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Elementual-y Particle Meoly and -611-- Eonillvarqa"4 Vacuim, by A. A. Grij), RUSSD.E~ Pe1% Wk. Ah. NaW- SSSI,, VOj 1, iln A,a- lr)'c,) :,-1i) 1022-10277 Ahi. Inst. of pl~jys. P Vol ill., ~-~o 0") FOII-j lc-jfc) Apr 70 11 05, uNi 6 VfDimt-ional Relaxation Of Oscillators i-liti I.-Coil 1-requencies, by Ye. 1. Daslievskaya, RUSSLA-11, Per. Wk. Ah. 0-SSR, Vol Auc 1069, Vp 1-0-271-0-2 ka. illst- 0' PIIYS-~ Vol. .14) Ro 8, Feb 19yo Apr 70 induced Acccleration of Modulatod Liverted Paramagpictic SWA-4-,ance, RUSSIAi,,, Der. Doh. Ak. -Ia7cj,. SSSR, Aur-, 1020-1031, A-1a. Imt. o-11 Phys., Vol 14~ NO 0~ Current in al. E, K. Zavoj.r,!:j.,.' -i j ) Vol 16T, No Feb 1970 A-pr TO A Possible OriGin o2 the Electron Para,,~Ila,---naLic Resonance Speclurm) of klitro-cm ions in Lhi'wriond., blor V. 14'. Lth. A"r iod !,~~T, ~u iiauh SSSR7 00 1 Au--,- I'--)' 10j,2-1034. 10- ka. D, s u Of Pbys. , Vol 1b) 1110 L. Apr TO The o-f Successive kopro.-~inations for Formulated Fxdblems in the -,-,ile Synt', es's of Anteime, `,a 11: a per. 1-b';. X-- '~auuh SSSR, Vol l' 10-35-103b, tan. T-nsl. of P',Y~--s. ,Vol 14, i'o 1970 Alor 70 De-peradence of the DeLclirec 0;' -"01aI'izatJ0II Of 1'IdUc L U- 11-idssion in Dyes oil I,'he IMS1C Dc611CCIF, 'j-'c 14011 of -blle :hj,:Ci"jjjI 121-mit and tnc of Polarizau~. I u , L A,-,is of -'U-he Resonator, by A. !I. Sevchenko, RUSSIAII, per. Dok. Ah. NaW~ SSSR, Vol 1~37, 110 A-,,,.. Dst. -of Plvs-~ Vol 14~ iq-'c) b, 1`61) l"'70 Apr 70 CX;s-'Clal St'ractura 32 PI-1~110-cl- Y~D, Au~r 19b9. i' P-merican Listuitute of Physics, Vol Feb lg'fO. Apr TO The MecheAism of the Dissociation of Benzene by TAser Radiation, by 0. F. Kulikov. RUESTAN, per, Dok AIE Nauk SSW Vol 187, Ito 5, 11,1693, pp "r'~ -~-- Dept of Wavy APL/JHU T-2439 Sci/I-I-'Ys JtLI,V- 70 Effect of Vibrations on Visco-Elastic Behavior of Amorphous Polymersj by G. V. Vinogradov, RUSSIAN, per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR) Vol 18'(, No 5, '7 1969, PP 1OY5-167 - C- ~) 1.1ar 70 4104, 173 Crystallization Kinetics of Hyperperitectic Alloys in the System Sn-Sb, by Ya. V. Grechnyi, EUSSIAIT, per. Dok. Ak, Pauk, SSSE, Vol 187, No 5, 1969; PP 1079-10-71-- (JS M ar 70 40,4, 174 Fonuation of Chlorine Dioxide Darin.,r the Thermal Decomposition of Ammonium Perchdorate, by V. 1. Gritusan, RUSSIAN, per. Doh. Ak. I-TaW,, SSSR~ Vol 187, 1-10 5, 1969: pp 1082-1064 C- ~) Mar 70 404, 175 Investigation of the Effects os Small Additions of Platinum to the Energy of the Bond Between Oxygen and Vanadium Pentoxide., by N. I. 1l I chen]~o, RUSSIAN, per. Dok. Ak. Nawk SSSR~ Vol 1871 No 5) 1969, pp loS5-10-7- C- Q3 Mar TO ',,o4,176 Magnetic Susceptibility of Various Adducts of Vanadyl Vo(II) Ace-bate, by V. T. Kalimikov, HUSSIM.,, per. Doh. Ak. Nauk SSSRp Vol 187) 110 5Y 1969, pp lo8g-logi Q. 6 I'd, Mar 70 r ~,177 Probable Mechanism of the Formation of Adsorption Layers of Bioimeromolecules) by E. A. Kullman, RUSSIAN, per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, Wo 5; .1969, pp 1092-1095 C. b Mlar 70 4o4,178 Effect of Liquid Metals on the Strength of Graphite, by V. 1. Savenko, RUSSLU, per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR; Vol 187, NO 5~ 1969, pp 1096-1099 ~- I~s I4ar TO 404,179 formation 210001[y by RUSSIAN, 1,069, pp QJ~ of Carbon Black from Acetylene at 1750- F. A. Tesner, per. Dok. Ak. Raw', SSSE) Vol 187, No 5, 1100-1102 Mar 70 4o4,18c) HiCI-dy Elastic Deformations; Shear Stresses) and Thixotropy of Polymer Melts; Low-1.1olecular- WeiGht Polyisobutyene, by A. As Trapeznikov) RUSSMI., per. Dok. Ak. NaW~ SSSR~ Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1103-Lio6 C- e) Mar TO 404) 1.81 X-Ray Diffraction Study of the Hardenin, of u sinGle-Mineral Binding Agents, by A. F. ShcLurov, RUSSLU, 'Der. Dok. Ak. NaWc SSSR, Vol 18T, No 5, 1969) pp noy-1116 C- Q) Mar 70 4o4,182 Elastic Modulus and Thermal Stability of Collagen as Functions of Its Structural Cross-Linking, by G. 1. Kut-yanin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 187, No 5, Aug 1969, PP 1 11-1113- CE Nov 70 First Finds of Ordovician Graptolites in the Northern Nuratau, Southern Tien Shan, by Z4 M4 Abduazimova, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 19690 PP 1115-1116, AGI May 70 406j812 The Mesozoic of Karaginskiy Island, Eastern Kamchatka, by B, K, Dolmatov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1117-1119. AGI May 70 406p813 Mechanism of Evolution of Playas in the South Nangyshlak Region, by V, N, Kortsenshteyn. ROSSIAN, peT.. Dok 9- Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 19690 pp 1120-Tf2-Y.- AGI May 70 406,814 Supergene Silicification of Kimberlite at the Moskvichka Pipe, by V, 1. Rikheyenko. RUSSIAN, per 'Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1124-1127. AGI May 70 406,815 Age of Gas-Bearing Sediments and Some Patterns of Distribution of Gas Pools in the Palleogene of Northern Ciscaucasia, by B. A. Onishchenko. RUSSIAN, port Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1128-1-IrA-. AGI May 70 406,816 New Finds of Fossils in Metamorphic Formations of the Central Pamirs, by Ye. F. Roman1ko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1132-1134. AGI May 70 4060817 Evolution of Upper Devonian of the Tatar Arch, by N, Sh, Khayredinov. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 19690 pp 1135-1138. AGI May 70 406,818 Ground-Water Flow in Alluvium of the Valleys of the Eastern Part of the Caspian Depression, by N. Ye. Zeyberlikh. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1139-1141. AGI May 70 406,825 The Recrystallization of Quartz in Hydrothermal Fluorine-Bearing Solutions, by V. S. Balitskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No S, 1969, pp 1142-1145. AGI May 70 406,836 Sheetlike Counterparts of Coal Balls in Donbas Coal, by P. V. Zaritskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1146- AGI May 70 . 407,049 Relationship Between the Structural and Crystallo- Morphic Properties of Kaolinite in Sedimentary Formations, by M. G. Berger, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969, pp 1150-1 =. AGI May 70 407,057 Boron in Bottom Sediments in the Northeastern Part of the Atlantic Ocean Basin, by F. V. Sukhorukov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, NoS, 1969, pp 1153--l=. AGI May 70 407,064 New Unusual Spiriferids of the Lower Devonian (Suborder Athyrididina), by R. Ye. Alekseyeva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, 1969t pp 1157-1159. AGI May 70 407,068 Replidacna Found for the First Time in the Sarmatian of Azerbaidzhan, by A. A. Ali-Zade. RUSSIAN, perp Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 50 1969, pp 1160-116-1. AGI May 70 407,069 A Discovery of Algae of the Family Rivulariaceae in the Upper Prec"brian, by A. G. Vologdin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187t No 5, 1969, pp 1162-Tf;T.- AGI 70 406#070 Quantitative Determination of the Structu:ce of tile Phytoplankton Associationr, of the Bratsk Reservior, by 0. M. Kozhova, RUSSIO, per. Doklady Akadeidye Nauk SSSR, Vol 167, No 5, Aug 1969., PP 1165-1168- CB Apr 70 11-07,651 I-luta-enic Effect of Isocyanic Aaid and Potass-iw,-.i Isocyanatioe) by L. 1.1. ldatvienkc, RUSSIANy per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 10-7, A-u,L,,, 1,n6c) 1)p ll()9-"To- I:.ia' -- 70 Poriordioal SUCCeSSioll Of Lfbrood'-*',l)-,' aild CrOSSIOXOCCL-J-11-~' in riatural Reoroduction of Plants, Yu. P. vdi-yata, RUSSIAIJ, per. Dok. Ak. I-,ajl,z, SSSR, Vol 16T~ I-lo 5) AuG I,Qbo, pp 13-Tl-1174. CB I 1-~~ 70 4-J7, -)Ujt i~lata,r~enic Activity of EL -Aceto.-B -Viiayl-y - Valerolactone, by 1. A. raitsidy, R I USSDINI par. :D:)k. Alk. NaW~ SSSRI Vol 16T, 11,To ~-,; Auz- 1969, pi, 1175-1177. CB Iday TO 4w, 6-65 Enbawmat of RLbonwlsm ActIvItY in CeLU Tmated idth USUSTIOlet Paysp Yu. Z. GUnd0up V. P. GLnzburgp RUM=., parp D*. Ak. Ibuk 8=9 Der PhyidCS, Vol 3.87.. No 5., August 1969 pp uTd-I'm consultants DOM JUY 70 Poeftble Machaftsm of TnmeLtLon of Two-Quanttm PhotcLmdz&%cn of Phenol Derivatives at 77 X to a Ova-Quutm Process at REgher Tempemture by E. E. Feaw)w RLMSW,, per., Dok. A. Sauk Sm, Gar EZACS., Vol 187j, No 5,o August % PP Ml-1M3 ConmatauU Bumu JulY 70 Propea-ties of Labile 11hotooxiclized Forms of cilloyoph"'11 1), I)v V. !I. Yevsti'lllevev. 0 , RUSSIAN, per, Dd Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1,",7, j,o 5, Au,7 1909, pr 1184-11S7. B '. 1, ;'Mr 70 4 03, ")o5 Photo- f activity Of Chlorophyll in Aqueous S~Stclis of tile Amphoteric Surfactant Leci.thin, bN C. A. Korneyeva, RUSSIA!,!, per, Dok Ah Nauk ISSSRP Vol 1,87y, ",h) 5, Aug. 1969, 111) 1188-1190. C 1; ilar 70 Oi, 966 C011foTlilational Chantges Associated with Na+ -ATIlasc Activity, bv V. K. Lisliko. RlUSSJA,N', pur, 1.)oll- Al-, -Natik SSLAI., Vol 1,")7, No S, ALIO, 1969, ")p 1191-1193. 'dar 70 103,9b7 Connections of the Auditory Cwtex (Zone Ep) with the Claustram) by V. A. Otellin, RUSSIAR, per. Dok. A-k. Nauk SSSR) Vol 187, No 5) Aug 1969, pp 11-9712-00. CB May TO Changes in Daration o:'L' Action Potential of Cardiac Muscle Fibers Under the Influence of Acetylc~ioline, by Ye. B. BabsIdy, RUSSIAN, per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 5, Aug 1969, pp 120i--120 . CE I M ay 70 Hypothesis Concerning the Mechanism of Fonnation of Temporary Communications., by A. I. Eoitbak, RUSSIAN, per. Dok. Ak. lqauk SSSR, Vol 187, NO 5~ Aug 1969, pp 1205-120 . CD May TO On the Distribution of Values of MultiplicativL Arithmetic Functions, by A. Bakstys. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1215-1218. The kii Math Soc Vol 10, Xo 4, July-Aug 1969 0 Jan 70 400P082 'flie Averaging Principle and Bifurcation of Nvarly Periodic Solutions) by V, S, Burd. RUSSIAN, per, Dot. A ~Tauk SSSR, Vol 197, No 6, 1969, pp 1219-1221. The A~n Math Soc Vol 1014 Me 4, July-Aug 1969 Jan 70 1100.083 On the Mathematical Description of the i-I'lements of Complex Systems, by I-11. P, Buslonko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, m) 1222-1224. 1969, p The Arn Hath Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 JAN 7 0 400,084 Construction of an Effectively Inaccessible Cardinal in a Natural Extension of the Zcrmelo-Fraenkel System, by A. G. Dragalin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, VoI187, No 6, 1969, pp 1225-1228. The Am flath Soc Vol lop No 4, July-Aug 1969 Jan 70 400poss On a Property of the Toichmuller Metric, by M. A. Ycvgrafov. RUSSIAN, per, Doh, Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, p . 1) 1229-1231. The An Hath Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 Jan 70 400)086 Conditions for the Solvability of Pscudodifforential Equations, by Ju, V, Yegorov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, Nto 6, 1969, pp 1232-1234. The An, iMath Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 jan 70 400)087 On a Vector Space As5ociated with Hadwiger's Hypothesis, by A. A, Zykov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1235-1238. The Am t,4ath Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 Jan 70 400,088 On a Generalization of the Ba5iC Cauchy 'flicorent, by V, M, ~Maksimov, RUSSIAN, per, Doi( Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 19169, pl) 1239-1242, The Ar. Math Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 Jan 70 On the Solution of Discrete I'dener-11opf Equations in a Quarter-Plane, by V. A. Malysev, I RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1243-1246. The JUi Math Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 Jan 70 400,090 11, opological Imboddings of Manifolds, by C, A, V. Ceynavskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Doh, Ak Naul-I SSS-R, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1247-1250. The Ain Math Soc Vol 10, No 4, July-Aug 1969 ~)an 70 400,091 Frequency and Time Characteristies of Systems with Variable Parawters# by V. A. Tafts, Ve Yuo Gorelike 5 PP,, RUSSILN, per, Doklady Akadsmii Nauk SSSR, Moscow, Vol 1879 No 6# 1969# pp 1251-1253* jas 49i2,3 Sci-Cyborrotics Nov 69 394,978 C-.--, the Frequencj and Tiii-ic Systa.,~s -vrith Varyinr Parmlieters, -1,11- V. RUSSIIII.:11, per. Doh. Xr. iia-ah OSSR, "Iol Distitute of Vol ].~i, Fab 110TO Apr '(0 Equivalent Stiffness of a Doubly-Periodic Grating Reinforced by Elastic Rings (T). By E. I. Grigolyuk, L. A. Fillslitinskii. RUSSIAN, perl Doklady Akademii Nauk, SSSR, Vol. 187, !,.Io. 6, lWgust, 1969, pp. 1254- 1256. CIA X-7117 Nov 69 396,111 Eq:,:,ival.-n'U StuitiTness of a Grat-inu-- Rein-"orced vith Elast*ic RinuAl bY Yc-I- GriL~aly-,,J", .7,1au]". SSSR) Vol Av-,~ 1254-1256. Ana. Last. of 11hys., Vol 14, i,'a 'U', PO" 19YO 4u~;,6r,q Apr 70 As~-,qptatic apansions in the Thcor~- oi- Dif ~L'ractlion I)y a 9~ripj by P. Ya. UfJ.','-tSeVI OL a Plane Ijave Q - 2USSIA11', per. Dok. Ak. I;ai~-z SSSR, '701 1`1~- AuF.: 19' 9, 125T-1260. A-Tji. !nstu. of Firys., Vol 14, iII-o S', Fel~ 1(1-)'(0 C'narap.teristics of Diffiisc Seattering ol" X Ruyf~ at the Zone Sta6e of Agin.- of Alloy AIA~ by G. V. I-aeshchev, RUSSIAN, per. Dok- A-k. iiaul: SSSR, VO-1 187; lJo 6, Au~ !069, pp 1261-1263- 7nst. o C P",--,ys . , Vol 11, , 14-o 2', 11'e-1; 1970 _L I I r Apr TO 1 Lfuits of Applicability- oi the Dubci, ii, 1-d" St- S ( C-Iouds ) in Relatia, i '(1-o tulic Jln~~Llar A-pc.,--t-,u2e o-,' 11-he Receive2: and the Parameters of the Loser Beam, 'by I,. A. Kolosov, P sp, ,USSIAII~, per. Lbk. Ak. 1.1a,,32,: SS Vol 1"'(, AtC 196'9, PI) f277 6 Am. Inst-1. of Ehys,~ Vol I),,-; No Pet .19(0 Apr '(0 1sotuope Effect in the Vluorescence Si')octra of Ammonim) Salts of Uranyl, by 'Ll. G. Novitski-.'r~ RUSSIAD, per. Doh. Ak. Nw.~,:..SSSR) Vol 18"7, Nio Au~S 1P6'1j I)p 11270. 'L I L f j -~i. Inst. of Phys., voi ili., iio ~-', Fab 1r)'-O Y 0, I Ajw 70 W6,652 Diamond Iiiij-a-Pres sure Cell, ILy S. i~. Aspand~yarov RUSSIAI.'~ per. Dolz. Ah. livt'aul: GS611, Vol 187~ 1,'0 -) Au~; l9bg) I)p 1271-1273. Aya. Inst. of PlayS., Vol 1),,-) 1-io 8~ Feb 1970 Apr 70 1 r-D I[o',656 Changes in Forms of Tropospheric Circulation as a Function of the Macrostructure of the Solar Wind, by R. V. Smirnov. RUSSIAN, per' Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1278-1281. AGI 406~790 Study of the Pierzomagnetic Effect of Magnetic Perturbing Bodies on Changes in Crustai Stress, by Ye. Ye."Fotiyaki. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969t pp 1282-1284. AGI May 70 406,791 EPR Spectra and Structure of Iminoxy Biradicals, by E. G. Rozantsev, RUSSIMI, per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, lio 6, 1969) PP 1332--13-3-7- (~.6 Mar 70 4o4)2.83 Electroldmetic Potefftial of Bariwn Sulfate Precipitates, by Vild. I. Spitsyn, RUSSZkI,I) per. Dok. Ak. NaW~ SSSR, Vol 187, 1.,o 06' 1969, PP-1335--1-337- (~. Q) Mar TO 4011' 1811 Preparation and Study of Graft Space- Network Copolymers Based on Rubbers and Polymerizable Oligoacrylate Esters, by A. A. Berlin RUSSIAN, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSR? Chem Tech., Vol. 187, No 6, Aug 1969, pp 1339-13V. CB Nov 70 Influence of Small Quantities of inert Additives on the Structure and Properties of Rubbers, by Ye. V. Reztsova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 187, No 6, Tu-g1969, FP-1343-1345. CB Nov 70 Trap Association of the Tien Shan, by T. A. Dodonova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1347-1349. AGI 4060819 New Data on the Origin of Visean Bauxite in the Timans, by 0. S. Kochetkov. RUSSIAN, pers Dok Ak Nauk E~L Vol 187, No 6p 1969, pp 1350-1353. AR' May 70 406,820 -Age of the Mercury Mineralization of Gornyy Altai, byV. A. Kuznetsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1354-1356. AGI May 70 406,821 Differences in Lead-Zinc Mineralization in Different Rocks of the Sadon District, by Ye. M. Nekrasov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1357~ =59. ~ AGI May 70 406,822 A Description of a Section of the Gneiss Series in the Central Azov Region and Problems of its Stratigraphy, by k. M. Polunovskiy. RUSSI .AN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 60 1969, pp 1360-1363. AGI 70L 4G60623 New Data Ukraine, RUSSIAN, 1969, pp AGI on the Origin of the Poltava Series of the by I. N, Remizov. per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, 1364-1367. Vol 187, No 6, May 70 406j824 Role of Ground Water in the Genesis of Hydrothermal Deposits in Central Kazakhstan, by V. G. Bogolepov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, ~o 6. 19690 pp 1368-137V* AGI May 70 406,826 Composition and Lattice Parameters of Riebeckite- Arfvedsonite Amphiboles, by G. G. Afonina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1371-T =. AGI May 70 406,837 Order and Disorder in the Arrangement of Sodium and Potassium Atoms in the Nepheline Structure, by N. S. Samsonova. RUSSIAN, perI Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1375-1378. AGI May 70 406,838 Ecogite of the Front Range, Northeris Caucasus, by.V. V. Ploshko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1379-1382, AGI May 70 407,050 Peridotite Inclusions in Cenozoic TTachybasalt of the Baikal Region, by A, 1, Kiselev, RUSSIAN, per, bok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1383-1389. AGI May 70 407,051 The Fassaite Nature of Clinopyroxene From Magnesian Skarn, by L. I, Shabynin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 61 1969, pp 1386-1589. AGI May 70 4070052 Some Features in the Mineral and Geochemical States of Iron Present in Peat Bogs, by !:. L. Lukashev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1390-1393, AGI May 70 407,065 Confirmation of the Exinence of the South Branch of the Equatorial Countercurrent. in the Atlantic Ocean, by N. K, Khanaychenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 6, 1969, pp 1394-1396. AGI 70 407,075 The Chromosomes of the Black Sea Flatfish, by V. W. Ivanov, RUSSIAIT, per6 Doklady Akademiye Nuh 53SR) Vol 18-1, I No 6) AuG 1969, pp 1397-1399. CB Apr 70 407) 649 The Dynamics of the Relationship Between Chromosomes and Nuclear Membrane in-the Sex Cells of the Rat, by M. A. Monakhova, RUSSLUI., per. Doklady Akademiye Naw~ SSSR, Vol 18'(, 1,To 6, Aug 1969, pp 0-1403. CB Apr -10 4 0 7 P "' 5 () The 11itta.-en-ic Action of 3; 4-Dio,:~rpheiYy1alanine as One of the Possible M'utar~ens Fondn!- in U Ir.radiat"ed Tissues, by V. A. Kupylov, BUSSIA111; per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol !~o ~)~ Au- 1,060-, pp 1404-14 . C13 1~~ 70 " OT; 66 ay r )u Rejection of Synegenic Sidn Grafts as a Method o.C Detemining the Chimerism of Liununocompetent Cells in F1 I~ybrids, by A. S. Shevelev, RUSSIM~ per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 187, No 0, Aug 19069, pp lTF07--J7U-. CB May TO Iffaet of GLbbamjUn on laqw Activity In Irraftated P4mnU.. L. M. Kryulwvap K. K. Xtkh=bftzh*novp JtUSSUNp pa., Dak. Ak. NI%U% SSSR Bar Phyolw Vol 187S so 6, Augwt 9 pp 1422-1414 con"Itanto Davou July 70 Localization of keactions of 11)(I C-Oxidiltiol, of j,,jii-.ctIi)-lani1inc and of I~croxidation oL' Unsaturated Fatty Acids in the NADPH.,-Oxy,;cnasc Systmi of 0 LMicrosoi.1cs, by A. I . ArcFiahov. RUSSIA:,', per, Doh Ah ~,,auk SSSK$ Vol 187, ~:o Aug 1961), m) 9 6 ko Mar 70 403) Polyiwrphispi, of Hood Sci-urj,. Protcins and of thc 17cil - ; oviobiji of the Buffalo, by L. A. Zubarclia. RUISSIAIN, per, Dok A); 1"'alik SSSR, Vol 187, !"(-) 0, Au~ 1909, or 141191-1421. (I 9 6 9 i,!,,ir 70 4030 R010 of CO'I-%pCr ',111(1 ill Lhc PI-OTICI'tiCS of Xanthine Oxidase and Urate Oxidasc., by V. V. 1"Ovallskiv. I RUSSIAN, per, Dol, j.~k N*auL SSSP., Vol. 187, ""I-o 0, Aui- 1969, ,)T) 14122-1424. 'lar 70 103,970 Synthesis of Cellulose From HDII-cid-G, ill -Vitro 1w all F.Ilzrile Ucrivcd From Cotton Scedlillo ) hy L. I'll. Stopanonko. PUSSIAN, per, Dol" A Nail-, Vol 11,')7, "() (), Au(~ 11,169, ni, 1425-1,128. CB ,-Iar 70 10.-),971 Oriented Eutuall Effect o-L' Opposit.e Cell Layers in the Hydroid Pol~T D,~Tialmeiaa Pwidla, L. V. Bolousov, RUSSIA!", per. Doh. X:. Iiau~: SSSR, Vol 16'fl 11jo U" A-a- 19oc, - B ~ ~ /, PI) 1436-1438 CD I-lay TO 11 - () 7, (':", ~ 9 2eGeneration in Acanthocyclops VIridis (copepoc-la, Cyclopoida) by G. Ya. Krenkc, RUSSL8.:.'j per. Dok. Ali. Naul: SSISR., Vol IG'(, 110 b.) AuL-,- 1c9f6q, PP 1439-1442. GB nay p )~Qy~ i "00 Theory of Regulation of Blood Circulation amd Blood Forination., by M. A. aanin, RUSSIAN3 per. Dok. Ak. Nauk SSSR, Vol 18T, Bo L"), Aug 1969, pp 1443-14 . CB May 70 A Factor L-.hibd:Lin,- Chorionic Gonadot-roi)in Action Recovered. fror S.-heep Pituitary Gland., by 1,1. 141. Ostrourmova, I MSSIAr v0 LD i, per. Dok. Ak. NeW,.,, SSSR, Vol 18,(, !- "I Au.~ 196-9, pp 1775-. CB r c), Apr TO cl,~Ssical Solution of the :~ultilrront Stcfail Problen) bY I% :~i- ['116zil OSSR) \101 1"o PU,SSUA~', Tier, Pol, AL " , 196q, IP1) 9-12. The Alp, %iath Soc ~'oj Icl, :"o 5, Sept-Oct 1969 1, i%iar 70 (13 72 On the Liiidtiji,~ Elchavior of an Invariaut Ocasilrc UnLlcr Small Perturbations of a Dymadcal 'S'N-ste-ii, by A. 1). Ventcell. RUSSIA;`%', per, Dd: Ak Naid, SSSR, Vol ISN, 1:o 1, 1969) nr 15-16. The L'i ""'Ith Soc %."0l 10, l'0 5, Scl"t-Oct 1969 'r,zir 70 103,973