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An Infrared Spectroscopic Investigation of tile Mode of Adsorption of Methanol and Ethanol on MgO by 1. S. Ignatlev, V.N. Filimonov RUSSIAN, per Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vo-1 183, No 3 Nov. 1968, pp621-624 CB June 1969 384, 345 Investigation of the Kinetics of the Primary Crystiallization Prosess in Silicon Solid Solutions in Modified and Unmodified Silumin by G.M. Kuznetsov, V.A. Rotenberg RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3 Nov. 1968, pp 625-627 CB June 1969 384, 346 Interaction of a Shock Wave with a Film of Viscous Liquid, by S.A. Lesnyak, M.A. Nazarov RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No3 Nov. 1968, pp 628-631 CB June 1969 384, 347 Determination of the InstMility Constant of Cerium (IV) Ethylenediaminetetraacetate by E.A. Malinina, L.I. Martynenko RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3 Nov. 1968, pp 632-635 CB June 1969 384, 548 The skeletal Combined State and the Quantitative Relationships of Hacromolecular Mechanics by G.A. Patrikeev RUSSIAN, per Dok A Naak SSSR, Vol 183, No 3 Nov. 1968, pp 636-639 CB June 1969 384, 349 Behavior of Aluminum Chloride In the ZrC1j-A1C13 System, by N. D. Denisova RUSSfAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Chem Tech., VIol 183, No 3, Nov 1 pp 6 8-651. CB Nov 70 The Rebinder Effect in the Contact Fatigue of Ball-Bearing Steel, by G. V. Karpenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 183, lio 3, Nov 1968, pp 6 2-653. CB Nov 70 More Information About the Precambrian and Lower Paleozoic of the Eastern Gobi (Mpr), by Yu. A. Borzakovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 657-6T0-. AGI Sept 69 391?443 More Information on Density Irregularities in the Crust and Upper Mantle, by Yu, Ya. Vashchilov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 661-663. AGI "PL 6~' 691.444 More Information on the Structure of Kyllakh Ridge, West Verkhoyansk Region, by V1. A. Komar, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 664-667. AG I "', 1~1 ~.~t 11; 9 1 '. 1, i "? More Information on the Age of the Upper Part of Triassic Variegated Deposits in the Luza, Vychegda and Mezen' River Basins, by V. R. Lozovskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 668-671. AGI Sept 69 391p446 Direction of Movement of Detritus in Karelian Deposits of the Belomorides-Karelides Articulation Zone, by T. F. Negrutsa. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 672-675. AGI Evidence for the Migration and Accumulation of Paleozoic Oil in Southern Fergana, by S. D. Taliyev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 676-679. AGI Sept 69 391,448 Euramerican Ferns in the Permian of the Pechora District, Ural Region, by L. A. Fefilova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 680-692. AGI Sept 69 391,449 Finds of Algal Remains in Crystalline Rock Residuum of the Ukrainian Shield, by D. P. Khorosheva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 683-684. AG I 69 Maastrichtian and Danian of Terpeniyo Peninsula, Sakhali-, by A. S. Shuvayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 685-688. AGI Sept 69 391,451 Investigation of Chalcostibite (CuSbS2) by the Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance Method, by I, JN1, Pen1kov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 689-692. AGI 69 391p470 The Origin of Submarine Canyons as Related to their Actual Extent in the Atlantic Ocean, by A. V. Illyin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 3, 1968, pp 692-696. AGI 393.15 Structure and Function of tlie Excretory Apparatus of the Parasitic Infusorian Ichthyaphthirius multifiliis, by M. A. Peshkov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 697-699. CB Jan 71 Treatment of Barlay Sprouts witft Chemical MuLagens and the Production of Higher Mutation Frequencies in M2, by N. D. Tarasenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 700-702. CB Jan 71 Inclusion of Adenine-8-04 into Ribosomes and PolyribDsomes of Germinating Conidia and Mycelium of the Adenine-DeficLent Strain Neurospora crassa 28610 Ad, by M. S. Kritskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BiDI Sci, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 703-706. CB Jan 71 Distribution of 6-Methylaminopurine in the DNA Chain of Escherichia coli B, by Ya. I. Burlyanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Biochem, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 707-710. CB Nov 70 Formation and Bleaching of Pigments in the Leaves of Corn Mutants, by F. Lang. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol IB3, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 711-714. CB Nov 70 The Ferredoxin of Cladophora, by A. A. Mutuskin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bioc em, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 715-718. CB Nov 70 Structure-Forming Effect of Proteins on Coacer- vation in the System Potassium Oleate-Water-KC1, by A. 1. Oparin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 719-721. CB Nov 70 "Polymerization" of the Tail Core Protein of Phage T2 of Zscherichia coli B, by A. S. Tikhonenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1966, pp 722-723. CB Nov 70 Antileukemic Action of 1,2-Bis-(Diazoace-tyl)ethane in Experimental Animals, by N. M. Yemanuel. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochein, Vol 183, No 3, Nov 1968, pp 724-726. CB Nov 70 Can the P/0 Ratio Serve as the Main Index of the Efficiency of Plant Respiration?, by L. Kh. Gordon RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 183, No 3, Nov 196d, pp 727-729. CB Oct 70 Development of a Geometric Surface and Absorptive Activity of Root Epidermal Cells, by Ye. A. Karpov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NAuk SSSR,_Bot Sci., Vol 183, No 3, Nov 196b, PP 73C-732. CB Oct 70 Rate of D20 Uptake Into Tissues of Potato Tubers, by V. Z, Kotlyar RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk S.SSR, Bot Sci., Vol 163, No 3, Nov 1966, PP 733-735, CB Oct 70 A Generalized Formula of M. Riesz, by D. L. Berman. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 743-776'-- The Am Math Soo vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,46o Nonlinear Equations with Potential aDd Monotonic Operators, by M. M. Vay-biberg. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Vol 183~ No 41 1968, 747-749. PP The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar A Theorem on Interpolatory Ftaictions Providing a Fundamental Approach to the TrGatment of General Analogs of the Method of Successive Cebysev Interpolation, by V. T. Gavriljuk. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 750-753. Mar 69 376,862 Maslovjs Canonical Operator for Hyperbolic Equations, by V. L. Danov. -RUMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR, V01 183Y No 41 19068) PP 754-757. The An Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 mar 69 376,863 X) per,, Dok Ak Nauk SWR,, pp 758-T6i. i Math Soc No 6, 1968 On Moduli of Reimann Surfacer) by S. L. Kruskal. RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SBSR, Vol .183, No 4, 1968, pp 762-764. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 3761865 The Cauchy Problem for a Second-Order Equation in Two Independent Complex Variables, by A. L. Krylov. MJSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, PP 765-767- The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 mar 69 376,866 Nilpotent J-Selfadjoint Operators, by Ye. A. Iarionov. RUSSLAN, per,, Dok Ak Fauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 768-771. The Am Math Soc vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376o867 Certain Classes of Mappings on the Plane, by V. M. Mikljukov. RU3SIAN) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSBR, Vol 183, No 4p 1968) pp TT2-T-77.- The Am Math Soo Vol 9, No 6, 1966 mar 69 376)868 Completeness of the System of Eigenvectors ans AssocWted Vectors of An Operator Bundle, by Ye. Z. Mogullskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968) Pp 775-M. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,869 Approximation of a Function of Many Variables by a Sum of Functions of a Smaller Number of Variables, by V. M. Mordasev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 778-779. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376)879 Asymptotic Distribution of the Eigenvalues of a Schroedinger Operator With Increasing Potential in Domains With Infinite Boundary, by A. G. Pamm. RUSSIAN) per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR) Vol 183, No 4, 1968, Pp 78'J-7T3-. The Am 'Math Soo Vol 9, No 6~ 1968 Mar 69 376,68o On Hasx Series With Convergent Subsequences of Partial Sums~ by V. A. Skvorcov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 183, No 4, 1968) pp 784-77-. The Am Math Soc voi 9, No 6) 1968 mar 69 376,881 A Mixed Problem With Discontinuous Boundary Con- ditions for the Wave Equation) by V. I. Cehlov. RMIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 18,R, Fo 4, .1968~ pp T8T-Tgc). The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6) i968 mar 69 376,882 The Spectrum of Nonselfadjoint Differential Operators, by R. A. Sir-A.kjan. RMSIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SWR, vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 791-792. The Am Math Soc voi 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,883 Regular V-richlet Decompositions for the Second Triclinic Group, by M. 1. Storgin. RUSSIO, per., Dok Ak Nauk WSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1.9681 PP T93-T96. The ka Math Soc Vol 9, no 61 1968 mar 69 376,884 The Green's Matrix of a Homogeneous Parabolic Boundary Problem for a System With Discontinuous Coefficients, by S. D. Yeyidellman, S. D. Ivasisen. RUSSIAN) per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 797-970-. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,885 Sufficient Conditions for Stable Probability in Variable Structure Control Systems, by I. A. Ganin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, April 1968, pp 801-802. The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 12, June 1-969. Aug 69 390,253 A Method of Representation of Control Processes in Complex Systems, by K. V. Tobolev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, Uecember 1968, pp 803-805. The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 12, June 69. Aug 69 390,254 Derivation of Generalized Kinetic Equations by Means of a Nonequilibrium Statistical Operator, by L. A. Pokrovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, December 1968, PP 806-809. The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 12, June 1969. Aug 69 390,259 Vacuum Magnetic Moment of an Llectron Moving in a Constant and Uniform Macynetic Field, by 0 1. M. Ternov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, December, 1968, pp 810-812. The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 12, June 1969 Aug 69 390,260 Relaxation Vibrations in the Friction of Polymers, by A. 1. ElIkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, December 1968, pp 813-816. The Am Inst. Phys. Vol 13, No 12, June 1969. Aug 69 390,267 Dilatometric Analysis of Phase Transformations in RbI and NaCI at High Pressure, by T. I . Petrunina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, I No 4, December 1968, pp 817-820. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 12, June 1969 Aug 69 390,268 Prospects for the Investigation of Metamorphosed Formations by the Paleomagnetic Method, by V, V. Gernik. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 821-8 ,24. AGI Sept 69 391,424 Gas Hydrates in Capillaries, by L. D. Kislovskii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok AR Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, December 1968, pp 825-826. The Am Inst Phys. Vol 13, No 12, June, 1969 Aug 69 390,247 The Principle of Minimum Momentum Transfer iii Elci-tientary Chemical Reactions and Polanyis RUIC, 1)), A. t',I, Brodsidy, V. G. Levich. RUSSIN4, p.-r, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, Nio 4, Doc 1968, pp S52-855, CD Aug 69 389,853 Heat Effect of Some Reactions of thc Formation of Hydrocarbon Radicals, by A. 1. Vitvetski),. RUSSINN, per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, Doc 1968, pp SS6-8S8. CB Aug 69 389,BSA iNctliod of bleasuring the Heat of Ujisv~ady-State 0 Processes, by A. Ya. Gokh3liteiiii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak NauL' SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 859-862. CB Aug 69 389,855 The Effect of Diamagnetic Cations on the Nuclear Relaxation Times of Procons in Aqueous Solutions of Vanadyl Salts, by N, K, Ivoylov, V. 1. lonov. RUSSIjVN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSIxI, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 863-866. C)) Au- 69 389,8so 0 Investiuation of the Elementary Acts of 0 Structure Formation in Fol)-miers, by V. A. Kargin, T. I, Sogolova. RUSSIAN, per, Dol-, Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1L')3, i,,'o 4, Deco 1968, pp 867-869. CB Aug 69 389,857 The Role of IMolecular Coi-Uplexes in the I'liotocheiltistry of Chlorophyll, by T. S, K'senofontova, 1. 1. 'Dilunu. b RIUSSIA,N', per, Dok A Nauk SSSIIII, Vol 183, No 4, ,)cc 1968, 11,T) 870-873. 1 CIII ALIg 69 369 S58 Calculation of Electron-Vibrationai Spectra of Conjugated Hydrocarbons, by A. V. Lukashin, V. 1. Permogorov. RUSSIAN', per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSI,', Vol 183, i~'o 4, Doc 1968, pp 874-877. Cil Aug 69 389X9 Effect of V -Radiation cn the Catalytic Activity of a Copper Complex of Glycyl-L-a,-Alanhe, by U. 1. Salakhutdinov, A. 11. Borisova. RUSSIN~', per, Dol- A Nauk SSSIZ, Vol 183, ~,.'o 4, Dcc 190("), p-11 6)78-880. CB Aug 69 .589, 860 Cyclic Trimerization of Acetylene and Alkylacetylenes Over a Chromium- Alumosilicate Catalyst, by Kh. A. Aralanov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 183, No 4, Dee 1968, pp 681-884- CB Nov 70 Effect of Sodium-Containing Additives on the Extraction of Vanadium From Converter Slags, by Yu. P, Vorobtev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chee Tech., Vol 16~_,_No 4, Dec 196b, PP M5-887. CB Nov 70 Effect of Ultrasound on Surface Properties of Bubbles During the Flota- tion Process, by V. A. Glembotskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 16S, -No 4, Dec 196d, pp 78-890. CB Nov 70 Dynamic Programming of the Relative Yields of a Chemical Plant, by M. F. Nagiyev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 183, No 4, D-ec -196b, 5 6 1-893. CB Nov 70 Solubility of Nitrogen in Liquid Nickel and in Melts of Nickel-Chromium, Nickel- Molybdenum, and Nickel-Tungsten, by V. 1. Fedorchenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 183,_ No 41 Dec 196b, pp79-4-896. CB Nov 70 Ore Associations of the Okhotsk-Chukotka Volcanic Belt, by P. V. Babkin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 19680 pp 897-900. AGI Sept 69 391,452 Subsurface Heat Flow and Tectonics of Ciscaucasia, by F. A. Makarenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 901-904. AGI Sept 69 391,453 Ore-Controlling Structures of the Tas Kystabyt Tin District, Northeastern USSR, by V. 14. Merzlyakov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 905-906. AGI Sept 69 391,454 More Information on Riphean Stratigraphy of the Karatau, Southern Kazakhstan, by A. A. Nedovizin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok, Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 907-909. AGI Sept 69 391,455 Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous Floras in Eastern Transbaikal, by Yu. V. Teslenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1969, Pp 910-913. AGI Sept 69 391,456 "Quaternary" Glauconite of Cretacaous Age From the Lower Yenisei, by L. V. Firsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 914-917. AGI Sept 69 391,457 Zones of the Middle and Upper Carboniferous of the Northeastern USSR and the Generally Accepted Stages of the Carboniferous System, by 0. V. Yuferev. RUSSIAN,per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 19680 pp 918-921, AGI Sept 69 391,458 Comparison of the Habit Forms of Zircon Crystals From Red Beds of the Cheleken Peninsula and Recent Alluvium of the Atrek River (Southwestern Turkmenia), by Ye. V. Nefelova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 922-923. AGI Sept 69 391,471 Composition of Monoclinic Pyroxene in Clinopyroxenite of the Ural Gabbro-Peridotite Association, by L. D. Bulykin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 924-927. AGI Sept 69 391f479 Omegatron Mass-Spectrometer Determination of Composition Gas in Individual Inclusions in Quartz from Pegmatite, by M. D. Bratus'. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 928-930. AGI 69 391,488 Spatial Variations in the 9 C13 of Sulfur-Bearing Limestone of the Ciscarpathian Region, by P. M. Murzayev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No4, 1968, pp 931-934. AGI 69 391,489 Gas Index of the Degree of Hydrogeologic Sealing at Depth, by D, G. Osika. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak, Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 935-9TT- AGI Sept 69 391090 Rate of Calcium Migration in Different Mountain Encironments of Central Asia, by 1, N, Stepanov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 4, 1968, pp 938-940. AGI Sept 69 Method for Examination of Chromosome Reduplication in Mammalian Calls Cultured in Vitro, by S. 1. Poli'Karpova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Voi 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 941-943. CF Jan 71 Cytocliemistry of Experimental Karyotomy in Neurocytes of Mammalian Autonomic Ganglia, by A. L. Sliabadash. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 944-947. CB Jan 71 Share of Both Chains of Pliage-T413 DNA Molecule in the Process of Genetic Transformation, by Yu. P. VLnetskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dee 1968, pp 948-950. CB Jan 71 Bioloaical Activity of Extracts of Coelastrum a microporum, by G. K. Buraslikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 951-953. CB Jan 71 Liberation of Hydrogen and Assimilation of Carbon by Purple Bacteria as a Function of the Light Intensity, by 1. N. Gogotov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 954-956. CB Jan 71 The Pressence of Polyphosphate Flucokinase in Bacteria, by S. 0. Uryson. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 957-959. CB Jan 71 Response of Glandular Parenchyma of Adenohypophysis of Mice Surviving Acute Radiation SicImess Due to Shielding of Part of Bone Marrow, by L. A. Kashchenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 183, No 4,7-ec 196d, pp 960-962. CB Oct 70 Demonstration of Latent Macrostructural Injuries Produced in Serum Proteins by Ionizing Radiation, by A. F. Makarchenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 183, No 4,,--L-ec 1969, pp 963-965., CB Oct 70 Specificity of the Deoxyribonuclease of Turbot Liver, by G. D. Berdyshev. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 966-969. CB OBv 70 Influence of Illumination of Aerial Organs on Metabolic Activity of Wheat Roots, by R. M. Altzhanova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 183, No 4,-Dj-c-196b, pp 970-973. CB Oct 70 Disturbance of Nitrogen Metabolism in Corn Under the Influence of Gibberellin, by S. 0. Grebinskii RUSSIAN, per, Dck Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 183, No 4,7-ec- 1968, pp 974-977. CB Oct 70 Energy Metabolism of Artemia salina (L.) In Relation to that of Other Crustaceans, by N. N. Khmeleva. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dec 1968, pp 978-981. CB Jan 71 Maturation of the Cortex of Non-Nucleate Oocytes of Frog and Sevruga Induced by Gonadotrophic Pituitary Hormones, by M. N. Skoblina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 183, No 4, Dee 1968, pp 982-984. CB Jan 71 Imbedding Theorems for Amational. Weigbt Spaces, by A. D. Beriev. WOW, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 5, 1968; pp 991-9-gW.--- The Am Math Soc vol 9) No 6, 1968 Ms.,- 69 376,886 Uniqueness Classes of Solution for a Boundary Problem in an Infinite layer, by V. M. Borok. RUSSW) per) DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183,. No 5) 1968, pp 995-9-9T.- The Am Math Soc vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,887 Dynamical Systems With lagging) by V. K. Dubolar. RUSSIAR, per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183,, No 5, 1968) pp 999-1002. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376,888 Multiplicative Closeness of a System of Elements of a Quotient Ring, by V. P. Yelizarov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 183, No 5, j,9681 PP 1003-110-0-T.- The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 Mar 69 376,889 Green's Functions for Problems With Bessel's Differential Operator, by I. A. Kiprijanov. MJSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 183, No 5., l968) PP 1005-100T. The Am Moth Soc vol 9., No 6, 1968 mar 69 376,89o A Test for the Stability of Differential Equations With Perioclic Operator Coefficients in a Banach Space, by Ye. A. larionov. RUSSIAN) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRJ, Vol 183) No 5) 1968, pp 1008:1-011. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 6, 1968 mar 69 376)891