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on t4le )) v," ot 8upercooduntora-)r;-by X-u. L. Klimontovich, 5 pp. . RUNW, t1rice-m pars Dok Alt Siu* BM, Vol CIV, so 1., 19550 pp 44-W. , Koffin -D. TrI.Ofto 1, -I- " $2.5u 1~ I _7 - fti - physics A,141J ~17Z Doe 56 CM Renormalization of Meson Cbarge in Pseudo- scalar Theory With Pseudosculor Coupliug~ by I. Pmeranchuk, 3 pp, -RUSSLIN,, thrice-mo per,, Dok Ak Vauk SSSR.. CIVP 19559 PP 51-53. AEC Tr 2355~ ?1 -3 Sci - Physics 5 /- ~q (D I - I " (go 6 1 Ivalwtio Soattering of Electron in Nickel and YAlybda=, by A. R. Shulmang 1. L Farbanstein, 4 pp. RUSSUNg tbrLoo-m per# Dok Ak bauk,MR, Vol CIVt No Is 1955s pp 5 1~k 14 Us Dept of aftmi Comerce Nat'l Bwemu of Stmdardn Sol - Nuclear PlWaica Doe 56 OTS 7-7./ Influence of Swface-Active Agents oa the DU:ensiom of ChI.V Mtmants, by G. I. Epifanov. fWSS100 tbrice-mo Verp Dok Ak Vmtk MR; Vol en't No it 1955Y 66~71- 0 , F I'D' -) ~ -~ T-- ~. q - 6- f Henry ftitcber Tr 3719 Sci - Minerals/*talv., meaetry 3,1 yp may 1W.. $2.90 , I All k LiquM Inclusious iu Artif Icial Qtartz., by V. P. Butusov, N. I. Ikoralkova, 7 PP, RMTMI thrice-mo lper, Dak-Ak-%Uk SM, Vol civ, NO 1; 1955, PP 76P 77. SIA R.,2o6 PAY 58 ~ 5 ~ The Crystal Structure of the Compounds CrBo VB012 and NbBD12, by P. I.,KripyaRevich, B.T' Gladyshevskiy. on RUSSDM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol ClYt Ho 1, 1955, PP UKBM GB,'/.T/999 Sci - Chemistry 9 Oct 57 ILijrn t ind Ye..'V i t 8,17 (v n be COM730L iron Vanadium, by 1, F.Ornilov, V. hhLOYavq RTJSSIBp parp BSSRj, Vol CTIV, 2.955, PP UIXOSMA T'r 1000 sci - chon Feb 56 sturfft'--e *11-anzIo= of All-mll Hatala =t -liaLtiag Lil-ti"no by 0. 1',. pp. H=M, per, Doklady kkad Nauk sssR, vol CIV, No. 1~, 1955o gip &A R-U29 Sci - Chemistry ~ 9 ~) '2- L Mar 58 Kinetics Qf Autoh-ldatioia of Cum-me and Feculdaritlao of Action of Menol Additions, by D. K. Tolopko. Vol RUS81AN, 'V*','wicc*zo per, Dok Ah Nauk SSM' clv~ No 1, 1% 1955) pp 101-103. Aswe Toah Sv Sci - Chemiatry 9!v Aug 1-956 . 36, ~ f~ . $5.20 nit D7 A,, I%L;05yhm., pvj Dokl.M4.,-A!MA-Nzu',i All 53 7 T I I u 'j Vol cliV RMIAV, ps)j., 0 5 5 Sc jul Nacropolygonal StTuctura of Clany Plains, by ~. V. Vinogradov. RUSSIM, Ix-,r, Doklady IN SSSR, Vol 104, 19555, ,pp 118-120. *AFCRL Sci-Lar Sci Aug 68 On o-.~ rhytoplankton in the of t',~.te !-~acjgja Oe~cap~, by V. G. Ent-Ormt et 61. RUMMI., -Do:r- , - ~Iqq R, Vol CIV, R6 1, 1955, pp 141-143, VISDIRIO Sci .. GOOJ~Irya mer 62 61-18302 Lymilichviiko, N. Ya. THE QUH~UION ON THE. AsyKirruric WAIIII-ITY 1. Lyashchenko, N, Ya. OF THE' -'A)DJrlON5 TO NONLINEAll SMEMS Oil DIFFLREINTIAL LQUATIONS. !19611 [61p. 6 refs. Order from OTS or SI-A $1. 10 61-18302 Tranfi. o(Ak d ~'ml it Nauk SSSL~Pqklndy, .19SS, V. 104, no. 2, 1). 17 - 179. DESCRI1117ORS: *Non-Ibicar differential equationg ln~vgrdl equallonpi, Numerical litialyidli. .k,vi,i al tht-mcum imi the anyuji-xotic wrilpility of certain oolutiontj of nonlinear differential equations nro pre- sented, '['he innin hypothesis Is that Elie real [mr(a of the characteristic roots of th~ time depeniSent matrix coefficient of the linear term be negative. Other hypmheaus relate to the size of the UpRchltz constant for (WFilcally) higher order terms. (Translator) (Mathematico, TT, Y, 6, no. 10) office of Tochalcal SOVICOI Qn the Stud'y' Of Syrzetric Boolean Fuxictiw, 3 Fr= -~n- R,-Jay~~..ritchinG-Circt% 'x)IqOry Vicupoint) by'G. U. POvarm, 5 PP- TUMM, 1~071.,-nmlr Al, TmL, Vol civ., HO 2, - " S, ~Sll 199,15, ~nP 183-185- sci " Of jul 61 la,c Dit;t-ft'ant'lon 'fc.- Moctvnm in a Wasiable M-cetric m(1 Conatnt I - lhp3tic Fioltl; by A. V. d=,etlch, 5 pp. raYSSMN2 thl-,loc-Lio po2., Dok A, Rwl," FIVP rorztnot Vol n,, IT-- -,, 2.955, ---T- Scicntific - Phynicu Jan 57 C13 luestigatiou of the YAgnatic Structmv of Iron SlUcide Crptals by the Fowder Diagram Mthod, by Yao S. Shur~ V. R, Abellas 4 ppe RUSSIM., thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Ilauk SSSR, Vol CIV,, go 20 19350 vp 201 210.---. - - ~ - . Morris D. Friedman 00 Sci - Pbysice Dee 56 CTS 1-5 Influence of the'RatIo of Arcas of Friction Upon. Hear, by D. N. Garkunov. 9 OMAN,, thrice-mo per.,.Dot Ak 'Raul ESSR, Vol GIV, No 2: 1955; PP 227: 228, Brt4cher Tr 3764 Sci - phyeics AL,g 1956 61.50 y Cyclic Reiay Circuits and.Analytic Relatiowas Therein, by V. 1. IvauOv. 5 pp, RUSSIO, pe'r) DA Ak Nauk ISSM-ij, VOI CIV, Ho 2, 1955, PIP ~~59-241- 1.91r, i-1,10 9092801 (N-5592) )a the Theory of ftplosion Processesp by N. S. kkalov, 10 pp. IUSSWO perk Dok Ak Nauk Bses Vol 104, NO 3Y 3ep 1955, pp 376-379. im 7989 Sci - phyalca 14i~l ~ J~r ~Dr 61 Elm Pmassaxep GaapmaldbiUty., and stroauso P&la=t&= in the IM~My(ED4)2SO4 System,. by 1. Ya. Laskorlbb.. 5 pp. MIWIM., per.. Dok Ak SM Vol CIV., No 2. 19552 0 M4-252. OTS 60-1M3 Sci .%r 6e A~ 7~ 7X Vol 4" M 4 Particimtion of the Oxygen of Water and Atmosrh-cric Oxygen ir, Plait Recipiration., by B. B, Vartapetyan, A. L. Rarcanov, 6 pp. 11USSIM, per, DoIC Ak Nault SSSR, Vol CIVI 1955t -pp 272-275~ SIA Tr 11-1336 Sai Jun 58 Investigation on the Effect of %ypaia on Lovels of Nucleoproteina in Coll of Ocrabral. Gurtgx by bt3thoda of Ultraviolet Microscopy, by S. M. Kroput E. Conikoeva, 8 pp. HUSSUdia per,. Dok Ak Hauk SSSRp Vnj T pp 276-27s~., 111H U-27 Sci - tied Dee 58 T7, Histological Studies Of Anowl Chzlnees in T*roid Gland of the Pike and Neuroaccratory Activity of the Hypotbalamicluclei Under Seasonal Changes Occurring In ths Tkyreotropic Function of the Hnopb~oiot by Ao Ve Zaltsavp 6 ppe RUSSIAN,, thrice-m per,, Dok Ak Wauk BSBR, Vol CIV., No 2j 1955) pp 315-31,8. Sci Mii Lib 'No 56/3069 Sci - Bidloo iL To the fin Foumoonological Thoory of Suporcoadwtivitl by YU. L. Klimoetovieh, 5 pp. IMSM, tbrice-mo per) Dok A Am* Mp Vol ciV. No 39 1955) 384-386, Morrie D. Fried= Bel - Pbysica Doc 56 am by 1". 0 Do,;,, A-Ir SBZT-I,, P-P Sci Kus lAb Sci Chem sap wpandowe ox uie ftuatia vlwoaity co the spaciman DiWnsimj by A. s. Remizov,, 4 pp. RMZWO "a-M pwp Doi Ak asuk s=, vai cv, No 3p 1955P pp 389, $2.00 Soi ~Pbysioa Dec am Usova, 1. N. DETrRMINATION OF THE CENTER OF NARROW AXIALLY-SYNIMETRIC ?r -RAY BCAMS USING SEC- TORED IONIZATION CHAMBERS. 4p. I ref. NITWL: 1003. Order from OTS or ETC $1.40 61-17500 Trans. of Akadcmiya Niijk SSSR. Doklady, 19.55, v. 104, no. 3. p. 391-392. DESCRIPTORS: 'Gainmi rays, Beams, Synchotyrns, *Ionization chambers. 61-17500 I. Usava, 1, N. ii. Nri'AIL-EY13 Ill. Sticliting Klueilijk Toepnkelifte %Vct,:mqchap- peiijkc Literituur Olfi- 0 T-6k.l S-1- On the Exiotence of Penetrating Pairs, by A. V. KhrlWau, 3-1 pp. RUSSIAN., thrice-= perp Dok Ak Fauk 886R, Vol CIVv 1955p PP ' .420 Tr 2488 , 0/ J-7so Bci - 131bysics Jul 1956 In Nenm of TeWsmture.Upon the Graphitization of Coke, Iq N. F. buinp S. V. Shulapov R TAN, thrloe-dm per, look Ak Nawk SSSR, NrAm~ Vol OlVp k Ro 3, 1955, ft-Utcher Tr "" ~ sci - Kw&tae 03.80 Fr 6 -'2 Y Sep 56 OTS Compressibility of Pow.ders of Baridas,, Caevides, and Hitrides of High-PLclting Mellals, by G-V- Smsonov, V. S. Reshpor RUSSM, thrice mo rar, Dok Ak Mal kk SSSDR~ Vol 1041 120 31 1955~ PD 05~468--- Bi7utcb;~:Y: Scientific - Min/M,--talS Feb 56 CTIS/dex On the Interaction of TwIno in Bil Zn and Sb, by V. I. Staftev~ V. M. Kasevich.. 4 pp. RMSIAllf tbriao-uo per,, Dok Ak Nauk, Vol CXV, 1955v P 413- OfA/FDD/X-1982 Scientific - minAbtsu im 56 ms /bEx ~ 01 767 Nie Reaction Betueen Orgp-de Wur Cor.-,pounb and. un L-m Contmet Catalyst) by A. H. Bash1drov, 11. L. Bamb=ov. RUSSIM, thrice-L,.o pery Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol. CIV) NO 3p 1955, PP 415-41-1- Assoc Tech Sv Sai - Chemintry 3V47 &T-354 Vf .20 Aur, 1956 1! 1 fteory of- I/ ion of space4b&TV in Bt4rAy- coqenut VIM Ion Bu=t by V. S. Anmtmovich Emarapgro Dok Akad lauk; VOI GVj Zo 3) 1955; pp 442 Dog Bel luto fiv PHBO CanMftv T 20M ecia'atif ic - Geophygicia Neotect=ic Mova=nts in the Arctic Regions, by. Do Go Panovp 5 Vp4 RUS31M,, tbric-mo per., M,&.ZxvL MUs, Vol CIVO No 3s, V 1955., PP 462-465- Sci Tr Center BT 3W7 J=e 56 cm 0 On the Preaervatioa of AoMtotic StAility in Transition Prom Differential Equations to the Corrs*owlim Uffarems Equations,, by M. A. RaMms 6 ppe RUSSUN,, thrice-w per, Dok Ak W.avk SS'SR.-Vol- C17, 1955, PP 505-508. AEC Tr 26V Sol - MathemdAw Jan 57 CTS on an Intftral of the Equations of Unsteady, Adiabatic as Hotione by J3. P. Drobaynflmv, 6 pp. RUSSIO,, tbrioe-w perj. Pok Ak Sauk S=v Vol GIV9 Vo /+: 1956, pp 15*412, Morris D. FAGa=AA $3.00 'FY , kdraullc Roototance of Mized Gas-Liquid Streams In 3n'iz(Mft1 Pipes, t7 N. 1. swenov. AMBWj tbrIcemno per, Dok Ak Muk 8=,, Vol CIV9 go 4 195% pp. 51345A 516. - -" -, I CO-O'p Tr Scb Tr e57 R1.1ft. ~--z .3 gog 6 sci - Pbolco 1/-'Kj Results of ObservatiouB of Diacrete Sources of Cosmic Radiatioa at 3.2 CM- Wavelengtb, by N. L. Kaidanovki, N. S. Kardashey, 1. 8 Shklovskiy 31 PP. RUSSIAR,; p?r., DokA,k. Nauk SSSR, Vol CIV, No 4 1955) pp 517-519-- NavY Tr 3-289/ML 550 ,~/, q Sei Physics (Fart 1) MhesiOO Of FrOzon Soilo, by S. S. Vialov. RUOSLOpAporp Dok AW rejuko V01 Cly., 110 4p 1955,. PP 5527-5*0 Dot Wi Info Ov DRB: Canada~ -2 2031( sic 61r s On the Relation of the bpetic Characteristics of Magnatically Soft A.Upys to the Lamina Thialmena;' by Be J, Ourdoh) E, Kondorokiyj 5 pp. WNuk thrice-mo per,, Dok A Nsuk B&M~ Vol CIVp so 4, 1955P pp 530-532" Morris D, Friedman *2.50 Doc 56 CTs 1~ Kinenl~tic :7 Qa-v*!lr,,r,- of by 'Ein 'N'. ST;f 'P - - v) 7.15C~A', "Co 1955; Pp Oxygemted Compounds of TltwAum, by N. P. Bogoroditskly. RU-58104 thrice-mo -per, Dok Ak Mauk SSSR, Vell CIV; .ilo 4, 1955., PP 543-545. Brutcher Ta- go 3674 3 L1, 117 $2.45 Scientific - MtnAW-Sls chmistxy HLy 56 aTS /M Investigation of the Structum uf Alloya of TitaniLm With Niobiumand Carbon Under the Ultra- Violet Ricroscope, by V. P. Blyutin, M. L. Bernshtein, Y. Pavlov. RUSSLO, thric-a-mo per,'Pq~j1z Nauk SSSR Vol CIV) No 4, 19552 PP 546-548. I=A, .,,SLIB-G'B Tr 4 PbY sz Sci 4mut-0-14)t / 4 9' ~ D--c 57 investigation of ProT),-,rtiev of the li~~b moiccular Compounda of Fetrul,~umj by S. R. Ser6ien~co) 1). per, Dok Ali Nauls SSSIR, Vol CIV, 1955~- pt) 555-55,3. C C T -1 7 7-1q 167 ? Dui~ 59 Role 01, Ron-protcin lrrl,,~rcrliont.3 III tlt,~ Of 5trUctural by A., L. R 3 Els-., ki Z Y-101, Ak -iiaulc Voll CIVY -,2 J. Therin-ionic U-nissim From silicato and Alum- inosilicato Ion Exchangors, by G, ti. Pandienkov, RUSSIAN, per,, DokILdZ A NuW~ assp" Vol 104, No 4,, 1955, pp 571-574. *NIASA TT F.11,,367 ,sci-Phy's Jan 68 Infrared Spectra of Phthalocyanins and the Effoct of Gaseous Compounds on Them., by A. N. Sidorov, A. N, Terenin) 6 pp. MMIM, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CIV, 1955, pp 575-578. STA Tr B-1338 Sci Jun 58 Coacefoates in Ferments - High CafiDohydxate-, Coacerbates in Alfa Amylase, by A. I. Orparrin, T. N. Yevreinova, et al, ',,~ RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, (Bioldlimiyaj) Vol CIV, No 4, 1955, Pp 581-583. 71~- -TT-63-191 Sci - Biol, Chem Feb 063 -i';7*ch'r-.r" Ncompusition Of by So-zui(; u 1-1 .1 ?..nt, by GpiVak. A. ~tle. 'Uhrice-ma, per, Loh ,V-. Vol CI-11, 1955~ P 579- CTA/FDr) X-27.1.1 Frob Coacorvates and Forments Albumin-Carbohydrate, Coacorvates and Alpha-Anyla"s; by A. 1, OpaTin, T. N. Yevveftova,, W MW et. al.. 6 pp - RUSSIAH,, per, DA A NMA SSSR. (BiochemistTy) I Vol GIVs No 41, 199, 'PP581-fi8i. 9668529 M-TT-63-191 sci-8101 may 63 The Thcovy oA' the Setting of Gypeum Bonding MaWrialu,, by 0. V. Maitzevich, P, E. Alekfiandrov, V~ B. T: 1. RozQnb~-Yg~ G. G, Dopc"tOlmo---af 5 pp, thrice-mo por, Dok Ak 11auk SSSR, Vol CTV, Fo 1955, pp 58M88, Sci Mue Lib Tr 57/3672 Sci - FbYvics Apr 58 Giant Carnivorous Dinosaurs of Mongolia, by 8. A. Naleyev. RUSSIAN. mo per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol CrVo No 4, 1955, pp 634 -637. - - , - -- umm c-=6 Sci - Biology jw a 91 Oct 57 1 ~30:';U'Lioji Of tile );~'ror IIIVL)!V(-.d i!) Liu,, Cal inte.,ratiua oi~ OU, "Lj-, ,~;Iw-~ F',!, hljs~, Recom - tion of Fftwtial &era by the "g rawes trmscattued Wavap by V. A. Nuvbe&op 7 pp. RUSSUR . P*rp Dok A Nauk SWj, Vbl CIV, 1955p pp 695-698. Aw ucn-Tr=-638 sci - Gapphys my 61 /Sloo -3~() 33peetx= and Eaergy 14velB cT 'die Folonium Atom, by E. A. Vernyj., A. N. Zajdel, ust K. G. &:-'obelblit. RUSSUN., thrice-mo per) Dok Ak Nauk SM,, Vol CIV~ 1955" pp 710-712. AM Tr 3~,,2 79r Scientific Nuclear Physies jun r.6 ms/dex The br,~-xay Dependence of Complete Nuclear Cross i' 0 Sect.ons ii) the Range of Neutron Energies Froz 330 to 630 MV, by V. P. fthelepov, V. I. Satarov, B. 1-1. (;Olovjn RUSSIAN, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Nauk SUR, Vol CIVX PP 717-20, 105- U3511 Sci - Nuclear Physica Mar 56 CTS/M AEC, UCRL-Traris-257 FUS All Zu /J-- nn Llb Tr J7 A- .~c.f oxygell Isoton S 0 tucen ilater Z41(i so;4 IWI,,Statas" , V. 14 E. Aystova. "Idtsni. per, Dol. iv~~ Naw~ Vol ci I, 195S. pi; 74144'S.92,-2275 Ad,C-I~;-Tr-28 -ar 66 .w.feet of amm midation Pz'm' Radioactive, Cobalt on CarbobVftbe P.: by M A. M Mokb., 7 WSSIM Per, Itk Ak Smk SMt Va CIV: No 5o 1955: Oct Tr 0outer FC-X305 New Carnivorous Dinosaurs Prom the Upper Chalk in fdongolia, by E. V. Faleyev. RUSSIAN, mo per, Dok Ak Wauk SSSR, Vol CIV, No 5, 1955, PP 779-782. ---- - - ' - - - UKSM Ref C-2107 Sci - Biology '3-"eX' '09S Oct 57 Sraie- Illo-mrks, on"U-ie -Problem of the Nu M-rical In~kC.,greu'o-il of T -, , J.A 1,, --- b i t a ,ifffn, r qvAiov ~! rind wnt Differance Methods, by M. V. Lomonoscm, 5 pp. RMSIAH10 thrice-m p,,,rl Doll: ~Ll,, N~LVI.'A. O",'SR, V01. V~Y CIIV, 1955p pp TV 2 Sci ,Tr,.! 57 CTS 61-18303 Blekhman, 1. 1. THE QUESTION ON THE STABILITY OF PrRIODiC 1. Blekhman, 1. 1. SOLMONS OF QUARLINEAR SYSMM WITH MANY FREEDOM DEGREES. [19611(6~. 4 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $ 1. 10 61-18303 Trans. oV1~Wja,*Aj_NukSSS%(DkI.dy; 1955, Y. 104, nu. 6, p. 909-812. DESCRIM"ORS: $Non-linear differential equations, Equations, Numerical methods and procedures. A theorem on the stability of periodic salutions of a quasilinear system with a zero root of multiplicity k and purely imaginary rootj is presented. (Translator) (Mathematics. Tr, v. 6. no. 10) Dfhc..F Tc61-1 tilt's The Polarization of Electrons in the Decvq of Polarized /,4 oNeflonsp by Lo B. Okm', 5 pp. RUS'.SIAW, thrice-mo per, Dok AIL Ifauk .685R. Vol CIV; 1955P PP ' ~~' ' ABC Tr 2469 Sci - ftsica 3~, J-7d Jul 1956 Correlation of the PlaneB of D-4"sintegratiria of a VO -Pa!x and the Spin.of 00 -Yxson, by L. D. Puzlkov, Ya. A. Smorodinskly WSSIAR, thrice mo per, Dok Ak Nauk 68.11,R, Vol CIV, pp 843-52 1955. AEC,, UCRL-Trans-259 Morris D. Friedman Usm Sci - Nuclear Pkys;cs 14,U 56 01'8/DEX (Part 11) Creap w4 144-Tom lltm4th of Frown SOUS, by S. S. Vialov EUSSIM Apag Dck Ad lauk, Vol mv, wo 6s i955j, pp 850W. Def Sci Into Sv DPB.. MnMajo T203H .as j The Reaction of Orowlic SulAw (b=pound..- I-71th a Reduced Iron Contact Catalyst, by A. N. Bwhkirov, H. L. DUVImov. RUMUN, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak-,Nauk,SSSR,.Vol CrV, rro 6s 19350 pp 854-856. A-sGoc Tech Sv RJ-355 Sci - Chamietry S~7' 'e e) 2r Axic 1,,*.,6 O.W ~of Cbsni =PtIon and Oxidatiou of Sulphur DI"Ide on Solid Catalpts at Room Tageraturep by 0. K. Davtpn et al. HMSIANt thricemso perjL Dok A ftuk " 5 Vol cvP ito 6j, 19551, W-IFT ~75 Q ~P 5 1, Co-op Tr"O Sob Tr 236 U6 Sol - MemUtry Taut=erism of' Acid Buters of A] ~hiophospbeuic Acidep byA, L Kabachnik,, Etal. RUSSLO; thrice-m per, Dok A Nauh, Vol CIV, uo 6.. 1955,9 pp 86i-aQ . , - T.I.L.ft.4628 Sci - Memistry Maj 1956 Diph%vMuO.n= Salts by A. Th T. PG Tolstarmg L. S. Tmms 5 PPo FAMM., per$ Dok Ak Nmak MMt Vol Olvp go 6,, 1955, PP 872-875- ---- - w or SLA 510.1m. Bei - chemiotrj Nb 59 /, c 0 Y/j Jl:~ ~Y;/ i)f 0_q'6c'.jl 7P. J101, Is,56 z4--m-0 ITZ 12".7, tie Reduction Reaction of Chlorophyll and its AnalopeH2 Dy A" A~ H. Uarichina, 5 pp. I ~KIZMIKRrtl D ,,ba' P~t Tknik ~58H$ Viol RMSIL'.1. t lce-mo pnr.,_Rg~ OM '05~ CIA 90159~5- Ottawr., Tr 32 14eeasuremnt of the Dynamic Modulua of Rubber at Vex7 emal I Amplitufts of Deforma- KLI-Idon Vith an Qptied MbddatiordA Interfenntlal Mothod, by ff. N. Borodt- skaya. FMWXAN., per,, Dok Ak RMA SSM, Vol CIYI no 5; Lq%-,-v-P-qz--q25- CSIRO ,;2 e) /, 40 JIM 62 ')f seed C-2-.-miy-mon; by ZIZW; 00lu"107a, DOk Ak FZ%2k SM, Vol C-LVI 1955, qu"g-01- OBBIO S T~L~bleo of RUESSIANp w per, RLAI:2& Almdemii Eau% MSR~ Vol CVy tio 1-6, ------------ -1 Amr Inst- a-P Physics Soviet Physicap Vol 11, No F eb 57 m ~/- 5 fd / C.Tll,e b D IX - d. 6 5,q, Partial Tables of Contents Dok A~ Nauk SH, Vol 1057 No 1-6),-, ,~ I 1,brris D. Friedinan X-2326 Wol 0-1 tJ The Effect of Small Impurities on the Galvano- magnetic Properties of Bismuth, by H. Alekseyevski, N. Brandt, T. Kostinay 8 pp. RUSSM, per, Dok Ak Nauk S-S59p Vol CV, No 1. 1955, pp 46-4o,*- SLA Tr R-979 Sci Ott 57 Elff ic ioncy of an,2 Photolulinescence af lal-Ta. AG a Fmct-ion of the Concentration. of T~allimj, br L. V4 13alvaycv,, M. D.. Grv~nin., Z. L. & A. Chizhilnova, ROSSLU-1 0 thri.ce-mo pery Goh Alz Mauk Vc,-,l CV~ Co,asulta-x,4,r, Bureau Scleritif ic PIVOICn ~-J.50 C-,- T- F7 , . o~ AuO 195G Excited Slates of Nucleonsp by 1. 1. Owevich# 5 pp. RUSSIM, thrice-mo perp DA Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol CV) 1955, -pp 69-72. AEC Tr 2382 Scientific - Pbysics Chem"try Mar % C76/bM ,3 /J q 7g Phase Analysis of Proton-Proton Scattering, by A. zimin, 4 pp, RUSSIO, thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Bauk MR, Vol CV, 1.955, Pp 73-76. AM or 2383 311~ 7,~ Scientific - Mysics mar 56 =/Dn tu"aaarge of E:Icetr.-',.c CoadimtIvity in Abrupt Deforaltions o"C f;Mallic SInGle, Cryotalo,, by V. 11~ RDzIm""okyj Ya. lljoryuwv~ &tiPl 0. D. Gbohuldn,, RRMW., thrice-no per, DDL" Mc rvauk SSI3R, Vol CV, No R f-, 80 q Cow,ul-tants Diu-nu Scientif jL-- Phyoics ~-S e;3.50 956 The Structure of the Earth I a Core in the - North Tiou-Bh%u Rmion Acaording to the Results of Plutoda Saismic Mcploring, by 0. A. Oamburtaev,. P.'S. Veitsmn., Yus Ve Tulina., 7 PPes - FOWrM,, tbrica-mc per, Dak Ak Nauk WEM,, Vol CY, No 1, 1955P pp 83-86. . ... . K=ia D. Friedman (T boo Sol ; rkpice Dee 9 CTS Yagupplakii, L. SYWni~SE DF DERP19S DE UETHER PHENYLTRI FIXOROMETHYLIQUIE (Syntheals of Derivativea of ftnyl Trifluorcxnetbyl Ether). 6p. FR - 1534. Order trom OTS, ETC cr CNRS $0.80 6;-26517 Trans. in Fren d Akademi Nsuk S 1955, Y. 105. no. - =E~!~Ly/ DESCRIPTORS: 'Phenyl radicals, *Methyl radicals, $11luorides, Ethers, Synthesis (Chemistry) 62-26517 1. Title: PhenyltriflucromeEhyl etber 1. Yagupolskif, L. M. 11. F/R-ISU III. Centre National de I& Recherche Scientifique, Parts (France) (Chemistry- -Orpnic, '17, v. 10, no. 9) 011k8 Cd TIAMICA Sfr7ktS IGOtCTO. iffect, in b%a Matmal. Coldloi-litcy of Licti.,O~ by I. B. liabl-nWich. et C.114//" EUSSM, 3 per, Dok Ak Ilraill. SSPR~ GVP NO 1~ 1955) pp TR,Cr,- W-675 Sai - pbYsics 6:L 8olutims Qf TAv,!; ift,31 ftnd -0 1 at 1.4f;rl b-,,r 1. M, 'Rodwyeaskiyp W& 6o riall-mater. HIJBSTAN, por, Pok Ak Nc&, 23,515SR., Vol U,. 1955; pp UiSDOCC-TI572 kug 58 Zzi-o-=- rpm I ISOC-2.ectric voinQ Fot-.WUclc- of Coppa7 &nd Chrwi=p by R. A. Ulmbe' A. I L---v-1n,p 9 pp. PU.22LA.H, th-jae- CV., 110 1.,,- 10,55., pp CIA/FW X-2M mm iqi6 m/aox Ao vivi r, .A 0. F. in ,%210 I.,mm"mia svnthouia Roact'i Mv,~%!az)-mr. G. yL, Bormkxrv, 14. G. Pik Ah vark Vdl CV,- ro 1, 1.955) Pp 12 AM- ~111 0, 1, *,', ~ V. Q: 19S eL k-.V C-2 L,ew Data un the lGot3pic coz,100sition of "" by Ii. P. Vicogr-ftv; So 1. Zuikov, 5 Pilo 711111K~, pij DO% Ah rJauk ssm., Vol CV., rio Is 1955, pr, 126-123. AX.R.B. Fmmpall Ob Lib T~c 757 Oci Vm Llb VO 56k)12 sci - ?4yalcs Y