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Mateescu, Dan Minister of Metallurgical Industry Interviewed on 1974 Plans, 6 pp. WINTEIA, Bucharest, ~- Jan 74, pp 1, 3. JPRS 61311 Mar 7h. Salagean, Viorel Minister of Heavy Machine-Building Interviewed an 1974 Outlook, 5 pp. SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 6 Jan 74, pp 1, 3. JPRS 61311 Me r 74 Carlan, Cornelin Finance Minister outlines Measures to improve Ban'king Economy, 5 pp., SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 13 Jan 74, pp 1, 5. JPRS 61311 Ma r 711. Constantin, Dan Party Daily Interviews Minister of Chemical Industry, 5 pp. SCIT-TTRIA, Bucharest, 16 Jan 74, pp 1, 3. 7M-s-;7.8 3 Anr 74 Interview Granted by Transportation/Tele- communications Minister, 6 pp. SCINTFIA, Bucharest, 17 Jan 74, pp 1, 4. =-=S 3 A-nr 714. Carlan, Corneliu Minister Cites Steps to Keep Production Supplies Rollinr~, 5 Dp- SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 22 Jan 74, P-P 1, 3- TPHS 6D-1-93 Apr 74 official of Peoplei Interviewed, 5 pp. SCITPEIA, Bucharest ,TPHS 61 83 Councils Problems Commit 2)~ Jan 74, PT) 1, 4. Apr 74 lazar, Ion official Interviewed on Application of Science to Production, 5 PP. SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 25 Jan 74, PP 1, 3. 7FTFS =T 95 Apr '74 official Outlines Control of Economy Through Financial Organs, 5 pp SCINTTEIA, Butcharest, 2~ Jan 74, i)p 1, 3. *T-n J PR 793 AlPr 71.~ Communique on Fulfillment of 1973 Socioeconomic Development Plan, 16 pp. SCINTBIA, Bucharest, 6 Feb 74, PP lp 3. PRS 61313. Mar 74 Lall on Modification Of Constit"tion 6 -D~. SCINTE,IA Biicharest,, 29 Mar 74, p 6.' 1 ,TPIRS-T725 Jun 74 Law on the Press of tho Socialist Republic of Romania, 19 m). SCI!-TTT,?IA, Ducharest, 30 Mar 7k, P-P 41, 5. 7 I~S 671675 Jiil 711- CcalT3(,Sc,,., AcldrosOos slatina maso RallY, 5 ,T Y 7, 31 14a fil, Do 3. T )77~~ Law on preventive Financial Control, 17 pp. SCINTRUA, Bucharest, 31 Mar 74, p 4. ITPRS 619T( Ju 1 711. 'rlow Lev on Admini,stration Is Pijblished, 1-8 n). 9r,PTrPT"TA, 131.ichnrost, '~]. TTar 7)~., T.) 5. 7Wr~',, 61B97 r. 1 law on Land Reclamation and Irrigation, 13 PP. SCIT-MIA, BuchRrest, 2 ApAr 74, p 4- 77=3737 Ji 11. 71 [. Ceausescu Grants Interview to Yugoslav Radio, Television, 5 pp. SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 7 Jill 74, PP 1, 3. JPRS 62562 Oct 74 Criteria Set for Candidates for Party Posts, 5 pp. SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 30 Jul 74, pp 1, 5. JPRS 62773 i~ov 74 Ceausescu Speaks at Cu,,-, o pp. ,ir Plant Rally, ' SCINTFIA, Bucharest, 20 sep 74, pp 3, 4. ITPRS -6~1 1 Nov 74 Ceausescu Speaks- at Hunedoara Mass Rally, 9 pp. 3ICTIPETA , Biicbarost, 21 SOP 74, pp 1, 2. 7TRT-73-121 'T '74 "0v Ceausescu Addresses Mass Rally in His Native villpi,,e, 5 w). SCT77,TA, Bijohnrest, 3 00f, '111., PP 1, 3- JTT?~! 67!V,2 De c T 74 Ronvininn Deputy Promier Speaks at GDP, Anniver- SRry Celebration, 5, M) I, . 7)"IITTEIIA, Bucharest, S Oct 74, p 4. '717.7 7370~ Doe 74 17, 1 ",1 .T'- rl )JI L "fo 1 f-, .7arlb-1r)n SCIENTIA GEOLOGICA SINICA (CHINESE JOURNAL OF GEOLOGY) QVARTERLY STARTING Vol 1, No 1, 1973 per letter 8 June 1973 COVER TO COVER CONSULTANTS BUREAUIPLENUM PRESS Goldstein, M. Some chemical aspects of heat storage. SCUOLA IN AZIONE, v. 1, n. 18, p. 178-196, 1962. NTC 73-10863-07A Gregor, Vratialav Ryad R 20A Computer SDELOVACI TECHNIKks pp 126-12 , JPRs 59354 Described, 5 pp. Praguet No 4, 1973, Jul 73 Maeda, T. Organisation et projections des systemes catecholaminergiques dup pont chez le chaton' SEANCE, Nov., 1971, pp.2137-2141. I. TR=tT 74-53119 Bundzon, P..V. Malianio Cirillo Second Anno di Ricerche Sulla Produzione Del, pp.1-12, 1971. WN-TIS TT 74-53065 Agency& FAA 971910593 24 July 073 T41TASAVIVI er ErrEXAGITE C01MIEF-ci KS VERICty- LES LOT',bS ET )X(XIS. Authars F.Ansarto Ch. lataillado I~ourcet Secretariat I;eneral a LOAviation Qvile .,attor Aertenno service Technique de 14 :~4vif, Lanr%naRet rrench IrstructionSIP10asu tYPO shj~le space, m paste-up, Translato all captiolls, hey in pencil origin Agency: NOAAINMFS P.O. No.: NA-630-74 #28 Author: Belda, Daniel L. Title: La pesqueria de camaron de alta mar en el no noroeste Source: Secretaria de Industria y Comercio, Subsec- retaria de Pesca, Instituta Nacional de Pesea,' Progr Programa Camaron del Pacifico Langugge: Spanish Instructions: Translate and type in two cys, Cut and paste figs. URGENT. NEEDED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Prominent Persons Charged I-,Iith Use, Sale of Druf-;s, 5 PIP. P 0 R' IN T "3-LT E S -11, lip , 2 S - Leculo, Lisbon, 1 I.IaY 73, 1) 9. TPIRS 59196 ITIM, 73 PCP Central Committee Member Lourenco Addresses PCP Meeting, 6 pp. 0 SEGULO, Lisbon, 12 Jun 74, P 10. TPRS 625 1'( Oct 74 -r-7Tr DAZA Juue C-4t 1974 ~du%~ ~41j6aj, 1974 PIO 165 U 26 June 1974 Title: The Voun -- A ~:,ekncv Aul-hor: 11. ft. Warvavov Nauchnaya :-Itantrli~a , vc "- ow, ma Kolitincht (The ""eventh Cant ill"n "t'j, "M 1q,lboeMY" Ri~est3, 1973~ pt) 225-27"-'- _OIIY anva L,1,.,Tx, I copy. Provj&c Pho`o of balf-toi-!e Oa p"I-10 ~-") if PO ~Mt Ct4t 1:11C% Oril-i-al copy, .~~aults of QiF,, f~vr,, ~.pplicatloii of I-i,otless bi-sided 2,' U 4 Irons for 'J"A ty p~~.- 1.)t vy 'i ROSUU-3 ()f 1 'Ito; fdra'. appl'.oafton of knotieus braided nrt!.!rLj In t;i(, k7v(~j-ei!a !c~j.~rfs~ tin" 4A Of. On P. Pretzsch Problems of automated fishing. SEEKIRTSCHAFT, Vol 3, pp 611-616, 1971 NTC 72-1330-0-06C mar 73 3tawer, ~lsrtqlg 1971 Azal-Alk; c.%w:J.iztion of the trmilnet haulln? prooess (AnC,,tis,,ho k.',us i ie,.,prozessea Von sdtleppriet.-um.) Sre~itrts,.haft. L(Vt 1 -)0 - 1 ~2- :n Cem;9vi. Trmnsi. forU~~A au Naval. ,~o. i-ol,,,, 9p., t~-peacrlpt. Avail. Oon ~,ocui 71,3, waah~ , D.C. Oriqlnnl StwVpj, ii, and if. Stimar 1971 conditiop for autoMtin8, f 12hing Mtema 00 111u8trated by the tZ401 fiohft7 (VorauseetmSen ft die Autocatiebrur4 vm FisohfImpystoun darsest*11t sm rmloplol dor Sohlappnotg- 3"virta0haft _;(Z)t 147-150. In Garmn. - - I Trarml. by SPF for UMPS, Nov. 1973, 11p., typoacirlpt. AvRil. on Loan - 1IMPS, Wash., D.C. Original Article Checked'-mK Seewirteahaft 1971 Fish earmorios to introduoS 5,quality oontrol system BQ!w-'rtwq1)OM I(B), Aug.: 5-566. In Oarman. Tmnsl. by JPRS. Oot. 1972,, PP. 1-4 in 129P. "Tranal. on Eastern Europet Monomic and Induatrial ifftim No. 5531 4p., prooessed. Avail. NTIZ as JPR8 TMpsl. No. 54320, price $3.00. Avail. on Loan - HI-IFS, Wash., D.C. OrIgInal AtHdo Cliecked.4 A. , , and 11. 11~rll 1971 9naultr, ~1)tal.nud testr of the lfft, resistance, ima center of premire position (if 011913 (Ergebii1sue von Ilr. to ra twhungen U11bei, Allftrleb, 1-11ederatand und Dmtckpunkt1agc von ~Oyjvebrottern) ."cewit-tachaft, ~, Part 1, (R!J~ Aug.: 61(-621. %rt 2, (9) ~iept, : 699-7 1. in erma)). Tranal. bj ITR fr)p '~A" 197?, 221). , tYPM!"i t- A t e i p no h tranal, by its Pra,,L. Vo. 1'[! 6, ki~,, 197'-,', 1,"P, typescript. Avail. on 1,oan Warh. , D.C. ,V -/ci ~:;, - / 2 C)rlqinnl ~rlidq r'hv4,,,A Albreoht, 1-. 1971 Electronics on board modern vessels (Blektronik suf modomen Schiffen) Seewirtaolmft, 1(10, Oct.: 745 -74,; - Yn Gernfin. Trarwl. by I.TR for ?rIFS, ~'a7 1972, 12p., t,,MeOcript. AvOil. on 1,00n - WaWi., D.C. ,. I ~.. Original Article Checked-~:I~. Lubbe, H. 1971 A B,fBtQM Of TRUItipurpose euxiliAry fisl4ng winches (Hin System von FiachereiiLi1fowinden Mr vielAlti:ra Anforderwujon) Seewirtachaft, I(lu), Oct.: 776-778. Tn ;ertm. Tranal. by TPR for 17:73, ';BY U'62, 7P., tYPeacriPt. Avail. on Lomn - jl~i*'WS, Wnsh., 0.0. Original AdIcle Checked,!. 1'.. Korltzky, H.-A. 1971 Rualstance and buoynney of net fibera attacked by a emall- angle ~urrmt (gidorstand und Aliftrleb von NetzfadFn die untel, klulnen ~inkeln Qngeztromt werden) 3ft-wIrtschaf%, 2(l ), Oct.: 781-784. In erman. "rInal. by '.PR for INTIPS, May !9TZ, IIP, MescriPt- Avail. on i.oan - INPIFS, Wash., D.C. nrlair-mi 4\00p. Ch'4.1i4jl.~ Stamer, 7. 1971 Method for n profit-making optimization of tj)o main pammetoors of a fiwiing and piloaL~sain,, vo5sel (Eetnode mir ;;awinnorientierten Optimierwixg der Ilauptparrameter ejj%q ?=L, und 'Vemrbeitungeacbiff03) 30owtrteal,aft, I(II), Oat.. J5!, -VI. in Gomar. Trawl. by TPR for 11MRS, ?Ay 1972, 16p., typescript. Avail. on Loan Wash., D.C. Origirial Aoicie ChocW.ik, Donk, 1j)-riih 1971 Saund love I getuginge during a fishing voyage (39hallpegelmaeoungen wthronj e1nor Pangrtloo) Saewirtaahaft, 0-(12); 926-90. in Oerman. 1 Trans 2. by TPR for NMYS, Jan, 1973, 9p. , typescript, Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Waah. , D.C. 10 OrIgitiol Arlida GwAod-F' Berp2nn, Barbara 1971 High-$Gas fishing industry Publishes 1970 Utah data Ole Fengergobn1ase dar Hoatwoefieaheroi der DDR im ishre, 1970) Seewirtsbhaft, 1(12)t 939-941. in German, Traml. by JPRIS, Jan. 1972, n. 11-17 in 74p. "Tranal. on E06tern RU"Pe, Economio and Ynduatrial Affairs Vo. 607." 7P., proocaved. Avail, IITTS as JPRS Tmnal. 110. 55042, prioe $3.00. Ava 11. on Toan - WIPS, Wash. , D.C. Original Article CheckeA.Q woper, H. 1971 ClAnges suffered by fiah durin the frooting prooeva NrInderungen im Fischlolooh whSrand den Oefriervargenges) swcvlr~~q t, ~(I)t 50..451. Tn GerMn. Trarsol. by TPR for TIMM, Oot. 1973, 7P., typopoript. Avail. on Loon - M713, I(soh., D.C. Vigho, H. 1971 ahang" suffered by frozen riah diming Otomse (Vorknderungtn des astriarfloohes iihrand der Lagerw) (SmewirtechattA 1(21t 150-1511. In Gomm Tranal. by SP? for IMS, Nov. 1973, 14P.- t7oseariPt. Avail. on Loan - 111,73, Wash., D.C. Orlointil AdIck Clinr6dAl~ fIrsuse, Werner 1972 3tudy of the Rorthwest Afrioan fishing pund with apeoial attentip to thi treatment of main fish ~peclez (Betrachtungen Oer dorA Pangplatz Mordwast-Afrika unter pesonderer Berupkslobtigw dbr Bearbeitvm der Hauptflnoharton) I eewirtschaft~ !L(2): 147-150. In German. 's Trawl. by SPF for NUFS, No,r. 1973, 12p. , typasoj*jpt. Avail. on Loan - 1114PS, Wash., D.C. SeewIrtschaft 19TI Risherin Day, 1972p fFischereitaguAg 1972) (SeewirtsftN, 1(5), ftyi 320-329. Tn OerMln. Tranal. by SP? for 01i, No-r. 19T3, 5P., tyMgorlpt. Avail. on Loan - NPIFS, Wash.., D.C. OrlginGI Article Chocked.6 Loup Xurt 1972 Perforunoo at sea of selooted large Stern tzuwlers (Soeverhalten auggew9hiter grotnep 6oktrawler) $eevirtschaft, MV, Vayt 158-362. In GerMn. Tranal. by SPF for MrS, Nov. 1973, 18P., tYPescriPt. AvaLl. on Loan - TIF3, Wash., D.C. Original Arilde Checkodmfl' Seswirtsobaft 1972 The Stralsund shipyord - ftshIpa vessels belr4 oonstruoted under the auspioss of the East Geman-Boviet triendship (VIIB VoWwerft Stralsund - Fischereieehiffbau in Zeiahen der deutsah-nowJetischen Froundsohaft) (Seewirteohatt~ ~(6), Tunet .407-41(1. In Gomm. Trawl. by SPF for NI-IFS, Nov. 1973, Op., tnworlpt. Avail. on L-oan - IRM, Wash, , D-c- OrIgInal AtIlde CheckedN~ Seowirtschaft 1972 Scientific and tsohnical collaboration betmn USSR and OR in the field of fishing toohnIques (Wissens4haftl1oh- teamloahe Oemeinsohaftmarbeit UdSSR-DDR 4ut dem Gobiet d:,r t?Uohh teohnik) (S wirtechaft) ~(6)t 411. in aaman. Tranal. by SPF for LIMMS, Nov. 19734- 3p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - MTS, Wash., D.C. Seewirtuchaft IM Development of the Soviet fishing fleet (DiG Ontwiaklunj der sowjetlsohen Flacheral-Fengeohifflottel 0-i!eyirt.ap-ha-ft., 1(6): 422-424. in aertvz. Tranel. by SPF for TIMPS, Nov. 1973, 9P., tmaoriPt- Avail. on Wan - VMFS, Wash., D.C. Apr 73 I m Reintanz, 0- 19T2 Marine aoneq and ocean floors (mearessonon und Mearesbodan) (Seowirtsahaftj j(6), June.- 459-194. In aerman. Tranel. by SPF ror IniFS, Nov. 1573, 20p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - TIZIF3, Vash., D.C. Original Article Checked-NR vapor, H. 1972 Preservation of fish qua:Lity in the fishing fleet (DiO Rrhaltung der FischqwlitUt in der Flettille0lacherel) (Seswirteehaft~ j(6), June: 465467- In Geman- Tranal. by SPF for IMS, Nov. 1973, lop., typosoript. Avail. on Loan - NVIFS, Wash., D.C. Original Article CheckedjK 'Loffler, Rudi 1972 Problem of prodution teamwork and produot developraent in the fishing industry bmmch (Probleme der Erzougnisgrupponarbelt und ErzeugnizentwLoklung im Industrieewel,% Floohvirtechaft) (Seevirtoohaft) ~(6): 468-471. In aerman. Tranal. by BPF for MM, Nov. 1973, 13p., typoseript. Avail. on Loan - NMPS, Wash., D.C. Fourteen Articles from Seewirtschaft, Vol. 4, No.7, pp.537-54'0; 541-543. No. 8, pp.614-617; 617-618-620; 621-624. NO.9, pp. 100-704.P1,-L -71-11 No.10, ppj~~ ~7~Pr--3 No.11, pp,849-852-; 858-859; 860-862; 862-866 pp.866-869. No.12, pp.945-947. *NT$S-TT-73-55035 AMI ~C-~ Apr 73 Borwam, Barbara 19T3 mat Geman marine flehing resulto in 1971 (FangargsbMese der HoohooefisoMrol der DDR Lmi Jahre 1971) sqswir~sohaft, ~(I), Jan.: 56-58. in oorwi. A jr) i5-77-7#-S6-oj,.d Orlgfnal Article Checked.m Rohn, WolfpN 1973 The 'Tager trawl - a new developmt of M Floohkombinat Rostock (Des ;aprimstx ~ sine Neu*ntw1oklw* im VIB PleahkombInat Rostock) seevirtachafv, J(1), Jan.1 513-61. In Gem=. JIr-1 IS --I T -74 - S~CIIA4 Original Article Chockedf. SaharPim, Klaus-Di0er 1973 CM, modelling trawla for pelsgLu fifibing (Zu *Wgen Problecten bet der Modellierurg von pelagleahen, sehleppwtseft) 3sewIrteohart, 2(l), ion.; 61--65. in oar-on. A,-/fT?S-77-74-fS,0" UQ: Original Article CheckedI%.'.N- Fischer, Alf"-d 197.3 Training of personnel for t~e flehIng industi-4 of the USSR (Ausbilduna von Warn Mr die Fischwirtsohaft der UdSSF0 seswirtechaft, ~(2)j Feb..- 141-144. In German. VT 15 -77 - 74 -5500 10 . Original Articlo Checked.M-S Development of Seaward Container Transport in Japan, by 11olfgancy Hebenstreit, 10 pp. 1~ CrERM&N, per, Seewirtschaft, East Berlin, Mar 73, PP 180-162. - ,7,RS 58902 I-In 73 Scharping, K.-D. 1973 MadellIM travis for pelagia f1ching (Zu oWgan Problemem bei der Modellierum von palagisohan Sohleppnoteen) Seewirtschaft, 2(l), SGA.: 61-65, In Gemn, e Stengel, Harr; 1973 Caloulation of the tftwl-not system (Zur Pemchnuriz do@ Systems OrundNOMOPMOU) 1powirtmehaft, 2f% - 212-217. 111 GOP)~'Pji. Aff-PS-7T-74-S&vo e 141, fffi")~ ~ Orklinril Arlirla ! 1~'J; ~ad W Berner, Mainhild, et al. 1973 Dependenoe of near-bottom fish concentr6tions of the mooklenburg Bf~y on some environmental condittors (Zur AbhhSISkelt grundrk2r Pischkonzentratimen der Macklenburger Duaht von ainij:en UtweltbedirCdnsen) Stevirtschaft, 1(4~j Apt.: 297-299. Tin CIMM. AAM S -71 7) - 74 - 6-,5'-P&o Original Article Che&d.w GMUM CSO: 8120/2596 w 8 June 1973 SF On the calmlation of tides at any given timel by Dr. Habil, Guenther Sa6er. East Berlin, Seewirtschaft, no. 4, April 1973, PP 299-303. Special type B Do not publish Tran6lator's draft plus one copy Sahubert, Herbert, and IVIedrloh Fmtsoaher 1973 V-',)3TPA Fith PrOueboing prDdUotis (VOSTRA - ErRoUpiese) Soovirtsobaft, J(5), MY: ~550-354. Tn Clormn. *#7)5-7T-74-6"Soao Original Article Chocked)v- SEEWIRTSCHAFT, Vol 51 No.6, 1973, -pp 403-405 455-457 *NTIS-TT-74-55020 Rosenberg, Klaus-Juergen MS 'Eagle,, Meridian-Type Semi-Container, Lumber Freighter Described, 9 pp. SEENIRTSCHAFT, East Berlin, Aug 73, pp 592- 5 9t3. J~ " XPRS 60k22 tfov 71 Cliose, Werner 19T3 Trawler fgotar7 Ship of the "AtIntLic-Aupertrawler" typo (Fang- und Verarbelt=sbachiff T7p %jantlk-Supertrawler") (Seewirtschaft) I(q), siept.i 653. In German. Original Aricle Chocked~ ... LOTH.2 V00". I'l- 'D ICI) M, Y//t/ac, 4al Miahael, R. 1973 Tedhnio8l and 000AMUO ailpopts of the devolopOnt ot I products (Zu touhnisehon wid &onouischen Aapsktan bel der Ersougnisontuiokluns) Seowirtschaft, I(q), Sept.i 654-655. In German. OTIS -77 - 74- T-TC40 Originat A.rll,;e Chocked,el Wail, H. 1973 Part devoted to Mcohaniogl engineering (Disohinenbeulloher Tail) 6 ~(q), sept.t 663-666. in German. A A,,Tts-7T-74-STou 0 Oi iginal Arlicle Checkud ...N Schuater, li. 1973 Part devoted t0 eltiCtriciAl engineering 121ektrotoWmischor Tell) Scovirtschart 5.(q), Sopt_j 666-669. Tn Gomn. A WTIS-77- 74- d'Soao 1) Original Article Chocked*- Stgpmnn, W., and X.-H. Schloktanz 19T3 Use of vessel radko, teleoovmunioatlon and fish looating equipment (Sohiffsfulwungs-, Funk-, Permelde- und Risahortungsanlojen) Seowirtachaft., .2(g), 3ept.: 669-672. InOentan. A IlTis-'IT-74-4rvao ! Ot 19;na~ Prhdc CheckedA L%be, H. . 1973 . lWdmulla flahing winuh (Hy&auliooha Pischmiwindenanlago) (3towirtachaft) .1(9), Sept.- 673-676. tti aermn, t IPTIS -TT - 74-SSpozo Originol Arildo Chorkedi Endo, H. 1973 Fishing equipment and to-ohnology of trawl handling (FleaherelawrUstwI8 Und Teahnolo6ie der Natrhandbabuna) Seewirtsehaft, ~(q), Sept.: 677-679. In GorrAn. I Orlq~rml, Article Choded ...... Mohnko, 11. 1973 Fish tmatment QLnd Pr0oG;5S%(Yisohbc- und -verarboitung) Seewirtoohaft, 5(g), Sopt.t 6 -686. in oeman. . .... It, Original Adic,16 Chockedlq."'~ Ilartm=. E. 19,13 Refrigerating plants (?altounla -SeewirtsohaM 5(g), Sept., 686-No'g. in German. I LO Originui ~~,r;icle CI-jork6cim-.1~1 X", it., B.M. Buhsler, and B. Blorger 1973 1 J)Pivs (2ur ntrioboanlege) (Sssvirtsahsft~ I(q), Sept..t 689-693. in aermn. I Originol Aflicle Chacke4f- SEEWIRTSCHAFT, Vol.5,.110.10, 1973, pp.730-73.2. SEEIVIRTSCHAFT, VO. 5, No 19 1973 pp 777-780 *NTIS-TT-74-55020 4-10 m Y~ 'S Foj)sch, Horst MS Groeditz -- A Modern Bulk Carrier, 11 pp. SEEWIRTSCHAFT, East Berlin2 Nov 73, pp 829- b3ko JPRS 60959 ,Tan 74 14ohpka, H. 1973 Now equipment for prooessilng fish on board veseel (Neue AnWen Air die PischimrarbeltuW, an Dord) Seewirtachaft, Tiov.3 8~2-854. In Germn. I,,/ nrininnl Arflf-lp CkAAAd A , , (Abrial, 0., and Ii. Sohnidt 1973 uparlmental and munterloal detminstion of tho dlameter of net thream (Uparimentalle ~nd reahrArlsohe Botimung des Dm~messers von Natshiden) Seewirtadmft, 1~11), vov.r 854-855. In OOXMA. w Orininal Articia Chackcd.. - ~ SEEWIRTSCHAFT, Vol 5, No 11, Nov 1973 pp pp 854-855 852-854 *NTIS-Yr-74-55055 Berg,mann, Barbara 1972 F~',ast German Fishln,g Volume, 9 pp. SEE14IRTSCEAFT, East Berlin, Dec 73, pp a/33-935. 7PTS-=4 0 W6,01or, v., w. Wagealmootit, and 1973 1. Paterson Jew raw materials and toohnology in the tiahing industry (Irber novie RojWtoffo und vorarbeltuMsteohnol,3gion in der Plachindustrio) Sevwirtsphaft,. ~.(i2)% 936-937. in florizzn. Original Article Chec6d. SEEWIRTSCHAFT, Vol 5, No 12, Dec 1973, pp 933-935 899-901 936-937 *NTIS-TT-74-55055