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SWINNOV, L. //SOW EXONO)COMKOY VZArMOPMWCHZ. PCISTOYANNAYA XOAffSSZYA PO KOORDINATSIX NAUCHNYXff I 2WUNXMSKTU ISSLIDOV01Y. THORM I Pkdt7-dVd AMU PROMOUROVAIMA R4ZVX.TrYA NAUXr Z 2WKENIKZ' V 6TRMAM-GHLENAKH OSV/I/ -/--/1g 72.0 v.---,, I----0 Experlanae in the uss )f oolZeaava e.Vert evaluation of the proopeots for toohniaal branoh devetopment, 13 pp, pp 243-251,AIRIFTD-EC-23-2358-740# Krug, 0, Yu. Determination of the technological characteristics of the bloomery process to obtain iron from archeological slags. SOVETSKAYA ARKHEOLOGIYA, no. 1, p. 268- 272, 1970 NTC as 73-10400-11E may 73 Belorussian Gosplan official Discusses kknagement Controls,. by D. ldetlitskiY, 7 PP- RUSSIAN, np, So-vets xya Belorgs , hinsk, 20 Feb 1973, pp 2-3- Jm 58953 haY 73 Farming Inefficiency in Grodno Oblast Causes Concern, 5 PP- RUSSLCi , np, a insk, ~Z_, It 6 -Ar 1973, P 1. JPRS 586z:L Apr 73 Belorussian Justice einister Decries %dndlers, &abezzlers, by A. Zdanovich, 5 pp. RUS-Slk4, nP, kansk, 24 k;ar 1973, p 2. JFRS 58730 Apr 73 Paper Comments on Trial and Sentence of Dissident Baptists,, by B. ZhaV02'OnkOVp 5 ppo RUSSIAN, np, j2yftska2,a ilelorussly p Yinsks 27 Apr 1973j p 3. JPRS 59103 Mv 7 3 Boykov, P. Tractor Production in the USSR 0 pp SOVErSKAY& BEWRUSSIYAJ, Minsk, 11 May 1973v p 2 JPR3 59365 BiltdyUICOV, V. Problems Ilith Grain Harvesting Combines Reviewed, 6 pp. SOVETSKAYA BELORUESSIYA.j MinsIct 21 Jun 73, P r.- JPRS 59595 Aug 73 Prishchepchik, V. V. BSSR Agricultural Commission Chairmn Comments on Commission Work. 6 pp SOVETSKAYA BELORIUSSNA, YAnsk, 30 June 1973, P 3, JPRS 59?93 Idnsk Rally Held For Volmteer People Is Guard Lhits. 7 pp SOVErSKAYA BEWRUS51,1A, MInsk, 13 July 197), P 2- JPRS 59856 REQ TR CHECK 21-5-74 TR20 COMPUTER CENTER AUTHOR- NONE UR: SOVBB, 179, 1073 DOCUMENT NUMtER-.CS-'P73264767o SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA NR 179, AUG 1973 7~ YAsherov, P. M. Masherov Addresses Vitebsk Agricultural Saidnar. 24 pp SOVETSKAYA -BEWRU3SI','%, Ydnsk, 28 Aug 1973, pp 1-3. jpm 6 ol52 Berezhkov, P. Yakubovskiy, Olszewslci at Lenino Polish Army Anniversary Celebrations. 8 pp SOVETS &~Q BELORUSSIXA, Minsk, 13 Oct 1973, pp 10 3. j,pRs 60447 Slobozhanin, V. Cottage Industry EnterpriSeS Face Problems. 5 pp SOVETSKAYA BEWRUSSIIA, Moscow, 20 Oct 1973, P 2. ims 6o717 Klimovskoy. A. Mi-litia Successes Described. 5 pp SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIA, Minsk, 8 Nov 1973, p 4. jpRs 60795 Masherov, P. M. Masherov Speech at YAnsk A3mrd Presentation Ceremony. 8 Pp SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIMI, VAnsk, 15 Nov 19?3, PP 3-4. jpRs 0694 YAshorov , P, X, Masherov Addresses Bcaorussian Party AKTIV Meeting. 25 pp SOVETSUYA BELORUSSIYA, Minsk, 17 Nov 19?3, pp 2-4o JFRS 60694 Tarasevich, V. Social Development Problems of Kolkhoz Analyzed. 6 pp SOVETSKAYA BUCRUSSM, 1.1insk, 23 Nov 1973, P 2- JPRS 61292 Masherov, Novikov A&.ress Belorussian Award Ceremony. 10 pp SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA, Minsk, 26 Feb 1974, PP 1-3. jpRs 6 570 Planting of Spring Corps in 8elorussia Outlined. 16 pp. SOVETSKAYA BELORTJSSIIA. idnsk, 23 Mar 1974, p 2. MRS 91999 I(ulik, M. Criminal Use of Hwting Weapons Not Adequately Punished. 6 pp SOVETSKAYA BI1ORTJS , Minsk, 31 Mar 74, PP 2-3. LSIM jpRs 62391 lvanov, V. J~ationalities Policybubjected to iittack by Anticommunists. 5 pp SOVETSIMA BEWRUSSI-fA, ~dnsk, 5 Apr 1974, pp 2-3- im 61952--;.- Kushn6r, V. Belorussian Potassiwi Nitrate Plant Finds Way to Prevent Caking. 5 pp SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA, Idnsk, 24 I-lay 74, p 2. JPRS 63Y1 Minsk Urges Special Fay for Summer Grass-Fodder Work. 5 pp SOVErSKAYA BEWRUSSRA, Ydnsk, 0. Jun 74, PP 1, 3- JPRS 6 ?91 Progress in Improving Belorussian Consumer Services Reviewed. 13 pp SOVETSKAYA BIELOWISSIYA. I-Insk. ' Jul 74, p 1. ji,I--L 62669 Belorussian Council of 'ranisters Txcree on Furti-o-ir imProvement of ~Consurmr S,3njce,-. 8 pp SoVt2s~ BnORUSSIYA K&YA , ~Iinsk, 7 July 74, 1) 1. JPRSS r, 669 Timosh6nko, I. Economic Crimes Widespread in Belorussia. 5 pp ,90VErSKAYA BEWRUSSIY~j, Minsk, 12 Jul 74, p 2. jpRs 62878 Grain and Flax Harvest Program and Methods'ribed. 23 pp - SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA. Minsk, 19 Jul 74-,.PP 2-3. M 62826 Bogomolov, A. Winter Crop Seed Preparation in Belorussia. 5 pp SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSlYk, Minsk, 26 Jul 74, P 3- jpM-TZ7W5- lazaretov, V. Belorussian Harvest Transport. 5 pp SOVErSKAYA BELORUSSI',,A, idnsk, 6 Aug 74, p 2. jpRs 62893 STARTSEV, V. //SoviRSUIA mmasslw/ 28/08/1974,V ---- N"'"" , pp 0002 Beloradan Fish Famdag suffers HiBmanagement. 7 pp M 63597 STARTSEV, V. //SOWSWA BELORVIISIYA// 03/09/19?4,V--"-,N-..,-, pp 0002 Worusslan Fish Farodng Suffers Mismanagement. pp JM 6359? B. astrovski-Y, IT The Automobile: c~)cyatdon tdid Repair LD6 Pp 11,qoijhl~lf,j~j~YA rjjSjjMOPE'DF,.'A" I.-IO.ScOW, in68, -np 1-75-183; P33-0~, ~', 11-3 ~31, "~()- 171 FSTC-1-IT-23-1-6V9-72 ACSI-K4'27'-' 1!~cchange of iarty Garis in Estonia, 5 PP. IA, Tallin, I i,,ar RUSSLU], np, coin tjsLayA_L, tq~j~ 1973, p 1. JFR,~ 58815 AI)r 73 Lstonian Party leaders address Republican Party I~ieeting, 7 pp. Tallin, 2-0 ~iLWIAN, np, IgRts !~~ar 1973, pp 1-2. Jpw~ 58?08 Apr 73 Estonian Party Activities Disouss Bduoationt 7 PP* RUSSIAN, np, Sovetsb-M Eston:Lva, Tallin, 26 Apr 1973, pp lt 2. MRS 59223 June ?3 Kebin, 1. Kebin Speaks to Estonian CC on Ways to Raise P~roduction. 8 pp SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA, Tal3JLn, 30 June 19?3, PP 1. 3- JPRS 59619 Tolatikov, Yas Complaints of Poor Consumer Goods Crutput, 10 pp SOVErSKAYA ESTONIYA, Tallin, 26 July 1973, p Z. MRS 59357 Butel I s Re Organization of Produetion Associations. 6 pp SOVErSICAYA SSTONIYA, Tallin, 31 &U9 1973, pp 1-2. JFRS 60239 Golotrin, Zh. Nationality Question Discussed at Length. 8 pp SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA, Tallin, 23, 24, Nov 1973, p 2. ipas 61297 - Vladychin, Yu. Problems and Prospec-'s in Lstonial t, s Ught Industry Discussed. ) pp SOVETSKAYA EMMA, Tallin, 7 Doe 1973, p 2. JPRS 127 Kebin, 1. G. Kebin 6peech at kmrcls Ceremony. 8 pp SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA, TaUin, 28 Dec 1973, pp 2-3- jpRs 61342 YELANGO, X I IISOVETSWA ESTONIYA11 2911211973, V--,NO304, Cryetato and iWiation. New hortxons in the aearah for eolontifie knowZedge, 6 pp. p 2, AIRIFTD-RT-23-2733a.740 Kebin, 1. G. Kebin Addresses EStoldan Korasomol Plenum. 5 pp SOV&SKAYA SSTONIYA, Tallin, 15 Feb 1974, pp 1-2. 7P-Rs 7T348 Rstonian Supreme Soviet Inquires About Pollution, 7 pp. SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA, Tallin, 30 Apr 74, p 2. 77RT-67"TF Oct 74 Abrasimov Meets L-lith the Electrorate, 5 PP SOVETSIUYA ESTCNIYA, Tallin, 28 ~Ay ?4, pp 1, 2. JFRS 62 88 Konstantinov, V. Proper Use of Material Resources Urged. 5 pp SOVETSIUYA ESTONIYA, Tallin, 29 iiay 74, p 3. JFRS 62665 SOVETSKIYA ESTONIYA, JM 92626 SLAVIN. VLADIMIR //SOVETSKAYA ESTONIN.'A// 08/08/1974, V.-- New fram machinery p.,lanned 2pp pp 3 JPRS 62990## FiZonov, V. A. The effect of the organic matter in petroleum on the displacement of radioactive equilibrizen in oil field waters. SOV. GEOL. Vol 7. No 6, 1964, pp 144-146 ATS RJ-6017 Precambrian and Paleozoic Formations in the North- West Arabian Peninsula, by B. P. Ponikarov SOVETSKAYA GEOLOGIYA, No 3, 1965, pp 89-99. U.S. GLOLOGICAL SURVEY LIBRARY RErLRE-MCE Dr,.P,r. YJ - , 7 . :,,, . I L ') I '), - c J Russian Sovetskayi Geologiya No 7 1965, Moscow 111' 36-47 DIA LN 258-i5 12 Feb 75 Shilin, in. V. U,-,c of Infrarod Motonaphy in Detecting Areas with Exam Surfac6 Wra~~cr and Ground Wa+,c-.r Outflow SOVETSKRZA GJ,',OLOGIYAp r. 1, 1-97-1, PP. 1r,5-.i6o TITC 73-21577-0~11 Chumakov, I. S. Some Aspecte of the Late Miocene-Early Pliocene Geologicej History of the Mediterranean BasIn on the Basis of New Data. SOVETSKAYA GEOLOGIYA, No 10, PP 3-141 1971. NTC 7:3-10702-00 may 73 &Apr ?3 %y nc S I,-- oiVI I Makarenko, F. A. Geothermal field oil properties. SOV. CEOL No 4, ATS ReT-6005 of Cisoaucasia and its effect on crude 1972, pp 102-117 Gatinskiy, Yu. G. Structural Elements of the Territory of the DRV, 20 up. SOVETSF-Ai~~ GFOLOGIYA, Moscow, No 9, SeP 73, pp 5--1-10. jpRs 61178 Mar 7)1. Gordna, G. Consumers Want Style, Quality in Apparel. 5 PP SOMSKAYA GOTQ9VLYA, Moscow, No 5. Iday 1974, PP 11-130 JM 62316 Role of Economic Agreements Discussed. 7 pp SOVEISKAYA JUSTITSIYA, Moscow, 1~o 24, Dec 1973, PP 1-3- jpRs 61317 Medicinal acrosoZ for oounds. SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYAP 17 Jcm 1973, No 14, p 4 FTD-HS-23-845-73 S. Plaksin, 6 pp. Sovetskaya Kir~~iziy , More Fodder of High Qaality Needed, 7 pp. RUSSIANS np, Sovetskaya Kirgiziy , Frunze, 24 Apr 1973~ pp lp 3. JPRS 59109 may 73 Voronor, S. 1973 Pond winagment dooroe Ignore4 in Kirgic SSR .19_yio~sksiz Kirglzlia, June 3, ~~Imnzo: 4. In Rusian, Trans!. by JFRS, Sept. 1973, 2p., proccosed. Avail. for HT13 an JPRS Tranzi. 6(,o17, Pri", $,~-00. A-mll. oti Loan - NMIFS~ Iftsh., D.C. Ay- ICUypenko, G. Psychological Element in Kirgiz Prose Analyzed. 7 pp SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze, 12 June 1973, pp 2-3- JPRS 59903 Usubaliyev, T. U. Usabaliyev Addresses Meeting of Kirgiz Party AKTIV. 3.3 pp SOVETSKAYA KIRGJZJ~A, Frunze, 27 June 1973, pp 1-4. JPRS 59648 Coishchanko, V. Kirgiziya Kantskiy Myon Sugar Beet Farm Prepares for Harvest, 5 PP ;50VBrSKAYA 6jFGIUJYl,, Franze, 17 Aug 19731 P 1, MRS 60108 Yakulov, P. Ye. Vakulov Addresses Ninth Urgiz Central Coiwdttee plenwa, 5 pp SOVETSKAU KIrGIZIYA, Frunze, 11 SePt 1973, p 2. jPR570441 Yevdakov, P. People's Control Team Describes Kdrgiziya Market Speculators. 5 pp SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze, 7 Oct 1973, p 4. JPRs 60563 Kirghiz Water Resources Construction Unsatis- factory. 6 pp SOVETSKAYA KIFfiIZIYA, Frunze, 13 Nov 19?3, P 1. jpRs 6o929 Shiryayev, V. Kirgiz Paper I~mmines 'Rehabilitation' 'Moderates' in PRC. 6 pp SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIIA, Frunze, 14 Nov 1973, pp 3, 4. JM 60758 Naumov, P. I. Kirgiz Party CC Plenun Considers lAvestock vlinter- ing and Party Card L-~v!hange. 25 pp SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze, I Dec 1973, P 1- jpRs 61241 Morozov, M. Religian Impedes Internationalist Outlook, Says Kirgiz Paper. 6 pp SOVETSKAYA KIMIZIYA, Frunze, 7 Dec 1973, pp 2-3. jpRs 6og6o Kirgiz Central Committee Plenum Considers Tasks. 9 pp SOVErSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze, 13 Dec 1973, PP 1, 2. jpRs 61o66 usubaliyev, T. U. USUbaliyev Speech a" Frunze Award Ceremony. 7 pp SOUTSIUYA I(IRGIZIYA, Frunze, 20 Dee 1973, P 3, MRS 61116 ZasukhfLna, N. Comments on Kirgizian Consumers' Complaints. 5 Pp SOVErSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze, 9 Jan 74, p2. jpRs 62534 Morozov, I. Development in Kirgiz Consumer Goods and.Services. 7 pp SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze. 15 Jan 74, p 2. JMS 625N--' Usubaliyev Addresses tileeting of Kirgiz Rural Workers. 9 pp SOVETSKAYA iURGIZIYA, 16 Jan 1974, pp 1-4. jpRs 61 4 C'ent-oal 1. OjjUyjj_ 1- 4- p. 0 nrli Council of ..I-nisters ':-~esolittbion on '~,nvirom7iental c -,Lon, r ~,Jay 7)[ Tartyshev, N. Work on People's Detachments Must be Improved. 7 pp, SOVETSKAYA KIRGIZIYA, Frunze, 18 Jul 74, PP 1-3. JPRS 6281 Demidova, JArIsa The Plight of Wesclerks Discussed. 6 pp SGVLTSKAYA KULITURA, Moscow, 16 Mar 1973o P 8- MRS 60082