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Determination of the Velocity Profile of the Upper Mantle in Europe, by V, P. Valyus, RUSSIAN, per, Dok AM Nauk--SSSIZ, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, pp 564-567, AGI Jan 70 399,951 An Asymptotic Method for Solving Equations of Brownian Ilotion of Aerosol Particles, by V. M. voloshchuk. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak INauk SSSR, Vol ISS) INO 3, 1969, pp 568-570. AGI Jan 70 399.4952 Synthesis and X-Ray and Thermal Studies of Potassium Rare-Earth Tungstates, KLn(W04)2, Ln=Rare Earth Faement, by P. V. lUevtsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, PP 571-574- The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 3, Sept 1969 oct 69 394)078 A New Lanthanum Oxytungstate Ma 203 *3WO3) by T. I. Timchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, PP 575-576. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 3, Sept 1969 oct 69 394,079 More Information on Pleistocene Marine Terraces on L. the East Coast of thc Sea, by A, P, 'Ilakatsariya. RUSSIAN', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, pp 653-656, AGI Jan 70 399,963 Gcotectonic Position of the Erzin Complex of Precambrian Granitoids Of I'LIVtp by N, V. Rogov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak- NaLlk SSSR, V01 185, NO 3, 1969, I)p 657-660, AG I .Jan 70 399,964 Marine Terraces of the Black Sea Coast of the Caucasus and the Problem of Recent Vertical MoVements, by P. V. Feclorov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A 11.1auk- SSSIII, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, pp 661-6TT.- ACI Jan 70 399,965 Composition of the Kyn Deposits of the Tatar Arch and its Surrounding Depressions, by S. 1. Shevtsov. RUSSIANI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol i8s) No 3, 1969, pp 664-667, AGI Jan 70 399,966 The Nature of the "Latent" Spottiness in tMuscovite, by Ye. 11, Sokolova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 18S, No 3, 1969, pp 668-671. AGI Jan 70 Crystal Structure of Canasite Ca 5Na4K,,[Sil2o3O] (011, F)4, by 1H. I. Chiragov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, pp 672v674. AG I Jan 70 3991986 E.ff ect of ~3' reezing on the Composition of Bicarbonate 1',*ater, by IN, A. Vlasov. RUSSIAN, per, Doh Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 3, 1969, pp 675-678. AGI ,Jan 70 400POOS Germaniun in Recent lilack Sea Sediments, by V. S. Sokolov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Val 185, No 3, 1969, pp 679-682, AGI Jan 70 4009009 Factors Stimulating Cell Division in the Bacterium Escherichia. Coli, By Ye. 1. Golub RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci_._p Vol 185, No 3, Apr 1969, pp 663-6b5. CB Oct 70 Autoradiographic and C tophotoraetric Study of the Rate 'Z of H -Thymidine In- corporation Into Regenerating-Liver Cells Irradiated in the Gl and S Periods, by A. M. Polishchuk RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 185, No 3, March 1969, pp 6d6-bd9. CB Oct 70 A New Class of Yeast Mutant With a Temperature-Dependent Respiratory DeficienC7, by I. A, Zakharov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 3, March 1969, pp 690-692. CB Oct 70 The Life Cycle and Reproduction of Epischura Baicalensis (CopeDoda, Calanoida) in Lake Baikal, by Ye. I. Afanasleva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk S33R, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, pp 693-696. CB Oct 70 Certain Physical and Chemical Properties of Type II Actinophage of Actinomyces Streptomycini Kras, by Z. M. Kochkina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 3, April 1969, pp 697-69d. CB Oct 70 Thiamine Biosynthesis From Derivatives of the Pyrimidine Series, by Ye. N. Odintsova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, pp 699-701. CB Oct 70 A Natural Inhibitor of Photosynthetic Reactions, by Ye. A. Akulova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 185, No 3, 14ar--19-6-9, pp 702-704. CB Oct 70 Spectral Investigations of Cis- and Trans-isomers of Certain Hydroxycinnamic Acids, by L. 1. Dranik RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRt Biochem. ,19-r 1969, pp 705 706T.- Vol 185, No 3 CB Oct 70 Reversibility of the Enzymatic Action in Phosphatide - Water - Enzyme Systems, by A. I. Oparin RUSSIAN, per, DoIc Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 185, No 3, mar 1969, Pp 707-70d. CB Oct 70 The Influence of Puromycin on Protein Synthesis Ln a Cell-Free System from Leaves of Different Ages, by N. L. Klyachko. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, pp 709-712. GB Jan 71 Primary Stages of Lignification in Roots of Corn Seedlings, by N. V. Obrucheva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan ScL, Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, pp 713-716. CB Jail 71 The Role of Central Adrenergic Mechanisms in Changes of the Neurosecretory Func- tion of the Hynothalamo-pituitary System During Acceleration, by L. A. Andrianova RUSSIPJI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 165, No 3, Mar 1969, pp 717-719. CB Oct 70 Insignificant Genotype Differences as a Possible Cause of Substantial Differences in the Sensitivity to Histones, by S. M. Zhdan-Pushkina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SOSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, P 720-722. CB Oct 70 Effect of Thyrocalcitonin on FemeabilitY of the Blood-Brain Barrier, by L. I. Stekollnikov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk 333R,__Biol 3cl., Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, pP 723-725. CB Oct 70 Effect of Parotin on the Content of Protein Thiol Groups in the Acinar Cells of Salivary Glands and in the Spermatogenic Epithellum, by 0. 1. Sulaaanskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 3, Mar 1969, Pp 726-72b. CB Oct 70 Some Applications of a Local Criterion for the Existence of Wave Operators, by M. S. Birman. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 735-738. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,448 On Some Simple Generalizations of Linear Elliptic Boundary Problems, by A. V, Bicadze. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 739-740. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,449 On the Cauchy Problem for Linear Non-flomogeneous Differential Equations with Retarded Argument, by Ju. G, Borisovic. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 741-74-4. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,450 On the Spectrum of Singular Integral Operators in L Spaces with Weight, by I. C. Gohberg. OSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 745-748. Ilie Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, 1969 Oct 69 395,451 A Direct Theorem on Mean Approximation of Analytic Functions by Polynomials, by V. M. Koh-ilasvili. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A'h Nauk 555R, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 749-752, The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,452 On the Index of Singular Integro-Functional Operators, by R. A. Kordzadze. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 753-756. The An Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Nlar-ADr 1969 Oct 69 395,453 On the Carleman Nature of the Resolvents of Certain Linear Operators, by V. B. Korotkov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 757-759. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395.454 On an Operational Calculus for Unbounded Linear Operators, by G. I. Laptev. RUSSIAN$ per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 760-763. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,455 Solution of Problems of Riemann and Hilbert Type for a Generalized Cauchy-Riemann System with Singular Line, by N. Radzabov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 764-767. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 Some Analytical Questions and the Inverse Sturm- Liouville Problem for an Equation with Highly Singular Potential, by F. S. Rofe-Beketov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 768-771. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,457 Nonstandard Analysis and Homeomorphisms of B-Spaces, by D. V, Cudnovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 772-774. The Am Hath Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 394,458 A Reflecting RwUo Telescope vith 15" Resolving Pover, by S. To. IQzykinj H. L. &yftwvzki7. FOSIU, pert Dok Ak Dauk MR, Vol 185, 110 4, Apr 1969., Pp f7~M- Am Inst BWs voi 14, No 4, oat 1969 Oct 69 395~595 Weak Shock Waves in a Therm-Relaxing, Meaum, by G. 14. Arutyunyon. MSSLU, per, Dok Ak Nauk ME, Vol 185, No 4, Apr 1969, pp Tm7TTI-. Am Inst PIVz vol A,, rm 4,, oat 1969 Oct 69 395,607 Detectins Soft X Radiation vith Electron-Optical Convertera, by V. A. Bryzgtmov, 14. 14. Butolov. MIAN, per, Dak A Houk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4,, Yeb 1969o pp 782-784. Ar. Inst Phys Vol 14, 140 4, Oct 1969 Oct 69 395,6o8 On the Heal Vale of the Pmesure of the Poi~r- raorphic Transfamtion in Iron, by L. P. Vereshchagin., A. A. Semereban. RUSSIAN.. perj, Dak Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol 185~ No 4, 1969, ~p-TT5--T7TT--*' Am Dist Phys vol 14., No 4, oct 1969 oct 69 395,609 Calorimetric Measurement of the Electron Temperature of a Plaam in a Collisionless Shook Wave, by G. Ye. Smolldn; Ye. A. Striganova. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SWE, Voi 185., iio 4, Apr 1969, PP 7W-791. Am Inst PWs vol 14, No 4, o-.t 19169 Oct 69 395,610 Effect of Deviations fmm Michiometric Conposition on Uffusion-controUed Prowns" in Intentitial Phmo,, by R. A. Andrjevskiyy I. I. 41vok. RMSIW, per., Dot Ak Nauk WSR, Vol 185,, No 4., Apr 1969) pp 792-795. Am Inst Plrjo voi 14., No 4,, oat 1969 oet 69 395x616 FO%=tion of Helium by the Irradiation of 849.2 Glasso by S. A. Vekshinskly, Ye. G. FleBhchenko. MMIJU,, per, Lok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 185., No 41 Apr 19691, pp I.WV. Am Inst Pl" vol A,, wo 4, oat 1969 oat 69 395,617 The Martensitic Pbase vith Face-Centered Cubic lattice in TitwAum AUoy Containing 5.9% Iron., by L. H. Gusevs., L A. Petrova. WSIU., per,. Dak AkNmuk SM, voi 185,, uo 4., Apr 1969, pp - Am last Mays vol 14, no 41 oat 1969 oat 69 39%618 Correlation of CalmiUted Estimates of the Wear on Friction Surfaces vith Experiment, by 1. V. luagellsldyy F. 70. Nepow~mshawq. R=UN., per,, tok Ak Nauk SM. Vol 185, vo 4, Apr 196% pp Am Inst Pbys ea% Vol 14, No 4: Oct 1969 Oct 69 395,619 RVture strenght Criteria for Brittle Bdoies OxIer Conditions of Torsionp Temion and Torsion ancl Compression, by A. I. Markov, N. V. MiIdAylov. RMIM., perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 185., tio 4, Apr 1969, pp 95--wF.- Am Inst MWs vol 14, No 4., oct 1969 Oct 69 - 395,,620 Qwmrtz Toraionel-vibmtion Pbsonators, by P, G. Pozdrqakov.. I. G. Basin. MSIANp per$ D*k ik Nauk MR~ Val 185, 110 4, Apr 1969, pp Mg-M. Am Inst Pirls vol 14, No 4. oct 1969 Oct 69 395,621 A General Rheologic Rock Model, by S. 1. Zubkov. USSIAN) Per,' Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1850 .,qo 4, 1969, pp 813-815. AGI Jan 70 799,9S3 Allowance for Interaction Between the Boundary Layer and the Free Atmosphere in Prognostic Problems of Hesometeorology, by I. A, Kibel. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 40 1969, pp 816-819, AG I Jan 70 399,954 Combustion of Some Organic Perchlorates, by V. D. Aleshin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 856-959. CB 10 j,,; f'f t-),) - T.T / - / -, (- b i Dec 69 3980309 Determination of the Degree of Dissociation of PolybutadienyllithiWil in Phosphoric Acid Tris- Dimethylamide, by A. Kh. Bagdasarlyan, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 860-861. CB Dec 69 398$310 The Principle of the Most Probable Disribution, by V. 1. Irzhak, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 862-865, CB Dec 69 Oscillatory Relaxation in Polyatomic Gases and Gas Mixtures, by N, M, Kuznetsov, RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 866-869. CB Dec 69 3980312 Study on the Nuclear Dynamic Polization in Some Chemical Reactions, by S. V. Rykov. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 870-872, CB Dec 69 398,313 Polymerization of Cyclobutene and Cyclo- pentene Under the Inf luence of -rr-Allyl Complexes of the Transition Metals, by V. A. Kormer RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 18~-,No 4, Apr 1969 PP 673-875. CB Nov 70 Depth to the Top of the Asthenosplicre beneath Platforms and Mobile Belts (in the Instance of Eastern Siberia), by B. M. Vladintirov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 877-879. AGI ,Jan 70 399,967 Potential for Coastal CaSSitCritO PBCOTS in Chukotka, by S. 1, Gurvich. RUSSIPaN, per, Dok A Nauk- SSSIZ, Vol ISS, J';O 'I, 1969, pp 880-882, AG I Jan 70 399,968 Age of Glaucophane Metamorphism at the Northwestern 0 Fringe of the Pacific Ocean, by L, V, Firsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 883-886, AGI Jan 70 399,969 Age of Alunite From Certain Deposits, by F. V, Chukhrov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 887-889. AG I Jan 70 399#970 Olivine with Perfect Cleavage in Ultramafic Roch From Chukotka, by V, V. Velinskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol ISS, No 4, 1969, pp 890-92. AGI Jan 70 Rock-Forming Noscan From the Lovozero Alkalic Intrusion, by V, I. Gcra5iMOVSki)'. RUSSIMI, per, Doh Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 893-896. ACI Jan 70 399,988 Determination of the Composition of 11incrals of the I-'.pidote Group Fror.-i their Physical Properties, 1)), 1". B. Kepezhinskas. t I , 10 4, PUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 18S I. 1969, pp 897-900. AGI Jan 70 399t989 Nelanoccrite From the North Baikal Region, by A. M. Portnov, RUSSMI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol ISS, No 4, 1969, pp 901-904, AG I .Jan 70 399P990 An Electron Microscope Study of Rhyolite, by 0. B. Mitreykina. RUSSIM, per, Dok A Nau", SSSR, Vol ISS, No 4, 1969, pp 905-908, AGI Jan 70 4000001 Hydrocarbons in the Organic ~,.Iatter From Rocks of the Kuonam Suite on the South Bank of the Anabar Anteclise, by D. A, Bikkenina, RUSSIAN, per, Dok AR Nauk SSSR, Vol 185f No 41 1969, I)p 909-912, AGI Jan 70 4000010 Phosphorite on the Ocean Floor in the Central Pacific, by P. L. Bezrukov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 913-916, AGI Jan 70 400,017 Deep Seismic Probing in the Indian Ocean on the Joint Expedition of the Research Vessels '%adeniik Kurchatov" and "Vityaz", by Yu. 11, Neprochnov. RUSSIAI,,', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 917-920. AGI Jan 70 Structure of the Rift Zone of the Indian Ocean, by G. B, Udintsev. RUSSIAN', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 4, 1969, pp 921-924. AGI Jan 70 400)019 Effect of Oligonucleotides on the Process of Hypertrophy of Nucleoli When Heart Function Is Under Stress, by A. L. Shnaper RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,. Biol Sci. Vol 185, No 4, April 1969, pp 925-92b. CB Oct 70 Nucleic Acid and Protein Biosynthesis in the So-Called Small Lymphocytes, Which Form Hemolysins, by V. P. Gusev RUSSIAN, per, Dok A-k Nauk SSSR,_ Biol Sci. Vol 185, No 4, Apr 1969, pp 929-931. CB Oct 70 Survival of Escherichia Coli B Aftcr 1.--xposure to Gamma Rays and Alpha- Part ic 1 es, by M. N. Hyasnik, RUSSIAN, poi, Dok A Naiik SSSR, Vol IS5, No 4, Apr 1969, pp 932-934. U ~,?C=Lwvco Feb 70 401,227 Migration of LNmphocytes into Locally Irradiated 1,one Marrow, by Ye. X. Shcherbova. RBSSINN, per, Doh AK Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, Nlo 4, 1969, pp 935-937. CB -)?s Feb 70 4010~~ Redox Transformations of Cytochrome C, Photosensitized by Chlorophyll in Aqueous Solutions of Detergents, by A. A. Krasnovskii RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biocham., Vol 2,85, No ~, Apr 1969, PP 93d-941. CB Oct 70 Keto Acids and Amino Acids of "Effective" and "Ineffective" Lupin Nodules, by V. L. Kretovich RUSSIANq perk Dok Ak Nauk SSSR~ Biochem., Vol 185, No 4,-Kp-r 1969, pp 942-944. CB Oct 70 Nucleotide Composition of DNA of Certain I.-Ionocots, by Ye,, I. Plarinova RUSSIAN, per, DoIc Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem. Vol 185, No 4,-iP-r 1969, PP 945-94d. 11 Y CB Oct 70 Conponents of the Cell Wall of Actinomyces ThermovulgariS Containing Phosphorus, by I. B. Naumova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Biochem., Vol 185, No 4, 1P-r 1969, pp 949- 931. CB Oct 70 Inversion of the Reaction of Phosphate Transfer to Glucose in a Hexokinase/ Lecithin Coacervate System, by A, I, Oparin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 185, No 4, Apr 1969, pp 952-953. CB Oct 70 Rhythmics of Intake and Incorporation of S35 Into Proteins of Corn Roots, by M. G. Abutalybov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 185, No 4, Apr 1969, pp 954-956. CB Jan 71 Restoration of Function in the Re- generating Retina of Tailless Amphibian Larvae, by N. V. Dabagyan RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 4, April 1969, PP 957-960. CB Oct 70 Fluorescence of Catecholamines of the Anterior H7pothalamus in Embryonic Ontogenesis of the Chick, by A. Yu. Budantsev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 185, No 4,--A-p-rIl 1969, PP 961-964- CB Oct 70 Polding of the Germ Layers in Jerboas, by G. A. Shmidt RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Ssci.. voi 185, No 4, April 1969, pp 965-967. CB Oct 70 Example of a Graph Without a Transitive Automorphism, by G. M. Adellson-Vellsliy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 975-976. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,459 Fatou's Theorem for Regular Quaternion Functions, by V. A. Baykov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 977-980. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395p460 On a Generalization of the Kakutani Fixed Point Theorem, by N. 1. Glebov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 981-983. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,461 On a Beltrami System of Equations Degenerating on a Line, by A, Dzurayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 984-986. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 Subspaces of Dyadic Bicompacta, by B, Yefimov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 987-990. Ilie Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395,463 Maximum Principles for Elleptic-flyperbolic Equations of Mixed type of the Second Kind, by M. Ye. Lerner, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 991-994. The Am Math Soc Vol 100 No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 39SP464 Isometric Operators in Spaces of Summable Analytic and Harmonic Functions, by A, 1, Plotkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 995-997. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 3951465 On the Problem of Control on Subspaces in Inter- connected Systems, by Ye. Ja. Roytenberg. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SISSR, Vol 185, No 5, 1969, pp 998-1001. The Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 2, Mar-Apr 1969 Oct 69 395p466 dole Approach) by V.- Dqk Ak Houk SWIVol B ~-1005- Flow of a Mosociating Gas Inthe Absence of low] Mier=tpaamic Equilibriun,, by V. M. Saryabeev. MMIU.. per,, Dak Ak Hauk SSW, Vol 185~ 140 5o Apr 1969, pp 1=1009. Am Inst Pbys Vol 14, No 4., Oct 1969 Oct 69 395,594 The Sewnd HomDgeneous ImpWact-therml-conteat Boundu7-valus Problemp by A. H, Kbasov- XMIU, per, DA Ak Nauk So, Vol 1851, 110 5., Apr 1969,1 pp 1010-1013. Am Inst PIWs vol 14.. uo 4,. oat 1969 oct 69 395P602 Contour integral Reporesentation of Norml Tdave Expo=joris~, by P. Ye. KrasnushUn- RMSTAN, per., Dok Ak Ibuk MR, Vol 185) 110 5, Apr 1969., pp a An Inst Phys vol 14, no 4., oat 1969 oat 69 395,603 The Problem of the Ciravitevional Stabillty of a Dust Cloud, by L G. KMzin) Ye. Ye. Shnol. MIAN., per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 185, No 5,, Apr 1969., pp 1-0-15:1-0211. Am Inst fts Vol 140 i;o 4. oat 1969 Oct 69 395..604 Synthesis and Optical PrWerties of Crystals o:r YAJO Activated by NdJ"' lons~ by Kh. S. "sam, A* A* Mudnwdy. RUSSLO., per) DDk Ak Hauk Smp Vol 1850 NO 52 Apr 190., pp 1MMON9 Am Inst Pbys vol 14, ao 4p oat 1969 oat 69 3195o6ll Delayed Nuclear Fission, by Ye. Ye. Berlovich.. YU. P. Novikov. NMIAN., per, DA Ak I%uk SSRJ Vol 185, No 5, Apr 1969) pp 1025-102T. Am Inst Phys Vol 14, No 41 Oct 1969 Oct 69 395.,612 Variational Analysio of Isotropic EPR Spectra in plm~ Space, by B. H. Ibbrjakov, Ya. S. Lebedev. XMIU., per, Dok Ak Hauk SWRY Vol 185o NO 5y Apr .1969, pp 102b-1029. Am Iast Mrjm Vol 14, No 4, oct 1969 Oct 69 395,,613 Motion of a Medium vIth Mtrarplativistic Velocities in the Gooml Tbeory of Felatt-rity, by K. P. SUMvIoviah. =Slap per,, Dc& Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 185., No 5, Apr 1969, pp 1030-1033. Am Inat PIWa vol A, iio 4. oct 1969 oat 69 395,614