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Throughput Capacity of v,'ultipath Channels, by D. D. IdovsIVy, V. A. boyfor, 13 pp. RUSSIAN, per, i~robloi_V llerodacl-d Informatsii, I'loscolf, Vol 8, 110 1, !Tq~, pp 16-25. JPRS 55939 ~AY 72 Autocorrelation Properties of Certain Types of L3inary bequences, by 11. 1. i1eloldmtyy, Yo. A. 00111bovi U ppa RUSSIAN, per, kLRhj2!g Feredacl-d Informatsii. i,oscow, Vol 8, No 1, 1972, pp 92-96. J 1RS 55940 LaY 72 RUSSIU 7.5- Y~ CSO: Oa83/72 W 27 March 1972 SF Les-.-of-Certain'Type6-of 1. Autocorre-lation Properti Binq,ry-Sequences-17Iy M. I. Pelekhatyy and Ye. A. Golubev. 2. -Transmission-CapaCity of Wtipath (lannels, by D. D,,-IaoysUy-- and-V.--A.----D6Yf6x~- 3. The Problem of Compression of Literal Informatioay by O.L. Smirnov and F.I. Yunakov- Moscow, Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, Vol. 8, No. 1, Ik4W&--Pp-W---Wt-PT7~~, "pP99-U03., 1972. EE~Les 92-2� are needed 17 fipril 1972. Please publish and make reproductions. Problems of Transmitting Information by Laser Emission, by I.A. Deryugin, 488 pp. RUSSIAN, per. Problemy Peredachi Informatsii Lazernim IzlucFi~en~-yejii' 1968. ACSI-K-2566 FSTC-liT-23-2015-72 Jul 72 CrysW etivoture of OUvene, by Y. Kuroda, Y, Ma4uhioax RUSSIAN, par, Probj= Wrokdi i gewticheekoy. , nfinerazogim.-Akadlaak'SSSR. 'Siberekoge Ot-del, '198t, 'Gooliz. Vol 2-, 1970, pp 169-180. NASA TT F 14,0243 apr 72 bl., roblc;Ply flanirovaniva I~d id, Jul 6"1 Probloms of Postradial Rocovery, by I, G. Akoyev, 91 pp. RUSSIANO bk, Problemy Postluchevogo Vosstano-Vieniva, 1970, (Only the first 3 chapters), ACSI K-0424-A Jan 73 FROBLE~ff PROCHNOSTr (Strength of Materials - monthly) TramIntion berim wit h 1969 Dig Ume, en. Fi minthi Oixior from: Plenum Publi,hing, Corvoration 227 West 17th Street New York, N.Y. 10011 1971: t 190.00/year t 30.00 single Issucq $ 15.00 sinFle article reprints add t 5.00 on oversea subscription RUBSIAN Spzl-~ C' S 0: W81/7 3 w 11PP, 11, Ji,171'.' SF Investigating the fatigue strength of models of' vorking blades of turbines in a gas flow, by B. N. Sinaysldy. Kiev, Problemy prochAosti, No 2, 10~69, PP 13-17. Ad Hoe Spec type B Do not publ Original plus n four copies - including reproductions, Doc may be clipped and used for the reprodtiction. RUSSIAN CSO: 02703/72 4 19 may .19TP ~;r' Parameters for the presentation of the results of creep tests on nickel-based alloys over R wide range of creep life and twperaturep by L. B. Getzev. Kiev., Probln Prochnosti No. 3P 1969P PP 36-40. Ad Hoc 4ecial ty" B DD not pubUsh OrIgIM1 plue faur (4) Lxpertmenta.l. Research into Patterns of Carbon Steel Deformation Under Combination of Stresses at Low Temperatures, by G. S. Piarenko, A. A. Lebedev, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Problerrky Prochnosti, No 5, 1969. AR!4/FSTC/1U-23-938-7l CSOI OET04/72 W 19 My 1972 -W True dlealp4lon of energy in nlckel-baW~ heat resistant GUoye, by 0. To. VlzerWcoVu. nevi, Zabl!g ftodmootlt No. 5v 1969,. PP 19-21. Ad Me SpaA-al t"e, 13 Do not pblish oruiftl JAUB four (4) RUSSIAN C6,,%p, SPQ4-4.., CSO: 0082/73 W Top. 14 J0. 7'~' SF On the question of the cyclic creep and relaxation of heat-resisting alloys, by L. D. Getsov. Kiev, ProblenKy prochnosti, No 5, 1969, PI) 311-38- Ad Hoe Spec type B Do not publ. Original plus four copies - including reproductions. Doe may be clipped and used for the reproduction. Experimental Investigation of 'the Deformation of Carbon Steel Under Stress State at Low Temperaturesj 10 pp. RUSSIM, per, Problemy Prochnosti, ARM/FSTC/HT-23-3'77-72 Principles of' Conditions of Complex by G. S. Fisarenko, No 5, 1969, pp 42-47. Sept 72 Temperature Cependence of the Harness of Titanim, Zirconizen, and Ilafniym Careidea, by M. S. Kovalchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Probl. Proch. No 6, 1969, pp 63-66 FTD-IIT SpaciaZ 71-18 Russia CSO: 0235/73 W 1 Aug 'T2 SF Determining the characteristics of the longitudinal strength of heat-resistant materials with long service life, by I. I, Trunin. /,,- ;/'T Kiev., Problem prochnosti No 6y 1969Y PP 3-8. Ad Hoc Spec type B Do not publ four Translator's draft plus Mw cop~ee-including repro- ductions if possible. RUSSIAN a4,~~ - Sagltk-O~ CSO: 008)1/73 W V F I)i Jill '(" 1; Some general regularities of the resistance of heat-resisting alloys to variable loads, by N. M. SIdyarov, et. al. Kiev, ProbleW prochnosti No 6. 1969, PP 9-13. Ad Hoc Spec type B Do not yabl Original plus four copies - including reproductions. Doe may be clipped and used for the reproduction. RUSSIAN eo,,,A. Sy2a~ CSO: 0085/73 w i?/r 1 14 Jul 72 SF Mdthod of extrapolating the longitudinal strength of heat-resistant materials, by V. I. Kovpak. Ki.ev,Problemy prochnosti T~o 6, 1969, pp 26-29. Ad Hoc Spec type B Do not publish Original plus four copies - including reproductions. Doc may be clipped and used for the reproduction. Laws Governing the Strength and Hardness Variations of Tantalwii at Ifigh Temperatures., by V, A. Borisenko, V. K. Kharohenko. RUSSIAN, perk Problemy Prochnostij Vol 1$ Sept 19693 pp 69-71 nD HT Special 306-70 nov 70 Methods of Investigating Heat Transfer Boundary Conditions in the Study of the Decomposition processes of Heat-Protective Coatings, by G. N. Tratliachenk-o, L. V. Kravdiuk. .Z Prochnosti Vol 1, Oct RUSSIAN, per, Probl~~z 1969, PP 79-82. ETD HT Special 339-70 sci nov 70 'Ind Ruhmlt.i-ml oE 11o;,it RasisL,,ait ALIuys, by L. 13. GolAsov. RUSSIAN, per, Proble-my Prochnost, Vol 1, Nov 1969, pp 34-38. UTD Iff SpeuLil. 349-70 Sci-Mat Dec 70 Deforming of Dislocation Substructure and Strengthening Mechanism During a Cyclic De- formation of PCC Metals', by K. S. Chernyavskiyo RUSSIANj, per, Problemy Prochnosti~ Vol 1, Nov 1969., pp 57-62. FTD HT Special 309-70 nov 70 I)otormination of t1w Cliaracterigtics, of a Long-Time Strength of Heat Resistant Mater- ials with Long Service Periods, by I. I. Trunin. RUSSIAN, Per2 Problemy Prochnostij Vol 1, Dec 1969, pp 3-8 FID HT Special 303-70 nov 70 New Method for Approximating the Long-Time Strength and Creep of float Resistant Mater- ials , by V. I. Kovpck. RUSSIANj per, Problem Prochnosti Vol 1. Dec 19693, pp 19-25o FTD lIT Special 307-70 nov 70 Extrapolation Method for a Long-Time Stxength of Heat Rosistant Materials, by V. I. Kovpak. RUSSIANp per, ProWemv Prochnosti, Vol 1, Dec 1969, pp 26-29. FTD HT Special 305-70 nov 70 11111 1AV.c , (LL . Coot OCALM w ~ N ") .5 p 3 my MR OF I'" Immu - IS 17M.- vp I"t SM.A.&MM No Ad Sm ]b not poadh anwima tww B drigind Dim four study of proMation Velocity of Fatigue Cracks, by V. I. Shabalin., G. V. Abakov, 11 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Prochnosti No 2, 1970~ PP 11-17. ARM/FSTC/BT-23-732-71 SePt 71 ,,-a- iII AVS - .2 3 - 71-1o /, .1 r .- I - ~ :1.11.1-1--, '' .. , a unraft aw ftow *400,wm 64vue "d% v T* to %*'do"- VOWS vat to 40 Imf a ape" Ih-a VAUM spsLe,-,~ cot 0=03 w 72 IF Low-eye" fttlgm of b"t-nsl~ waterials SIA19 am 03ts at mai am elowted tagmtuns,, by A. To. BMW*. Itev't jamm No 2p 19TO* pp 35-39. Ad We are typ R Do wt pubusk Wgiml pbw tbur copleg - IWIWIM VOWO&Wtlow. Dft my be allned. a& to 71 Nomograms for Determining Thermoolastic Stress in a Plate, 1, 11, by 1. V, Kravchuk. RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Prochenosti, Vol 2, Feb 1970, pp 87-95. FTD HT Special 308-70 nov 70 In"atiptiow ot tbo Strow state of p"ORMIRed (And In Sureary)v v Z- 0, UNWAOdyp 10 pp, I AMrMp, pere ProbIgn P"cbnoatt So 42 1970. 1 AMI J-Wl ' ~ ZD 9204M71 High Tenerature Strength of Copper Heinforcea With Tungsten Fibers, by D. M. Karpinosp 9 pp. RUSSIM, per,,Probleng Prochnoati, No 5, 1970. AM4/FSTC/ff.IL-23-t3-72 Aug 72 REQ TR CHECK 29-3-22 TA66 CREEP AND FAILURE OF THE OT-4 TITANT-M-4 ALLOY KX A CONSTANT TEMPERATM SOSNIN 0 V UP: PROBLEMY PROCHNOSTI, vol 2, MAY 1970, pp 28-32 ,