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Measurement and Magnitude of the Isotope Effect in Photosynthesis, by 0. D. Bykov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., vol 183, No 6,=ec 196d, PP 1449-1451. CB Oct 70 Effect of Retardant CCC, Morphactin, and Abscisin on Endogenous and Induced Growth of Pea Sprouts, by V. G. Kochankov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Scify Vol 183, No 6, Doe 196d, Pp 1452-1455. CB Oct 70 The Effect on Wheat Grain of Enzymes Produced by the Shield Bug Eurygaster Integriceps Put., by N. A. Vilkova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., vol 183, No 6,-ffe-c 196d, Pp 1456-1457. CB Dimorphism in Germination of Spores of Ustilago Maydis on Leaves of Zeo Mays, by I, V, Karatygin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 183, No 6, Doe 196b, pp 14.5b-1460. CB Oct 70 Systematics and Main Lines of Deveiopment of the Family Caprellidae (Amphipoda, Caprellidea), by S. V. Vasilenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, I Vol 183, No 6, Dec 1968, pp 1461-1464. CB Jan 71 A Study of the Degradation of Tissue Proteins After Thermal Injury, by T. L. Zaets. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Naul-, SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 6, Dec 1968, pp 1465-1467. CB Jan 71 Some Data on tLe Distribution of Gomori-Positive Neurosecretion in tile IlypOtIlalaMD-Hypophysial System of Round Goby (Gobius melanostomus Pallas), by Ye. B. Moiseyev. RUSSLO, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 6, Dec 1968, pp 1468-1470. CB Han 71 C"1-11;"~%10--es of Flatindc 1"ctoh; Ll~ Tj :i Dich",~)i-' I-latla-L, c;--F' their C,,c:. c, -)DI" 1) U. a RUSSLUT, per, Akacldya Nam-1-1 SSS' R. Drl%hla 131; 19671), Pr - 632-53~i I-11C -ic-1,~ol. -0-ID Julie 1'C'; -11 Of for Solutiucn5 0 f Curt ' -aill L"E'Zorential Ecluatiolls L 4i lnl~ildto Layer, by DorOL, ~cr Doh Alk !.'aulk Vol E;4, 4~*a 1, L)U~I, 30c Vol 10$ 1.,Cj I , h),()~ Julic '19 38-5-070 Or, a 1.'ethod 0i tho L~arcm-l L, "rubicia :Eor a Continuous colivex Ruictioli'll, by D.14 I;udfal~., ~`,. vill'oli. i,.USSlA:i', 1~cr, L'oh Pd., Ilaul. ISSSI", Vol 111A, 11~c 1,196D, Vol 10, a.o 1, 1969 Ju;ic 61.) Conttructive Characterization u-i' a Class cj-'L' Oquarc-latc-r,fule Iftuictions n a by -,:or, Duk Pj: I:aII, Vol lu"'"I, A) 10 1969t 16-19. '010 h." Itatil Soc Vol IG, Iio 1, 10,69 Jumc 69 S65-072 Principlo of 1.0calizotioll for i'lliust Ail u.~ tilo L;CqUCjjCC Of Partial SMIS O-C FOU27iCr S'C!'jiCS irl a, systcr.'~ of I'mictiollso wy V'A. Illill. "'or Doh fVz '.'aul: S""";i~" Vol IS-If, i.o 1, 1~('A)' 20-23. The 'AL" I l'-X% Soc Vol 10 , 1969 Cohmology of Algobfas with Unit, by A.A.1"Orobov. RUSSIAN, pe'r,' Doh Ak Hauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 24-27. - The "Ara T!ath Soc Vol 102 NO 10, 1969 June 69 3005.~-074 An U-stinate Frout Above of the Length of the 'si'lortest 11ontogeneous Trials for Determining tile Filial State of Almost all Autmiata,.by A.D. Korsu- .. ... . Alov. RUSSIM, per, Ejoh A Nauk MR, Vol 194, 'Ho 1, 1969, 28-29, The Am Math Soc Vol 10, NO 1, 1969 June 69 38S-075 On the Stability Of Dases in Locally Comex Spaces, by L.E. Lerer. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Naul LoSit, Vol 194, No 1, 1969, pp 30-33. The Am INath Soc Vol 10, No 1, 1969 June 69 385-076 Conditions for the Ilistence of of Differential Equations in a N.V. Medvedev. RUSSI4%,.per, Dok Ak Plauk SSSR, I)p 34-37. Ilie Am Math Soc Vol lot %'o 1, 1969 Bouncica solutions Banach Srace, by Val 184, Nol, 1969, June 69 395-077 Topological Equivalents of tlie Tillonov 'flic'orem, by I.I. ParoVicenPo. RUSSIAN, 'per, Dok A Nauk- SSSR, Vol 184, Vo 1, 1969, lip 39-39. The Ain Math 'Soc Vol 109 NO 10 1969 S.I. flohozaev. WSSIMI, per., DoL- Ak Nauk SS"A"', Vol 184, 1;o 1, 19691, 111) 40-43. The hn Math Soc I Vol 10, No 1, 1969 June 69 385-079 Dual 0'.- f.s. ANI 2 Vol On the Theory of Solvable Linear Groups, by P.A. Suprunenko. 1"LlISSIAN, per, Dol,. A Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, 'No It 1969" lip 47-50, The km 'Math Soc Vol 10, ;No It 1969 Jw1e 69 W-081 0-Inti-m-m-1 QueWonnaims with Unequal Value of the Qtwedonso by P, P. Parkhomenko, 7 pp. ROOM# per, MI& Akademii Nauk SSSRj Vol 184p No Ip 1969# pp 51-54. JFRS 47 v 617 Sci-Cybernetics An e~n ^. 1. Variation Principle State for Continuous V. A. Zhelnorovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 1969, pp n-58. - - *N&AA TT F-12,208 and the Equations of Media, by Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, Sci-Math Mar 69 Optinm Questiomaires with Questions of Uneqml Value, by Po P. ParMmenko, IWSLAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp The Am Instof Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389,890 The Variational Principle and Equations of State for Continuous 14,edia, by V. A. Zlichiorovich. RUSSIA.',,', per, Dok- A]. Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No I., Jan 1969, pp 55-58. T',ie W, Inst of Phys Vol 14, IN'o 1, July 1969 Aug 69 3891S96 Invariant Description of the Canonical Operator of V. 11. I'laslov, by V. S. Buslayev. 11 0 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauh SSSP, Vol 184, No 1, Jan 19( 9, -," 59-62, The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, 111b 1, JuIv 1969 v Auj, 69 389,894 Diffraction by a Bounded Object, by A. G. Svcshnikov. RUSSIX-1, per, Dok A Nauk SSSP, Vol 184, No 1, I, -1-111, 1969, po 63-65. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Au,~, 69 389'a)5 Interference Phenomena in Photoionization of '.Ioloculcs, by 1. G. Kaplan, A. P. I-Jarkin. RUSSIMIP por, Ook Ak Nlauk SSSIZ, Vol 184, Nlo 1, Jan 1969, pp 66-69, The Am hist of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1.969 Aug 69 389,898 Interference Phenomena in the Photoiord- zation of Molecules, by 1. G. Kaplan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, 1969, pp 66-69. *NASA TT F-12,209 sci-Phys Mar 69 ,iaametostriction Instability of a Parametron Employing a lagnetic Thin Filin, by L. V. KirensIdy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Niauk SSSR, Vol IN, P~b I, dan 1969, 1)1) 70-736 The Am Inst of 11hys Vol 14, vlo 1, July 1969, Aup 899 , 69 3~90 Scattering of Ions by Crystals as a Function of Initial lon Encygyk by V, A. 11.1olchanov. RUSSIMI, per, Dok Ak Nauhl SSSR, Vol 1S11, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 74-77. I'lic Am Ilist of I'llys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389,900 lintropy in Xoncquilibrium Statistical Mechanics, 1))' YU, E. IMUraldivor. RUSSIAN, pC17, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, I)p 78-81. '1110 Am Inst of I'llys Vol 14, No 1, 1969 Aug 69 389,901 The Decomposition of Direct Products of Irmiucible Representations of Space Groups, 1)), B. K. Novosadov. RUSSIAN, per, Dolz Ak Nauh SSSR, Vol 134, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 82-84, The IVI Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, Jul), 1969 Aug 69 389P9021 'file Photocapillary Effect for Germanium, bN A. 1. By1diovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, DA Ak "N'auk SSSR, Vol 184, !~*O 1, Jan 1969) pp 85-88, 'file AIII Inst of I'llys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aun 69 a-89, ~) 13 C. A 112 k0o Superconducting Laboratory SolenaiLl of Defori-nable Alloy ~drc, by B. G. Lazarev. RUSSIX;, per, Dok A Nauh SSSR, Vol 184, "i7o 1, Jan 1969, pp 89-90. The .41 Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, Jul), 1969 Aug 69 3891,914 Investigation of Colored Crystals Quartz, by M. I. Sarroilovich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, V Jan 1969, pp 91--F3.- The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14t No 1, July 1969 Alteration of the Rate of Mechanochemical Decomposition of Sodium Nitrate by the Use of Catalytic Additives, by V. V. Boldyrev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 119-121. CB Oct 69 393,218 Reversible Reactions in Methyl and Ethyl Alcohol Solutions of Boron Fluoride, by G. F. Burya. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 122-124. CB Oct 69 393,219 Influence of Small Amounts of Water on the Polymerization of Butadiene-1,3 in the Presence of the Catalytic System CoCl2 OPY 2 'Al(iso-C411 02C'~ by L. A. Volkov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 19690 pp 125-128. CB Oct 69 393,220 Melting at High Pressures, by G. N. Kuznetsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 129-131. CB a "'-~ 1, PC 5 1 C, / 0 C i'_ ~('. Oct 69 393.22 Correlation and Effective Interaction Betweeo Particles in Classical Liquids, by F. M. Kuni. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 132-135. CB Oct 69 393$222 Spontaneous Decrease in Density of Water Condensed From Steam, by Ye, V. Miller. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 136-138. CB Oct 69 393,223 Study of the Thermoelectronic Emission of Iron Catalysts for Ammonia Synthesis, by L. A, Rudnitskiy. 0 RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 139-141. CB Oct 69 393,224 A Spectroscopic Study of the Adsorption of Heavy Water by Cation-Substituted Vermiculi'Le, by Yu. 1. Tarasevich, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 1, 1969, pp 142-143. CB Oct 69 39 Formation of Powders During Reduction of Metals on Mercury and Amalgam Electrodes, by V. P, Gladyshev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 1847, -Ro 1, Jan 2969, pp 144-146. CB Nov 70 Physicochemical Methods in Production of Pine Spherical Catalysts, by G. R. Kotellniknov RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 164, N-o 1, Jan 1969, pp Z7-150. CB Nov 70 The Defomation of the Polyarystalline Structure of Tobermorite on the Sorption and Desorption of Water Vapor, by K. G. Krasillnikov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 1847,-No 1, Jan 1969, pp 151-153. OB Nov 70 Determination of the Conditions for the Deposition of Pyrolytic Materials Based on a Themodynamic.Analysis of the C, H, C1, Si Systera, by N. V. Lavrov RUSSIAII, per, DoIc Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 1847, -No 1, Jan 1969, Pp 1 4-157. CB Nov 70 Complete Removal of Impurities From Liquid Gallium by Electro-Diffusion in Static Cells, by V. A. Mikliailov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 18477-5 1, Jan 1969, PP 158-160. CB Nov 70 Effect of Crystallization of Magnesium Hydroxide on the Development of Disperse Structures in the Hydration Solidifica- tion of Magnesium Oxidey by B. 1. Smirnov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 1847,-No 1, Jan 1969, pp 161-164. CB Nov 70 Reunion of Chromosome Fragments at Early Stages After X Irradiation, by M. V. Generalova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 211-213- CB Oc t '70 Efficiency of Solar Radiant Energy Utili- zation by Lake Baikal Phytoplankton, by K. K. Votintsev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol sci., vol 184, No 1,=an 1969, pp 214-216. CB Oct 70 The Effect of Medium Components on bhee Accumulation of Some Heterocyclic Products in a Culture of Actinomyces Olivaceus, by V. N. Shaposhnikov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 217-220, CB Oct 70 Tissue Antiradical Activity and Radiosensitivity, by A. M. Kuzin. RUSSLUI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 18,1, No 1, 1969, pp 221-224, CB Feb 70 401,216 Fractionation of Endotoxins of Gram- Negative Bacteria on Granulated Agar Columns, by T~ G. Vasilleva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 225-227. CB Oct 70 Degradation of Benzene in Tea Plants, by S. V. Durmishidze RUSSIU, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 22d-231. CB Oct 70 Stability of the Polymucleotide Chains of Ribosomal RNA, by I. Yu. 14ikhailova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,_Biochem., Vol 184., No 1, Jan 1969, pp 232-234. CB Oct 70 Formation of Complexes of Cystamine With DNA, by G. V. Ryadovoi RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR-, Biochem., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 235-23b. CB Oct 70 Changes in the Energetic State of Plants with Disrupted Phosphorus Nutrition, by F. D. Samuilov. RUSSL~N, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR2 Botart Sci, Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 239-241. CB Jan 71 Protease Activity in Potato Tissues Infected, by Pectobacterium pliytophtliorum, by 1. 1. Ragozina. C, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 242-245. CB Jan 71 Recording of a Change in Blood Mass and the Possibility of Determining the Total Blood Mass of the Body by Measuring Total Body Resistance to a High-Frequency Current, by 0. A. Kovalev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 246-249. CB Oct 70 Changes in the Corticosteroid and Catecholamine Metabolism in the Case of Sharp Limitation of the Motor Activity of the Organism, by V. V. Parin HUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 19b9, pp 250-251. CB Oct 70 Peculiarities of the Triose Phosphate Metabolism in the Developing Loach Embryo, by Yu. G. Yurovitskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol. Sci., Vol 184, No 1, Jan 1969, pp 252-255. CB Oct 70 On the Invariance of Dynamical Systems, by V.V. velicenko. 1"USSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 164, Ro 2, 1969l Vp 263-266. Ilie hi M'ath Soc Vol 10, No 1, 1969 June 69 38S-082 A Set of Gmaes on the Unit Square wit-13 Uni(ilie I Solution,, by G,'.' , Djubin. UOSSIAN, per, Do-I.-Ah 1,auL SSSR, Vol 184, "~u 11, 1909, I)p 267-269s The ha 1.1ath Soc Vol 10, No 1, 1969 June 69 38S-083 Properties of Green's Functions Solutions of Elliptic Boundary Ju.P. Krapsovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A 11auk SSSR, IT 270-273 n, c Arn i lath Soc Vol 10, 1~O 1, 1969 and Generalized Value Problems, by Vol 184, No 2, 1969, June 69 385-084 (in the Thcory of Iteration Processes, by Ju.A. Kumecov. 11USSIAN, per, Dok A I..;auk SSSR, Vol M4, 'No 2,, 1909, PI) 274-277. 1 Vie Ari ',,,Iztli Soc Vol 10, 1110 1. 1969 June 69 385-085 Properties of Sequences in Locally Convex Spaces, by V.D. Millman, Ju.11. Tumarkin. RUSSIAN, per, W, Ak- Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 184, ?--~o 2, 1969, I)p 278-231. 1 Me Am Math Soc Vol 10, No 1,, 1969 June 69 385-086 On a Conjecture of 11-1illiams,, by G.I. Perellnuter,, RUSSIAN, per, Dok A I..auk SSSR, Vol 184, No ~, 1969, pp 282-284, 'flic An Math Soc Vol 10, I'lol, 1969 Junc 69 385-0107 The Structure of Differential Cavies, by B.N. Psenicnyl. RUSSIAN, per, Dok M~ ?,.,auk SSSR, tipl 1,84, No 2, 1969, Vp 285-5287, Ilic An Vath Soc Vol 10, N'o 1, 1969 June 69 385-088 A Wo-Dimonsionsl -runction witi, a iieai- - Parcracter, by Rvskov. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nmuk SSSR, Vol 184, 'No 2, 1969, pp 288-291. The Am i~lath Soc Vol 10, N:0 1, 1909 Juite 69 SISS-C89 Sin-al,ar Integral Transfom--tions in Iv,eight Spaces L, i.,, Ly T.A. Thum. NO 2, 1909, RITISSIAIN rer,, Polk, Al.-~ NaIlL SSSII, Vol 184# pp 2-92-295. 111C Aa),. ,,!ath SOC Vol 10, No 1, 1969 June 69 335-.-.)D0 011 a Perioilic Equation of Second Order, by 1'.. L. Tmikov. 1"USSIANI Dok A N'au~ SS"'IR, Vol IM, ~%(; 2, M91 Pp 296-299. '111C In "Jath Scc Vol 10, ",.,o 1, 1969 Time 69 I)ISFI-09I Fxtreval Tficorcil~.s for idu.-aaiiiiian Curviture Bounded From Above, by S., DOI A11- 1~auk 0)"4(, . 11 1 -, .1~ y,-- 31;-Jk~-302. '111e Aam Iatl~ Soc Vol 10, 6"o 1, 1969 ",paces of V.A. Toponcii,uv. Vul IS4, 1,110 21, 19(1~-'11 JITTIC 0' ~J'S~M!7, Do],-, -Ali. Vel 1'4, e 30" 3-500. )Oc Jzme A Certain Property of Periodic motions of a single-Circuit Nonlinear Pulse System with an integrating Neb#ork, by A. s. Alekseyev. RUssjANr per, Dok A Nat* SSSRI, Vol 184t No 2p Jan 1969, pp 30 =-. The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14t No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389,891 Intcgril Invariants in Hydrodynamic Systci-j~,s,by A, M, Obukhov. RUSSIA",l?) por, Dok Ak Nauk SOSSIK, Vol 184, 21 Jan 1969, p)) 309-312, The Jvl Inst of I'llys Vol 14, No 11 July 1969 t6 L- L 7 7, Aw, Z, 69 389)S97 Dctermination of the Velocity of Propqlation of Low- 11 b Centrifugal 11.'avcs Formed in Translational-110tar), Liquid Flou,, by 1. 1. Novikov. RUSSIAN, per, DA A Nauk SSSII, Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 313-314, The A111 hist of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aut, 69 3-29, 8,92 0 Elastic-Plastic Stress Distribution in a 1"hinc with an Aperturep by 11, 1), Aimin. RUSSIAN., Pe3:, Dok All- Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 315-317, The Am Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, Jul), 1969, Auc- 69 389P916 r, Albeclo of a Planetary Atwsphere, by V. V. Sobolev. RUSSIAN, pert Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, Nb 2, Jan 1969, pp 3 =-. The Arn Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 11 July 1969 ~ - 6 1~ 7~~ IV 7 C /",,' - / --~ f '7r- 0 -~6 Aug 69 389,886 Neasurcmiont of the Quantum Conversim, Efficiency in Noodpidui-a Glass, by Ye, pi. Haim. 11,USSI.Au%I, per, Dok Ak Nauk, SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 321-323. 'nic m, inst of miys Vol 14, Nlo 1, Jul), 1969. Aug 69 389)903 properties of Cadium Telluride I)-11 JLIIICtiOIIS, 1)), 11, S. Kircycv, 111USSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauh SSSR, Vol 184, No 2p Jan 1969, pp 324-326. ,I'lic Al"I Inst of Phys Vol 14, ,,o 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389,904 Effect of a Pulsed Electric Field on the I~ormzition of the Latent Photographic Iniage, by D. ~'A. Sarloylovich. RUSSLIVII., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 184, No 2-P Jan 1969, pp 327-330. The lui Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 3S9,905 Crystal Structure of the Synthetic Sodium-Scarklim Silicate Na 3Sc(Si 0 1 by S. M. Skshat. PLISSIM, per, DoiQ Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 537-340. The kn Inst of Phys Vol 14, No 1, July 1969 Aug 69 389f889 Application of the Potentiostatic Method to the Study of Second-Order Reactions, by V. M. Moralev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 369-371. CB Oct 69 393$226 The Principles of Surface Separations, by A. I. Rusanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 372-37~. CB Oct 69 393t227 Critical Phenomena During Oxidation of Ethanol in Aqueous Solutions of Nitric Acid, by N. T. SilakhtaTyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 376-378. CB Oct 69 393,228 The Possibility of Obtaining Weighable Quantities of Protactinium-231 by Neutron Bombardment of Thorium, by Vikt. 1, Spitsyn, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 379-382. CB Oct 69 393,229 An infrared Spectroscopic Study of the Reaction of Molecules of Cyclic Hydrocarbons with Hy Zeolite, by K. V. Topchieva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 383,386. CB Oct 69 393,230 Investigation of the Rheological Properties of Highly Dispersed Powders in a Vibration Process, by N. B. Urlev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk ~.SSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 387-390. CB Oct 69 393,231 The Thermal Dehydration of Ni3(PO 4)2 ' 8"2 of by L. N. Shchegrov. RUSSIAN, per, Dek Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, 1969, pp 391-04. - CB Oct 69 3930232 Investigation of the Deposition of Chromium From the Vapor Phase in the DecorVosition of Organic Compounds of Chromium, by G. A. Domrachev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 1847, -No 2, Jan 1969, Pp 3 5-396. GB Nov 70 Solubility of Nitrogen in Molten Niobium and Molybdenum, by L. N. Kozina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 1847,-No 2, Jan 1969, pp 397-399. CB Nov 70 Phase Diagram of the Mg-Mn-Sn System in the Region Rich in Magnesium, by Ch. V. Kopetskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Cham Tech., Vol 1847,-No 2, Jan 1969, p~ ~00-402. CB Nov 70 Heat Flux Throught the rloor of the Artic Basin in the Region of the Lomonosov Ridge. By L. A. Lyubimove, et al, 4 pp. per, Doklady AN SGSR 1969, Vol 184 pp. 403-405. ETC-69-29998 r- o f Nov 69 394,445 Further Observations on the Ultrastructure of PD1.1en Grains, by A. A. ClicboLar- RIJSSIA-N, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Botan Sci, Vol 184, No 2, Feb 1969, pp 449-451. CB Jan 71. Some Details of the Structure of Bacterio- phage-T2 Contracted Tail Sheaths, by B. F, Poglazov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 181~, No 2, Jan 1969, Pp 452-453. CB Oct 70 The Fine Structure of Mesosomes of Bacillus Stearothennophilus and Bacillus Coagulans, by R. S. Golovacheva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci." Vol 184, lio 2, Jan 1969, pp 454-456- CB Oct 70 Study of Anaerobe-Produced Volatile Com- pounds Using Dihydroxyphenylalanine as Chemical Model, by A. Kh. Tambiev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci., Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, PP 457-459. CB Oct 70 Transformation of Human Blood Lymphocytes on Contact With Smallpox Virus, by Ye. B. Gurvich RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci. Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 460-462. CB Oct 70 Reduction of Radiation Injury In Subtotaliv Irradiated Rats by E'rythropoictin, by 0. V~ Klestova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSR, Vol 184, No 2, Jan 1969, pp 463-465. CB Feb 70 401,217