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-,L - - V oi: t:'(" 1 ro~'Uct-'; of k01 C'LV, 6 7 Laboratory and Field Research into the PiezQ- electric Effect of Nepheline Containing Rocks, by 0. Yu. Shmidt, A. V. Shubnikov, 6 pp. RUSSMN per Dok A Nauk SSSR Vol CUP No 6, 19?4, ~p`1314-liik ;JPRS 25126 Scl - ES & A Jun 64 262,026 Def oniation of -the Crystal Lattice of a CoPt Alloy During the Initial Stl.-ages of Ordering, by Yu. D. Tyankin, K. N. Yajraleev, 2 pp. RUSSLM, per, Dok Ak 'Nauk SSSR, Phvsics Section, Vol CLV, No 61 Apr 1964, pp 1310-1313. Arer Lrist of Ffiqr~ Sov Phys-Dakladv D Vol Ik-, 140 '1 IherTral Fatigie of Ackel, by V. P. ZubekJiin, P. D. Novckreshchenov, 3 pp. PIUSSIM, per, Dek N, Nauk SSSR, Pnvsics Section, Vol CLvt 140 6, Apv 1964, pp 1306-1309. Auer Inst of Fhys Sov FIhvs-Dd-Ia&i Vol ~k Effect of Heat TreatTrent on t:hc Strength and Structure of Class Fibers, by 0'. 11. Bartenev, L. I. Motorina, 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak- Nauk SSSR, Physics Section, Vol CLV, No 6, Apr 1964, pp 1302-1305. Arer Inst of Phys Sov P,,ys-Dckladv Vol IX, No 4 Sci AUC 6 5 'Ihe Tlieor~ of Laser Radiation, by H. L. Ter-Mik-aelvan, A. L. Mikaelvan, 3 D . p RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak- Plat& SSSR, Physics Section, Vol CLV, No 6, Apr 19649 pT) 1298-1301. ATrer Inst of Phys Sov Phvs-Dokladv Vol IX, No 4 scl- AuF, 65 Transitions to %ibrational Levels Caused by'Molecular Collisions, by B. H, Sudmov, 3 pp. RUSSLAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR~ Physics Section, Vol CLV, No 6, Apr 1964, pp 1294-1297. Aner Inst of Phvs Sov Phys-DoYlardj Vol IX, 140 4 sci Aug 65 Cause of the Saturation in Carrier Drift Velocity in Piezoelectric Semiccnductors, by A. A. Grinberg, 1 pp. RUSSIM-1, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Phvsics Section, Vol CLV, No 6, pp 1293. Amer inst of Phvs Sov Phys-Doldady Vol IX, No 4 Sci Aug 65 Anomalous Galvanomagnetic T-1mr-eerties of C,d, by N. A. Babushkina, 2 Pp- RUSSLkH, per, Dck- Pk Nauk SSSR, Phvsics Section, Vol CLV, No 6, Apr 1964, 'pp 1290-1292. Aner Inst o-f Phys Sov 11hvs-Dcklady Vol IX9 Ho 4 sci Aug 6 5 Silicon Filffs with Anomalously High Photovoltage, by E. I. Adirovich, Yu. M. Yuabov, 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak Hauk SSSR, Physics Section, Vol CLV, No 6, pp 1286-1289. Amr Inst of T-`h~'Yrs Sov Fhvs-DJ-1adj Vol IX, No 4 S--i Aua 65 Motion of Immiscible Liquids in a Cracked Porous Medium, by A. A. BokBerwan, Yu. F. Zheltov et al, 3 PP. - RUSSIAN, per, ~ok A Nauk SSSR., Fbysics Section, Vol CLY, No 6,"Apr 1964 ) PP 1282-1285- Amer Inst of pbys Sov Phys-Doklady d vol ix, no 4 Sci Aug 65 Determination of the Effective Coefficients of Diffusion in the Iaminar Multe-Component Boun- dary-layer, G. A. Tirskii., 4 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Hauk MR, Physics Section, vol cLv,, No 6, Apr 1964, T,~? 1278-1281. Amer Inst of Phys Sav Phys -Doklady Vol II, No 4 Sci Aug 65 The Statistical Description of the Stressed State of a Def ormabl~ Body., by V. A. Somakin, 3 PP - RUSSLAN., per, Dok A Nauk X SSSRI Physiew Section, Vol CLV, No 6; Apr 1964, pp 3ZT4-lM. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys -Doklady Vol IX) No 4 Sail Aug 65 An Estimate of the Degree of Stability din Non- linear Sampled-Data Systems) by Ya. Z. Taypkin, 2 pp. RUSSIAN, per,, Dok A Nauk SSSR, Physiag Section, Vol CLV, No 6, Apr 1964) PP 1272-1273. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady Vol IX, No 4 Sci Aug 65 -. r )n polynomials ITT` Oniall Prime Divisors, b C I th -L 11. A. 1hayrova, 4 pp. SOV 11,tal 1; %~oj CT I FMSSL~df, -,cr) DoIx !,Ir. Nau'l: SSE'R, ul ro 6, 1)-0,'4, pp 1268-1271. hnier 11,hth Soc Sov 1. lath-Doldady Vol V, No 2 Sci 64 Continuability of the Scalar Product of Hice,ze's Series for ID-io -,-quadratic Fields, by B. Z. I,Iorcz, 3 T U;SLIT, per, Dok Al: NauL &-M, lov Kath, Vol CIAT, i,,,o 6, 19A., -pp 1265-1267- Amer ~Math Soc Sov Ilath-Dolaady Vol V, Elo 2 Sci i~ug 64 A Notirandoid-zed Yownogencous Test --Tv. the Bchrcn,,~- Fi.,her Problem, by Jil. V. Linnikj I. V. Rwianowhiy; '3 -'n-Q - IRUSISIAIT, per, Dok A!: Ilauk SSMIRI, Sov Vath, voi cu, iTo 6, 1964, pp 1262-1264. Amer I,Tzth Soc Slov Math-Doidady Vol V, UO 2 Oci a1c, 64 The Relation Between Firitely-Projective and Finit-cla-Reductive Classes of 1.1odels, by S. rl. J~ ~oq lojrS':iY, 3 PI,. ,a 4 11USSIT2.211, per, Dok ~Ur. ImuL SSSR, Sov '-Itth, Vol CLV, 110 5, 1~634, pp 1255-1257. imier 1.1ath Soc LSOY Math-Dokludy Vol V~ No 2 Sci A-ug 64 The Exact V, lue of the Paloy-Wien-ar ConstanL, III. i. Karice, 3 Pi)- RUSSLId') p,-,r, Doh- Nauk SSS11., SO%, Mat],11 Vol CLV,, IT io 5, 1(64, pp 1253-1254- ILnic,r Math Soc Sov Ilath-Doldady Vol Vi No 2 Aug 64 The Behrens-Fisher Problem: The Exist(mce of Similar 111--gions in the Algebra of S"iff-ficient Statistics, by A. I.A. Kagan, 0. V. S-alauvsMY, 3 RUSCOLUTI, per, D~311,: Al, Nauk SSSR, Sov I,Mh, Vol CLV, No 5, 1,064, PP 1250-1252. ~~mcr Math '~~oc J Sov Math-Do-dady Vol V, Po 2 Sc i Aug 0`4 Conditions for -Uac Correctness of One-Diacn-,-Lonal Hixed r-roblcrtiz for linci-bolic Iiys--.cms, by A. I. Vagabov, 3 n? - RUSSLtd-i, per, Do k Ak~ Nauk ESSSR, S'ov Ilath, Vol CLV, ITO 5, 1n64, -.)I) 1247-124c). P 11 Soc Amer i'la-1, Sov Ilath-Doldalxdy Vol V) No 2 Sci img 64 Evoked Electrical Activity in Dissimilar Parts of the Feline R. A. Grigorlyan, I Dok Ak Nauk SSSR RUSSIAIT.per, Chemistry, Vol CLVI No 51 ,,bx pp 1237. CB Phylogenentically Cerebellum, by Physical Apr 1964; Sci jG1 65 Rhythm Variations of Neurons of the Reticular Formation During Lateral Overloads, by 0. G. Gazenko, et al, 8. pp. RUSSM.N, per,,Dok Ak Nauk SSSR. Vol CLV, No 5, 1964, pp 1233-i~-SC-9224459-- NASA TT F-230, Sci - B & M Sci Sep 64 264,996 The Influence of Cholesterol on the Structure ana ~)).nction of the Thyroid Gland; by M. E.. Aspiz) 3 PP- RUSSIAN 41 1, per, Dok Ah- Nauk SSSR, T-11-hysical Chemistry , I Vol CLVj 110 5, 1--hr Apr 1964) PP 12230-1232. CIE 0 Sci jul 65 The Phylogeny of the Hares,, Rabbits and Pikas (Laguaorpha) Ibffmialia) in the LIght of Ifew Ib.ta fror, Palaeontology and Comparative Morplioloor. by A. A. Gureyev) 3 PP- RUSSLPON, per) Dok Alc NaW: SSSR, Physical Chemistry, 7o1 CLV, ITo 51 I~hr Apr 1964, pp 12227-1230. CB Sci jui 65 ,e in Resting Potential Of On the Ehanrg Individual flitella Flerdlis Cells Insuced by UgM, by C,. A. Volkov, 2 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok- NS rqauk SSSR, Botanica I Sciences, Vol CLVI~Jan-Jun 1964, ppl224-2225. CB sci A.uv 65 0 The Effect of Ug~t on FhcsT)horus Ile-tavolism in Protococcus, by S. S. Ba~lavskaya, E. I. Bystrova, 4 pp. PIUSSIM, per, Dak Nc.-Nauk SSSR, Botanical Vol CLV " ~"') Sciences, .~Jan-,Jun 1964, pp 1220-1223. CB Sci Auo 65 u Die Physiological Significance of Absorptim of Water Vapor by Leaves, kv L. N. Babushka, 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dck, Nauk SSSR, Botanical Sdences,Vol CL I &an-Jun 1964, pp 1216-1219. CB S6 AU E, 6 5 Role of Carotenoids in the Mechanism of Transfer of Oxygen in Photosynthesis, by V, S. Sayadov, 4 PC. RUSSIAW, perj, Dok A Nauk SSSR,, Biochemistry, Volt-OLFI-OM, Jan-J)in, NO 5p 1964., PP 3212-1215. CB Sci jul 65 Effect of Compounds of Arsenic on Sensitivity to Radiation of Nervous Tissue., by P. F. Minayev, 0. F. Logvinova., et al, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochemistry, Vol GL1WM%-. Jan-Jun, No 5, 1964, pp ~7-.,: 1209- 12 11. CB Sci jul 65 Nature of the Thermal After-Effect in Solutions of Trypsin Exposed to X-Irradiation., by V. N. Luzikov, E. B. Burlakova, 3 PP. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,, Biochemistry, Vol QDIPOM- Jan-Jun., NO 5, 1964, PP 1205-1208. CB Sci Jul 65 Changes in the Amino Acid Cw*osition of Silk Fibroin of Bombyx mari Induced by Analogs of the Nitrogenous Basea of DNA and RNA, by A. S. Antonav N. F. lAykcyva, etal, 4 pp, RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Biochemistry, Vol CtXV=W-, Olan-Jun, 170 5, 1964, ppi2ol-1294. CB Sci Jul 65 Interaction of Biogenic Aiiiincs in the 'Iechanism of the Radioprotective Effect of Histamine, by S. Ya. Rapoport, E. I. Krichevskaya, et al., 3 ,)rj. RUSSIAN', per, Dol.; Ak Nauk SSSR, Biophysics, Vol CLV, No 5) 1964, pp 1198-1210. CB 'I J~Iay OS 'Flic Photosensitizing Ability of Adsorbod Carotolle, by G. G, Komissirov, V. A. Clavrilova, et al., 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Xlauk SSSR, Biophysics, Vol C'I'V) ~"'o 5) 1964, lip 1194-1197. CB ~,;ay 655 An Unusual Alteration of the Cross-Striated Structure of .'Iyofibrils with ~hortcning of the Anisotropic Disks, by N. A. Gabelova, K. S. Aleinik-ova, 2 IT. RUSSIAN, per, Dok AL- Nauk SSSR, Biophysics, Vol CLV, No 5, 1964, pp 1192-1193. C' B 141ay 69 E-,rf,,t oil a Single Whole-Body Gamma- I rradial: ion an ~facropliapes, by A. I, Braude, it pp.. Isics, RUSSIA',', Per, DOk A NZIL11E. SSSR, BioplIN , Voi CI'V) No St 1964, T)p 1188-1191. i CB ~~Iay 65 Study of Bacillus subtilis Mutants with a Defect in Oxidation, By G. F. Gauze, G. V. Kochetkova, and M. V. Bibikova, 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk- SSSR, Physical Chemistry, Vol GLV, 110 5, Mar Apr 19064) pp. llNi-1186. CB Sci jul 65 Adrenalin and Norad-renalin Cells in the Porcine Adrenal Gland, by Z. S. Katsnel'son 3 PP- RUSSIAN, per, Doic Ak- Nauk SSSR, Physical a) Miemistry, Vol CLV, 110 5, Ihr April 19"~, pp..1182- 1184. CB Sci jul 65 Problem of the Cause of Thermal Death of Skeletal M'uscles of Cold-Blooded Aninials, by V. B. Ushakov, 3 pp. RUSSIM, per, Dok Ak NaWc, SSSR Physical Chemistry~ Vol CLV, 1,10 5; Mar Apr, 1964, PP- 1176-1180- CB Sci jui 65 Fibrous Structures and Gel Forma-tion in Dotatic Polystyrene, by 14. Ya. Rapaport-Molodtsorva, T. A. ABogayevskaya, et al, 3 PP. RUSSM,per, Dok Ah Nauk SSSR, Physical Chemistry, Vol CLV, No 5, Mar, Apr iq064, PP 1171-1173. CB Sci may !965 Spectral Sensitization of the Internal Photo- el-fect of Copper Phenylacetylenide by Dyes, by V. S. ftrl2nikov, A. N. Terenin, 3 Pp. RUSSIO, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR,ih# Mysical Chemistry, Vol CLV,, 1,10 5j 1964, mar, Apr, pp 1167-1170. CB Sci may 65 Lhe Radiation Chlorination of Certain Organo- clilorosilanes and Organppolysiloxanes~ by R. V. Dzhafgratspanyan, M. T. Filippov, et al, 4 pp. RUSSM, per, Dok Ali Nauk SSSR, Physical Chemistry, Vol CLV, No 5, 1964, msx~ Apr, pp u63-li66. CB Sci May US 5 The Faraday Rectification for an Electrolyte, Semiconductor Uontact, by Yu. Ya. Gurevich, V. A. Itramlin, 5 PP. RMSSIAN, per, Dok Ak INauk SSSR., Physical Cheriustry, Vol CLV., No 5, Mar, APr 1901, PP 115R9-1162. CB Sci may 65 Ibe Meebanism of the Dissolution of Zirconiwi in Acid Solutions iof Fluorides, by V. A. Gillman, Ya. 11. I(olotyTkin, 4 pp. RUSSIAR, per, Dok Ak NaW, SSSR, Physical. Chendstryp Vol CLVI No 51 I-lax, Apr 1964, POP 1155-1158- CB Sci may 6 5 First Metalloorganic Compounds with Si-Si- Hg end Si-Hg-Ge Groups., by N. S. Vyazankin, G. A. Razuvaev, E. N. Gladyshev, T. G. Gurikova) 5PP- RUSSTAN) IDer., Doklady Akademiya Nauk, Vol 155~ No 5~ l96Ti--,PP 1155-1113. CFSTI TT-64-1851i6. 322,312 Sci - Chemistry mar 67 Mqgnetic Integration and Differeatiation of Elec- tric Signals, by M. A. Rozenblat) 0. G. Kasatkiny 3 pp. RUSSIAN, per, Dok Ak Nauk SSSR, Physics Section, Vol CLV, No 5, Apr 1964, pp lo66-lo6q. Amer Inst of Phys Sov Phys-Doklady VolIXI' No 4 Sci Aug 65 A Theroetical Model of Weather Forecasting, by G. I. Marchuk, 7 pp. RUSSLAN, per, D~~~SSSR Vol CLVf No 5, 11 Apr 1964, pp JPRS 25398 ES & Astron Sel Jul 64 263,258 7he Effect of Nickel on the Colk Brittleness of Ir