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Activation Energies of the Initial Stages of the Interaction of Metal Oxides With Carbon) by V. P. Yelutin, Yu. A. Favlov. RUSSIAN) per,, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, vol ift, No 6, August, 1968.. PP 1413- 415. CB Mar 69 377,630 The Structure of Copper (II) AZO and Azorrthine Chelates., by V, A. Kogan) 0. A. Osipov. MJSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 6) 7 August 1968, pp 1 1671-419. CB Mar 6-9 3T71631 Electrophysical Properties of Metal Xanthogenates, by 0. V. Kolninov) V. M. Vozzhennikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Dauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 6, August, 1968) PP 1720--1423- CB Mar 69 377.,632 Effect of Surface-Active Additives on Epitmxial Processes, by V. M. Kosevich) L. S. Palatnik. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 6, August) 1968, pp 142-4- 42b. Q3 mar Interconnection of Velocity of propagatj.on of Sound., MasB, and Chemical Interaction Energy, by S. V. Nem-ilov. RUSSIAN) perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol l8l, No 6, August, 1968, pp 142 1429. CB Mar 69 37T)634 Effect of Elevated Temperatures on the Kinetics of Hydration and Crystallization of Calcium Sulfate Hemihydrate, by P. P. Budnikov RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chen Tech., Vol l81-,--N`o7, Aug 196b, 5--TOO - 143 2. CB Nov 70 Conditions for Preservation of the Air Phase in Concentrated Cement Slurries, by 0, V, Kuntsevich RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 181, No 6, Aug 196b, Pp 1 33-1435. GB Nov 70 Rheological Properties of Disperse Cross- Linked Systems in Vibrational Displace- ment, by B. A. Lishanskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 181, No 6, Aug 196d, pp 36-1439. CB Nov 73 Formation of Compounds of Divalent Copper With Sulfhydryl Collectors on the Surface of Sulfhydryl Minerals During Their Flotation, by P. M. Solozhenkin RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 181, No 6, Aug 196b.. pp 1 ~0-1443- CB Nov 70 Crustal Structure and Distribution of Tin and Tungsten Nineralization in the Far %at in the Light of Gravimetric Data., Ye. N. Lishnevskiy. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM) Vol 181) No 6) 1968, PP 1455-175T.- AGI Apr 69 378.,941 The Eifelian of the Vologograd Oblast, by G. P. Batanova~ V. I. Shevahenko. RUSSIAN, perj, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181) No 6., 19681 pp 1452-1454. AGI Apr 69 378j,940 A Palymlogic Description of the Pliocene Around Kazan, by V. I. Baranov, L. L. Aukhadeyeva. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 181, No 6., 1968) pp 1449--11T5-1-. AGI Apr 69 378P939 Mercury Zones of the Northeastern LOSR and Kamchatka, by P. V, Babkin. RUSSIM., per, DA Ak Nauk SM., Vol 181,, No 61 1968, pp i445--1MO-. AGI Apr 69 378)938 Piezoelectric Ufeat of Analcite, by Ye. K. Mikullskaya. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 181, No 6., 1968, pp 1459_171-- AGI Apr 69 378,950 Formation of Uvarovite in Solid Phase Reactions at Normal Pressure, by P. Do Pyatikop, L. I. Karyakin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181p No 6) 1968, pp 14,62-1147-. AGI Apr 69 378)951 Biogenic Pyrite in Pyrite Ore Deposits, by N. S. Skripchenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181) No 6, 1968,, pp 1465-1468. AGI Apr 69 373,965 Statistical Geochemical Study of Basalt (Southwestern Donbas), by V. V. Spiridov. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, vol 181, No 6. 1968; pp 1469--17T1-. AGI Apr 69 378)966 Complex Iron-Mangenese Chlorides in Cambrian Evaporites of the Kansk,.Taseyevka Depression, by A. S. Kolosov, A. M. Pastyllnikov. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 181.. Ro 6. 19681 pp 1472-1475- AGI I-lode of Origin of Tin Minerals in Wdrothermal Deposits) by T. M. SuBhchevskaya, I. L. Khodakovskiy. RUSSM, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 181, No 6, 1968, pp 1476-1479. AGI Apr 69 380,181 Fluorescence Microscopy of the Neurosecretery System of Lepidoptera, by f,. A. Panov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1481-1484. CB Jan 71 Measurement of Triplet Excited State in Solutions and Films of Photo- synthetic Pigments, in Chloroplasts, and Greening Leaves, by G. T. Rikhireva RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bio~hys., Vol 181, No 6, Aug 196b, pp 1~b5-1466. CB Oct 70 Assimilation and Transformation of Quercetin in the Roots of Higher Plants, by S. V. DumishLdze- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 181, No 6, 1968, Aug, pp 1499-1491. CB Nov 70 Some Data on the Iteterogeneity of t[Le Transport. Ribonucleic Acids of the Silk Gland of the Silkworm Bombyx mori5 by L. 0. Dynga. RIJSSIAN, per, Duk Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1492-1494. CB Nov 70 A Study of Photosynthetic Rate in Sugar Beet Leaves as a Function of Light and Moisture, by A. S. Okanenko RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 181, No 6, Aug 196b, PP 1495-149b. CB Nov 70 Possibility of Defining a New Type of Dnbryogenesis in the Angiospermae, by T. B. Batygina RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, PP 1499-1502. CB Nov 70 Origin of Aleurone Grains in Endosperm of Maturing Castor Plant Seeds, by A. M. Sobolev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 181, No 6, Sep 19;8, pp 1503-1505. CB Nov 70 The Effect of Ethinylestradiol 17B on the Sexual Differentiation of Paradise Fish Macropodus opercularis L., Fam. Anabanti-dae, by Ye. B. Vanyakina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1506-1509. CB Jan 71 Autoradiographic Investigation into the Regeijera- tion of the Retina in Pectinate Newts (Triturus cristatus), by V. I. Mitashov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1510-1513. GB Jan 71 Effect of Transplant Reaction Against aost on Transplant Immunity in the Cases of Similarity and Dissimilarity Between Donor and Recipient in Respect of H-2-Locus of Tissue Compatability, by V. F. Semenkov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1514-1516. CB Jan 71 The Ascending Effect of the "Reticular" Neurons of the Macrocellular Nucleus of the Frog Oblongata, by L. D. Karpenko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bial Sci, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1517-1.519. CB Jan 71 Detection and Investigation of a New Type of EPR Signal Characteristic of CertaLn Tumor Tissues, by A. N. Saprin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 181, No 6, Aug 1968, pp 1520-1523. CB Jan 71 On Optima Regularization,, by V. Ja. Arsenin, V. V. Ivanov. MJSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk MR. Vol 182, No 1) 1968, pp 9-ip. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 5, 1968 mar 69 376)369 On Expansion in Eigenfunctions of the Schroedinger Operator With a Strongly Singular Potential, by A. A. Arsenlev. RUSSIAN, pery Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 1, 1968, PP 13-15. The Am Math Soc. Vol %, No 5, 1968 mar 69 376,370 Approximate Differentiation by Means of lagrange and Hermite Interpolation Polynomials) by N. S. Baiguzov. RLWIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk MR) Vol 182, No 1, 1968) pp 16-19. The Am Math Soo Vol 9, No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376,371 Inductively Reflexive) Locally Convex Spaces) by I. A. Berezanskly. RUSSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk BSSR, Vol 182,, No 1, 1968, pp 20-22. The Am Math Soc Vol 9) No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376,372 Anal,ytic Properties of the Resolvent Kernel of a Fburth-Order ordinary Differential Equation on a Riemann Surface) by M. M. Gehtman, 1. V. Stankevic. RMSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 182, No 1) 1968, pp 23-~C-- The Am Math Soo Vol 9,,No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376~373 Semiregular and Hausdorff Bicompaat Extensions, by V. Zaicev. MJSSIAN) per, Dok Ak Nwak WSR) Vol 182, No 1, 1968, pp 27-30- The Am Math Soc Vol 91 No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376,374 Asymptotic Sollation of a Time-Optimal Problem for Control-Systems Which are Nearly Linearp by Ju. N. Kiselev. RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Naulr.SSSR, Vo.1 182., No 1, 1968, PP 31-3 The Am Math Soo Vol 9) No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376,375 A Cyclic Two-Dimensional Compactum Gontaining no Irreducibly Cyclic Two-Dimensional Subcompactum, by W. Kuperberg. ROSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol lL'), No 1, 1968, pp 35-37. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 5, 1968 Mar 69 376..376 Extension of Ito's Theorem "On the Independence of Proosse Jumps" to PrecesBes With Independent Increments Defined on Topological Groups With A Countable Basis, by V. M. Maksimov. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk S65% Vol 182) No 1, 1968) PP 38-4f.- The Am Math Boo Vol 9., No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376)377 A Method For Solving a Stationary Problem, by G. I. Marcuk, K. Ye. Sarbasov. RUSSM, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 1, 1968, pp 42-45. The Am Math Soo Vol 9, No 5, 1968 On &istence of Moments for the Number of Crossings of a Given level by a GauBsian Stationary Process, by V. I. Piterbarg. RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SM. Vol 182, No 1. 1968) pp 46-4T.- The Am Math Boa Vol 9, No 5) 1968 mar 69 376)379 On large Intervals of a Ranaom Boolean Function, by G. S. Plesnevic. RUSSIAN) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1&?-, No 1, 1968., pp 49-52. The Am Math Goo Vol 9, No 5~ 1968 mar 69 376,379 Ou the Length of the Ionization Relaxation Zone behind a Strong Shock Front in Air, by S. A. Losev, V. A. Polyanskiy. RUSSIAN, per, Doklady Akad Nauh SSSR, Vol 162, J;o 1, 1969, Vp 75-76. CIA X-6810 Nov 68 354,067 Reconstruction of Sea Floor Relief for Places Without Depth-Measurement Data by the Method of Least Squares, by I.M. Belousov, A.I, Ioffe RUS.SIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol. 182, No 1 1968, pp 89-92 AGI June 1969 384, 352 Investigation of Decimeter Radio-Wave Propagation in Venus' Atmosphere by means of the Automatie Interplantary Station "Vernera 411 by M. A. Kolosov, 0.1. Yakovlev RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol. 182, No 1 1968, pp93-94 AGI June 1969 384, 353 Suargy Tmwfer and Excitatlon Meahanism of Mann se in Ilectrolusimacence of Phosphors ZaS - Cu , Mn aid ZnBe , Ca - Ma., by A. 0. Gol I dmn., 1. L. Rommnko. RMIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SWR Vol 182, No I., Sept, 10,, pp M-125. -=" OB Ma IkulLtions for Dynoda Sorption in an Uhdeformd Porous Medium,, by P. P. Zolotmv, L. V. Radusbkeviah., RUSSIAN, per., DDk Ak Hauk BOR, Vol 182, No 1, Eeptp 196B., ip-m= CB may 69 382,809 A Fi*ld Effeet, Study of the Relation Between the Fermi Iml and the CatLlytic DoWdration of Isopopyl Alchol. on T102 M=) by N. P. Keyer., Ye. P. Mikbeyeva. MUDS,, per., DA Ak Nauk SSSR.. Vol 182, No 1,, Sept, 1968, POW1-33s CB Wy 69 382A10 Calculation for Molecules of Your-Coordinated Phosphorus with A P - 0 Bond, by the Simple Molecular OrbitiLl Method, by H. A. Landau, V. V. Sheluchenko. MWILNp per, Dok Ak Nauk SM, Vol 182, No 1) Sept, 1968, pp 134~136- CB May 69 382,811. The Thermal Coagulation of an bmUion Contained Within an External Electrical Field) by G. M. Panchankov) L. K. Tsabek. RLSSIAN, per,IDok Ak Houk MR, Vol 182) NO 11 ftt.. 1968, pp 13T-140. CB W 69 382,812 Infrand Spectra of Acatonitrile Adsorbed on Montmorillonite, by Yu. 1. Tamsevich,, V. P. TleliWalmn. RUNIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk OUR, Vol 182, No 11 BOPtf 1968Y ~01471-713a CB May 69 382,813 Effect of Quartz Filler on the Hardening Kinetics of Mineral Cements, by T. Yu. Lyubimova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Chem Tech., Vol 182, No 1, Sep 19b0, pp 1TA-147. CB Nov 70 Kinetics of Reduction of Zinc From Silicate Melts by Carbon Monoxide, by V. M. Chumarev RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Chem Tech., Vol 182-,7Fo 1, Sep 1 46- 150. CB Nov 70 The Discovery of Bryozoans of the Genus Dyscritella. in the Devonian of Gornyy Altai By K.N. Volkova RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182 No 1 1968, pp 151-152 AGI June 1969 384, 358 Tectonic Position of Ultrabasic Alkalic Rocks in the Maymecha-Kotuy Province by L.S. Yegorov, V. M. Rudyachenok RUSSIAN per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182 No 1 1968, pp 153-156 AGI June 1969 384), 3S9 t-.0de of Oriegin of Stylolites in Rucks of Different Covq)ositiun, 6y F.,I,. Kreudolev UISSIAN per Dor Ah Wauk- SSSR, Nol 182 No I 1968, p1, 151-160 Aul Junc 1969 394s %0 Lauered Basic Intrusions Of the Altai-Syan Fold Zone, by V.M. Nemtsovich RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182 No I 1968t ppl6l-163 AGI June 1969 384, 361 Recognition of the Sakhabor (Late Archean) Deposits of the Aldan Shield By S.V. Nuzhnwi, V.A. Kudryavtsev RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak, nauk SSSR, Vol 182 No 1 I , 164-166 1968, pp AGI June 1969 384, 362 More Information About the Age of Sub-Syrt Sand A.A. Svitoch RUSSIAN, per Dck A Nauk SSSR, Vol 182 No 1 1968, pp 167-170 AGI June 1969 384, 363 Extent and Age of the Residuum in Western Ciscaucasia, by A. G, Chernyakhovskiy RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nuak SSSR, Vol 182, Nol 1968, pp 171-174 AGI June 1969 384, 364 Role of Dynamometamorphic Sheraring in the Genesis of Schist Wall Rock at the Uchaly Pyrite Deposit, Southern Urals, by S.V. Chesnokov, I.A. Burikova RUSHAN, per Dek Ak Nuak SSSR , Vol 182 No 1 1968, pp 17S-178 AGI June 1969 384, ~65 Mechanism of Development of Faces on Magnetite Crystals Formed in Metasomatism and Recrystallization, by T. A. Velikoborets. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 1, 1968, pp 179-182. AGI Jun 69 384,396 Patterns of Variation in the Closeness of Links and Relationships between the Contents of Components in Zoned Ore Bodies, by V. F. Myagkov. RUSSIANP per, Duk Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No lp 1968 pp 183-18S. AGI Jun 69 384,408 Isotopic Composition of Carbon Igneous and Metamorphic Rocks, and 1. A. Petersillye. RUSSIAN, per, Duk AL Nlauk SSSR, 1968, pp 186-189. AU from Bitmens ill by E. M. Galimov Vol 182, No 1, Jun 69 394,417 Forms of Dissolved Iron in Hydrothermal by A. S. Kalinin and S. A. Kashik. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, 1968, pp 190-192. AGI Solutions, No 1, a Jun 69 384,418 The Mechanism of Oil Formation, by 0. A. Radchenho. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 1, 1968, pp 193-196. AGI Jun 69 384#419 Ergastoplasm oE Neurosecretory Cells, by A. A. Voitkevich. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 197-200. CB Jan 71 Inhibition of the Aftereffect oE Nitrogen Mustard in Bacterial Systems During Conjugation, by D. M. Gol'dfarb. OSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 201-204. GB JHan 71 The Demonstration in the Electron Microscope of the Matrix of Chromosomes in Connection jqith tile Spontaneous and EXDerimental Loosening of Their Structure, by V. Yu. Polyakov. RUSSIAN, per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 205-207. CB Jan 71 Experimental Determination of Food Requirements of Silver Carp Larvae and Young by Means of C14, by Yu. 1. Sorokin. RUSSIAN, par, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 203-210. CB Jan 71 Photochemical Properties of Aggregated For-as of Chlorophyll and Its Analogs, by A, A, Krasnovskii RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophys., Vol 182, No 1, Sept 196d, pp 211-213. CB Oct 70 Assimilation and Metabolism of Mitane in Higher Plants, by S. V. Durmishidze. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 214-216. CB Nov 70 Sequential Modification of Egg Albumin and Its Effect on the Chemical Properties and Antigenic Specificity of the ProteLn, by F. V. Shmakova. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRj Biochem, Val 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 217-220. CB Nov 70 Effect of Growth Stimulators and Inhibitors on Root Formation of Lemon Cuttings, by "I .. V. Nekrasova RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 182, No l,-�e-P196d, pp 221-224. CB Oct 70 Ecology and Systematics of Islandiell.'.g,-,s (ForaminiEera), by V. 1. Gudina. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSIZ, BLol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 225-227. OB Jan 71 The Influence of Different Lengths of Time of Swimming on the RNA Content in the Neurons and the Neuroglia of the Motor and Sensory Parts of the Spinal Cord, by V. A. Brumberg. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 228-230. CB Jan 71 The Mechanism for Developing Secondary Trz-~ Discharges in the Transmitting Nucleus of the, Thalamus, by R. A. Durinyan. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol ScL, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 231-233. CB Jan 71 The Kinetic Method for Comparing the Effectiveness of Different Ways of Treating Myeloid Leukosis, by Ye. I. Levitin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol ScL, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 234-236. GB Jan 71 The Behavior of Tortoises (Emys orbicularis and Clemmys caspica): An investigation, by A. L. Yel'darov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 182, No 1, Sept 1968, pp 237-239. CB Jan 71 Normal Subgroups in a Finite Groupp by Ja. G. Berkovic. RUSSIAN, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR1 vol 182, No 2. 1968., pp 247-250. Mie Am Math Boo Vol 9, No 51 1968 Mar 69 376o380 Ana4tic RePresentations of the FaU Linear Group Over a Finite Fieldp by Be I, Gelffand. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, VO 2, 1968, pp 251-25T.- The km Math Soc Vol 9) No 5t 1968 Mar 69 376)381 Transversal Mappings of Foliations, by M. L. Gromov. RUBBLO) per, Dok Ak Hauk MBR, Vol 182: No 21 1968, pp 255-258. The Am Math Soo Vol 9, No 5) 1968 mar 69 376,382 Theory of Modular Forms and the Problem of Finding Flonm1as for the Number of Representations of Numbers by Positive Quadratic Forms) by Le A* Kofoans RUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 182, No 2, 1968, PP 259-261. The Am Math Boa Vol 9) No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376,383 Number, Degree of Distinguishability and Diameter of Comautative Autonata and Operators Realized by them) by A. D. Korsunov. RUSSIAN, per, Wk jM Nauk SM, Vol 182, No 21 1968, pp 262-265. The Am Math Soc Vol 9) No 5, 1968 mar 69 376)384 Oriented Quasiconformal Mappings in Space, by V. M. MJJdjukov. RUSSIAN, per., Dc)k Ak Nauk SSSRj Vol 182,, No 2, 1968.. pp 266-277-. The Am Math Soo Vol 9., No 5., 1968 mar 69 376.,385 Factorustion of Mappings onto Metric Spaces, by B. Pasynkov. 3=10, per, DA Ak Nauk SWRI Vol 182) Wo 2., 1968, pp 26&P-Tl. The Am Math Soc Vol 9,, No 5., 1968 Mar 69 0~386 On the law of the Iterated Logarithm, by T. A. Sarymsakov, Ja. H. Kuakarov. HUSSIAN,, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 182, No 2, 1968,, pp 272-274. The Am Math Boa Vol 9, No 5,, 1968 Mar 69 376.,387 Bicompacta With Noncoinciding Dimnsionalities, by V. fledorcuk. RUSSLAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk M, Vol, 182, No 2, 1968, pp 275-277. The Am Math goo Vol 9, No 5. 1968 Mar 69 376..388 Topological Stracture of Space in Relativistic Mechemics) by F. A. Cellnik. RUSSIAN, per,, DDk Ak Sauk SSSR, Vol 182) No 2, .1968) PP 278-279. The Am Math Soc Vol 9, No 5, 1968 )Aar 69 376,389 On the Approximation Viscosity of Difference Schemes, by N. N. Janenkoo Ju. 1. Sokin. RUSSIAN, per., Dok Ak Nauk E2&- Vol 18e,, No 2,, 1968, pp 280.2T1-. Vol 9, No 5) 1968 Mar 69 376,390 A*Wtotia Properties and Approximtion of Stochastic Tralyd,.g klodels, by Ye. S. Usachevo 5 pp. A& Akaderdi Nwjk SSSR, RUSSUNO per# R*l Moscaw# Vol 182, No 2t 1Wj pp 282-284, JPRS 47*089 Sci-Cybernetics Jan 69 372,251 Fluctustlions In the Solar Irrodlation of the rwwkb Do to Beadar Variatims 1n the Zlemts of the IaM'm Othit,, bv So Go Samfp No A. bidulbova. RU381Wj, per# Dak M - Vol 132j, No 2v 1968, py 991-293- 1U Fbf: 5MAF (M-7493) Sol/Atwos mv,69 36Dj265 Possible Characturistics of a Brehinsstrahlun6 Source for Laser Pumping, by V. B, Rozanov. RUSSIAN, ~er, Doklady Akad 14auk SSSR, Vol 1B2, ~.`o 2, 1968, pp 320-321. CIA X-6809 Nov 68 354,06S Physical Principles and Exploration Potential of the Exchanged Transient-Wave Twthod on Vertical Seisndc Profiling Data, by R. M. Gallperina RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Naur, SSSR, Vol. 182, No 2 1968, pp 334-336 AGI June 1969 384, 354 Investigation of Conformtional Change in Macromolemles by Polarization F1wreseence, by Ye. T. Anufrlym) M. V. Vollhonshteyn. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SW% - Vol 182, No 2) Sept, 1968., pp 361-W3- CB W 69 382:814 7hreshold Features in MAmntary abmuical Processes, by A. 1. BazI, V. I. Golvdanskly. RMIAN,, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 18p-, No 2, SePt) 1968) ~P 364-36T- OB May 69 382i815 Flov in Superficial Films Daring tbe Emporation of Water From Capillaries., by B. V. Deryagin) N. V. Cha-ayev. RUBSTAN., per, Dqk Ak Nauk SWRy Vol 182~ No 2p Sept) 1968) PP 368-371- CB SW 69 382,815 Two-Dimnsional and Thm-Dimensioml Nucleus Formtion Duzing the Growth of Crystals j, by V. P. DDrf=nL, M. B. Galim. RMIAN.. per,, Dok Ak Nauk MR, Vol 182y No 2) Sept. 1968, iP--3"- 5o CB May 69 382,816 Su,-fa(m Energy of 4ropphite, by V. P. Yelutin, V. I. Kostikov. RUSSIM,, per., Dok Ak Nauk EM, Vol 182,, No 2, Sept. 1968p ~P-376:Tff * CB ~by 69 382.,817