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Intermediate Products of Enzyrratic Oxida- tion of Benzene and Phenol, by S. V. Durmishidze RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR , Biochem., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 466--~.6b. CB Oct 70 Autolysis of Chymotrypsin, by Yu. N. Illina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 469-4724 CB Oct 70 Kinetic Study of the Electron-Activating system of Cell-Free Nitrogen-Fixing Preparations From Azotobacter Vinelandii, by G. I. Slepko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BiocheM., Vol 184p No 2, Jan 1969, pp 473-476. CB Oct 70 Chemical Composition of the Sarcolemmal Membranes of Rabbit Skeletal Muscle, by D. L. Ferdman RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, PP 477-00. GB Oct 70 Molecular Weight of the Ribonucleic Acid of Amylose Isomerase, by R. D. Filippova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 4bl-~.62. CB Oct 70 Homology in Primary DNA Structures of CerbaLiu Monocotyledons, by Ye. 1. Marinova. RUSSEAN, pRr, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 184, No 2, Feb 1969, pp 483-485. CB Jan 71~ Chloroplast Protuberances, by A. M. Silayeva. RUSSIATN2 per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 184, No 2, Feb 1969, pp 486-488. CB Jan 71 Cytoplasmic Structure in Plants with Disturbed Energetic Metabolism, by F. D. Samuilov, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Botan Sci, Vol 184, No 2, Feb 1969, pp 489-492. GB Jan 71 The Influence of Afferent Fibers of the Forelimbs on "Spontaneous" Activity of Intercalary Neurons of the Lumbar Segment of the Spinal Cord, by N. A. Adamovich RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, PP 493-496. GB Oct 70 A Study of Some Aspects of Protein Metabolism of the Aortic Wall in Subjects With Atherosclerosis, by D. G. Grigorlyan RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 497-499. CB Oct 70 The Role of Synthesis of Nucleic Acids and Proteins in the Myocardium in Adaptation of the Heart to the Prolonged Action of High-Altitude Hypoxia and the Use of This Adaptation For Preventing Acute Cardiac Failure, by F. Z. Meyerson RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 2,--Jra'-n 1969, PP 5-00-503. CB Oct 70 On An Estimiatc-for.the 'Remainder Of Z GOTieraliZe(I Fourier Series for a Differentialle Fullction of IVo Variables, by A.I. Vaindiner. RUSSIAN! per, Dok Alk iiatik SSSIP., Vol 184, Nlo 3, 1969, ,pp 511 513. Ine M tiath ';oc Vol 10, No 1, 1969 ,June 69 Z'85-094 ~--Opcratoxs in bocall), Convex Spaces, by JUIN. vladimirskii. I % R USSIM, per, Doll- Ak- Tauh SSSR, Vol 14014, i4o 3, 19611, pp 514-517. The Am !,atli 'Soc Vol lot N"! 1, 1969 June 69 38S-05 Optimality of Pursuit Fhae, by P.B. Gtisjatnirkov, ldhol'skii. RUISSIAN't pers Doh Ak Nauh SSSt?,, Vol 184, :No 3, 19619, IN 518-521. The Aja t-!atli Sur- Vol 10, No 1, 1969 JuTie 0 BoundaTy Value Problems for UI liptico-Parabo lie Lquations, by JU.A. f-tubillskii, FUSSAA111k POXs Dok Ah, Naul, SSSX, Vol 184, No "~, 1969$ , I ,,,, 5227-52S. ,flc &I ".:tlth SOC vul 19, ]"IM I., 19C)") June (19 -J ~ 7 Pmilicit Fulictiops and, tvc, i.o, IAVI)SdAllf, por, Dol; M.' 1-lcuk Vol ';'o 011 a class -of. NonlillQaz OppanMw I'quations, by A.G. Zarubin. 184, N`o 3, 1969, )"ussim, perj, ijok A Nauk SSSR, 1101 ,)-p 530-533. ~Iic Math Soc Vol 10, No 1, 1969 June 69 385-099 Grou,th Ystimates. for Derivatives of !:00-1-09eveous Elliptig EquatIO"s NUIr by JII.P. rrasovskii. RUSSIAN, nor, Dok 110k Uauk S'S'S'A' Vol 534-5,17. isle Avi Vlath SOC Vol 10, lio 1, 1969 I"olutions of the 110IIII(It'17Y, 184, NO 3. 1969, .June 69 Bogoijubov-Krylov fligher Api,roxiriiiati-ons for Solutions 80-unded On tile vlliolc Axis., 'by I.D. Le-dovskaja, RUSSIM.-I, per, D oL. A!-. SSSR-1. Vol IS~4, I,Ic, 3, 1961.'r 54 1. The Am. ~-:ath "'(,c Vol lop 1, 191,9 Juno ,, 15 'C, ~ I - 10 1 k .~ ilc,riodic Of r)jIfftyeDti-Z~1 V. ~'Ctlvedlcv. Vol !,)-I Al, CT a t oc - Gqtlssian Stationary Pvaccsses-.j..,jtjj. AspTptotic. Power Spectramp by G.Ms, Polcaij., Ju.j. Golosov. RUSISINN, ivr, Dok A Nauk rSctz, Vol 13'4, ',4f) 3.. pi) 5,16-549. W,te Ain Math goc Vol 10, 110 1, 1969 June 69 385-103 Figenvector Eases, Characteristic Functions and Interpolation Problems in Hardy's f12-Space, by NU. 1141kol'skii, B.S. Pavlov. RUSSLA-N, Tier, Dok AkNauk Vol 184, No 3, 1969, ))p 550-553. '1110 A-m Math Soc Vol 10 N " No 1, 1969 June 69 38S-104 Equivalont Regularization of Bloundary Value Problcms by fk'cans of Potentials, by 0.1. Pai)ic. RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ah Vol IM, No 3, U09, I)n 554-557. ka !.lath Soc Vol 10, 'No 1, 19769 171twe 69 38i;-105 liontogencous Locally Srai,,ietric Regions h a Coll-Formal Silace, by A.A. 1\dvilis, I:U,SSIA,',,*, 1-er, Do]: A'r, Nail,. SSSR, Vol 181, No 3, 19w), rp 558-561. The j-*'xi Path, 'Soc Vol 10, No 1, 1969 JwTIC :-"') 31,15-101) A Solution of the One-Diniciisional Diffusion E'quation in a Bowided Region, by N. N. Kochina. RLISSINN', per, Do~ Ak Naul~ SSSR, Vol 184, N*o 3, Jan 1~369, I)p S62-565. The Am, Inst of Phys Vol 111, No 1, July 1969 Atic; 69 389P893 41 Ebrnation of Large Lunar Craters and Circular Seas, by G. S. Shteinberg. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp T6 =-. The Am List of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 t 4,j Aug 69 389,887 1. One-Diuacnsional Nonliacar Instability ~Iodcl for an Anisotropic Plasma, by Yu. A. Berezin. RUSSIYU'~', per, Dok Ak Natik SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pl) 570-573. The JvI Inst of Phys Vol 14, NO 1, Ally 1969 Aug 69 389)906 Colistructioll of Approximate Shock Adiabats of Solids in the Hydrodynamic Region, by S, V. BobrovsIdy. RUSSIIVI~p Forp Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 184P No SA Jan 1969, pp 574-577. The jW 121st of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389)907 t, Calculating the Ionization Instability in Lov,- TemperatUre Magnetized Plasma, by Ye. P, Velikhav. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 1841P No 3, Jan 1969, pl) 578-581. The Pun Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389,908 The Existence of a Diamond-Like Sciniconductor iii a Glassy State, by N. A. Goryunova. 1'~'USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp S82-S83. The hi, Inst of Phys Vol 14, A'o 1, July 1969 Au,g 69 suc)'910 Formation of the i')` (3,3)-Isobar in the Reaction 77-~-p-4ir'+irl-n, by A. 11. Komar. RUSSIM', PER, Dok Ak 1~jauk SSS)R, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp 584-S86. The iu-a Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aun 69 389P911 L, Allotropic Transormiation of Ytterhiuni in Fili-as Condensed oil a Cold SUL-stratc) by B. G. Lazarev. RUSSIAN ', per, Dok Ak Naul,.-S-SSR, Vol 184, No 3, J,111 1909, I)p 587-588. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, Nlo 1, July 1969 ALIg 69 389P912 Foriuation of Lon-Range Oyder in Nichcl-Chromium 11 Alloys, by Ye. Z, Vintaildn. RUSSIX""O Por, Dok Ak NauL. SSSP, Vol 184P NO 3, Jail 1969, I)p 589-592. Thc Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Auji 6 9 3 8 9 0 9 15 A Study of the Reaction of Atomic Hydrogen and Deuterium with Ethane, by V. V. Azatyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 625-628. CB Oct 69 'flie Use of the Nuclear Gamma Resonance Method to Determine the Mean Square Displace-meats of the Atoms of Different Kinds in Substitutional Solid Solutions, by L. A. Alekseyev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 629-631. CB Oct 69 3930234 Mossbauer Spectra and Chemical Bonding of Certain Platinum Metal Complexes with Divalent Tin, by V. 1. Baranovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 632-634. CB Oct 69 393,235 Atomic Structure of the Surface of Semiconductor Crystals, Using the Example of the Polar Faces of an A and B InSb Crystal, by A, A. Galayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 635-638. CB Oct 69 393f236 The Micromechanism of the Production of Photographic Sensitivity and the Formation of the Latent Image, by Ye. A. Calashin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 19690 pp 639-641, CB Oct 69 393P237 The BPR of Sulfur-Containing Nitrosyl Complexes of Ni (I), by N. S. Gariflyanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 642-643. CB Oct 69 3931238 Active Acid Centers of Aluminosilicate Catalysts, by L. A. Ignatleva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 644-647. CB Oct 69 393,239 Thermodynamic Study of Ethlchlorosilane in the Range 13-3000 K0 by M, F. Nagiyev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 648-649. CB Oct 69 393P240 Method of Determining the Character and Degree of Deviation From Stoichiometry for Surface Oxides on Metals in Electrolytes, by Ye. K. Oshe. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 650-653. CB Oct 69 393,241 The Mechanism of the Chain Growth Limitation Reaction in Radical Polymerization of Ethylene, by N. Ya. Tumarkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 654-657. CE Oct 69 393,242 Investigation of the Applicability of Paschen's Lau, to the Adhesion of Polymers at High Pressures of the Surrounding Gaseous Medium, by L. A. Tyurikova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, 1969, pp 658-66b. CB Oct 69 393,243 Method Suitable for ODtimizing Distri- buted Control of Technological Processes Regulated With Respect to the Discharge Rate of the Reagent or the Heat Carrierp by B. I. Devyatov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NaWc SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 18L~, -NO 3, 1969, pp 661-664. CB Nov 70 Effect of Additions of Surface-Active Materials on Processes of the Breakdown of Disperse Structures and on the Flows of Finely Dispersed Powders With Vibra- tion, by N. B, Urlev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 184, No 3, imi 1969' pp 665-667. CB Nov 70 Thin Structure of Specific Giant Cells of Cellophane Rhabdomyoblastomas of Rats, by Yu. S. Larin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, PP 701-702. CB Oct 70 Coupling of Oxidative Phosphorylation With Reduction of Molecr-lar Nitrogen in Calls of Azotobacter Vinelandii, by I. D. Ivanov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, PP 703-705. CB Oct 70 Immunity as a Subsidiary Function of Cell Hybridization, by G. Ya. Svet- Moldavskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR , Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp 706-70d. CB Oct 70 An Analysis of Early Disturbances of lon Transport in Irradiated Erythrocytes, by G. K, Ger-asimova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp 709-712. CB Feb 70 40IP218 "Concentration Pits" in the Distribution of Substances in Pericellular Space, by I. I. Gitellzon. RUSSIJV~, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, ,No 3, Jan 1969, pp 713-714. CB Feb 70 401,219 Effect of Biologically Active Substances Isolated From tile Liver of Irradiated Rats on DNA Spithesis in HeLa. Cells, by G, S. Kalendo, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 19b9, pp 715-718, CB feb 70 401,220 Lffect of Ionizing Radiation on Rate of Naturation of i'lammalian Reticulocytes, 1)), A. G. Samardakova. PIUSSIPUN, per, Dok Ak INauh SSSR, Vol 184) No 3, Jan 1969, pp 719-7212, C b, Method of Determining the Number of Myomeres in Herring Larvae and the Change of Their Number During Development, by L. A. Galkina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Blol Sci,, Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp 723-726. CB Oct 70 Diploid and Triploid Individuals in the Offspring of Parthenogenetic Females of Rock Lizards Naturally Mating With Males of Close Bisexual Species, by 1, 3, Darevskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, B101 Sci.p Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, pp 727-730. CB Oct '70 Embryonic Development of "Small" IThite Sea Herring (Clupea Harengus Pallasi N. Maris-Albi Var, in Relation to Temperature, b 0, Yu. Kudinskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1-969, pp 731-734. CB Oct 70 Statistical Analysis of the Inter- relationship Between Two Pulse Sequences in a Microvolume of Cat Cerebral Cirtex, by N. A. Aladzhalova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 1841 No 3, Jan 1969, PP 735-73b. CB Oct 70 An Instance of Functional Relationships Between Cortical Neurons, by R. A, Durinyan RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 284.1 No 3, Jan 1969, pp 739-742. CB Oct 70 A Comparison of the Cytoarchitecture in the Region Representing the Anterior and Posterior Extremities in the Somato- sensory Zones of the Cat's Cerebral Cortex, by Z. V. Eliseyeva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, PP 70-746- CB Oct 70 Time, Constant of Primary Cortical Potentials as a Characteristic of Interneuronal Connections, by V. Yu. Emolaeva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, Pp 747-749- CB Oct 70 Interrelationships Bel;ween Acetylcholine and Noradrenaline in Connection With the Transmission of Excitation in the Sympathetic Ganglion, by L. D. Klimovskaya RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci.., Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, PP 750-753- CB Oct 70 Change of Cardiac Ejection Following Stimulation of Various Structures of the MedullR Oblongata, by M. M. Povzhitkov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 3, Jan 1969, PP 754-757. CB Oct 70 Inconstancy of the Cell Composition of the Intestine of Nematodes, by I. I. Dobrokhotova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR , Biol Sci., Vol 18k, No 3. Jan 1969, PP 750-759. CB Oct 70 A~~--;mx!.Elatjojj of tllc I-Ijc_rjry by A.V. Arlianf,.ells"di. ror, !V: Aj-. Vol p;"l, '7 T- 1-7 Tiv, Aji '~atji Sac ~3 Unifu= Approximation of IINIonotortic Solutions oi I'loncorrect Problems, by A.V. Conc.-rskii, A NUSSIAN Dok Ak Ilauk SSSR Vol 184, No 4, Iiji',19, p PL, 771-773. 'rhe Am Hath. Soc Vol 10, No 1, 196111 June 69 SE15-108 Expansion in Eig ci, funct ions of a Second-Order 0 Differential Equation with Orenter Coefficients, by V.I. Gorbaca-, 1-.'.L. Gorbactilk. RUSSIAN, 1-.~er, Pok AR Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, '!','o 4, 1969, 1,1-, 7,74-777. 'Pie An Multh Soc Vol 10, o 1, 1969 3MIC 69 IS - i 09 I~ascs of, Iigenvectors of colupletely dfm.mitaTv CO,jtr.qctj()-~js, bly N.K. Nikollskii, B-S- ""Vlov- p,ol- p.], J!auj~ SS-R, Vol 194, l'o 4, PUSSINI;, pers ,, .-1, 779-791. '[I-,e Ar'. 'r.'Oltil Scc Jlnvc 69 vith Point "'y B. Stf-rian. Vol 1C. 04 Thte PZ~"."h !~,-.c Vol 1% ~:o 1, 1'Ai9 In.1hite Nonabelian Groups vith the "Ilinimal Conditions for Ncnb-~,.-variant Abeliar Subgroups, rL-r, Vok A Hauk MIT, Vol MIA, I-fo 4, 1969, The Am ~"ath '-.oc June 6 38S-AII? Stracture of a Shock Wave in a Simple Monstomic Gae., by F. G. Cberardsm. MMIAN, pery Dok Ak Hauk SSSRp Vol 184) iio 4p Ab 1969.. pp 005-T93- An List Phys vol 14, No 2, Aug 1969 Oct 69 395:562 The Iav of Gas Filtration in a Porous Medium, by A. Xh. dyl-madep M. A* Gusainude. MMUN, per, Dok Ak Nauk MR, Vol 184, no 4., Feb 1969 p pp 79 Am Inst Pbjs Vol 14, No 2, Aug 1969 Oct 69 3951565 Variable Plasticity and the Accumulation of Dausige; by V. V. MoskAtin. ZWIW,, per., Ibk Ak Nauk WO., voi 3.84, no 41 bb 1969, PP 75P-99- Am List 7W0 Vol 14, No 2, Aug 1969 oct 69 395,592 Meteor Imini sity and Idnizationt by P. B. Babadzbanov. MWIM., per,, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 184, No 4, Feb 1969p pp 865-doe. Am inst Phys Vol 14, No 2., Aug 1969 Oct 69 395)563 The Normal Fb= of Opmtors in a Flock Space, by A. I. Oksak. MWIM, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; Vol 184, No 4. Fob 19691 pp W3-606- Am Inst of PIWe Vol 14, No 20 Aug 1969 Oct 69 395j,566 Gameral Wavaguide 2heory and the Ultimte Pasolving Powr of Mltplr-ray Spectrum Analyzen, by L. N. Deryugin, A. V. Ckiekan. MMIU) per., Dok Ak Hauk MR, Vol 184, iio 41 Feb 1969, pp 8W=-0. Am Inst. Gbys vol 14, No 2) Aug 1969 Oct 69 395)574 Tkansport of But ina Plasm Along a Magnetic Field, by A. A. Ivanov,, L. L. Kozorovit9kiy. Russw,, perk DDk Ak Hauk sm, vol 184,, No 4v Feb 1969., pp M--=. Am Inst fts Vol 14, NO 21 Aug 1969 Oct 69 395,575 The Electrical Resistance Minimm of IAltetium P11 j by B. G. TAzerev.. V. M. Kuzlm~. mw., per,, vok Ak Nauk wsp, vol 184, No 4, Fab 19690 pp 616. Am Inst, of Pkrs Vol 14, No 2) Aug 1969 Oct 69 395;5T6 Double Unifom Precession Instability in Ferromagmetia Resonance) by A. B. Petrovskly. MIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SM. Vol 184) No 4p ftb 1969., pp 817-819. Am Inst Pbys Vol 14, No 2. Aug 1969 Oct 69 395P57T Parametrization I-Sethod in Perturbation Theory for a System with S&symetry,, by V. I. Cherepanov. MISSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol D4, No 4, Fab .19691 PP LEM- Am Inat Pbys Vol 14p No 21 Aug 1.969 Oct 69 395j578 Principal Spectral Puwmters of the F=nn I-Ine of Tetrametlayl Silane and Meth3.y Chlorosile.nes.. by I. V. Shavchenko, I. F. Kovalev. MSIU, per,, DDk A Hw* MR, Vol 24) iio 4., Feb 1969., pp =W. Am Inst Pbys vol 14, No 2. Aug 1969 oct 69 395P579 Study of the Lineum of Cobalt on the Solubility of Milybdem= in Iron-Nickel Martensite., by A. F. Yedneral,, P. 0. Zbukov. mwiu, per., pok Ak Nauk sm,, vol 184) No 4., Feb 1969) pp 826-U30. Am Inst PbyG Vo;. 14, No 2. Aug 1969 Oct 69 395*584 Miss Spectrowter eith Electrostatic and Magwtic Prisms., by V. M. K41mn, 1. V. Rodnikova. RUSSUM, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSH, Vol 184, No 4, Fab 1969, pp Er3=1-33- Am Inst of Pbys Vol 14j, Ho 2., Aug 1969 Oct 69 395,585 Method of Optimizing Control and Adjust- ment With Distributed Chemical-Tech- nological Processes, by B. N. Devyatov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alc Nauk SSSR,, Chem Tech., Vol 181~7, No 4, Feb 969, pp Tg-6-899. CB Nov 70 Investigation of the Vibration Densifica- tion of Disperse Systems, by B. A. J.ishanskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 184.-,-No 4, Feb 1969, PP 900-903- CB Nov 70 Gigantic Mitochondria in Cells of Rats Inoculated With Rhab domyo blast oma, by Yu. 3, Larin RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 4, Feb 1969, pp 949-950. CB Oct 70 Reduced Importance of Warm-Water Elements in the Plankton of the Group of Posyet (Sea of Japan), by M. S. Kos RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184~ No 41-F-eb l9bqj PP 951-954- CB Oct 70 The Use of Radiocarbon for the Separation of Planktonic Animals Into Trophic Levels, by Ye. A. Shushkina RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No ~, Feb 1969, pp 955--95b. CB Oct 70 The Localization of Dehydrogenases in the Cells of Anaerobic Spore-Forming Bacteria, by N. A. Krasiltnikov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Biol Sci., Y Vol 184, No 1~,-T-e-b- 1969, pp 959-962. CB Oct 70 Oxidation of Desoxycholic Acid by Mycobacterium Mucosum Strain 1210, by L, 0, Severina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 181~, No 4,77e-b- 1969, pp 963-965. CB Oct 70 Somatotropin and Prolactin Anahormones With Enhanced Antigenicity, by V. N. Golubev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 4,71e-b 1969, pp 966-96d. CB Oct 70 Primary i'l'ater-Soluble Radiotoxins as a Factor Inducing Phage Development in Escherichia Coli C, C, K-122 ( k), by S. S. Yurov. IWSSIM~', per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol IS4, No 4, Feb 1969, pp 969-971. Cli Feb 70 401,223 Thermal Stability of Acetyleholinesterase of Two Types of Frogsy by M. F. Konstantinova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,_ Biochem., Vol 181~' No 4, Feb 1969, pp 972-97k. CB Oct 70 Possible Role of Inorganic Phosphate Under Conditions of Muscle Exhaustion, by M. A, Poskonova RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem... Vol 184, No ~, Feb 1969, PP 975-97d. CB Oct 70 Effect of 5-Fluorouracil on the Cell Population of the Lymph Nodes, by N. I. Belyanchikova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 4, Feb 1969, pp 962-9b3. CB Oct 70 Influence of Duration of Stimulation of a Dorsal Root on Rate of Reflex-Reaction Restoration, by Yu. A. Darinskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSLIWR, Biol Sci.,, Vol 184, No 4,7-eb 1969, pp 9d4-9d6. CB Oct 70 Changes in Evoked Potential as a Possible Index of Excitation Level in the Cerebral Structures of the Rabbit, by L. V. Kal-yuzhnyi RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 4,7-eb 1969, pp 9b7-990. CB Oct 70 Effect of Adrenalin, Noradrenalin, and Sympathetic Stimulation on Miniature End-Plate Potentials of Frog Skeletal Muscle at Rest, by M. V. Kirzon RUSSIAN, perk Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 4, Feb 1969, pp 991-994. CB Methods of Optimization of an Artificial Atmosphere During Irreversible Lowering Of P02 in the Gaseous Medium, by V. B. Malkin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nank SSSR, Biol Sci.. Vol 184, No 4, Feb 1969, pp 995-99b. CB Oct 70 Chollnergic and Adrenergic Structures in the Walls of the Internal Carotid Arteries) by G. I. Mchedlishvili RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, vol 184, 110 4, Feb 1969, pp 999-1002. CB Oct 70 Interaction of Conditioned and Uncon- ditioned Stimli at 'the Level of Individual Neurons of the Motor Cortex, by M. Ya. Rabinovich RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR_, Biol Sci. Vol 18k, No k,-F-e-b-1799, PP 1003-1006, CB Oct 70