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NdtjpU Fonu*A= of ambal Saw md Tb~Lr PapiUse I& Vw Aonl=o tubalarim owwoluta COWAlaa (AMIOPwd)t by T&T. makw. U-46 PAF4 - WMAIN pwp gam Vol 1961 No 61 bb 19TIp pp OB W 71 on tm rapulaff of ocean in 3whWAida ftwb44 by T. la. Psem. WMM3, pwo - Vol 1960 No 69 F 1971,v CB 30. 71 jmjaW-,%~ of tag LabUity of the Nuve Flbw to ibe AnUadA" ASUVW at is Ed a Qt ft swNustes by of To F"Mmac - NIS&WO pwo Ala sai.0 Val 196V No 60 Fdb 19 J, pp -11020 CD sept 71 Mrs"Le adumt of tko sbw a-M-1 ,p * Ze a* latomals". MVV%t,mj, pw,, A Ar ummar IND Tol 960 1b 6t 6LALANdkou mol IA.* OB h&AmMLIWV "131-.1455- 29pt Illp is"ift of SO&MAS" %Ipw Frei mmool I -- bbrm W ad Filtnddm m a awkwom 4B mmu'l by T. S. Reda. AWAS YW,5. &-IIA& Aid Id I p Vol 196v No Op I%b Isrip,"I'm W11459. MP I 09 Sq~t TI Sept 71 Effect of V.*'.acoAdty on the riir in the Tnitial Part of a HigWy Undornpmded Jet, by V, 3, Avduevakii. RUSSIAN$ por. & SISSR SOV2&G, Vol 197, ~. ah & HE LMIL~ . - No 1, Mar 19710 PP 464t5- Am Inst of Phys Vol 16~ No 3, SePt 19?1 Get 71 Coupled, Steady-StatG, Convoctivo Heat TranBfer of a Mate in a-Gas Flow, by Academician A, V. Lyk;v. RUSSIAN, per, R&Ak. ~uk S~SSR Sov Phyj~,, Vol 197, No 1, M&r 1971, yr 50-1;".. Am lust of Pbys Vol 162 No 31 ZePt 1971 Oct 71 Turbulent Chame.1-Flow Characteristics of Gas - 'Water Mixturas, by Y. I* Subbwttin, RUSSIAN, por, _DqL& NSWLSSSR, �gv Phys, Vol 197, No 1, Mar 1971, pp 52-55. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3, SaPt 1971 Oct 71 Equations for the Determination of the Horera and H&xwon Ztress fttetime, by B, F, Ylwwv. RUSSIAN, per, Eiji ALj1j&8SSR. Sov Ph-va, Vol 197, No 1, Mar 1971, PP 36-58, An Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 3s SePt 1971 Oct 71 A Hydrodynwdcal Model for Adhering Meteors, by B. A. Trubnikov, RUSSIAN, perp Dais Ak LsmL S90. -s-Qv Phas Vol 197, No 1, Mar 197t, pp 59-61, Am inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3j SePt 1971 Oct 71 An 11solute Vicrospectroreflectometer, by L, 3, Agroskin. RUSSIAN, per, 20k & EqA 553R, av Phic, Vol 197, No 1, Mar 1971, pp 62-65,. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3, SePt 1971 Oct '71 Radiative Effects in an External Electromagnetic Field, by V. N. Baier, RUSSIANO per, Dok Ak Nauk 5SSR. &V Woo Vol 197, No 1. Mar 1971, pp 66-69. Am last of Phys Vol 16, No 3, S*Pt 1971 Oct 71 Sounding the Explosion Zone of an Explord've Charge With a Magnetic Fi*1dj by V, A. Vellmin. USSIANS, per; I Vol 197t No It Mar 1971, pp 70-72, Am inst of rhyis Vol 16, No 3* SePt 1771 Oct 71 Experimental Study o: the Equation of State of Uranium Hexafluorids, by Y, V. Ka4shev. RUSZIAN, per, _Dplr.Ak Nauk ZSSR. Sov Pbyss Vol 197, No 1, Mar 1 719 PP 73-74- An inst of ik"Is Vol 16, No 3o SePt 1971 Ot:t 71 Now Hiathods of 'IncrewAug the Heat Reatatance of HicknI Alloys 0 by A, T, Tmmov, RUSSIAN, per, Dak At ft4k SSSR. Sov Phys, 0 19 1 No 1, Mar 1971, Py 73-77, Am inst of Phys Vol 16v No 39 Sept 19"1 Oct 71 Crystal Strwature of Lomonosovite Na,Ti,.1'1'4. 207.7 &4-7()20 by R, K, Ramteretaeva, RUSSUN, per, R91L & JLUA SSSR, Sov PhYS, Vol 197, NO 1, Mar 1971, PP 81-84- Am Inst of Phys Vo-L 16, No 3, SePt 1971 Oct 71 The Paramagnetism of Modified Water (Water IT), by M. M, Viktoriua, RUSIAN, per, 22k Ak Nauk SSSR. PIIXs Chum, Val 197, No 1., 1971, PP 114-116, CB Oct 71 Stretching and Bending of Hydrogen Bonds as a Function of Their Energy, by A, V. Iogansen, 'RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,,,Phjs Chem, Vol 197, No 1, 1971, pp MI-120, GB Oct 71 Monatomic Audensation Nuclei (Showing Up of Single Atoms of Pb), by Ta. 1. Kagan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok a Nauk SSSR. Pas Chem, Vol 197, NO 1, 1971, pp 121-124, CB Oct 71 The Combustion of Nitrite Esters, by B. N. Kondrikov. RUSSIANS pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, PLU Cheq, Vol 197t NO it 1971, pp 125-128. OR Oct 71 Photosennitized Oxidation of Water and Lower Alcohols by Chlorophyll and Derivatives, by 4 V, A, XUZIMin, RUSSIVI, per, Lok & Nauk , SSSR, PbZz Chem, Vol, 197, No 1, 1971, pp 1-29-132. PUB Oct 71 Influence of Chemisorb6d Layers of Monomers on the Oxidation Kinetics of Aluninium, by R, S, Hazlovskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Phys Ch-ex, Vo 19 , N I o Is 1971, PP 133-135, CB Oct 71 The Possible Role of the Tunnel Effect in Pcst- Radiation Reactions in Solid Organic Materials, by A, I, Ilikhailov, 'RUSSIAH, per, DoIS Ak NI&SSSR. Phvs Chem, Vol 197, No It 1971, PP 136-139. CB Oct 71 The Mecbaniou of the Spontaneous Decomposi'Zion of Solutions of Hypochlorite and Hypochlorous Acid, by B. P. Nikollskii. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. PhIs Chem, Vol 197, No 1, 1971, pp 140-142.. CB Oct 71 I echazIsm of tho Formation and Forms of Growth for the N Dehydration of Sodiuu Tripolyphosphato HexO4drate, by V. L, Sotnikova, RUZSIANI perg Nk M Nauk SSSP, Phys Cher, Vol 197, No It 1971o PP 143-145, CB Oct 71 Investigation of the Mechanism of the Topochemical 4drogenation of Iron Carbide by a Kinetic Method# by V. D, Styteerko. RUSSIAN, per, Doh Ak NqAL SSSR. Phys Chem, Vol 1970 No It 1971, PP 146-149, CB Oct 71 Effect of Temperature on the Spectrum of Co 2+ Ions in Alka2i Borate Melts, by I, V. Tananaev. RTJSSIAN, per, Dok-Ak N2uL- SBSR, Phya Chemt Vol 1971 No It 1971t PP 150-153. CB Oct 71 Structure of Raney Cobalt Catalysts, by I-T. S. Iddorenko. RMSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech.., Vol 197, No 1, March 1971, Pp 154-156. CB Jan 72 An Ultrastructural Study of Varticillium, dahliae, by at. Safiyazov. RUSSIANS per., Dok- Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol. Sci. Vol 197, No 1, March, 1971, pp 203-204. GB . Jan 72 Specialization of Bromegrags ~bsaic Virus., by Yu. :1. Vlasav. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Lhol SU., Vol 197, No 1, March 1971, pp 205-208. CB Jan 72 Immmoglobulin Syntheois in MLx6d Cultures of Syngeneic Cells From Different Lumphoid Tissues, by A. A. 1-5-khpilova. RUSHIN3 per, Dc)k Ak Nauk 33~5& Biol Sci. Vol 197~ NO 1, March 1971., pp 209-211. OB Jan 72 Polarized Ultraviolet Fluorescence of S-ingle Muscle ribers, by Yu. M. Rozanov. RUSSMNI perk Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bii lys, , Vol 107~ !To 1, March 1971, pp 212-215. CB Jan 72 Creatine Kinase in the MyofAbrils of Skeletal and Cardiac Muscle, by L. L. Alievskaya. RUSSIAN9 per, Dqk Ak Lauk SSSR. Biochemf Vol 197, No 1, 1971, PP 216-218. CB Nov 71 Investigation bythe Spin-Probe Methoe. of ATP- Dependent ConformatiorAl Transitions in Mitochondrial Membranoup by V. K. Koittover. RUSSIAN, per, Rgk & Nav%, SSSR, Biochem, Vol 197, No 1, 1971, pp 219-222* CB Nov 71 Immunochemical Specifietty of Plant Histmest by V. G. Konarev. RUSSTAN, per, Pqt kk Nauk OSSR, Bi2chem, Vol 197, 1-10 1, 19711, PP 223--226. CB Nov 71 Dependence of the Rate of Alkaline kvdrolyais of Acetylcholine on the Nature of the Anion of Salts Added to the Reaction )Txture, by Yas A, Epshtein, RUSSIAN, per, 1)qh A% Ngk SSSR. Biochem, Vol 197t No 1, 1971, pp 227-229. CB Nov 71 Inhibition of alycerol Dehydratace by Analagc of Cobamide Goenzyme, by v, A. Yakovlev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Aa%Lk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 197, no 1, 1971, yp 230-233. CB Nov 7 1 Behavior of Reprodiictive Coll I'luclei in Rudbecida laciniata L. and Formation of a Mosaic Embryo 'With So-mieamy, by 11. P. Sointseva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,-Bot Sci., Vol 197, No 1, March 1971, PP 234-23?. GB Jan 72 Extraprimary Negative Component of The Op-bic Potential., by F. A. Ata-Maradova. RUS,9IMj per., Dok A Nauk, MM, Biol 9,ci., Vol 197, No 1, Maxrc~i 197,, pp 238-241. CB Jan 72 Dependence cn locomotor Activity of -the Daily Rhythm of YfLtoses in the Q7stalline Lens Fpithelium Qf Rana temporaria L., by V. Ya. Brodskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak NaiLk SMRj Biol Sci., Vol 197, No 1, March 1971, a) 242-245. CB Jan 72 Placentorm Development in Fine4fooled Sbeep, by N. 'u. Gorokhavskii. RUSSIAN, per, Iblk Ak Nauk ~BSR, Biol Sci., Vol 197, No 1, March 1971, r, -248. . p 246 OB Jan 72 AmyWtatic P)roputies of Certain 11,mainw Cw-mca al ivxwAt, by V. N. lagvnav# 5 pp, RI'SWO port p ft I quU huak ~~ ccow. 11 .0 - r No 20 Vol 197, 2 ITO # pp% MRS 53345 Jime 71 A Criterion of the Regime of M-nehina Motion, by Acadetizian 1. 1. Artobc1avskii, RUSSIAN, per, . ZSSR, Sqv Pbvs, Vol 197, No Z. liar 1971* PP 303-306, An Inst Of Phys Vol 16s No 3, Sept 1971 Oct ?I Loss of Rigidity of a Spherical Shell Subjected to a Point-Force Loading from the Concave Side, by i. V. Pogorelov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok AkNauk-SSSR,-Sgv PUs, Vol 197, NO 29 M" !971, PP 307-308, Am Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 Hydrodynamic Instability of Cylindrical Discontinuities by L. S, Soloviev, .U SSSR. SQv PhIs, '101 197, RUSSIAN, per, 22k & & No 2, Mar 1971s PP 309-311, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, Ne 3, SePt 1971 Oct 71 Elastic EquiUbrium of a Bodj, Weakened by a 5et of Circular Cracks Situated Along a Plane, by A. E. Andraikivo RUSSIM) Pero I"SSSR,, 5gy PUst Vol 197, NO 2, Har 1971s PP 312-314, As Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 Reflection of Sunlight From the Atmosphere of Venues by Vo Yao Galin& RUSSIANO pars D2",jL;A SSSR, Sov Plugs Vol 1979 Wo 2, Mar 1971, pp 315-318. Ar Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 Effects of Channeling on the Distribution of Electrically Active Boron and Pheaphorus Atoms in Silicon Single Crystals, by V, M, Gusev, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRg_ !,v rhys, Vol 19?, NO 2, Mar 1971, PD 319-322. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16# No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 Physical Bases of the ParametrIc :Iroperties of rhotographic Rmalsions, by V, I, Ilalashnikova, RUSUAN, perk DkLALjLMLjSSSRj,.5,, v Ph a Vol 197t I'm I No 29 Mar 1971o pp 323-325. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3, SePt 1971 Oct 71 Eyperizontal Fotmdations of the Statistical Method of Defining the Basic Par=eters of Photographic Emulsions, by A. A. lblyutin, RUSSIAN, per, R& & Nauk SSSR, Scly PhYal Val 197~ No 2, Mar 1971, pp 326-327. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3, Sept 1971 1,4 6 NTC 11 - 14S 144 - Oct 71 Possibility of Chromatographic DetermInation of AdsorDtion and Desorption Rate Constants Dwing a Catalytic Process, by A, D, Berman, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Ms Chem, Vol 197, No 21 1971, pr 369-372. CB Oct 71, Relationship of the Kinetic Parameters of a Catalytic Reaction and its Stages) by G, K, Boreakov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok kk Hark SSSR. PIgs Chem, Vol 19"(, No 2s 1971, pp 37,73-376. CD Oct 71 Czystallization Mechanism of Amorphous Zircoalum gydroxide, by V. 11. Glushkova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, P!Ls Chem, Vol 197, 1 No 2, 1971, pp-57-7--3K. CB Oct 71 A CotAbination of Two Mechanisms for the Interaction 3etveen Positroaum and Paramagnetic Quenchers in Solution, by V. 1. Golldanakii. RUSSIAN, per, Lbk Ak agj SSSR. Ph%s Chem, Vol 197, No 2j 1971, PP 381-384- CB Oct 71 The Use of the Dilution Method in Thormography to Investigate the Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in the Condensed Phase, by E. P. Gotcharov. RU3SIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk "WR,, LhIs Chom, Vol 197, No 2, 1971, PP 385-388. CY3 Oct 71 Investigation of Thermodynamic Properties of GadoliiLium Antimcouide by an Electromotive Force Method, by V. I. Goryacheva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR. Mys Ghem. Vol 197~ 110 2, 1971, PP 389-392. CB Oct 71 Interaction of Atoms of Noble Gases with Molecules of Co 0 by A. P. Kalinin. R;�SIMI, per, Pgk Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chem, hl 197, 110 2s 1971; PP 393-395. CB Oct 71 Enstics of the Proton Exchange Betreen Trimo~hylsulfoxonium Nitrate and Water, by A. F, Rekasho7a, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, PbZs Ch "m Vol 197, A 'To 29 1971, PP 396-399. CB Oct 71 Luminescence Resulting From the Interaction of Hydrogen Atoms With the Surfaces of Solid Aromatic Substances, by V. D. Shatrov. RUSSIANs per, Dok Ak Nauk SM. Phys Chem, Vol 197t No 2, 1971, PP 400-02. CB Oct 71 Repair of Some Genetic Lesions in an INA-Contain- ing Viras and its DependEnce cn Cell. Species, by G. D. Zasukh~lna. RUSSIAN, pcx, Dok Ak Nuk SSSRI Piol Sci. Vol 1,973 No 2, March 1971, rP 457-4159- CB Jan 72 Production end Utilization of Food Riergy is-i the Ben-thic Bi.ocoenoses of Two Northern Lakes, by A. F. Alimov. POSSIA1, per, Dok Ak NL4 OR, Bid Sci., Vol 197, No 2, %rch 1971, PP 460-463. CB Jan 72 Abiogenic Synthesis of Pseudouridine, by M. A. Khenokh, RUSSIAR, per, Pgk Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 197, No 2, 1971, pp 464-466* CB Nov 71 Regulation of Synthesis of Stable HNA. Dependence on Initiation of Translation of Messengor RNA, by R. S, Shakulov. RUSSIAN, per, 22k & Nauk SSSR, Bi9chem, Vol 197, No 2, 1971, PP 467-4699 CB Nov 71 Modification of the Substrate and Inhibitor Specificity of the Tyramine Oxidase of Sarcina lutea, by V. L. Ya!wvlav. RUSSIAN, pert L~oh Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 197, No 2, 1971, pp 470-472. OB Nov 71 The Chloroplast Membrane Potential ani its Photoinduced Changes, by A. A. Bulychov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok ilk Nauk SSSR. Bot Sci.r Vo 19 , I No 2, March 10.71 , PP 473-1176. CB Jar 72 On Obtaining a Sumar Beet Tissue Cult".re, by u R. G, Butenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot S-Ci,j Vol 197, No 2, March 19?1, pp 477-479. CD Jan 72 Characteristic Properties of the Photosystams of Chloroplasts in Net-ophyll Cells Suid in Parenchymatous Sheaths of Vascular Bundles in Leaves of Yonocotylndonous and DicotyJedonou.~ Plants, by Yu. S. Karpilov. RUSIANT, per, Dok Ak Naak SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 197, No 2. March 1971p pi) 480-483. CB Jan 72 Effect oT Phoaphorus Nutrition on Water Metabolism and the State of Water in Plant-a in Unfavorable Mois"W'ure Conditions, by F. D. Samuilov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Pot Sci., Vol Ig?, No 2, March 1971, pp 484-437. G P, Jan ?? Ultrastractura of Muscle Tisme in Denervation Atrophy, by G. V. Elyakova. RUSSIAN, per, DA Ak Kauk- SSSR Biol .- - --M- Vol 197, No 2, March 1971, PP 488-78-9. CB Jan 72 Na BLnding by Phospholi-pids Of Ule Outer Segients of the Retina DLring Illumination, by V. G, Leontlev. RUSSIAN, -per, Ibk Ik Nauk SSSR,_Biol Sed. Vol 197, No 2, M2rch 1971, pp 490-493. CB Jan 72 Functional and Biochemical Chariges in the, Rat Brain in the Initial Stage of Action of Hyperbaric Oxygen, by M. N. Maslova. IOSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci.~ Vol 197, No 2, March 1971, pp 494-496. C-B Jan 72 Effect of Oxygenation Conditions D=-ing Incuba- tion m lhbryonic Development cf Some Q~-prinidae, by M. V. Galidov. RUSSIAN, per, D-ok Ak Nauk SSaR, Biol Sci. I , 497-500. Vol 197, No 21 March 19'1~ T CB Jan, 72 Differential identification and 5ane Yorphological Features of Cel]Ls of The Proadenohypophysis of Gobies, by E. B. Moisemra. RUSSIAN, per, Dgk Ak Nauk SSSR. Biol "j . Vol 197, No 2, March 1971, PP 501-503. CBI Jan 7 2 Genera.lized Solution of the Lamb Problem in a Viscoelastic &If-Pja"$ by So Z. Bruk. RUZSIAN, per, Dak a HELS55R. Sov PhYs, Val 197r No 3, liar 1971, pp 539-541. Am Inst of PhYs vo! 16, No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 flow in th'3 Near Wake) by Yu. Brailovska~,a, 7 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dold Akad Nla~zk SSSR, Vol 197, 21 liar 1971t PP 542-5~4- NASA TT F 13993 Jan '(2 Flow in the Near Wake, by I. Yu. Brailov&aya, RUSSIAN, per, Lek Ak LaA SSSR, Sov -BhY-s, Vol 197, Ito 3, Mar 1971, Pp 542-544. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16t 110 31 Sept 1971 Oct 71 The Problem of the Laminar Flow of a Vircous- Elustia MIA Around a Cylinderg by S. S. Kutateladze. RUSSIAN, per, Lok a IgA S201. SOX PlYs, Vol 197, No 3, mar 1971s PP 545-546. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3, SePt 1971 Oct 71 The Potential of Anisotropy in the Theory of Elasticity, by 3, D, Volkov, RMSUN, per, PkSN SUR. Sov P&G, Vol 197t Fo 3, W 1971t pp 547-549- Am Inst,of Phys Vol 16; No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 A Closed Model of the Universe with Variable, by K. P. Stanyukovich. RUSISIANP pe'~p p2k Ak LAA,SSSR, &v Phys, Vol 197, No. % Par 1971, pp 550-553. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, Vo 3, SePt 1971 Oct 71 Calcvlation of the ~Aotion of a Charged Beam by the Hethod of Large Particles Taldng the Space Charge into Accomt, by A, V. Zhakharov. RUSSIAN, per, Pgk AURLSSSR, Soy Pigs, Vol 197, No 3, Rar 1971, PP 554-556. An Inst of Phys Vol 16, 110 3* Sept 1971 Oct 71 Laser and Spectroscopic Properties of Gd2 (MoO4)3 -Vd' Crystals, by Kh, S. Bagdasarov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, 391 Pkys, Vol 197, No 3, Mar 1971, pp 557-559. Am Inst of Phya Vol 16o No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 The Positronium Atais in an Oxide Semiconductor With an Extenzive Surface, by G, M, Bartenev, RIISSIAN, per, D&ALN& PI Vol 197, A SSSR, No 3, Mar 1971; Yp 56C-563. An Inat of Phy,,j Vol 16, No 3, SePt 1971 Oct 71 Thermal Shock Wavo in a Plasma, by 0, A, Zolotovskii, RUSSIANI pops k Ak Hauk SSSR.-Sov Phys, Vol 197, -No 3, Mar 1971, pp 364-567. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 3; SePt 1971 Oct 71 The Hechamical Proyertias of Polvtfstrafluoro ethylene and Polymethyl Methacrylate Under High Pressure, by B, I, Beresnev, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak F~LvA MR, Zov-Phys. Vol 197, No 3, Mar 1971, PP 568-570, Am Inat of Phys Vol 16, No 39 SePt 1971 Oct 71 Domain Strurture of an Fe + 3% Si Crystal Scunded by a Plane Not Containing Tetragonal Axes, by vo P, Makarov, RUSSIAN, per, 22k a Neuk SSSR- S2v EW-s, Vol 197t No 3, Mar 1971, pp 57t-573. Am lust of Phys Vol 16, No 3, Sept 1971 Oct 71 Results of Visual Observation of the Nighttime, Twilight, mid Dkvtime Horizon of "bhe Earvh from the "Soyuz-911 Spacecraft, by K. Ya. Kondratlyev~ et al. RIJSSI.PN, per Doklady Akadmii Nauk SSSR, Vol 197, No 3, 19711, 6 574-517- N.A-qA TT F-13,891 Mar '12 Energy Tranefer From Higher Triplet Levels an the Reason for Photodestruction of PolymerB, by I. G. Batekha. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Phys Chem, Vol 197, No 3, 1971, pp 614-617. CB Oct 71 Enthalpies of Polymarization of Trioxane azd Tetraoxana, by K, A, Bogdanova. RDSSIAF, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSRA P~gs Che , Vol 197, No 3, 1971, pp 618-620, CB Oct 71 Examination of a Rhodium- Platinum Catalyst by Electrochemical Methods, by A, P. Zabotina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Phys Chem, Vol 197, No 3, 1971, pp 621-623. C.13 Rate Constants of Several Reactions of Vilirationally Excited Hydrogen Molecules in the Reaction of Fluorine With 11ydrogGn, by G. A. Kapralova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Phys Chem, Vol 197, No 3, 1971, pp 624-626, CB Oct 71 Slow Rotational Diffusion of the Iminoxy Radical in Viscous Media RUSSIAIT, per, No 3, 1971, pp CB and Polymers, by A, V, Lazarev, Bok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Chng, Vol 197, 627-630o Oct 71 Interfaaal Tension of Liquid Lead in 'Molten Alkali- Metal Chlorides, by M, V, Smirnov, RUSSIAN, per, P2k Ak Hauk SSSR. PbIs Chem, Vol 197, Ho 31 1971, pp 631-634o GB Oct 71 Mechanism of o-Complax Formation in thq YaAovskii Reaction, lay I. M. Sosonldn. RUSSIAN, per, Dck A Hauk SSSR, PhXxi Cheli, Vol 197, 110 3, 1971, PP 635-638, 0 Oct 71 Application of the Method of Graphs to the Kinetics and llechanisms of Multatage Complexing Reactions, by K. B, Yatsimirskii, RUSSIAN, per, L)ok Ak Nauk SSSR. P~XB.Chem. Vol 197, NO 3, 1971s PP 639-642. CB Oct 71 Molecular Structure of a Gel of Sterearegular Folyisoprene, by V. A. Grechanovskiy. RMLAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSE Chem Tech., Vol 197, No 3, Maxcb CB Jan 72 Velc~!ity of the Free Surface of a Liquid Film in Wave Flow, by S. K. Myasnikov. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Iftak SSGR2 Chem Tech., Vol 197, No 3, March 19771, pp W-649. C13 Jan 72 The Qitogenesis of Cat fkmofClobin, by L. I. Irzhak. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naik SSSR' EL01 sci., Vol 1/07, No 3, &rch 1,971, pp 695-697. CB Jan 7 2 Emeriments in Hybridization of Somatic Cellq (f Mammals and Spexnatozoa. Penetration and Early Morphologizal Changes in Spermatozoa of a Stal- lion in the Cells of A ChLnese Hamster, by V. M. senin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok KK Nauk &9SR, Biol Sci. Vol 197, No 3., March 1971, pp 698-700. CB Jan 72 Effect Of Fbthyi Sulfate on Mutation Aequency of Genes S and n in The Carp (Cyprinus Cerpio L.)) by R. M. Tsoi. RUSSIAN, per., 21k Ak Nauk SSSR, Kol Sri., Vol 197, No 3, March 1971, pp 701-704. CB Jan 72