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HydrogeR in Gases Dissolved in Water of the West Siberian Plai-3, by 0.1. Nechayeva. PWSSIA, per, Dok A Nc~uk SSSR, Vol 179, No 4, 1968, pp. 961-962. AGI Jan 69 373-Mic Conductance Vc,riation During Kyanite-Sillimanite ( A12 SiOS ) Pol>Tiorphism Under H'igh Temperatures and Pressures, by , A. B. Slutskiy. RUSSIA, per, Lok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 4, 1968, pp. 963-965. AGI. Jan69 373-393 Effect of Certain Metabolic InEbitors Suppressing the Working of the Cilia of Ciliated Cells, by N. 1. Arronat. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 179, No 4 Apr 1968, pp 967-969. CB Ultrastructure of Caps on Spores of Anaerobic Bacteria, by N. A. Krasil'nikov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Kol Sci, Vol 179, No 4, Apr 1968, pp 970-973. CB Jan 71 Incorporation of s35-Methionine into Proteins of Subcellular Fractions of Rabbit Tissues Following Burn lnjuri(~.s, by T. L. Zayets. RUSSIAN, pe::, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 179, No 4, Apr 1968, pp 974-975. CB Nov 70 Activity of Ribonuclease in Phospliatide-Protein Coacervates,, by A. 1. Oparin. RUSSIAN, per, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 179, No 4, Apr 1968, pp 976-978. CB Nov 70 Adenosinetriptiospliatase of Skeletal Muscle Sarcolema, by D. L. Ferdmain. RUSSIAN, pet, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI Hochem, Vol 179, No 4, Apr IS68, pp 979-981. CB Nov 70 Chrysogenim, RUSSIAN, -aer orption by Penicillium by I. S. Kulayev Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., r 1968, pp 982-965. lp- Brain Stru,~ture in Polychaeta, by N. M. Yerokhina. RUSSIAN, piir, DDk Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 179, No 4, Apr 1968, pp 986-989. CB Jan 71 Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Apr 1968, pp 990-992. Defects in Dogs Ileterografting I. Kantorova. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, *) Apr 1968, pp 993-996. Adaptatiolial Changes in the Cerebellum and Spinal Cord Moto~- Structures Tinder Different HypoxLa Regimes, ')y 0. G. Gazenko. RTJSSIAN, .)er, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 179, No 4, Apr 1968, pp 997-1000. CB Jan 71 The ActiviLy Dynamics and Physiologic Role of Acetylchclinesterase and Aliphatic and Aromatic Esterases in the Ontogenasis of the Blc,)dsucking Mosquitos of the Genus Aedes (Diptera: Culicidae), by V. S. Odintsov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Vol 179, No 4, Apr 1968, pp 1001-1004. GB Jan 71 Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Apr 1968, pp 1005-1008. An Application of Neutonls Diarlrara to the Q Problem of the Stability of ilerioElc S S olutions, by P. G. i'dzengendler. "us SIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Math., `,Tol 179, Tic 5, 196d, p 1015-1016. The Amrium 1;athemitical Society Vol 9, 1,To 2. 1968 Sc-/NAh Oct 68 363.,516 Approximto Solution of Certain Infinite System of Equations, by 1. Aleksidze. RUSSIAN, por, Dol: Ak 11aul, SSSR, 1~ath Vol 179, !!o 5, 196n, 1019-1U22. Ihe Aneric;m Mathematical Society Vol C93 1~ro 1!3 1Q'1)8 Sci/!~ath Oct 68 363,517 Absolube Corriergence of Fourier Series of Almost PerLodic Functions, by E. A. DreUdna. RUSSIATI, por., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR I-lath. 9 2 Vol 179., 1-11o 5) 196d., pp 1023-1.026. The Aneric,,n Mathematical Society Vol 9~ 1.10 "', 1968 Sci/Math Cot 68 363,518 'Natual Restrictiom, of Curvature and Area For Surfaces 4-ing in a Compact Par-L of Spece., by Ju. D. 1-urago. RUSSIAN, pEr., Dok Ak 1,,'auk SSSR,, 1,~ith..% Vol 179., Ik. 5, 1978, p 1027-102d. The American 1,;athematical. Society 1101 9, t!o r, j 1968 Sci/I.hth oct 68 363)51/9 On Sinalar C~perators, by G. 11. Vaird-IdIco. MSIANI, per,, Dok Mc E~auk SSSIII, I-lath., '101 179, Io 5, 196U) pp lQ25--11031. The Anerican T-lathem-tical Soc--aty Vol 9. Nc 2~ 1960 Sci/]; oct 68 363,520 per Dok Ak Naulc Sssla, I'Llth. j I-To ~., 1966) PP 1032-1033,, .can Ilathematical SocietY 5, 15b, s An Operaticnal Method of Solving PEXO~ Problems For Paxabolic Linear Differential Equations With Discontimucus Coefficientsy by 0. A. DySin. HUSSIA31, pcx) Dok Ak I-ITaid, SSSR Lath.., ; I I "~-- 1,;'ol 1U, No 3 "UH ",0; --, 3 19 i.,) 8 , p p I ~t- ~T- The I~menicm Eathemitical SocietY vol 93 7,o ',~) 1968 Approximation of Periodic Functions by Linear 1ethods, by V. V. Zuk. RUSSIAII., per, Dok Ak 711aiik SSSR~ Eath., Vol 179, 1,7r 5, 196U) PP 103U-1041. 'Me American 1;atheimtical Society Vol 9, No 2, 1968 Sci/I.Iath L Oct 68 363~623 A Class of EArernal QuasicorSormal 1-~appLiZs, by S. L. Krusical. R I USSIAN., per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRI I.hth..s Vol 179., i"-c 5) 1966, pp 1042-1045. The Amrican Mathematical Society Vol 2, 11ro 2, 1968 Sci/1--lath oct 68 363,,524'- Irwerse Theorem of Approxination on C'osed L Sets of the GoRplex Plane,, by ET. A. Jobedev) P. '14. Tan-ra3av. RUSSLIly pe.'r, Dok Ak Na-u?. SSSR Ilath.. P-- Vol 179 'To 5, ., 1 1-968 p The Amricaji 1-lathematical Society Vol 9, :,,,,o 2., 1968 5 ci/natll Oct 68 363~525 Distribatior. Cver Residue Classes 41c 1 and 1~c 3 of the lhn~)er h of Ideal Classes of Real Qaadratic Fields K( 7p With Prim Discrininant p I (mod Q., by V. G. LemleLi. RUSSIAN) per I DoIc Ak Naulc SSSR , Kath Vol 1.79, 1-10 51 1966., PP 1050-1053. The Amrican 1-;athematical Society Vol 9, 1-To 2, 10/68 Sci/1--lath oct 68 363,526 Convergence of the Process of Steepest Descent) by Ju. 1. Liubic. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak I-TaWc SSSR, 1-;ath * 9 Vol 170, 1,',,o 5.,--1-9;7,-Pp IMI-1056. The American Mathematical Society Vol 15), I-Io 2, 1968 S ci/Math Oct 68 363,527 Singular Integral Equations in a Cone, by B. A. Plam-aevskii. - !auk SSSR, 1;atl HUSSLUI, per-, Dok Ak 1 1.) Vol 179) No 5, 197 P 1057-1059. The ;Umiricaq 11atheriatical Socie-ty Vol 9, No 2, 1968 Sci/Math oct 68 363,528 On Extreml Quasiconf orml 11appings 'Hith Bourded am:.,acteristics, by V. G. Seretov. RUSST j ATIT, per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Math., Vol 179) No 5) 1969) p 1060-1063. Tho Anerican Ihthemtical Society Vol 9., ITo 2,, 1968 Sci/I.;ath Oct 68 3633529 A Contribution to the Theonj of Orlicz Spaces, by 2.. V. Sragin. RUSSLVI., per-, Dok Ak Nauk S3SRO 1,hth.) Vol 179) Tio 53 1966., pp 3.064-1066. The American ],mathematical Society Vol 9, 1,o 2, 1968 Sci/1~2,th ect 68 363~530 Extension of the Region of Applicability of Q Special Algoritlm of Linear F~,ogranwan~, by 11. A. Jak-culwa. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Iiath..s Vol 179., ro ~, 196n) 1067-1069. The Anerican 'Natheiratical Society Vol 9, i1o 21 1963 SciA';qLth Oct 68 363 5) 3 1 The Rotation and C-zientation of Cosiuc Dust Grains, by Av Z# Dolginov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Alc Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 51 1968l :)P 1070-10?3, The Am Inst Phys 7 Vol 13, No 4s Oct 1968 Sci/Astron Nov 68 37012,16 Two Modifications of the I~Llgnetic Arrangement of a Charo-ed Particle Analyzer, by Yu. G. Basarg~.n. RussiANI, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1799 No 51 1968, PI) 1074-10?5- The Avi Inst Phys Vol 13p I-,,o 4.- Oct 1968 Sci/Phys Nov 68 31-0,230 Adhesion of Dletals Tending to Brittle Fracture Under Combinod Plastic Deformtion Withrut Heating, by S. B. kinbinder, E. F. Dabrovskii. RUSSIAI~, perIDok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179P No 5, 1968, IF7-107-C--10-78- The Am Ins" Fhys Vol 13, INo 4, Oct !966 3ci/Phys Nov 66 370j235 Effects of the Loading Sequence and Scale Factor on Estimates of the Strength of -Drittla Solids Under Complex Compress-1ve and Tensile Loading, by L. I. Narkov, 11. V. Mlikhailov. RUSSIA-14, per, k~k Ak jLquk SSSR, Vol 170/t 'r-'o 5, !968, i,,p 1079-1082. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, 1--!o 4., Oct 1968 Sci/pliys Nov 68 370,236 Thermal Effects of Ageing of Deformed Hartensite and of I-Lartersite ObtaLned From Cold-'.1orked Au-stenite, b~ B, 3~1. Mcgutnov, V. M. Polovov. C, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, 1'o 5, 1068, EP 083- -08-67. The A-m Inst Fl-*,s Vol 13, No 4., Oct 1,068 sci/pilys I~ov 68 370,237 Heasuremert cf the Lunar Surface Density by the Autowtic Station "Dina-13"i bY A. A, Morozov, N. I. Smorodinov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk,SSSRp Vol 179, i "o 5, 1068t rp 1087-1090- I I 'The Am Inst Fhys Vol 13, No 4, Oct 1968 V 5(2f, TEO// -ZU,~o Fao- L"r S 7- - 74) ~s c, sci/Phys Nov 68 370,238 Geothermal Pioperthies of Part of the Yenisei Sector of the Arctic,by V. F. Derpgollts Russia, per, Dok AK Naul 55SR, V.ol,179, No 5, 1968, pp. 1091-1093. AGI Jan 69 373-321 Full Flow Method of Slitokman, Sverdrup and Mank, by A. 1. Fellmbum. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Naul SSSR, Vol 179, No. 5, 1M8. , pp.109,1-1097. AGI Jan 69 373-322 11 Dok Ak Nauk SSSR.9 rp 9- 32. The Occurrenx of Disperse Iloroheterogeneouf; Systems in tae Synthesis of Three-Dimensional Polpmrs, by T. A. Vorob feva,, A. A. Ryabova. RUSSIAN., per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR Vol 179, No 5, 1968. j.~ 1133-1136. I CB Dee 68 371,196 Applicati...-i i)f the Ibthod of Molecular Orbitals in the Huckel ApproximationtD t1w Study of the Lactim-Iactma Tautoreric Eqttilibrium, by V. P. Zvoliwkii2 1-1. E. Perellson. RUSSWTj per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 179., X-1 175 '. No 5 9 1968, w 1T3 013 Dec 68 371,197 Electrochemioal Reduction of Esters of Aromtic Carboxylic Adds ard the EFR Spectra of the Rosulting Ardon-Radieals, by A. V. Illyasov, Yu. 1-1. Kargin. RUSSIAN., per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5., 1968, ilp 1141-12)44. CB Doe 68 371.,198 Development of 1-blecular Condensation Nuclei and Conditions For Its Observationp by Ya. I. Kogar,,, L. E. Donetskaya. MJSSI&N,, perp Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Vol 179, =-413 No 5. 19669 pp IT - CB Dee 68 371~199 Kinetics of Hydrogen Atom RecombinRtion or. Variously Oriented 3arfaces of a Silicon Single Cryslal., by V. A. Iavrenkoj V. L. Tikush. RUSSIANq per) Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 53 1968, pp 1149-1151. OB Dee 68 371,200 Change in the Selectivity of Noodymtum Oxide on Irradiati.on With Neutrons in the Decorposi- tion of Isopropanol., by Vikt. I. Spitsyn) G. N. Pirogava. FUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179., No 5, 1968~ pp =-11 4. CB Dee 68 371;201 Specific Polymr-Solvent CrystallizwAon and Esta I. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, PP 1715-1-15 6. Activity of Carbon in LiqdA Ir L. A. Shvaitsman.. 1. A. Tomilin RUSSIAN, pex, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR; No 52 1968j, WmPffa-.- Some Compositional Features of Upper Precambrian Red Beds, by A. I. Anatollyeva. RUSSIA, per, DoL Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pplW'~-1166 AGI Jan 69 373-345 Pollen From Old Angiosperms in Tertiary Deposits in Some VAr Eastern Districts, By V. N. Barbashinova RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp 1167-1170. AGI 11\Jan 69 373-346 Epigenetic Zoning of the Mesozoic Terrigenous . C, Complex of the Bureya Trough ( Far East ), by M. Ye. Kaplan. RUSSIA, PER, Dak Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No. 5, 1968, pp, 1171-1174. AG I Jan 69 373-347 Relationshil) Between Mercury Mineralization and Occurrences of Oil and Gas in the Anadyr'-Koryak Region, by Ye. P. Kim, Ya. G. Moskvin. RUSSIA, per, Dok AK Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp lli'5-1177. AGI Jan 69 373-348 The Crimea and the Black Sea Median Mass , by S. A. Kovalevskiy. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp 1178-1181. AGI J" 69 373-349 Analysia of Neotectonic Movements by Studying Slope Forms ( in Southeastern Yakutia ) , by . V. V. Skotarenko. RUSSIA, per,, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No. 5, 1968, pp. L-.89-1192. AGI Jan 69 373-352 More Information on Recent Crustal Movements on the Apsheron Peninsula, by D, A. Liliyenberg, 1. N. Meshcherskiy. RUSSIA, Per. Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pF 1182-1185. AC1 Jan 69 373-350 Pressure During the Genesis of the Zhireken ,per-Molybdenum Deposit ( Eastern Transbaikal ), COD by A. I. Pi:;ur. Russia , per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No. 5, 1968, pp.1186-1188. AGI Jan 69 373-351 Distribution of Kimberlite and Basalt ( Dolerite Pipes on the Siberisn Platrorm as a Function of Crustal Structure, by L. G. Strakhov. RUSSIA, per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp. M3-1195. AGI Jan 69 373-3S3 A Pyrop-Sappairine Rock From the Anaber Massif and its Conditioas of Metamorphism, by B. G. Lutts, L. N. Kopaneva . RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp. 12)0-1202. AGI Jan 69 373-378 Microbiologic Nature of a Methane Pool Detected at Considerablc Depth ( Based on Isotopic Analysis ), by V. 11. Awov , E. M, Galimov. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No. 5, 1968, pp. EOS-12US. AGI Jan 69 373-394 Titanim-Chrimim Katio, a Further Geochemical Criterion far the Detection of Noril'Sk-Type Trap Intrusions, by A. I. AI'Mukhamedov, X. P. Smirno,ta. RUSSIA,per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp. 1206-1209. AGI Jan 69 2.3 Ethane Capacity of Coal , by 11. M. Krivitskaya, T. V. Strukovskaya. RUSSIAO per, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 5, 1968, pp. 1210-1212. AG I Jan 69 373-395 Results of a Study of Mercury Vapor in the Tashkent Earthliquake 2one, by V. 2. Fursov N. B. Volifson. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRL Vol 179, No5 . 1968, pp. 1213-1215. AGI jan 69 373-396 Gymnophyllum ( Rugosa ) Found for the First rime in the USSR, by A. V. Ivanovskiy. RUSSIA, per , Dok AK Nauk SSSR, Vol 179) No 5 ) 1968, pp. 1216-1217. AGI Jan 69 -3-~- 34-3- ~ )31 - '/C V Somatodendritic Synapses in Midbrain of Frog, by L. N. D'Yaclikova. RUSSIAN, PE,r, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol S,~i, Vol 179, Nc, 5, Apr 1968, pp 121.9-1220, CB Jan 71 LDng-LLved Potential Changes in Chromosomes, by 0 N. P. Dubicin. RUSSIAA, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. BLol Sci. Val 179, No 5, Apr 1968, pp 1221-1224. CB Jan 71 Carbohydrate-Pliosphorus Blood Durini~ Hibernati Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Apr 1968, pp 1225-1226. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol Sci, Apr 1968, pp 1227-1228. A New Spacies of Green Sulfur Bacteria, by V. M. Gorlenko. RUSSIAN, pEr, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biol. Sci, Vol 1.79, Nc 5, Apr 1968, pp 1229-1231. CB Jan 71 Sffect of Dodecyl Sulfate on the Structure and Catalytic Pcoperties of Chymotrypsinogen, by L. P. Vas'kova. RUSSIAN, pe~, Dok Ak Nalak SSSR, Biockem, Vol L79, No 5, Apr 1968, pp 1232-1235. CB Nov 70 Some Properties of Valine-Isoleucine and Valine- Glutamate Ajaino-transferases of PEA Seedlings, by Z. S. Ka,Tan. RUSSIAN, per-, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 179, No 5 Apr 1958, pp 1236-1239. CB Nov 70 Sensitizing Activity of Protoporphyrin in Protein Carbohydrate Coacervates, by A. I. Oparin. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochem, Vol 179, No 5, Apr 1~68, pp 1240-1242. CB Nov 70 High Moleoular Weight Iron-Containing Protein and Perredoxin During Cobalt Chlorosis in Plants, by Ya. V. Peive RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Bot Sci., Vol 179, No 5, Apr 19613,- pp 1243-1245. CB Nov 70 Effect of Hhyroid Hormones When Injected Into tile Poster~'-or ilypothalamus on the Total Electrical Activity of the Cerebral Cortex, by M. G. Aniragova. RUSSIAN, pz~r, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, BiDl Sci, Vol 179, N~i 5, Apr 1963, pp 1246-1248. CB Jan 71 Tabesgue SuIspaces of the Space of Trajectories of a Randim Process., by V. G. Vinokurov, B. IMIcamav, RUSSMI., per, Dol-, Ak Nauk SSSR,, 1-~%thov Vol 1792 No 51 1965~ pp 1255-1256. The knericar. A"hthenatical Society Vol 9, No 2) 1%,G 5 ci/I Sath Oct '08 36315.32 The AppI J cation of Difference I:ethodr~ to tile Solution of I ionlinear Elliptic Equations., by U. IT. Gudwic. RUSSIATT, per. Dok Ak Nauk SSSR2 Mathey Vol 179, No i~, 1966) pp 1257-1260. '-,qie American Nathernatical Society Vol 91 "To 2) 1968 SciAhth Oct 68 ~63)533 Properties o.' 'Jenljakav-Davrin Litegrals, by V. A. Gasiikov. ZUSSIATI) per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR I-lath.) ~01 179, No t), 1968., pp 1261-1263- The Amiric~-,n 1;ithematical Soe~iety ,, 11, o 2,, 10 6 Vol 9 56 SciAlath 68 ct , 363,534 0 L of Tensors, by E. B. DynIdn. per, Dok Ak ITTauk SSSR Iliatll.~ e --- - A No ').' 1267 PP 1264-1267- .can Eathematical SocietY Strongly As~metric Sequences Generated by L. A FWte 11-jurber of Syrbols, by A. A. Evdokiriorv RUSSUN) per, Dolt Ak -I!auk SSSR, liath.) Vol 179, No 6, 19663 p 1268-1271. The Americxi 11:Lthematical 3ociety vol 9, i-io 2., lo,68 Sci/Ihth oct 68 363,536 Ilarnack's Inequality for Second-Order Elliptic Equations o.[' Cordes Type, by B. Y. landis. US R SLU-11 pa?~ Do?, Ak NaWc SSSR, Ilath.) Vol 179, i-io 6. 1966, 12'12-1275. The Anericaa Mathematical Society Vol 91 No 2~ 1968 Sci/Math Oct 68 363:537 Comm.tative Symnetric Banach Algebras of Operators in the Pontrjagin Space IIJJ, by A. 1. Tx1giliov. RUSSIAN, pe:~, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Math., Vol 179., lic 6) 1958, 1276-127b. The Amrican Uathematical Society Vol 9, I.To2j 1968 Sci/Math oct 68 363~,538 A rxeneralimd Syrmetric G, Correlation, by 1. 0. Sir=-icrv. RUSSMI, por, DoIc Ak 111auk SSSR, Math., Vol 179., ru 6, 197-,Pp 1279-1261. ihe Americon MAhematical Societ.11 vol 9, ~~o ,!, 1968 Sci/Math oct 68 363)539 Estimate of a Solution of the First Doundai-j Problem For Parabolic Equations of Second Order, by )u. N. CereiTiyh. RUSSIAKI pe r. Dok Ak Nauk SSSHi Iiath., Vol 179, N, 6) 1966) pp 1262-12b5. The Awricexi Nathematical Society Vol 9, 11o 2., 1063 ci/Eath cct 63 3633540 Some ResulL3 Ln the Theory of Infinitelir Long Expressions, by G. V. Gudnavolcii. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak 1.11auk SSSR, I-lath., Vol 179, No 6, 1968., p 1286-12UB. The Iumricaa Iathematical Society Vol 9. I'To 2~ 1968 , 1. Sci/Ihth Oct 68 363)541 n I~ODPletel,y Irreducible Representations of .~,U(2., 1), ~T A. I. Stern. RUSSIAIT, ~er., I Pok Ak 'Nauk SSSR, I~ith..~ Vol 179., Y0 61 19&&- ., pp J.Zd~-1292. The Americal 11;athematical. Society Vol 9. 4"To 2, 1968 S ci/Rath oct 68 363)542 Hathematical Expuriment for thr. of Transport- Coefficients, by ~ S. L. Goralov. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nlauk SSSR, 1968, pp 129~--12-9T.- The Aiq Inst Phys Vol 13, No 4, Oct 1968 Periodic SoLution of the Diffusion Equation i-dth Nonlinaar Boundary Condition, by N. N. Kochi'la. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 6, 1968j PP 1297-1300- The Ara Inst Phys Vol 13, No +, Oct 1968 Sci/Phys Nov 68 370,224 Urbach. Rule for Localized Excitations in Crystals, ty A. S. Davydov, A. F. Lubchemko. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSRp Vol 1'19, No ('11, 1968, PP 1301-1303. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 4j Oct 1968 Sci/pilys 1-1ov 68 370,231 Transverse Mode Selection in a Iiser !Tith Convex i1irvors, by Yu. A. Ananiev, 4~4. A, Sventsitskaya. RUSSIAN, por, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR.L Vol 179, !-.'o 6, 1968:, pp 1304-1305. The Am Iys--, Phys Vol 13, No 4p Oct 10/68 Sci/Phys iiov 68 370;230, SpheroicLization of Hypereutectoid Cementite in lv~-dte Cast Iron, by A. A. Baranov, K, P" Burlin0 RUSSIA11-4 per'Dok kk Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 6, 10/68, vp 1306-1308. The Am Inst. Phys Vol 139 No Art Oct 4L968 Sci/Ph~s 1.1ov 68 370,240 Stutj of' Structural Imperfections in Metals by M-,ans of High-Resolution Autoradi-ograpk77, by S. Z. Bokshtein, S. S. Gimburg. RUSSIAN, per# Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol. 179, No 6, 1968, PP 1300-1310. The Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No '4, Oct 1968 Sci/Phys Hov 68 370,241 Thermal Expansion and Structural. Anomalies of Small Ir-)n Particles, by M. Ya, Gen, Yu. 1".. Petri-W. PUSSIAN, pel-, Dok Ak Nauk SSSF, Vol 179, 6, 1968, pp 1311-1313. The ~x, Inst Phys Vol 13, 1,10 4, Oct 1968 I., Oci/Phys I-11ov 68 370,242 The Transport of Crystallites and its Effect in Refining the Structure of Aluminum Subjected to Low-Frequency Vibration, by D. L. Leichkis, 1Q. V. Mikhailov. RUS5101, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 1?9, No 6, 1968, PP 1314-1317. The km Phys Vol 11", No 4, Oct 1Q/68 Sci/Phys Nov 68 370,243 Juverile Surfacest Their Production and Froporties, by G. P. Upits IRUSMN, mr, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 17')1 No 6v 196~s Pr 1318-1321. The Am Inst. Phys Vol 13, No 4, Oct 19c")S Sci/2hys Nov 68 370,244 Boundary Value Problem for a Ayatem of Equations for a Barotropic Atmosphere, by L. V. Trosnikov. RUSSIA, per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, No 6 , 1968, pp. 13;!2-1325. AGI Jan 69 373-323 On the Crystallization of Cubic Bo-Z-on 11itride and Synthetl.c Driamond, by G. N. 13e-zru~ov, V, PO aatuz(lvo RUSSIAN, per Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179, i-io 6, 1968, PP 132~-J ~323. The Am Inst Phys ~A Vol 13 t lio 4, Oct 1968 Sci/Phys 1-:ov 68 370,219 The Nell (S'3)10) Radical in the Structure of Na4Cd2 (Si3OtO)t by M. A. Simonov, Yu. K. Egoro,T-Tismenko. RUSSIAN, per, DA Ak Nauk SSSR, Vol 179P No 6, 1968t pp 132~1-1332- T~e Am Inst Phys Vol 13, No 4, Oct 1968 Sci/Phys Nov 68 370,220 , b ` CA C. .Iow t~ Wis 01 vtaiain~ ~ii,,Qtailor;-Ullic C01,11"ONICLS Wit;Ii goads of Gon.wduu-A Trwisition ~,~utual, by Ye. ~4. (Audychov, U Pi". LUSLANN't 1;Q14 uidi NauR, 66'A;,, Nu 179, boklady idad il~U (3, 1968, J),~ 1333-1555. July 69 50'4,627 Ur-tandboron 1' o,,;m,, ounds. On the Ii.,chunisiA of !%'ualkylatioil Oi 60roll Trialkyls, U), 1-dihailov, 7 1)1,,. ,'U 0 S"LU, buklady Akad AaW~, 66A, 179, 1966, 1344-1347.. jul 69 New Possible ~Jbchanism of Unsteady Flow of 14blten Polymers, by G. V. Vinogradov, A% Ya . Halklm . RUSSIAN., per., Dok Ak Nauk SSSR., Vol 179) No 6,0 19689 pp M- 9. CD Dec 68 371;204 Activation Erergy of Formation of the CH, 0 2 and (H ExciU d RadicalB in an Aceylene- Air Flane, by L. N. Glushko, V. I. T-verdoMilsbov. RUSSIAN Nauk SSSR, V ., per, Dok Ak . o1 179, iTo 6. 1968., ;~ ~1370-1372- OB Dee 68 371o205