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PKROV, M. 14. //SOVETISKOYE ZDRAVOOMMENIU// --/--/1974,V----,NO0119 PP 0028-0032 Eperience in Organizing First Aid at a Mvlti specialized Therapeutic Hospital 3 pp jPRs 63798 PODVARKO, YU. A. //SOVh7SKOYE ZDRAVOOMWENIYE// --/--/l974,V----.NOOn. PP 0032-0036 morbidity of the Urban Population Involving Diseases of Digestive organs According to Attendance Data and information -erom Comprehensive Medical &aminations 6 pp am 63798 SERYAKOVA, G. F. //Sovb-TSKOYE ZDRAVOOKHRANENIYFJ/ --/--/1974.V----,NO011, pp 0036-0040 Dynamics Underlying Ylorbidity of Mecdcal Ins.titute Studentj 6 pp JM 63796 SKOVERDYAK, L. A. IISOVETSKOYE ZDRAVOOMWWIYE// --/--/19749v----,NO011, P~ 0040-0045 Volume of outpatient Polyclinic Care for Urban Inhabitants With Kidney and Urinary Tract Diseases .7 PP im 63798 SOLOVIya, V. V. //SOVE?SKOYE ZDRAVOOKHROENIYE// --/--/l974tV ---- 9NO011i pp OC45-0050 Procedure for Determining the Demand of the Population for Contact Lenses 7 PP jpRs 63798 KONOVALOV, M. F. //SOVETSMYE ZDRAVOOMMEUIE// --/-/1974,v----,NO011, PP 0050-0054 Experience in Developing the PublIc Health OASU Subsystem for the OktyabrIskaya Railway 7 pp ins 63798 KANT, V. I. //SOVETSKOYE ZDRAVOOUMENIYE// --/--/1974,v----,NO032, pp 0055-0061 Eperience in Studying the Use of Medical Personnel in the Moldavian SSR 9 pp JFRS 63798 ChIKIN, S. YA. //SOVETSKOYE ZDRAVOOKHMENIIE/I --/--/1974,1[.---,N0011, pp 0062-0067 Significance and of the Subject 'History of Medicine' in the ikysician Training System 7 pp ipRs 63798 NEKHOROSHEV, V. S. //8OVh1SKOYE ZDRAVOOKBMENIYE// --/--/X974,V----,NO011, pp oo67-0071 some Problems Concerning the Organization of Postgraduate Training of Teachers in Medical Institutes 7 pp jpRs 63798 SHITIKOV, YU. D. //SOVETSKOYE ZDRAVOOMWENIYE// -- --/1974,V----,NOOUt PP 0071-0073 Procedures for Teaching Sanitary Education at the Tselinograd Medical Institute 3 PP jpRs 63798 GOTLIB, V. 0. //SOV.T,,TSKOYE ZDRAVOOMUNMYE// --/--/1974,V----,NOOU, pp 0092 Book Review 3 PP JM 63795 LISITSYN, YU. F. //-SOVF.T,9KOYF, ZDRAVOOKMWF14IYE// -./--/1974,V----,NOCU, pp 0093-0094 .Boleslav Yakovlevich Smulevich 3 PP JFRS 63798 DZHAVADOV, R. B. //SOVETSKOYF, ZDRAVOOKbWENIYE// --/--/1974,V ---- N0011, pp 0094-0095 Conference Dedicated to the Centenary of N. A. Semashkols Rlrth 2 pp JM 63798 Budko, 1. Road Construction Tasks in RSFSR, Rayon Described. 7 pp SOVETY DEPUTATOV TRUDYASHCBIKMYA, Moscow, No 9, June 1973, pp 56-99. MRS 59932 M-ikov, D. Housing Construction Cooperative System Discussed. 12 pp S(ATSTY DEPUrATOV TRUDYASHCHIUSYA, Moscow, No 10, Oct 1973, pp 95-101. JMS '00536 Shtyrenko, A. Road Construction in Siberia Discussed. 5 pp SOVETY DEFUTATOV TRUDYASHMaKHM, Mosccrw, No 2.1, Nov 1973, pp 25-23. JFRS 61021 ') I ~, rq.,, ~ I-, me n is, P. Conservet-lon Noasuros In t1he Latvian SSR, 10 pp. ?MVIRTY T)T"PTTlPAT0,.T TR'UDYASHCTTIYES)Y~~ Moscow, 777 . ~ I PT, , Cl, PRS 63,)93 Do o '? Vislanyakov, 11. Autome.-tion Used in 1,11anagement, 11 pp. 30V7TYDTTLU'R-'~TOV TRtjT)YAS~HCITIJ,7FSYA, Moscow, 7.0 _)y Mar 74, pp 1,~-2),!. JPRS 6320") Do C, 7) 1- Varaldn, G. Development of Interkolkhoz I'les in Krasnodarskiy Kray. 9 PP SOVETY DEPUMOV TRUDYASECHIKESYA, Koscowl No 8, Aug 74, PP 24-30- jpRs 6324o Flyagin, A. F. Initial Military Training in Moscaw Ldscussed. 7 pp SOVIErSKIY PATRIOT, MOSCOW, 5 Doe 1973, P 3- JFM=1007 Agency# M/Nat.Inst. for Occupational Safety & Health P.O.No, PLD-SO27-74 9550/1222 8 Jan 1974 Titles Handmaskiner Vibration Authors so=es Sovjetunienens Statligm Standards Moscow 1972 Langaps Swedish q6~p Instructionst Please tps isWe sWo* NO FASTR-WA, leave space Vinogradw, A. Modern Treatment of Burns by S. A. Mullakan- dov. SOVREMENNOYE LECHENIYE OZHOGOV, 1971, 195pp. ~~ ~IK-3803 VOLKIND I. L. //sOvR2,MEKNYE KARTOFELEI OVOSHCHEKHRANILISHCIIA// pp 0001-0-032 Contemporary Potato and Vegetable Storage Places, *IMS-TT-75-5101001 MELINIKOV NoNlo, //SOVRENIENNYYE NAPRAVLE-NIYA RAZVI,TIYA PROIZVODSTVAI PRIMENENIYA PESTITSIDOV// Modern Trends in the Development and-Application of Pesticides' 174 pp 140 p , ARM/FSTC-HT-23-1189-730 Vinogradov., A. P. 4OW Current concepts regarding the moon-U(Jr. SOYREIENNYYE RVASTAVLEIMA 0 LUNE Z972, ppp 1-195 plus mavo NASA TT F-766 LOGIT; L G 0 o -,,ri C, 1,zi, 11 Tn" -7:,Il il DS TAV I JE, W 1 YA 0:12,11MMTIL11: I-ADMOOR- ol !-innornzop'naic pp palb7is'll-l'..."g Dousc~ Jcausplol DL (i. OPTICAL-BAND ANTENNAS TYZHNOV, YU., F LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR SUVREMEN. PROB. ANTEN.-VOLNOVOO. TEKHNIKII 19 679 "NAUKA", 189-2-01t M. T FSfC-HT-Zj-0883-74 ----------- lls,ovlu,,~'Llam.,; PimaoI~ATLZMA 0 /I it -i(y c o'. Therp, ",."Is OPTICAL-8AND ANTENNAS TYZHNOV, YU., F LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR SUVREMEN. PROB, ANTEN.-VOLNOVOO. TEKHNIKIi 19 671 "NAUKA"t 189-201, M. T FS[C-HT-2i-0883-74 EFFECTIVE MEANS OF UTILIZING SYNTHETIC SLAGS IN STEEL MAKING ROMENEISt V.9 S LANGUAGE-RU COUNTRY-UR SOVREMEN. PRUBo KACHESTVA STALiPSB*#6191701TR UDY MEZHVUZ. KONF.)252-258 FSTC-HT-Z3-0040-75 1%0 SOSSNOT PROD .Tsf OoNlys N.,O~s Pool, ASTRODI al vo*, Tor' I V* DMAAC## o,rbjta.,S4, 179 r0 I OIA otarmoAl b9 0 AEC/Teau- P.O. 11"Wix-sr: DER-TI'i C_ 9344/0711 (20 Au& 1973) Ti.Ae: C-U'_-'rTa'-1PUfVQY PROMUZ tW 1LADX013XQLWV- VOL. 11. 101MEOULUCY. AuLhoe: A. 11. Vi:UZW4-1, (41"'0t Source: SOWUMMMI PROBLUlY MMAOTAULUGII. Diki 11. RADIUMCUWGIYA. Njacou~ Ataaiz&iL~ DO AOC C1111t (100y; hcx'OvOr~ and t;~vpc.. all ua:. 1"40, 1:,?-, S. _U~:LA R9Q TR CHECK 29.-o4-74 TPo:l ON THE QUESTION OF ANAPHYLACTIC SHOCK IN PATIENTS WITH LOR DISEASES GOLIDMAN, I I UR: SOVREMENNYYE PROBLEMY GTORINILARINGOLII, RESPUBLIKANSM MEMEDOMSTVENNYY~SBORNIK, NO. 3, 1972, pp. 98-102 17 July 74 t0l v r L 0 1 L: I' JJ~ c C). B.ellchuk, G.A. Panchenkov, A. N. Ufting Surface of Medium Aspect Ratio in Subsonic Gasnow. 11 PP SOVREMENNYYE VOFROSY GIDROLDINAMIla, Hoscow, 1967, PP 120-129. jpRs 62332 Oorokhovskiy, Yu. N. The properties of black-cod white photographic fiDng. 390 pp. SOVYSTVA CHERNO-BELYKH POTOGRAFICHESKIKH PLENOK., 1970, pp 1-287 AIRIFTD-HT-23-364742 may 73 GMIAN CSO: 8020/2570 W rp, 6 June 1973 SF Soviet Bloc Policy by Viktor Meier, by Richard Loewenthal and Heinrich Vogel. d Stuttgart, sow3etpolitik der 70er Jahre (Soviet Polic of the Seventies~ 1972, pp 4-.L-54. COPYRIGHT: 1972 Verlag W. Kohlhammer GmbH, Stuttgart Special type B Do not publish Camera ready copy plus two typed single space T. D. 18 June 1973' S,qnder, Rud! Industrial 3afety, Fealth, Fire Protection to Be SuDervisied by !-.ualified ~,Iorkers, 9 pu. SOZIALISTISC14F!, ARBEITSWISSENSCHAFT, East "96-Mr-n, -No 6r-,-S'7-ep 73, pp 44b-454. jpRs 60512 T~ov 73 GDR Licensing Arrangement With C04k, Non- Socialist Countries Discussed, by F. Zchernig, 9 pp. 41 ~r-'RMAI", per, Sozialistische Aussenwirtschaft, East Perlin, Feb 73, pp 12-16. PIRS 58R2 Koslow, I. CEM Countries Cooperate in Development of Nuclear Energetics, 11 pp. SOZIALISTISCHE AUSSMIRTSCHAFT, East Berlin, MaY 73, PP 7-11. J?R3 59602 Aug 73 Haserueck, H. Problems Arising in the Analysis of Foreign Trade Profitability, 12 pp. SOZIALISTISCEE AUSSEMIIRTSCRUT, East Berlin, Y -73 'D-n 19-23. JPRS 5;101~ Aur, 7 3 Schmidt, E. Application of the get Trend Procedure to Short-Term Forecasting Computations, 7 PP. SOZIALISTISCIIE AUSSETRURTSCHUT, East Berlin, May 73, pp 23-25* JPRs 59618 Aug 73 Rudo 1ph, H. GDR Poreign Trade to Take Account of Western Market Opportunities, 9 pp. SOZIALISTISCHE AUSSENWIRTSCHAYT, East Berlin, mn~31 PP i-~. JPRS 59708 30P 73 GDR-CSSR Labor Research Program for 1971-1975 Discussed, 10 pp. SOZIALISTISCHE ARBEITSWISSENSCHAPT, East %rlln, No 7-5-ep 739 PP 327-13~77 J'PRS 60193 Oct 73 Kunter, Gerd Manpower Problems and Policies Discussed, 11 -op. S07IIALISTISCHE ARBEITSWISSENSCHAFT, East Berlin, 1-10 -1, Jan 74, PP 1-9. J`PRs 61642 Apr 74 T~uhrir~, Ferta 'lualification of Female ~,,Torlkers Discussed, 9 -pp. 'I'VIALIS"PISCIIE AIIBEY'31-TiSENSCHAFT~ Fast Berlin, NO 7T-J-Rn-7-,-P--P7-3--7(7. JPRS 61690 may 74 th , '11 t ~ rh R V d -fff,,cljvr~ I,se o, J,~,,anr)owor I!eedecll, 6 up. I,,% LTST TQICT77' I AFT p -~' a st Berlin, Maq,er, Rolf Imnortance of Transferable Ruble to CEMA gxnlained, 9 pp. SOZIALISTISCHE FINANZWIRTSCHAPT, East Berlin, Vo 23, Dee 73, pr 2-7. JPRS 61100 Mar 74 Schuetzenmeister, H. Illef7al Financial Practices of Enterrrises Condemned, 5 T)-n. SOZIALISTISCHE FINjANZWIRTSCHAFT, East Berlin, NO 7~-' Dec 73, pp 47-49- jpRs 612W-~ mar 71~ CT;NA Bank President-, Reviews Banl~ls Past, Future Activities, 7 r)-'D. 907JA LIST ISCHE FINANZWIRTSUAFT, Last Berlin, No i, Jan Y4, pp 4-7. ,jpRs 611~48 Gerstenberg, Gerhard Develonment of Bonus and Social Funds in Public Ilealth Field Outlined, 7 PP. 307IALISTISCIIE FINANZWITITSCHAFT, East Berlin, No 2, Tan 74, PT-10"Z7. ,77PR,3 61WL5 Apr 74 'Ilaut, Hars Financial Policies to Spur 11ousing Construction outlined, 7 Pp. '1017 JAjj3'Pj3CH!,'~ FINAN7,11IFT"SCHAFT, East Berlin, .1 --1 T'To 11 3, Feb 74, i?p 3-'(. ,TP-Qs 61584 -A, p r 7 LL. Junr,.r,, Else Problems in GDR Housing Construc~,ion Outlined, 7 pn - 307JALISTISCIHE~ FIDIANZWIR"PSCIIAFIV, 6ast Berlin, ~10 7~- - .3, P e , pp 7-no JPRS 61529 A-)r 74 T? C, 7 TIT ol- J "SC rrati,n ji )I T' 7T;T T I - 1. mTln L T-~ --~ T'n ` -7 T') ~7TT' 1/707-TA, T 7SrnT~, 0007-0010 77- -V ol, P S ;_1 E. Pe Iz Detervination of smoke damage degree in spruce stands. SOZIALISTISCHE FORSTWIRTSCHA Vol 16, 1966., pp 239- 242 NTC 73-10641-02F may 73 Templin, B. Incidence of Forestry Damage in the German Democratic Republic 1972-1973, 5 PP- DIE SOZIALISTISCHE FORSWIRTSCWT, East Berlin, 1973, pp U6-ld7. JPRS 59902 Sep 73 Devister, Pierre Anti-Mobiitu Bool~ Continues -.o Stir Controversy, 1.2 nn. - ITSE ONLY SPECIAL, Drussels~ 3 Apr 7~, pp 2t~, 25, 27. J-PRS/L ,Tlil 7;1 FRENCH CSO: 8119/2161 29 May 1974 The Govornmont of the Heron, by Paul Debongnie 2) The Confrontation of the 'No Andres 3).Biographic Sketches of Members of New Belgian Cabinet Brussels, 18,2) Special. 1 May 1974, 3) La Libre Belgique, 25 April 1~94 Special tv)e B Do not PlMish - Singjo spaced ftaft plus one. GOVERNMT USE ONLY Marchal, Oner Holden Roberto Discusses Referendum, Indepandence.~, 5 pp SPECIAL Brussels, 8 May 1974, ppJO-?19 . .. 26 Feller, Bernard Chinese Aid to Africa Examined, 1.2 pp. GOVEMMENT ITSF ONLY SPECIAL, Brussels, 24 Jul 74, PP 38-43- 7777-5024 Nov 71t Marchal, Omer Spinola Urged to Negotiate With FNLA, 6 p-p. GOVERMENT USE ONLY SPECIAL, Brussels, 7 Aug 74, pp 26-27. JPRS/L 5031 YOV 74 j"archa 1, Orile-P Mobifl-lo Flr~htln:- foP Africa, 'lot for !Ils Own L -IorY, P". 3!"-r,T-1 TT'~V 0 T. LY ~()~IT',T 1 i".I - . 1) jF ~;'DECIAL, Driissels, 25 ~101) 74, pp ~1.2-!~6). 50011 -. .. ~ - - 1. .., , ~ r. ql.51A 6,.A O.C15 a~ ~ w -' I 17M. j c 'n, n) -nF is C, f sc) 1 id, ,-, a-0. I o s t"i th(-, ~-a" i-,.F !~.nt cylincirl-c,)l clrit~odcs. no DOOMS, M. Slickers, K. Cleaning.of Inert Gases for Spectral Analysis.. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTAI 1972, VoIiM, pp.265-69,. *BIS1 11561 Uncl (AEC-tr--7416) Investigation of the optimal production and transport of aerosols for spectrochemical purposes. Kranz, E. Translated from Spiqic_trochim. acts-, Part B; 27: 327-343(1972). 22p. Dep. ON. 07 chemistry (analytical); translations MN-4 P NSA 0 Bulanin, M. 0. Spectroscopy of interacting molecules. 241 pp. SPEKTROSKOPIVA VZAIMODEYSTVUYUSHCHIKH MOLEKUL, 1970, pp 1-192 AIR7FTD-HC-23-0924-72 may 73 A. P. Veselkin Fast-neutron spectra behind materials and compositions u*6d in nucZear-reaction shielding. 141 pp. SPEKTRY BYSTRYKff NEYTRONOV ZA MATERIALAMI I KOMPOZIT- SIYAMI ZASHCHITY YADERNYKU REAKTOROV. ATLASO 1970, pp 1-222 AIRIFTD-HT-23-1840-?2 apr 73 Fazzari, C. Some morphological aspects.of the renal epithelium during zinc chloride treatment.. SPERIMERTAL , 1967, pp 299-314, v. 117. NTC 73-12256-06E ASTYAYEV, P. S. //~j.PETSIAVEYYE TSIDIENTY I BETONY// --/--/1971,V----,NO351, PP 0136-0156, iesearch on Concretes and ll'ortars with Anti- Freed7le Additives for Bridge Construction, 22pp 11 AHMI/FSTC/HT-23-1058-7-7) IIr# GERAM CSO: 8020/0509 13 Sep 74 Specifications for a fail safe machine monitor. Spezifikatien fuer eine raascliinenausfallubei-iiachting no further information provided, PP 1-3. Epee type B Do not publish SIngle spaced draft plus one copy. Hanning, K. Scientific requirements'spedification. electro- phoresis experiment in tho Iapollo-soyjaz test project spEziriKATION DER WISSENSCHAMLICHEN AMFOR- aruuLu ouava iLDi qrnvuL&T,, uzbzLLbk;nArT MIT wEl;TMM"vKbuduNl~i Mdki, lu7q, pp. la IM ASA IT r 19699 Aqncy: Library of 6ngresa 9820/2821 P.O.: LB75-1234 Gall #6 18 reb. 75 Title of Article: Sturm der Kadetten Source; &*IWPI%Y, Der ~piegel #42, 1964 Larguaget German op Instructions: Translation should include all labels, Type single space, graPhss & explanatory material which are included in the article. Ship to? Bill to: Library of Congress Library of Congress Receiving Section Procurement & Supply Second & East Capitol, S,F,. Second & East Capital WPnTI[ngt0n' D.C. 20510 Washington, D.C. 20 The Mineral Resources of Siberia. 17 pp DER SPIEG , Hamburg, 15 Jan 1973, pp 60-71. JPRS 60109 Report on Automobile Traffic, 7 PP- GM,ikl, per, Der_~Zij&(~1, Hamburg, 26 biar 1973, pp 110-116. JPRS 58677 Apr 73 G E, R i - ik N * i -83. or SE'-oi~el - IN,-). 14, 1973. pp 6-8 D DTA L'.- 3j,'-7 (at),,)r-)x 13 pp) ,4 . . 1,1,A r 74 I Article on Israelis Economic, Political, and Minority Problems, 10 pp. DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg, 11 Jan 73, pp 81-86. T'M 5 951 b Jul 73 . I CSO: ~ 0382 A Sea Filled with Filth and Ugliness DER SPIEGEL, 2 Jul~ 1973, pp 36-51 Aug 73 Situation of Turldsh Workers in West Gemany, 17 PP. DER -SPIEGEL, Hamburg, 30 Jul 73, pp 24-34. JPRS 59851 Sep 73 Commercial Services Aiding Escapees From East Germany, 21 pp. DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg, No 34, 20 Aug 73, ni) 23-34. jPRs 60157 Oct 73 Is Nuclear Power a Substitute for the OJ2 From the Arabs? 10 pp DER SPIMEL, Emaburgt 19 Nov 1973t PP 36v A 41t 44, 4Z, 49, 50, 52. JFRs 60741 Inventor Nikolaus Laing Works on Cheaper Energy Production, 6 Dp. DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg, 18 Feb 74, pp 124-126. ,TPRS 611jl-r Apr 74 Anonymous boviet Letter to 'Der Spiegel' Attacks Solzhenitsyn, 6 pp DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg, 4 Feb 1974, P 79- fi~ 61-3.11 - The Situation in Chile Following the Coup Desdribeds 9 pp DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg, 25 Mar 1974, pp 94-102. JPRS 9-1703 Cave Life in Yenan, 5 pp. DER SPIEGEEL, Hamburg, 25 Feb 74, Dp 72, 74-76. JP R 3 7173- 7~ Anr 74 FRG Automobile Industry Expects Production to Fall Off 20 Percent in 1974, 17 Pp. DER SPIEGEL, Hamburg, 1-~ Mar 7~, pp 42, k3, 45, lo, 50-55.- jwfis 61571~ Apr 74 Cyanide Allegedly in Dump Near Heidelberg# 5 pp DER sPIEGEL, Hamburg, 30 May 1974, pp 73-74. JFRS 62235 T~ ----------- _i b T T Lorenz, G. Preparation and maintenance of printing screens made of monofilament nylon gauze. SPINNER WEBER TEXTILVEREDLUNG, Vol 82, No 12, 1964, pp 1271-1278 A T S 1555-GJ