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Exponential Stabilization of Linear Systems, by Ye. D, Jakubovic. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, 1969, pp 47-49. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396P869 Integral, Conservation Laws for Continuous Media in the General Theory of Relativity, by V. A. Zhelnorovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., vol 186, No 1, may 1969; PP 50-53. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5,, Nov 1969 jan 69 398,916 Some Solutions of the Inhomogeneous Diffusion Equation, by N. N. Kochina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaW~ SSSR, Vol 186, i-io 11 Mal/ 1969, PP 54-57. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 Jan ('09 398)912 Investigation of Inelastic Problems by Reproduction of the Deformation I1istory, by A. Ya. Aleksandrov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI vol 186, No ij May 1969, pp 5871. The Am Inst of Phys vol 14, No 5) Nov 1969 jan 69 398,939 Solving an Integral Equation of Potential Theory by an Iteration Method) by A, G. RUSSLUT) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1,36, No 1., 0 May 19' 9., PP 076-5-- The Am Inst of Phys vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jan 69 398)914 A Nonstationary Problem of Thermal Conductivity in a Two-Layer Cylinder, by A. S. Umanskiy. RUSSMI,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, may 1969) pp 67-79-. The Am Inst of Phys vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jan 69 398,915 Diffraction Theory of Knife-Edge and Slit Shadow Photometry., by L. A. Vasillev. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR,, vol 186, No 1, May 1969) PP 70-72. The Am Inst of Phys voi 14, No 5, Nov 1969 N C~- " C~~' jan 69 398,919 Two-Photon Excitation in Uranyl Crystals by a Ruby Lasers, by G. N. Lyalin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaWc SSSR',, vol 186, No 1, may 1969, PP 73-75. The Am Inst of Phys vol 14, No 5) Nov 1969 jan 69 393,920 Nonradiative Transition with Charge Redistribution in a Polar Medium) by A. A. Ovchinnikov. RUSSIAN) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) voi 186, No 1) May 1969., pp 77-7-7. - The Am Inst of Phy5 vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jan 69 398, 9a Con2erning Realization of the Theoretical Limit of Resolution of an Electron Microscope) by P. A. Stoyanov. RUSSIAN) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186) No 1, May .1969) pp TU-77-9. The Am Inst of Phys voi 14, No 5Y Nov 1969 jan 69 Nature of the Double Modality of the Angular Distribution of Shower Particles in the 10-20 GeV Energy Region, by Zh. S. Takibayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Vol 186, No 1~ May 1969, pp 80-82. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 3) Nov 1969 398,923 Fine Structure of Ceriumated Cast Iron Graphitz-, by Yu, S. Akhmatov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, blay 1969, pp 83-84, The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 Jan 69 398,933 Isothermal and Athermal Martensitc Transformation in an Iron-Nickel-Molybdenum Alloy, by 1. Ya, Georgyeva RUSSIAN, per, Dok AR Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, ,4ay 1969, pp 85-88. 'rhe Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 Jan 69 398P934 Effect of Electron Irradiation on the State of the Carbon in Martensite, by V, K. Kritskaya, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nabk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, May 1969, pp 89-91. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 Jan 69 3980935 A Nuiterical I~ethod for Determiring the Average Cbaracteristics of the Crust from SeismoL-Irams of Renote EarthTaakes, by A. S. Aleicseyev. RUSSIkW, per, Dok kk Naulk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, 1969, pp 92-95. Arii JU1Y 70 Crystal Structure of Sodium Bichromate Na2Cr2C7 * 2H201 by Yu. A. Kharitonov. RUSSIAN, per, pok A Nauk SSSE-, Vol 180-1 No 1, may 1969, pp 97-7-- The Am Inst of Phys 'L vol 14, No 5.. Nov 1969 jan 69 398,907 Synthesis of Gerninal Bis (Difluoroamino) Deri- vatives, a new Inst-ance of Difluoroarune Alkylation, by A. V. Fokin, etal . 1.96 RUSSIAN, per, Doklady PN SSSR, Vol W , No 1, 1969, pp 112-11757 - AiWFW I FTID HT Special 575=69 oct 69 395,394 I'l-nulsifying Ability of Surface-Active Substances, by A. A. Abramov. RUSSIAIi, pei7, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, Ha% 1969, pp 116-1T9_. C B Jan 70 401 ) 163 The Epoxidation 114cclianism of 2-Lxo-oIcthvl-(2,2,l)- Bicyclo-5-lieptenoic 2-Endo-Acid 'Mcthyl i'ster by Molecular Oxygen and by Acetyl Peroxide Radicals by 11, 1, Valov, RUSSIMIP per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, 4',,o 10 May 1969, pp 120-123, CB Jan 70 401P164 Calculation of Energy Shifts for Degenerate Levels of Multi-E-lectron Atoms, by B. H. Davidovich, RUSSIAN,, per, Dok A Naul, SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, May 1969, pp 124-127. CB Jan 70 401P165 Surface-Active Polymers Formed in Lmulsion Polymerization and Their Role in this Process, by V. 1. Yelisayeva. NISSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSP, Vol IS6, No 1, May 1969, pp 128-131. CB Jan 70 401,166 L91dTO t7 OL tWf U 'gTT-Zcl dd '6961 XUE 11 '1 0-~11 '991 TOA III.SSS pvN I.V lo(j liad '~,VJSSf (I .A0j,IriLj2 *v *c,; Xq ',,.xaqlj awrtXjo,j .1 Figures of the Thermal Decomposition and Cheviical Etching of Nercury Oxide, by M. M. Pavlyuchcnkov. 0 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, May 1969, pp 136-138. CB Jan 70 401,168 Internal flydrophobic Structure of" Proteins Accor~iii~; to the Data of Solubilization of Ilydrocarbons, 1)), V. A. P&elin, IYMSIAIN, per Dok Ak Naul'. SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, I p I May 1969, pp 139-141. CP) Jan 70 401 p 169 Study of the Fine Structure and Thenno- mechanical Properties of Magnesium- Containing Photositalls, by A. I. Berezhnoi RUSSIAN, Der, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Voi 186, No 1, May 1969, pp 1 2-145. CB Nov 70 The Activity of Oxygen in an Iron- Carbon Melt, by A. N. Samarin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Chem Tech., Vol 186-,No 2, May 1~ ~~' pp 1 6-149. CB Nov 70 N-Iew Data op Precambrian Stratigrap'hy of the Khamar rbban, by A. L. Dodin. RUSSIAII, per, Dok A Nauk S39R, Vol 186, Po It 1969, PP 151-154- ACTI JulY 70 Relationship 13Gtweon Epiarchean Residuw-n and Rocks of -the Platform Cover on the West Flan]c of the Anabar Shield, by A. I. Zabiyaka. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaWc SM, Vol 186, No 1, 19691 FP 155-157. AGI J1.11Y 70 Factors in the Genesis of Hydrothermal Ore Depo5its, by S. N. Ivanov. RUSSIAN, per, Doic Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, 1q6qj pp 158-1761-. AGI July 70 The Principal. Striictural Features of the Kopet Dag Molasse, by L. M. Rastsvetayev. RUS91L-1, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, 1969t pp 162-IT5-. AGI July '70 A Unified Geohistoric Approach to the Study of the Precambrian and Post-Precarbrian, by A. V. Sidorenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1B6, No 1, 196a, pp 166-1T9-. AGI JulY 70 ki Overthrust Sheet on the Chernyshev Ridge, North Ural Region, by No Is Timonins RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 10 1969, pp 170-172. AGI July 70 Hypogene Ore Associatl.oris of the Donets Basin, by V, I. Skarzh-biskiy, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 11 1969, PP 173-176. AGI July 70 The Nature of Trapping and Luminescence Centers in Quartz and Nephelines by V. S. Lyaskov. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No Ip 1969, pp 177-180. AGI U'u1Y 70 Lwestigation of Cimerian Clay from the Kamysh- Burun Basin,Kerch' Peninsula, by Infrared Spectroscopy, by V, V. Gusev. RUSSIANg perg DDk Ak Nauk SSSRl Vol 186, No I# 1969t pp AGI July 70 Overall Estimates of the Average Trace-Element Content of Principal Ore Hinerals, by V. V. Ivanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol t86, No It 1969o PP 185-186. AGI JulY 70 Acid-Base Reaction of Constituents Daring the Evolution of Differentiated Extrusive Basalt Seriesp by S. M. Kravchenko. RUSSIAN, per; Dok Ak Nauk S=, Vol 180", Do 1, 1969p pp 18?-190. AGTL Ju:LY 70 Problem of Liquation in Magma$ by B, N, Melentlyevo RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 186, No 1, 1969p pp 191-193, AGI JulY 70 Effect ol' 1~'atcr-Salt i'lusclc-Tissuc Lxtracts on Previously Irradiated Conetic Structuyes, by Yu. Ya. Kerkis. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Al,-Nauk SSSI,, Vol 1,133o, No 1, "lay 1969, pp 195-197. CB Fob 70 4C,1.,117 E*ncrov Floi-,, in the Ecosystem of a Eutrophic Lal~c, 0' by G. G. Vinberg. IIUSSIAN, per, Dok AL Na-uk SSSR) Vol 180, 1""0 1, I-lay-Junc 1969, pp 198-201. CE Feb 70 401,429 Regulation of Glutamate 'I'.1letabosism iii l)acillus Lrevis GB, by V. V. Grosliev. PIJSSIAI~.. per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 1, INay 1969, pp 202-204. CB Feb 70 4 01.432 De-counposition of Cholesterol in a liomogenciiate of 1. an Atherosclerotically Modified litiman Aorta by Enzymes of Nycobacteria, by A. A. hishenctsIdY. KOSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, Nio 1, :,Ia), 1969, 1)-,) 205-207. CB Feb 70 401)433 lwle of FYee intracellular kdiio Acids in I,'c,(:uIatioiI of Acid. Proteinase Synthesis iii %;'old Fuiu-,i, L)v S. A. 1"Onovalov. per, Dok- Ah Nauk- SSSRI, Vol 186, :"'0 1, ~Iav 1969, pp 208-211, c B) Feb 70 401)434 Absence o-f Tryptophan Rc(luircirient for LethA Action of Pliago T4 "Ghosts", by H. 1. silo,, 1, oj,. !)USMAN, per, Doh Al, SSSIZI, Vol 186, ~,'C) 1, 1961), pp 212-214. CI), Feb 70 401 , 435 The Effects of 11)1.,othaiamic Lesions on the lmmunolm,ical in [Aces of "Induced" Autotransn1ant 0 Rejectioll, by Ye. A. Korneva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Al. Nauk SSSR, Vol, 186, No 1, Hay 1969, pp 215-21S. CB Feb 70 401,431 Featuyes of the RCCUllation of RNA biosynthesis in the Liver of Irradiated Animals, by 1. N. Todorov. RUSSIAN, per, Doh Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, X0 1, Nay 1969, pp 219-221. CB Feb 70 4010,233 FLII)CtiOilal PecUlhlritioS Of flie D!,A of Diffuse mid Cmidensed Chromatin, by L. N. Anan'eva. PUSSIAN, per, DA Ak ii,Nlauh SSSR, Vol 186, N`o 1, j~,~-ay 1969, pli 2221-2124, ('11 Nar 70 401,944 1:-Iofcct of Inhibitors of Lncro' ~'[Ctabolism oil the Synthesis and Decomposition of RNA in Anhial. Cclls~ 1)), L. 1'l. Volhova. l,'USSIAN, per, Hok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol hS0, '~'o 1, Ya"), 1969, 1)1) 225-2227, CIII 17ar 70 1,;, 401,945 1"i0synthosis of Chlorophyll Under the Action Of Zill 1'.Xtract From 1"Tonionic Acid Bacteria Cells, b~ T. Godnev. PUSSIANO per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSRJ Vol 180, NO 1, i'lay 1969, pp 2-28-230. CIII 1~ '~ar 70 401)946 Prosence of Y-Mainobutyric Acid in thc Cerebral and ~-~ain Vessels of Man and Animals, by S. A. ~Iirzoyaji. UIIISSINNI, per, Dok-ikk--Naul~ SSSR, Vol I'UG, 1, i.:ay 1969, Im 231-232. c B Nhr 70 403)947 Albul-acil Cojilposition of Blood scrum. in 'I'i-.,o Alloj)Z1tT.LiC Populations of Siberian StuyEcon Acipenser Bacri Brandt, by V. I. Luklyanenko. RUSSIO, per, Dol, Ak 11'auk SSSR, Vol 186, jNo 1, 11a), 1969, !)T' 1133-235. c hl Feb 70 401,1140 Removal of a Curare-Like i-iffect by Direct Inactivation of the Nyorelaxant i"101CCUIC 1))' Disruption of the Disulfide Bond, by N. V. Khronmv-Borisov. RUSSIAb', pcr, Doh A11- Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 180, No 1, May 19691 1,1) 236-239. cv, Feb 70 401,441 General Integral Representations, by 1. 1. Bavrin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 247-250, The Am Math SoC Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396,870 On the Theory of Pseudodifferential Operators on a Manifold with a Boundary, by A, S. Dynin, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 251-253. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396,871 Duality for Topological Vector Spaces Over a Discrete Field, by P. Kenderov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969~ pp 254-256, The Am Math Soc Vol 10) No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396.872 Sublinear Continuations of Functionals, by D. P. Millman. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 257-260, The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396,873 Invariant Measure with Respect to an Anosov Flow on a Three-Dimensional Manifold, by M. Ye. Ratner. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 261-263. The Aw, Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, Hay-June 1969 Nov 69 396,874 Two Propositions on Baer Groups, by 1. A. Rips, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 264-267, The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396,875 Defect indices of Symmetric Differential Operators with Polynomial Coefficients, by A. L. Cistjakov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 268-271. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396,876 On Exponential Topology, by M. M. Coban. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 196, No 2, 1969, pp 272-274. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 3, May-June 1969 Nov 69 396.877 The Correcting Capacities of Linear Codes, by M. V. Kozlov. RUSSIAN) per) Doh Ak Nauk SSSR) vol 186, No 2, may 1969; pp 27-5-7217T.- The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jea, 69 398)910 Characteristic Criterion for Asymptotically Stable Limiting Motion. of a Mechmiical Apparatus, by 1. 1. Artobolevskiy. RUSSIAN, perk Dok Ak Nauk SSSR~ Vol 186, No 2, may 1969, pp 2T9---2T2-. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jan 69 398,917 Asymptotic Properties of the AY-1symmetric Flow solution to the Navier-Stokes Equations) by V. V. Pukhnachev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, vol 186, No 2, may .1969., PP 283-285. The kn Inst of Phys vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jan 69 398,913 Diffraction of Inastic Waves by an Infinite Row of Circular Cylinders, by V. T. Grolovchan. RUSSMi, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol 186, No 2p july 1969, pp 286-2 d. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5) Nov 1969 jan 69 398,940 Vibrations of a Rotating Disc with Partial Retardation, by B. I. Kogan. RUSSMI,per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRP Vol 186, No 2, may 1969, pp -279--2-92. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14) No 5, Nov 1969 ia.n 69 398)941 KLectrical Structure of Boundary Layers, by G. 1. Distler. RUSSM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol 186, No 2~ May 1969, pp 293-295. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14) No 5) Nov 1969 jan 69 398,924 Proof of the Ddstence of narged States of Krypton in the matrices of Rubidium Halides by Means of the Mossbauer Method) by V. M. Krasnoperov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 180") No 2) may 1969) pp P96-298. The Ar, Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 jan 69 398)925 Quadrupole and Octupole One-Phonon States of Nuclei in the Range 174~S A,:~1881 by L. A. Malov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk USSR, Vol 13t")" No 2Y 1,1ay 1969j pp 299-301. The An. Inst of Phys vol 14, !~~o 5, 1,7ov ~.969 398;-9-26 Effect of Reversible Friction on Dislocation and Vacancy Density in the Surface Layer of a Metal, by V. D. Yvdokimov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, I M ay 1969, pp 302-304. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 5, Nov 1969 Jan 69 3980936 On the Possibility of Impregnating Iron with Carbon by the Action of a Laser Light Pulse, by 0 L. 1. Mirkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, May 1969, pp 305-3J8. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No S, Nov 1969 Jan 69 398,937 Propagation Velocities of Longitudinal Seismic 0 Waves the Mohorovicic Surface in the USSRj by N. A. Belyayevskiy, RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSER) Vol .1861 J~o 2, 1969t PP 309-312. A-GI Ju-1y 70 Factor of ChemicP1 Indifference of Mutually Substituted Atoms in Crystals of Solid Solutions Formed by Intermetallic Compounds, by Ye. S. YAkarov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol 186, No 2, May 1969~ PP 313-315. The Am Inst of Yhys vol 14, No 5) Nov 1969 jan 69 398;908 Model of a Three-Dimensionally Modulated Complex for Explanning X-Ray Liffraction Patterns with Satellites, by Yu. D. Tyapkin. RUSSIM, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186) No 2, may 1969) PP 3116-319- The Am Inst of Phys vol 14, No 51 Nov 1969 jan 69 398,9c)9 Nature of the Active Centers in the Process of Polymcrizing Butadiene-1,3 in the Presence of the atalystic System CoCIq - P~,~-Al (iso-C,114,20-11?0, , C by L. A. Volhov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, iNlay 1969, pp 362-365. ('13 Jan 70 401,170 Liquid Crystal State of n-Alkyl-p-Hydroxyhenzoic Acids, by IM, M. Kusakov. USS1,M, per, Pok Al, Nauk SSSR, Vol IS6, No 2, 6-368. ,;!aY 1969, pp ~-6 U Jan 70 401)170 Nature of the ElectrOD lixcitatiOll StatcS and Mcchaidsm of tile 11110todecompositioll of Compounds, by M, A. Pah, RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 186, No 2' Nay 1969, pp 369-372. CI3 Jan 70 401P171 Thermal Combustion Reginc, of Rich Carbonaccous 11~~ixturcs of Subcritical Composition, b)' A, 1. 11ozlovskiy. 1"USSIM"', per, Dok A SSSRP Vol 186) ill'o 2) Nay 1969, pp 373-376. c b, Jan 70 401,172 Thixotropic Recovery at Post and in Steady I,',mIin,'Ir Flow of Coagulated Structures Brah-en Pown by Vibration, by N. B. UrIev. PUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRP Vol 186, Nlo 2, [lay 1969, p-p 377-380, CPI Jan 70 401,173 Investigation of the L.1iiission of Ifigh-Enorgy Electrons on Breal' ing Adhesive Bonds Betwecii Res'4'iis of Different Electrical ConductiVity and N"airit, by Yu. A. Khrustalov, RUSSIAN, por, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, 'No 2, iMay 1969, pp 381-384, c PI Jan 70 401,174 The IR SpectrophotoNictric Investigation of the Interaction of Monoothinol amino with the Surface of .Silica, by A, A. Chuiko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 180, N10 21' 14a), 1969, pp 385-388. C P) Jan 70 401)17S Structure of the Roy Z Phase, kr N. A. Ovramenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 186, No 2, May 1969, pp 3 9-392. CB Nov 70 Effect of Exchange Ions on the Differential Heats of Wetting of Humates, by V, V, Parkhomenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR1 Chem Tech., Vol 186-,No 2, May 1969, PP 393-396. CB Nov 70 Dimerization of Styrene in the Presence of Bis--n-Crolv-ylnickeliodide, by L. I. Redikina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 186, No 2, May 1969, pp 397-398. CB Nov 70 A 1~ew Scheme for the Holocene Stratigraphy and Paleogeographir of Byelorussia, by L. !%!. VoznYachuk, PIUSSR11j, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 186, 11o 2, 196gy PP 399~J ~2- ~--' AGI JUlY 70 Ore Fragments from Cap Rocks of the Kusmuvin and Akbastau Pyritc Deposits, Central Kazakhstan, by A. D. Kaipov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 403-40T.- AGI JulY 70 Mechanism of Evolution of Earginal Cross structlires in the Eastern Siberian Platform and Role of TY, splacer ments in their Formation, by Ye. S. Kuteynikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSM, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, P~n 407-410. AGI 0111j" 70 The Evolution of Volcanism in the Sikhote Alin Fold Zone and the Area Adjacent to it on the West, by V. 0. Solovlyev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 33SR, Vol IP6, Eo 2, 1969, pp 411-414. AGI Jul-31 70 Low Velocity of Longitudinal Seismic Waves in 0 tho Weakly Seismic Part of the Kurile-Kamchatka Focal Zone, by R. Z. Tarakanov. RUSSIADJ, per, Dok Ak Naulk SSSR, Vo! 1.86, No 2, 196Q9 PP 415-4118- AGI JulY 70 Effect" of Alkalinity and Silicic Acidity on the Composition of Magmatic Clinopyroxene, by A. X. Vi I ensk5,y. RUSSIAN, perg Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol 186, No 2, 19699 pp 419-422, AGI July 70 Immiscibility of the Natural Pyroxenes Diopside and Fassaite and the Criterion for it, by I. V. Ginzburg. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SMp Vol 186, No 2, 1969, pp 423~42T.- AGI July 70 Form of Occurrence of Zinc in Tetrahedritep by R, L, Dwiin-Barkovskive RUSSIU, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 186, No 2p 1969 p pp 4Z7~d ~29. ~ AGI JulY 70 Study of Spectral RUSSUN, ig6go pp AGI the Composition of Native Gold by X-Ray Microanalysis$ by M. S. Sakharova, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No Zp 430:-03- July 70 Composition of Brucite in Serpentinites and the Procedure for ldentif~~g itp by D~ S, Shteynberge RUSSILN, parp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186p No 2p 1969t pp 434-437. AGI JulY 70 Bavenite From. Precambrian Granite-Pegmatite of the Ukraine, by Yu. Yu. Yurk s RUSSWI per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 1860 No 2, 1969l pp 438~4 ~. AGI July 70 Origin of Eclogite in the Kokchatav Mock, by L. L. Perchuk. RUSSRN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR# Vol 1869 No 2s 1969, pp 441-444. AGI July 70 Structurally Ordered Kaolinite in Marine Sediments of the Poltava Series in the Dnieper-Donets Depression$ by M. G. Berger. RUSSIAN# pery Wk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969 v pp 4454]Z-. AGI July 70 Time and Length of the Oil Pool-Florming Process as Determined from Clay Mineralsp by 1. N, Ushatinshy. RUSSM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRO Vol 186# No 29 ig6g, pp 449~ ~52. - AGI JulY 70 Two Modes of Origin of Sedimentary Selenium Concentrationsp by V, P. Voroblyev. RUSSIkNo perl Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186# No 2p 1969, pp 453~47-- AGI July 70 Casts of the Adductor of Healdiidae (Ostracoda) from. the Middle Triassic of the South Maritime Territory, by M. N. Gramm, RUSSIA.Nj per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 186, No 2, 1969, PP 457470-- AGI JulY 70 Structural Ornanization of the Ganglion Cells of the b Tomnoral Reovion of the Cat Retina, by S. A. Shibhov;i. RUS~IM' Per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 1S6, No 2, C.;,Iv 1969, pp 461-463. cii, Fcb 70 '101,424