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Functors Defined I)v Reflexive K-Silaces, I)v I V. 1%. cc\ Yler. por, Dol, Al, S~sl,) Vol No 1, 1969, "'1, N-19. The Am "oloth Soc ~V'ol 10, "'o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 Nar 70 403,974 01) "Albelli-ptic I'soudo6ifforential 01!crators, by Al. V. Ycf-orov. IX"islik'l, per, Dok Ah Nlaul~ SSSI~~, Vol 18E, i:o 1) 1969, rp 20-22. I'lic Aim'. ':ath Soc Val loo Eo 52 sept-oct 11969 Nar 70 ---- 405,975 Inertial by I. V. Ycii,,cl4n. 11,[jSShV,,', per, Dok Ak "'auk SSSR' vol. ls'u~' "."c' 1, ~p 23-26. 1969, p The Pd"~ :12th SOC Vol 10) JEO 5$ Scpt-Oct 1969 -ir 70 i ~, 4 03, 9 70 I' The "I'ChI11:0-stoin 1"Orliel and Closed-Fol-1:1 Solution C)i kiemann's Boundary Value Problem oi, the Torus, 1)), Ye. I. 7.vcrovic. RUSSIAP", per, Doh Ak Nauh SSSI', Vol 188, 111'o 1, 1969, pp 27-30. Tlic, N-i-, ~Iatl-. Soc Vol 10, 5, Sopt-Oct 1969 i iar 70 4 03) 977 (:OJIC,.Ctj,,CIV -orj~,~ 01, Co,,tjnUOjjS L)CCOp;jj)oSjtjoj,S 017 S- by N. S. Lasnev. RUSSLV,~', per, -AL '..'-atil~ SSSR, Vol l38, No 1, 1969, pp 31-32. The Av, ~~ 'ath Soc Vol 10, ;No 5, SCIA-Oct 1909 97S Nar 70 A Topological Version of Shipecki's ThCOITI"i fol' Certain Compacta, by A. A. 'Ial'ccv. RUSSL-V~, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSK, Vol IISS, ""o 1, 1969, pp 33-36. Tho ki ~~Jath Soc Vol 10, 1~*;o '), Scpt-Oct 1969 ". lar 7 0 405,979 On, asy"Ilptotically Efficiont Estimation of Coefficients, by Al. A. POZinov. IIIUsslAi%%i, licr, Dok At-, Nauk SSLSR, Vol I'Sill, No 1, JqG9, T)II 37-40. The Am. "lath Soc Vol 10, N'-o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 Plar 70 4 05,91810 On Boundary Values of Gencralizcd Solutions of E'lliptic Equations, by Ja. A. Roytbcrt,,. P 13SAIN) JIC) IK per DOI, Ak N'auk SSSR Vol Is" 1969, pp e11-44. The Am ~.iath Soc Vol 10, `~O 5, Slept-Oct 1969 .~Iar 70 4U3.981 Schuie, Pro(7rammim,, Lanpanes, by K. V. Salihizjan. 11 - 0 RUSSIAN, per, Dok- Ak, SSSR) Vol 188) INC) 1) 1969, pp 45-48. The Aril fdath Soc Vol 10) No 5, Sept-Oct 1969 Mar 70 -a ine, in Systenz oZ Aionlincar InteL~ro-Differeid- al 'vex , ~, I ui Equations~ b-,,, A. A. TI 'iyushin, HJSSMI, per. Dok. Ak. liauk SSSII, Val 185, i~~o 1, 19' 9) p~, -9-52. Am. Inst'. o-" Phys. Vol 1h; 1,10 9) 1970 A-or 70 406; T10 An6ralar Distribation in the Blast-Oic Scatteril":- Of Hif,,--a-Enera~ Hadxons, by S. A. Az:D4-,ov, RUSSIAIII per. Dok. AI:. I-Iawl: SSSRI, Vol i,,'0 -1; 1969, 13p 53-55. kn. Inst. 00 Phys. Vol 14, i.,o 9, la,yo Apr YO IV 06) ,( Oil the Theory of the Effect of Radiation oil the "Otion 0" Electrons in Accelerators, 'Lie v. Paier; EUSSIL7, per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 1LL', Iq 0 1, 196q,) P'~') ~ " 11 Am. ins.-. of Plays. VO -I 1h., -,70 C), JQ70 . ~' I , I Apr '(0 Recoi-l)-T-nation Hadiation Associatcd t,'e P-Lnc~-- in a iJonde-enex-ate SelldcondacUor Eiectroi~- Hole plasl'x.' by 1. 1. Boiko, RUSSIA!i~ per. Dok. Ak. SSSR~ V01 ~10 1, iq6c?, pp 6o-0--3. kn. List. of Phys. Vol lio IQ, 1970 Apr increase in the Syrmaetry of t1ie aui-Incscence Ce,i~Gp-a,5 in Euronim Jbenzoylacetonate in Response to 1~ydrostatic Pressure, "by V. A. Volosit".11,, RUSSIU; per. Doh. Allz. !Jauk SSSIR, Vol 16Z2, I Io 1; 9~0, PP , 1 0, U k1. 11131-4. Vol 14, !,To 1970 Apr 70 yluaneous Unipolar C'IiarG4n- of Beta-Active i1c) spot - 6 Aerosol Particles, by V. D. Ivanov, 0 -~, US'LU., -oer. Dj-!:. A!,. Aauh SSSR, Vol lu R L) Ain. Inst. of Plays. Vol 11!-~ I"o 9, 1970 Arr TO of DriiL Wa-ves -iri a i.:oldiwn- gereous PlasLz, by B. B. Xado,..-1tsev) HUSSIAN) per. Dok. Ak. NaAk SSS Vol l", !--o 1, 1969, PP b"5-72. ALM. L-1-st. of P.'VS. Vol lh~ 1,0 ~~ 1970 Apr TO GS, 6aq Detenninin, t.-,e Parameters of a Dense Plasma frxi U the Shi-t and lialf-Width of Satel.1-ites in the spects-am of Scattered LiGht, 'by L. i~. P~mtnitski,-,, MUSSILI, per. Dok. A'-'%-. Iflauk SSSR, Vol 1, 10, 109, i)p 73-To. A)-,:,. Inst. of 1.70 9, Vol ll!;, 1,970 Ap2? 70 3j)adj.n- Enera~ of TNO Palticles J-11 a State J)escribed by the Schrodin-~-,er Eq:aa:'-Jon with a Screenec! Coulonib .1 0 u Potential, by V. L. Sed.ov, HUSSLU, per. Bok. Ak. 11auk Sssr,, vol- 1,'~ 11c) 'Ll ")n 9 "; PP 7Y-19. 1 Arn. Lis"-. of PIrys. Vol 11, 1~cqf 0 Apr '(u Electrical 1-~esistance of Siirface :aycrs of I-etDIs u alld the B. I. ""Oste' -shny) J)01~. A17. J I RU,9SL6,1-'i, per. Nauh SS"11, V01 1 -82. jn D'D ~j -t I n Ilist. of Phys - T . a A Vol 143 -1"() 9) 19-10 Apr 70 On the IL-liability 0, Sta-Lilizeci Saj)erconductin, Ka~:,ne'tlic Systemis, ba.- V. V. Sycliev) plusS!All,, per. lia,12: SSSR, V01 '10 C9, 9, Dr, 0 U.) 1 ka. L'st'. of pilys. 0 1.9T.J Apr -i~l Im E.:tension of the La,,T Comiectin.- Elec'u-r,,.)n Conccn- tration and the T~Te of Crystallinc Stniut-uxe, Q 14. Chapnil:, BUSISIU, per. Do-!-,._ Ah. !,,auh SSSR, Vol 1L-", Eo 1, iq~'O~ Ai,n. L-.s'u. of P.,,,7ys. Vol 14, 11`0 '9, Aor TO L'22cct OZ -bile Growth Rato OIL, lldlonfbohedlm o" E::ternal 2oi--i of Vertices in ~juartz Cr~-Gta).s, y V. S. ~3alj*LSJ~ u jy) RUSSIU, per. Dok. Ak. Ilauh SSSR, Vol 1960', p-p 89-92. Am. inst. of Phys. Vol ll,.-) EO ~0) 10,70 Ap3: 70 ),o6, Change in Catalytic Activity of Zoolite as a Function of Valence of the Metal Ion Contained in it, by Z, V, Gryamria. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 189, No i, Nov 1969, pp 105-106, CB July 70 Method of Studying Kinetics of Substitution Reactions of Low-Holeoular-19eight Radicals in Solid Polymers, by 0. A. Zaporozhskaya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 189p No 1, Nov 1969, pp 109-111. OB July 70 Acceleration of Sublimation of Platinum, PalLsdium, and a Platinum-Rhodium Alloy Under Tensile Stress in Air, by I. I. Novikov, RUSSLUO perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1391 No 1. Nov 19699 pp R2-114. CB July 70 Interdependence of Acid-Base and Oxidation- Reduction Properties in a Series of Substituted Ferrocenest by A. As Pendine RUSSIkN,, perg Dok Ak Nauk SSMj Vol 189, No 1, Nov 1969# PP 115-118- CB JulY 70 Thermochemical Studies of the Adsorption of Water by Vermiculitel by Yu. I. Tarasevich. RUSSIAN, perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 189, No 1, Nov 1969, pp 119-122. CB JUJ,v 70 Conditions for Formation of Stable Emulsions in the Paraffin-Hydroxyquinoline System, Near the Critical Mixing Regimal by E. Do Shchukin. RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 189, No 1, Nov 1969p pp 123-126. CB JulY 70 Description of Chemical Reactions in a Source Field of Rapidly Oscillating Intensity, by A. M. Brodskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 19690 pp 131-134. CB May 70 407,075 Relation of Two Combustion Anomalies of Power Tubes, by Yu. A, Gostint5eV, RUSSIAN, per, Dok ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969, pp 135-13r. cB May 70 407#076 Hindered Interaction of the Electron Pairs of Elements of Group V* Dipropargylamine Nitrogen, by R. G. Kostyanovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969, pp 131-14 . Ca May 70 407,077 Method of Cluster Components in the Solution Thevry, by A. N. Men". RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969, pp 141-144. CB May 70 407,078 Gas Phase Polymerization of Formaldehyde in an Open System, by N It Penchey, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969t pp IT =-7, CB Ma, 70. 407,079 Catalytic Polymerization of Ethylene by Nitrile Complexes of Transition Metals, by A. D. Pomogailo. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969, pp, 148-lSl, CB May 70 407,080 Effect of the Interaction Energy in the Phase Boundary on the Flexibility a.nd Packi'ng Density of Polymer Chains, by A. Ye. Fayinerman, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969, pp 152-155, CB May 70 407,081 Relationship Between Chromatographic Retention Factors and Thermodynamic Dissolution Parameters, by S, S. Yufit. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, Sept 1969, pp M--159. CB 407,082 Effect of Conditions of Alkaline Coal Extraction on the Composition of Hunic Acids, by N. M. Karavayev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 166",--No 1, Sep 1.969, pp 160-163. CB Nov 70 Radioisotope Study of Internal Processes and Physical and Mechanical Properties of Disperse Systems Undergoing Vibrational Conwactiont by B. A. Lishanskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alc Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 18B, No 1, Sep 1969, pp 16~-165- CB Nov 70 Early Visean Faleogeography of the Northeast European Part of the USSR, by L. N. Belyakov. RUSSILNg perl Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, 1969, pp 167-i6q. AGI July 70 New Data on the Age of the Lovozero Sedimentary Volcanic Suitst Kola Peninsulat by I. V. Bassen. RUSSIO, perl Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 Vol 1880 No 1p 1969, pp VO-172. AGI July 70 Main Factors which Have Determined the Com- position of Sands of the Transunguzian Kara Kuml by A. B, vistelius, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, 1969g PP 173-1-7r.- AGI JulY 70 k Find of Fossils in Granite of the Central Urals, by No P, Malakhoval RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSE, Vol 188t No 1, 1969F pp 177-179. AGI JulY 70 New Data on the Jatulian of Eastern Karelia# by A, V, Pekurov,, RUSSUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 11 1969, pp 180-182, AGI July 70 Quantitative Tectonics, by A. I. Rybin. RUSSIAN, perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 Vol 188, No i, 1969, pp 183-178.-- AGI J'l:LY 70 Stratigraphy of the Karelides in the Northwestern Part of the "Nola Pednsula, by So No Suslovaq RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 188, No 1, 1969, PP 187-190- AGI JulY 70 The Riphean of the Omolon Block, by R. S. Furduy. RUSSUN, per# Dok k1c Hauk SSSR9 Vol 188, No 1, 1969t pp 191-193- AGI July 70 Physicoehemical Conditions Duxing Formation of Rare-Ybtal Pegmatite of the Sodium-Uthium Type, by L, She Bazarov. RUSSIA.Nt per, Dok Ak Nauk MR, Vol 188t No 11 19699 pp 194-197. AGI July 70 Trialinicity of Potassic Feldspar as One Indication of the Depth of Formation of Hypogene Ore Deposits, by A. lo Grabezhev. RUSSUNt perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSRt Vol 188p No 1p 19691 pp 198-200. AGI JulY 70 Conditions During Formation of Chloritoid and Staurolite in Metapelite of the Fatom. Uplands, by B. V, Petrov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 11 1969, pp 201-2-01;-. AGI JulY 70 Petrochemistry of Phyllites in Various Metamorphic Zones (North Baikal Uplands)j, by V. Ya. Khilltovas RUSSILN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vcl 188, No Il ig6g, pp 205-208. AGI Ju-Ly 70 &soplankton Biomass in Lifferent Climatic Zopes in the Ocean Surface layerp by V. G. Bogorov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRt Vci 188p No 11 1969, pp 209-211. AGI July 70 Eschetichia coli Mutants Deficient for Glucose-6- Phosphate Dehydrogenase, by V. N. Gershanovich, D. N. Mandzhgaladze. 1 11 . RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No I,V-Ac,~ 1969, pp 212-214. CB May 70 Anaerobic Formation of Acetate from C113011, C11201 11COOH, Na2CO3 by Cell Suspensions of a Therffkpliil._'c Clture of Methanob2cillus kuneceovii, by Ye. S. Pantskhava. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No , 1969, pp 215-218. CB May 70 PhotomisitinUon of Oxifttion-aaduaUm Ructlms by CUmvqhyU wd its Amlogs in Pressuce of tqM SlecUm Acceptors by V. B. XvxUgwwp V. A. Gavrilova arp Dok. Ak. Muk MM, Ser D RUSSUN# I pies, Vol IWO No 11 Sept. l9bg pp 219-222 Commitants Baleau JUIY 70 Change In lWwUxty of Tlsoue Sulfhydrul Glr~s After Vbole-Body and Pardal UTadatim of AnimU by T. A. Sp"w2kayss RWSIANI per; DDk. Ak. Skuk SMs Oft PbyLdes Vol U80 No lp Sept 196g.. pp 223-226 conff Ultants birmu July 70 Binding of Diols by Lipids of Ripening Corn Seeds, by V. A. Vaver. RUSSIAN, par, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, 1969, No 1, pp 227-2429. CB Jul 70 The First Terrestrial Leech in the Fauna of the USSR: A Tertiary Relict of Forests of the Southern Maritime Territory, by M. S. Gilyarov, Ye. 1. Lukin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 136U~~ 1969, pp 235-237. CB May 70 Troglodytes and Hominids in the Systematics and Evolution of the Higher Primates, by B. F. Parshnev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, N. o 1 , ~j *k-- 1969, pp 238-241. CB May 70 The Effect of Castration on the Process of Wing Muscle Degeneration in the Domestic Cricket, by 0. M. Bocharova-Messner, 1. V. Cliudakova. (~ I r ~ 1-.' RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, F'J(t~ 1969, pp 242-244. CB May 70 Electron-Microscopic Investigation of Neurosecretory Elements of the Proximal Neurosecretory ContacL Region of Some Sturgeons, by P. Ye. Garlov. U- 'S RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1,6 Qc_ ~ 1969, pp 245-248. CB? May 70 Reactions of Neurons in the Cerebella Nuclei to Adequate Stimulation oE the Cat Vestibular Apparatus, by R. A. Grigur'yan, Ye. M. Kristi, 1~ I RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 1, 1969, pp 249-252. CB lz~~ May 70 Absorption and Elimination of Phospholipids by the Dog Brain After Unilateral Removal of the Superior Cervical Sympathetic Ganglion, by K. G. Karagezyan, L. M. Ovsepyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, Nj 1969, pp 253-255. CB May 70 Some I'l-stiuates for a Sinvular Inte-ral with .~uiiuablc Densitv, by S. K. Abdullayev. w PIUSSIANi, per, Dok Ak NauL SSSIZ, Vol 188, '~o 2, 1969, pp 2-63-265, The Ail) "inth Soc Vol 10, 1,,o 5, sopt-Oct 1969 liar 70 0.3 ) 9 8 'S (in the Coefficient Problem, in the Thcory of Univalent Functions, 1)), 1. A. Alchsandrov. RUSSIA,11", II)er , Dok -Ah Naul~ SSSR) Vol IS" o 2 1969, rp 266-268. The Aw Math Soc VOIX 3.0, INO SJ* scrt-Oct 1969 '.;ar 70 103,984 scjj!j- into and Qlmsi-Nuckar 10,11"pini's, by S. lmulovshiy. RUSSIA!-'') por, Doh A%I~ 11,.'auk SSSRP Vol 181s, 11 1969, pi) 269-271. Tlie Ai-1 Ilath SOC Vol 10, ;."o 5, Scpt-Oct 1969 ~.Iar 70 4 OS 19 IS S The Solution of Discrete Pro,rammillo Problems by tile Constyuction of a sequence of schorles, by V. A. Yemelicov. PUSSIX", por, Dok A Nlauk SSSRX, Vol 1SO", ;N'o 2, '[9691 T)p 272-273. The Ari IMath Soc Vol 101 :,.o S, sopt-Oct 1909 Nar 70 403S986 Ille Rol-,ular Points, spectruni and 'E.iflelifunctiolls of i~oiilincar Operators, by R. 1, Kacurovskiy, PUSSIX"', Pei" Doh. Ak J"'allk SSSR, Vol 10,8, ;."o 1969, pp 274-277. Tho luil ::ath Soc Vol 10, P,o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 Nar 70 On a cortain Forl.1 Of the (~)tinmlity Coliditions, 1"), JLI. 11. 1.1'riveld'ov. 1,"USSIAN, per, Dok, All- Nauk SSSR, Vol i(I"I"j, 10 L, 1969, pp 278-281. The Am ~Inth Soc Vol 10) No 5, Sept-Oct 1969 i~!M- 70 4 0 39 "), 8 0ii Completcly irreducible ".1-appin-s of Completely !"C(ular spaces, by -%'. S. Lasilov. RUSSIA,"', per, DA Ak- 1~.auk SSSIZ, Vol 180", ~'%:c) 2, 2- Q5. 2,82 ~,, T'ho Am ~%'Iath ~oc Vol 10, 11:0 S, Sept-Oct 1909 70 05 ) 9 8 9 Ull To-;Olo icz!l Grou, P'!Sv]1kcv nor) Pok Ah '1111, S,'jSl",, VOI j"o 2, 196191, 286-2S9. 11,10 iv.!: IN,!tIl ~Soc Vol 101 SCIA-Oct 1969 i.lar 70 4 OS. g o Oll ~,Ittlrntcd and Completely Saturateu ~;uj;spaccs Of Cortaill Scaucince Spaces, by Y'. S. Rliblev. l'US,SLV:, jocr, Dok- Ak SSSR, Vol JS,,-,,, :.c, 2, 19~,9p '290-29S, 'ihc i;at"I An Soc I.:Ol 10, "'o 5, "0;)t-Oct 1909 .r 70 4(jo,P91 Doll- 2 94 - 2~6 _. 'I lie Aii! 'Jatl, soc -)I S, Scl)t-Gct 1969 70 4 03 9 92 Radiobri~;htness Distribution Gver the Disk o-C Venus a-'k-, &,Yn) by V, Ya. Gol'iiev, RUSSLU; per. Dok. Ak. Naak SSSII, Vol 1~~10'3) 1'4'0 2, !969j pp 2qy-2qO. Yon. List. of 1?'rrjs. Vol !4~ !~--o 0, 1970 Ou 1,,Pr - 70 - 0 The Calculation of Reflection and Transi:iission Coefficierts of Electroma,-~netlic Waves for a Spheric- alLr lardnated Anisotropic Layer by the Method ol inpedance and 1-~ield Scalin,-,s, b-.,, P. E, Krasmishkin) RUSSIO, per. D:)],,. A'r-I.; NaWc SSSR, Vol L,"b, ~Jo 2, F') 1 9"9) pp 300-303, Ain. D-ist. of Fiiys. Vol 141, !To 9, 1970 AI,r 70 4w,'1685 Li Diodes vit'll. Radiation Ii-Vs,tere-saisy hi, Ye. 1. Arlirovich, OUSSMI, par. Dok. Ak. NaW: SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, 1969, pp 3A-~3-7. Am. Inst. of Phys, Vol 14, No 9., 1970 A-or 70 4o61695 Special Properties of the Fluorescence of the Vapo.,-s o-.L' Anthracene Derivatives; by TIL A. Bm"'Isviell; RUSSIM, per. Dok. Ak. Ii-auk SSSR, Vol 180, -;o 2, PII) 30,q 310- A:m. Inot. o-f Filys. Vol 14,j lio CI) 19-10 - I"pr To C.()) Reat Transfer in a Plamm Dae to the Buiiid-~w oi Inst'a-oility o." I~oncomductinL; Eleetrons, Ly B. B. Kadomtsev., RUSSDIdl, per. Wk. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol i1o 2, ka. inst. of Phys. Vol 141 110 ()1 1970 A -,,) r T! -) 697 Idnetics of Unipolar Char-In- o" Leta-Active "Holu" "art".cles in an Electric Field, 'by V. laricLenim, T us IS I I.Ii, per. Doh. Ah. NauL- SSSR, Val 1"', 0 2P 10 /,C), )P 315-317. 1 U, Ani. Las-t. of" V02. Ilk 1,0 C" 10 570 A-Dr '(Ci interpretation of tiie Al-sorpt.-Lon Spectlrtuii of a Cesiixr. Ura-YVI Chloride Crystal, 'by A. L A",- E'auk S33.1, Vol lib 2' 191)9j a~L) 318-321. A.m. Dast. of Phys, Vol 14, i4io IQ, 1970 A-or 70 L~' c)9 1,1och I'mctions of a Relativistic O'liar.,ed PaDAJ.Cle r in a 4'.:a6netic Field, b. I. A. RUSSLL,-~ per. Loll:. Ak. 111aW.~SSSR, Vol ).(!,j; 1,0 LOW-Teiimerat-L~xe Plas4-jc De2olylation Q --' t; e Sw:face 0, uf~ 02 SiliCon Sincgle by V. p. jjlej;~Iijj~ RUSSLUI,-) per. Doh. A!,- 11auI, SSSR, Vol 1"'o 2) ]-91~q - I , 'D2' , pp I'D - A.,:i. Inst. of nys. Vol 14, 1"o Ai)r 7~) 7 09 1,"echanical Electrona.-net as an IdLD Dynamo, I'l-Y I. I.I. ldrhol r - Doi, A! Nau SSSR, Vol 1; -~o 2 Oo I 1960 ') pp 330-33-31. A-m. List. ol" Ph~,s. Vol- 14, lic) C)) .10-j0 Apr -(0 Pivperties of Sound Signals Reflected From the Sea Surface, by Yu. Yu. Mitkovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol 188, No 2, 1969, 334-337. Z=9 Dent of ,Navy AIIL/JIIU T-2413 ' K / Sci/Pjiys I-lay 70 407,111 The Evolution of Fusion Zoms During the Thermal History of the Earth, by A. N. Tikhonov. RUSSUNI per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol 188, No Zp 19699 pp 333-YA. AGI July 70 Crystal Structure of Staphanitc k- SRS)~, by A. A. Pet-Luniaia, ~5 RUSMD, por. Dok. Al-- Nai2t SSSR., Vol 188, 2. 1969~ pp 342-3T7.- Ain. inst. of Phys. Vol 111.3 lio 9., 1070 AI)-r 70 4. 00", 6 u(-'2 The Formtion of a ffighly Active Anticholbiesterase Compound by Reaction of O-Pinaeolyl-S-Beta- Ethylmercaptoethylmtbylthiophosphoriate idtl the Reactivator DW-4, by R.. 1. Volkovap 8 ppe RUSSIU. perw PoldWy liauk SSSR# ~bseatsp Vol 188p ll-lo 2p 11 60pt 1969, PP 354-357. Jim 49545 Sai-Chem Jan 70 3999342 Nature of the Proton Centers in Catalytically Active Zeolites, by V. G, Gvakhariya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969, pp 379-382. CB May 70 407,083 Quantum-Me~anical Model of a Polar Liquid, by R. R. Dogenadze. RUSSIAN.. per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969, pp 38-3-386, CB May 70 407,084 Effect of the Origin of R' Ions on the Cross Section for the'Formation of HeH+ Ions, by V. V, Ivanov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969t pp 387-396, CB 407,085 Theory of the Vibronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules, by A. V. Lukashin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969, pp 391-394. CB May 70 407,086 Kinetic Model for the Polymerization of Formaldehyde Under the Action of Triethylamine, by P, I, Penchev, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969, pp 395-397. CB May 70 407,087 Optimum Separating Agent, by 0. Ys. Samoilov. PUSSIAN,, per, DA A Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969, pp 398-400. CB May 70 407,088 T-C-P Phase Diagram of the Pb - Sn :5ystem, by Ye, Yu. Tonkov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, Sept 1969, pp 401-402. CB May 70 4071089 Fluctuations of Lake Levels in Northwestern European USSR in the Middle and Late Holocene, by P. M. Dolukhanov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, 1969, pp 4,03;J ~5- ~~ AGI JulY 70 The Lower Faleocene in the Northwest of the Black Sea Region of the Ukraineq by I, Do Konenkova. RUSSIANp per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 1889 No 2, 19699 pp 406~J ~7. AGI JulY 70 Optimum Depths for the Formation of Oil in the Terrigenous Jurassic in Eastern Ciscaucasiat by A, I. KonyuZiov. RUSSILN, pert DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 188, No 2, 1969, pp 408-411. AGI JU1Y 70 Tectonic Elements of the Basement of the East Buopean Platforml by A* So Novikova* RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk 8 M , Vol 1889 No 2g 1969t pp 412-413. AGI July 70 New Finds of Dipnoi in the Section of the Bol'Shoye Bogdo Mountain, bry S9 Pe Rykove RUSSUN, part Dok Ak Nauk SSSRO Val 1889 No 2, 1969, pp 414~46.-- AGI July ?0 Evolution of the Chingiz and Arkalyk Anticlinoria, Eastern KazaIchstan, in Late Cambrian to Middle Ordovician Timej by S. G. SaWgin. RUSSUN9 parl Dok Ak Nauk SSSR9 Vol 188p No 2, 19691 pp 417~1~20- AGI july ?U Fluorite Doposits as Indicators of Tectono- magmatic Processes, by A. D. Shcheglov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Na-ak SM, Vol 188p No 2, 1969t pp 421:1~2-3. AGI JulY 70