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Vasoukis, G. Fractography and analysis of the notch-impact bend test - a contribution to the problem of Brittle fracture and the fracture mechanics of plain carbon steels. SCMISSM UND SCHNEIDIT, vol. 24, 1972, #12, Pp. 1199. HB 9008 '13 Schulze, G. Investigations into the effect of welding on the endurance limit or high strength steels with yield strength greater than 600 N/mm . SCHWEISSEN UND SCHNEIDEN, Vol. 24, No. 12, pp.490-493, VR/133/73 may 73 Langhardt W. Improving the Toughness of Flash But't Welds In Carbon Steels by Pulsation-Normalizing an,d 'Rot Upsittting, in the Welding Machine. SCHAISSEIN UND SCHNEIDEN, Vol.25, 1973, 140.1, D.26. i'M 90-43 HANEYE. M //SCHWEISSEN U SCHIGIDEN// --/--/1973, V0025,110004 Thp use of weather~resistanf steels for bridge construction pp 135-137 BISI%12399## Eichhorn, Y. Sautter, S. Effect of Temperature, Rate of.Extens'ion,,and Holdin'g Time Under Load on the Fatigue Limit, Characteristics of Steels. SCHWEISSEN UND SCHNEIDEN, Vol. 25, 1973, No.5, HB 9083 MIusch, U.- Causes of Hot Crackirig of Welds :on Austenitic, Steels Containing 16% Cr and 16% Ni. SCH"WEISSEi~-UND SCIINLTE)ENIVr)1.2,S, 197'3, No. 6 HB 9159 D-11-IE"fill 10. L., C !,~j J, z T T Tj - 1) c u T.~ r D il~ I i , 1 a 'I, C, o.-:' -a i a-P-' ;3 7 0.J Ruge, J. Investigation of Delayed Fractures in the Welding of Low Alloy Steels SCHWEISSTECHNIK, No 10, 1972, pp 225-228 VR/183/73 21-Mar-74 Uncl (ORNL-tr--2755) Influence of the state of stress on the rupture behavior of metals. SCHILLER, H. Translated from �ShwosstechniU~.erlfn); 22: No. 11, -511(197 " "Y 5 07 Z). 131). W--rff S 11 materials; 11F metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA 0 ")TUTZ, W. -/~SCHNEIZEH ARMEE HBUTEt DIEH - i)p 0089-0101, The Current Swiss Artillery, 14 pp APE/FSTC/lIT-23-06815-73 Munzel, F. Dr. Irradiation of Food in Packaged State 6 pp SCHWEIZER ARCHIVO MARGI lj~14 PP 79-81 1968 FSTC-11T-23-13370 PIEPER, H. //SCHWEIZER, ARCHIM --/07/1971, V0037, N---- The fabrication of ingot moulds pp 217-229 BISI 117460 Habel, L. Determination of the State of Bonding of Nitro gen in Plain-Carbon Steels Containing Alumini- UM. SCHWEIZER ARCHIV, 1971, Vol. 37, Sept., pp.297- 304. *BISI 11608 Lobry de Bruyn, C. h. tLie dd--differential pressure--process for density control of crude oil long dis~-amce lines laid in the ground. SCHWEIZER ARCHIV(IWR POGWANDTE WISSENSCHUT UND TECHNIK, Vol 29~ No 4~ 1963, pp 131-139. NTC 73-11524-21D Lobry de Bruyn, C. A, Tightness controls of the swiss section of the crude oil long distance line genuaingolstadt. SCIMEIIZER ARCHIV(FUER ANGEWANDTE- WISSENSCHU? UQO TECHNIK), Vol 36, No 4, 19~0, pp 89-102. NTC 73-11522-21D KDES* TZER jr, "RTQ)// RIG coli CA. 'Pop 33 7 Bouvier, G. SCHWEIZER ARCHIE FUR TIERHEMUNDE Vol 980 1956, pp .14119 *NTIS-TT-74-55051 1,7 Uncl (LF-tr--74) Epidermoid lung carcinoma of the dog as an object for comparison with the smoker's carcinoma of man. Stuenzi, H. Translated by Dr. Horvath (Lovelace roundat(on. for Medical Education and Research, Albuquerque, NM), from SchW_CJ;,. Arq.L. Tierhellk.; 113: 311-319(1971). 16p. Dep. NTIS. 06 biomed; translailons MN-48 P NSA Bouvi6r, G. SOMEIZER ARCMV FUR TIERIIEILKINDE,Vol 113, No 11 1971, pp 645-650 *NTIS-TT-74-53114 Zogg, Hans SCHWEIZER BOTANISCHE GESELLSCHAFT BERICHTE, Vol, 55, 1945, pp 240-269 *NTIS-T'r-74-53025 ARLAU OF RLCLUMON LINWlY Date 9/19/73 24 Sept. 73 Ur, barragt~s ~li~ Ooiry et d1c: Tourte~aagnic---Il. Lc- barrage, dc, lourteuiaga(z." Aur---ror. F. Fazici?aIlli iourco, sclawizerischo Bntl2citwlb~; v 23, 7 julao pp 401-4015. Fronch fr,~,tructioaf.,: Zypa JoulAe space, edited 6rilft Cwy, Aii'o x figure.1 Cjj~' 7-7 l~j -,,j-.- Lendi , P. Anchorage in soils SCHWE-IZERISCHE BAUZEITUNG, Vol 88, pp 921-9292 8 Oct 1-970 C.E. Trans 6180 may 73 Agency: U.S. Arqj Engineer Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, MississiPPi 39180 12)"/ 1 IY 2 Request no,: 16 )o 7~ Title: Erdbebenprognose uml seismisches Risiko Author: Wohnlich, M. Source: Schweizerische Bauseitung, Jahr 91, no.46, 15 November 1973, '.P.1139-1148. language: German Further instructions: You may cut up the xerox original if you need to. Troi.~,s p :i-I. Undritz, E On the Occurence of D~plcdd MegakarpblaatS3 Prorae(,,ak,vyocvtes and Mcalaltaryncytes. in se-Vere lrdmo- pithcs, a rear v4cw into Phylogcr~csis SCMIZERISCHS, MEDIMUSCITIE WOC=Tscmm~ 1966, pp. 1.686-1687 TTTC 73-12735-06B Wanner, HU Agency: HEW/FDA qJ-) " p J') -r P.O. No. 0869-75 Call, # 14 13 /V~-'.f. 7/ Title: Hypoglykaminwischenfalle unter der Behandlung mit Sulfonylharnstoffen Author: W. Berger Source: Schweizerische Medizinische Wochenschrift 17. Juli 1971 1013-1022 Language: Gennan Instruction: please translate & type single space Ims1tv uj) when necesfmry jlomj---ir? ~ IIJ ts . i 11c) m:', j.,; . J.~. f -,) (" I J- s Cl p t eat C cliffer " 11 UX k- I skis W1 - -q1 n no , t cq S, c I ~15 17 I ? Vo~ 01-C G. Duc Effect of erythrocytic 2, 2-diphospho- glycerate (DPG) on the affinity of hemglobin for oxygen in the whole blood of adults and newborns. - SMIZEMSM MEDIZIMSCHE IVOCHEN-cGMFT, Vol 161, pp 1792-1794, 1971 NTC 72-15141-06B mar 73 nartweg,m E. ~T r,Tj, -vT 77 Lobs M. Xshixakf*s~.T, MUELLER; S. //SCM,IMRISCHE IEDIMISCHE WOCMrSCHRIFT// . I. --/--/1973,'VO103,N ---- ~ p o889-o894 " Acute renal failure fron cephalothin NTC 74-12126-o6E Ii PERSE, G. 01/80 IZERISCIM YEDIZInSCIIE wo'CIV, ITS CHRIw// Qualit.y c't Metabolic Control and Angiopathy,~ in 180 Lon~-Term Diabetics I idth at Lent 20 Years Disease Duration, pp 13,2q-1129~IUC -IEDTZ-R~- and Pl'ysi' s.~.e I ~ o~'a actoll BUHLMANN. A. A. //SCHWEZERISCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOCHENSCHRIFT// --/--/1973, V0103, N0010 Experimental studies on decompression following diving in mountain lakets at reduced pressure 17 pp pp 378-383 NAVSHIPS 1444,OFFICIAL USE ONLY## Bulilman, A.A. et al Experimental Studies on Decompression Follow- ing Diving in Mountain Lalces. at Re.duced Air Pressure. SCHWIEZERISCHE MEDIZINISCHE WOMENSCHRIFT 103) 1973. *14AV311IPS TRANS. 11144 OFFICIAL USE ONLY Fluckiger, E. About Packaging Uperized Milk - A Comparison Between Polyethylene Laminated Cartons with and Without Aluminum Coating 9 pp SGRITIZERISCHE ',-JILQIZEITUNGs Voi 96, No 95p 1970 pp 759-760 I'STC-IIT-23-135-73 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOVT AGENCIES C!i D s t i Cs -1JT MM, CH. //SCHINIZERISCHE ZEI'TSC= IMR ALLGREINE PATHOLOGIE UND BAKTI-;RIOLCGIE// --/--/1959,VO022,N----, P 0742-o746 Further fluorescence-sercilogical studiez on molds NTC 74-12128-oal Wuhrmann, K. Contributions to the Toxicology of Fishes. II Experimental Investigations on Ammonia and Hydrocyanic Acid Poisoning SCHWEIZERISCIJE ZEITSCHRIFT FUER HYDROLOGIE, M. 11, 172, 1948t pp, 210-244 *NTIS-TT-74-53006 Pavoni, marianne 1963 The importanoe of nannoplankton in oomparison with net plankton. qUlitative and cluntitative anal"es of the Takes of Z~rlah, Pfiffikon, oxid other lakee (Die BadeutUng doe' Annoplanktom im Verglaich zuz Netzplankton- "--litative und qunntitative Untersuchunsen im Z~riabzee, Pgtfikersao uni anderen Been) & 'q0hv*i;PRt'M oho 14#4.0hrif t- -LlyArq~io giM., 219-341. In German. Tmns 1. by Trans 1. BU. , Pgn. lAng. DIV., Dept. Of See. Of State of Canada, for Dept. of Environ. , FRBG Great Lakes Biel' lzb~ , lUrlington, Ont., 1973, as Timnal. Series No. 2634, 148p., typescript. Ava 11. on "cian - NMI,, Wash. , D.C. 10 Originol Article Checked-ff~, Nawerok, Arnold 1966 observations on plWtopluMon In olear alpim lakes ,(Beobachtungen i"r das Avt,pplankton kimr HooWsh i'Sohweimerische Zoitmohrift f(& ljydrologie~ _28(1)t 4-28. ;Tn Oerman. Unedited transl. by Tranal. Bur., Fgn, L&M. Div., Dept. of Seo. of State of Canada, for Dvpt. of Environ. Canada Centre. for Inland Waters, Box 5050, :krlington, Ont., 1973, as Traml. Jo. 141346, 36p., typosoript. Original Article ChsckedA Mittalholser. Erik 1970 Population dynamtoo and production or cooplankton in the Ortiferssee and the IAke of Yworne (Popillationodynamik und Produktion do$ ZooplAractons in areitensec Und im Vierwaldstattersee) sch1waiserisahe 701toohrift Mr iiydrologie., MII)s go-14q. n 4c man. Irmnol. by Tranal. Bur., ?gn. Long. DIv., Dept. of So*. of State of Canada, for Dept. of Environ., FIW Ureat TAkea Biol. Lab., Hurlinewn, Ont. . 1973, as Traml. ~arios tic. 2662, 85P., tmsoriDt- Avail. on Loan - W&M., D.C. Original Articlo Checked~ Pindonem 1. 1971 Different fom3 of outrophication In eastern alpine lakes (Untarsohlodliohq Yomen der Butrophlemwo von Ostalpsnaeo) 30uRIxerische Zeitachrift Ar Hydrologio, a(l)t 85-95. In German. Tranol. by Tranal. Bur., F9n. Lang. Div., Dept. of Sea. of Stato of Canada, for Lept. of Environ., MC Great Lakes 51o1. Lab.. Burlington, ant., 1973, as Trenal. Series No, 2642, 159., WuacriPt- Avail. on Loan - IMPS, 11aah. , D.C. Original Arficlo CheckeclA 80hou, m"t 1971 Prodaotior, and degradation in the trophogenio layor investigation of ooologiaol. parameters in tho polytrophie Hotse* and in the moootrophio Bay of Rom (Like of Tmeme) (Produktion und Dest"i tion in der trophogamn SahlQht Untersuahungen bkolagischer rarameter im polytror4ien notsee und In der mazotrophan Bomar Bucht (Viermld3tattersee) 7 -53Z. ;Qhwalza-la-ahe- aitaohrift 6r Hydroloste. V(Z)t 425 In German. Tranal. by Tranal. )Iur,, Pga, lang. Div., Dept. of Sao. of State of Canada, for Dept. of Uviron., FRBQ Great Lakes Diol. Lab., PurlirkSton, Ont., 1973, as TrUZ1. Series No. 2635, 11VIp., typezeript. Avail. on Loan - NMYS, Wash. , D.C. 'In Original Article Che6edFK. Gaahter, Rene, and Otto 1. Furrer 1972 Contribution of agrioulture to the autroplUactLon of the wiaters in Switzerland 1. Recults of diraot measwroments in the drainage areas of various streans (Der BeltmS der i,andwirtsehaft zur BUtrophiorung der Gewaasar in der Sahweiz 1. Ergebnisse von direkten Hessungen im 31mugagebiet versohiedenor Vorfluter) Schweizerieche Zeltsohrift fVr hydrologio, n(l)i 41-70. In German. Unedlted tranal. by Tranal. Bur., Fgn. Lang. Div., Dept. of See, of State of Canada, for Dept. of Anviron. Canada Centre for rnland Wbters, Box 5050, Burlington, Ont., 1972, do Tranal. 110. 141286, 35p., typescript. Arficie Chsc6d.IX tests )II S'Diii foci t vi"A 5 5 ~? 971, y6sadal fteyoshi 19?l Vital staining of th* hArld tissuea of carp, Cylirima carpio Lime, with tetracycline HCI, Calooln. uM Alirarin-red T- (Tetraeyeline-HC1, Caloein oyobi AUzarin red 6 ni yor% gyorui kososhiki no saitai-merAhoku ni touite) Seiksi-ku Suisan Kay)~7usho KerJju llokolm (Bull. of Selkai Reg. Fish. Roo. Lab.). 411 107-116. in Japarmso, Tranal. by Tranal. Bur., Pgn. Uma. Div., Dept. of Sec. of State of Canada, for Dept. of RAviron., FRB0 Halifax Lab., Halifax, N.3., 1973,,d8 Trans~. Series No. 2449, 22p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - IDWS, Wash. , D.C. Original Article Chocked*- mtsuo, Noboru 1972 The reaotion bettmen nitrogen compounds and autox1dized fatty acid eater (Jidonanks-shibossn-eauteru to OMBso- kagobutsu to no sopsayo) $aikel Daig4ru Koga~ubu Ko6aku-hokoku, (TeoWllogy Report of Seikei Univ. ), (14) 1 1107-1116. In Japanese. Tranal. by Tranel. Mr., Pip. Lang. Div. Dot. of Bee. of State of Car*da, for Dept. of Environ., ;RBC Halifax rAb., Hallfax, N.S., 1973, as Triinal. Series No. 2899, 12p.. typeseript. Avail, on Loon - N141s, wash., D.C. Criginul Article Chocked$ '970 ',o or artIlIcIal -eprr'd 1cr, oil ef ~I-j llurlberg) 7",T:t' for, 11 1 !5 1, on tan I:-, ~, I 1-3t"1& *!art , . tel I , . , and W. -'arvau 1972 1~vstf~'r miturr 1.1, Trtj"vir. "t pfche, ") 'rerl-7'h. m3l. for qiA ftk; A. T-o7i , 4413., typeuccipt. Avail. ort (Ain - II.C. k/ , :: , -. :; " 1 - : I I , -~- itd AgenCyj 6MA/Poreist Siervice "19/0912 SE-74-66-A 2 oct 1973 fitlet La Culture Intensive des Truffas AUjourd"hul. Possible# AtitharlPieffe RoSst*n Sourceiscience S vie,, Dec. 19 1972t ',,1663t V01.122 Lwip,oagnz Preoch ppll 68-71 histnictionsi -~O paste-up, leave spaCO. Translate all captionsf Petroleum by Fermentation can be Produced Every- where, by Jean Laigret. 8 pp. FRENCH, per, Sicence et la Vie France, Vol 76, 1949, pp 3-8. SLA 'rC-64-16897 sci/B&M Jul 66 303,837 KROCHMANN, J., //SCILNTIA ELECrRICA// --/--/l973,V00l9,N0002, The OPresent State of Development in the Measurement of Some Photometric Quantities, 19 pp, pp 37-56, Building Research Establishment, CIA-X-7916, NOT FOR PUBLICATION## gj.X* Franconi,: C. Party Plenum Decision on Physical Education and Sports, 8 pp. RoxANIAT-T, np, 10 liar 73, pp PIRS 58991 Scinteia, Bucharest, =,i-. '- j.jay 73 Party Daily Calls for Party Discipline, 5 -on . ROi,~NIAI-T, r~p, Scinteia., Bucharest, 4 Apr 73, PP 1, 6. J-PRS 58810~ A-Dr 73 measures ImDrovin,~,, '-,itructurn, of I-Iinistries Discussed, 9 Pp. Rom.vTIAN, nn, Scinte~la, Bucharest, 25 Apr 73, -0 3- jPRs 5q143 jun 73 Law on Committee for People's Oouncils Problems, 5 pp. SCINTEIA., Bucharest, 21 Jan 73) P 3. MTS-M64 Jul 73 Improvement of output quality Urged, 5 pp, SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 6 Jul 73, PP 1, 3. J'FRS 55794 SeP 73 Ceausescu Speaks at Pastrana-Hosted Reception in Bogota, 6 pp. SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 12 Sep 73, P 3. 7PRS 60115 Oct 73 Mantii, Blena Progress in Science and Technology Cited, 5 pp. SCINTEIA, Bucharest, 23 Dec 73, PP 1, 4- JPR9 61101 Mar 74