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On the Problem of llwqxiiatic Tisam Transpaanta- tion under li-,~erimmtal canditions,, by R.V. Petrov, b ppe NXSIM,, per, ProbleW Ganetologii i Perelimdya Krovi, Val 11, No 2, 1966. JPM,. 35,817 sci - B/M 303,368 LAm 66 Transp1nntatim of 11criologous Bow Mnimi mid Intmvenous Injectim of Pftle Blood to Super- lethally Undiated Dogs, by A. S. ~bxijmnkoj 8.pp. rMSIAN, per,, Prob1my ComtcINJI i Pert-livaniya Kr~, Vol 11,, No 2f 1966. JPFS 35,pOI7 Sri - B/M "Ifil - 'IrIQ Tmattient of RxIiatim Irmkopmia by Tkm f~~M-aw Trwtup1mitatiai,, ))y A, A. (" W)k,,]Lc)v,, M. A. Voyro, !) pp. MSSIM. per, Prcbl= Gmatolnqii i Perelivaniya Xrovi, Vol 3-1,71b 2, 1966. NO 5 4,817 sci - B/M 303,371 J~m 66 VlAys of Ovorcxit"tj fl;oomdary DifAlMso in aperimmital lbrk' . by It. V. Petrov, Yua Mo Zaretskaya, 9 pp. IWSTAN, per, Prd)IpW Glanatalogil i Pereliymiya KrOVi* Vol 11, , 1966, 3PTIS-35,,817 sci - B/14 303,370 Jun 66 Bcm Marrow PreservaUcn at Im T&q)eratures ror use uncler Clinical Cmiditions, by A. 0. robtei*ov 16 D. S7ni:gl*ina,, 7 pp* RUSSIAN? per, Prob~n 2~!~ i PerpliVaniya Krovi, Vol 11, -Db 2, 1966. UFR-3~6*917 Sci - B/A 303,372 Jkm 66 Pgw"utl= of PWttftWfU$lon OWlfttdonsp bY A. N. FlUtovo 6 pp,, Maxus jv*bw gggtal~ L Vo-FUTFO 3v '9w* pp 3-7- OM TIQW-ft763 P/-,zo 324#374 ftl - Blol & IW May 67 Etiology wid ftthogenesis of Transfusion Reactionso by Re M. Glants, 13 pp. WSSIAN, per,, Probler4v qemtologli 1 Perell- Vol 11, No 3, 1-hr 1966,, jj. 24 vaniyn NM~i 31. RES 356TT USSR Sci-D/M jun 66 304979 A Study of Som Phyelco-Cliemical and Antigenic Propertleo of -y-Olobulin in the Course of Prolonged StoraGe, by 14, Z. Rudat- elmys) 5 pp. RUSSIAN, per.. ProbLeM Gematolagil, i Pereli- MLM KrDyi, Vol ii) NO 3., mar M6i PP, T5- 48. JPRS 35677 USSR Sci-B jun 6t 3010~30 Me State of the Herstologic Service in the USSR and Ymoures for Its Further Davelopwnt, by Gq rig Papko, 8 pp? RUSSIM, per,, ProblMy Gemtolodi i Pere- liyani4 Krovi, No 51 May 1966.. pp. 3-7- JPM 36736 USSR Sci-D/m Sept 66 309,W- Prosmt Stattic of the I-Imblan of Blood bubstitutos, by Plvfassor P, sp Vasiltyov and V, V, Stizdaleva, 10 pp, RUSSIAN, por, llroblmT Gematologii i PercUjz~mi Krovi, Vol X1, 11o 7, jul 1966. pp, 3-9, J PR3 37702 ussit soi-B/m's oct 60 3111"2 Mechanism of tho Datoxiiylng Action of Folyvirtylpyrrolidono in Burns and Food lbxico- Infections, by N. 1.1, Gyullbadamovap P.Sv Vasillyov and V. V. Suxdalava. 5 PP. HUSSIP11, per, ProbleU G mtolq&tl i Feroli- vaniLa Krovi. 70=. NO 7. Jul 19b6. PP.=9.23. JI'M 3770Z USSR Sci-B/ms oat 66 311.893 30me Aspeots of VIO Problom of Paronteral Feedingo by Yus 14 Krmor and Ae As Shmidto 7 pp. RUSSM4, per, Probl= Gamatolmlzii i Psroliv;~n Vol XI, No 7, jul 1966o pp. Zb- . JPRS 37702 USSR sci.B/?43 oat 66 311,894 Granulocytonla in Acuto Loulcosip, by L. 11. i:iosiagina, ldlli~ilk'4, par, EL;~bl Lr~~t, Ilo B. 1-966, pp 20-2?. I&M NIA 10-8-63 Zici-U and 1~~ jan 69 371,729 Irraodiata Tamics and Problems In lUio Precarvation of Blood. by Profonsor F. R. Vinof, 6 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Problany Gmnatologii i Perelivaniva EmyiL 170 9, lgbb, pp. 3-6. JPRS 3959? USSR sci-13/fi.S Nov 66 313.839 Uffects of imic );lood Anticougulants on the 1;hugucytic Function of Luukocytcs, by A. I. Shustov. RUSSIAN, per, Probl Gemat, Vol 11, i~o 9, 1966, 41-43. 10-10-69 C, rI6 Jan 70 400,116 Experience in the Treatment of Radiation Leukopenia with the Method of Done Harrou Autografto, by A, A, Gabelov, M. A. KoLro, et al. 7 pp, PJJSSIAN, per, Probl Gemat, Vol 11, 1966, pp 41-44. Dept of NavyINMS 1516 Sci-B&-M June 70 Bone ~,Iarrow Presemition at Low Tcnycraturic~ for Clillicol uses by A. G. Fedotertimp 12 pp. RRSSIA:4, jocr, ProbI Goratt, No 11, 1966, pp. 4,5_50. N.116/1500 Sci/B&!,! ~1,1)r 70 Use of Cadaver Done Marrmi Radiation Injuries, by N. RUSSIAN, per, Prubl Gemat, Dept of NaVYINM 1501 in the Treatment of V. Butomo. 12 pp. Vol llp 1966, pp 54-59. Sci-B80 June 70 The Problem of Viability and Length of Preservation ot Cadaver Bone Marrow, by N. 1. Fedorov. 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Probl Gemat, Vol 11, 1966~ pp 60-63. Dept of Navy/NMS 1506 Se i-B&DI June 70 Use of Auto- m4 Motremsfuslon of Done Narrow in CoMination vlth Mmatea Dme of Chavothertkyoutle Agents in the Treatment of Subjects with Hodgkin's DdLvAww and MeopUstic fleticuUmis., by Go Be Khatelobvili RMVJ) Pero PrObl Gmto V01 12,t Xo 1) 1967P PP 37-40. HEW WIR 12-16-W SCI-BLM Feb 69 369.532 Fouture!; of * iii the Nu4orn, i)Y 1. G. yudin. per, Probl Vol 12, .',"fj 1, 1967, jp,-, .11-4S. '. J~. j 4 1 2 -.'J1 - G 8 4 i.:ar 66 Tho 11cratological Service of the USSR and the buediate T"ks Confronting It, by G. F. Papko., 6 pp. RUSSIAN., per,, Problegy Gematologii i Perelivantya Krovi No. 2,, 1TT, PP- 3-6- USSR Sci-BW Apr 67 324165 Immunological Significance of Plasma- cellular Islan0s, by D. Szasz. RUSSIAN, Per, Problemy Gematologiy i Perelivaniya Krovi, Vol. 12, no 3, 1967 pp. 17-20. CSIRO Tr9922 ETC-68-24966 MAR 1970 404,547 Active bftwi= U*vW ftr PAUsnU vith Deep R%tMIV* SOMp bY Rj- I* AV"W,, 7 ppo HnIma, Vera b4m gmsiBwl I fteo." mmim- - flog 160 Jt= lWo Wt 30~-33- JwFe-WA tw aci_r&4 Sept 67 359"041 Intensity of leukocyte &igration in the Oral Cavity In Patients with Diseases of the Blood System In Trannfualan of Blood and of Its Com- ponents,O by As Be Zolotarev. MM10j, port Probl Gwato Vol 22, No 8p 1967p pp 27-30. IM-NM 2-13-68 Scl-ra Y,ar 66 350,722 I'Adn AaldevemAnts of the Soviet Mood BRnk Setvice and PMPSOU for its r-arthw Develop- mmmtp by A. Is. XUelevio 14 ppo RUSSIANG per* Proamm 2MI-01-OAM i bR9LVmu-a jx0j, 110 10, Oct 1967. pp 2-22. JIM - 43?39 Sai-B and Jan 68 348.494 Eload Prowation. by F. R. Vinog"i&PInkell. 12 pp. RMSIAN9 perip knklM 2gttgogl i Eg&_vgla K XgA No 10. Oct 19670 pp 13-a- JPRS 43759 Sai-B " Jan 68 348g493 Trends in the Forwalation of aoW Preparatiow, by U. YA. Ruenbargo 21 pp. RLUSIANg, per,, &MM 2291A.CAL-1 JMRZLO No 10. Oct 19679 pp 21-0. JARS 43739 SCI*B wid 11 Jan 68 348s40 Developmt and Frogras *f Surgical Ibmtolomr duAng the Soviet Regins, bv D, M, Gro2dovs A, I., Pokrovskly, 9 pp. SdA i bRgLvani 2MgtgL &23dL~ Nolo~o Oct 1967f pp 55-6C. JPRS 43759 Sd-D and M Jan 68 348,497 Treatment of Children Suffering by Passivo Cyclic 1winuvization Autolcukocytes Obtained During S. V. skurkavich. RUSSIM, per, Probl Catuat, Vol p)) 16-24. Ilfiilt, NO 1. 1-19-69 sci/B&M Jan 70 From Acute Louker-da, with Autoplituait wid RMAssion, by 12. No 11, 1967, 4010160 Bf feet of Trmuplantation of Fresh Nomologous Isone Marrow on tho Courve of Hypoplastic and Aplantic Anemias, by F.B. Faynshtcyn at al., a pp. RUSSIAN, per, ProblM Ge-natologii i Parclivaniya Krovi No. 12, Moscow, 1967, pp. 3-8. 1PRIS 44,434 Sci-13io. and Med. Sci. Cob 68m 351,608 Curront bUto of tho Problwa of llasi~a Idubsti- tutea from Cl9latin, by T. V. bmmonakAya, 22 pp, MMIAN, porg i-~roblw Gc=toloFdi i'qrclivanlim , _.W 3.9.66- - - - ---, - -- - - Krovi, June 0, PI) a 3AC163?l sci-B ana ll ~;Op 60 365.7.q5 A Iloi,ratolog ,ic -Md Cytol; 'ClIctic Study of Canine l,tikoji;ia.,;, by ,j, A. Khrustalev, 11 pp. RU661ANI, por, 1'robl(--]Ily G-olilatolol.jip ao, 1~, 196~, pli 40-457. - ALCAF-Tr-44-70 .%(- i /~'. ,~ Active Immunization of Child Acute Leukemics With Live Allogenic Leukemic Cells, by S. V. Skurkovich, RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Gematologii i Perelivaniy2, Krovi, Vol 14t No 4, 1969, pp 14-20. =- 0-13146-06E Feb 72 Kinotio, Analysis of Loubmic Hyperplada ill Acute Loukonis, by I% B. Vladirdarskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Problomy Gemckto1of,,AA ijorelivanija ZLO-vi, Vol 15, No 1, 1970, pp 20-27. NTC-71-11348-0614 Nov 71 Probki~u of (bmtic2rza-isfom-ition, by 1~. 11. lUlA`Ai',A, 1A, Trms- forratim ' 1969. sciAbw-, Pur 69 3-16,529 Problorilf; of' GeOcI101"Istry, by w.Y.. Rhitarov 754 pp. PkWoSTAN, !)k, ProblemY GeOkhirlii, 1965 C r " 2 n, .1 w-'- II TT 68-56-4 Sci/L.'ar ,-Ici Doc 69 397,517 ,/(" i1 I- - Problems of Lunar Geology, by A. V. Peyve, 2-&7- pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Problemy Geologii Luny, 1909. NASA-TT-F-689 - 7,,3 Oct 71 Threc-dimensional Supcrsonic Flow around blunt Bodies, by 1u. 11. Dliakonov, V. B. millostsev, RUSSIM, bk, ProbleTy Gidrodinamik i M ,,eklianiki Sploshnoi Sredy, 1969, Pp. 213-220 CIA X 7180 Jan 70 401,282 On Doformation Thooriou of Plaatiel.ty, by D. D. Ivlev. RUSSIAIT, rpt, Problemy GJ.drodinam:Lki 1. Mekhaniki Sploshnoi Srody, 1969, pp 233-239. IITC-71-12650-20K ~Ilq ~ 7'/0/ ~, " ,#.i Nov 71 Global Hydrology, by G. P. Kalinin, 311 PP. RUSSIAN) bk, ProblmW Globallnoy Gidroloff&, 1968. RTIS TT 70-5005T- Feb 72 PPOBLEMY INZHENERNOY PSIYHOLOGII, No 2, 1965, pp 7-13; 14-17; 17-26; 26-34; 34-45; 45-50; 51-57; 58-66; 68-77; 79-83; 83-94; .95-100; 100-120; 120-126; 1616-134; 134-145; 145-150; 150-160; 160-168; 166-180; 180-194; 194-229; 229-231; 231-240; 240-245; 245-252; 253-261; 261-316. AIRIFTD-MT-24-228-67 hothcds of I)otormininG tho Wgr,00 of ~;train tn the Work of the Human Operator, by 21. 1. lAyer&-o &- 0. Ve Ovelibufflcova, 20 pp. RUSSW ;: Fro~~j Inzlienernov Psikhol-irpdi 1967, ~; ~8- JM 45562 Sci/, juno 68 359,487 Mangos in the Rato of Information Processing IV I-light Forsonnol Wring Ldendod Flightso L'fj Es V4 tondarev a Ga 1, Gurvichs 6 pp, RUSSLU, perp Froble Inghanerno P-sit-khocLI 1967s PP 82-M- jm3 45562 Scib6a.i junG 68 359,1M Problem in Engineering Psychology, IV. 1 4 . RUSSIAN, per, Probloa Inzhenern2Z Ps. -ho.U,xlp Eoningradskoi-e-M. Obshch- Psikhologov-prf Wad Te-d. Nauk, RSFSR. No 4,, 1966,, pp 1-302. *FTD-HT-24-320-97 Sci/Mechan Engr Nov 67 Prcb.Lno uf Cavitatim, by P, D, Pondk, Vol 1 of 2. 401 ~diVIM)/Id-23-302-68 Vol 1 OX 2 70 399,767 !,rcblorn of Cavitadcn, by A. D. Pen-Lik, Vol 2 o~ 2. 401 jj;~. 1"~Ivitat;:~jd, 196G, I)p 217-401 U. ,djVPA)1A,'i"23-W2-68 \,o1 2 oi 2 70 399 76 8 Tho Chemistry of tho Navy Atoria, by V. Pe Shanta.mvich. 5 iv- RUSSM, por. Pmbl IGAnlohesku Fir-AkI. 1967. PP- 8-13, JPRS 41117 WSR Sai-cham jun 67 328,603 Froo RaUenla and Choudeal bidnancenco, by V, Ya. Sblyapintolch. 5 pp. RUSSM, por, PmUmv, 1967, pp, 14-39- y Rdndehoolopy Fiz JPRS, 411-17 USSR SCJ..Ghf" Jun 67 0,604 Chwdoal Ranotions in Sliock Wavon, by P. Yat Y&-qx)ll ddy, 5 pp, RUSSIAII, per, 1-1,mblmy Mdrdahasko%lMuMd, j967, pp. 25-30, liplis 41 i 17 USSR sdm-Cllcm Jun 67 3?Zv605 PRO13LEKY KIBEIMETIKI (ProbleT-Li of Cybernetics - Irreg-j1pr1y) Tranilntlon berinn with 1962, ;,. 7 to )q67, No. 18 Ug tlme- ca. 3 monthr order from, National Technical Tn~on.,--t!on Service 5285 Port Royal R,),d ,pringrield, Virgir.1a 22.151. 2.00 sIrg2' Oct 65 Doe 65 &perience of the Lbe of D:ythrocytea iAtGhed vl,+,h nasm-Subatitute Solutlohp bY R. S. Pollshchuk: REMMS, per, nAim GematoloRie i Perelivanlya VaDw mrovi Vol X) 110 Ilt 1965,o PP 39-44. CF3ZI #r-U~O Sol-Chem j~m 67 04976 On the Furictiatials that Ciaracterize the Carplexity of Syoterm of Inomplatoly I*fined Boolem Fuictions, by L. A. Sholornov. PMSIAN, per, Prob Kibenietiki, No 19, Sep 1967, pp 123-139. k-TD HT Special 521-69 Dec 69 398,547 Certain Methods of Automatic Synthesis Of POsitiOnal StratulJOS ill GUMS, bY 11. K. mtyan, 1. D. ZaslavsIdy, 46 1q). RUSSIAN, per, Problemy Ribernetild No 19, 1967, lip 141-175. A181/1-STC/Iff -23-119-69 Sci/Vehav Oct 69 394,053 Complation of Chess Problems on a Computer, by V. Ye. Alckseyev, 7 pl). RUSSIX141, per, Probemy Kibernatiki No 19, 1967, p1) 239-243. ARM/FSTC/lIT-23-124-69 Sci/Elect 'Sept 69 391,419 Criterim for Irage Detail in Recogaitim of Printed Syrrbols, by L. ~L Zhavoraikov. RESSIAN, per, PrcbleW Kibemetikit No 19, Sept 1967, pp Z3:2-60. ETD M Special 521-69 dec 69 398,548 iijLilizin,; i~ic lAncLicn,; of: liccac Alijim,, in C-Ile cla'..; ()I, cilvai.ti; i ~lu of ilmctim,ll "Uld 3 i.Ajr, Txal)hj 19, 1967, 2'1'5-292. ,,~-24-20 1-69 sci/. at I 7f-' I lulurm-lor of a Group or Autamta in tho ProUcm of ilmwr Hogulation, lyy V, L, Stol'anyi*p 15 pp, RUSSIMIt per,, Problomy Kibernet:Uds hloscoup 1.1o 200 19-68t I)P 131-lT3-- - JPRS IW396 bci-cybemetics Jul 69 386t395 Estimates of the llcTected Quality of Signs, by M. M. 13011~ftVd and M. N. VayntVaAr- 11 p1). RUSSIAN, por, Problenky Kibornetiki, No 20, 1968, pp 151-157. AIR/7TID-HT-23-475-70 mar 71 Algebralo Oporations on Systoms of Objeetst by At As Slinlko, 8 pp. HUSSIM41. per, llroblotmr Kibernotild, Aoscow, No 20t 19680 pp 21'?-223. JFRS 43396 Sci-Cybornotics Jul 69 386096 Autorilation l3lodol of tho Iloart, by A, To Kolotov, 19 pp 0 RUSSIOt port ProbUlo Kibornetildo Iloscoift iio 20g 19680 pp 2 1-2559 ipits 483% Sci-CyLvrnetics Jul 69 386,397 On ModolbW, the Evolutionary Process Considoring, ,okova, U. ~;. iaiUginn. Seloctionj lrj T. 1, Ridg 7 pp. MZIAN, por, Froblo~Z Ydbomotude 1,:OSCOIT, Ilo 20 19681 pp 257-262* JPRS kq396 Sci-C ornetics yL Jul 69 3869398 Concoribig ilodols of tho Competition of Specios.. by T. I. Bulgakova, 16 pp. HUSSIANO port ProblozW, KibornotIld, 1"OSMIJ no 20v 1968, pp 263-M. JPRS 48396 scl-Uylx)rnoUcs ,jui 69 3b6,399 Concerning the Stability of the Simplost Rodol of Diogeocenosis, by T, I. LUaakova, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, perg Problepw KibGrnotikip 1-loscout Wo 20p 1968# pp Z71-Z76% JPRS 48396 Sci-C ybernotics Jul 69 386,400 L,11~wjT znsczxdi, Volu.n 22. i)j~, ;dboriotild,, Vol 22p 1969, lid. 'CL/1) aw "-! july 69 3031,508 Val 24o 320 Vp 4V=KA bko rzvbUM Y4240.1."..A ., Im., rim, PX4 scijb vaj 7 0 Systems Theory Research, Vol 25, npproximately 320 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Probleu~j I(ibernetiki, Vyp 25, 1972, Plenum Press Sci-.-IACC Sep 70 The Relaticn Between the Catalytic Properties of Metals and Alloys and Their Electronic Structure, by Yu. N. Artyukh. RUSSIAN2 per, Probl~mX Kinetl-xi--I 4atAliza. No 11, 1966, pp 193-199 NTC 72-11482-07D June 72 Reqt~est translation check 4.4-16 BT69-1-1WT 'Chemisorption of propylene on copper oxides studieo by infrared spectroscopy K P Zhdanova, A A Filippova, and N I Popova Probl. Kinets Natal., AN SSSR, nr 12, 1968, 211-215 S. V. Markovich EPR Spectra and Catalytic Activity of Irradiated Aluminosilicates. WSSIAN, perj ProbleW Idnetika i Kataaiza, No 121.) 1970) PP 251-254. NTC 72-13934-o7D I . Nov 72 life Sqpport i-14*lema in space. 24 pp. RMUM. por, !roblww--Xov4SbSj&cvv Moloj4j,, !-:0MCOW. Vol It 2t 1962; Vol 3o 1964; Vol 4, 1965. ji-las 31736 Soi-Space Tech Nov 70 Problc,s oi:' 6ipacc biolcqy, Vol 4. 677 pp. J,), bK, Prublw-y Krjs)xLdieskqy iLiaiLl Tun IV, :~Ioscw' 1965. "L'6A Tf F-568 923IS21-V U, ~' ~; 1111 Problums oi space I'liolat"Y. by N. H. sisakywi. RUSSIAN, bk Problomy Kosmichoskuy Biol2uiy- Vol V, 1967: 218 pp. MASA 17-F-492 Sci - Space Tech Apr 67 ftoblama of Space Biology, by 14. M. Glaul"n. RUBDIMO Por., Problempor xommiclwv~oy Diolooiy' Val 6, 196T, 5TT PP- IIAS/IAM/TT F-528-69 SCI-Bol Oct 69 3940510 PROMFIfY Kl?!)'Aflrlll,',qKOT i3,TOLO(-,r.T, Vol 7, 1967, pp 159-1o NTC 70-11383-06,; PROBLEMY KOSMICIIESKOI BIOLOGTI, Vol 7, 1967, pp 400-408 INIC Problems of Space Biology. Volume 7: Operational ActMtyp Proble= of Habitability and Blo- technology~ by V. 14. Chernigovaldy. a=W., per, Probj~ Kosmiches~M Biologii, Vol 7, 1967, 52T pp. NASA TT F-529 Sci-BU4 Oct 69 393062 Problems of Space biology. Volum 8: Adaptation to Hypoxis and Resistane e of an Organism,, by Cbernigoveldy. RUSSUR., per, ProblM Kbsmfibhe2jEU Biologii, Vol 8, 1968, pp 5-14b, 151-157, lbb-lbl, 188-211, 230-243p 254-261. NASA TT F-580 Sci-BM Oct 69 393,381 Problems of Space Biology, Vol 9, by Fe P. Saksonov, 603 PP. RUSSIAN, bk, "Problemy KosmicheshU Tom 9 M.qhX-".L...J-Ocherki loamioheskoZ Radiobiolo 11.11 1968--- --- 2j-11 NASA TT F 04-72 Mar 72 N 11 1030:1 , ~ A. 1'.. '.. hII-J I[ iIII, moy'laill NIOBLEMS Of SPACE UIOLOGY. VOWME 10: NERVE mECHANISMS OF VESTIGULAR REACTIONS A .14 rommw~i-v o it NASA Oct 19713 336 v c,to E%GLISH ol oIe Iwo. Ku--:he!A~v 70,11 10 Noiwll~",'! V-kii,omimy Vosillhulyaroiy~h i~e.jkts.y' 1969 317 NAS,, 1692j AASA TT F 605, A,,W NIIS G61' Problojlw 01, 51)"Ico Rlology. volluTio 11 : '111() ToxLcology of pr(glucto dij.' V:L~cjL &,tJv-.Lty und Their Importance in the Formation of Arbifi- cial Atmospheres of Hemetically Sealed Chambers, by V. 'V. Kustov. 156 pp. IUJSSIANj bk., Rooblemy Kosmichaskoy Diollgii. Tora 11: Toks:Ucolog:~va Produktov kdznedeystal- nosti i Ikh Zaachm:jve v Formirovanii Tzkasst- vomoy Atwsfery GermetizirovME;Lkh Pomescheniy, 1969, pp 1-129. NASA TT-F-634 July 71 Problem of S]pce Biology, Vol 13, Prolonged LimitAtIon of Itbility Md-Its Influmce on the IIwsn Orgmlmp -;!64/Q/9 RUSSUNO bk,, ProbIM Kosadcheakogr BloloziAa Thm Xj=- RI-1-tollaw 0raLnjSkjgW Podyisbuostl i Yew V3136niye na Onazism Che2oveks, 1969. MAS/TT P-639-TO Sci/b and m nov TO FrOblew Of SPace HLO109yo Volume 12. Gravity Receptor: Brolution of thq. Structural., Cyto- chwical and F~mcbional Organizaticn, by Y a. A. Vinnik o7, et al. RUMIAN., bk., Probl%w Koamdaheskoy NA241:.L Tom XII. Rotseptor Gravitatsii.- &21yutlya strqUum2ya tsitokhimicheskor i fwAtsionallna organizataii., 1971., 524 pages, J. NASA TT F-720 Mar 72 Problems of Space BIology,, Volume 14, Radio- biological Aspects of the Reactivitv of an Organism During Space Flightq) bk, Problemy Kosmicheskoy logii. RUSSIM T S 2g.Vj-,LadiobioI ogj9heskiye- Aspekty &akjLv- nosti. J&aLisma v Svyazi s Komdaheekimi Poletami) 1971s PP 1-401. NASA TT F-721 - 9,3 Mar 72 YO. P. xotovekiy ProbUm of space biologyj Vol 26, Motional morophotogy durtng eetmml actima. ufivp. Y93fiv RLSSIAN. bk. Problemy KosntiohashoyBioZoqij, Tom 19, july 72 Problem of .9pace Biology. Volume 16, Ayf- 11-~02r RUSSIM., bk.. Problerv Kosmicheslco-y.Biologii. To. XW 1971.) pp 1-4s 11-33b. NASA TT F6719 - 7,~ M ar 72 Problems of Space Biology, Vol. 17, by P. V. Yasillyev 356 pp. RUSSIAN, bk, Problemy Kosmicheskoy Biologii. NASA-TT-F-736 April 72 S. I. Akeenov Problems of Spaaa Bw'logy,.Vol 29, Probtamo of ra,eiet=oa of BioZogiaat ayetaw. RUSSXAN, FrobkM koenrigh4skog btotogii Tom M, FrobjEk us~OLOhtvostt Bigyg~Maakikh Sienn, 1972, 291 pp. 4SASA T.T F 761 wv 72 YU., 14. Svireshev Probtlame of 4we Bictogy. VoZ 20. MathowtioaZ Masliv of Nozogioal systems. MUM KOMICHSSMY NOWGI16 "M R* m2warlca- -rZROVANZYE GICUSUKH WD L W -pp. *NASA 2T F 700 Ye. A. Kovalenko Probums, of spac; Biology. Vol Pm Nevur oxygen under extreme f-bight factors. RUSSIAN, Problem KosmichasLog Biozoaii. TOM XXI. Kinkrod ROU pr~ EketemaZlnykh Faktorakh P=Ota. 10722 264 ppo VASA TT F ?82 riov 72 ,ratiulai,o2 in b-io, uj.,--,A:!r Atvc6~)Iaan- at iltitii,-2~s of 90-110 IKT~ ~(Ild it.; tc) ~tllor 14 i 1966,, L76-131). J,17 &-23-761-68 sai nov 69 397,007 Study of Rotational and Oscillatory Distributions of Molecules Excited in Different Slemntary Processes and Significance of These Studies for Astrophysics, by C. N. Polyakova, 12 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Probl Kosmich Fiz, No 4, 1969, pp 103-111. NASA TT F-13,059 Sci-Phys Sep 70