT FOR PHYSIMUSCHE CHEM. NEVE 1-0i., FO=11 -1--11954s Eleatrodiffueion in free aoZutione and aharged membreass. (General time independent integral of the Nernst-Planak squatione of ionic motion for arbitrary electrolytes) PP 305-339,NTC 74-11460-07DO SCHWAB., G. -M. 11ZEIMCHRIFT FOR PHYSIKAUSCM MEMW. NEUR FOLG911 ~1-11968*VOOM,N ----j Carbon monoxide oombustion on silver, palZadimn cad thair alloy pp 39-63jNTC 74-11499-07D## HARTIGO 9. 11mysoRiFT FusR PHysixersor astas. au f. FOLGH11 --1-119630 V0038ON---, Co*ustion xones in oataZyst be& in mtalytia oxidation of Co pp 265-284jNTC 74-11484-07D## ~ BUDVROV,,S. 11ZHITSCHRUT FOR PHYSIKAUSCIN CREM. BUR FOLM11 -1-11967,VO053,N-, On the rate of evaporation oftthin potapaiun wdl4a pp 263-272,NTC 74-115486,07D## Gwtbwr,, S. W. PhotoomAwtivity invoetigatione on silver ahlorldo mmoomstala. 7SITSCHHFT FOR PHYSIMUSCHR CHEMIR. )MUR Pozzo YOI 712 1970'. FF 68-00 VTC 73-14789-07D Stackelberg, M. & Paulus, R. Studie5 of the Crystal Structure of the Nitrides and Phosphides of Bivalent Metals IZEITSCIIRIFT FUER PHYSIKALISCIIE CHENIIIE Abt. B, Vol 22 No 4, 1933, pp 305-322 *AFSC (6 Jul 73) July 1973 ZEITSCHRIFT FIR PHYSIKALICHE CHEMIE VOLUMES 230 AND UP E. BAUMGARTNER Relation Between the Transport and Eqilibrium Properties inPolyelectrolyte Solutions. ZEITSCHRIFTFUER PHYSIKAISCHE CHEMIE, Vol 245l pp 280-286,1970. NTC 73-10077-07D Mar73 ann-1. T.1-,,IPZIG11 on aa 1 Jconcen~-Ia`v-,)-t of Aerosols in ~hc and. I'll clos"ca. Rooms, 0 "J,I LVODIEl"i K. jr,-~ _,I)ers'.~. On mu", llq)'aCl'-.2''f)lA '1-'~ 1 r Jet pr Knappwost, A. Adsorption film structures and rotational energies of several copper aromatics from precision measurements of the isoteric heat of adsorption. 15 pp. ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PHYSIKALISCHE CHEMIE Vol. 82, Nr. 4, 1972, 125-138 pp. AIR/FTD-HC-23-0401-73 Distribution limited to U. S. Gov't agencies only; Copyright Information; Other request for this document must be referred to FTD. The contents of this document are suspected to be subject to copy~r,,;qht protection. I-lass Spectrometric Investigation of the Adsorption of Gasen on Mechanically Prepared Silver Svffaces MIMI= FUR FilYMAMCHE Cl~,LU 1971, p. 23~-240 tj V. 21r(, 5/6 TC Tc-l,)o67 Detry., D. on the thermodynavlas of eu?furlavapor: Alme spectrometrtc investigations with the electrochemical Knudsen-ceZZ. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER PHY31KALISME COMM, NEVE FOLGE. Vol 55, 1967, pp 314-319 NTC 73-21758-07D 'E- cn tila specif ic necus piSmomt-f -,rLijin,,, -:t zy o. d p, o xy I' ER TV s I SCHWEIGER..H. G.. //Z. PHYSIOL CHEM// V0306, N---- Nitrogen metabolism in erythrocyte maturation residual nitrogen formation and hemoglobin synthesis 14 pp pp 33-41 NASA TT F 15741## Von Volker, F. Z. PHYSIOL. GIEM, Vol 31.0, 1969, pp 121-128 *NTIS-TT-74-53167 Dime i in, 0 lim.) SI: 1. phulr- conta ill i!12, thc 1,7 of (lichn see(' 1. lorn~-r -j:k 1, u t,- c 1-1 .a nd, d n 1 -7 ill -mo S p c en e Vol. 7-772-, . 771-1914) refs. , p OTr I t t Ocl .C-31 R~." -T ra ns - 11145 :iTC' 7 " -Ill- 1253-0,",,:~, Labs N. conmming Uad gasolina. UNSCIArpr NER PAUMMAIMM, Vol 1$,, 1065,0 pp 171- 179 N2'C 7343830-21D Me a sur eine r. Lof 1"!"'Iff-ey'spiratory birl; -ioljinime axe%-cles LITO CTM7- -T 'I'M PRhr"-jSC7q pp, IT liar IM rill 0 Tpo pp. 44- I ~IJA~Tg i7j., 7' op? arRrb R. 11MMCWJT MIRML40AII W~/-/Js no voosisloossa Itiblogy of SL8 in rol4tion to induatibility of kitinuoUar-fwtom via P49ow dmpj, pp 2U-2330*NASA 27 F 15044#0 WN SCRIZZaVOWARP I -, . I. //surscouff rJ-R SAMMISM911 muslows, , Vw killer 0010 - omiew 0"a pp 00-103,*SAff 500 UD NO# YOM ICERp INA //UMMRrJT MR SAWITISAX"ll spem what" of the Gomm North Sea iWast pp 10?-1238 *XAff 100 LM 7- 70 Cr&wr, T - On 4 medium for mewring coAtrut ad brilliauce. 2lnSMIFT FM SBMWMIOLOGIB. Vol %, 19231 214-42 TT F-15,035 P q Atency: Picatinny Arsenal J"~ Req. 74-61 c Title: Solid Phase Forming of Plastics. Author: Ulrich, D. , Source: Schweizeri6che Technische Zeitschrift, V. 68, Dec. 16, 1971, pp. 1017-1023. Languaget German Type single space, paste-up, camera ready copy. Wentzel, K. P. Findings relating to amoke damage based on a study of the effects of defect in filtering and absorption equipment of a lead smeltery. ZEITSCHRIFT, DRESDEN. TECHNISC71E UNIVERSITAET. WISSENSCH LICHEP Vol 11" 2962, pp 581-588 NTC 73-10647-02F may 73 LcuTadius, F. Problems and methods of air excmLnationa over extensive areas. MITSCHRIFT, DPESDEN. TECHNISCWE UNITIERSITAET. WISSENSCHAFTLTCHE, Vol 11, 2962, pp 609-616 STC ?3-10646-02F on loan $8.00 service charge may 73 Templin, E. On the population dynamics of several pine pests in smoke-damaged forest stands. DRESDEN. TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITgUt WISSENSCHAFTLICHE ZEITSCHRIFT, V. 11, p. 631-637, 1962 NTC 73-11074-02F Lampadius, F. Results of determination of the sulfur-dioxide content of the atmmspheric air with portable measurement kit based on the pararosniline method. DRESDEN, TECHNISCHE UNIVERSITAET, WISSENSCHAFLTICHE ZEITSCHRIFT v. 12, p. 1585-1594, 1963 NTC 73-1107~-13B Gwinner, E.V. ZEIT; FUR NCIERPSYCHOLOGIE, Vol 21t 1964 .- pp 657-746 *NTIS-17-74-53368 Jander, Ursula Studies on the Phylogeny of Grooming Behavior in the Tracheata ZLIT. FUR TIERPSYCHOLOGIE, Vol 23, 1966, Ppp 799-844 *NTIS-Tr-74-S3147 On the ethology of the Cape Barm goose Nereopsis No*whoUandiaa Lath.). ZRITSCHRUT FOR TrEAPSY- VoZ 27, 1970s pp 915-945 NTC 74-10269-06C I t c nn,) c ki s c r in t1ho evill.ution cf tl,~2 curtsliip in T07? 51 K. Loercher The Effect of Chlorideu on Eggshell Stability Zeitschrift fuer Ttirpnysiologie, Teirernaeh- rung und Futtermittelkunde, Vol. 19, no.4, pp.228-236, 1964. 9pp. *NTIS-TT-73-55070 Apr 73 e) t k, ffo 4C7 T TT TTIELIUi~, -17 R,Fc,)G 19"' ) ?. 1.60-173~ -9?L Wler, R. ExperiiwntaZ approach to the deternrLnation of Hydrogen ion concentration and redox potential of bovine rumen conte-nts "in Vitro" and "in Vivoll. Report 1. 111ftuence of sarpling technique oid treatment of the sanpZes on the rwasurement results "In Vitro". ZEITSCIIRIIT PUBT TIERPHYSIOLOGIE, TIEREPMEHRING WID FUTTERICTTELONDE Vol 25., 1969, pp 146-156 CSIRO-Trans-11399 NTO 73-14139-OEE Muetler, R. Experimental approach to the determination. of hydrogen ion concentration cmd redox potential of bovine rwnen contents "'In Vitro" and "In VivoIll Report No 2. Influence of the time of sampling on measurement results in Vi tro. ZERSORIFT FUFj? ~JgmPHYSJoLoGjg, TIERNNAERRUNG Z91D FUTIMMIl"MONDE Vol 25, 1969, pp 239-242. CSIRO-Trans-11425 NTC 73-143,95-02E tvueZ~er,, 1?. ExperimentaZ approach to tht determt,nation of hydrogen ion concentration and redox potential of bovine rimn contenbo "In Vitroll and "In Vivo". Report No 3. Continuous mea-gurements in Vivo. ZEITSCIIRIFT FUER TIERPRYSIOLOCIE, TIERENAEHRUNG UND FUMA'ITTTEMUNDE, Vol 251 1.069, pp 242-247 CSIPO-I~,,M23-11426 NTC 73-14396-0."P E,xp.;,.rirwntal approach to tht determination of hydrogen ion cmicentration and redox potentiat of bovine rumn coit~nts "In Vitro" and "Tn Vivo'% Report A70 4. Convarative measwwents in V,17)o cmd in automatically pz,~wppd Favrien fZuid. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER TIEI?PIIYSIOLOGIE,, TIEREMAROUIVG U?ID PUTTERNITTEMUNDE, Vol 26, 1970., pp 17-20 C,13II?O-TJ,cms-114P7 PITC 70-14397-03E, Iiivestigations on Echinostoma Lindoense and Schistosoma Japonicum infestation in the Population of Lake Lindu, by A. A. Buck, 11 pp. ZEIT TROPENMED PARASITOLOGIE No 7 19S6 pp 110-116, NAVY/NNUI-1638 May 73 SCHINDUR, R. 11ZHITSCHRIFT MR ?ROPENWDIZZN VND PARASITOLOOZEII -1-119681 V019,9MO04,0 An improvement ot the indireat ooonal test for detecting antibodies against intraery-throq1tie protozoa with special reference to the genus theileria. pp 430-440,NTC 74-20077-06M RofPnann, G. Infection rates of various atrains of Boophilus with Babesia Bigernina and the influence of host or parasite on the ticks, ZEITSCIIRIFT FI)ER Tj?OPVNISDjZRj U17D N-RASITOLOGIE Vol 22, No 3, 1971, pp 270-284 CSIRO-Trwis-11376 NTC 73-103903-06C Rullborg', Deopqwi" pro6ou OW smoke pmdmo" &Uqv fim-f-vosum of PZMUOI. MWI DWSCUR Z~N= .InWfi,t so Ions Pp SRI voz 123.0 NIV 73-15602-111 Erdmann T. New plastic surgical methods on the urinary tr tract with the use of tissue adliesives. ZEITSCHRIFT FUER UROLOGIE UND REPHROLOGIE TCe-EjT;1~7-Vol,64, pp.275-293, 1971 INNTI TRANS Ir'1666 H. J. BauTaer Corrosion of thermally highly loaded heating surfaces at the water-stream side. VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIM. ZEITSCHRIFF. Vol 113, pp 859-864, 1971 NTC 72-15313-IIF may 73 cmws ieza " lulr4wr-24M t4owtogy. Part 2. VICEZI MOSCaRam-0471-M zxzilscwn (VDZ-Z. IJIMMM"WITMEN Meow S, , Vol 114, 197, pp 423453 - CC 75-14175-11A On Loan Servia* oharp 7~ A~ency; AriAviRcustooe P.U. 17. i.tlpk ~~110. 10 Ti tl o: Aplilicadon of Procuss Gm1puters fiv Industry Autoor: !i,,. scnnittb~er Sourcd: VUI - Zeitschrift llz"~, ;w. (L'113) Lan uauc. .twi;km 4iocial lastrucciotis: Please Valislatle. Euict~d Uraft 0111j. TZ- Ifach, J.P. Radio Navigation 20 pp ZEITSCHRIFT VEREIN DEUTSCHER !NGENIEURE(VDI.Z) Vol lls, No 5, 1973 pp 214-2M DMAAC-TC-1975 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GQVT AGENCIES Agency: Picatinny Arsenal Req. 74-61 b Title: Optimisation of Processing Conditions. Author: Geyer, von Hermann. Source: Vercin Deutscher Ingenieure Zeit. V. 115, No. 4, pp. 318-24 (March 1973) Language: German Instructions: Type single space, paste-up, camera ready copy. uncl (ORML-tr--2661) Distributicn and localization of induced break 3 on t lie chramotto(ves of be I I eva I i a.I Methylphenyinitrosamine, diethylsulfatep methylmethanesulfonate. Glaesn, C.; Marquardtv H. Tranglated from Z. Vererb.; 98: 167-179(1966). 16p. Dep. NTIS$3.00. 06 biomed; translations MN-48 P NSA 7 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2660) Distribution and localization of Induced breaks on the chromosomes of Bellevalla. li. N nitroso-N-nothylureihane and N-nitroso-N-othylurethane. Glaess, E.; Marquardt, H. Translated from Z. Vererb.; 98,. 363-374( 1966). 14p. Dep. NTIS. 06 blomed; translations MN-48 P NSA The Scout Hole BelOITthe: Kariba Den by E ,: %qualer ZEITSCHRIFT.FUS VEPXAMM TECM7K M BAMULTEMMIG October 1972, PP 953-%2 Translated for,Bureau of Reclamation 982o-,z64c X-770,0 36 pager; JU1Y, 1,973 Dmmot,l R. As taxio offset of rotmum and its derivatives on fish. Part 2. The point of attaak of the poison. UlTSCRRM PURR VINIZIMMD9 PH.YSTOLwlw yoz 18,0 10310 PP SIT-Iff NTC 73-22227-06C IL-^-y - /,,,' ~ Denno*l, Rolf 1933 The toxia effect of rotenone and Ito derivatives on fish 11. The point of attack of the polsone ZeltocUrift fUr verglolahende ftsiologle, 1-81 524-535. rn German. Tranal. by Robert M. Howland for BSM~, 1972, 12P.. typescript. Avail. on Loan - IJIFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked-9 6 #9010~ 0 57% 13 Titk,: 14-b", offM e, taqmutwa or, WXT -.vwiwa. roo(kotme a-'.' itho bow f i&l Acaging, tattmt Il=fxloJ, lNpati ,-eltsclxift fur voraoV.,hecm~o %iWj*jaZj-) &A-462. (1967) Lw~t , Ger= -Vecla imtrwtlmzl Tmwlato tx.-t aml captialso wwo cut out* am raft in 41,4.v=, , I Spath, Manfred 1967 The effect of temperature on the mechawrecaptors of the bon.y fich ~~P tilas L. (Die Wirkung der Temperatur auf die ?do 70ren des Yhoahonfischea I&UoISOUB rutilus L.) An-tUrverglaichende MySiologlo, 56: 431-462. in Uarrizan. Transl. by JPRS for VMFO. Oct. 1973. 31p.. tyneseript. Avail. on Loan - 1741,113, Wash. ,D.C.