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Durability ard Creep in Single Crystals of Garnianium and Silicon, by V. 1. Betekhtin, A. N. Bakhtibayav. 1. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, ~~, 1969, pp 799-802. American Institute of Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 May 70 On the Effect of Softening in Low-Tempera Lure Creep of Lead in the Superconducting State, by 1. A. Gindin, B. G. Lazarev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, 1~11 \111, -'\Cl~ 1969, pp 803-806. American Institute of Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 Hay 70 Temparature-Time Relationship of the Stimulated- Elasticity Limit of Polymers, by S. B. Ratner, Yu. I. Brokhin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4:\\\ I :~' 1969, pp 807-810. American InstLtute of Pbysics Vol 14, No 10$ 1970 May 70 Oriented Crvstallization on High-Polymer Boundary Layers, Copying the Electric Relief of the CrystallLze-Substrate Surface by Virtue of the Electret Mechanism, by G. 1. Distler, S. A. Kobzareva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, Oct 1969, pp 811-814. AIP Vol 14, No 10, Apr 1970 May 70 Uncl (KFK-tr--44) DISPROPORTIONATION OF Am(VI) AND PREPARATION OF SEVEN VALENT AMERICIUM. Zaitseva, V. P. Translated by Rosemarie Corssen from Dok]. Akad. Nauk SSSR;.i88: 826-9(i.n6q). chemistry (inorganic); translations ND-4 NP RC Unlimited Role of Internal Diffusional Inhibition for Inverse Reactions, by G. K. Boreskov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 188-,No 4, Oct 1969, pp 75-856. CB Nov 70 Preparation of Manganese Sulfate From Manganese Sludges and Loan Manganese Ores, by P. N. Dzhaparidze RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 188',--N--o7, Oct 1969, 7 p ~9-860. p CE Nov 70 Calculation of a Reaction of Any Cora- plexity for Systems Described by a Staged Model, by V. V. Kafarov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem. Tech., Vol 18 1 NO 41 Oct 1969, pp 861-864. CB Nov 70 Role of Antifoam Agent Spreading in Chemical Foam Suppression, by P. M. Kruglyakov RUSSIkN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 33SR, Chem Tech., Vol 188, No 4, Oct 969, pp 865-867. CB Nov70 Kinetics of the Reaction for the Synthesis of Urea by the A. I. Basaroff Method, by V. I. Kucheryavyi RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSRq Chem Tech., Vol 166-,No 1~, Oct 1969, pp 668-870 CB Nov 70 Critical Conditions for the Entrainment of Burning Gases From the Oxygen Zone, by Z, Z. Ghukanov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Chem Tech., Vol 186, No k, Oct 19699 PP 671-874- CB Nov 70 New Data on Faleocene Num=lites of the Tadzhik Depression, by A. A. Ashurov. RUSSILN, per, Dok Ik Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, 19699 pp 875-877o AGI July 70 The Stress Patterns in Folds Dae to Axial Compression, by P. M. Bondaranko. RUSSIANg per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 188, No 49 1969o pp 878-880. AGI July 70 The Faleogene-Neogene Bour4ary in the Black Sea Depressiong by A. A. Veselov. RUSSILN, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 188, No 4, 1969t pp 881-884. AGI JU2,v 70 Buried Relief at the Bottom of the Volhynia Series in Belorussia (Upper Precambrian)p by I. A. KozherWakina. RUSSILN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 188, No 4, 19699 pp 885-888. AGI JulY 70 The Cementation Zone Formed Daring Oxidation of Precambrian Ferruginous Quartzitep by N. A. Kornilov. RUSBUN, perg Dok Ak Nauk_~SSRq Vol 188p No 49 1969t pp 889-392. AGI JulY 70 Age of Greenstone MetamoFpidsm and Sulfide Mineralization in the Southern Urals, by V. A. Prokin, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alk Nauk SSSR Vol 188, No 4, ig6g, pp 89~~1:9~--~--' ~--- AGI July 70 Archean Age of the Oldest Rocks of the Aldan Complexp by V, A. Rudnik. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 188p No 4p 19699 PP 897-900- AGI July 70 Gold-Ore Associations of the Northeastern USSR, by N. Ao Shilo, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRg Vol 1889 No 4* 19691 pp 901-95T.- AGI July 70 Luminoscence of Small Diamonds from Sandy Sediments of the Ukraineq by G. K. Yeremeriko. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 188, No 4, 1969l pp 905-908. AGI July 70 Composition and Distribution of Concretions in the Mesozoic of the Lower Aldan District, Lena Basing by G. P. Dabarl. RUSSTAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 188, No 4, 1969, pp 909-911. AGI July 70 Dominating Forms Of White Sea Phytoplankton, by V. D. Fedorov. RTJSSI.0, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1969, pp 913-916. CB May 70 An Incorrect Relationship in Accumulation of Sr90 and CE144 by Freshw ater Plants, by L. 1, Piskunov.- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, 1969, pp 917-919. CB May 70 Absence of Phage Production in Bacteria Lysogenic for Noninducible Phade in Inactivation of Repressor, by Ye. I. Golub, V. I. Zvenigordskiy. C, ' RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4,~~A 1969, pp 920-923. CB Nay 70 Effect of Caffeine on Multiple Reactivation and Cross Reactivation of Vaccinia Virus, by B. S. Sitnikov, Yu. Z. Gendon. ci~ I RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 18P, No 4,VA4~-~' ~k-- 1969, pp 924-925. GB Maky70 Effect of Acute Oxygen DeprLvation on the Content and Metabolism of Mono-, Di-, and Tripliosphoinositides in Rat Brain, by V. Ya. Dvorkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nank SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, 1969, pp 926-929. CB Jul 70 CytomchrDme Composition of Effective and Ineffective Root Nodules of Yellow Lupin, by S. S. Melik-Sarkisyan RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alt Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, 1969, pp 930-933. CB Jul 70 Effect of Diazoketones on t4e Synt4esis of Macro- molecules and Animal Calls, by L. A. Plugina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 188, No 4, 1969, pp 934-936. CB Jul 70 The Extent of Reporductive Isolation Between Pamir Vole and Carruthers' Vole, by V, N. Bol'shakov, A. V. Pokrovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1969, pp 940-941. CB May 70 Interaction of Certain Types of Evoked Potentials in Somatosensory Projecting Areas of the Cat Cerebral Cortex, by A. A. Bashkirov. I"-' RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4, ')C"" 1969, pp 946-949. CB May 70 Movement of Polychaete Larvae, by M. 1. Konstantinova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1969, pp 942-945. CB ~Iay 70 Role of the Nucleus Ventralis Posterolatis Thalami. in Distribution of Afferent Impulses to Cortical Projection Areas Ln the Cat, by G. F. KalLstratQv. 0- ~'. '- , RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1969, pp 950-953. CB May 70 SensitLvity of Interoceptors of the Small Intestine to Lactic Acid; Attempt at Correlation the Character of Afferent Impulsation with the Fine Structure of the Intestinal Nerves (Electron-Microscopic Data), by M. V. Lozlova, V. A. Lebedeva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 4,b"~- 1969, pp 954-957. OB May 70 Effects of Serotonin and Antiserotonin Preparations on the Development of Early Mouse Embryos, Cultured in Vitro, by B. V. Leonov, A. P. Kamakhin. ' Q RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, ND 4,~~A )(,~ 1969, pp 958-960. CB May 70 rVisiau DC I - '. mho 31 Doc (;') a Tae Effect M.Vd.-ced by serotouin aLd uAlcerotanLi prepcratJ*lw OL' the develVaent of earlf stutpe of Take ombrIm cul+.Ivatca ju vitro br i3.V. Lcowv, per,, Dokludj Ali Wi., VOI.V6p Uo.4sL4oocow,,jr U,56RAcl/Dio-Publioli rerm tL-ble, per- mta.-a., Czanonical !~xpausions of the Equations of a I,ocal I'lissl"V", ~)Cr, DOI: Al-I i','aull~ SSSR) \101. ILSS', .11969, i)p 967-970. 'I'lic Ai,.~ SOC Vol 10) 5, sert-Oct 1909 1 .ar 70' 4 04 ) 0 E! Trizinctilar Rol,rosolitations of Dissipative 1"All an i~xpollolltial Typo of k~csolvclltl , by RUSSIA", per, Pok A], i'aid, SME, Vol 111~8, i~"o 5) 1069, 971-973. The ArI 'lath Sioc Vol 10, 5, "Jopt-Oct 1969 -ai, 70 .1041,013 on, the Structure of uptimal SItntcpic.,; in !-,owe ,latrix Gall"os, by L. 11, bregmen. iftISSIA!,", I)Cr, Dok Ak Naul-, "W"'),P) Vol I-Sk"I, .Io !), 1969, pp 974-977. . I Ihe An Nath Soc Vol 10, j,'"O 5, Sept-Oct 1909 Jar 70 4 04 , 0 I'l On tile, 1"iraj.011al !,quivajence Of Linear Croups, V. Ye. VoskroselislAy. P.LISSIAN-) 110,f Dol, Ak 1,1'auk SSS'11' Vol I'l,"k, *,'o S, 1969, vp 978-9si. Am ~',ath Soc ~j 1:01 10 o S "'opt-Oct H69 a r 7 U, Tfic solutioll Of 'So."ic ~~Oillincar systals of N-3,3"CIT11CO Equations, by I'c. G. DIjakouov. P~iSSIA,N', 1-)cr, Dok j*d" INIailk- SSSIIo Vol I'S"'), iio S, 1969, pp 982-985. The A;il L'.!ath Soc 'i Vol loo i%lo 5) ~Cjllt-Oct 1009 li~zr 70 '104POD) Un ~t Ejoundary Valuc Prol)Ieri foi- ,i Liodel Equation of jdNed 'I'ype I....ith Two Perpendicular Lines of ? L, P'USS I Ail" )er, Dok- All Nauk Vol ISSI, !."o 5) 1p()9, ~r 980-989. The An, 11,1th So-, Vol 10, NQ Sp SC3)t-()ct 1969 :liar 70 404 3 017 Rion-annian Spaccs tdth Luclidean Isoperimictric Incouality, by V. K. lollill. RUSSINK, per, Doh id, Natik SSSIZ, Voi 181U, i,:c) 5, 1 1909, 111', 1,190-99-2. The Ai;,. ~~lath Soc \.Yol 10 , a.o S, Sopt-Oct 1969 UIC :AIIIII-TUCkCr T1100MA, by A. A. Kaplan. IIIUSS'A;,", rcr, Dok Ak Notil-I SSSPI Vol 188, 1;o ), 1969, pil 993-996. The An 1-lath Soc Vol 103 No 5, Sort-Oct 1969 'v,41r 70 1040019 Esti.iiiates of '.I Surface Potenti, 'Ited bv a A Gener, GcIIcr,'Ili Shift Operator, by 1. A. KiPri.1"'MOV. L RUS-~AAI"', por, Lok Al, ~'auk SSSk, Vol 101'~, No S, 1969, pp 997-1000. The &I ~'.Iath Soc Vol 10, NO 5, SN;)t-oct 1969 :far 70 404 10210 Oil Soll.TAX -0-nrations the 1"ases of I-Alich are Obt,lilied by U~io-n of Glailis of the 1"aso of the ori~-Jlial Operation, by Z. 1. Kozlova. PUSSIA"I" por, Dok !J~ Naul, SSSP, Vo'- 1"", :,o R 1!~69, 1001- TI-Ic Ani ~Iatli Soc Vol 10, Ho 5, SCI)t-(Jct 1909 IN'ar 70 404,021 On an Applicatioll of ll~curtollls ;~,'Ctnod to the Dctcn~li- I'Lation of Ei-envalues of X_.. .!atricesp by V. ll'ublanovsh-aja. RUSSIAl", per, I)ok Ak 'Iauh SSSR Vol ISS, ',o 5, 1969, pi, 100.4-100S. The Ar;i [.1ath Soc Vol 10, 1'o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 'Mar 7 0 4 04 . 0") Semialbolian Catooorics, by D. A. Rayhlov. I i , I! U SSIAN", per, Dok A Nauh SISS11, Vol 18"') k0 52 1969, I)p 1006-1009. The Am Soc Vol 10, !,.'o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 ,~:ar 70 404,023 Relationship Between Salinity and Chlorinity in the BUSS3 IAgOOng Sakhalinp by L. A. Nepeina. RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 188, No 51 1969, pp 1111-1112. AGI JUIY 70 (111 J',Cf-.Lljjy J'ojji7,jtjOll ill tile 1,-,Ir(Te j]l 1~3 ol, Tvo- . SiOll-31 CI,'ISS C' "-]CtriCS Idth INOc(-),LtiVC 1 dmon of Class Cl, by Ye. 17, Sihin. I:Ussl,.,j..", per, buk Ak Nr-a.-uk--SS-SI', Vol 18S, a',,'o S, 19 6.9 1014 -1010, IMe Ari~ N-Ith Soc Vol 10, I~Io 5, Seit-Oct 1969 ;.!-,ir 70 4 04 , 02- 5 CollipIctely Irroducible Class I Ropl-C s ell tat j oils of Real So-I-Air"'i mp lc Lie Groullso by A, 1 , Storn. 11USSIAiNi, per, Ook Ak '.,'auk SSSPf Vol DIS, J,o S) 1969, pp 1017-1019. Tho ki Soc Vol 10, J,'o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 a r 7 0 4 N ) 02 0 Nature of Capture Centers in Quartz Glasses, by A. V. Amosov, G. T. Petrovskiy. - RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR3 Vol 188, No 1969, pp 1020-1022. v American Institute oE Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 May 70 Probability of Double Beta Decay of Nuclei in Regions Far Removed From the Beta-Stable Band, by Ye. Ye. Berlovich, Yu. N. Novikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 51~' %\("~ 1969, pp 1023-1025. American Institute of Physi cs Vol 14, No 10, 070 May 70 -perk +29 Si 4+ 77 Se4+ x mental Observation of 13C4 2 E and S4+ Ions in a Diamond Lattice Using Electron Paramagnetic Resonance, by V. N. Lazukin, A. N. Terent'evskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5,~~\' 1969, pp 1026-1027. American Institutu of Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 May 70 Absorption of Light in a Calq04:Nd3+ Grys-cal with Na+ Compensation in the 1.06 - Ranga, by D. A. Mukhamedova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5,'. 1969, pp 1028-1031. American Institute of Physics Vol 14, NolO, 1970 L May 7 0 Heteroepitaxial Growth of Cadmium Sulfide Films, by S. A. Aitkhozkin, G. B. Bokiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 1969, pp American Vol 14, 1032-1033. Institute o 10, 1970 SSSR, Vol 188, No of Physics May 70 Hardening of Metals by Temporary Lowering of the Temperature During Creep, by G. V. Vladimirova, V. A. Likhachev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1970, pp 1034-1036. American Institute of Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 May 70 A Method for Estimating the Supersaturation Accompany-Lig Formation of the Liquid Phase in Clouds, by E. L, Aleksandrov. RUSSILIN, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188l No 59 10169p pp 1038--iM71-. AGI July ?0 Optical and Generation Properties of Mixed CdF2- YF3 Crystals activated witli Nd3+ Ions, by Kh. S. Bagdasarov, 0. Ye. Izotova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, '~\, \(-S 196Q) PP 1042-1044. American Institute of Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 May 70 ThermodynamiCS of the Distribution of Cation Vacancies Between the Sublattices in Spinal-Ferrite Solid Solutions, by B. Ya. Sukliarevskiy, B. G. Alapin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, N 11~'C~ 1969, pp 1045-1048. American Institute of Physics Vol 14, No 10, 1970 May 70 C, L)oj;ic Prol)crtics of K- and 11,c-Operations, i)v 1. D. Stupilia. PUSSIAIN', per, Doic Ak IN"MIR. 5SSK) 1101 18,11), No SI 1969, rip 1010-T0-13. The iv) ;~-.;atll Soc Vol 10, ~','o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 Mar 70 404 ) 024 Special Structural Oharacteristics of Germanium in Glasses of the PbO-GeO2 System From the Data of Infrared and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance SDec- troscopy, by K. S. Yevstroplev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 186-,T6-5, oct 1969, TP-1104-1107. CB Nov 70 Critical Phenomena of a Higher Order in Four-Component Systems, b7 G. D. Efremova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 333R, Chem Tech., Vol 186, No 5, Oct 1969, pp 1108-11-10. CB Nov 70 The Tarnlyerskoye Pyrite Deposit and Problems of its Origin, by N. T. Derlyabin. RUSSIANg per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 Vol 1889 No 5s 1969t PP W3-1115- AGI Ally 70 Relationship of Secondary Quartzites to Volcanic and Plutonic Faciesq by Yu, Fe Masurenkave RUSSLO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 Vol 188, No 5, 1969t pp 1116-111ge AGI July ?0 A Now Approach to the Interpretation of Deep Seismic Sounding Datap as Bbwmplified by Analysis of Data from the Bol'shoy Karatau Districtj by To 1# Obloginas RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk.�SSP.9 Vol 188, No 5p 1969t pp 1120-1122. AGI July 70 New Data on the Wendian Complex of the Volga- Ural Region, by I. Yes Postnikovas RUSSYAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 188, No 5, J969, pp M3-M5- AGI JvaY 70 Structural Facies of the Karagasskaya and Oselochnaya Suites in the Northeast Sayan Region, by N. N. Ramumovskaya. RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5P 1969, pp U26-iI29. AGI JulY 70 Old Kimerlite Residuum of the 23rd Soviet Corw=ist Party Congress Pipe, Yakutia, by 1. S. Rozkhoz. RDSSIkN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188p No 5s 1969t PP 1130-1133c AGI July 70 A Find of Bromel 1 ite in -the UMj by L, Ve Klementtyevas RUSSUN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, 1969, pp 113~--11-36.- AGI J'alY 70 Structure and Origin of I'Minexalized Bacteria", by N. S. Skripchenko. RUSSUN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 51 1969, pp W7-ft4o. AGI July -/0 Xenoliths of DiamondwBearing Pyrope Serpentinite from the "Aykhal" Pipe, Yakutia, by V. S. Sobolev. RUSSUN, perl Dok Ak Nauk SS" Vol 188, No 51 1969, pp 114i--i-1737 AGI JUY 70 Age of the Oxygen Atmosphere of the Earthp by V. I. Vinogradove RUSSWil per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRg Vol 188# No 5, 1969, pp, h44--1177-. AGI July 70 Relation of Helium to Petroleum Hydrocarbonsg by V. F, Nikonove RUSSIAN, port Dok Ak Nauk 33BRo Vol 188, No 5p 1969t PP 1148-1150- AGI JulY 70 Biologic Structure of the Ocean and the Distribution, Migration and Production Patterns of Nekton, by Yu. Yu. Marti. RUSSIAN, perI Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1881 No 51 19699 PP 11514771~o AGI JulY 70 The Production of a Male Progeny in the Silkwormi Moth Bombyx, by V. A. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 1969, pp 11,55-1158. CB Strunnikov. Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, ~)-'kA May 70 A Statistical Approach to the Study by A. V. Tsyban', V. A. Shnaydman. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1969, pp 1159-1162. CB of Ecology, 188, No 5) May 70 Effect oDC7 Tocorbarol on Chw4lualneseence of bltochmdrla In Prounee Of I%r*' by Yu. A. Vladtdrov RIWW* perp Dok. Ak. Nauk SSW, Ser Phyacs, Vol )m - .' No 5# Oct- 19~69PP W3-5 Conmatents Bu*su August 70 HadiosensitiTity of Allosteric Cmter of Pffosphofructoldwn, by A. M. Kudnj V. X. Emekova RUNIAN, per,, Dok. Ak. Nault SM,, Ser Physics., Vol- 188s No 5, October 1969, pp 13bb-Mb Consultants Bureau August 70 Fine Structure of the Electronic Spectra of Chlorophyll In Crystalline SolutLons at VK by F. F. TAtvin., R. 1. Personov, RLUSIAN., per, Dqk. Ak. Sauk SM. Ser PhyAcs, Vol 188, No 5. October 1969, pp 3-169-1171 Consultants Bureau Augmt 70 TransEerase Activity of Serum Cholinesterase, by A. P. Brestkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, 1969, pp 1172-IM. C13 Jul 70 Keto and Aldehydo Acids in the Root Nodules and Roots of Legumes, by V. L. Kretovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, 1969, pp 1174-1175. CB Jul 70 Changes in the Amino Acid Composition of the Saricin of the Mulberry Silkworm Dur to the Action of Streptomycin, by B. M. Mednikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, 1969, pp 1176-1178. GB Jul 70 The Morphology of the Caudal Neursecretory System of Teleosts as Exemplified in the Salmon, by I. I. Saenko. is RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188 , No A, ~' 1969, pp 1193-1196. CB May 7 0 Echo-Locational Differentiation and Description of Radiated Pulzatiuns in Dolp4ins, by Ye. Sh. Airapet- yants , A. G. Golubkov. - (7 1 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 5, buk, I.X I- 1969, pp 1197-1199. CB ',~ '\~'A3A~ May 70 '~'Nllf~l~lctiolls Of thc Fil'st LOolidary Value Problem fur Elliptic Equations Cortaill Pointsp In- A. 1. Ac i I I clycv. 11USSItV, por, flok Ah Vol IS(" ""o 0, 1969, 1"07-1209. I'lle i'& .~,lth ~oc Vol N, ~.'o Sept-Oct 1969 70 4 0 4(Y-) 7 011 t I' ,0 111VZIl'i~131tS Of thO CIMI)) Of Tl'hllll~Uhll~ of i%'.tli Order v"ith (Illes 01~ tile. vi~aill Pi~,t~ollal por, Dol~ i'l'k il'aull- Vol :,.o 0, -IU-1213. The A'I i;atll jec ~,Iol 10, "o S, Sept-Oct 1909 7,) 04 '02"', CIM H.PitC GrOLIJIS Of Autol;iorphism OIL ilyperfillite Factors, h%? V. Ja. Golodec. PUSSIAlt*, por, Dok A], 1,,'auk Vol 1"IS, ~.o 1909, pp 121.4-1216. I'lic Ai..; Soc VOI 10, .5, SCVIC-OCt 1969 ;~:,ly 70 Ili! ) 02 1) A Unracurization of Fililctium'.111y ,111(~ Tiliollov Sl~acos of Diverif,nt ~"("Cs, I- A. ,boll("). .an I I'S's I A`., !-01', 1"0k Ak "';LLII, SSSP, VOI L!~~, ;,0 C., D61), pir 1"17-1220, Tile All~ -~,Itth S)oc -Oct 1969 Vol D ilo 5, .,:ar 70 40.1,0,~O I AM' 1,0aci I to ~ id I I ~i ~.J 7"It i on I)-(-)I) I , I per, Dol, Al, ~,IauL SS,,;R, Vol 1,,~,s, 1969, M TI)c Am ~,,Oc \101 10, 4:0 5, "')'ellt-(')Ct 1909 '."ir 70 40-1) 'Itiolls of i- rahle Problcl,~ for Luu. '!I Domains, by vla nitopral: 1yev. i,ol) Pol: SS"S'I", Vol ','o 0, 069, 1223-1226. lie Al;~ i"th Soc Vol 10 SCIA-CIct 1909 :'ar 70 04) 032 Fstij.lates ior ~~ulutiolls of boundary Value Prolile-Il.:s '' i"cssol F~,)Orator, by NI. I. 1-.1jllc2]lc(,l,. IJISSLV~, por Dol., All Eaui SSSIt, Vol 1969, -xp 12-97-12S0. Tho Ari lindi Lioc ~":ir 70 4 04 , 0 33 oil Sore AI)1)li~cations of tile Index Comparison Prilicinic 'Ind Separability of the Space A. 1. 1"'ozlova. PHSSIA"'P )Or, Uok Ah "rank SSSR, Vol U"'), il:o 0, 1969, 12231-1235. The Ari ~",'ath Soc Vol 10, NO 5, sept-Oct 196.9 404 p O~ej 11 .ichauder's Princil0c and, the stability or i,criodlic Solutions) by Ju. S. Kolusov~ RIISSIAII.'~, per, Dol-, All- SSSP, Vol HIS, ::o 0, 1969, pp 1254-1236~ The Am ~datli Soc Vol 10, ".'0 S, sept-Oct 1969 'I,ar 70 I 'I O'l , 05 5 A Alt~orithm for Obtainin,- iiii-her Approxiii:ations jil t1le j~!(,,tjjod I)v It. V. IJJS'AAN`) Per) Dol, Ah Nauk SSSRI; Vol 186P !';'o 6$ 1969, pp 1237-12-40. 'E,c An j~!atli Soc Vol 10, ",10 5, Sept-Oct 1961) L':ar 70 404, 036 On a Problein, of 11, iiall, liv Yc. ~7.1. Levic, 1"'USSIAl"', !'or, DOL SWIR) Vol lou) :,C) 19 6 9, 12 4 1 -1-2-,~ -3. The k: 1,latli Soc 110 1 10, 'o 5, ~CT~t-oCt 1969 Pkir 70 4 0.1 , 03 7 kepresciitation of Functions ill the Forl't of a S1 [lie rposit i01) of 11.1~aves ill Two-and Lobaccvsj'~iy Spaces, by N. R. Sihilattillin. 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