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Ad* ct I"-Fropow in the juqpbgm wrwts bw J6 A, aaMda,,, Thk Alp woubpI shw -- Mwo pwo, -- mw~m vai 196, zo 36 All 1971,, 0 56;99-- Am Inat Q:r AWS Val 16o No is JmV 1971 Avg 71 Am 71 AV4 71 71 Ow 71 A NOW6-M AdbdIft aMW hr ftU Mwalft- We of Coba 0006",g IV V, L Totmwddl. Amami pwo - - AtIodh- Nor ZMA& %11969 so 39 JM 19"o -* In b" of fts vea * So Is JAy 1971 Avg 71 Use of an Optical Filter in Gravinetric Surveys at Soap by V. I. Kusivanov* RUSSIIXI perp PA-4 __ _b Le , k XjQk .5alL RIE ~j Vol 196, No 3, 1971, pp 573-574* 'AGI Feb 72 Drift of Isolinee of the Mastern Component of the Geomaguetic Field Over the Itlantio Ocean in the Last 130 Yeareg by Icadvaleian V. V. Shuleykin. RUSSULNg perp Pol AX., NAU �SSR. gar So . p Vol 196, No 3, 1971, pp 575-577. AGI Ireb 72 Inhibition Mechanism of the Ignition of Hydrogen- Oxygen Mixtures by Ethanat by V, V. ALatyan. RUSSIAN, per, Lol-,, & NL%a SSSR,, Pkye CLem I Vol 196, 11o 3, 1971, pp 617-620, CB Oct 71 Ener&v of the Bond of Oxygen to the Surface of an Iron-Antimony Oxide Catalyst, by Academician G, K, Boreskov, RUSSIANS per$ Dok Ak &A SSBR, Pbvs Ghem.9 Vol 196, No 3, 1971, pp 621-62k. CB Oct 71 Influence of Temperature on the Paramaters of the MI Spectrum of Vanadyl Acetylacetonate, by L. A. Bylivskayao RUSSIANt perv Pgj; Ak N&4 SSSR. AXA-Chemot Vol 196, No 3, 1971, pp 625-62G, CB Ott 71 separation of Ovarlappine Electron Paramgmetic Resonaace Spectra by the Method of Differential Saturation, by Oe Yav Griuberg* RUSSIAN, per, _DgkAKNA& SSSR. Phys Chas., v-*1 196, No 3, 1971, pp 627-6-29. OB Oct 71 Determination of the Dipole Xoment of the P - N Bond, by & A, Tahnaeva, RMSIAWS pex's Dok Na%tk SSSR. Phys Chem,, Vol 196, 110 31 1971, pp 630-632. CB Oct 71 Effect of the AgUg Time and Nomperature on the Globule Diameter In Aluminum Silicate Hydrogels, by S. I. Kontorovich, RUSGIAN, per, _D",Xwk S56R, - I - 1 196, E4Lk Chem. v0 No 3, 1971, pp 633-636. CB Oct 71 Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in Graj#dtic and Nongraphitic Carbonaceaus Materials, by A. S. Kotosonov, Ak Hauk Pk RUSSIAN, per, $SR. ye Chen,, Vol 196t No 3, 1971, pp 637-640. CB Oct 'j1 Effo4-.t of Impurities on the Accumulation and Decompouition of Yqdroxyl Radigale in Crystalline Ice Irradiated by y R&ys at 77 K, by S. A. Puntezhis. RUSSIAN, per, 2qk & KLQ SSSR. Ph:vs Chem.* Vol 196, No 3, 1971; PP 641-644. CB Oct 71 Relation Between the Limiting Solubility of Hydrogen !a Metals and Their Position in the Periodic Table, by T, V, Simonishvili, RUSSIAN, per, P~Qk , M &a SSSR, ?Lye Chem., Vol 196, No 3, 1971, PP 645-646* CB Oct 71 Now Zonal Sabena for the Upper Triassic of the Tana River Basin, by Yu# V, Irkh1pov. RUSSIAN, per, Rgk_Ak uk-S4�fi, Egr aci., Val qat No 30 1971t 7-650. Ira 14 Feb 72 I Find of Rhaetian 6ediments in Central Afghanistant by a. S. Karapetov. RUSSIANp perp 69 Vol 196, No 3. pp 51 53. IGI Feb 72 The Geothermal Field of Hercynian Iulacogenop by Ya. N* Kashpur, RU3SIIHp perp Rok &_NaA SUR. --i;ar ~cjeq Vol 196, No 39 1971; pp 654-6-5-6-o A.GI Feb 72 Oceans tAd the Geosynclinal Process, by Me I* Shtrays, RUSSIAN,q per, RLk_A--k-N&uk �8�R, B&r �oi. Vol 196, No 3. 19710 pp 657-659. IGI Feb 72 Oil in PrecwAbrian Crystalline Rocks of the Dnieper-Donets Depression# by V. B. Porfir~yev* RUS8I.A'Np perg D Vol 196, No 3t 1971, pp 66-0-.-66-2o IGI Feb 72 Nov Data on the Structure of the Dahalair-Neyman Zone (Central Kamakhstam)p by 19 1o Suvorovo .., I .1 RUS1.19p porp Rgk , .1 1 aR. ggrgc~qp Vel !96, No 3. 1971, pp 663-666. iGI Feb 72 Manganese Garnets Ju the Ukrainian Carpathianal by 0, 1, Hatkovskiye RUSbIAN perp A Ak muk-46SR, _EAr__jSc_i6, Vol 196: No 3. 1971v pp 667-670. AGI Fab 72 Axperimental btudy of Typonorphic Features of Qu*rtz in Albian bedimenta of the Caspian Depreasion, by 1, Lo Gerashchanko# MbIANq per, Pok Ak Nauk ~jgbA. A%r cmie " Vol 196# No 31 191719 pp 671-674. AGI Feb 72 Geosynclinal Heysechite of Kanchatkap by B, A, Markovakiye RUSbIANs, PQrj, ROk &k Nauk i~ijgj, Bar ~icjo, voi 196, No 3v 1971s pp 675-678o AGI Feb 72 Effect of Epigenetic Clays on the Pressing of Fore Waterv by jo RUbbIAN9 perv Rok Ah Vol 196, No 3. 1971p AGI Alteratioas of Temparature M4 Blokhe HJ;uk Sb4, Bar ~iai, pp 679-682. Fp~b 72 Estimate of World Relserven of Metala in Terrestrial Deposits, by Le N, Ovehinnikove RU,>bIANq perp RQk .1k Nagk-&9R. gar,sci,, Vol 196, No 3p 19719 pp 683-686. AGI Fab 72 Nov Data on the btructure of the Ocean Floor on the Arabian-Indian oubmarine Ridge, bY A, V. ILbin* RU,';bIANr part DoL Ak NAMk -bbR,-Ear ie Vol 196, No 3, 19719 pp 687::688. _0A AGI Feb 72 Overall Current Fattern in the Tradevind Zone of the Central Atlanticq by 6. G. Boguslavski. RU�bl,AN, ptrr RjLAk Nauk Bjr bei. Vol 196t No 3p 19710 jp-68q-692. AGI Feb 72 SWt 71 - flull- 'w~ md PAVCUSUM of 0160ASO TUtibility IS ft'WX Saptahm, by Le AQ Q~M mmum,v pwp At JWk w All sci, 0 Val 196s, No 31, jam 19719 pp 695-W. CD 3lPt 71 .- 71 Flavinogenesis in Guanini-Dependent Mutants of Candida Guilliermondii, by G. M. Shavlovskii, RUSSIAN, per, Akademi),a Nauk SSSR. Dokladyp Vol 196, 1971, pp 701.704. NTC-71-15434-06A CA Feb 72 Etfwt of utubmic Vins Infectim m tho Fru Radca U"vium of LMM Of the nAut Host$ kw A. V. Baum. A?, INISIMP pws FAA-1 ma; Val 196P lb 3V Jms 197% vp N.6-707. CD awt 71 Mfects of away lbruatow m OAARj-Foxw&4 Gdp Mas ckf CU ML*o SpLom OaUmv tr v 0 A* Iftlow. EMU$ V49 1969 rift&, P, SUW%4-. If, ~ CD sq~t 71 Idontification of -Helical Structure in PolypAptide ChaJzs in Solution by the Diffuse X-Ray Scattering Method, by A. I. Grigorlev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 196, Ne 3, 1971, PP 711-712. CB Sept 71 Synthesis of Virus - Specific Proteins in Cells Infected With Encephalonyocarditis Virus, by. I. Vo Skarlat, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSS., Bioohem, Vol 19 1 No 3, 19", PP 713-716. CB SePt 71 W-phasic Character of Viscosity Changes in Protoplasm of Plant Cells Under Conditions of Wat;r Deficiency, by V. N. Zholkevich. -RUSSIO, par, Dok Ali Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 196, NO 3, Jan 1971, PP 717-716. CB Jan ?2 Investigation of Proteins of Ydpening Pea Seeda by Chromatography on Dear-Ovellujose and Paper Electropho.-osis, by V. G. Klimenko, RUSSIAN, per, Dok- Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 196~ No 3, Jan 1071, Pp 719-722. CB Jan ?2 Investigation of the State of Water in Plant Tissues by the Nuclear Spin Echo Irlethoa, by F. D,, Samuilov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 196, No 3, Jai~uary 1971, PI) 723-7P6. CB Jan 72 Structural Role of Pectins in Relation to Their qualitative Characteristica, by E. V. Sapozhnikava, RUSSIMIT, per, Dok. Ak Nauk SSSR, Dot Sci.j~ Vol 196, I- No 3, Jan 1971, PP 72" 728. CB Jan 72 Goruma COUL"I oww UdItatica Trowdodon in Va Lotena GOLMIAte BMW at the RdM% by 1. X. &M. nalk, M6 0 URA-111 k'6 Immums pwo 19M SM gliop yd 196,j mo 3,0 Jm 19111 W 729-732. GB swt 71 microdwtavAonuo Mady at MA An ths Map- UA FAuv" *" SLowtv ct Wima" ftopmUmv by 1. X. U~Gda. ammuls pwo IM lk ing ma - smi- Val 196s No 3s, Jo Mlm PP 733-7j6,- '- CB 36071 Ltfferwtisl V-sm of syAwtv with AfteWfettat by Yu. s. osipov, 6 pp. N, S I ",-03COWD i=Ali: We JQA& Ab-w" i!-ks vol 196 m 41, 19~71, pp 7?qv-7aL.%A' JFRFS 33310 June ?I The Possibility of Realizing the Moment-Free State of a Shen by Using Reinforcement, by Yu. V. Nesirovskii, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaHk SSSR. SOL Mys, Vol 196, No 4, Feb 19JI, pr 797-800. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, Ho 2, Aug 1971 Sept 7j Thermal Properties of Lumm Material Obtained by L-ana-161 by V, 5, Avduevskii, RUSSIAN, per, Dok_Ak Nat C.SSRA.Sgv Physt Vol 196, A_ 110 41 Feb 1971t Pp 801-804. &n Inst of Pnys Vol 16, No 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Radio Investigation of thig Characteristics of Faint Meteors, by B. L, Yasheheev. RUSSIAN, per, Pqg & NLuk SSSRO Sov Phys, Vol 196, No 4~ Fab 197% PP 805-80?- Am Inst of Phys Vol 16; No 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Einstein Relations for Stimulated Chemiluminescence and Their Application in High-Pressure Chemical Laseref by Acadazioian Z* 1, Pekar, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak j#.A SSSP. Sgv Phva, Vol 196, No 1f, Feb 19711, Pp 808-811. Am Inat of Phys Val 16, No 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Electrice.1 Conductivity of Cptically Transparent Xenon Plas"at by A, T, Ra W mov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok & Namk MR, Sov-hm-, Vol 196, No 4, Feb 1971~ PP 612-813. Am Inst of Pkvs Vol 16, No 2, Aug 1971 SePt 71 Influence of the Energy of Bombarding Eloctrons on the Radiaticn-Mechmical Effecto by Academician 1. Spitayn. RUSSIAN, per, Pgk Ak Hauk SSSR' Sov Phys, Vol 196, No 4, Fcb 1971t pp 814-816. Am Inst of Phyg Vol 16, Wo 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Behavior of Oxides Under the Joint Action of High Pressure and Shear Stress, by Academician L. F. Vereshchagin. RUSSIAN, per, Wk 4k Nauk S352, 52y Pk7s, Vol 496, No 41 Feb 1971, PP 817418. Am Inst of Phya Vol 169 Ho 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Forwala for Determining the Haan Square Width of the Natural Profile of An X-Rky Diffraction Line, by V, V, Moll. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NgLA SSSR, Sov Phys, Vol 196, No 4, Fab 1971* pp 819-822, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, So 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Effect of Plastic Deforuation on the Properties and Structure of Bi Sb Te 31 by N, S. Lidorenko. RUSSIAN, per, Rgk AW&vk'3aSRg.Sov Pkya, Vol 196, No 4, Feb 1971, pp 823-825. Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, NO 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Dislocation Barriers in the Case of Cubic Slip in 5uperlattice L121 by LO E4 Popov, RUSSIAN, per, _ SSSR. Soy LhZs DQk Ak Kauk _, Vol 196, No 4, Feb tq?it pp 826-828, Am Inst of Phys Vol 16, No 2, Aug 1971 Sept 71 Conegntration. Dependence of the Electrical Conduct- ivity of Ion-Exchange Resins, by A. T. Alymova. RUSSIAN, per, Rqk & Nauk SSSR, PhIs Chem., Vol 196, No 4, 1971, PP 840--843, CB I Nov 71 Investigation of the Equilibrium aud Ligand Exchange for Cu(II) Acetylavotonate by EM. and Chemical Exchange, by V, F, Anufrianko, RUSUAN, per, Rgjj Ak NMk SSSR. Phys Ohem. Vol 1961 No 4, 1971, pp 844-847. CF) Nov 71 Stability of Concentrated Lyophobic Sols and Their Coagulation by Electrolytes, by B. V, Barboi, RUSSIAN, per, Pqk Ak Nam SSSR' Me Chem. ~ Vol 196 0 No 4, 19711 pp 848-851. CB Nov 7i 119;;hanism of the Singlet-Triplat Tranv~.tion in Methylene, by A, 1, Voronin, RUSSLUI, per, _Dqk_4kLfiauILSS&R. Phys Chem., Vol 196, NO 49 1971~ VP 852-855. fl CB Nov 71 Faaction of Iminoxyl, Radicals Tith Antimony Pantachlc.-ide9 by R. I. Zhdanov, RUSSIAN, per, Dg]S & U&_B~ 365R. LhZ2 -ChOm-, VOI 196, No 4,, 1971, PP 856-857. /,B Nov 71 Compositional Distribution and Conditi.ons for Go! Formation in Multifunctional Polycondensationp by S. E. Konshtein. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phys Cbem., Vol 196, NO 4, 1971, pp 858-861. CB Nov 71 Ion Excbange Extraction and Sorption Processos, by B, N. Laskoria, RUSSIAN, per, PQK Ak Nauk SSSR, PhIs Chem., Vol 1%, No 4, 19,71, pp 862-865. CB Nov 1? 1 Determination of the Primary Concentration of Defects in Ionic C.-Yet-als from the Property - Partial Gas Pressure Dependance, by A. IT. MenQ. RUSSIAN, per, , Rpk Ak Nauk SSSR. PbZe Chem,, Vol 196, No 4, 1971, pp 866-868. CB Nov 71 Study of Intermolecular Reactions in Aqueous Solutions by Electron-P-boorption Spectroscopy, by B, P. Nikol'skii. RUSSIAN, yer, P9k & NgA& SSSR.- Phys Ch 'M 1 19 9 LE. 1 0 110 4, 1971, Pp 669-871. (;B NOV 71 Catalytic Properties of ZooliteS Containing Traneition Metal Ions in Oxid&tion-Roduction Reactions, by S. Z. Roginskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok #A Nauk ZSSR, PbZs Chem., Vol 196, FO 4, 1971, PP 872-875. CB Nov 71 Fachanism of Spark Ignition of Aerosole, by G. 1, Smelkov, 1 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, ~~Zs Chem., Vol '4961 HO 4, 1971, PP 876-877, CB Nov 71 Multiple-Path Kinetics on Hununiform Surfaces, by Yu. S, Snagovakii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nguk S85R" pus Chem.. Vol 196~ No 4, 1971, Pp 878-881. CB Nov 71 Thermochamical Investigatiom of the Adsorption of later by Montmorlllonia-e, by Yu, I. Taranavich, RUSSIAN, per, PAk Ak Hauk SSSR. PbYs chep" Vol 19160 110 4, 1971, PP 882--884. C B Nov 71 Hydrothermal Modification of the Texturf, of Alumin= I~ydroxid3, by RUSSIAV, per, 110 4, 1971, PP ~3n V, M. Chertov. Pq~ Ak-Houk SSJR. PUs ChIm., Vol 196, 885-887. NOV 71 Investigation of Molecular Motion at the Critical Solubility Point of a Binary Uquid by a Paramagnetic Probe Method, by A, Y% Shaulov. PUSSIAN, per, Pgk a Hauk SSSR, PkIL Chem., Vol 196, No 4, 1971, pp 888-890* CB Nov 711 Characteriatics of the Dehydration of Monosubstituted klkalin3-Earth Orthophosphotes as Illustrated by Sr(H2PO4) 11 H aON by L. N. Shchegrov. RUSSIAN, per, 'Dok Alk Nauk SSSR. P418 Chm, Vol 196, No 4, 1971, pp 891-894. CB Nov 71 An Alloy of Hi3AIII. Strengtbened With the Compound NViNb, by R. S. Mints. SIAN, per, Doklady Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 196, No 4, Feb 19719 PP 695-697. CB Jan 72 Main Featurea of Tectonic Evolution Of Ciscaucamia in the Pinal Geosynclinal Stagep by He S. Burahter. RUSSIANP port Pok Ak mmuk gg~am UE-Wop Vol 196, No 4t 1971t pp 899-902. AGI Fab 72 )A Find of Fish Remains in the Upper Devonian of Armenia, by H. P, Garkuahae RUbSIIX, per,, Dok Ik A&Mk gskjR, Bar Sai., Vol 196t No 4s 1971p PP 903-904. AGI Feb 72 RiPhean btratigraphy and btructure of the Kanin Peninsula# t~y V. G. Getsen. part Rjt_Ak N&Mk &&r beia v Vol 196~ No 49 1971t PP 905-908, Fab 72 Geologic Age of Old Laount7ine bedi- ments of the Kologa-Shokona Lowlandep by Re Yee Giterman,* rMisIlOp perp Pok Ak a �~SR, Bar A91.1 Vol 196, No 4p 1971p pp 909-912# IGI Feb 72 The Central bakhalin Fault and ito Role in the Tectonic Evolution of the Islandp by Ve No Zanyukovo RUSSA-I.Np per, Pok 1k, Njuk �638, Bar Sgi*p Vol !969 No /+p 1971t pp 913-916. IGI Feb 72 Triassi3 Stratigraphy of the Helmand River Basin of Central 1-fghanistanp by S# b, Xarapetoys RUSIAN9 per; Rok Ak 11ijuk 46SR.Jar-be 0 0 Vol 196, No 4, 1971r pp 917-918. AGI / V ~ -,-' '/'. -~ - / ~ 1 R '? / - (- , "- " ~ Feb 72 Density of Persian-Triassic Rocks of the Turanian Plttform as a Ba6is for Tectonic Zoning, by V. S. Xnyasev. MbLIXO porg jok Ak N&uk NSSR. Egr SOLO Vol 196, No 4. 1971p pp 919-922. AGI Feb 72 I. S. Rozhkov The Fitsence of Gold in Krivoi Rog Iron Cres. FII[6~9D.N, per,' p Vol 196v 19?1, pp 923-926 WC 72-(Y,55C-08G ~) Oct 72 Experimental ~itudy of the oerpentini2a- tion of Olivine, by Be No Korytkova. M.~UU, par# Dok Ak J&MLaAW6_jLr aiot Vol 196, No 41 10071v pp 927-929, AGI Fsb 72 Phyalcoahealual Gotditions of Formation and Dissociation of Garaet in Mafia Metamorphic Rocks, by V. I. Kitsul. RUbblaNg per, Rah jjqk �goa, Egr auieg Vol 196v No 4, 1971p pp 930-933. AGI Fab 72 Identifioation of Copper-Nickel Ores by Chemical Inalysis (Illustrated by the Kharaelakh Mineralized Ares.).. by L, G, bukhov. RUS,4IAN, perl Dak Al AAuk 6bgRg Sgr zscio, Vol 196p No 4, 1971p pp 934-937. AGI Feb 72 Relationship Betwoon Porosity and Alualma Content in Bauxite of the bouthern Timans, by B. F. Gorbachev. RUIsSIANp par, Dek Ak HAAk 44;$R.- Zar ~qi, Vol 196, No 4. 1971p pp 938-941. AGI Feb 72 Effect of Principal Hineralizere in Modeling Geochemical Processes, by As me masaloviob, UbbIAH, perp Dok Ak A&MI bw~R. Ear 6oi, Vol 196, No 4p 1971, pp 942-944. IGI Feb '72 Reaaoav for Variation of Eh and pH in 3ydrotharasl *yatems During ore .Uepositiong by A. L. Pavlov. RUObIAKj per# Dok Ak NAuk g~bR. Ear goia Vol 1960 No 4. 1971, PY 945-948. A I' I Fab 72 Ecological Interrelationships of Middle Callovian Ammonitiss of the Northeastern Caucasue, b7 As bo oakharove R1Tbb1ANv part Rok Ak Nauk w~bR. gar -cis) Vol 196P No 4, 19711 pp 949-95T. AGI Feb 72 HomweNda * =d Sdoetica ~ adf-rdlimw 14=0 of Oorn Amg 2mog %F 4 & Zalonsidl. k& smado - --- AtA - - v F* IMI, w 950PROO A ketwim *hk Qddim Q*= Mmd&$, %r S. U. Smalders., ALRUMS pw A va 1969 1b L Ift ~1912 GB S"t TI ot Cwtalu Vinm lath Fftito4ul mmr*wwo lw & A* &WWI 0 ilum", pwp Air Vol 196s, No 40 - W-W 959461. CB Swt 71 Charge irk AzLrautbal Characteristics of Polarized Ultraviolet Fluorescence of Single InuBcle Fibers Due to Stretching and Contractinn, by Yu. S. Borovikov. RUSSLAM, per, Dob- Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys.. voi 196, No 4, Feb 1.971.,-pp 962-964. CB Jmi 72 Change in Yhysiochemical Properties of Polyphenol Oxidase and its Isozymes in'Y -Irradiated Plant, Tissues, by V. A. Kopylov. RLGSIAN~ perk DoIc A Nauk US% DicrohXs. , voi !.()6~ No 4, Feb 10,71,-- p 0&5-()68. p ' CB Jan 7p Investigation of Conformational Transitions in Membranes of the Didoplanic Reticulum Using the Paramugnotic Probe Method, by B. Annaev. RUS3IAN, per, Dok Ak,Kauk 0 R, Binches, Vol 196, No 4, 4971, PP 969-971. CB SePt 71 Application of Methods of tha Theory of Recognition of Patterns for Establishment of a Connoction Between tile Amino Acid S3quenca of Proteins and Their Con- formation, by D, A, Dealsov. RUSSIAN, per, Nh Ak Nauk SSSR, Blochem, Vol 196, No 4, 1971, pp 972-974. CB Sapt 71 Concentration of Free Radicals in Shoots of Varieties of Potatoev Differing in Their Resistance of Pota'O* Wart, by D. V, UpBite, PUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak- Nauk SSSIR, Biochem, Vol 196, No 4, 1971, pp 975-976. CB SOpt 77 Physicochemical Propertioa of Lipids in Chemically Indu"d CarcinogeLesis, by R, F, Polishchuk, RUSSIAN, per, Nk Nauk SSSR, Biochem. Vol 196s No 4, 1971, pp 977-979. CB Sept 71 Effect of Water On the Oxidizing and Reduc-'n'g Properties of Chlorophyll and its Analo,s, 0 by I. Yu. Artamldna. RUSSIAN, p3r, rDk Ak Nauk SSSR. Bot Sci.3 Vol 196, No 4, Feb 19?1, PP 980-983. CB Jan 72 TJw ftle of Vw P&IIU= sM Uppoc bl FavAtIm of ths Faw*Aaml Wet= of Mor BdWriarv by L. S. Qwbu7au. Tml- MAI WMAO pu - I buto Vol 196, No L ab W719 pp GB awt 71 Asto of lAmtor pzoomm In tm SAJUI 0~" bmim 29"40dmdop by L, M. Gol 'bar. Timor -2. AMUNP pw# Mom va 196, No h. F*b 1971, I;p 987 9. OB swt 71' cordooflopi cq*"i of the Nwro"i Activitr of the hawtwa QwAva&to Bodqt by NJ AIR Lasarimo Tb%~ ASP -Vul A - - mismus pert m ~ -7e 0 pp 9,"- -( Val 196., NO 4, b 1971 Q swt 71,