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.TVGZHSVM$ N. IINABLYUDEMIYA ISKVSSTVENNYKH SPUTNIXOV ZEMLr11 The investigation of Stellar image motions and quality of Stellar images at ftv artificial Earth satellite observation stations in MongoZia, 9 pp. pp 314-321,1972,,1973$AIRIFTD-HT-23-1970-74 COPYRrGHT INFORMATION. U.S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY. OTHER REQUEST MUST BE REFERRED TO ETD90 MAREK I G. //RABLYUDENIYA ISKUSSTVENNYKH SPUTNIKOV ZEMLI// ---- $V--,N0012~ Method of Processing and Standards of Accuracy for the Observations of Artificial Earth Satel- lites by the SBG Camera*8 pp 374-380,AIR/FTD-HT-23-lA-74 1972,1973 COPYRIGHT INFORKATION.U.S. GOVT AGENCIES ONLY. OTHER REQUEST MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD.@@ STANGE, LOTHAR //NABLYUDENIYA ISKUSSTVENNYKH SPUTNIKOV ZEMLI// __/--/l972,V-_.__,N00l2, The accuracy reachable with the satellite came- ra SBG from Carl Zeiss Jena. 6 pp 383L-385,A1K/FTD-HT-23-l972-79P COPYRIGHT INFORMATION. U.S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY. OTHER REQUEST MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD@@ DARICEK9 T. IINABLYUDENIVA ISKUSSTVENNYKH SPUTNIKOV ZEMLI,//.~ --/--/1972, V----, N0012, imobile laser observatory with programmed guidance e nlechanism, 17 pp Pp 386-4000 AIR/FTD-HT-23-1973-74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO US. GOV'T AGENCIES NLY: COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: OTHER REQUEST FOR 10IS DOCUMENT MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD@@ Lebedijwtom V. N. Set of squtpwnt for multiooZor satellite photomtry. 17 pp. NADZyVDSNXyA rsxus$mNNyxg SPUTNINOV ZES1 No 12., 1972,, 1973" pp 410-,423 AITRIFTD-ST-23-1974-74 DISTRTBUTION LIWTED TO U.S. GOVT A0ENCIES ONLY. COPRYPJGHT INFORMATION. OTRER REQUEST FOR THIS DOCVWNT MUST BE REFERRED TO FTD. THE CONWTS OF THM DOCUWNT ARE SUSPEMD TO BE SUBJECT TO COPYRrGHT PROTROTION, Mweviahs A. G. Report on the aetivity of aection No. 6 (Intarkoemos,, R. G. IlKoemicheirkWa Fisika"). is pp. NABLYUDENZYA lSKUSS279N8YXY SPUNIKOV ZEK10 No 12, 2972, 1973-s-- pp 429-430 AIRIFTD-HT-23-2975-74 DISTRIBUTION LIMITED TO U.S. GOV'T A6ENCIES ONLY C0PYRJ0ff INFORMATION, OTHER REQUEST FOR THIS DOCUMT MUST BE REFERRED To ETD. THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMT ARE SUSPECTED TO BE SVWECT TO COPYRIGHT PROTECTION. Gusak, P. Ao Book on Basic Mlitary Training. 16 pp NACHnINAYA VWgM PODQSg2M, YAnsko 1972, pp 1. 3-9. 42-48, 70-?4. 474-4,80. JM 60046 Dmitriyev, G. N. The Beginning Parachutist 73 pp Nachiamshchemu Parashyati3tu, DOSAAF Press, Moscow) 1.97-1, ?p 11-9() FSTC-HIT-23-165-73 Ullrich, W - Fuel or Electric Heating in Rolling Mills and Forges - A Cost Comparison* BBC-NACHRICHTEN, 1970$ Vol.521 May/June, pp. 111-179. BISI 11142 DC AUTOOLSM - I I a of Requests, GERMAV~', per, Mo. 1, 1959. 22/70 2 JuIv 69 Sr Program for Automatic Generation b,j Ulrich, 1XIINKLER. 1,~achrichten -Dokument, Vol. 20, ,Iar 73 Nlolf, Von ilellaut Zur Frage der Korrelationcii bei der Bereclinung von Gor55cn Gcodatischen Driiecksnatzeii - - - NACKRICHTEN AUS DEM MEN- UND VERMESSUNGSWESEN Reihe 1, lieft no 30, 1995, pp 15-20 *NT16-TT-73-530S7 Heitz, S. A Procedure for Automatic Evaluation of Star Transit Observations with a Transmit Instrument INACHRIMTEN AUS DEI.I KARTEN- UND VERMESSLNGIVESEN Issue 1, 1971, no 50, pp 15-29 *DMAAC-23 May 74 S . 111111ger l4atheinaticol methodr, of chaxt. rectification. Nschrichten aus dem Kaxtev- iuid Vermessungswesen5 . 5b 5-21Y 1-97e- # DMAAC :TC-1927 DISTRIBUTION Llmn-D TO OTHER MQUESTS FOR 'FIJIS DMAAC/RDLL St. Louis U.S. GOV'T AGENCIES ONLY. DOCUMENT INIUST BE REFERRED TO AFS, Mo. 63118 A-or 73 G. Pauletzki Experiences tmd experiments i-dth the iiTmroved AEG installation viith liglit'-spot drafting head. Nachrichten aus dem kar-Luen- und Vermessun~svesen, 2- Series I, no. 56, pp. 23-47, 197P. *DMAAC-Ir- - /?d,8' Apr 73 11. Tost Mathernatical methods for datn reductlion of digi'll-ized lines. Nachrichten aus dem karteil- und Verme.,3simgswesen9 Series I, no. 56) F.P. 4971~ .1.972. fl)lmc I G - 11 3A J. Volkert The programied man ),-.Ith information system. Nach-riclaten aus dem Karben-wid Vermiessimoswesen, Series I, no. 57, pp. 63-66, lq7P. tDMAAC -TC - 101y) Apa, 73, Kremer, H. Investigations into the exchange of impulse heat ard matter in the turbulent wake of the gas flow around a rotation-ayuaLetrical baffle body taking into account the heat developed by combustion. (VDI) VEREIN DEUTSCHER INGENIEURE. NACHRICHTEN,. Vol 24, No 7, 1970 NTC 73-11031-OIA On loan ijOh Quednau, W. INACHRIGITENBEL. MUNCH. PFLANZENSCHUfZ. Vol 7, 1955 pp 14S-148 *NTIS-I'Y-74-53024 Haedicke, B. On Treselection of Larches for Relative INme Hardiness by Means of a Morphological Chaxacteristics FACHRICHTENBIATT FM DM DEWISCUMN PFLUTZFMCfMZDNTNIST. bb,WAW~ V. ej., R. 0~, 1"'OV) P. 1,TTC 73-11635-02F HAHN, E * //NACHRICHUNBLATT FUR DEN PFLANZENSCHUTNIENST in DER DDR// --/--/l973,V0027,N0005, The Occurrence of the IMajor Diseases and Pests of Agricultural and Horticultural Plants in 1972 in the Region of the GDR, 8 pp pp 93-102, ARNI/FSTC/HT-23-0393-70~ J. Petrausch The realization os stable active RC circuits having any zero -roots of transmission. NACHRIOT =-CHNIK (ELEKTRONIK), Vol 21, pp 127-130, 1971 NTC 72-15307-09C mar 73 U. KUHN The Frequency Dependence of the Effect of Thunderstorm in Tropospheric Propagation. NACHRICHTENTECHNIK(ELEKTRONIK). Vol 21, pp 325-327, 1971. NTC 72-15306-20N Mar 73 Patrowitech, M. T. Use of relative transmission wthods for transmitting signals (difference modulation). NACHRICHTENTECHNIK, Vol 21, No 8, 1972, pp 278-281 NTC 73-23233-17B M F I iA L FVAiJGi~A I C I i Mw~ I Cl H I P PI N tj A G v NACAi,-, I t,ti f FiJ CHN I K t LU K ficUN I K J'j'j,J Vi )I- 3 1 1 3-0.) 14- ~-'i GARTE, D. //,~iACHilICHTL,l~TE'U'Iil,,'I.K-I'~'LL',KTT,i0i~IK// 1 I~omput;er-Assisted Layout Design for Solid - , Circ , 17 p P State ~vitching Ili t3 ~i A11,!/PSTU/HT-' 5-177'-7-5 - I " , , -1 14 lAwmann, M..0. Linear transformation for redundanej reduction. NACHRICHTENTECHNISCHE FACHBE R Vot 40 IN CM , 1971, pp 23-27 NTC 73-13250-17B Posseler, G. Ilie vind -l--o Ilie decii-etre-ra-irle elevision lAnir at WnJ C~rpenlellc~, p 1) I r Haensler, E. Effect of signal delay in optimal filters according to N. Wiener. RTZ ITACHRICHTENTEMISM, ZEITSCHRIr-T, Vol 20, P. 595-600, 1967. NTC 73-io458-17B may 73 LISKA,H. IINACHRICETENTECESISCHE MITSCHRUT11 -/-/1970, V0023,NOOOO, 2Vpas of energy vortices in wam fields, pp 445-448,UM-Comunicatiow Journal), VASA TT F 15956## Buh ring, W, Detection of moving Targets in fixed Target CZutt~er with the Doppler Fitter System NTZ NACHRICHEWTECHNISME ZEITSCHRIFL V. 24, Z9?to pp. 72-76 ~I NTC73-12444-171 B. Riber Existence and properties of optimally sensitive RLC networks. ,WZ WaIRJOffENTEMNISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, Vol 24, pp 209-212, 1971 NFC 72-15308-09C mar 73 Stenger,, L. Digital coding and transmission of color televeision signals NTZ NACHRICHTENTECHNSMY, ZEITSCHRTFT, v. 24, n. 6, 7971, 1) .32Z-325 Ir NTC 72 l~911-VB ,agency: AM/ftedstom 111VA No. A"/ 2 7 3 x"itle: 'Ate Saquentiai lest for tht, Detectica of Radar fargeta with Multiple Range Elommenta. Author: W. D. ~4irth Source: NV. No 2, 42-76 (1972). Language: Germau Special Instructions: Nease tr4aulatv. rWitad draft only. Bodenschatz,, H. Video Commication Sy8tem8 NTZ NACHRICHTENTECHNISCHE ZRITSCHRIFT, v. 2S, n. .", 1972j pp. Z29-;32 NTC ?3-12649-Z?B LANDSTORPERjH. IMACHRICHTERTCHNISHCHE ZEITSCHRUT11 -1-119 72s V0025.,NOOOS, Energy f1w in electromagentio wave fieldes pp 225-2310(NTZ-Cmmications Journ42Z) *NASA TT F 15965#0 Hi ~ % B. Wideband information transngssion oith Zaser bewn coupling fieUs. NTZ NACHRICYTEN-TECTINISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT Vol 25, No 9, 1972, pp 385-369 NTC ?3-13295-20E Landstorder, F. Circular Vortex In a Field Directional Antenna NAM - - - - CM ZEITSMUUTT, vol. 25~ no. 12; Dec. 1972i pp. 537-541 tWA TT P-3.4,754 osculdr, S. Trammi"ion of ompmioations via multimde #Uws f*sr*. MaRIMMORISCHS 7_XtTSCHR-rPT Vat 2e,, No 1, 1973,0 pp so-32 hTC 73-13980-17B G M10 060: 8320/0808 10, Oct 73 Soviet cominunications satellite systeras described, by Aupistin DAL J 1-1. Eerll n, 1-11-TZ Na chr I elite nte chn.-I s che zeitsch3!ift June 11,173, Pp 267~268. Spec 111-ype B Do not publ-lEh Translator's draft pluss two copics. Flachs , K, Diseases and Pests of Oil Poppy. NACHRICHTUNG UBER SCHADLINGS-BEKAMPFUNG, Vol.=I, 1936, pp.130-137; 138-143; 143:148 and 149-152. *NTIS TT 74-53053 Defense Attorney's Statement in Cocaine Case, 8 mr). SPA111SH, np, La Nacion, San Jose, 17 Feb 73, Dn 21, 22. ip ,,:L3 5 6 6 19 A-p r 7 3 President Discusses Issues With ll~eWSMen, 5 pp. GOVk04Vl&d USE 014LY SHIdSh, np, JE_~Naq~ion, 6an Jose, 9 iiar 1973, p 6. jpias/L L~664 Apr 73 Rive Chinese Oournalists to Visit Costa Mca, by i)anilo Arias i~ladrigal, 5 PP- 5-FANISH, np, La_Naci , 43an Jose, 18 1,ar 1973, p 6. JihS 58718 Apr 73 Costs Rican Representative Defende R. Vesco, by J. Raul Lapinoza, 5 pp. GOVMNMgiT USE ONLY SPANISH, np, I& Nacl , San Jose, 24 Mar 1973, p 28. JM/L 4492 F*Y 73 Carlos Sagastume Perez, PR fresidential Candidate, 6 pp. 6PANISH, np, La Naci2a, Guatew-la City, 28 liar 19?3, pp 1, 16. im 5W2 M&Y 73 Rationing of Electricity in Costa Rica, 5 PP. SmISH, np, I& Nadon, San Jose, 4 Apr 1973, P 33. JPRS 58871 MaY 73 National Unification Party Wil I Not go to 20 'May Convention, 6 i-.n. SPANISH.. np. La lLacion) Sari Jose, 6 Apr 1973, p 6. JPPS 59020 May 73 yEl Mercurio' Charged With CIA Ties, 6 pp. SPANISH, np~ La Nacion, Santiago, 22 Apr 1973, p 4. JPPS 59124 May 7 3 Possibilities of Diversifying International Reserves Examined) 7 pp. SPANISHj npy La Nacion, San Jose,, 6 May 1973, P 4. jpRs 59115 May 73 Finance Minister Reports New Budget, Tax M66, 3 PP. SPANISH, np, JA Nacion, Buenos Aires, 12 May 1973, pp 1, IV. - MRS 59243 June73 Text of Constitutional Reform Law for Three Areas of Economy Given. 8 pp IA NACICN, Santiago, 16 May 1973, pp 1. 8. MRS 59349 President Figueroa Explains Hie Mutual Funds Involvement, 5 PP,, GOVM*WT USE ONLY SPANISH, np,, Le Laoionp Sim Jose, 18 May 1973, pp 2, 4. JPRS/L 4549 June 73 pRD Candidate Expresses Vielis on Current Issuess 16 pp. SPANISH, np, IA Nacion, San Jose, 19, 20, 21. May 1973. JPRS 59299 June 73 President AUende Speaks on State of Nationt 37 pp. SPANISH, np# I& Nacion, Santiago, 22 DIRY 19?3, PP 1% 4# 5* JPRS 59325 June 73 YAdrigal, Danilo Arias Christian Democratic Presidential Candidate Interviewed. 14 pp LA NACICV, San Jose, 23, 24, 25, ItY 1973. JPRS 595T� FiF;uores Ailovjol,s ',,Liosljjojis ol-I liesco case, () n ") . r, 3--PA",13 , np, La ",a,,, Joso, 25 1.1lay Y3, I)T) 2, 611, J-11Z3 5-9331 Jlzn 73 Editor Challenges Vesco, Figueres to TV Debate. 19 pp LA NACION, San Jose, 27, 28 May 1973- JPRS 5941? madrigal, Danilo &rias PNI Candidate Gonzalez Marten Interviewed, 20 pp. LA N&CION, San Jose, 31 May 73j P 4; 1 Jun 73, ~-T=,n 73, P 4. JPRS 59427 ml 73 "Ort 011 Sccoild COnr~rcos r-7 'C'S'on Of' CGT 111))-La Kacio~l 2 73, Aires, 59331 Jull 1?-, Ical-I-popa Stpesoes 2:'S t 0117'. )eclicatioll to u C~;T -5 pT) . I)y T~ectol, J. J. TIO Ty C) 1, rL La 733 ;Jos Alpos J- IS .9 3 jun - ~9331 7-3 Allende Replies to Corps of Retired Generals, Admirals, 6 pp. LA NACIONp Santiago, 6 Jun 73, P 32. rPRS 5719 Jul 73 D. A. M. The Comon Market Comes Out of Its Lethargy, 5 pp. LA NXCION, San Jose, 8 Jun 73, p 47. JPR5 59M Jul 73 Comission for Unity Urges Single Candidate, 5 pp. LA ACION, San Jose., 13 Jun 73j P 4- JPM 5 9a 3 Jul 73 D. A. M. Minister Says Public Security Staff, Equipment Inadequate, 6 pp, LA NACION, San Jose, 9 Jun 73, P 4- MS' 59541 Aug 73 Peronist 3ectors Condemn Acts of Violence, 5 pp GOVERNMENT USE ONLY IA NAXION, Buenos Aires, 23 Jun 73, P 18- JPRS/L 4603 Aug 73 SPANISH -'-r CSD-- 3148/03o4 w 1W 0. August 19T3 Effort to be first in Central America. Guatem&La, La Nacion, 31 JUIY 1973- Siecial type B Do not publish Translator's draftphm plus one copy Ar3entine Commmist Party Holds Congresso 6 pp U N&CION. Buenos Aires, 21, 23, 25 Aug 15r,3, im 60098 Intervention in Meat Fzterprise Decreed. 6 pp LA NQON Buenos Aires, 22 Aug 1973, pp 1, 20, S MRS 60089 Ministry Report on NationaUsation of Deposits, Discount PAtes, 6 pp LA NACION, Buenos Aires, 29 Aug 1973, PP 1, 22. JFRS 6a22 Madrigal, Danilo Arias langerud, FOralta, Sagastume Contend for Presidency of Guatemala. 7 pp IA NACION. San Jose, 1 SePt 1973, PP 8. 29. im 6015f Peron Ddsousses Political Situation on TV. 8 pp LA NACICN, Buenos Aires, 4 SePt 1973, p 6, JJW 60052 1121- SPAWM 4- W: 8148/07W 00to'bor IM The Revautionsmy Party defines Its position for the OwtONLIM People chatemmIx City., La ftcion 20 Sept 1973., P 12 S"c type B 30o not publish Translator' a draft plus one copy Soto Pacheco Predicts Victory For Unification Party. 6 pp IA NACION, San Jose, 8 Oct 1973, p 12A, JTRB 60-1~& "~Poech by General Kjell Iaugerud Garcia. 5 pp LA NACIOT, Guatemale. City, 11 0-3t 1973, P 9. JFR-5 -6054 GOVEMOUT USE ONLY Comprehensive Energy Plan Announced. 5 pp LANACION, Buenos Aires, 13 Dee 19731 PP lo 9- JPRS/L 4791 veron, Balbin Confer Amid Peronist, ITCR Internal Friction, 5 pp. GOVERNMENT USE ONLY LA NACION, Buenos Aires, 13 Dec 73, p 12. JPRIS/L 4.785 Jan 7k GOVERRMT USE ONLY Argentine Three-Year Plan Objectives Outlined. 7 pp LA NACIOIN, Buenos Aires, 22 Doe 1973, P 8. UpRs7L 4803 GOVFRIMT USE 014LY Details of Industrial Development Plant Given* 11 PP LA NACION, Buenos Aires, 22 Doe 1973, P 9- JPRS/L 48C4 GOVERMENT USE 014LY Feron, Juan D. Text of Peron Speech to Feronist Youth on 14 February. 6 Pp LA NACION, Buenos Aires, 15 Feb 1974, pp 1, 4. JMS/L 4837 Dw'ual Paul Frei Elames Allende's Goverment for Generalized Crisis, 6 pp EL NACIM, caracast U SePt 1973, p A6. JPRS 60151 opposition Approves Government of NatiOnalitY Dignity Platform. 6 pp EL NLCIONAL, Santo Domingo, 25 Nov 1973, P 9- JPRS 60873 Vasqu6z, Luis Rojas Representatives. Senators of States Listed. 7 Pp EL NACIONAL, Caracas, 16 Dee 1973, P C-1, jM 971144 laaestov, 0. Soviet bcpart Discusses law of the Sea. 6 pp EL NACIONAL, Caracas, 18 Feb 1974, p A-6, JFRS 61 38 Perez, Carlos Andres President Addresses Closing Session of Fedecamaras Assembly. 7 pp EL NACIONAL, Caracas, 30 June 74, p D-1, ME 6z3~-o Pantin, Guil I ermo Reversion Commission Draws Up Petroleum National- ization bill. 6 pp U NAMNAL. Caracas, 20 Aug 74, p D-1. JPRS 630~67 Lugo, amedo U.S. Takeover of Elultinational Oil Firras Seen. 5 pp EL NAMNAL, Caracas, 30 Aug 74, p D-2. JR, S ;307~ Rodriguez, Jose ~gidio Loan To World Bank 'All be to Nation's Advantage. 3 pp IL NACIONAL, Caracas, ZO Aug 74, p D-4. JPRS 630-9- T-~ REINOSO, VICTOR MANUEL //'EL NACIONAW 01/12/1974.V----.B----, pp 0000 pp D-2 Planning k1nister Outlines Vational Planning Law 6 pp JM 63743 Overall Petrochendeal Reform Proposed. 3 ~ p M ~AUOINAL. Caracas, 13 Sep 74, p D-2. .JPRS UU-9 - Lugo, 01medo URD Leader5 Call For Oil Tax, New Policies. 3 pp EL NACIONAL, Caracas, 13 Sep 74# P D-3- jpRs ;3119 "T 'Ti- I 1,0 a f MOM //EL IJACIONAL// 08/12/1974,V---,N----, pp 0000 pp D-2 Text of Iron Nationalization Decree 5 PP im 63820 ARABIC r. 17t OSO: 8004/2051 W 6 Apr 73 SP SQviet machinations in Baluchistan. Al-Nadwa ~j 5 & 12 March 1973 Ad Hoc Spec type B Do riot publish Camera yeakly copy plus One typed single spaced. Stemberger, V. Determination of additives in petroleum roducts b6 infrared spectrosco FTA. YUG SLAVIA, No. 1/2, p. 3T-.35, 1967 U NrC 73-iU77T--= may 73 Oil lfir'.kel. 11 Old Pp. I., I- y %0 .Par F //NLPTA. POIAND// /--/1.972~VO028~140010~ Chemical Co-mpositlion of Naturall Gas in the Permian Fomations of Western and Eastern Europe, PP 433-436,vTC 74-IOO3.6-2IDC~ Kaliski, M. The Effect of the Pullin-g and Running Veloci- ties the 'Hydraulic Resis~ances of the Drilling Mud. NAFTA (Katowice) Vol. 28, No. 7, pp.301-3~ 1972 A.T.S RJ-5974, J~ Modern Methods of Gas Well Investigation. NAFTA (Katowice) Val. 29, No. 2, pp.65-70, 1973. A.T.S PJ-5867