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Ak NaA&k 555 R, Vol LX)(01 - Ma.3 ,op*; q7~ pp -4tli 107 -2- it -P,0~5 r. 4 e -D6 ~0; tit' I- " 6 "0 LA (-cev 'RaAl-4 wtx4cy IV% lov", leaction. of Dialkyl. ftaphorevs ArAdB With Aldehydea I I r-nd Ketones. Nov Wthod z for Synthesizing Bj3tera of Alpha-Oxp_W1-Phoaphonic-Acidsj by B. S. Abramv, )~" pp. MSIAfip per, Dokj dyAk_a& Nauk SSSR, Vol LXXIII~ Fi0j, eci No 3Y 1950) pp 067. BLA Tr B-823 alco RT-3836 'j'ai - Chemistry Dat 57 CA rA NIV 2 1950 6 T-s' - i - ~ , / Invectigation of Lubricating Action in Deep Drawing Uoing a Hodelp by S.-Ya, Vaili'q~, L. A. Shreiner, P. A. RAinder k.." RUSSIPA, thrice-ma per., Dok Ak. Nauk SSW., Vol LMUt NO 3P 1950, PP - , Bnitcber Tr 3195 Scientific - Miucrals/vetalu v IN4 CTS/DEX Price M40 GINDIN x L. G. Doklady Akademil, Hauk Ssert vol. 73,, 1950p #3, pp. 515-8; 4 figures.. 1700 words. On the Electrochemical Character of Corrosion of Iletals in LiqUd Dielectrics. Brutcher Trans., Order No. 2644, $ 3.30. I/F D.-i"ork-etion of Proteins of tlv-- Kdrstin-kVosin Group ~-.ii Zolutions of Organic Sub*tancea,, by A. FasMkly, thrice.,ruo per* Dok A Neuk SME p Vol LMIX,. iTo 39 19509 pp 535-538. '7q1 14 A= AM Tr 592 i4~ ~&~ A& sep '16951, CTS Hydraulic Comat Prjop&bies in Fichydratel Se by'P. T. BtdiMv.. 0. P. Mhed3bv-Patroaynn. RMSIAN) perj, Dok AkAlauk QM$ Vql L=XI) NO 3p 1�50Y PP 539) 54U--- --") Brutchor Tr No 2699 Scientific - CMmIstry V61.9o / &I, rll~ / DOK AK NAUK 355R, NOV S M Vol LT.MI, No 3, 1950 PP 565-69 Froj Noyflf- ST-252 !rThe Thermal Form of I-lotion of Oubterranean ters", P. F. Shve-bsov SH Date: GrMh Stimulatore ais Mcasure for Control or I>rew Flarmit Drop of Applea and llv=a~ by B, 11, Stivpncr, RUSSIAINO Akad. Nault SM Do~, 73-6oi--,5c4j JWj 21p 1,950. 511 P444~ '* USDA Tr Yo 28 scicet'ific - BIO)LOVS, grovth stimlatm. USSR Economia - Agrimlturej arowth ntimulato-ro. Larme of SubcOanecus Bot-Flies of Rodents off the Gmus OestroWia Br... of USSR 1% Fauna, by 1. Ya. GiAmin., h PD. A RUSSIANj, thrice-mo Per,, Dolt Ak-Naulz SSMI ~ Vol MKIIII No 3., 19502 pp 621'-624-. Sci TT=-s Center W-522 Scientific - Bioloa 10,9611 CTS/DMI 11 A' 4q ~N Ark 4attk S55P, 95V D -7~ 4 2-3 'Dok A k NaA& v 0t I- Xx 111 No. T p 7 Ok. 11!4 CAI-e v SLD -762 57, I Tbe Nature of Infrared Niebt-Sky Radiation, by V. 1. Krasovskiy,, 8 pp. mewsu-no RUSSIAN, thrice-w perp lio Doh Ak Kauk SSM, Vol M-e-rw ~ Uo 4, 1950, pp 79~6 OXI// Air Rou aml Dev Cowwad T - Scientif ic --ftstronoW Coaceraing theApplicatIon of a High-Frequency Tosla Onerator to the Quentitative.Spectral Analysis of SQ-1utionap by C. A. Borovikp T. P. Borovik-Romanova. F`.;3SIANp thrice-mo perp Dok Ak Nsuk, Vol LXXIII, Uo 4, pp 683-(&. AZC Tr 56o 7 ,~,-Ienzific - paysics AuZ 1931 CTS Ca tbe Initial Stugea of Fudou of Conple.-, Vetallic Sys' ems, by U T, Oudtsov ead M G. Loziaskii, UINCUS-SURD IMSIM-1 per, Do A Nauk USIR, Vol L=11, 19~op No 4, pp 669-6~2 Brutcher Ordor Vo 3043 Prico -10 Scientific - Metalluray n the Process of Fmature of Plaotic Metals,, )y Ya. B. Fridmaa,'T. K. Mara. 'j ~ CISSLU4., per,, Dok Ak Vauk SM., Vol LUIIIp no 4, :L95o, pp 697-7oo. -:" Brutaher Tr No 2876 Scientific - mInAl-Tatals Dee 54 =/m $3.70 /~Ij 7~? C>6AN CA IN 24 1950 MIC Application of Sw-mectron Functions In tho Tbecry of Chemical Bonau,, by Vv A. FoRpM 6 P"PO FoU trauslztion. MMIWp Dot AkUau-k BWR. 1950,v Vol 1=10 no 40 PP 735-739. --:.... ~ Scl Nis Lib 11o 52/3246 Scientific - Electrouica 0-7 Dacember 1952 Conoraing the Nature of the Reaction of Chloropbyll With Inorpule Im, by M. Be Asbkiuazlyp T. S. Glilmap D. Ift Dahn. RUWZAN,, tbrice-w perp Dok A Hauk, MR, Vol LXXIIIj, No 4# '1950.. vp 743.-746. AIC Tr 1020 alsomc/u= go Scientific - Cbemistry Mc 51 CTS Increasing the Aftevivo Property of Polar Clueo to Rubber, by S. S. Vayutskii, P. A. Rebiuder, E. S. Doroshaya and S. 1. Shur, 9 pp. RMMlp IM thrice-mo per, Dok A Sauk MR, Vol =1119 Vo 4, USSR; 19"0, Pp 74T-750. Cm/FDD/x-1142 Dec 1953 CTS 7 Elastic Deforatioup by YL/ S zwv, 7 Pu it thrice-mo perj, Dolt Ak Vauk SSSR, Vol Lm, II, UlAr 4t USSR) 1950, PP 755-757- VIA/RD/X-11 43 r1 Doc 1953 CTS 75~ Y, spect~oscoplc Study of Benzoic; Acid Antonqj by A. I, Finkellsht4np P. P. Shorygnp RIMSIAN) thrice-mo perj Dok Ak Hauk SSSRO Vol M11), ro 4'. 1950) pp 759--~6-~'# Scientific CTS)IDZK MY], National Recearch Library 0/ Sorption of Non-Eloctrolyte Molecules by Rnteiring by A. G. Paynskiye R. S. Cherqtk RUSSMip thrice-mg per, Dolt Ak Fault SIISSIR; Vol. 1=111, No 4, 1950, PP AEC Tr 992 Scicntific - rnyoies CTSA-p"", 73 f ? 62-292S6 Morozova-Yodyanitokaya, N. V. CANMAD Y BICMASA DEL FITOPLANCTON EN EL 1. Morozova-Vodyanitakaya, MAR NEGRO (Chielennost' i Biomassa Fitoplanhwa v N. V. Chernom More) (A mount and Biorw as of Black Sea 11. C[D-62-256 Phytoplardlon). 13p. 4 refs. CII): 62-256. H I - Centro de I aforma cl dh Order from CTS, ETC or CED $0.80 62-29256 y Documentacm, Madrid (Spain) Trans. In h of Akade auk SSSR. Doklady ts 4. -824. 19S0, W. 73! DESCRUTORS: *Black Sea, Aquatic animals, OPlants (ftany) (Biological Sciences. 7r, v. 10, no. 9) Df tmh~tw Serwrtl I.iic Latex System and Rubber Yield af XcI;-Sqihyz# by 11. Mshtakov, T. N. Kulakovakala, B. Id. N:UItin. TIMSM p-4r, Do-k- A,-~--Flauk-SSSR. Vol Luma I AUZ 19500 Pp USDA Trans 300 -mic - Agricultures hok-caGyz (rubber) .1ulentif ic - BioloVp kokaaCyz (rubber) Mhe ku'lmmco 02 INVUMIM-y r'di'at 11 al rhe or "Icia (YZ "Clio IIt 0 'R by A. A. Bn=o. G. r, I 0 r I c,-,, a learica-.w v0! 'TJ JIM 5i C"M 7he Antelope Gadfly,, (From the Mongolian Peoples Republic), by K. Ya. Grunin.. 3 Pp. , MUp thrice-mo per., Dok Ak Hauk SSISR, Vol I;Tjq m,ri-Ei,, so 4, 861-863. Sci Trans Center RT-523 Scicwloifl~-. - Biology /0, ~~6a D a o,-, P, O:r X056 and V52, logy P. 1. !air. Pull -awmalation. HTS31101, 0 Der., Ddh Akad Kauk 33-SR VO). 73., 1-950., P-L) Tv 3M9 (FDD 2a6O) r-riwipla ot Radiation, by A. G'. Sveshnikov, PP. RussL%11,, tbrice-m per.,, Dok Ak HU6A�R) p Dtsc~w- 1101 LX= 'Iffo j T�rOp yp 917-920. CIAPPO U-&39 USSR Sci - Mectronics Fayeize, t, -= % Measurement of Fluorescence Duration With A ~Phasel Fluorometer, by IM. D. Galanin, 5 pp. RUSSIAN, T)er, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol LXXIII, NO 51 1950, pp 925-927. 9692789 Amer Meteorol Soc T-R-413 AJ A/ .1-9 of High-TiemWrature lbilficat-lons of ::ollyriory:aic ZZ-atala., by -r,. 14. SavitskM mo per., Dok A 17ault SOMp Vol m3n., uo pp V'5-roll"A. Bmtcher Trans Do 2773 ,-'cicntif ic - Metallurgy, alloya., polymorphic wtals 61-26M7 Yakubovich, A. Ya. and Ginsburg, V. A. SYNTHESIS OF ALIPHATIC ORGANIC COMPOUNDS 1. Yakubavich. A. Ya. OF ELEMENTS BY A DIAZO MEMOD. SYNDMIS 11. GtnatKn. V. A. OF COMPOUNDS OF GROUP III ELEMENTS: W. RTS_ 1950 ORGANOTHALLIUM AND BORON C.-MPOUNDS. W. Departrnent of Scientific Sep 61 [5]p. 8 ref a. RTS 1950. and Wustrial Rest:arch Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-28027 (GL Brit.) Trans. ofAkademjyaNaukSSSRd4jay; 1950, v. 73, m 'S-, -p. 937M8-._ DESCRIPTORS: Wiphatic compounds, *Organic Com- ' T pounds, *Tballium compounds. *Boron compowds, Synthesis, Azo radicals, Methyl radicals, Ethanes, Chlorides, Chemical reactions. (Q .emistry- -Organic, Tr, Y. 6, no. 10) office of 146MIC01 $"C46 The Electrokinctic Potantial of Nclaudne Rcsin Paiticles iii A4,queous 'Solutions, by S. S. VoNrutskii, R. 11. PwiicIi,ct al. RUSSINN per, Doklady N, Nad~ SSSR Vol LXXIII, No 5, 1950 pp 959-961. SLA Tr Gil-20187 W I" Lp -:~ ,Z) Apr 67 323, 179 Flumesence of Magnesium Phtbalocyanine and .CUWOPhYU in Various Statess, by V* Fo Clachkmldyo RiUSSIAN,l thrice mo pbmqperj Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Val IMII, No 5,2950, pp 963 - 9M- AEC Tr 1017 Scientific - ftsics Dee 3,951 CTS The Imfluence of Pressure an the ftate of R6auctoion of Carbon Diotlide by Carbon, by H. A. Y.Ax.*bdjna, , I I 61, p p - x IIWSIEAW~ Dok Ak Ba&, fZSR I Vol 73, BO 5~ 1950, Yp 971-973. Sci Mmcum Lib rvo'51/3311 Sci - Chemistry Lojadon -1 Vlf,,~~ Problein of the Mr--&.aairx, of I~IA1100-s2ctr.'-C Fhenomena, by G. L. Natauson; 9 pp. RUSSM, per, Rokj~~.Nauk- SSS-R~ Vol. UXY,111~ No 5; 1950, pp 975-97C.- 9611 95 FTD Sci - Phys thrice-mo per) Dok I Ile, 71 u- S': 5~, (2. TA hh. i~ AM15-0) pp 1141 -04 2-. PCkht L (A (4 k, V. IA i S; T- -1 Z_ k- Dlocriminsnt Curve and uf Ln,--rirdin S'l-'ab- ility~ by B, V. Dige-lrov. 4 pp~ RUSSIM, tbricc~MO T;Url, AL : I ~ 'Vol DMITI, P,06, 1~5 Sci Tr,--L-B Ccntcr1 42 22 5cientitic - PIVACS Feb 56 0' Dolt A!me. ABC Tr 1222. E . - Svic intorrala,bion in t-ho PartIC343 era Quaw~m The: " Thellp byL, Ao Courso oz? ajo )Xlying tlvi Cot=.vinioz Kull chitoki. =810 ,. parp DrA Vtod Faulk S2,M) ')95()t VP sclentuic - IAO L < X, J I I - 14'sV) pp Ito N F D The F,'L-Icht-q(,7 of RataU and Minerals for Ultra- v4lolet xiscroscopy, by B. X. Brumbergh, , a. A. Laytwv, and T. 0, Foromloval 1 8 pp- M.15,5LO, DOs fd~- ikuk &WR; Vol 731 -co 6, 1950, PP act Nuceum No 51/25822 Scierntitic - VEX ,6 DoUa47 wmdemil Tlmu'r~' usart, vol. 73, 1950, 1173-.1176; 4 figmids, 2 tables, 2300 vards, 11noties of Transform-tion of Alloyed Iran. Brutchar Traw, Order No. 2606, $3.90. 77- ho 7 YA "T) ML Reduttica and Dissociation of oxides oZ Cdbalt and Hickelo by 0. 1. Chuftrov, JL 0. Zhuravim, S. P,, Tatyevoker, 8 pp. RMBWj, per,, Dok Ak lauk 68SR,, Vol LXXIII,, 1950,, pp 1?09-1222a P$C HP 1A Bei - cl=mv an/Not Ott 56 71~-/ / I ~ The Electrical Conductivity of Sjd= of =dw of Mercary and Amonium in M31tas, by 1. N. BelyaNwp Ko Be Mtronoyy 12 ppe IRUSSWI~ w. DDk.Akma.rwA SSM, Vol LMII; Ib 6.9 1950P pp i2lt-UFO"7~ Bel Tr Center 2 M%VW5 Um Nov 55 CM/DEK Deformtion of th* Surface Iayar d a Vgtai Durtag Wdatiou; by P. A. Dsuhov, P, V. Murep, 8 py. EUSSIM per, Dok Ak ftk SOM Vol 73p 19501 Pip.M-0 4 lee ftraborough) Ibrata: Royal Air- craft Betabliebmant, Lib Tr YO 363.) Scime Aseum Lib Ho 51/0655 - A N S:S 5 R, M' L V, jNOV 17 1950 e ev DEC 3 1950 XDflueuce of Pkwtial sympatbectony and Vag~otomy During Hibernation in Haterotbarmic Anizals, by S. 1. Pxbuzov, 8 pp. RUSSIAN, t1arice-Xop- .,r,,, Dolt ft Hauk SSSR Val LXXIII., no 6p 1950p- PP,1305-13 Sci Trans Cente.- RT-U6 USSR Scientif Ic 14MIcine Jan 54 C-Ts D. D. IVANENKO Toward the Theory of Nuclear Shells. AKADMIYA NAUK SSSR. DOKLADY. Vol 74, pp 33-36, 1950. NTC 73-10328-20H ~Iar 73 Mechanism of the Electrical BreaIZ-dwn of I~etal Suspensions in Liquiii Dielectrics, by L. G. Gir,3in, et, al. RUSSLAIT, per, Dok Ak Naul, SSSR, Vol LC:IV.. No 1, 1950, pp 49-1-2. BISI 2075 Sci - Phys Sel) 61 61-2D927 v&fser, V. L. ALXYLATION OF SOME AROMATIC HYDROXY 1. Vaiser, V, L, CX*APOUNDS WITH ACETYLENE IN THE PRES- 13. ATS RI-357 ENCS OF A CATALYST RhSED ON BORON TRI- FLUORIDE (Alldlizovarde Nekotorykb Aromaticheskikh Oksisoedinenfi Atsetilenom. a Pomoohcb'yu Katalizatora na Osnove Ptoristavo Bowa). 119611 6p. 7 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 61-M927 Trans. of 'Akade;niya Haut SSSR.~~dy 1950, v. 74, no. Another trans. is available from ATS as Rj- 357. DESCRIPTORS: Hydroxides, *Phenols, *Resorcinol, *Naphthalenes, *Quinones, *Alkyl rafficals, OAcetylenes, Boron comrmunds, Fluorides, Catalysts, Catalysts, Chemical reactions. (Chemistry- -Organic, TT, v. 7. no. 7) Offi- T-6 1.0 S"-s u'--, srntwraia VA ~Jethms, era the That-or"n Da-cm- positio-cl ce Tb-,tiwry Uy&,cp-e.-1;zddeqj by T. 7. Yuyzhar~-.o. D. K. and V. E. Rxhn. 5 IT. Pok, Ak &Ot M, Vol 741 1950j, PP 875-86~ aci muot-,mi Wo 51/040 j;)~,)lytojt ja Tlon-Aqu~QLIG J., ot LA." x" r,,~r. DOI: 17~r-u Vol b A- Stlx~r of tho Pmmhmkim Products of Reduction of ChloroplWll., its Derivati-ves and Analogues by the Roactian of TirAryanvp by L, M Kosobut3kaya., 2 A. A. K~aonovsldy. PUSSIATI., thrice-mo per., Dok Ak !.,auk SSSR V03. MTV 110 1., 1950o PP 103 - ID7. =--l 1022 AEC Tr iffi% SciontUic . Chemisti7 Dec 1951 CTS twat of TraimtAc Bbmk in Animla Vitb Dlphoophatc$ by P. 'am. 11,11nAv ot al. ~'. I 71~='- WHO pe-lo Doh Ak M-uk ~SM Vol L-MY., 1953~ 153- Avace rocch sir %;-62 V-50 01-25) Air, V -:-~ c s c Tren' SP ell- -ar - ;.;- 1; , - -E7, 's d -a n ---m~f 17-a. of OC.L 62-10800 Radzievskil, V. V. PLANETOCENTRIC RADIATION BRAKING EFFECT. 1. Radzievskii, V. V. 1196216p. 6 refs. Order from OTS or SLA $1. 10 62-1%W Trans. of Akademlya Nauk SSSR. Doklgdy, 1950. v. 74 no. 2 1p. 197-2D0). MSCRIPTORS: *Planets, Planetary atmospheres, Radia- tion effects, Satellites. The sbarp division of the planets into two groups ac- cording to tbeir mass is expWW by 0. Yo. Schmidt by the heliocentric radiation braking effect, which produces scarcity or matter In the near nelgfftrhood of the sun. A qualitative explanation can be given for the obaeDce of satellites of Mercury and Venus. Matter trapped by any planet must fall Into It In approximately (Astronomy- -Astrophysics, TT, v. 8, no. 6) (over) Kondorskii, E. STRUCTURE "MONOLOCALE" DrS ~UBSTANCE5 FERRO- NIAQNrTlQtJES ET PROPRIFT~S MAGNE- TIQUE QF-S PRODUITS FORMIIS DL PARTICULFS FINES (Wnodowenraya Strukturi v Ferro-Magneti- kakh i Magnitne Svoistva Melkodispers"ikh Veshchestv' (Single-Domain Structure in Ferromagnetic Materials and Magnetic Properties of Microdispersal Substance,,-, Sp. Srefs. CNRS-X 196. Order from -0TS, ETC or CNRS $0. 90 62-28116 Trans. in French of Akadern~n~auk SSSR i DDkiady, 1950, V.7~4, -no.2, Translations inZEg Lish available from OTS or ETC $1.55 as 61-17289, and from LC or SLA mi$2.40 S3.30 as 60-14159 and from SLA as RT-2022, 10pj ~-c properties, Particles, Ellipsoids, Theory,.Magne- tism, Domains (Crystallography). US 1. Kandorskil, E. It. C.NlkS-X 196 Ill. CeiitreNatiowl de I:i Rechcr- Paris (Physics-Magnetism, TT, v. 11, no. 6) L4~ 7 4 W Z 11. G. Do' Alm&mii 11-nuk '-r-sr '01 ~ 2 6 7-2) 6' - P',, 9j. 2 talbics', 1300 roroc. CILlolleic =2 - ~ - 1* 12'50, ."29 p-.,,. % Hyd-ro~-cn s.n 01,,- 3,~,utchcr Tj~anf; A 26,03, k~"~2.60. .1 OrdeZ, T,10. T-'nlem of the Strwture u-' V:~rocyaaiue Dyes, by N Smhnik B. B. Livahital Full JAN, per, Dok. Ak Rauk SM II) Vol LUIV,, No 2, pp 275-273. CIA/M/X-5070 Cherdstry ~PH rq / ~ -i / L -.2, )~L 4? --.3 a/ " /~_.gvuwt -L I~L- ~V- If 'k~ I 1. 5. DEC i.,-U 1950 I-rLI, -75- 30 . N' e D Temperature lkpendence oi the 6tiriacc Tonsion of it'ater, by L. U. VolyaR, 8 pl). WSSIAN, per, Uoklady AUad No 74, 1950, 1,1, 507-310. ALC-Tr-7203-70 6ci/Eartll Jan 71 ST LAII IT Comparative Study of Solanine, Demissine and Tomatine, by S. M. Prokoshev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 74, 1950, pp 339-342. *NTIS TT 72-51056 Aug 72 Haat Treatmat of Winued Iron Cryatals, by R. 1. Gzvbero 1. A. Gindin$ it. G. Konatautlnovoklj, V. T. Mrcav. U-NOL IMSSM, per, Dok Ak Rauk SSM., Vol LVIV, ip -Tf-lm go 2 1950) q2 2 6 0 'R Sol, Chen ion 59 Dolt Ak Hauk SSSR Vol 74 110 3 405-7 1950 Nev Unit of Measuring the Activity of the HyDophysis In fish. by Alpatov, V. V. and Storganov, N.S. in process at EHL Zq June 1951 -2 ho'u.,-, ultinll-r llftlu(~ Photon by Rojionriv, A. L, RUSSTAN.~ DOk Ak Rmfk SSSR, VO). ENDT",., 19,50'. 46)j.-46.~j. JUECI TITI-8-50 6o 11Y)7 ~)7 of Activators In Pbosphora, by Z. A. 7 pp. ~ISSMT, thricc-= per.. Doh Ak fttak,=R, Vol. ~~4-17P no 31 UBS.R~ 1950) Pp 465-460. 13 238 Ca-I EIDUS L. Eh,, BLJNOVA N. M., VD)ENSKIII V. G., SUVOROV L. D. A study of the width of showers of ccsmic particles at sea level Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 74, No. 3, 477 -480 (1950) TT 370 - English Euratom 041 radlation Of Blectrollag4, tic Vwp,~l ' %I -M ~a he 0-0 a Bnd ot a CIrcular 1-7 vcauiCe, by L. A. Vainah"Q'In; 5 pp. RUS-5109 p2r, Dok .41~- r,' It S Vol Ho 3, a L pp lwcl 2,`?, ccutcr RT-1'484 / scleutific - physicil &.citation of a Helical Line, by S. Kh. Ko3anj 6 pp. RUSSIO.. thrice-mo per, Dok Ak Wauk 8=,, Vol LUIV, 140 3) 1950) pp 489-49P-y Ewl' to -*'ort ITO IR-?,25-55) 25 MaY 1955- CTA D 256294 AF 673-190 ScientAfic Pbyslas Dec 55 C--S/PEX 8yahesis of OrpuO00sphau Aromatic COMPOUNU bY xeaw of Lithium Reagentep by B. M. Mikbailovs IN IP. Kwb.-roV6, 9 -pp. MISSIANp thrice-mo pmv Dak Ak, lop VOI LMWP XAM, go 3;~ 100; VP 501-504. an-rUU79 ME Scioutifte - chwdf3try OTS 66/YAr 1955 .09-1 lAr. 91~4/ DAN SSSR, Vol =V, No 3, pp 5113-15 A. I. Brodskiy, L. V. Sulima, "Delayed Exchange of It,drogen in Solutions of Ammonium Salts". 11 7-z~, 11 j") 15' te -~-? ~- ~S-, L. M. B1. ~~ 'f"- .. ~3; by n~'u-no por, 5's'Sn' trol 1 4 5 7-f Adsorption From Aquicaue Solutioas of Mixtures of surfaace-.,kctive subatancas,. by A. Do Thubmu, 6 ppo RUSSIAN, tbrice-zo perp Dok Ak Fauk GWH, Vol LUlV; No 3 ~ 1950, PP 521-524 Sci kSaa Lib go 54/1378 Scientific - Chemistry Aus 54 013 A. A. Tmrt~-,nlllrov, Nit Ak- -,7 0, pp 525-r,2'~, C"iA ~FDD I I gnZYMUC Syuthasis -of G3700COU Fm GU=Wlic AGWO by S. H. Matelaboyp L. A. Sainap 8 pp. RMIM* tbrica-mo Verg Dak Ak Nauk-SMI, o Vol MlVs, No 3;p 1950j, pp 537-540."O~ 33 scientific - midogy 66/wr 1955 W4~ 0?0~~ y composition of qmternary CI&Y6 of j1hiLtia Iluosian MR, by V. H. ShMt- wa-mi, per, Dqk Ak Muk, SM, vol 74, HO (3), 1950, PP 591-4. 6ei Mamm Mb go 51/i&3 - &e Alec Watford- Bldg. Reeemrch Llb. COMMM. 553- sm"I"Of 41i -6. SOWN, A, me DOMOr krAmar sAm swito wi 748 vo 4,, 190 SOlubilitY cf Nitrogen in Liquid-Chrmium anci Chiumium-Silic= Brat,'%er Tr 263T, $2,20 On the Problem of the Drift of Meteor Trails, by V~ P. Sesevich Full translation. RUSSUM, per, Dok Ak Nauk -SSSR, Vol I.Xxlv, No 4, 1959 pp 677-68o. - Def Sci Info Sv$ MAD Canada, T.97.R. Scientific - Astronomy Jul 53 CTS/1)EX 6/1 ell DOKI;ADr--.'jVUDFMII NAUK SSSR Vol LXXIV, No 4, Oct 1950 pp 681-685 Proj N1o-=)-- ST-154 "Concerning the Invariant Construction of the Quantum Theory of a Field", N. N. Bogolyubov, V.-I. Bonch-Bruyevich, and B. V. Medvedev Date: FEB 21' 1951 ZOTOVS T.'De STU,, I , Y a* S* On tulm itpendmoc of the Coercive Force or Powders of IIL,-12y Coercive Alloys on Particle Mr=bion. R R MSLk,'10 Dek Ak Naik Vol 711.. NO 4s 1950, pi) 607 - 6900 Tel ~b AUZ IN J157--- DOYLADY kKADDFJII NAUK SSSR, NOV M Vol LXIIV, No 4, Oct 1950 PP 701-700' ~Iroj No 7~ ~J ST- "f- "Temperature=? bf the "roin Observations of Am", N. M. Shtaude Upper Atmospheric Layers Brightness of Twilight Date: DE-C 423