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Picatinny Arsenal 9219/1084 Rcq. 74-37 n 14 NOV. 73 Title: Chi?de Vitysique - Sur I'aboorption dans Vul violt do solutiona.... Source: campt. Fiendus, Vol.. 214, pp. 228-30 (1942). Lauifiwag,e: French Instructions: Type aingle space, pacte-up, camra ral"Idy epy. Atittiov BuRilt--my ciad vardier. Picatinny Arsenal 9219/1083 I-, ,eq. 74--37 14 Pov. 73 'I.Itle- Activiy of Thallium Azzide Solutions. Sourm. Conpto Rendus, Vol. 214s, pp. 259-61 (1942) 1 11~;Ua- LA , ge: rronch IvDtructioust Type single space, paote-upt camova ready copy. 7~Jxatiuny Arsemal 921910339 ~wq. 74-13 1 t9 Sept. 73 I'lectrochi,Ae. Rend. Vol. 214, pp. 460-3 (1942). tranulate U- cyp-e i capsy only. Type single space. pagte-up# camera ready copy. CIC--itimly I'LrGeual 9219/0838 A-43 k- 19 Sept. 1973 Co%tp.t, RQnd. Vol. 214, 617-9 (1942). "'Y tr8astatf'.. 6, type I Copy GUY. Type single space. Paste-q)l camera ready copyt eicaciftay Aroczal 9219/0835 74-13 19 Sept. 1973 -~efld. Vol. 214, pp. 651-4 (1542), Vrench 2,?jeaae translate t, type I copy only. Paste-up eicatimy ArGenal ROOM i!cq. 74-13 1 19 Sept. 1973 Phatochi-de. Ccw--pt. Itmd. Vol. 214, pp. 826-8 (1942). J. Maurice ~Amnerlay. Plc,sart, translate t:, typc! I eepy only. Type single spaice. MAX paste-up. Picutimy Arsenal 9219/1082 At ~O~q. 7'-,37 1 14 Nov. 73 itle: ~Iactoclkimie - Candu ibillite don solutioun ~I a Z 0 ~ k V- A tl"t ff'u tu- A.Ahor. j,'routy, marie Louise. source : Compt. fteridus, Vol. 215, pp. 61-2 (1942). Liuguagq: French Imtructions; Type single space, paste-uip, emara rea4y copy. Ficatinny Arseml Req. 75-20 OFMO 2~ Title: Chiude Physique, I . q a) 9 /-~J(7/ ' -7~ Source: Compt.-Reud. Vol. 216, pp. 52-4 (196). Author, Bormemay, LanN,age: French. XW Translate & typo one COPY9 only. Picatinay Areenal Req, ~ 75-20 aw qJ Title: Ohotochimie. Author: Bonnemay, M, Source: Compt. Rend. Vol. 216, pp. 154-6 (1943). Language. French. Instructions: Translate & type I copy.only. :OCI . 74-37 k 921911081 14 ?-,'ov. 73 Titlo: Otb-de Physqu* - Inflmance Oa la tampernOre.... Vertll~:r, Edger T. lpOndus, VOL 216, PP- 133-5 (1943) noucy Fronch s t; ru t i on s ;Type, stn;-r-Ir! 5-mve, paoto-to, casaorta ro.-itl&y cripy. Picatinuy Arcewl Raq. 15-20 a 19 rov 74 Title, Photcehitda- Author: Boanomay, 1-1. Source: Compt. Mnd. Vol. 216, pp. 230--2320-(1943) Languager Franch Please trauslate 6 type 1 copy only. Tranalate'all.' captions & keys# Cut & Pasu ubere necessai7e -74-13 j 921910837 19 Sept. 73 hk1e. (b?;i.iA. rend. Vol. 216, M2-4 (1943). ------------- 1rwich oa;s(2 trairmlatc 's typa I copy Qnly. -1 'I)rpe single space, Paste-up# vvmcra ready cmy, Picatinay Arsenal 9219/1090 j',.2q. 74-37 j 14 Mov. 1973 Title: Spectrochir:tie.6tructure de 111ion N -des azotu- es Metalliqu`es Determinee a Vaide Spectres Absorption Author: Delay, A., et al. in frarouge. Clement Duval, Jean Lecomte Source: Comptee Rendus, Vol. 219, pp. 329-31 (1944) Language: French Instructions: Tupe single space, paste-up, caDiera ready copy. Ficatinuy Arsendl Req. 74-37 1 9219/im 14 Nov. 73 Title: do la thervolyse.... d'C ff 3 IM, Authar. %wdubert, Rd?"k_ ~('l 222 !30urce: Compt. Rendus. vol. 2n, PP. 1228-9 (1946) Language: T,,repC!j Instructions: TrIe. single spacn, Paste-up, Campra readY copy. Devillers, C. 1948-49 Morphogenstio role of the cortex of the trout 2111L0 Compte rendu, l3eme, Congres Inst. Zoologle, Parls-s- -984.286. In Prenah. Tranal. by INSDOC as Tranal. No. 033~97, 4F-, WesdriPt- Avail. INSDOC, Price $1.00 per page plus po5tage. Original Article Checke4f. /Colw. M2,TIXT" I e ct C) ii o Fva- a., 1 --a al e t i c ?e,,,.rjnanvo by the Paromagmetl.c Rotla.ry of T,~iblc I-ZaC~I.ationl 11 pp ?icatillny 921910599 Req. 74-3 24 July 1973 dea deco-myonitione 0-~~yioaives d' azotare de chlore. reactions. '.,'y izI. Gay P'nawtior. Froin: C.Rl. liebd. Seances. Acads2vie dqs Scieaces. Vol. 233, pp. 168-170.. (1951) 'Freach 'Tace. Paste-up. DemeUSY, F., 4nd A. Voillet 1952 induction of ovipoultIon In t4a crab P IM PAtn'93 Nmant by oyestalk ablation (Diolenchemoff de"la ponto Qh7z 1e crib* Carcinua menas Pennant par ablation des dolloules ooulalros) 1.11 .1.1,s Rendits Hobdoma(Zire des Seances do IlAoademie des Gences do PaLrial _PJA: 1224-122,6. In Prarwh. "Ire im trwisl. by J.D. Sombasky for FR13C Mol. Stu., 8t. Andreva, N.B., 1973, as Traml. Series No. 26B3, 2P., typesor"A. Avail. on Loan - MAYS, Wash., D.C. Original Arlicllo Chocked.* Cornubert, a., 11. Demusy, and A. Vaillet 1952 Effects of eyestalk ablation on the development of extemal sexual characteristios in the braahyuran decapods Canim matnas Pennant and ftaby&rAglus raMaMt_uz Fabricius (Vfets de 11ablation doe p6donoulas ooularlrel developpament des oaraoteNve sexuola extornea 6o:ILr4ccapodos 13mchyoures CarQigus maep4B Pennant et EnghwgMpulz marmaratua. Fabrialus) .1 OomptaB RerWw Hebdomdaires des Sesnaeg do l'Academle des ,Taienaea do Paris, 434; 1405-14,07, Tn French. Prelim. tmrwl. by J.B. Booheaky, for Dept. of Environ., FRBC Blol. Sta., St. Andrmls, N.B., 1973, as Tmnal. Series No. 2795, 3p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - WIM, gash., D.C. Original Arlicte ClIeck6d.#-1? Demeusy, N., and A. Velllet 1953 On the ex1otenoe of two populations of Carainus mAonas Pennant and the morphological 4haracteriaTi-eathat-- distinguish them (Sur l1existenoe do doux populations do CgLroinua maariaB Fenmnt at sur lea caraot~res morphologlques qui lea drs-tinguent) qqmpte'a Rendus ilebdorLaclaire des Seancen de I'Acadmle des Sooianoos de Paris; AL(i 1083-1090. In Fronoh. Prelim. tranal. by J.P. Soebasky for FRBC Diol. Sta., St. Andrews, N.B., 1973, nB Tranal. Series Ho. 26B4, 3P., We- script. Avail. on Loan - MUS, Wash., D.C. Original Arfl6e CVeckedl- De,ncu3y, :1. 1951, -101or Sic&] r.-OiLpAMBOLI Of tWO DOPUIAtIOPW Of CWOLYNO macnan Feru),Rllt; POlt Of Pubert.,-- (Conporaison b1olo0que nant: de (ICU,. popuiztioiz (ie carcinua imenas Paw mue de pubertP 'R 'maptes Romius :,OLIV~nd;llro ios SpInces (1(~ IlAcodolaie des Sciences Je Paris, ~L: 12V -1205, in ~.'rench. Prelim. trknal. by J-% Soohnsk:,, for ':101. StA, St. An-irows, i:.. . , 197j, as Trar3l. Serier. i o. 204, ',p. typescript. Avail. on Loan Ussh. . T).,'!. Picatimny Arsenal 9219/1076 R Req. 74-37 h 14 Nov. 73 Title; CIA-mie Generale. Sur la vie noyenme de -Vazote F. Source: Compt. Rand. Vol.. 244, pp. 349-51 (1957). ,vatitor. Midubert, de H. Rene and Calvar, G. Lan,m ,, aRcz French 1-gatriActions- Type sing-le space, pauto-up, ciumarn ready COPY. 'aicatinay Arsonal 921910830 19 5epto 1973 sv-Tte liciulue Vol, 244, pp. 1517-1519. (1957). cv.. Cram., tice-l-is, "N4 ?,mos. Wt(-'C * P. trallolate arid type 1 copy craly.T... $we space. Paste-up, Diffraction of Soft X-rays by two Successive Concave ,- Gratings, by P. Jaegle, 6 pp. COMM$ RENDUS ACAD SCI, Vol 245, 1957, pp 1412-1415. NAVY/NAL-1263 April 73 'il-ic (,ravimotric :.',ap of r-rence, by J. Goguel. j"1 WI!$ per, Comotes-1,4ndus illobdommlaires des Seanws de I'Academic des Sciences, 1960. ACIC TC-670 'NII-Fralice Sci/Earth Sci Jurt 65 2820399 Challande, R, Neu 14'ethod for the Study of Solid Particles in th.e. Stratoophcre ACADME DES SCIENCES, PARIS COTMS RMUS, v. 250p i960, pp. 1520-1521 ITTC 73-21571-04A I-TTIS N72-32413 InfrarIe (I Spectrivil of the =,Cll and Vibrations of I-Allynes and I-Doutero-l-AllZmes. Existence-of a Heat Tranoition ACADEEITE M" SCIEUTCES. PARIS'. C0101 S RE' IMUS, V -2545 1-962, 2543 IITTC 73-12551-07D Agelicy, Picatimly AXLW'nal 9219/0941 Peri. 71v-30 h 11 Oct. 1973 1"itle'. Chirdle Physique. Atithor: Issul, Ot alo !;*urce ~ Conipt, Reud. Vol. 255, pp. 509-511 Laugmago, 1-tench. bintructionsi Type single apace, paste-tip, camra ready copy, J. Beason Effect of the composition of the soil on the heaZth of man and his nutrition. COMPTES RENDUS, ACADEMIE D#AGRICULTURE DE FRANCE, VoZ 49, 1963, pp 1093-1099 NTC 73-10686-00D apr 73 Pascal,-.Pi P 00 CH jEllcill 1/ca,~m's lz~l~-.,Dus IMBDOICUME, IS DES SEIM ES ACIDET-M V021- G;,-,-T00t^jb, 3 ;11 1 nochr at i oil, o1 e I o, or,,, '01 Agemicy., Picatinny Arsand 921'9/0942 i~aq. 74-30 1 11 Oct. 1973 'A"itla; Ghiwie Physique. Aithor: Paymetier, P. G. Soarce: Com-pt, Rend. V. 256, 302-3055 (1-963). Lavguag,a: French. C, lastructions; Type single apacc~, paste-up, cm,.~~Cra readly v)-py. Picatiway Arsenal 921910603 K(m. 74-3 0 24 Atly 1973 Pyrolyse t-c J 11 iili Uuz) lea Ondos de chocl. ~bsq~rva 1 3 J , ~tiua dil ~ietjx I-die-ql AT), f~"-y Paimetier, et al. Cow-, Rcu~i. Acadc,.Ue des Sciences. Vol.. nG, pp. 3002 to 3C1,35. (1963) Lan -.7-im J. Copy cnl-ly- T'YPC Single SP(ICO rnidv crn7- Deraeusy, N. 1963 Study of a population of Caroinus maonas L. from the oWate of the English Channel: genital ovarian eyole (F.tude d1une population de Caroinum maenae L. des cStes do la Manche: cycle genital ovarl 'on) - Comptes Rendus Ilebdoimaire des Se'ances do VAoad ie des Sciences do Paria, ?.~6: 4o95-W97- In ITenah, Prelim. tntol. Uy J.B. Soohaaki for PAU Biol. Sta., St. Andrews, N.B., 1973, as Tmnal. 3erleB No. 4676, 3p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - NMFS, Wash., D.C. I LO GrIginal AdIcle C~iecko6X%. Demousy, N. 1963 Influence of seasonal factors on the malization of puberty In a population of C;ir21;ws naqi2M L. from the cmts of the Wlish Channel (Influence des factours saisonniers sur la r4blisatlon de la pubeMsm oein d'une opulation do gArginus imenae L. des ookes do Is Z3~nche) Comptes Rendua Aebdom ire d6a S~anm do l'Aaad6mle ~ dee Sciences de Parial 2r6:' 4762-4764. Tn r,~ronoh. j_ Prolin. transl. by J.D. Soehaskv for FRBC Biol. Sta. , St. Andrewa, N.D., 1973, ao Transl. Series No. 2677, 3P., typescript. Avail. on Loan - TRIM, Wash., D.01 GrIgInal Article Checked ...... MrSTOPME-MTCHEL-LEVY.M., 11COWTES RENDUS ACADEME DES SCIENCES11 HydmtUmal syntheoio of gehlenite,042A12Sio? pp 2781-2782,NTC 74-11715-07B## HAGERMULLE-R, P. An Alkaline Boride: The Hexaboride NaB ACADEMIC DES SCIENCES. PARIS COYMS &us vol. 257, pp. 1294-12EFUTT NTC 73-10336-07B March 73 SUEDUI, Y. Hcob=s RENDUS ACADME DES SCIENCES FARIS// --/--/1q64,VO258,N----, pp 506-509 System of accumulation of aminn acids in saccharoWees cerevisiae NTC 74-13852-o6A A. CHAEUTIN Research on Benzofurane. Study of Cor- relations Between Structures and Infrared Spectra in the Benzofurane Series. ACADEMIE DESSCIENCES. PARIS. COMPTES RENDUS.Vol 258, pp 2559-2562, 1964. NTC 73-10324-07D Mar 73 Demousy, N. 1964 Tnfluence of various factors on somatic groutb and vitellogenesis of the crab Carcin3g maengo L. (Influence de divorB factours our la aroissance wRatiquo at la itellogenlese du orabo Ca .: macnas L.) igidu omptes Rend%w Hebdomad Srance do ItAeade'nlie des aienoes de Paris, Sroupe 12t 258: 5992-5994. In French. Prelim. transl. by J.5. Soohasky for FRDO Biol. 8t&., St. Andrews, N.B., 1973p no Tranel. Series No. z670, 4P., typescript. Avail. an Loan NUS, Wash.., D.C. Origlnol A01cle Checkedf- *AFCRL - 4 Dee 73 Available at NTIS ;.ew rosml'A8 wncernin, uic relcuoria bc~t.1jerill ao,,Ztjo L~Towtll linla repro(iu~.-tive function fii tll,3 cleculpo(i r I r, V) I la 61 ~ua CA30 Of ferBieEl fOllcmed aarln,~ the l~,lrI-tl'l-Vll-Ouv-aux r63uitats relations' untile ta i I 0186ansp soratique et "'S fonntloll de repronuction fll lloon[~011, -Frrlc)X~cure UrcInus imaeras T,.-. C:18 JeS fCrA.-)iC8 BUIViQ6 PCn,lant.j)hivev) ,~or,-otcs Rervlua ;%tibi4orundairc deR ,'canoeo dtt llAoadevdc deB :jtlei;ccs da Nria, e-:rou:)t: 12, 2~-C: 32 Z f ri ~'rcnch. Pre I ii, . trrna 1 . by Sochaa1c,; for r?R71 Jol. 3t. as T'rarim I. 13orin ;~o. 268c t~,-Pescript. o-n opar. Demeusy, N. 1965 Now results concerning the relations between somatio growth and reproductive function in tho bmohyuran deoapod r&Zgipus ingenso I-: c4se of females during spring (Nouveaux r6sultats concernant lee relations entre la croissance somatique et In fonation do reproduction do Ddanpode BMohyoure Qqrainua maera5 L.: oas des femalles do pr;ntemps) 57np-tes Rendu llebdomadaire des Seances 'do I'Aead4ie des Sclenoes do Parts, groupo 12, 20., 2925-2928. In French. Prelim. tranal. by J.11. Soohasky for MC Biol. Stu., St. Andrewa, N.B., 1975, as Tranal. Series No. 2681, 4p., typescript. Avail. on roan - RIM, Wash., D.C. /V-TQ ~ 11 - ~ I ~Sg - 0 ~ C Original Article Checked* : I ;w-. ". . Carel, . C . Champetier, J. -L. Fluid mechanics: note on surface instabilities. 7 PP COMPT. REND., Vol 26L, No 15~ 11 Oct. 19653 pp 2825-2828 NASA TT F 14,88o Milbaud, G. The Exiatence and Activity of Tlu-jocalcitonin in Man A=Fl,.ZE DM-' SCENCIE. Paxis. CUMES REIMM, . 261, 19655 I?P. 451-3-4516 RTC 73-12696-oGp ITTIS N72-27079 Richard, Alain 1966 Biology - Effect of temperature on genital development in Sepia offioinalis L. jBiologie - Action de la temperature sur ITe-Volution geni ale de Sepia offlainalls L.) Comptes Rendus de l'Academie de SoMenoes, LU (Series D), Paris: 1998-2001. Tn French. Tranel. by Transl. Seation, DF-pt. of ~Tkviron., for Dept. of Inviron., FRBC Diol. Sta St. John's, Nfld., 11973, as F Tranal. Series No. 2483,'6p.. typescript. Avail. on Loan - U14,78, Wash., D.C. OrIqInoI ArtICIO Chockede Colombo, U. The C12/C'3 Ratio of Coals and of Methane Derived from Coals. CONGRESS INTERNATIONAL DE STRATIGRAFIE GEOLOGIE ET CARBONIFERIE (n0 6). COMPTES RENDUS. 1967, V01*2j PP 557-574. W-U-7T-10739-08G maY 73 Puech, J. Estimation of Potential Evapotranspiration in Microclimates Exposed to the Wind in Various Ways. Acad. Agr., France. Compt. Rend. Hebd. Sean- ces, vol. 53, no. 2, Paris, pp.- 134-141, 1967 WUTIS TT 73-58076 may 73 On the Intorprotation of tho Infinite Value of the, Deggree of Pol~merization '41o Class-iwJ- Thcox-y ACIOTETTM Dr,'~ SCIENCM9. P.,4PjSj. COITTES RMTDU-., SCIAC.-I C 26 1, D- ). lqcr'7~- p MIC 73-21587-07C ME-JI 17,72-321501 Brune au, C - 14 On a Fonn--! Inconsistency deduced from the Concept of Gclification of ~Wtiftmctional Nacromolecular Compounds according to class-ical Theory ACADEbUE DEES SCENCES. PARIS. C01,MES REITDTS~ SERIES' C v. 264, 1~67, pp. 116 1-171- UTIC 73-21583-07D ITTIS 1172-32152 3-Oct-?3 Uncl (AEC-tr--7469) Self-diffusion of uranium in uranium dioxide: influence of the son-stoichiometry and of grain boundaries. MARIN, J.-F.; MICHAUD, H.; CONTAMIN, P. Translated from Compt. Rend., Ser. C; 264: 1633-1636(1967). 6p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. 11F metallurgV; translations MN-25 P NSA 0 M.-L. DESVOYE Physical Chemistry: Research on Benzofurane Part I. Infrared Spectra and Structures of Furo-(f), (g), or (h) Quinolines. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS I- COMPTES RENDUS, Series C, Vol 265, pp 1061-1064, 1967. NTC 73-10326-07D Mar 73 //ACAD E DE SCIENCES. n4lits. COMPT'his R ZINDUS. SERIES D// vo 2166, N---- i J. -I- M Tly iSSion Of SAO:' rated 7 ~ (brogen by P I ant, r, 0 ifu j 0 cte C~ to an Atysiosp;~e-co Cmita.-laiing, Siilrarichy~L-ifle 'C T'l o PI) ou 6 13-Mar-74 Uncl (AEC-tr--7513) filgh-temperature studies of systems formed by zirconium dioxide with samarium and gadolinium sesquioxides. RO~IANET, A.; POEX, M. ,,-C--267: 873- Translated from Cc m p r 876(196B). 5p. Dep. NTIS $3.00. lIF metallurgy; translations MN-25 P NSA Lemaire, F. Contribution 'to the study of the relationship between growth and evapotranspiration. Paris, Acad. Agr. France. Compt. Rend. Hebd. Seances, vol. 54, pp. 1056-1063, 1968. WUT-ISTT 73-58077 may 73 R. //ACADZ=~ DES SCMITMESS. PARIS. CO11TTES. RMqD.1F-/[ --/--/3.969, V0266 IN ---- I Role of the Host Plarit in 'the Sexual Attraction of -1a As -cctella Zeller (Lep. PLVGellidae), Acroley, , r, D11 2a04-?,006,171C 711-11-340-O'SOT-, Imbert) C , Ficatinny Ar"nal 9ZI9/0517 Req. 73-123 d 27 Juns 73 135y: C1.1amurieu, J. From; C.R. Acad. sc. Paris, Ser. C, 2681(1969) pp. 1335 to 1338. , p- Vreach Laupuaj! I'le.we translate and type 1 copy only. Type single space, Paste-up, ff CHAVDo A. 11COMMS RENDVS AcAmmm DEs samess mrss D11 --1--11969, V0269.PN---Tp Firat findings ao to Zimitation of the use of an' oxygen-hydrogen rdxture for deep dives with 8aturation,p - pp 497-499,pN.*C 74-21703-06P## KAYSER,p J. 11COWTES RENDUS ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES11 -1--119 72, V,01 74,N--, Favorable effects of various typos of vi6avdn restrictions on the longevity,, of Wietar rate,, pp 3593-3596, Series D, NTC 74-22478-06P## VLAEWNCK, M. -N. HCOMPTES RgNDVSACADEMIS DES SCIENCES, SERMS V// 1--11972,VO275,N--, Study of the behavior of Ehrlich tumor oomUned wihh embryonated chick Ziver and spZeen (fiWwnts) carried out in. orgmiotypic culture, pp 951-954sNTC 74-11722-06E## DODIN. A. 11COWMS RENDUS, ACADEMIE DES SCHIENCESWES D11 -1-11972PV027SON ----j Experimental reproduction of chotana in mice, pp 2049-20518STC 74-11440-06E## REUNTION INDEX: THEORY AND VARIATIONS WITH f EMPERATURE IN THk CASE OF IDEAL SO LANGUAGE-FR COUNTRY-FR COMPTE RENDU ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES MIS 16 N OV 70 PP1219-1221 FSTL-HT-23-0037-74 Rigaud, J. Lipoxygenase Activity of various Types of Peas. Comptes Rendus, Vol. 56, no. 2, pp 142-148, 1970. 7pp. *NTIS-TT-73-55078 Apr 73 T (' (~jT 'J~fjl 10, T~, -ul,I'D achl-y-ons the TjJav A c: a: e (I -in-'L,-.l Total Re-Plect-,ion, r, r Pp 77?-77,~,T'RL f!) Doanct, J. -B. Particv-lar Bch,-t%-Ior of a. Glass Filoment'. in a TW(h-ogen Chloride Environment ACADEZUE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COOTES MITTS, Scric.,l, C v- 270; 'WO, rp. 067-9~~, ITTAC 73-1~211.75-07D COST,`,, D ICC114M IT I I L'EL, ITOUS ACY~D, oil o.~, D`pole Pbscrptj~C)T) Hubert, P. Linmologic,al Dynamics. A Study of the Dynaxics of TRJ~e Geneva-- nsing Trit-can ACADOM DE3 SCIENCES@ PARIS. MOTS RENDLPp~ SERIES D~ v. 270, 1970, p. 1298-13-01 Figs., tables, refs. onlitted MIRO-Trans-1L?58 1-4TC 73-11981-0811 Vilanove, R. Energy-Lose Spectra in single-crystal thin Film of Lametlar TiS 2, TiSe 2, TiTe2OryataZe,, ACADEMIE DES SCIENCE. PARIS. COWTES RENDUS, Series B,, v. 271, Z970, pp. MZ-1103 NTC 73-12646-20B Bousquet., J. Reactions of rat ovaries. removed in -the perinataZ period and grafted on adults. EvoLution after pcwsage through culture and as a function of the hormcnat vm-iations of the host ACADE14IE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COAFTES Ser~es D, V. 271, 1970, pp. 1639-1641 NTC 73-Z3ZO2-06E 28-Aug-73 Uncl (ANL-Trans--945) Toxic action of 2,4-D, a weed killer, on the aabrVonie dewelopeent and fertility of game birds. LUTZ-OSTERTAG, Y.; LUTZ, H. Translated from CoppA-c_Rerd.j_Ser. D; 271: 2418-2421(1970). 11p. Dep. Nfff $3.00. 06 bioved; environvental studies; translations PN-46 P NSA 0 J, C,i.-it-ca,iu~ and Lart of Idld S C01,21T MOW YB L'ACALU-101, DE SCIENCE Pai:is, IIQ I~11 ~!, sclciC3 C. ]31-.1 10"'92 Al-i - ~! 3 EISENSTEIN,, 0. ' 11COATTES RENDUS, ACADEAUE DES SCIENCES11 ,~-1-12972,,V02742N ----2 Orientation of the addition of organometallics to conjugated carbonyl conpounds: Influence of the eoftneeo of the maganta,, pp 1310-1312,NTC 74-11711-07C## TIBERGHIEN. V. //COMPTES RENDUS DES SEANCES DE LACADEMIE DES S SCIENCES SERIES D// 06/05/1974, V0278, N ---- Bouguer anomalies and deep strucutre of Lebanon pp 2401-2404 DMAAC-TC-2058## AGGENCT: Rarry Diamond Laba. 9219/1006 PIOI 140. 26 Oct. 1973 TIM,; Elpmrricite - Gmeratevre de courants Intenses par converaiGn dletwrSie explosive cm, energic exectrique. iwthor: Jacques Morin and Jean Vedel Source: CeR. Mad. Se. Parts Q June 1971) pp 1232-1235 Unguage: French INS-IMMONS: Plaaaa translate Into English and type 1 COP7. Paste-up. Andre M. Gac English Title Unknown Comptes Rendus Hebdomadaires des Seances, vol. 57, pp 907-914, 1971. lOpp. *NTIS-TT-73-55073 Apr 73 Richard, Alain 1971 W411tative effect of light In the detamination of the sexual 4yolo of the oephalipod Segida offlqlMlle L (Actlon qualltative do la lumiere dwm 1e daterminisme du cycle sexuel ahou le Cepbalopode Sepia o4usinalle L) Oomptes Rondus do Moademle do Sciences. jL2(Beries D), Paris: io6-loq. In French. Trsnal. for Dept., of Environ., FRBC Biol. Sta., St. John'&, Nfld-, 1973, sa, T'ranal. Series No. 2458, 6p., typescript. Avail. on Loan - 101F3, Wash.. D.C. P. ALAIS Study of an Electrostatic Ultrasonic Transducer. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES, PARIS. COWTES REDUS,.Series B, Vol 272, pp 185-188, 1971. NTC 73-10107-20A Mar 73 Renoux, G.. Imunostbililating Effect of an Imidothiazole' in the Imunization of Rice against Infection Abortus ACADRUE DES SCIFIRiCES. PARIS. C010ES RENDUS I 8erien D v. 272, 1971, Pp. 3401-350 NTC 73-3.2520-06E Schlich, R. A report.on axial magnetic anomalies in the western branch of the mid-indian ridge. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COMPTES RENDUS 1971, pp 700-703, Series D, v.,272. NTC 73-12320-08N. Schlich, R. A Report on Magnetic Anomalies in the Eastern Branch of the mid-indian ridge between the Amsterdam and Kerguelen Islands ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COMMS RENDUSj series B v. 272, 1971) pp. 773-776 NTC 73-12317-08N on Topographic, Geologic and Isostatic Corvections, by J. Lagrula, 7 pp. CO~JPTES-RENDUS [JEODWAVAIRES SEANCES ACADEME SCIENCES, Vol 272, Series A, B, No 13, 29 March 1971, '6 - -, 4 82 t - DMAAC-TC-1870 GOVERNMENT USE ONLY vc. ve.~i n, . 19,111 t~! ,.I' o I -I f. j I It ti 1 1009 -ILI 1~ irl m; a V;~ Bertin, R. Numerical determination of the tran'sition~ frequency and of the phase extess'of.the double-diffused bipolar transistor for any given impurity profile in the base. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS.- COMPTES RENDUS, 1971, pp 1197-1199, Series B, v. 272. NTC 73-12188-09A. NLL 9022.64 J. MORIN High Current Generators Through the Conversion of Explosive Energy into Electrical Energy. ACADEME DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COMPTES R = US, Series B, Vol 272, pp 1-232-1235, 1971. NTC 73-10327-10B Mar 73 AganWi Air Fm ~/Amwpwe Wwanh 104. qjl~114)'y y 74.04. 2 q~ 7y URN FY 8994700069 GaJU Latta, F ~lf I . Titlas jXlootrow augksr omij jAr LxNabardownt ionique Authores M. L. Vielip Co Bonmothp Be F%pt & otherm smawl C.R. AoW. go. Pariat T.273s 5 JUllei 1974 SW-Bo Pageo 30-32- Opwial InstmUmas Tzav44to wd tM we oppys MMUS - uNacman. P'eq. 921j-/~i437 Picadiury Arvenal 5 -Ruin 1973 4qotes das twmbres ut correspoodants tat notes presenta-is ou Mmori'lace par lauru ooins. !'~y-. '-)uprv, G. and PaIllard, C. C.11,. Aend. Sc. Paris, t. 273 (9 Aout 1971). Seria C, p[). 445 to 448. Lan5w-C; Prench Pleast.- translate & type I copy only. Sin~ae s.pacel' Par I ~Le--Up. Gavigho, J. Concerning the Deternrtnation of the Sensitivity of Hot Wire Anemothermometera in Supersonic Flows ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. PARIS. COMES REND Series A, v. 273, UM, pp. 634-637 NTC 73-24570-14B NTIS N72-32475 Njp~eri~: P. Preparation, lwperties 66d Indentification. of "Dioxin" (2~ 3; 7, 8-Tetrachloro.-Dibexa zo.-P-Diolkiri) ~ in 1)rrolpOtes of Defoliants based on 2,4, 5-Trichlwo-menoxyacetic Acid emd its Esters and of Contaiminated.Vegetable Matter ACADEKT, DES SCIENICES. PARIS. MOMS RENDM~ SER328 D3 V. 271~ 1971, P. 706-711 Figs., refs. opdtted !UC 73-1174i-o6T