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T.) e c', (i on tl-.,e ~-',rowth f F e ~a 0 Yl RUSSTAI,, T. e I. Peculiarities of the 5truct. u c n Ct, 0-1 of 4-he jo J'j S n: -q d Tr, APParatus Of Oie Pelvic Do~tos, a -,q d 1-0 Ij r em i t i -- s o f s, t, 1 t I i~ r a d ei r (I s by "ja k I r A m et ov RUSS I k i; , per n -ui~ 01 -S Vol 2100, 110, 2-9 lila y 7 2 C, 0 U r C-LI PUSS Iv V C) A al ---- -* s 11 -c :~ c -, , -L , c, U n c o n d. i t. i d 1-11 _-.i - - El+ j-11-C ;--neuronal iievel ni, the S t I uii e co-rt,Q:~j hy ~t U 0 C~ - Vol 2CC, ~"C) 21 Sen.. K,9 ,, 7 2 General Equilibrium-Optimal Problem. and Some Models of an Eeonomy2 by M. Z. Primak, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Sov Phys, Vol 200, No 3, Sept;ember 1971, PP 552-555. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9. March 1972 Apr 72 Information Complexity of Problems Associated With Minimal Realization of Boolean FunctiAs by Ne-luworks, by L. A. Sholomov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak.Nquk-SSSR. Sov Phle, Vol 200, No 3, September 1971, PP 556-559. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9, March 1972 Apr 72 Reduction of Certain Boundary-Value Problems for Elliptic Equationb in a Semicylinder to a Mixed Problem for the Heat Conduction and Schrodinger Equationsj by E. A. Pol3ranskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naak SSSR,--Sov PhZso Vol 200, No 3. September 1971, PP 560-563, An Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9. March 1972 Apr 72 Nonuniqueness of the Solution of the Plane Inverse Potential Problem, by V. H, Strakhovo RUSSIAN, per, Lcjk_Aj Nauk.SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol 200# No 3t September 1971, pp 564-567. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16p No 9p March 1972 Apr 72 Exact I~quations for the Determanation of the OptIcal Constants n And k for Reflection, by S. U. Illina. RUSSIANv perk Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Sov Pbyv. Vol. 200, No 3v September 1971, pp 568-570. Am Inst of Phys Vol 169 No 9p March 41972 Apr 72 Use of" the Scattering Method for Determin- ing the Parameters of a Low-Temperature Plasmap by L. N. Pyatnitskii. RUSSIAN# per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Sov Phys, Vol 200, No 31 September 1971, PP 571-574. Am. Inst of r-hys Vol 16, No 9v March 1972 Apr 7^4 Transition Lines and Singularitioa in the Equations for Nonlinear Geometrical Optical by A. B. Shvartsburg. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Sov Phys. Vol 200, No 3t September 1971, pp 575-578. Am Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 9p March 1972 Apr 72 Possible Use of the Rozhdestvenskil- Hook Method to Study the Plasma in an MHD Generator, by A. M. Shukhtin. RUSSIANS per, Rok_&k Nauk SSSR,__Sov Phys, Vol 200t No 3, Ssptemb~-r-1911, PP 579-580. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9, March 1972 Apr 72 Analytical Form of the Dynamical Functions of the Theory of Linear Viscoelasticityl by N. V. Rapp. RUSSIANp per, Dqk Ak_BAak SSSR, Sov Phys. Vol 200, No 3, September 1971, pp 581-583. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9p March 1c"72 Apr 72 Mechanism of Delayed Propagation of Cracks in Hardened Steals, by 0. N, Romaniv, RUSSIAN,, per, Dok_&L_Nlak SSSR.,_ SoZ_EUs, Vol 200, No 3, September 1971, pp 584-587. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9, March 1972 Apr 72 Determination of Cloud Heighte Frow Radiation Measurements From the Cosmos 320 Satellite, by A. K. Gorodetskiy- RUE&SIAN, per, Dok Ali Neuk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 2010, No 3, 1971) pp 5dd-590- AGI Crystal Structure thetAc Barium Silicate NaBa3ji o770H) with Linear Diortno Group S126'7, by N. V. Belov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ik Nauk-SSSR, Sov Fbya. Vol 200, No 3, September 1971, pp 591-593. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 9, Mareb 1972 Apr 72 Latent Image Distri.bution in Nucleax Emu2s,-*Lons Under the Influence of a Pulsed Electrical. Field, by A. B. Akopova. RUSSIAN,per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chemt Vol 200, No 3, Sept 1971, ~p 617-619- CB Iv.',aY 72 Hydrogen Adsorption and the Surface Tension of Platinum, by A, Ya. Gokhshtein. RUSSIAN, Der, Dok Ak Naul- SSSR, Ph,~s Chem, Vol 200, 'To 3, SeP"'v- 2.971, PP ;20723- CB 14a7y 72 Genesis of Bismith I-olybdate, by M. A. Dalia. RUSSIAN, per, Dot Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem., Vol 200, No 3, Sept 1971-,pp-T27-627- CB MaY 72 Radiocheraicr.,'. Synthesis Of Grafted Polymeric Materials vith Fungicidal Properties, by V. Ya. Kabamov. RUSSTRI, per, Dok Ak Nauk MR., Phys Chem, Vol 200, No 2, Sept 11071, pp 62U-629. CB May 72 lVonadie-batic Mechanism for Proton Transf er During Photocher.dcal Wdrogren - Transf er Req Ct4 OIIG in Aromatic Compounds, by 14. G. Ku,.lm2,r.. RUSSIAN, per, W4 Ak ll"~ SSSSR, Pkvs Chera, Vol 200, No 3, Sept 1971-,PT-630-633, CB May 72 Role of IQn Pairs and F."ee Ions in "be Pilymerization of Mlethacrylonitrile on Triethylphos-Phine, by 1'. Ranogaets. RUSSU.11, per, Dok Ak Nauk SMR, Pl~s Chem, Vol C200, Flo 3, SePt 15VTI, Pp 634-637. CT3 May '2 inveztigation of the Secondary Structure of the Magnesium Salt of DXA, by I Ya. Simratovskii. RUSSIAN, pe.-, Dok 11c Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 200, il"o 13 1, pp 636-6 j, Sept 19-( 40. CB MW 72 Reactivi-ty of Phenyl-Substituted Silicon Dil-:ydridas, by S. L. Sosin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, 'Vol 200, 'To 3, Sep"t. 1971, pp 641-73- CB Maj,72 Kinetics of Formation Of Met-81 V acuum-Conden sate Structures, by G. V. Fedorov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 200, NO 3, Sept 1971 1~ 0~4~-CTVT) 0 c A MaY 72 Structure and Pelative Stability of Gaseous Compounds of -bhe Rate Earth Elements, by 0. P. Charkin, RUSSIA111, per, Do'k, Ak Nauk SSSR, Ph,, s Ghem, Vol. 200, No 3) Sept 1971, pp 77-650. CB MaY 72 Determination of the I~rcb,ogen Atoin Concentratiin by the Kinetic Method Wrinj the Cra&~iilg of Et,harie, by Yu. P. Yampoltskii, RLES101, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, Vol 200, No 3, Sept 1971, pp 651--654. CB May 72 interaction of Nickel Monoxide Vith Certain Oxidem of the Rare Zarth Elamontev by M. V. Kniga. RUSSIANp per$ Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chga Tech., Vol 200, No 3P 197-1, PP 655-656. CB Juno 72 Relationship Between the Changes in the Strength and Diapersion of Crystallization Struoturan During Hardening of Mineral Bindera, by To Yu, Lyubimova. RUSSIANp per, ULAX-UALZUS TAM1160 Vol 200p No 3; 1971t PP 657-660. CB June '12 Relationships Between the Onega and the Segozero Series of 'the Jatulian in Central Karelia, by V. S. Voy-to-vich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk =R, Eux sci., Vol 200, No 3, 1971~ pp 661- 64. AGI Oct 72 New Data on the Age of Cretaceous Sediments of the Moroshephnyy Range, Sout'hwestern Kamchatka, by Yu. S. Voronkov. RUSSIAN, perk Dolt Ak Nauk SSSR., Ear S-cil., Val. 200, 7__T_ !4o 3, 1971, pp 05- - AGI Oct 'j72 Ige of Bauxite-Bearing Sediments of thp Taselyeva- Yenisei Interfluve, by 0. N. Gracheva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak, Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, Wo 3, 1971, pp 7o-77-1. AGI Oct 72 Visean Reef on the West Side of the Subpolpx Uraj.s, by A. 1. Yeliseypv. RUSSIAN, per, Wk Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200,. No 3, 1971, ---P t77~2-75- AG I I Oct 72 Classification of the Granitoids of Western Uzbekistan, by E. P. lso]I~h- RUSSIAN, per, Dak A Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, 1.1o 3, 1971, Pp 777 :7,79. AGI Oct 7' ' Tsivilt Bivulve Assemblage From Tatarian Sed4ments in the Soutbeastern Fart of the Russian Platform and Its Stratigraphic Significance, by G. V. Kulyova. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear ScIl., Vol 200, NO ~) 1971; pp 6bo-68i. AGI Oct '(2 Precearian Weathered Crast of the Sjberiai~ and Russian Platforms, by V. D. Mats. RUSSIAIN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci.,, Vol 200, No 3, lqfl~ pp-M2-775- AGI Oct 72 Clazzifiee,ion of Sutural Zones That are Sur',iciul Expressions of Deep-Seated Crustal Faults, by Nguyen Dinh Cat. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak N&Alk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 3, 1971, PP 686--689- A'Gz I Oct 72 Sequence of Geologe Events in the Precambriwn of the Aldan Shield, by V. A. Rudnik. RTSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Far Sci., Vol 200, 7-- No 3, 1971, pp 90-7-3. AGI 0 C zu 'r72 U.1tramafic Basement Rocks of the 'lest Siberian Plate, by S. G. Sarkisyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Vol 200) No 3, 1971, IYO 694-696. AGI Oct 72 Ohemical Composition, Optical Properties and Stru.clk-,Iure of Pyroxen--s -F-rcm 11-Uddle Paleozoic Volcanic Formations of the Tagill Do,,mwarp and Their Variation During N-,olu'.Ion of Geosynclinal Basaltic Volcanism, by 1. V. Semenov. RUS)STOT, per, Dok A Nauk SSSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, 7- wo 3, 1971, P,- 97r7GO AGI ct 72 0 v Gabbroid Inclusions in HypabyssELI Intrusive Rocks of the Nituy River Basin, Southern Sakhalin, by V. B. Sergeyeva. RUSSIAW, per, Dok Ak Naulk, S55R, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 3, 1971, pp 701-'707- X-I Oct Lower Proterozoic Rocks at the of the Moscow Syneclise, by M. 14. Veselovsk'aya. .RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Bar Sci., Vol 200, No 3, 1971, PP 705-707. AGI Oct 72 E,,:tra in Chiii-nnnfu-ids hy G. ii.,iko. RUSSIANP perp '.n,Ui_ SSSR. Vol 1200, '10 3), Seitember C B E:-q,,eriyae:ital Study of tilc- Biojc~f.;cai 'Deculiaritlas and inleproluctive of Cormnmo-n and ',.-;y Ovehinnikova* 1"Uss i A 1~-) e r S- P- c Vol 200 3p September 10"ll. 2-`15 c D 1, 1 p y Temperature-Concentration Stability of Protein Holsoulse in Solutions, by A. I. G&oan* RUSSIAA, pars Dol A,16, Nglik �~Qm, g1pphy6go Vol 200v No 3s September 1971, pp 716-718. CB July 72 Permeability of Mammalian Muscle Fiber Hembrano for Potassium Ions During Ontoganesis,, by S. Sh. Rapoport. RUSSIAN, per, Eok &LA"k1UL."= I Vol 200, No 3, September 1971, pp 719-7721, OB Jully 72 --f f f ',!;?r, ouF, --.Avnl e:-,~ a-, valent C&I ions oii S7uc-'J'lc '3 "Id of A,cuinc. a A 310- S S, o s, S. A 0;~v t.v- eva R',,ISSI'll, nerd aal~ sh' "'Fuk ")SH _-'focl 7 1",J d i c t i -, n%~~'h I c~ r o c J Acid in, Dioxsn,~, ',-,y V. -3. Evoti R. US S I A -N, pe-r, DOIL A'r" Naulk T p 1) Vol 100 1~ 0 Septeial CB 7'~ o a c j -0 Miilbrycs, R U S 5 l,% per 1121, .Tnl by A 1~ "'a -,,1 0 c h al-', 7 2 of Phenolic UrOW;'I I' 11. 01, ~S, AC4 c and Gibberellic -'he .d o f , Ids In -1-tato "Ill el- r -4 u C. e i c(".4 L u -1 - Me r s ` e. in b y P. Koralsleva. j~)j ?,,Cn, :lo 3, Sen7ewbel' 7,- Liver and lic-Patom-a Synthetase, by A, Psi-shin. ITa S I IS', -er, Jk 1'. "a fIR 0-Y 7n Iffeot of Gibberellin on RNA and Protein Content of Corn Sprout Leaf and Goleoptile Node, by M. 1. Stroganova. Jw RUSSIKH, pork Pok Ak MAWLJM I n $I Vol 200, No 3, Soptember 197 1 pp 740-741 G13 June 72 -, " f) 1, ) ,'t '-, o 11 d o f , '-, '~~ t JL n ri a per, Dok p 72 R c 1 a ti a;-, sh ol' o u r o s e c -1, e t r ~0 i i of' -1 lie S-u-, raopt i c auc, e-,-. - Cr Yu. Seinch,!.,~. IR U S S P N. p er :i a uj,-. R Iv, I- '10 wm'ba r i e r a c t i o o f D e s c e "- d -.-L n ~ I C f c. c u s cil Q-' -TraUj n4- jo,j Cf- If0tor flor+ (3N !1~ ~ I- .-_I . -L I'l 1 .1 rl e C o ad uc t i n1b Pr, III, t .~. ynf -- 1~ e Isr - L C o r i p b y ll~~ . T . B in, g;,-) dn t o vai. 'L, Per3 Do'- Ak 1J.'a-Lik SSSR V o1 2 00 !"o 3, S Th e IE a t j. n, o f S' exe g i n il D tiz, !~ i n i c ll e --!- 1-1 o d a n d A m, oth E. a Twl, r i. Embry, UY P. Loch! Ov. I ~ C I RUISIAA, pey, DoLk Ak Nauk SSSR. I o 1 2 0 0 o n, c, t o b e 7 Il'ay Lose of Stability of a Spherical Shell Under Extorual Pressurep by At ve Pogorelov. RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak &Lk SSSRI Vol 200, No 4. October 1971, pp 805-808. Am Inat of Phys Vol 161 No 10, April 1972 ,Apr 72 Modification of the Chapman-Enskog Method as Applied to the Construction of a Boundary-Layer Type Solution of the Boltzmann Equation, by S, AD, Radev. RUSSIAN, per# Rik Ak NZuk SSSR, Vol 200, No 41 October 1971, pp 801-804, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16# No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Theoretical Description of Weak Aqueous Polymer Solutione, by V. A. Pavlovskii. RUSSTAY, per, Dok Ak Vauk SSSRv Vol .100, Ao 4, October 1971p pp 809-812, Am -ftst of Phys Vol 16y No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Equation for the Transfer of Heat by Filtration Motion, by A. B. Kazanskii, RUSSIANp per, Dok SRI vuk-i%A -SS- Vol 200, No 4, October 1971t PP 813-816, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Inverse Problem of the Logarithmic Potential for a Contact Surface, by V. N. Strakhov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk &SR, Vol 200l No 4s 01tober 1971, pp 817-80. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10. April 1972 Apr 72 Electron-Hole Junctions in Diamond Obtained by Implantation of Boron and Phosphorus Ions, by V. S. Vavilov. RUSSIAN, per, Rak_jP_ Nauk SSSR, Vol 200, No 4. October 1971, pp 821-824. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No !0, April 19i2 Apr 72 Rubbing of Polymers in a Super-High Vacuum at Temperatures Down to 10 K, by G. V. Vinogradov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok lk ffQj&jLSSRj Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 825-827. Am Inst of Phys Vol 416, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Interaction of a Burning Powder Mith an Acoustic Field, by Yu. A. Gostintsev. RUSSIANS per, Rok L)L_11auk SSSR~ Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 828-831. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Formation of Cracks in Steel and White Cast Irom During Isothermal. Annealing in a Hydrogen Atmospheret by Ya. V. Grechnyi. RUSSIAN, per, Poh_kk NI& SSSR, Vol 200p No 4s October 1971, pp 832-834. Am Inst of Phya Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Superplasticity and Heat Resistance in Metal, Systemag by I, I, Kornilove RUSSIANp perj kak_Ak Nguk SSSR, Vol 200, No 4. October 1971, pp 835-838. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Creep of Domain Boundariesp by Ya. M. Pogosyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok-Ak Nauk Sss ~uv Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 839-842. Am Inst of PhYB Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Participation of Vanadium in the Indirect Exchange Interaction In Bismuth-Calcium-Vanadi= Farrite Garnets, by Yu. Z. Noz1k. Sk SSSR, RUSSIAN, perp j2k_Lk NL Vol 200, No 4,, October 1971, pp 80-844. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 10, April 1972 Apr 72 Infrared Absorption Spectra of Synthetic Ntholiten of the Composition Me .tNd6(S'04)69F2p by A. M. Shevyakov. RIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 200, No 4, October 1971t pp 845-846. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16., No 10t April 1972 Apr 72 A Study of SiG Single-Crystal Films Obtained by the Bombardment of Sl Single Crystals by C* lonz~ by B. K. Baranova. RUSSIAH, per, "a ., Vol 200; No 4. October 1971, pp 869-870 CB June 72 Caleulation of the Electroni'c Structixre of Coordination Compounds of Transition Metalo by thb LCAO-MO SCF Mot'hod In the CND0 Apprcximttion, by V. I. Baranovokii. RUSSM, per, PojLjk NaAk SS�Z.,, _:f _kbXj Chem., Vol 200, No 4. October 1971, pp 871-873 CB June 72 Complex Formation for the Lithiumalkyls With Disthyl :ether, by A. N. GenkJr- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Ua4 SSSR. &vs Chem., Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 874-877 CD June ?2 Nonlinear Spontansoue Combustion in the Kinetics of Hydrogen Oxidation, by L. A. Lovachov. RUSSIAN, per, ~ok_Ak-_Nauk ~asn. PLUS QjR.) Vol 200p No 4, October 1971, pp 878-881 CB June 72 Electron-Diffraction Investigation of the Molecular Structure ef 3-GXO- 3-CHLORO-1.3-Thiaphoophetans, by Vo 1. Na-amov. RUS51,4N, per, 29 .Ljk_h]ak SSSR. Fbvx Ghom., Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 882-885 CB june 72 Mechanism and Kiantics of the Z"X- change of lone Between Grains o~C Ion Exchanges, by A. V& Nikolaev. RUSSI2N, por, Dok QqA.j Vol 200) No 4, Oct9ber 1971, pp 886-889 OB Juno 72 Thermodynamice of Polyparaphenylans, by I. B. Rabinoviob. RUSSIINP por, Pok ~~ ~SR, phy! Qj_m., Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 890-892 OB Juno 72 Mechanism and Relativs Gross Sectionm of Gertain Ion-Holeculpir Reactions at Low Collimion Energies) by L. V. Sumin. RUSSIAN, per, Do Ak Ne4 SSSR. Phyl 2kno, Vol 200, No 4, October 1971, pp 893-096 CB June 72 Spectral Investigation of the RfactiOja cf 'Nater Mth Paligorskitep by Yu. I. Taras*vich. RUSSIAN, perp Pok lk--X&,A~ SM, MIS QM.,, Vol 200, No 4, October 1971 p pp 897-900 OB Juno 72 Kinetics and Mechanism of Reduction of No by Hydrogon on platinum, by I. I. Tr*tlyakov. RUSSUN, per, jjLj_k-._Aj" SS$Ll EhIs Qn., Vol 200, No 4.. October 1971, PP 901-904 OB June 72 I Interaction at Large Diatances ir, Reactions of Thermalized Eloctrons Mith %,aceptorm, by R. F. Khairutdinov. RUSKIN, per, kq" agj~j ~5~R, ~%Yl QU., Vol 200, NO 4, October 1971p Pp 905-908 CB June 72 Combined Method Purification of by N. X. Xuzlaia. RUSSIAN,, per,, D.2k .a~a"&q Vol Pp 909-911. CB for Low-Impurity-Levol. Arsenic (III) Chloride, A,`a NaIA-Uav 200p No 4., 1971p June 72 Study of Thermal Stability of Collagen by Thermal and Thermogravizatric Methodsp by G. I. Kutyanin. AUSSIAN, per) Dgk lk SaWL.&M, Vol 200., No 4~ 1971,, pp 912-915. GB June 72 Pliocene Flora at the Village of Kholmech on the Dnieper, by N. I. Dorofeyev. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ewr Sci ., Vol 200, No 4) 1971) pp 917-920. AGI Oct 72 Rapakivi Granite of the West Baikal Region, by A. S. Yeskin. RUSSIAN,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 4) 1971) pr,-Tl--9-2-4. AGI Oct 72 Caledonian GranJ,toids in the Zeravshan-Alay Zone of the Southern Tien Shan in Western Uzbekistan, by V. S. Korsakov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 4, 1971, pj-972~9--926. AGI Oct 72 Soligorsk Glac-iodislocations (Byelorusaia), by 11. 1. Kr~ ger. RuSSLAN, per, Dok A Nail SSSR, Ear Sci -, Vol 200, iio 4, 191, i)p 929-932. AGI 1-1 Oct 72 New Data on the Jurassic-Cretaccous Bound&r-y Beds in the West Caspian Region, by S. B. Frokoper2ho RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bar Sei., Vol 200, vlo 4, 1971, PP 933-936. AGI Oct '(2 Subdivision of the Upper Pliensbachjan of the Northeastern USSR, by Yu. S. Repin. RMSIAN, per, I-A Ak Nauk SSSR,. Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 4; 10 ,71, PP 937-940. AG1 Oct 72 Age and Relationships of the Ters1kaya a-rid 'Tariy Suites on the South Coast of the Kola Peninsula, .L by E~ I. Sergeyeva. RLWYiN, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 4, 1971, pp-97-:793. AGI Oct 72 Scandium-Bearing Muscovite, by A. M. Zasedatelev. RUESSIAN, per, Duk & Nalak SSSR~ Ear Sci., Vol 200, No 4, 1971, pp'-97-7975 - AGI Oct 72 ILydrothermal Synthesis oll' Simple Tin Sulfi-.U12S, by I. Ya. Nekrasov- RUSSIM-1, per, Dok A Ilauk SSSR, Ear Sci., V01 200, i,To 4, 10/71, Pp-797-790 AGI 0 ct -1, 2 Quant"i-t-ative Deter.~uination of Co~' in cordierites by infrared Spectroscopy and Chemical AnuiyLA:s-, by V, S. S-,-Lknev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Ear Sci., Vol 200) No 4, 1,0'(1, PP 950-952. AGI Oct 72 Electron mUcroscope Analysis o-f I.Synthetic xn'A Nativc Chrysotile, bY I. I. Khadz.1"i . RUSSIAN', per, Dok Ak I..auk SSSR, Eax Sci., Vol 200, wo 4, 197,1, pp 953-954. AGI Oct 72 Some Factors in Isochentical Contact Mletamorphism) by V. G. Melamed. RUSKAIT) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Eex Sci., Vol 200, N.) 4, 1971, Pp 955-95 - .AGI Oct 72 Factorial Analysis of the Chemistry of Basification and Granit~zatiou, by A. S. Avrashav. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ah- Wauk SSSR, Bax Sci., Vol 20CI, No 4j 1971, pp-9-59---972. AGI Oct 72 ,S-A-fe 3t --f Tripif laviii e r)~'. Pli. Catl a n6 a i (,-, 1--ci s c 0 -).L c -0 t----, a et, u r u r 4 1 j 4' e -~ ;" - o wa n c v c- I Aerated Cultuias, by U. N. SuKLharevc.- emnho-va, I TS 11 ~er. Dok Ak !;.~~uk SSSR. Sci, T. ,L i I , I non -L ,~ j ~-j v October 1 k'iF-,y 7~1 1) e "I r ow t h f c-,,! I UL per, ~-k ~'-aul'r SQISRa.. c , Oc T - 1~ 'Ile t-, Y P! ~?Aze. P U S,~ T,~ P er U. 01 Q,~ C. b c r 1 C7 1 D I., "'il" S'r Oc t o be r 19, '71 7 7 - 97 e ISO ell Z-."J'rjes r~' e T e" V. Budilova. per, Lak Ak iv-,auli SSSR, -,ic~chem, 20n, C 4, ocil--c"U01, i"A~ c B